Chamberlin's Healthy Edge October 2017

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October 2017

SPICE IT UP! The surprising




health benefits of ginger, turmeric, and saffron BRAIN BOOSTERS

Stay sharp with these essential supplements



plus! 7 Ways to Lower Blood Sugar NATURAL SOLUTIONS FOR TYPE 2 DIABETES HE_Oct17_Cover_JS.indd 2

8/25/17 2:37 PM

Makes 3

Bar Soaps These refreshing soap bars DUH PDGH ZLWK 86'$ FHUWLČ´HG organic ingredients and handcrafted in small batches. Made with a blend of coconut, palm, and vegetable oils to provide soothing PRLVWXUH HDFK EDU LV ORQJ ODVWLQJ DQG HÎ?HFWLYH and leaves you with a healthy clean. Choose from: Unscented Super Shea, Lavender Vanilla, Coriander Ginger Oatmeal or Orange Blossom.


Anti-Aging Skin Care Novacell introduces a line of anti-aging skin care formulated with mung bean extract stem cells, which have been clinically shown to help repair UV damage, increase collagen synthesis, and provide skin protection. The Refreshing Facial Cleanser helps gently clean your skin. The potent Eye Balm helps reduce signs RI DJLQJ VXFK DV FURZV IHHW DQG Č´QH OLQHV around the eyes. The Moisturizing Lotion provides the hydration and nourishment your skin needs. The Night Cream helps even skin tone and improves skin clarity.


Borage Therapy Shampoo & Conditioner 7KHVH HÎ?HFWLYH KDLU FDUH IRUPXODV hydrate dry or damaged hair and nourish irritated or itchy scalp. Borage oil moisturizes the scalp to relieve dryness and irritation, while rooibos extract calms and soothes irritation and itching. These IRUPXODV DUH XOWUD JHQWOH \HW KLJKO\ HÎ?HFWLYH OHDYLQJ hair soft, manageable, and tangle-free.

Hager Pharma

Mirawhite Oxygen Teeth Whitening Pen *HQWOH DQG HÎ?HFWLYH WHHWK ZKLWHQLQJ E\ XS to 5 shades in 7 days. This tooth whitening pen brushes on a peroxide-free whitening gel. It’s perfect for sensitive teeth and gums, and is perfect for touch-ups and on-the-go whitening.

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Nature’s Answer

Melatonin + Essential Oils

This unique complex promotes restful sleep naturally with a blend of melatonin, essential oils, and herbs. It calms and relaxes with lavender and cedarwood essential oils, plus a Phyto-Herbal Complex ZLWK FKDPRPLOH SDVVLRQ ČľRZHU DQG ČľD[VHHG $OO LQ HDV\ to-swallow mini-capsules.


EcoDrink Multivitamin & Bottle The most delicious and easy way to get your essential vitamins and minerals! This refreshing, delicious thirst quencher and excellent nutrient delivery system helps boost the immune system, provide balanced energy without stimulants, aid in muscle recovery, and is loaded with electrolytes to keep you hydrated! No sugar or calories. Just mix with water in \RXU %3$ IUHH UHXVDEOH ERWWOH

Bell Lifestyle

Bladder One for Women Bladder One is formulated with eight herbal extracts to support healthy bladder balance and control.* It is rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants that help cover all dimensions of urinary tract health. This natural supplement solution can help put an end to those sleepless nights.*

Enzymatic Therapy

Sleep Tonight Melatonin Drops These fast absorbing melatonin drops help you fall asleep and stay asleep for D SURGXFWLYH WRPRUURZ 7KLV HÎ?HFWLYH formula contains melatonin to promote restful sleep, L-theanine to promote relaxation, and a EOHQG RI QLJKWWLPH KHUEV ZLWK SDVVLRQČľRZHU DQG OHPRQ EDOP 7KH GHOLFLRXV FKHUU\ ČľDYRU GURSV DUH DOFRKRO free, gluten-free, and great-tasting.

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Organic Coconut Crunch Fresh slices of roasted organic young FRFRQXW ZLWK WDVW\ DGG LQV (DFK VQDFN blend is soy, dairy, and gluten free, and LV D VRXUFH RI GLHWDU\ Č´EHU *UHDW E\ WKH handful, or on top of yogurt, cereal, and GHVVHUWV $YDLODEOH ČľDYRUV Coconut Crunch Pumpkin, 6XQČľRZHU &KLD 6HHGV or &RFRQXW &UXQFK :LOG 5LFH, &UDQEHUULHV 0L[HG 6HHGV.



Me & the Bees

Lemonade with Iced Tea The classic, refreshing combination of ful-lȾDYRU EODFN WHD DQG 0H WKH %HHV /HPRQDGH LV D JUHDW WKLUVW TXHQFKHU 0H WKH %HHV ZDV VWDUWHG E\ \HDU ROG 0LNDLOD 8OPHU ZKR IRXQG her lemonade recipe in her great granny Helen’s 1940’s era cookbook. She loves honey and has devoted her time to educate families about the importance of bees in our ecosystem. A portion RI WKH SURȴWV IURP WKH VDOH RI 0H DQG WKH %HHV OHPRQDGH LV JLYHQ WR RUJDQL]DWLRQV ȴJKWLQJ KDUG to save the honey bees.

Wild Zora


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Mary Ann O’Dell MS,RD

Hyaluronic Acid for Skin & Joints

Hyaluronic acid is a compound naturally found in the tissues throughout the body. The highest concentrations are found in connective tissues such as skin and cartilage, and LQ ČľXLGV LQ WKH MRLQWV :LWK QRUPDO aging, hyaluronic acid levels can decline, DÎ?HFWLQJ ERWK VNLQ DQG MRLQWV Joint Support. Hyaluronic acid is found LQ WKH V\QRYLDO ČľXLG VXUURXQGLQJ WKH MRLQWV ΖW DFWV DV D VKRFN DEVRUEHU DQG OXEULFDQW IRU WKH MRLQWV +\DOXURQLF acid may be helpful for the pain and LQČľDPPDWLRQ DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK DUWKULWLV Skin Support. One of the primary roles of hyaluronic acid is that it attracts and KROGV ZDWHU DFWLQJ DV D VSDFH Č´OOLQJ substance in the human body. This is necessary to keep collagen hydrated and youthful. The skin contains over 50% of the body’s hyaluronic acid, so it is vital for the skin’s structure and maintenance, helping to maintain youthful smooth, elastic skin. Because oral supplements of hyaluronic acid can help the body retain moisture, it may also help relieve skin conditions such as severe dryness, eczema or psoriasis.

Paragon PlusTM

Hyaluronic Acid Extra™ • An important constituent of MRLQW ȾXLG • Acts as a lubricant & plays a role in resisting FRPSUHVVLYH IRUFHV • :LWK PJ RI 060 for additional MRLQW VXSSRUW

8/25/17 2:24 PM

October 2017

features 18 Better Your Brain Whether you’re constantly forgetting where you put the car keys, feeling like you’re walking around in a “mental fog,” or just concerned about staying sharp as you age, these targeted approaches can help address cognitive issues.

22 7 Ways to Lower Blood Sugar

Green Tea Chicken Curry

Without changes in diet and exercise habits, it’s estimated that one in three Americans will develop type 2 diabetes. The good news is that most cases can be prevented with these drug-free strategies.

p. 32 departments NEWS FLASH



Hot Off the Press. The latest word on natural health.



The Tree of Life. Trendy superfood baobab has been feeding and healing people for centuries.

Bladder Control. It’s not a comfortable subject to talk about, but these targeted botanicals can help.





Preventing Cancer. A few simple lifestyle changes can help reduce your risk.


The potent health benefits of yellow spices, including ginger, saffron, and turmeric.



Gentle, effective natural strategies that help keep symptoms under control.



The best supplements to support your eyes.


Don’t Panic. Safe, gentle relief for symptoms of PTSD and panic attacks.






How medicinal mushrooms can boost immunity and keep you well this winter.


Best Face Forward. Inside-out solutions for beautiful hair, skin, and nails.



Milkin’ It. These simple DIY “milk” recipes make kicking the dairy habit a breeze.



Time for Tea. Take full advantage of green tea’s health benefits with these creative ideas.

October 2017

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8/25/17 2:44 PM


GET THE PROBIOTIC FOR PETS TODAY. Probiotics may help if your pet is suffering from: • Poor Immunity • Gas, Constipation, Diarrhea • Rashes and Itching • Vomiting • Bad Breath

Available at fine retailers everywhere


Brenda Watson

Founder of Vital Planet with Bear the German Shepherd

Brenda Watson’s



Hi, I’m Brenda Watson, I’ve spent over 25 years formulating the highest quality probiotics for humans. Now I’m focused on bringing the same benefits to your pets - because after all, they are part of your family.

