Akins Healthy Edge December 2011

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December 2011




sugarfree baking!

mini pearmango soufflés p. 28



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December 2011


18 Past, Present, & Future The Timeless Qualities of Medicinal Mushrooms: Mushrooms have been used for thousands of years to prevent and treat a variety of ailments. Now modern science is beginning to understand the full extent of their healing properties.

26 Sweet on Stevia The Perfect Sugar-Free Holiday: As much as 15 times sweeter than sugar—with zero calories—natural stevia is a healthful, chemical-free alternative sweetener. Plus, it’s great for baking, as our delicious recipes prove!




The Latest Research: Stress basics, fixing bad heart genes, and more.

The Keys to Calm: Holiday hassles simply add to our already overstressed lives, but nutrition and lifestyle changes can help.

Get Your Grape On: Boost sagging skin, fight varicose veins, and give yourself an antioxidant boost with grape seed extract.

SUPPLEMENT ADVISOR 10 Nutritional Jewel: Heal your heart, fight the flu, and combat cancer with pomegranates.

HEALING EDGE 12 Splendid, Slim Holidays: Avoid seasonal weight gain with these simple tips.

EXPERT’S CORNER 14 Queen of Comfort Food: Culinary icon and cookbook author Nigella Lawson gets to the heart of the kitchen.




Easing Indigestion: Soothing solutions for a common problem.

Holiday Guide: It isn’t that difficult to celebrate a healthful, wheat-free holiday. With a little planning and a few simple tricks, you can savor the season in style.

WINTER WELLNESS 30 The 3-Step Plan: Stock your natural medicine cabinet against seasonal bugs.

GIFT GUIDE 31 Favorites From Our Shelves: A little something for everyone on your list.

NATURAL GOURMET 36 Craving Cranberries: They’ve always been a holiday favorite, but once you discover the cranberry’s health benefits, you’ll want to add them to your menu year-round.

December 2011

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© 2011 Solgar Vitamin and Herb


Liquid Calcium Magnesium Citrate with Vitamin D3 Calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D3 each play important roles in

gluten, wheat, and dairy. Plus, it’s available in three delicious

promoting bone health.* Solgar Liquid Calcium Magnesium Citrate

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with Vitamin D3 combines these key ingredients in one easy-to-

your local health food store and pick up a bottle of Solgar ® Liquid

absorb liquid. This premium formula is kosher certified and free of

Calcium Magnesium Citrate with Vitamin D3 today!


*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. † When combined with a healthy diet and physical activity, adequate calcium and vitamin D throughout life may reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

T H E C O M P L E T E L I N E O F S O L GA R N U T R I T I O N A L S U P P L E M E N T S I S AVA I L A B L E AT F I N E H E A LT H F O O D R E TA I L E R S W O R L D W I D E . F O R S TO R E LO C AT I O N S A N D A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M AT I O N , LO G O N TO W W W. S O LGA R .C OM O R C A L L 1. 8 0 0 . 6 4 5 . 2 2 4 6

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happy holidays

Editorial Director Nicole Brechka Art Director Judith Nesnadny Executive Editor Jerry Shaver

It’s that time of year again—the holiday season! A time filled with family and friends, gifts and goodwill, when we gather together to say goodbye to the old year and celebrate overindulgence and unhealthful habits.

Copy Editor Ayn Nix Beauty Editor Sherrie Strausfogel Research Editor Sam Russo, ND, LAc Contributing Editors Antonina Smith, Vera Tweed

Production Director Cynthia Lyons Production Manager Mark Stokes

No, wait, that’s not what the holidays are all about, despite what our expanded waistlines may say. It sure does seem that way sometimes, however, which is why we’ve loaded this issue with practical information that can help you have a joyous—and healthy—holiday.

Business & Editorial Offices 300 N. Continental Blvd., Ste. 650 El Segundo, CA 90245 310-356-4100; Fax 310-356-4110 Group Publisher Joanna Shaw 800-443-4974, ext. 708 Associate Publisher Bernadette Higgins 561-362-3955 Midwest Ad Manager Lisa Kurdziolek 812-275-5510

To get us started, naturopath Emily Kane offers up a commonsense plan for avoiding December weight gain (p. 12), and gluten expert Melissa Diane Smith serves up tips for creating a perfect wheat-free celebration (p. 34). Then we take a look at natural ways to deal with holiday stress (p. 16) and seasonal maladies (p. 30). We also examine the health benefits of two wintertime favorites: pomegranates (p. 10) and cranberries (p. 36). And we top it all off with stevia—the natural, no-calorie sugar substitute that’s perfect for holiday baking (p. 26). We hope you enjoy this special issue of The Healthy Edge, and all of us here wish you and yours a happy, healthy holiday season. See you in 2012! Jerry Shaver Executive Editor Have a question or comment? Email us at healthyedgemag@gmail.com.


West Coast and Mountain Ad Manager Cindy Schofield 310-456-5997 Retail Development Group 16 Indian Trails Ridge Bedford, IN 47421 800-443-4974, ext. 703; Fax: 317-536-3708

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Chairman & CEO Efrem Zimbalist III Group Publisher & COO Andrew W. Clurman Senior Vice President & CFO Brian Sellstrom Healthy Living Group, General Manager Patricia B. Fox

THE HEALTHY EDGE. Vol. 1, No. 11. Published monthly by Active Interest Media, Inc. 300 N. Continental Blvd., Ste. 650, El Segundo, CA 90245; 310-356-4100; fax 310-356-4111. (c)2011 Active Interest Media, Inc. All rights reserved. The opinions expressed by the columnists and contributors to THE HEALTHY EDGE are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. Fraudulent or objectionable advertising is not knowingly accepted. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all advertising content and for any claims arising therefrom. Articles appearing in THE HEALTHY EDGE may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express permission of the publisher. The information in this magazine is provided to you for educational purposes under Section 5 of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 and is not intended as medical advice. To obtain more in-depth information, contact your health care professional or other reliable resources.

December 2011

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WE BELIEVE IN ● Liquid We believe liquid is a superior delivery system for supplements. In fact, we’re so convinced that we only make liquids and water-soluble powders.

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We designed OLV so we could take it ourselves. We wanted it to be a good experience, and that starts with taste. We don’t like cough-syrup sweet or heavily green-tasting liquids. We use organic flavors and sweeten with organic stevia and organic agave.

● Organic Aloe Vera Aloe vera contains over 200 amino acids, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, enzymes and sterols. We put 4.5 grams of premium organic ACTIValoe® in each serving. It’s an organic whole-food functional multi within a multi.

● 24 organic superfruits, veggies & fruits We believe in organics, so we made sure that our superfruit, veggie and fruit blend included only organic produce. To us it’s worth the extra cost, not only for the health benefits but also to support organic farming.

● Covering nutritional bases A multi should be well rounded, but we believe it isn’t honest to put a lot of items on a label in very small quantities that don’t really do anything. We use enough of an ingredient to make a difference. And we don’t shop for the cheapest ingredients to give our product a price advantage. Instead, we look for the best forms we can get. OLV has 800 IU of vitamin D3, 450 mg of trace minerals, a good amount of chromium and premium-branded selenium.

● Feel the difference If you’re using premium fuel there should be a noticeable difference. We believe a supplement should be effective, not neutral. You should feel the difference when taking it and miss it when you’re not. 9(*(7$5,$1 o *S\[LU )YL( o 1VU *0

Life Energized! For additional product information, visit www.naturalvitality.com. For more about a better world, visit www.organicconnectmag.com.

