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Tanya Fussell

United States

Ok, so about me...well for the most part I'm cool, was born in raised in the "tax u 2 death" state of Connecticut and have 5 older siblings. And I am down to earth, of course most people say that about themselves right? Well, it's true. I will say this though, most of the people I know think I am funny, down to earth, smart, a little strange, caring, kind, tenacious, creative, a pretty dog on good cook, too expressive, very outgoing but can also be introverted, not at all shy/a people person, headstrong/stubborn, don't mind a mess if it gets cleaned up in a good amount of time, can't sing, cute, have a nice smile, too forgiving, a little witty, serious, generous and the list goes on and on. I am also married, been so for a little over 7 years and we have 1 little butterscotch beauty who is our little miracle baby. She is 4 years old going on 24 years old! She's so grown! The doctors mistakenly told me I could not have children. Although we did lose the first pregnancy, God took over a