- Brenda Watson

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7/26/17 12:07 PM

editor’s letter Sugar & Spice Sugar and spice and everything nice—or so the old rhyme goes. As it turns out, they got it half right. Sugar is anything but nice, especially the refined white stuff and its cousin high-fructose corn syrup. It hides in everything from our bread to our condiments to our “diet” sodas, and our overconsumption of the sweet stuff has led to an explosion of health problems—most prominently, the increasing incidence of type 2 diabetes. Luckily, there are natural ways to kick the sugar habit and prevent or treat this insidious disease. See “7 Ways to Lower Blood Sugar,” (p. 22), for more. Spice, on the other hand, definitely is nice—especially the herbs from which many of our common kitchen spices are derived. Not only do these beneficial botanicals convey flavor to our food, but they also feature a host of health benefits. “Golden Spices for Optimum Health,” (p. 16), highlights three of the best: ginger, saffron, and turmeric. From aiding digestion to protecting against Alzheimer’s disease, these spices make a potent addition to any wellness arsenal. For an easy way to get more of these beneficial botanicals into your diet, turn to “Time for Tea,” on p. 32. Our “Green Tea Chicken Curry” recipe combines ginger and turmeric-infused curry spice with antioxidant green tea to create a flavorful dish that’s packed with health benefits. Jerry Shaver Executive Editor Have a question or comment? Email us at


Editorial Director Nicole Brechka Executive Editor Jerry Shaver Copy Editors Ann Nix and Elizabeth Fisher Beauty Editor Sherrie Strausfogel Research Editor Sam Russo, ND, LAc Contributing Editors Helen Gray and Vera Tweed Graphic Designers Cynthia Lyons and Mark Stokes Cover Design Rachel Joyosa Production Director Cynthia Lyons Production Manager Mark Stokes

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October 2017

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8/25/17 2:42 PM

Now, Solgar unlocks the power of curcumin like never before.


©2017 Solgar, Inc.

More active. 185 times better bioavailability. Faster absorbed.


That’s the difference with Solgar ® Full Spectrum Curcumin. For the first time, Solgar transforms poorly absorbed curcumin from a fat-soluble to a water-soluble phytonutrient… making it immediately body-ready, faster absorbed, more active, and more bioavailable than ever before. 9 Solgar ® Full Spectrum Curcumin is so advanced, just 40 mg of curcumin in one softgel delivers the equivalency of nearly 75 (100 mg) capsules of standardized curcumin extract. Even more, in a recent clinical study, Solgar ® Full Spectrum Curcumin was shown to be longer lasting so it stays in your system for a full 24 hours. 9 Now, for brain, joint, and immune health – Solgar changes what you believed was possible from curcumin… forever. Solgar ® Full Spectrum Curcumin… one softgel, once a day–185X better. 9*

The complete line of Solgar nutritional supplements is available at fine health food retailers worldwide. For store locations and additional information, visit or call 1.800.645.2246 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 9

Compared to native curcumin extract.

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7/26/17 12:16 PM

newsflash Best Form of Vitamin B6

fiery pepper extract BOOSTS METABOLISM Resting energy expenditure— the energy it takes simply to keep our bodies alive—burns up to 60 percent of our total daily calories. A hot pepper extract, called Capsimax, can increase that rate enough to burn as many as 116 extra calories daily, according to a study of 40 healthy women and men, published in the journal Obesity Open Access. Without any other changes in diet or activity, burning those extra calories would theoretically produce nearly one pound of fat loss per month. Capsimax contains a patented form of capsaicinoids, considered to be the key metabolism-boosting component of hot peppers, and is an ingredient in numerous brands of supplements. The study used a dose of 100 mg of Capsimax daily.

Vitamin B6 is essential for more than 100 different enzyme functions in the human body, but not all types of B6 in supplements work in the same way. Pyridoxine, a common form added to foods and supplements, is an inactive form that must be converted in our bodies to an active form, pyridoxal-5-phosphate (P5P), but that process can backfire. Scientists in The Netherlands have discovered that taking inactive pyridoxine can inhibit the active form and induce deficiency symptoms, which can include nerve and skin problems, cracks around the mouth, confusion, depression, and a weakened immune system. The P5P form is available in many supplements, including some multivitamins.

STAY SMART WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE Next time you need to concentrate on a task, try leaving your smartphone in another room. That’s the take-away from a study of nearly 800 smartphone users at The University of Texas at Austin, which found that when they’re nearby, smartphones cause “brain drain,” making us less able to focus and efficiently perform mental tasks. Those in the study took computer tests, which required full concentration, with their smartphones either within easy reach, or in another room. Even though the phones were all set to silent or turned off, having them on the desk (worst) or in a pocket or bag (next worst) resulted in lower scores than when the phones were in another room. “It’s not that participants were distracted because they were getting notifications on their phones,” said researcher Adrian Ward, PhD; “The mere presence of their smartphone was enough to reduce their cognitive capacity.”

Burnt Out? Try Rhodiola It’s easy to get burnt out with work and family demands, but rhodiola can bring relief, according to a study published in the journal Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. An adaptogenic herb, rhodiola helps reduce the effects of stress on the human body. People in the study took 200 mg of a proprietary rhodiola extract, WS 1375, once before breakfast and again before dinner, and most began to experience improvement within a week, including less exhaustion or fatigue, and an improved outlook and mood.


Are You a Foodie? Once upon a time, being a “foodie” meant having gourmet tastes for rich, exotic food and wine, but things are changing, according to the latest Food and Health Survey by the International Food Information Council Foundation. To see if you’re one of today’s “new” foodies, ask yourself:

* Is the quality of your food more important than convenience and cost? * Do you avoid artificial ingredients and additives? * Do you look for food that is minimally processed, or not processed at all? * Do you know which foods are healthy for you? If you mostly answered “yes,” you’re in!

October 2017

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8/24/17 2:53 PM





MODERN SUPERFOOD It’s time to start experiencing the beneďŹ ts of bone broth without the time it takes to make at home or the expense to buy it prepackaged. Introducing Bone Broth Protein™ – a breakthrough i p in protein ro ote ein n ssupplementation up u ppllem e e en nta t ti t on tthat h delivers the beneďŹ ts of bone b br broth oth ot h iin na an ne ea easy-to-mix, asy y-ttoo-m mix, mi x, c convenient o ve on e and on-the-go form.


5 BIG BENEFITS 1. Saves You Time 2. Saves You Money 3. Packed with 20g Protein + Bone Broth Co-Factors 4. Whole Food Supplemental Protein 5. Diet, Paleo and Gut Friendly

Other Delicious and Functional Flavors Available

WWW.ANCIENT WWW.ANCIENTNUTRITION.COM †These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administrat Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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7/26/17 12:20 PM

supplement advisor

By Vera Tweed

the tree of life Baobab has become a hot superfood, but in its native Africa, the tree has been feeding and healing people for centuries


he baobab tree is an incredibly resilient survivor. Despite its native environment being very hot, dry savannas of Africa, a single tree may live for 500 years or more, and its size dominates the barren landscape. The trunk rises 90 feet or more and has a diameter as large as 60 feet. Called “the tree of life,” it not only outlives environmental challenges, but also helps support humans in its vicinity. The massive trunk can provide protection, and the leaves, bark, seeds, and fruit have a long tradition of being used as food and medicine.

How It Feeds Baobab fruit grows in pods and has a tart, sweet taste. The fruit, a white pulp, dries naturally while the pods are still hanging from the tree. Once the pods are picked and broken open, the pulp is taken out and made into a powder that can easily be packaged and transported. Although some powders are sterilized or otherwise processed, the natural, raw powder is also available. And it’s worth seeking out. Dried baobab fruit powder is rich in antioxidants, especially vitamin C; it’s high in potassium; and it contains good amounts of calcium, magnesium, and protein. It’s also rich in fiber, which makes up about half of each serving. The fiber acts as a prebiotic, helping to maintain healthy bacteria in the gut. A British study, published in Nutrition Research, found that baobab fruit powder, mixed in water or baked into white bread, slowed the absorption of starchy food. This reduces spikes and crashes in blood sugar and energy. Researchers believe the fruit may block enzymes that break down starch and sugar, in addition to slowing absorption with its fiber content. 8

How It Heals Scientists around the world have been analyzing the properties of the baobab tree for more than 100 years. The seeds contain an oil that, when used topically, is beneficial for the skin. The edible fruit that is widely available as a powdered supplement has been shown to be rich in antioxidants, and boasts anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties. It’s also a potent pain reliever and has been used traditionally to treat diarrhea and reduce fever. In fact, baobab has historically been used to treat dysentery, a life-threatening form of diarrhea, and fever associated with malaria. More recently, an animal study found that a freeze-dried form of the fruit and seeds can protect the liver against damage from a toxic solvent used in fire extinguishers and dry cleaning.