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NEWSflash basic nutrients for:


STRESS We all have stressful times. An annoying relative pays a visit; a slave-driving boss ruins your weekend plans; a traffic jam doubles your usual commute time. Occasional incidents like these aren’t likely to hurt you, but chronic and ongoing stress is a different story. “Prolonged stress becomes extremely destructive to your metabolism, body composition, and overall health,” says Natasha Turner, ND, a prominent Canadian naturopathic doctor and bestselling author of The Hormone Diet (thehormonediet.com). Elevated cortisol (the stress hormone) blocks thyroid hormone and depresses your metabolic rate, she explains, boosting belly fat, robbing lean muscle, and increasing water retention. It’s a perfect storm for weight gain, energy drain, poor sleep, and bad moods. Fortunately, specific supplements can help. These are Turner’s basic picks:

Relora A mixture of herbal extracts Magnolia officinalis and Phellodendron amurense, Relora has been clinically proven to reduce stress and anxiety, says Turner. “It’s often the best option for people who tend to wake up throughout the night, for highly stressed individuals, and for menopausal women who experience hot flashes that cause sleep disruption,” she says. Take two capsules (300–375 mg per capsule) before bed and one in the morning. Expect to notice a difference in about two weeks.

Rhodiola In addition to alleviating stress, this herb enhances learning capacity and memory while reducing fatigue and depression. Research suggests that it increases the body’s production of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine. A more stable mood, less anxiety, fewer food cravings, more energy, and improved concentration are some other documented benefits. Take 200–400 mg daily in the morning, without food, for at least six weeks.

Phosphatidylserine (PS) PS is a building block of cell membranes, especially in the brain. As a supplement, it alleviates night-time worrying and protects the brain from the negative effects of cortisol overproduction, such as poor memory and concentration. Take 200–300 mg before going to bed.


Ashwagandha In Ayurvedic medicine, this herb is a general tonic used to decrease stress, tension, anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, and fatigue; and to enhance physical performance, concentration, and learning ability. Along with reducing cortisol, it increases thyroid hormone, revitalizing a sluggish metabolism. Take it if you feel overworked. Look for supplements standardized to 1.5 percent withanolides. The typical dosage is 500–1,000 mg twice daily for at least one month.

B vitamins Two B vitamins are especially important, says Turner: B5 helps the body adapt to stress and supports a healthy adrenal gland (which makes cortisol). B6, taken at bedtime, corrects abnormally high cortisol production that can wake you up during the night. B-complex formulas are a good option, but you may also need to take individual supplements to reach these totals: 200–500 mg daily of vitamin B5 and/or 50–100 mg daily of B6. For more restful sleep, try extra B6 before bedtime, but take other B vitamins early in the day as they generally increase energy.

December 2011

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Enjoy Your

Coffee! Coffee reduces the odds of depression among women, according to scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health. Researchers followed more than 50,000 American women for 10 years and found that those who drank four or more cups of caffeinated coffee daily were 20 percent less likely to become depressed than those who drank only one cup or less. Two to three daily cups reduced risk by 15 percent. According to the study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, decaf coffee didn’t produce similar benefits. Earlier research found that men who drink caffeinated coffee are also less likely to become depressed.

Supplements containing GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) may ward off obesitytriggered type 2 diabetes, according to a study at the University of California, Los Angeles, published in PLoS ONE. In tests of GABA on obese mice, it was shown to inhibit the development of diabetes among those at high risk and improved the function of insulin among mice that already had the disease.


WASH THEIR HANDS What your mother told you is true: Kids who wash their hands are less likely to get sick. In a study published in the American Journal of Infection Control, researchers in Denmark taught 324 children ages 5–14 to wash their hands with a disinfectant cleanser three times each day. During the following three months, school absences of four days or more decreased by 66 percent, while the number of kids who missed zero school days increased by 20 percent.


FIX BAD HEART GENES Bad genes that predispose you to heart disease can be fixed with a diet of mostly raw vegetables, berries, and other fruits. That’s the conclusion of a study of more than 27,000 people, published in the journal PLoS Medicine.

December 2011

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Only Natural’s Ultimate African Mango is a unique formula combining 300mg of 4:1 African Mango seed extract and 200mg of the highest quality green tea extract. African Mango seed is harvested in West Africa where the natives have traditionally used this beneficial natural substance for its many health benefits. Green tea extract contains EGCG and polyphenols, antioxidants that support healthy weight loss.

• Helps maintain normal cholesterol levels • Assists with • Supports healthy weight loss blood sugar

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

For more information visit our website at www.onlynaturalinc.com or call 1-800-866-2887 BN_Nov11_batch print.indd 6

9/26/11 1:54 PM


POMEGRANATE: nutritional jewel Do something good for your heart—and many other parts of your body—with pomegranate THROUGHOUT HISTORY, the pomegranate has represented abundance and fertility, and its image is found in many symbolic designs throughout the world. But during the last decade, it has taken on additional importance as a health-boosting superfood. Its benefits include lowering “bad” LDL cholesterol, protecting against prostate and breast cancers, improving erectile dysfunction, protecting against heart disease and diabetes, and increasing resistance to the flu. Newer research shows that pomegranate can help alleviate symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes. It’s a natural source of phytoestrogens, known to help promote hormonal health. When applied topically to the skin, pomegranate reduces damage from the sun. In mouthwashes, it reduces plaque and protects against gum disease. Here are some research highlights:

Unusually Beneficial Sugars Scientists in Israel found that the natural sugar in pomegranate does not act like sugar in other fruit juices. In a study of 20 diabetics, published in Atherosclerosis, pomegranate did not raise blood sugar, but it did reduce the development of atherosclerosis. “In most juices, sugars are present in ‘free and harmful’ forms,” said lead researcher Michael Aviram, PhD. “In pomegranate juice, however, the sugars are attached to unique antioxidants, which actually make these sugars protective against atherosclerosis.”

Cancer-Fighting Compounds At the University of California, Los Angeles, a study of 50 men who had been treated for prostate cancer found that pomegranate juice (8 oz. daily of POM Wonderful) quadrupled the length of time during which there was little or no cancer progression. “In men 65–70 who have been treated for prostate cancer, we can give them pomegranate juice and it may be possible for them to outlive their risk of dying from their cancer,” said researcher Allan Pantuck, PhD. “We’re hoping to prevent or delay the need for other therapies, such as hormone treatment or chemotherapy, both of which bring with them harmful side effects.” In order to take advantage of the pomegranate’s therapeutic properties, experts recommend drinking 8 oz. of juice daily—or taking the equivalent in an extract—for at least a few months. Health improvements generally result from making the fruit a routine part of one’s daily diet.

GREENS WORLD DELICIOUS REDS 8000 combines pomegranate, resveratrol, and other fruit & veggie concentrates to provide the antioxidant power of 20 servings of fruits and vegetables.

JARROW POMEGREAT POMEGRANATE 4X JUICE CONCENTRATE is made with the California Wonderful variety of pomegranate fruit and is four times more concentrated than regular pomegranate juice. All you need is 1 Tbs. daily.


PARAGON PLUS POMECELL is a potent antioxidant cellular regeneration formula that combines resveratrol with pomegranate extract.

