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10 Minutes
Relaxing for 10 minutes is all it takes to reduce stress—even if you simply rest your head on your desk—according to a study that compared relaxation breaks and massage. Getting a gentle massage for 10 minutes was even better, but either a break or a massage lowered heart rate and kicked in a natural stress-reduction mechanism in the nervous system, making study participants less physically and mentally stressed.
Different types of sugar affect appetite a bit differently, according to a study that compared pure glucose and table sugar (sucrose), which contains equal parts of glucose and fructose. In a group of men and women between the ages of 18 and 35, glucose suppressed hunger more than table sugar. Earlier research found that high fructose corn syrup, which can contain 50 percent more fructose than glucose, stimulates hunger hormones.
When researchers in Germany tested nutrient levels in people whose diets do and don’t include animal foods, they found that most vegans lacked iodine. Among one-third of vegans, the iodine deficiency was severe. Iodine is necessary for healthy thyroid function, which influences overall metabolism and health. It’s also crucial for normal brain development in infants and children. Iodized salt is a common source of iodine, but it isn’t found in many sea salts that are often chosen as a healthier alternative. Seaweed is a rich food source of iodine, and the mineral is included in many multivitamins and separate iodine supplements.
Aged Garlic Extract Fights Gum Disease
Periodontal disease, which includes inflamed, receding gums and pockets that develop between the gums and teeth, is the leading cause of tooth loss. It also generates systemic inflammation that contributes to heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s. But supplements of Aged Garlic Extract can slow and even help to reverse such deterioration. In an 18-month study of 182 people with gum disease, half took 2,400 mg daily of Aged Garlic Extract and half took a placebo. Those who took the garlic supplement experienced a significant reduction of pocket depth and gum inflammation. Although supplements don’t replace standard dental care, Aged Garlic Extract can help fight harmful bacteria and inflammation, helping to heal gums and preserve teeth and overall health.