• Baked into bread, muffins, brownies, cakes, or cookies • Mixed into yogurt, ice cream, or other desserts • Blended into sauces or soups • Sprinkled on popcorn Baobab fruit powder is available by itself, and as an ingredient in plant-based protein powders, nutritional or energyenhancing powders, and fruit chews. It can also be found in nutrition bars or other foods. Baobab fruit is non-GMO and doesn’t contain gluten.

did you know... The Tree of Life in The Lion King is a baobab tree.

Helping the Planet Companies that make baobab products available in the United States often work to empower local communities in Africa. This includes paying sustainable wages to those who harvest the fruit and protecting the trees, for sustainability of both people and planet.

How to Benefit Baobab oil, made by pressing seeds, is a moisturizer and skin soother. Nutritious baobab fruit powder works well in: • Smoothies • Mixed with cold or hot water and, optionally, lemon • Stirred into coconut water • Mixed into other drinks, cold or hot • Sprinkled on oatmeal, cold cereal, pancakes, or waffles • Sprinkled on fresh fruit • Blended into salad dressings

Garden of Life RAW Fit Weight Loss Shake with Baobab Flora Blood Orange Baobites

Baobest Pomegranate Bao Bites Superfruit Chews

October 2017

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8/25/17 3:17 PM

Natural, Effective, and Dentist Recommended Spry Toothpaste, Oral Rinse, and Gum are specially formulated, with xylitol, to work together for all day protection to brighten your smile. #sprysmile

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7/26/17 12:08 PM

herbal advisor

By Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa, DN-C, RH

bladder control Minimize bathroom visits with targeted herbs


re you always scouting out restroom locations when you’re in public? How about ducking social engagements for fear of having an accident? If you’re planning life around your urinary patterns, you probably have a case of overactive bladder (OAB). OAB may result from stretched or weak pelvic muscles, chronic bladder infections, bladder diseases, diabetes, or obesity. Men often feel the need to urinate frequently due to an enlarged prostate, while women tend toward bladder infection and pelvic muscle weakening. About 33 million Americans, both men and women, live with OAB, but the real number is probably much larger because people don’t ask for help or are embarrassed. OAB is marked primarily by a sudden, uncontrollable urge to urinate. Some will experience incontinence frequently and out of the blue. Those with stress urinary incontinence (SUI) experience “leaks” while sneezing, laughing, or exercising. OAB is not a normal part of aging. You shouldn’t need to urinate more than about eight times in 24 hours. Prescription drugs for OAB have side effects including dry mouth, constipation, and dry skin and eyes—and the list goes on. Want to go a more natural route? Several herbal remedies can benefit OAB.

Kingdom. The leaf is anti-inflammatory, so that contributes to its appeal. Use buchu as a tincture. Start with 10 drops three times per day, and increase until you get the desired effect.

Schisandra In Asian herbalism, schisandra berry is a mild general tonic, used to “prolong life without aging.” Schisandra is also one of the premier astringents in Asian herbalism. Astringents tighten membranes, making it ideal for bladder control. It may be especially beneficial for men. A scientific paper in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that schisandra relaxed prostate tissue, which may benefit urine flow. Schisandra berries are sour but mild and actually pretty tasty, so they can be taken as a tea, or even added to soup or broth. They can be used liberally without overwhelming other flavors in food or drink. You may find schisandra in supplement form. The Chinese dose is 10 grams per day.

Ginseng In Chinese natural healing, qi, or vital energy, “preserves the essence,” or keeps liquids inside the body in the proper manner. Excess urination is a sign of qi deficiency, which goes along with general fatigue, low libido, and weak immunity. Qi tonic herbs benefit energy, stamina, immune function, and broadspectrum wellness. Ginseng root is the ultimate qi tonic, and is used in Asia for OAB. Ginseng enhances the conversion of arginine into nitric oxide, which is thought to contribute to relaxation of the bladder muscle. Research supports its use for reduced urination. Start with one gram of ginseng per day, in capsules, and increase by one gram every couple days, until OAB is reduced.

did you know... Schisandra berries are sour but mild, and can be taken as a tea or added to soup or broth.

Buchu Buchu (Barosma betulina) leaf is the go-to remedy for bladder health in South Africa. Buchu has been widely used in North America for at least 130 years, where it has been a foundation therapy for bladder complaints, but its use as a healing herb in Europe goes back to the 1650s, when Dutch settlers introduced it into the herb field in the United 10

October 2017

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8/23/17 9:20 AM

THE PROBIOTIC FOR WOMEN Clinically Documented Probiotic Strains That Promote Healthy Vaginal Microflora and Urinary Tract Health* Jarro-Dophilus ® Women contains the four predominant Lactobacilli strains of the healthy vaginal tract.* L. crispatus LbV 88 All four strains were isolated from the vaginal L. jensenii LbV 116 tracts of healthy pregnant L. gasseri LbV 150N women and have been clinically tested for efficacy L. rhamnosus LbV 96 in helping to maintain protective, healthy vaginal microflora and urinary tract health.*


When it comes to choosing effective probiotics, clinically documented strains matter.™ Choose science. Choose Jarro-Dophilus® probiotics.

Jarro-Dophilus® Women contains the clinically tested Astarte® strains which are protected by U.S. Patent 8,846,027 and European Patent 2,509,610. Astarte® is owned by HSO Health Care GmbH, Vienna, Austria, and licensed in the U.S. din ing. to Jarrow Formulas, Inc. Other international patents pending.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Visit us at for more product information.

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7/26/17 2:07 PM

healing edge

By Avghi Constantinides, DHom

don’t panic The homeopathic medicine of choice for anxiety, trauma, panic attacks, and even PTSD is Aconitum napellus


esley came to see me about 15 years ago. She was in her early 20s and said that she felt “frozen” in her life. While she managed to get up and go to work every day, she had little motivation to do much else—she’d stopped going to the gym; avoided family, friends, and visitors; and steered clear of restaurants and other social places. She felt like the world was closing in on her. It was obvious that her fears and anxieties were preventing her from living a full life. The feelings started in childhood, she said. Her parents had left her alone in the house one day at around age 6 or 7, and that was her first experience with anxiety. The anxiety worsened as she got older, leading to heart palpitations and numerous gastrointestinal symptoms. Aconitum napellus (also called aconite or monk’s hood) is the homeopathic remedy I prescribed to Lesley. After a few doses, she started going back to the gym. She also went to a restaurant for the first time in months and even got together with family members. She described the transformation as akin to “being let out of a cage and getting a life back—one that I never knew I had.” Her lifelong struggle with panic attacks and anxiety seemed to melt away.

Common Problem Lesley’s story is all-too-common in today’s world. In recent years, I’ve seen more patients struggling with panic attacks, anxiety, and stress than ever before. This includes young people returning from the wars in the Middle East who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Aconite is an especially useful remedy for people with PTSD and/or anxiety resulting from a shock or trauma. This remedy also works well in emergency situations and acute disorders. Aconite is the ideal remedy for sudden-onset symptoms—after an unexpected event such as an earthquake or car accident. You may feel unbalanced. And while you may normally be a calm person, you feel panicked, 12

nervous, and restless after the trauma. Fears can mushroom if not treated and may manifest as being afraid to leave your home, drive on the freeways, or even cross the street. People who respond well to aconite feel worse when exposed to wind, wetness, direct sunlight, and extremes in temperature, as well as with use of alcohol, stimulants, and/or tobacco smoke. They feel better in open air, after sweating, and after a good night’s sleep.

Aconite Dosage Guidelines For a smaller trauma, I usually suggest starting with a low dose. Increase the potency the greater the trauma. Use the pellet form. Dosages, from weakest to strongest: >12c >30c >200c >1M >10M

WHEN TO USE ACONITE If you experience any of the following symptoms associated with a shocking event, trauma, or PTSD, aconite may help: > Symptoms that come on suddenly and are intense; they may also be triggered by cold, wet, windy conditions > Claustrophobia, agoraphobia, and other phobic states > Acute anxiety or panic following a fright > Attacks of panic and fear; feeling instantly reactive to people and situations > Fears, including fear of death, fear of other people, and fear that something bad will happen to you or others > Physical or mental restlessness > Sensitivity to atmospheric changes > Palpitations > Pain described as severe, unbearable, burning, stinging, cutting, or stabbing > Pains accompanied by numbness and tingling > Easily startled by noise > Low threshold for pain > Hot, sweaty palms > Face feels hot; red cheeks; sudden hot flashes > Weak limbs

October 2017

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8/25/17 2:41 PM

Blood Sugar Balance




Sucontral D, powered by a time-tested herb, Hintonia latiflora, is the safe, effective way to keep your glucose levels on track. Scientists have discovered a unique compound in Hintonia that powerfully supports healthy blood sugar balance—validated by over 60 years of research in Germany.*†

rve For support of healthy ne fingers function in feet, legs, and rves™!* —get Healthy Feet & Ne MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE †Supports healthy levels already within normal range. *THESE STATEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. THESE PRODUCTS ARE NOT INTENDED TO DIAGNOSE, TREAT, CURE OR PREVENT ANY DISEASE.