A VERSATILE FOOD The pomegranate’s bright red seeds, or arils, are little juice sacs with crunchy inner seeds that are rich in fiber. Eat them as a snack, sprinkle on fish or game meats, or fold into rice or other grain dishes. Here are some other ways to enjoy the fruit: • Make a quick salad dressing: Blend pomegranate seeds or juice with balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil; add honey to taste. If using seeds, strain before serving. • Add pomegranate juice to your smoothies for a quick antioxidant boost. • Liven up your guacamole: Mix one or two Tbs. of pomegranate juice into guacamole, and gently fold in pomegranate seeds for added visual appeal and taste. • Brighten up a salad: Sprinkle pomegranate seeds onto mixed greens or fruit salad after tossing. • Add a burst of flavor to plain yogurt: Mix a little honey into yogurt, and then fold in pomegranate seeds for a sweet-tart combination. • Sprinkle a few pomegranate seeds on cereal, pancakes, waffles, puddings, and ice cream or other desserts. Or decorate a cake with the ruby jewels. • Enjoy a ruby-red glass of pomegranate juice in place of wine during the holidays, on other festive occasions.

December 2011

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Helping Our Heroes Stay Healthy Firefighters put their lives on the line every day. Along with the obvious dangers they face, on-the-job stress takes a toll on their cardiovascular system. But you don’t need to be a firefighter to be at risk. Living a high stress lifestyle can boost anyone’s odds of developing heart disease.* Kyolic® Formula 110 is a unique blend of Aged Garlic Extract™ and Coenzyme Q10, two powerhouse nutrients that can help protect your heart by supporting healthy cholesterol, circulation, blood pressure and arterial health.*

Research shows that firefighters are two to four times more vulnerable for heart attack or other cardiac events on the job compared to the rest of us. But here’s the good news: a recent UCLA clinical study on firefighters suggests that taking Kyolic Formula 110 may help improve heart health in a variety of ways.*

If the nutrients in Kyolic Formula 110 can help guard firefighters from effects of stress, just think of what it can do for you.*

Have you had your Kyolic today? Wakunaga of America Co., Ltd., Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (800) 421-2998 www.kyolic.com

nutrition better

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Kyolic® is a registered trademark of Wakunaga of America Co., Ltd.

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splendid, slim HOLIDAYS With the help of a few tricks, you can avoid gaining weight over the holiday season



chromium has been shown to lower body weight and increase lean body mass.

Drug Dilemmas

—C.C., Juneau, Alaska


There’s no getting away from the reality that in order to lose weight, you have to burn more calories than you ingest. While I don’t suggest lowor zero-carb diets for everyone, they can help kick-start a weight-loss program (especially for people with blood types O and B), but they typically aren’t sustainable. Why not? Because we all want to eat carbs! Carbohydrates give quick energy, are readily available, are usually inexpensive, and are often tasty! So the trick is to be selective about your carbs and learn to avoid the processed white flour and white sugar “foods” that lurk everywhere. I employ several strategies with my patients to help them reduce carb cravings.

Plan Ahead First, make a meal plan and jot it down. Be realistic: Include snacks, but exclude high-calorie drinks such as alcoholic beverages and sugary coffees. Each meal should contain some protein (fish, eggs, meat, legumes, tofu), some “good” fat (olive oil, flax oil, coconut oil), some good carbs (brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes), and plenty of veggies. Every meal, even breakfast, should feature veggies! Or breakfast could be fruit alone. Ideally, fruit would be eaten on its own, as a snack or a light meal. The next important step is to provide yourself plenty of time to sit down, take a breath, and chew thoroughly. It takes about 20 minutes for the “I’m full” signal (called satiety) to get from the stomach to the brain. And the only way to let the satiety feeling 12

catch up to you and thus avoid overeating is to stop rushing through your meals. If you follow just these simple suggestions, your stomach will begin to shrink a little, and it will become easier to know when you’ve had enough. But you have to stick to it. Some diets allow a binge day or binge meal. I don’t recommend that; it’s counterproductive to stretch out the stomach again. Appetite management is the key to weight management.

Beyond the Basics Once you’ve made your meal plan and gotten used to eating slower, there are some other key weight-loss strategies that you can incorporate into your health regimen. For starters, be sure to eat the protein portion of your meals first. Protein takes longer to digest and provides long-lasting fuel, as compared to carbs, which give a quick glucose boost, then—especially the really sugary stuff—cause a crash. To reduce your carb cravings, try taking 200–400 mcg of chromium picolinate three times per day. This has helped many of my patients cut their sugar binges. Supplemental

Whatever you do, stay away from pharmaceutical appetite suppressants. Most of the pharmaceutical drugs used for appetite suppression tweak the serotonin or norepinephrine levels in the body. You’re probably familiar with Prozac, Celexa, Luvox, and similar drugs that claim to “enhance” serotonin levels. The problem with these drugs is that in the long run (6–12 months), they actually suppress your body’s production of neurotransmitters (serotonin and norepinephrine primarily). This can cause a serious problem, because people who use the drugs depend on them for “normal” neurotransmitter levels. A much better approach is to promote your own internal production of “feel-good” appetite-suppressing neurotransmitters by ingesting amino acid precursors. These amino acids include cysteine, tyrosine, 5-HTP, and dopamine. Dopamine can be generated in the brain by ingestion of the medicinal herb Mucuna pruriens. Most importantly, remember that exercise and a positive, self-loving attitude are keys to good health in general, including maintaining a healthful weight. Being overweight isn’t genetic; that’s a myth. Rather, being overweight is a chronic disease. A quick reality check for determining whether you need to lose weight can be done with a measuring tape. Ladies, your waist size shouldn’t exceed 34 inches. Gentlemen, keep your waist no larger than 40 inches. Finally, learn what situations trigger your cravings or binge eating. Observe yourself without judgment, and be willing to avoid the triggers. Make it clear that you want junk food, and its noxious effects, out of your life. It’s your choice.

December 2011

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Why Calcium Alone Does Not Build Bone Today, women take more calcium than ever before. But is it enough? Discover what you should be doing - starting now. Collagen plus Calcium: The Ideal Bone Condition†

Collagen Gives Your Bones Vital Flexibility†

Your bones are approximately 60% calcium and 30% collagen. Yet it is the collagen portion of your bones that directly controls bone mineral density and gives your bones the † flexibility to withstand stress.

Collagen-deficient bone is brittle. Brittle bone is vulnerable to fracture. But with optimal collagen content, your bones have the ability to withstand physical stress, as from † sudden impact.

Collagen, Your Bones’ “Calcium Binding Sites”†

How You Can Increase Bone Collagen Formation

What happens to all the calcium you take? Does it automatically become bone? In a word, no. You see, calcium must “bind to” bone collagen.

Unlike calcium that you ingest and receive the benefits, you cannot eat collagen and expect to add bone collagen. The key is activating the cells in your body that naturally generate bone collagen, called osteoblasts. Today, there’s only one compound that’s been clinically proven to increase bone collagen formation. It’s named ch-OSA®, or † choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid. How do you find it?

“Bone ... is made mostly of collagen, a protein that provides a soft framework, and calcium phosphate, a mineral that adds strength and hardens the framework. This combination of collagen and calcium makes bone both flexible and strong, which in turn helps bone to withstand stress” NAIMS Division of the National Institutes of Health

That’s why insufficient collagen directly leads to diminished bone mineral density. And it’s easy to see why simply ingesting more and more calcium does little or nothing.

Increase Collagen plus Calcium with † New Healthy Bones Plus™

Aging Bone

Brittle Bones Weak Collagen Matrix Insufficient Calcium Binding Sites Low BMD

BioSil® Generated Bone

Strong and Flexible Bones† Strong Collagen Matrix† Increased Calcium Binding Sites† Increased BMD†

A new product called Healthy Bones Plus™, with ch-OSA®, has been clinically proven to increase bone collagen formation by 22.20% and increase bone mineral density by 200% over the mark of clinical † relevance.

Visit www.healthybonesplus.com naturalfactors.com †This

statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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9/26/11 1:53 PM


queen of COMFORT FOOD Culinary icon Nigella Lawson gets to the heart of the kitchen NIGELLA LAWSON HAS FINALLY written the book she’s always wanted to write. It’s a love letter to the kitchen, the place where Lawson lives and thrives. As a journalist, cook, beloved television personality, and best-selling author—she’s written Nigella Express, Nigella Fresh, Nigella Christmas, Nigella Bites, Feast, How to be a Domestic Goddess, and How to Eat—Lawson has become a culinary icon. And with her newest book, Nigella Kitchen: Recipes from the Heart of the Home, which debuted alongside her Food Network show of the same name, we are offered perhaps a more intimate glimpse than ever of how this domestic diva truly feels about cooking and food.

Q: What inspired you to write Nigella Kitchen: Recipes from the Heart of the Home? A: The kitchen itself inspired me. I spend so much time in the kitchen, and have done so since I was a child, and derive so much of my sense of home from being in my kitchen in all the homes I’ve ever lived in. I really felt I wanted to honor this room that generates a feeling of comfort in all of us. Plus, I really wanted to itemize all the different ways in which the kitchen can be harnessed to our needs and demands, and celebrate the food, the real home cooking, that emanates from it.

Q: What is your favorite meal to throw together with only a moment’s notice? A: I think it either has to be the Scallops and Thai-Scented Pea Purée, or Chorizo and Chickpea Stew with Bulgar Wheat Pilaf. The former is simply an instantly comforting but still glamorous supper, and the latter is an off-the-cuff dinner party with a lot of brio that you can throw together 14

with ingredients that are kept on-hand in a store cupboard.

Q: What is your best advice for avoiding holiday stress in the kitchen? A: Don’t overstretch yourself. Write down a list of everything you want to make. Walk away, have a relaxing cup of tea, then return to your list and strike half the items off of it! We all set ourselves up with too much to do in the first place, and I have trained myself to fight this ingrained habit. More is not better; “more” can be a recipe for nervous collapse!

Q: What is your favorite “dessert to save the day?” A: I’d have to say my chocolate chip bread pudding—it is a traditional comfort food with a deluxe twist!

Q: What are your three favorite kitchen gadgets and why? A: My absolute favorite and only real must-have kitchen gadget is my mezzaluna—so-called because it’s Italian for “half moon” and is a curved, double-handed-knife—as it makes everything easy to chop. And because you wrap both hands around the handles, it’s almost impossible to cut yourself! I also cannot overemphasize how important good kitchen scissors are. And I love my KitchenAid mixer!

Q: With your emphasis on comfort food, how do you achieve a balance between satisfaction and good health? A: I firmly believe that if you just allow yourself a few treats, you can achieve balance and avoid bingeing. Denial can lead to overtoppling obsession!

Q: What is your philosophy in terms of adjusting classic recipes to make them more healthful? A: Really, I would rather just not have a foodstuff than eat a modified version of it: I would rather eat something that doesn’t require cream at all than choose a recipe that does, and use half-fat cream instead! Mostly, I adhere to the French saying: “Everything in moderation— even moderation!”

December 2011

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*SPINSscan 12 weeks ending 06/11/2011

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9/23/11 3:29 PM

Natural Stress Solutions BY SALLY KARLOVITZ, CN THE HOLIDAY SEASON IS HERE, and with it can come a lot more stress. Shopping the crowded stores, driving in heavy traffic, hosting holiday parties, and visiting relatives can all create temporary disorder in your life—and increased stress! Stress manifests itself in a variety of ways, including irritability, stomachaches, mood swings, insomnia, headaches, and muscle tension. Natural remedies and lifestyle changes can calm and soothe nerves and promote relaxation and a sense of well-being. Here are some tips to help reduce stress:


GET SOME SLEEP. Rest and relaxation are essential for any stress reduction regimen. Take a hot bath before bed and use aromatherapy oils such as lavender or lemongrass to relax the body and calm the nerves. Get a good night’s sleep to recuperate between busy days. If you have trouble sleeping, try a natural sleep aid such as valerian. MAINTAIN NERVE HEALTH. During stressful situations, the body depletes itself of several important nutrients, including the B vitamins and vitamin C. Help maintain the health and functioning of your nerves by supplementing your diet daily with B complex and vitamin C. TRY A NATURAL REMEDY. Relora, a combination of Magnolia and Phellodendron, has been shown in studies to help control mild anxiety and mild depression, promote relaxation, and help maintain restful sleep. L-theanine, an amino acid found in green tea, has been shown to induce relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety. Passionflower, skullcap, and hops are all nervines, meaning they nourish the nerves and provide a calming effect on the body. Since stress just can’t be avoided, try maintaining overall good health and well-being, which will help you keep your cool.

Promotes red blood cell health and provides antioxidant protection.*


What is N-acetyl cysteine and what is it used for?

N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a form of the amino acid cysteine that has been found to have many benefits in the body. It helps break down mucus, making it a necessity during cold and flu season. Doubleblind research has found that NAC supplements improve symptoms and prevent recurrences in people with chronic bronchitis.


MOVE IT! Exercise is an important part of stress reduction and good health. It helps you look and feel better. Something as simple as a short, brisk walk in the fresh air can ease tension and allow you to handle stress better.



RELORA® EASE™ Helps support healthy relaxation.*

Supports the body during times of stress.*

A complete blend of essential nutrients and herbs.

Continu-Release Beadlets™ allow release of nutrients over 3–6 hours to promote optimal nutrient assimilation.

Contains L-Theanine, Relora®, B6, magnesium, and support herbs.

NAC is an antioxidant that increases synthesis of another potent antioxidant, glutathione. NAC has been shown to provide protection against a number of toxic substances, including tobacco smoke, alcohol, and drugs such as acetaminophen. NAC has also been studied for its role in reducing hearing loss. Animal studies have found that NAC may help reduce hearing loss when given before or right after exposure to loud noises. NAC not only neutralizes free radicals but also bolsters the ear’s own antioxidant defenses.

CYSTEINE PURE™ N-ACETYL CYSTEINE Provides 685 mg N-acetyl cysteine (NAC). NAC is a precursor to glutathione, a potent antioxidant in the body.* May support liver and immune health.*

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Natural Solutions for Indigestion IF THERE’S ONE THING that there is a lot of around the holidays, it’s food! But if you’re one of the more than 60 million Americans who suffer from digestive disorders, even family meals and holiday parties can become uncomfortable. Problems associated with the digestive tract can include indigestion, heartburn, gas, bloating, and constipation. Thankfully, there are many ingredients available that support and enhance digestion and ease indigestion naturally.

digestion, relieve gas and heartburn, and ease nausea. Studies have shown that ginger is very effective in relieving nausea resulting from motion sickness, nausea due to chemotherapy, and even morning sickness associated with pregnancy. Fenugreek is another herb that helps support healthy digestion and ease gastric inflammation.

BREAK IT DOWN WITH ENZYMES Enzymes are unique compounds that break down protein, fats, and carbohydrates in food, converting them into structures that make the human body work properly. A lack of enzymes can result in difficulty digesting or breaking down foods. Some of the more important enzymes in the body come from the pancreas, so be sure to look for supplements that contain pancreatic enzymes for overall digestive support.

Natural acid neutralizer.* Helps alleviate occasional acid indigestion.* With acid buffering minerals. Fast-acting chewable wafers.