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7/26/17 12:06 PM

expert’s corner

preventing cancer A few simple lifestyle changes can help significantly decrease your chances of developing many of the most common forms of this terrible disease


It seems like we’re not winning the war on cancer. Why not? —Retha T., Little Rock, Ark.

To put it simply, because the world is increasingly polluted. The top five most deadly cancers are all caused by this pollution to some degree: lung/bronchial (because the air is polluted, even if we don’t smoke), colon/rectal (because our soil, and thus our food, is polluted), breast (because so many drugs and plastics that get into our water supply provoke estrogen excess), pancreatic (because we have way too much sugar in our lives) and prostate/ovary (because the plastics and drugs in our water are hormone stimulators). To decrease our chances of developing these cancers, we have to be smart and make good choices every day. As the Optimum Health Institute ( reminds clients, “The way you live your day is the way you live your life.” So make good food choices today. Drink enough water today. Get enough sleep today. And adopt some of these prevention strategies for common types of cancer.


Lung/bronchial cancer. Do everything you can to protect your lungs from pollution. If you smoke, stop. If you commute more than a few miles daily, consider installing some kind of filtration device (HEPA) in your car. If you’re vulnerable to bronchial infection after flying, wear a mask. I like the lightweight silk ones from The lungs also need lots of moisture, so drink plenty of water and a little kombucha every day. Colorectal cancer. Eat organic and farm-to-table whenever possible, and eliminate foods from your diet that are destructive to the gastrointestinal tract. Don’t eat anything fried at high heat, especially with poor-quality oils, and most especially with poor-quality oils that are continuously reheated (think fries and donuts). Also avoid high-fructose corn syrup. If you see this ingredient on a food label, put that product back on the shelf and look for something else. We can collectively force the food industry to stop foisting this toxin upon us if we simply remove the demand. You’ll find that the longer you avoid junk food, the nastier it tastes.

healthy choices A good diet and regular exercise support the immune system in its fight against cancer.

Breast cancer can be especially aggressive in younger women who are still menstruating because it is usually estrogen-driven. Be cautious about using hormones. Eat less (or no) red meat. And cut back on sugar as much as you can. Sugar depresses the immune system—1 tablespoon of sugar depresses the immune system (white blood cell function) 14

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By Emily A. Kane, ND, LAc

by 50 percent for 2–4 hours after ingestion, according to research. While much of our energy is made from glucose, spikes of blood sugar are the enemy of health and well-being. Spikes of blood sugar make us store the extra fuel as fat. Excess body fat allows for toxin storage. To help prevent breast cancer, try brushing your breasts every day with a soft, dry brush to stimulate lymphatic drainage. In terms of screening, the latest guidelines vary. I think a baseline mammogram around age 40 is reasonable. A woman’s breast tissue changes with nursing and with menopause, so you may need a second baseline after you’re no longer nursing or menstruating. And remember that, contrary to popular belief, mammography does nothing to prevent breast cancer. Pancreatic cancer has risen dramatically in the past 50 years, and this is, in part, likely tied to the enormous increase in sugar consumption. The pancreas secretes not only digestive enzymes, but also insulin, the agent responsible for getting sugar from the bloodstream into our cells, where it can

be converted to energy (ATP). Insulin is a growth hormone that can stimulate the growth of cancer, so the single most important way to avoid pancreatic cancer is to avoid high-carb binging— and this includes binging on alcohol— and the body’s resulting overproduction of insulin. A little alcohol, like a little caffeine and even a little sugar, is fine. In fact, these ingredients combine to make kombucha, one of the healthiest fermented drinks in the world. But don’t go overboard. Your health is much more important than a cinnamon roll or a fancy cocktail. Prostate and ovarian cancer. These killer diseases are prevalent, in part, because of the hormone-disrupting toxins found throughout our environment. Have you ever been taken aback by the chemical smell in the cleaning supplies aisle of a big-box store? That’s the smell of fake perfumes and plasticizers with names such as bisphenol-A and phthalates. These volatile agents can provoke hormonal changes in the body. Think boys growing breasts, girls having irregular menses or extreme

PMS, infertility in both men and women, and ultimately cancer of the reproductive organs. Unfortunately, neither the PSA test nor the CA125 test (for prostate and ovarian cancers) are reliable. Having an immediate family relative who has had a hormonal cancer makes you higher-risk. However, you can absolutely lower your risk by avoiding all types of plastic, as well as fake perfumes, whenever possible. Finally, remember that cancer starts when just one cell—and it can be almost any cell in the body—goes bad, mutates, and proliferates out of control. But cells go bad all the time. In a healthy person, the immune system tags the bad cell, digests it, and expels it. When cancer takes hold, it is really more a failure of our immune system than anything else. So the best strategy for preventing all types of cancer is to keep your immune system healthy. And that recipe really is very basic: eat a healthy diet, exercise daily, get enough sleep, drink enough water, maintain a positive attitude, and be consistent with these lifestyle choices. Choose wisely, and live those healthy choices every day.

TOP SUPPLEMENTS TO PROTECT AGAINST BREAST CANCER When breast cancer awareness events occur every fall, we don’t hear much about the power of supplements to protect against the disease, but we should. “There are quite a few things that have been shown to reduce incidence of breast cancer,” says Christine Horner, MD, author of Waking the Warrior Goddess: Dr. Christine Horner’s Program to Protect Against & Fight Breast Cancer. “These are the most powerful ones,” she says. Turmeric and Green Tea Both have multiple anticancer properties, and they enhance each other. When taken together, says Horner, “Green tea will enhance the anticancer effect of turmeric by three times, and turmeric enhances the anticancer effect of green tea by eight times.” Take: 1,000 mg of turmeric root extract and 500 mg of green tea leaf extract. AHCC Short for active hexose-correlated compound, AHCC is a bioavailable extract of mushrooms. Used as a cancer treatment in Japan, it reduces breast cancer chemo side effects and helps prevent breast and other cancers. “AHCC helps to support every cell type in the immune system and has direct killing effects on cancer cells,” says Horner. Take: 500 mg twice daily. Flax Seed or Lignans Flax seeds are the most powerful food to lower risk. Flax lignans, a component of the seeds, have 12 different anticancer properties and can be taken as a supplement. Take: 3–4 tablespoons daily of ground flax seeds or a flax lignan extract supplement. Vitamin D Optimum levels can cut the risk of breast cancer in half, says Horner. Take: Use a test kit from to determine your personal needs.

To help prevent lung cancer, keep your lungs hydrated by drinking plenty of water and a little kombucha every day.

The Healthy Edge

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8/25/17 2:39 PM

Golden Spices for Optimum Health BY MARY ANN O’DELL, MS, RDN SPICES HAVE RECEIVED A LOT OF ATTENTION AS THEIR THERAPEUTIC USES ADD TO THEIR CULINARY USES. In this article, we take a closer look at three golden yellow spices and their potential benefits beyond the palate. Ginger: Ginger is beloved by many for its tummy-taming properties. It’s a tonic herb for the digestive system that has been shown to help improve digestion. It also has a protective effect against stress-induced ulcers, and it was found to be more effective than medications for various forms of nausea—from motion sickness to morning sickness. Ginger has also been used as a natural anti-inflammatory agent, improving circulation, reducing inflammation, and soothing pain associated with arthritis, headaches, and menstrual cycles. Coming in to winter, ginger is a warming spice that can bring comfort when symptoms of a cold appear.

for the yellow color of turmeric, is the active compound of turmeric and has become the object of research because of its beneficial actions in the body. Curcumin is a potent antioxidant, protecting cells from free radical damage. Studies show that turmeric may prevent and slow the progression of Alzheimer’s by reducing amyloid plaque buildup in the brain. Research also shows that the curcumin in turmeric helps reduce joint inflammation by acting as a natural COX-2 inhibitor.