GET RELIEF WITH MINERALS For those times when you do have a heartburn flare-up, certain minerals can help neutralize the acid and give quick relief. Look specifically for a blend of magnesium and potassium hydroxide, which act quickly, and calcium carbonate, which is longer lasting. These alkaline minerals are effective in buffering the acid in the stomach and reducing irritation, as well as soothing sore stomach tissue. In addition, these minerals do not interfere with normal and essential gastric acid secretion like over-thecounter medications do. So don’t dread your next meal… enjoy it with help from nature. Just try a natural remedy that will help improve digestion, reduce unwanted symptoms, and make you feel better!

TONE & SOOTHE WITH HERBS Ginger is probably the best known digestive tonic. It can help improve



GINGER XTRA-PLEX™ Supports stomach, liver, & intestinal health* Full-spectrum formula. With standardized ginger extract & whole ginger root powder.

SUPER-ZYME COMPLEX™ Enzyme complex to support digestion.* With pancreatic enzymes to support the digestion of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.* Enhanced with fenugreek seed.

The Healthy Edge

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BY ISAAC ELIAZ, MD, LAC photography by pornchai mittongtare | styling by kim wong

PAST, MEDICINAL MUSHROOMS have been used for thousands of years, but we’re just beginning to understand the full extent of their healing properties


edicinal mushrooms offer more health-promoting and disease-fighting benefits than almost any other

natural medicine or food. These special fungi are some of the richest sources of therapeutic compounds, including lipids, proteoglycans (combinations of proteins and sugars), polysaccharides (including beta glucans), alkaloids, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and more. Certain varieties of medicinal mushrooms have been prominent in traditional Asian formulas for millennia because of their numerous health benefits on multiple organ systems. Today, modern science continues to validate these remarkable benefits, specifically in the treatment of cancer, immune function, and environmental toxicity, but also for cardiovascular disease, organ failure, respiratory problems, digestive issues, diabetes, neurodegenerative conditions—and more.

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Train Your System Research shows how medicinal mushrooms act with the body on a fundamental level to help restore optimal function and balance. For example, our bodies tend to build up a tolerance to most natural medicines, including vitamins, nutrients, and some herbs. Over time, we require higher dosages to achieve therapeutic results. With medicinal mushrooms, the opposite is true. One of the most unique features of medicinal mushrooms is that they can actually be used on a long-term basis to help “train” your system to function at optimal levels. This means that the longer that you take medicinal mushrooms, the greater the benefits and the lower the dosage needed to maintain health and vitality. This is a concept drawn from Traditional Chinese Medicine, as these ancient practices are energetic medicines. What does this mean? It means that they are based on the understanding, exploration, and utilization of time and space. When used properly, these medical systems can transform issues from our past, as well as helping with present and future health function. Medicinal mushrooms can play a role in this process. From a Western medical perspective, the body system that can most easily demonstrate this concept of time is the immune system. There can be damages from the past that impair immune function, such as exposure to heavy metals and environmental toxins, trauma, infection, and surgery. There can also be numerous issues in the present, such as stress, poor diet, and other lifestyle factors that create an immediate negative impact on the immune system and impair the ability of natural killer (NK) cells and other first-line defenses to combat disease. And finally, the immune system needs to be trained to function better in the future, and it can be negatively affected into the future when it isn't trained well during childhood through exposure to common childhood illnesses.

Healing Issues from the Past Mushrooms are very soft, spongy, and porous, and they have the dramatic ability to absorb all types of substances from the environment in which they are grown. This is why mushrooms can easily accumulate heavy metals and pesticides if not grown under carefully controlled conditions. Such high absorbency, however, is also part of why medicinal mushrooms are so effective in helping to remove toxins from the body. One of the most interesting actions of medicinal mushrooms is their tendency to travel to stagnant areas of the body that are damaged. They have a specific affinity for places where there is an accumulation of heavy metals and toxins, as


WHAT IS CHAGA? Filled with antioxidants, the chaga isn’t your typical medicinal mushroom. This parasitic fungus grows on birch trees and looks like burnt charcoal. It is prized for its immune-enhancing, antioxidant, and anticancer properties. It is also thought to help lower blood sugar in diabetics. Want to try chaga? We like NORTH AMERICAN HERB & SPICE CHAG-O-CHARGE WILD FOREST TEA, perfect for chilly days. Add a little honey or stevia to sweeten.

well as to areas of inflammation and damage, where they can help detoxify, repair, and strengthen tissues. The lipids and phospholipids found within medicinal mushrooms allow their other active compounds to penetrate into fatty tissues, cell membranes, and even into the cell itself, where toxins are usually stored. These active constituents can exchange with and effectively expel toxins that may have accumulated in unhealthy tissues for years. This is one way that medicinal mushrooms can counteract the long-term side effects of heavy metals, pesticides, medications, and other environmental toxins.

Healing Issues of the Present Certain mushrooms can stimulate an immediate effect on the immune system. This is why they have such powerful anticancer abilities as demonstrated in scientific literature. The leading variety is Coriolus versicolor—specifically its active ingredients PSP and PSK, two anticancer compounds often used as natural chemotherapeutic agents. Beta-glucans found in mushrooms can also stimulate an immediate effect on the immune system. By improving the profiles of T lymphocyte immune cells, medicinal mushrooms enhance the frontline responses of the immune system, providing powerful protection against infections, cancer, and harmful invaders. In addition, they have been shown to enhance the effects of other compounds, such as different chemotherapy agents, other medicinal mushrooms, and herbs, while also protecting multiple organs from the damaging effects of chemotherapy and radiation.

Healing Issues of the Future Medicinal mushrooms have the unique ability to train the immune system, offering greater protection against future illnesses. If the immune system doesn’t have the opportunity to fully develop during childhood, it becomes compromised throughout life. Medicinal mushrooms help to overcome this

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FRUITFUL FUNGI Of the thousands of varieties of mushrooms growing throughout the world, several types possess specific medicinal properties. Here is a brief description of six widely studied mushrooms.

WOOD EAR FUNGUS (Auricularia auriculai) increases activity of the antioxidant SOD in key organs such as the brain and liver. Good for: Heart health, healthy cholesterol, immune enhancement, wound healing, and digestive health.

TURKEY TAIL (Coriolus versicolor) may be the most studied medicinal mushroom of all. In the 1970s, Japan approved PSK (found in turkey tail) to treat several types of cancers, and it remains a best-selling cancer drug in that country. Good for: Treating/preventing cancer and bolstering immunity.


REISHI (Ganoderma lucidum) has the longest historical use of all the mushrooms. Good for: Heart disease, inflammation, cancer prevention, ulcers, and immune strength.

MAITAKE (Grifola frondosa) is known as the “King of the Mushrooms” in Japan for both its taste and its health-promoting benefits. Good for: High blood pressure, high blood sugar, cancer treatment/prevention, and immune enhancement.

SHIITAKE (Lentinus edodes) is packed with important vitamins and minerals, as well as essential amino acids. Good for: Treating/preventing cancer, lowering high blood pressure, reducing high cholesterol, and healing infections.

TREMELLA (Tremella fuciformis) is used to make a cough syrup for treating chronic bronchitis and a number of other cough-related conditions (such as asthma and dry cough) in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Good for: Fighting tumors, lowering blood glucose, combating high cholesterol, protecting against radiation, and increasing skin hydration when applied topically.