Saffron: This exotic spice is known for its distinct color and flavor, but also has a long history of medicinal use in Eastern and Western medicine. Saffron has been used as an aid to control appetite, with studies showing that people who took saffron snacked less and lost more weight. It seems to be especially helpful for emotional overeating. In addition to appetite, studies have shown saffron may be helpful in reducing symptoms of mild depression, boosting mood, and even in slowing cognitive decline. Turmeric: Most people know turmeric as the main ingredient of curry powder, used to flavor traditional Indian dishes. Curcumin, responsible


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Super Sprout

Turmeric Extract

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Potent antioxidant.* Supports healthy joint function.* Guaranteed potency extract with 95% curcumin.

May support mood and fight stress.* May assist in maintaining cholesterol levels already within a normal range.* With Saffr’Activ saffron.


Ginger may help reduce nausea and motion sickness.* May be useful in reducing pain and stiffness.* 100% pure with no fillers.

October 2017

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Edible Defenses: Medicinal Mushrooms


BY MARY ANN O’DELL, MS, RDN MUSHROOMS ARE POPULAR INGREDIENTS IN THE CULINARY WORLD, but they’re also gaining status in the world of medicine. Edible mushrooms, including chaga, turkey tail, and reishi have known therapeutic benefits in the body related to the immune system. Mushrooms are rich in polysaccharides called glucans, which have the ability to enhance natural killer (NK) cell activity. NK cells are part of the immune system that can control some types of tumors and microbial infections. The beauty of mushrooms is that they can be used on a daily basis to promote and support immunity. In addition to immune benefits, mushrooms provide a host of nutrients, including protein, vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, and fiber. Here are just a few of the many medicinal mushrooms and their specific benefits.

Can a diffuser in my dorm room help me with my studies?


The diffuser itself won’t do it, but certain essential oils used in the diffuser can certainly help! Diffusing certain essential oils into the air can help create an environment that enhances focus and concentration . . . plus it just smells good. Here are some essential oils that have been shown to help with concentration, fatigue, memory, and focus:

Turkey Tail: A study found that breast cancer patients who consumed turkey tail had improved immune reactions, suggesting that turkey tail may be an effective adjunct to conventional chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Plus, turkey tail supports digestive health with its prebiotic fiber.

• Rosemary—This stimulating scent is the most popular essential oil for boosting concentration.

Cordyceps: In addition to immune benefits, cordyceps is the world’s most researched mushroom for increasing stamina and endurance. It is classified as an adaptogen, which is a substance that normalizes the stress response in the body.

• Eucalyptus—This refreshing oil rejuvenates your senses and your mind, helping to fight fatigue and enhance focus.

Chaga: This woody mushroom has a long history of use in Russia. In addition to immune-stimulating properties, Chaga also acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Perhaps most notably, it can be used to ease symptoms of psoriasis. One study found that all patients using chaga had remarkable improvement in the condition.

• Basil—This sweet aroma is ideal for mental fatigue, and can also help fight headaches. • Black Pepper—This pungent aroma is regarded for its ability to help increase alertness and concentration.

Reishi: Called the “mushroom of immortality,” reishi plays many roles in optimal health and longevity. It is a potent immune stimulator and may fight viral infections. Reishi also promotes respiratory health, with research showing it has anti-inflammatory activity that may play a beneficial role in allergies and bronchitis.

Here’s a tip: Combine these oils with a carrier oil and dab them on your wrist or temples before you head off to an exam.


Host Defense


Medicinal Mushrooms Drink Mix

MycoShield Spray Licorice Root

Study Buddy Essential Oil Blend

Stress and immune support.* Fermented whole food nutrition with six mushrooms. Organic citrus flavor.

Immune support.* Combines five powerful organic mushrooms for a “shield” of support.* Perfect traveler’s size.

100% pure essential oil blend. Made with oils known to boost brain activity and concentration. Includes rosemary, basil, clove, black pepper, and eucalyptus.

The Healthy Edge

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n i a WOMEN’S r b HEALTH


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We think of depression as causing emotional problems, but studies show it may also result in significant cognitive dysfunction, including deficits in attention, learning, memory, problem-solving ability, and processing speed. Cognitive effects may be secondary to the emotional component of depression—if you’re depressed, you may be less motivated to perform well on tasks, for example. But cognitive symptoms often remain after depression has been treated. This suggests that structural changes in the brain may account for cognitive dysfunction in people with severe depression or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). h Better your brain. Nutritional supplements can help brain function in people with mild to moderate otanicals Brain oB yc depression. Some M of the best are omega-3 fatty acids, gotu kola, vitamin D, acetyl-lcarnitine, SAMe, and lion’s mane, a Host Defe



causes—and it’s important to know what’s causing your memory lapses and mental fog before you can treat them. Here, some common causes of cognitive dysfunction, with targeted treatments for each.

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feeling drained? Bissuesrain Common cognitive can have multiple



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What’s causing your memory lapses and mental fog? Try these targeted approaches to the most common causes of cognitive issues

medicinal mushroom. In particular, lion’s mane was shown in one study to ease recurrent depressive disorder. Exercise is also critical. It stimulates the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which promotes the growth and connectivity of new brain cells.

Blood-sugar imbalances.


Kyolic Blood



Unlike other organs and muscles, the brain relies almost exclusively on glucose for fuel, e so it’s especially lanc Ba r a sensitive to fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Dips in blood glucose levels can have effects on cognitive function, including memory, attention, learning, and the ability to perform tasks. High blood sugar is also detrimental to brain function—studies show that chronically elevated blood glucose has a negative effect on memory, even at levels below the definition for diabetes or prediabetes. h Better your brain. Keep your blood sugar levels steady by eating more complex carbs such as beans, sweet potatoes, and other vegetables, and minimize your intake of sugar and flour. Combine carbs with protein and healthy fats, which help the body maintain consistent blood sugar levels. Protein also helps the liver produce glucagon, which further slows and regulates the absorption of glucose. Also, consider adding a combination supplement for blood sugar health. k

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common during menopause. In one study, 60 percent of menopausal women reported forgetfulness, memory problems, and difficulty concentrating. The reason? Declining levels of estrogen impact brain chemistry, including serotonin, dopamine, and GABA, neurotransmitters that affect thinking, memory, and mood. Additionally, stress during menopause can affect cortisol levels, causing insomnia and further exacerbating cognitive function. h Better your brain. Simple hormonebalancing strategies can improve brain deficits related to menopause. Work with a skilled naturopath, or try hormonebalancing supplements such as red clover, wild yam, or a combination formula. To reduce stress, try yoga, tai chi, deep breathing, and regular Sola ray meditation. Also A consider adding an anti-stress supplement to your regimen.


Menopause. Brain drain is especially

Chronic pain. Ongoing discomfort can cause foggy thinking, impaired memory, and mood disorders such as anxiety and depression. One reason: painrelated negative emotions and stress impact cognitive functioning, regardless of pain intensity. And it’s not just that pain is emotionally disturbing. Studies suggest that chronic pain is linked with impaired function of the hippocampus, the part of the brain that’s critical for memory, learning, and mood. h Better your brain. Alternative medicine, especially acupuncture, can be The Healthy Edge

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better your brain cont. allergies) include bioflavonoids, vitamin C, pantothenic acid, and digestive enzymes, particularly those that are designed to target food allergies.

n Plus H



Sleep disturbances. Insomnia can cause alterations in attention and memory, and can impact cognitive function over the long term—not just the day after you lose sleep. Other sleep disturbances, such as sleep apnea—a common but potentially devastating condition in which breathing stops briefly and frequently throughout the night—are linked with memory loss and dementia. And other sleep issues, such as restless leg syndrome or nightmares, can also impair cognitive function. h Better your brain. Start with good sleep hygiene: make sure your bedroom is dark, avoid caffeine, and don’t eat before bed. Herbs and t Res -Z supplements such as E l melatonin, valerian, and chamomile can help soothe you to sleep. If you snore loudly or awaken with a dry mouth or headache, get tested for sleep apnea. Because the condition is associated with heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes, it’s important to diagnose and treat it as soon as possible—not just for cognitive function, but for overall health.

Ginkgo’s Many Gifts Few herbs are as popular, well researched—or old—as Ginkgo biloba. The roots of the ginkgo tree, noted for its beautiful, fan-shaped leaves, can be traced back some 270 million years. And while ginkgo is native to China, the herb’s name is thought to be a misspelling of the Japanese word gin kyo, or “silver apricot.” Ginkgo works in several ways to help enhance cognition, concentration, and memory: It helps increase blood flow to the brain; it helps kill free radicals, which are associated with mental decline; and it helps to protect brain cells from early death. In one review of 29 double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials, researchers found that the long-term use of ginkgo improves selective attention, some executive processes, and long-term verbal and nonverbal memory. But the health benefits of ginkgo go way beyond improving memory and cognitive function, says Mary Bove, ND, an expert in herbal medicine. In fact, Bove says that ginkgo can be used “for whole-body wellness.” She has used ginkgo with great results to treat poor circulation, tinnitus, peripheral neuropathy, and depression. Some research shows that ginkgo works synergistically with turmeric and bilberry, helping to block amyloid plaque formation (which is associated with memory disorders).



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Substance abuse. Alcohol and recreational drug use can cause significant cognitive dysfunction—and it’s not by killing brain cells, as we once believed. Studies suggest heavy drinking makes brain cells release steroids that block long-term memories, a process called long-term potentiation (LTP). This is the phenomenon that’s responsible for blackouts, or periods of memory loss during heavy drinking. Over time, heavy drinking can cause serious changes in the brain, either from the direct effects of alcohol on the brain or indirectly, from liver disease or nutritional deficits. h Better your brain. Don’t drink every day. Try taking a break for several days, and see how you react. Find alternative ways to deal with stress, and if you think you have a serious problem with alcohol or drugs, get help immediately. Talk to your physician, contact a local detox center, or find a 12-step program in your area.

Food sensitivities. Undiagnosed food allergies, intolerances, and/or sensitivities can have an impact on cognitive function, from mental fogginess and confusion to ongoing memory problems, impaired learning, and mood swings. An increasingly common one, gluten sensitivity, has been linked with higher levels of cytokines, inflammatory chemicals that damage brain function. Other studies show that a gluten-free diet can significantly improve symptoms of ADHD in gluten-sensitive kids. And sensitivities to other foods may have GlutenE edica ase similar cognitive ym z n effects. h Better your brain. If you have unexplained memory problems, fuzzy thinking, or other cognitive impairments, and suspect that you may have a food allergy or sensitivity, get tested. An IgE ELISA or RAST test and skin testing can diagnose true food allergies; an elimination diet is best for pinpointing sensitivities or intolerances. The easiest way is to eliminate the most common allergens—wheat, gluten, dairy, soy, nuts, eggs, corn, and fish—from your diet and see how your body reacts. Supplements that can help improve your body’s ability to tolerate food sensitivities (not food E

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extremely effective in in treating chronic pain. cum Yoga, massage, and biofeedback have also been shown to lessen chronic pain. Some supplements that can help: turmeric, or cucumin, an extract of turmeric; glucosamine; chondroitin; MSM; SAMe; devil’s claw; and topical capsaicin.

October 2017

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Power Your Brain

Kyolic® Brain Energy is a proprietary blend of well-researched herbs and nutrients shown in numerous studies to support healthy memory and cognition. • Aged Garlic Extract is a powerful antioxidant that studies suggest improves learning deficits and prevents brain shrinkage.* • Citicoline improves concentration, working memory, and sustained attention by supporting cellular energy and healthy brain cell membranes.* • Bacopa has been shown to boost cerebral blood flow and markedly improve cognition.* • Vitamin K1 and Folic Acid may also support healthy brain structure and function.*

Kyolic Brain Energy – The Smarter Choice for Better Brainpower (800) 421.2998 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Drug-free strategies to prevent and treat type 2 diabetes BY VERA TWEED


he Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that without changes in diet and exercise habits, one in three Americans will develop type 2 diabetes. The good news is that most cases can be prevented. The disease used to be called adult-onset diabetes because it was rare among people under age 30. But the name was changed as incidence soared among younger people during the past two decades. The Healthy Edge

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7 WAYS TO LOWER BLOOD SUGAR cont. What It Is Type 2 diabetes is an inability of the body to use insulin, the hormone that manages levels of blood sugar. As a result, levels of blood sugar become chronically elevated, a stage called prediabetes. When levels of blood sugar reach even higher levels, the condition becomes fullblown diabetes.


29.1 million 86 million

Americans have diabetes.

have prediabetes

but 9 out of 10 are unaware of the condition.

What Can Be Done According to the CDC, type 2 diabetes can most often be prevented. A landmark study called the Diabetes Prevention Program, supported by the National Institutes of Health and published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2002, compared the effects of diet and exercise with a commonly used diabetes drug (metformin), among more than 3,200 people who were overweight and had prediabetes. Compared to a placebo: Adults following a diet and exercise

Prediabetes increases risk for heart disease and stroke, as well as diabetes.


Prediabetics who are likely to develop type 2 diabetes within 5 years, without lifestyle changes.

In adults,


of diabetes is type 2.

program reduced risk for diabetes by an average of 58 percent, and among those age 60 and older, by 71 percent. People taking metformin also

reduced their risk of diabetes, but not by as much: by only 31 percent. In addition to lowering blood sugar,

the diet and exercise program produced several additional benefits: reduced blood pressure and other risk factors for heart disease, more so than the medication. Weight loss between 5 and 7 percent

Being overweight doesn’t always lead to diabetes, but it is a major risk factor, and many people with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes are overweight.

Type 1 diabetes, an inability to produce insulin, most often strikes adolescents. Although the causes are not fully known, it is considered an autoimmune disease with genetic roots, and is treated with insulin and diet.

of body weight reduced risk for diabetes in participants. In the years since then, the lessons learned have not been widely put into use, and prediabetes and diabetes continue to prevail. Lowering and keeping blood sugar in a healthy range is the key to avoiding the disease, and lifestyle changes—along with a targeted supplement regimen—can help you do it.


Diabetes increases risk for heart disease; stroke; loss of vision; kidney disease; amputation of toes, feet, or legs; and earlier death.

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Gymnema sylvestre. Research shows that this herb, an ancient diabetes treatment in Ayurveda, lowers blood sugar by increasing production of insulin. The most noticeable effects have occurred among diabetics with the highest levels of blood sugar. Follow label directions, as products vary in strength.

Here are seven strategies to keep diabetes at bay:


Diet and Exercise. The amount of weight lost doesn’t have to be dramatic. As an example, for someone who weighs 200 pounds, a drop of 5–7 percent would mean losing between 10 and 14 pounds. Most people with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes are overweight, and any dietary changes that produce weight loss are likely to lower blood sugar. However, a study comparing low-fat and low-carb diets among type 2 diabetics, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that a low-carb, low-sugar diet produced more stable levels of healthy blood sugar and less need for diabetes medications. As far as exercise goes, a study of people with prediabetes, carried out at Duke University in Durham, N.C., found that brisk walking—a total of 7.5 miles per week, or 1.5 miles per day on 5 days of the week—was more effective than jogging in reducing blood sugar. Other research, at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, found that resistance training can reduce blood-sugar levels after meals in people who have prediabetes.


Sleep. Harvard researchers and others have found that getting too little or too much sleep disrupts blood sugar and contributes to diabetes. Get the amount that’s right for you.

5 A study of type 2 diabetics found that a low-carb, low-sugar diet produced more stable levels of healthy blood sugar than a low-fat diet.


Chromium. Studies show that this mineral can improve blood-sugar levels by increasing insulin sensitivity. It also improves levels of cholesterol and triglycerides without adverse effects. Available as an individual supplement, chromium can also be found in many multivitamins and formulas designed to balance blood sugar. A daily dose of 200 mcg is often recommended.

Aloe. A review of studies published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, found that aloe supplements lowered levels of blood sugar in people with both prediabetes and diabetes. The greatest reductions were seen in people with the highest blood-sugar levels.


Probiotics. A review of studies with more than 600 people, published in the British Journal of Nutrition, found that probiotics lower blood sugar and improve insulin function among diabetics. Take a supplement with a variety of beneficial bacteria.


Maitake Mushroom. This mushroom extract naturally contains alphaglucosidase inhibitors, which block an enzyme that turns starch and sugars into glucose. Many diabetes drugs contain alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, but unlike drugs, maitake does not have side effects.

Caution If you take medication to control blood sugar, work with a health professional before taking anything new.