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You Never Know Who You’ll Come In Contact With. Take extra care. Trust your immune health to Ester-C.Ž*

This season do everything you can to better support your immune health.* Eat healthy‌get plenty of rest‌and take Ester-C Ž every day to help support your immune system.* Taken just once a day, patented Ester-C Ž absorbs into your system and stays there, delivering the advanced, active immune system support and the potent antioxidant activity you can depend on.* Now more than ever, trust your immune health to Ester-C Ž, *The Better Vitamin C Ž‌ how can you afford not to? Available at health, natural food and vitamin specialty stores.

Nothing Else Works Like It.

The Better Vitamin C.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. , Ester-CÂŽ and The Better Vitamin CÂŽ are licensed TMs of The Ester C Company. U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,197,813 & 6,878,744.

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Š 2011 American Health Inc.


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download a free MUSHROOM WELLNESS GUIDE at dreliaz.org/ wellness-guide/ mushrooms.

deficiency by training the immune system, supporting T lymphocyte immune cells and NK cells, and improving overall immune function.

In addition, certain medicinal mushrooms actually have particular affinities for different organs, such as the lungs, digestive tract, and kidneys. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, these organs are said to have different relationships to time. For example, the lungs relate to the past—as we exhale to release CO2 that we previously breathed in— and on a psychological level, old issues. The digestive system relates to the present and the immediate assimilation of nutrients into energy. The kidney system relates to the future, as this system is the last to filter circulating blood, differentiate what to keep for the future, and release the rest as waste. Though this is a simplified overview, it’s important to note that many medicinal mushrooms have affinities to certain organs and therefore offer specific time-related effects on the body. In many cases, this translates into cleaning up damages from the past and providing adaptogenic-like effects for optimal functioning in the present and future.

Medicinal Mushrooms on the Shelf Cognitive, respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, kidney, liver, and immune function can all be improved by a proper supplement that acts to repair damages from the past and train for the future. One way to reap this wide range of benefits is to use a comprehensive mushroom formula as a daily mushroom multinutrient. When purchasing mushrooms, make sure they were grown in controlled environments free of harmful contaminants. In certain advanced medicinal mushroom formulas, mushrooms are grown on blends of immuneenhancing, anticancer herbs. The results are botanically enhanced mushrooms that absorb many of the healthpromoting properties of the herbs.

MUSHROOM WISDOM MAITAKE D FRACTION PRO 4X ULTIMATE IMMUNE ENHANCER boasts extra amounts of maitake extract and powder for potent immune protection.

NEW CHAPTER ORGANICS LIFESHIELD REISHI helps promote longevity. LifeShield signifies that each stage of the mushroom’s life cycle is incorporated for optimal nutrition.

PARAGON PLUS MUSHROOM SENSEI BLEND is a concentrated fullspectrum liquid extract of medicinal mushrooms designed as an immune tonic and adaptogenic formula.

NEW CHAPTER ORGANICS LIFESHIELD IMMUNITY is a synergistic blend of 11 mushrooms featuring whole life-cycle activated mushrooms.

NORTH AMERICAN HERB & SPICE CHAG-O-POWER is a Wild Chaga mushroom emulsion, rich in enzymes, SOD, and plant sterols.

When used daily, medicinal mushrooms provide unparalleled support for all of our bodies’ systems, and they make up an important part of any health program.


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NOURISHED BODIES LIVE LIGHTER For your omega-3 needs, trust the fish oil experts. Since 1995, we have been dedicated to making the purest, freshest fish oil available. Q Proven purity for safety you can trust Q Triglyceride form means better absorption

for results you can feel* Q Unsurpassed freshness and taste means

omega nutrition you will love

Committed to Delivering the World’s Safest, Most Effective Omega Oils™ *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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f you’re looking to kick the sugar habit but want to avoid chemical-laden artificial sweeteners, stevia just may be your natural—and zero-calorie—solution. Thanks to its glycoside-rich leaves that are sweeter than sugar, this shrubby South American herb is rapidly becoming a favorite natural sweetener. Ever since Antonio Bertoni first recorded its usage by natives in 1887, stevia has mellowed everything from medicines to beverages. After receiving a long-anticipated green light of safety from the United States Food and Drug Administration with GRAS (generally recognized as safe) labeling, more and more stevia products have been hitting the shelves of natural foods stores in recent years. FDA approval even spurred some companies to begin incorporating the herb into mass-marketed products, from soft drinks and juices to snack bars. Clinical data has found that stevia helps to regulate blood sugar, suppress dental bacteria, encourage weight loss, and regulate blood pressure. And unlike sugar, stevia won’t exacerbate candida. Impressively, no negative reactions to the herb have been discovered. “Stevia has been used in other countries for decades,” says Ray Sahelian, MD, coauthor of The Stevia Cookbook: Cooking with Nature’s Calorie-Free Sweetener. “I am not concerned with stevia causing any medical conditions; in fact, from all the studies that I have reviewed, stevia is a very safe supplement and most likely much, much safer than many artificial sweeteners. Stevia has been available in the U.S. since the mid 1990s, and there have not been any reported adverse effects with its use.”

New Stevia Products

Stevia is available in a variety of forms: from cut herb leaf to refined clear liquid to white powder. A little truly goes a long way when working with pure stevia. When substituting stevia for sugar in recipes, the recommended amount is 1 teaspoon for 1 cup of sugar, or 2 drops per 1 cup of liquid for beverages. There are a variety of flavored stevias now available that are perfect for sweetening tea or coffee. And for baking, stevia is available combined with erythritol, a naturally fermented sugar alcohol,

Sweet Rewards: More Sugar Alternatives

Type-2 diabetes and obesity, both linked to sugar consumption, are at an all-time high. Meanwhile, studies pointing damning fingers at faux sugars continue to surface. Is there a sweet ending to the sugar saga? Maybe so. Consider these naturally sweet solutions. AGAVE NECTAR With a neutral sweet flavor, this syrup comes in both light and dark varieties. Sometimes hailed as the next miracle sweetener, agave nectar is reported to have a low glycemic index and to cause minimal fluctuations in blood sugar. BROWN RICE SYRUP Made by adding enzymes to cooked rice to break down the starches, it has a lighter color and texture than barley malt syrup, and can be used like honey or agave. Like barley malt, it’s not intensely sweet, and is broken down more slowly in the body. HONEY Of all the natural sweeteners, raw, unfiltered honey is probably the closest to nature and the least refined. Use it to sweeten beverages, in baked goods, or as a spread on toast. ERYTHRITOL A sugar alcohol that, like xylitol (below), occurs naturally in fruits and fermented foods. It’s virtually free of calories, and doesn’t affect blood sugar levels or cause tooth decay. Safety data is sparse, but because it’s made by fermenting glucose with yeast, erythritol may not be appropriate for those with candida. XYLITOL A sugar alcohol that’s found in many fruits and vegetables. It’s absorbed slowly, and has 40 percent fewer calories than sugar. Xylitol’s claim to fame, however, is its ability to reduce tooth decay rates, a finding that many studies have borne out.

Photo by Pornchai Mittongtare


in Steviva Blend.


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Stevia, a zero-calorie herbal sweetener, can meet all of your holiday baking and sugar alternative needs

The Healthy Edge

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MINI PEAR-MANGO SOUFFLÉS Pictured on previous page. SERVES 6

These fruit soufflés are simple and tasty. Baking them in a hot water bath ensures a perfect rise every time. Starting with ripe fruit means that you might be able to get away with less than a teaspoon of stevia—if you choose one of the high-end brands, just a couple of drops will maximize the fruits’ natural sweetness. 1 large mango, peeled and cut into chunks (1 cup), or 1 cup frozen 2 medium pears, peeled and cut into chunks (1 cup) 1 tsp. liquid stevia, or to taste ¼ tsp. vanilla extract ¼ tsp. salt 2 Tbs. cornstarch 2 Tbs. organic low-fat milk 2 egg whites

1. Preheat oven to 400°F. Purée mango and pear chunks in food processor until fruit is blended and creamy, about 30 seconds. Add stevia, vanilla, and salt, and purée 5 seconds more.