OTHER HELPFUL SUPPLEMENTS Many nutrients influence blood-sugar and insulin function. Low magnesium levels correlate with higher blood sugar. Cinnamon has been used to treat diabetes. Vanadium, a trace mineral, has been found to reduce the need for insulin among diabetics. And alpha-lipoic acid has been found to reduce peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage) from diabetes, and may also lower blood sugar. Other helpful nutrients for blood-sugar control, found in many high-dose multivitamin and mineral supplements, include vitamin B6, biotin (another B vitamin), vitamin E, quercetin, zinc, and selenium. The Healthy Edge

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8/23/17 9:28 AM

IBS: Get Relief Naturally


IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME (IBS) is a recurring intestinal disorder that causes abdominal pain and discomfort, cramping, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. It is believed that nearly 20 percent of adults in the U.S. have symptoms of IBS, making it one of the most common disorders diagnosed by doctors. While IBS is a long-term condition, the symptoms can be managed and kept under control naturally. Uncover Triggers. Consider what may trigger the symptoms of your IBS. Food allergies or sensitivities can trigger IBS, and it is not uncommon for people with IBS to have undiagnosed gluten sensitivity. Stress, large meals, fatty foods, caffeine, and/or alcohol are also common triggers. Determining what triggers your IBS symptoms can help you better control them. Increase Fiber. A high fiber diet (20–35 grams fiber per day) is recommended to support normal bowel function and help decrease diarrhea. Be sure to include a good portion of this as soluble fiber, the fiber found in oats, psyllium, flaxseeds, and rice. Acacia fiber, a specific soluble fiber, has become popular among those with IBS. Not only has it been shown to help relieve constipation and diarrhea, but it also acts as a prebiotic, helping to promote intestinal balance. With any increase in fiber intake, be sure to drink plenty of pure water. Add Support Supplements. Several nutritional support products can help control symptoms and improve overall health. Because of dietary changes and intestinal difficulties, a good multivitamin is essential for anyone with IBS. Digestive enzymes can support and enhance the digestive process, ensuring food is properly digested and utilized. Enteric coated peppermint oil has an antispasmodic and analgesic action, making it useful and effective when cramping is present. And probiotics are essential since they help to promote balance in the intestinal tract. These steps can help you get control and find relief from irritable bowel syndrome the natural way.

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A medical food for the dietary management of IBS.* Prebiotic fiber. Alleviates diarrhea and constipation.*


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Supports intestinal health, bowel regularity, and immunity.*

With ginger and fennel for their synergistic benefits.*

Free of soy, gluten, and dairy.

Enteric-coated so ingredients will be released in the intestines.

October 2017

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Vision Quest


CATARACTS AND AGE-RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION (AMD) are the two leading causes of blindness and visual impairment among millions of aging Americans. Fortunately, research has shown us that nutrition can impact these conditions as well as the overall health of our eyes. Here are some of the key nutrients and herbs that can help keep your eyes seeing their best.

Bilberries and blueberries are rich in anthocyanins, plant compounds that strengthen the walls of the small capillaries leading into the eye, that promote healthy circulation, and that act as antioxidants to protect against free radical damage to the eyes. Studies have shown that bilberry extract can help enhance ability to focus, fight visual fatigue and support nighttime vision.

Nutrients The Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS), which followed 3,600 adults, found that taking high levels of antioxidants (vitamins A, C, and E) and zinc can reduce the risk of developing advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD) by about 25 percent. Another study found that people consuming plenty of A, C, and E, by eating fruits and vegetables or by taking a supplement, decreased their risk for developing cataracts by 37 percent. Vitamin C is of particular importance because it is the major antioxidant in the lens of the eye.

For optimal eye health, using a combination of different antioxidants often gives the best results. Take care of your eyes and you’ll see the difference later in life!

Carotenes Lutein is a natural carotene found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale. This antioxidant is concentrated in the macula of the eyes. Studies showed that people who supplemented with lutein had a 57 percent lower risk of macular degeneration. Beta carotene, a common carotene found in sweet potatoes and carrots, converts to vitamin A in the body and is essential for healthy eyes. Herbs One of the most well-known herbs for the eyes is bilberry, a cousin to the American blueberry.



Doctor’s Advantage


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Support eye and vision health.* Potent antioxidant protection.* With Lutemax™ 2020 lutein, plus bilberry and blueberry.

Antioxidant protection.* Supports collagen formation.* With added protection from bioflavonoids.

Advanced Eye Shield antioxidants.* Formulated for those who have, or are at high risk for, macular degeneration.* With vitamins A, C, and E, plus zinc.

The Healthy Edge

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8/25/17 2:39 PM

pure beauty

By Jenn Rice

best face forward Discover inside-out solutions for beautiful hair, skin, and nails


an supplements help make your skin more radiant? “Yes,” says Rachael Pontillo, author of Love Your Skin, Love Yourself, who recommends the following:

1. Hyaluronic Acid (HA) While it’s mainly used in topical form, HA can also be found in supplements—which Pontillo prefers—that “bind moisture into the skin at the cellular level.” At the store, read product labels carefully. “You want pharmaceutical-grade hyaluronic acid, which is derived from rooster combs,” says Pontillo. “As unglamorous as that sounds, vegan alternatives made from sugar beets are typically GMO and only cosmetic grade, which isn’t the quality you’d want for internal supplementation.”

2. Biotin This B vitamin supports the production of keratin—a key building block of hair, skin, and nails. It is most commonly used as a supplement, and is best known for strengthening brittle nails and stimulating hair growth. “I always recommend people buy the best quality supplements possible from companies that ethically source and manufacture their products—but it’s also widely available from [eating] wholefoods,” says Pontillo. “Some whole food sources of biotin are eggs, sweet potatoes, nuts, onions, and tomatoes.”

3. Green Tea Green tea helps fight degradation of elastin and collagen, which are essential for youthful-looking skin. Pontillo suggests drinking several cups a day. “I prefer people drink the tea or use a fresh preparation—the benefits are more intact that way,” she says. Green tea is also popular as an ingredient in skincare products such as toners and cleansers. In powdered form, it’s a great option for an at-home face masque. 28

4. Vitamin C “This antioxidant combats free radicals from environmental aggressors, and is essential for healthy collagen production,” says Pontillo. You can get a daily dose from fruit, apply it topically, and/or take supplements—but it’s important to know the difference. In supplements, look for L-ascorbic acid, which is more beneficial when taken internally. Topically, Pontillo recommends ascorbyl palmitate, the ester form of vitamin C. “It is oil-soluble, which means it can penetrate the skin’s barrier layer.” Be cautious of the sun, as vitamin C products can cause photosensitivity. Use at night for best results.

BEAUTY BUZZ Ceramides, collagen, and silicon are among the most-talked-about supplements for hair, skin, and nails. Here’s why you’ll want to add them to your regimen. CERAMIDES: New studies show that

supplemental ceramides can support skin structure, protect against moisture loss, and maintain smoothness and elasticity of skin. Originally derived from animal sources, newer versions— called “phytoceramides”—come from wheat, sweet potato, or rice. Generally, ceramides are available in two primary forms: topical and oral. Many topical products contain ceramides, from plant sources or in the form of pseudo-ceramides (often listed as “hydroxypropyl bispalmitamide MEA). These work by penetrating the top layer or two of skin; they’re generally considered less effective in reaching deeper layers of skin, but a few studies show that they’re helpful in treating dryness. Try: NeoCell Glow Matrix Skin Hydrator with Ceramides COLLAGEN: A powerful ally in the fight against aging, collagen is technically

a type of protein. In fact, it makes up about one-third of all proteins found in the human body. Like ceramides, collagen production slows with age. Fortunately supplements of type 1, 2, and 3 collagen can help prevent and/or reverse signs of aging. For example, collagen hydrolysate has been shown to improve skin elasticity among women age 35 or older. Collagen has also been shown in some studies to improve the look and strength of hair and nails. Try: Youtheory Collagen SILICON: The mineral silicon is also

necessary for the formation of collagen and bone. Supplementing with orthosilicic acid (BioSil), the dietary form of silicon, or the herb horsetail, which is rich in silica (silicon dioxide), can help smooth lines and wrinkles and also help fight brittle hair and nails. Try: Natural Factors BioSil

October 2017

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7/26/17 12:18 PM

clean eating

By Lisa Turner

milkin’ it Make nut, hemp, and oat milks in your own kitchen

Vanilla Almond Milk


This more traditional method yields a smooth, white milk with the consistency of low-fat milk. Dates and vanilla add flavor and sweetness – leave them out if you need something more savory.

ne of the hardest foods to give up on a vegan diet is cold, rich, creamy milk. Unfortunately, packaged nondairy milks often contain vegetable oils, soy, synthetic vitamins, or carrageenan, a seaweed-derived thickener that’s been implicated in gut irritation and inflammation. The solution: DIY dairy-free milks made from nuts, seeds, grains, and even fruit. Try these fast, simple swaps for cow’s milk:

Instant Cashew Milk

Oat Milk



Using cashew butter eliminates the need for soaking nuts and straining milk. Adjust the quantity of cashew butter to desired thickness.

This fast, easy-to-make milk has a mild, slightly sweet flavor and is an ideal milk substitute if you have nut allergies. Oats don’t contain gluten, but may be contaminated by gluten from processing facilities, so look for gluten-free oats if you’re sensitive.

3½ cups cold, filtered water

¾ cups cashew butter

2 tsp. honey (optional)

1. Combine all ingredients in high-speed blender, and purée until smooth and creamy.

PER CUP: 280cal; 8g pro; 24g total fat (5g sat fat); 13g carb; 0mg chol; 190mg sod; 1g fiber; 2g sugars

Banana-Hemp Milk MAKES ABOUT 4 CUPS

This sweet and rich milk is easy to make – no straining required. It’s high in potassium, and hemp seeds add healthy fats and extra protein. Use it in baked goods, on oatmeal, or as a base for smoothies.