2. Whisk together cornstarch and milk in large mixing bowl until creamy. Add fruit purée, and mix well.

3. Beat egg whites in mixer on high speed until stiff, about 3 minutes. Gently fold egg whites into fruit purée until fully incorporated.


4. Scoop fruit mixture into 6 ½-cup ramekins. Set ramekins in 13- x 9-inch baking


pan, and pour about 3 cups of very hot tap water in pan around ramekins. Bake 25 minutes, until soufflés are puffed and golden brown. Serve immediately.

Recipe by Kat James, author of The Truth About Beauty. Visit her on the Web at informedbeauty.com.


6 oz. unsweetened baking chocolate 4 Tbs. organic butter

STEVITA FLAVORED STEVIA is a convenient way to sweeten and flavor your coffee or tea without adding extra calories or sugar.

2 drops liquid stevia 1 cup powdered xylitol 1 tsp. vanilla extract Photos: James Hammel

PARAGON PLUS STEVIA EXTRACT is a zero-calorie, low-glycemic sweetener that makes a perfectly healthy substitute for table sugar and artificial sweeteners.

–31 tsp. sea salt 1 cup toasted crushed pecans, lightly salted ½ cup fresh pomegranate seeds

1. Melt chocolate, butter, stevia, xylitol, vanilla, and salt together in double boiler or metal bowl set over simmering water, stirring occasionally. Let cool slightly. OHGAVE! RAW BLUE AGAVE NECTAR, made from the blue agave plant, has a low glycemic index that prevents blood sugar spikes. A great sweetener in coffee, smoothies, or oatmeal.


SWEETLEAF STEVIA PLUS comes in convenient individual packets— no measuring necessary. Best of all, it has zero calories, is all-natural, and tastes great.

2. Spread pecans and pomegranate seeds over cookie sheet. Pour melted chocolate over nuts and seeds to cover; freeze. Break into pieces before serving. PER SERVING: 219 CAL; 3 G PROT; 18 G TOTAL FAT (8 G SAT FAT); 11 G CARB; 10 MG CHOL; 70 MG SOD; 3 G FIBER; 2 G SUGARS

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3 Steps to Deal with Winter Challenges BY MARY ANN O’DELL, MS, RD

COLD AND FLU SEASON IS IN FULL SWING. Are you staying well? Most people don’t think about colds and flu until they actually get sick, but the time to think about it is NOW before you find yourself under the weather. Be prepared with these three steps. 1. CHOOSE NOURISHING FOODS. Adding certain foods to your diet can help naturally boost the immune system. Oats and mushrooms are rich in beta-glucan; yogurt and kefir supply beneficial probiotics; and berries and citrus fruits supply vitamin C and other antioxidants essential for a strong, healthy immune system. Choosing fewer processed foods will naturally eliminate the excess dietary sugar that can weaken the immune system. 2. ADD IMMUNITY BOOSTING NUTRIENTS & HERBS. Vitamin C is a key immune substance that helps protect the cells of the body. It’s also one of the most commonly depleted nutrients when the body is under stress. Vitamin D plays an important role in strengthening your defenses to better fight off invading viruses and bacteria, as well. A variety of herbs— including echinacea, astragalus, and goldenseal—that can help support immune health are also available. Echinacea and astragalus are general immune-boosting herbs. Goldenseal helps fight infection and soothes mucus membranes, making it good for congestion. Medicinal mushrooms, including shiitake and maitake mushrooms, are rich in beta glucans which have the ability to enhance natural killer (NK) cell activity, providing deep immune health benefits. 3. STOCK YOUR NATURAL MEDICINE CABINET NOW. Be prepared if you do get sick with some supplies to nurture your body and fight infection. Keep a natural cough syrup on hand that contains ingredients such as ginger, osha, and wild cherry bark to soothe cough and calm throat irritation. Keep hot herbal teas on hand for hydration and immune support. And keep taking those immune support herbs and nutrients to help your body fight infection so you can get well faster. Be prepared this cold and flu season. Take a proactive approach to stay well, but also be prepared in case you do get sick.

ALL-WELL™ IMMUNO™ DAILY™ General immune tonic for a healthy immune system.* With astragalus, Echinacea, & red root for immune support.* Enhanced with eleuthero, licorice, & suma as adaptogens.*



ACCURA C™ 500 Antioxidant protection.* Protects the body’s cells and molecules from damage by free radicals.* Vitamin C complex enhanced with threonic acid and d alpha lipoic acid.


Essential nutrient for calcium utilization.*

Coats & soothes an irritated throat.*

Natural lanolin source for vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol).

Sweet & warming.

In easy to swallow veggie caps for maximum absorption.

With fresh & dried ginger, honey, osha, & wild cherry bark. Alcohol Free.

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The Healthy Edge

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get your GRAPE on! Boost sagging skin and fight varicose veins with these potent seeds OVER THE PAST few years, grapes have taken center stage in the world of superfoods, thanks to an antiaging compound in grape skins known as resveratrol. But it turns out that the lowly grape has even more to recommend it—health benefits found in the seeds. In fact, the tiny seeds of this fruit harbor compounds that can make us look and feel younger and more vibrant both inside and out thanks to their potent antioxidant power. These miniature marvels are so powerful that they outperform vitamins C and E and beta-carotene, making grape seed extract a highly effective warrior against the free radical damage that can injure our DNA and age us prematurely.

What It Is Grape seed extract’s antioxidant power is 50 times greater than that of vitamin E and 20 times more potent than vitamin C. It also boasts anti-inflammatory and antimutagenic properties, as well as the ability to protect against the harmful effects of radiation in animal studies. Yet these abilities aren’t grape seeds’ main claim to fame. Grape seeds contain substances called proanthocyanidins, also referred to as oligomeric proanthocyanidins. These water-soluble flavonoids help strengthen and protect our cell membranes from the oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Without this protection, our skin begins to prematurely show the signs of aging from overexposure to the sun’s harmful rays. According to researchers at Creighton University in Omaha, Neb., grape seed extract applied topically boosted the skin’s natural SPF (sun protection factor) in a group of human volunteers.

What It Does Studies show that grape seed extract, especially when combined with other antioxidant-rich compounds (such as white tea and tomato extract), promotes youthful skin by enhancing the health of skin cells as it protects elasticity and flexibility. Specifically, these skinfriendly seeds increase the synthesis of collagen and elastin—the two pillars underlying structures of youthful skin. Grape seed is so effective that when postmenopausal women took a supplement containing the extract for six months, they experienced significant improvement in crow’s feet, wrinkles around the mouth, age spots, sagging, and even the dark circles under their eyes as compared to women taking a placebo.

Bonus Benefits Grape seeds’ benefits go far beyond skin health. In Europe, extracts of the seeds are used for a variety of circulatory problems, including 32

varicose and spider veins. Grape seed extract also improves the flexibility of the arteries that carry blood from the heart, as well as helping boost overall circulation. One promising role of grape seed extract is its ability to prevent and postpone the development of cataracts. Another is its potential to protect the nervous system from the free radical assault linked to dementia and Parkinson’s disease. While both of these possibilities are on scientists’ radars, human trials need to be conducted to prove grape seeds’ ability to protect our eyes and nervous systems.