3 large bananas

4 cups filtered water

¼ cup hemp seeds

1. Combine bananas, water, and hemp seeds in high-speed blender, and process until smooth. 2. Serve immediately, or chill for several hours. PER CUP: 150cal; 4g pro; 5g total fat (0g sat fat); 25g carb; 0mg chol; 0mg sod; 3g fiber; 13g sugars


1 cup raw almonds 3½ cups cold, filtered water 2 large, pitted medjool dates

1 tsp. vanilla extract 1 cup steel-cut oats

2. Serve immediately, or chill for several hours.


3 cups filtered water 1. Combine oats with water (enough to cover) in bowl, and let stand 30 minutes. Drain and rinse with fresh water. 2. Transfer soaked oats to high-speed blender, and add 3 cups filtered water. Process until smooth and creamy. Strain through cheesecloth or nut milk bag into glass jar, squeezing oats to fully extract milk.

1. Rinse and drain almonds. Combine with cold water (enough to cover by 2 inches) in clean glass jar, and soak 8 hours, or overnight. If soaking more than 8 hours, refrigerate during soaking. After almonds have soaked, drain and discard water, and rinse almonds. 2. Combine almonds with cold, filtered water and dates in high-speed blender, and blend until almonds are finely ground and mixture resembles thick milk. Strain through cheesecloth or nut milk bag into glass jar, squeezing almond pulp to fully extract milk. (Keep pulp and add to baked goods or muffins.)

3. Serve immediately, or chill several hours before serving.

3. Stir in vanilla extract, and serve immediately, or chill for several hours.

PER CUP: 140cal; 6g pro; 3g total fat (1g sat fat); 27g carb; 0mg chol; 0mg sod; 4g fiber; 0g sugars

PER CUP: 220cal; 7g pro; 15g total fat (1g sat fat); 14g carb; 0mg chol; 0mg sod; 5g fiber; 9g sugars

October 2017

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8/23/17 9:35 AM



golden collagen WITH A



Super Collagen & 05)&3 /&0$&-- '03.6-"4 "3& "7"*-"#-& "5 /"563"- 130%6$5 3&5"*-&34 /"5*0/8*%& 5.


© 2016 NeoCell corp.

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7/26/17 12:15 PM

natural gourmet

By Neil Zevnik

time for tea Take full advantage of green tea’s health benefits with these creative recipe ideas


Green Tea Ice Cubes. Brew a nice strong pot, let it cool down, then pour into an ice cube tray and freeze. Add the cubes to your favorite lemonade or your morning orange juice. Throw them in a blender with some mango, pineapple, and fresh ginger for a tropical frappé. Or give them a few quick pulses in a food processor or blender for a quick and healthy granita. Green Tea Infused Milk. Steep a few green tea bags in warm milk for a few minutes. Then use the milk in recipes for baked treats—make a gluten-free Tres Leches cake with a delicate tea perfume, or a Cuban flan with an intriguing and subtle twist. And try the same technique with almond milk or rice milk, and then proceed with your favorite recipes. Green Tea Poaching. Brew up a pot of strong green tea, then remove the tea and use the liquid for cooking. A few ideas: Cook a few chicken cutlets, then slice them thinly for a Chinese chicken salad. Or use the green tea for a soup—add tofu cubes, sliced shiitake mushrooms, and mung bean sprouts with a splash of soy. So get creative and start expanding your green tea repertoire. It’ll do your body good.


Green Tea Chicken Curry SERVES 6

Serve this over jasmine rice with a side of stir-fried baby bok choy and snow peas. 2 lbs. boneless skinless chicken thighs, cut into 1-inch pieces 1 Tbs. chopped peeled fresh ginger 1 Tbs. chopped peeled fresh garlic cloves 2 Tbs. curry powder 1 Tbs. harissa spice 2 Tbs. safflower oil 1 large red onion, peeled, quartered, and thickly sliced 1 cup strong brewed green tea 1 cup organic chicken stock 1. In large bowl, combine chicken, ginger, garlic, curry powder, and harissa spice, and marinate in refrigerator several hours, or overnight. 2. In heavy-bottomed pot, heat safflower oil over medium heat. Add onions, and cook until softened. Increase heat, add chicken mixture, and cook 5 minutes, stirring often, until meat is lightly browned. Add tea and stock, and bring to a boil. 3. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, 35 minutes. Remove cover, increase heat slightly, and cook until liquid is reduced to your liking. PER SERVING: 260 cal; 31g prot; 12g total fat (2g sat fat); 6g carb; 145mg chol; 200mg sod; 1g fiber; 2g sugar


y now, I think most of us are aware of the stellar reputation that green tea has earned for enhancing health and well-being throughout the body. Traditional Chinese medicine has valued green tea for thousands of years, employing it as an astringent, a diuretic, and a digestive aid, among other uses. In traditional Indian medicine, it is used for both regulating body temperature and improving mental processes. In modern times, research has indicated that the primary active ingredient in green tea, an antioxidant polyphenol called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), has numerous anti-infl ammatory and anticarcinogenic effects. This substance has been shown to reduce the formation of damaging free radicals, and thereby may have a significant effect in cancer prevention, heart health, and brain function. Tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world (after water, of course), so presumably we can get a decent daily dose of the benefits of green tea in our cups and mugs. But I would propose that there are more ways to enjoy and appreciate green tea than just as a straight-forward “cuppa.” Here are just a few:

October 2017

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8/23/17 9:37 AM

On sale exclusively at Akin’s Natural Foods Market and Chamberlin’s Natural Foods Market Aura Cacia



Medieval Mix Essential Oil

Protein Drink Vanilla Bean

Cold Crush

Featuring rosemary and thyme.

Great as a snack or post-workout drink.

Organic cold and cough.*

Purifying blend.

20 grams of grass-fed whey protein.

Safe and effective non-drowsy formula.

Spicy, sweet, and floral notes.

No lactose, soy, or gluten.

Relieves congestion, cough, sore throat, and runny nose.


Neem Aura

A la Maison

Psorzema Cream

Neem Seed Oil

Sweet Almond Liquid Soap

Effectively relieves scaly, flaky, and itchy dry skin. With neem, burdock, and bearberry extracts.

Topical organic neem oil. Cold pressed from the seeds of the neem tree. Used in Ayurveda for over 5,000 years.

French milled vegetable based soap. With olive and argan oils. For hand and body.

Calms and soothes skin.

Dr. Woods

Nature’s Gate

Hager Pharma

Original Raw Black Soap

Crème De Peppermint Natural Toothpaste

Wood Source Toothbrush Super Soft

Gentle, moisturizing exfoliant. Powerful deep cleaner that rejuvenates skin. Rich in skin-nourishing ingredients.

HE_Oct17_InsideBackCover_JS.indd 33

Gently cleans and polishes teeth while freshening breath. Fluoride-free. Non-GMO.

100% vegetable-based nylon bristles. Large cleaning head. Handle made with upcycled natural wood fibers.

8/23/17 9:38 AM

Morning Oat Crunch Original Cereal The taste of crunchy, toasted whole grain oats and wheat make Morning Oat Crunch a SHUHQQLDO IDYRULWH +LJK LQ Č´EHU WKHVH PRODVVHV VZHHWHQHG ELWH sized pillows are also packed ZLWK 9LWDPLQb&

2ULJLQDO 3XÉ?QV &HUHDO (YHU\ERG\ȇV IDYRULWHČƒXOWUD crunchy corn and oat pillows sweetened with molasses for D KHDUW KHDOWK\ J RI Č´EHU and just 5g of sugar

Multigrain Spoonfuls Cereal Molasses-sweetened, tender layers of shredded multigrains (wheat, corn and oats) make Shredded Spoonfuls one of our most popular cereals.

A pioneer in the natural foods movement, Barbara’s was founded in 1971 by a 17-year old girl who was passionate about creating greattasting food from simple, wholesome ingredients. At Barbara’s, we believe that life is delicious – and is worth taking a bite out of every day!

Glucosamine Complex with MSM Where to find all of the great products seen in this magazine:

Supports healthy joint function.* We Accept these Major Credit Cards:

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is presented as general information and is not meant to replace medical advice. Because persons and circumstances can vary, self treatment may not be right for you. Consult a qualified health care practitioner for advice pertaining to any particular person or case or before beginning any new exercise, diet, or supplementation program. Use products only per label direction.

HE_Oct17_BackCovers_JS.indd 36

Complete formula with glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM.* Enhanced with bromelain and boswellia.

8/23/17 9:40 AM

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