Where to Find It Grape seed extract is one of those nutrients that can be taken orally and used topically. The average daily dose for general antioxidant and skin protection is 50–100 mg one to two times per day. Creams containing the nutrient should be applied morning and night for the best antiaging results. Derived from seeds of Italian grapes, AURA CACIA GRAPESEED OIL is a great skin toner that banishes dryness and irritation without clogging pores.

DESERT ESSENCE ORGANICS ITALIAN RED GRAPE SHAMPOO AND CONDITIONER contains a powerful blend of organic grape extract, resveratrol, and red wine extract that corrects hair damage and protects against UV rays.

AUBREY BLUE GREEN ALGAE WITH GRAPE SEED MOISTURIZER is loaded with good stuff, including shea butter and jojoba oil, to keep skin supple and glowing.

Stay hydrated while you get a powerful boost of antioxidants with DOX CARDIO WATER, infused with pomegranate extract and grape resveratrol.

RESERVEAGE ORGANICS COLLAGEN BOOSTER contains a patented complex, including resveratrol, to help boost collagen production and keep skin plump, soft, and wrinkle free.

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Plan the perfect gluten-free celebration

HOW DO YOU MANEUVER through the holidays without gluten? It’s easier than you think. Here are some simple ways to keep your health level up and your stress level down:

Get properly stocked for holiday parties To avoid eating something you shouldn’t and feeling awful, fuel up on food that you know is safe. Either bring your own gluten-free dish to the party, or eat a sustaining mini-meal beforehand. Or spread healthy holiday cheer by hosting your own party that’s entirely gluten free.

Be ready for seasonal shopping Stock up on snacks that give you staying power, such as nuts or protein bars, and pack them in your purse or coat pocket before you go out.


Grab healthy stocking stuffers

For a warm, satisfying, fiber-rich addition to a holiday brunch, try this easy recipe. The type of apple you use can make a big difference in flavor, texture, and appearance. Honeycrisp apples are recommended because they fare best on all counts in this no-added-sweetener dish. Reprinted from Going Against the Grain Group, 2010, by Melissa Diane Smith.

Try gluten-free fruit and nut bars such as Cranberry Almond Yogi Bars, organic cotton socks, gluten-free lip balms, and natural food store gift certificates.

Tea up the right way On a chilly winter evening, nothing beats hot tea. Unfortunately, many types of tea contain barley malt or other sources of hidden gluten, so be careful. Look for safe teas, including single-ingredient teas, such as chamomile or green tea, and spicy chai tea, such as Tazo Organic Chai tea bags. When you go caroling, ice-skating, or to outdoor events, take along a few gluten-free tea bags to use if you need them.

Limit sweets It’s all too common to overdo the sweets during the holiday season. And eating too many sugary baked goods and desserts sets us up for digestive upset, mood swings, weight gain, and weakened immunity. The solution? At holiday functions, have a few bites of dessert rather than a large serving. In your own recipes, try replacing nutrient-void white sugar with nutrient-dense, lower-glycemic sweeteners such as organic coconut or palm sugar. Or make more treats that are unsweetened or sweetened with only fruit.

Enjoy simply prepared seasonal foods Instead of slaving away in the kitchen making complicated dishes, keep holidays meals simple, and focus on serving in-season, naturally gluten-free foods that have a gourmet taste and are simple to make. Serve shell-on nuts with nutcrackers to crack them—the ultimate winter holiday appetizer. Or toast shelled nuts in your oven and serve the warm, scrumptious morsels to guests. Try adding dried cranberries to salads, quinoa, or brown or wild rice pilaf. And for a holiday brunch, bake apples—a simple, warming, elegant treat—to serve with gluten-free turkey sausage. 34

2 large organic Honeycrisp apples Organic butter to grease pan 1 tsp. ground cinnamon ¼ cup organic raisins ¼ cup chopped pecans 1 tsp. lemon juice

1. Preheat oven to 350°F. 2. Wash and pat-dry apples. Grease 8- x 8-inch square glass baking pan or 9-inch glass pie plate with butter.

3. Mix cinnamon, raisins, pecans, and lemon juice in small bowl, and set aside. Cut apples in half; scoop out cores and seeds with corer/peeler; and create indented cavities in each apple half.

4. Spoon raisin-pecan mixture into four evenly-divided mounds on greased baking pan. Place one apple half, cut side down, on top of each mound, using spoon to keep raisin-pecan mixture underneath apples.

5. Bake 25–30 minutes, until apples yield easily to fork. To

serve, place apple halves, cut sides up, on four plates, and spoon raisin-pecan mixture on top. Serve warm.


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craving CRANBERRIES New twists on a healthy holiday favorite

WHAT HOLIDAY MEAL would be complete without cranberry sauce? But there’s plenty more reason than tradition to add a healthy dose of these little gems to your table. For starters, cranberries possess anticancer and antibacterial properties, and they inhibit the growth of common pathogens and microbes. They’re also well-known for their usefulness in the treatment of urinary tract infections—the acidity of the cranberry makes urine more acidic, which kills the infection. Plus, they inhibit the adhesion of bacteria to the mucosal wall of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby preventing bacteria such as H. pylori and E. coli from “sticking,” growing, and proliferating. And that’s not all. Studies presented at the 223rd national meeting of the American Chemical Society show that cranberries contain some of the most potent antioxidants of any common fruit. They can also act as a great preventative against atherosclerosis. There are even bioactive compounds in cranberries that have been found to be toxic to a variety of cancer tumor cells. It’s actually a shame that we don’t eat them on a regular basis, saving them only for special holiday meals—usually in recipes that are half cranberry/half sugar. But not in our Freshest Raw Cranberry Sauce. This jazzed-up version of the traditional sauce provides all the health benefits of real cranberries, and it’s sweetened with low-glycemic coconut nectar. Plus, the cranberries in this recipe are raw, a way they’re rarely eaten. And the orange provides just an extra hint of sweetness. What could be better?


2 cups fresh cranberries, or 1 8-oz. bag frozen, unsweetened cranberries, thawed and rinsed 1 large naval orange, peeled, seeded, and halved 2 tsp. orange zest ¼ cup coconut nectar, raw honey, or xylitol, or to taste NuNaturals vanilla stevia to taste, optional

NOTES FROM CHEF JEANNETTE Because of the fruit’s natural tartness, most conventional cranberry products are notoriously high in sugar. But if you look a little harder you can find some that are sweetened only with juice—no white sugar. Look for exclusively juice-sweetened dried cranberries, and RW Knudsen makes a terrific juicesweetened cranberry sauce. I love to add a spoonful to my tuna salad to give it a bright and lightly sweet highlight.


Blend all ingredients together in powerful blender or food processor until they form a juicy relish. Transfer to serving dish, and serve at room temperature. PER SERVING: 67 CAL; <1 G PROT; <1 G TOTAL FAT (<1 G SAT FAT); 17 G CARB; 0 MG CHOL; 1 MG SOD; 2 G FIBER; 12 G SUGARS

*Adapted from The Healthiest Comfort Foods on Earth by Jonny Bowden and Jeannette Bessinger

December 2011

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11/2/11 10:11 AM

On sale exlusively at Akin’s Natural Foods Market and Chamberlin’s Natural Foods Market

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is presented as general information and is not meant to replace medical advice. Because persons and circumstances can vary, self treatment may not be right for you. Consult a qualified health care practitioner for advice pertaining to any particular person or case or before beginning any new exercise, diet, or supplementation program. Use products only per label direction.

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11/2/11 1:41 PM

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