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We tend to associate posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with combat veterans, but any traumatic event— from car accidents to global pandemics—can trigger this often frustrating and debilitating malady.
For many people, the psychological effects of traumatic events are temporary—after a time, they start to feel like their old selves again. But some people can’t seem to get back to their old normal. Many suffer from fears, anxiety, and panic attacks that don’t go away, and that prevent them from living their “normal” lives.
Conventional doctors usually treat PTSD with anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medicines. But there are natural alternatives. Here are 5 homeopathic remedies that can help. If none of these descriptions fits your exact profile of symptoms, consider consulting a trained homeopath who can help develop a customized treatment just for you.
* Arsenicum Album: this remedy covers a lot of fears and anxieties that lead to obsessive-compulsive behaviors. Your mind can’t stop playing the same trauma over and over again. You can only focus on the negative— worrying, perhaps, that something bad will happen to you or a loved one. You may be overly concerned about germs or your health, to the point of hypochondria.
* Aconitum Napellus: Often follows a sudden, unexpected trauma, such as an earthquake or car accident. A deep fear of death sends you into a panic state. You can feel your heart beating at a rapid pace that comes on all of a sudden. You can feel faint, along with perspiration and trembling. Things that would not have bothered you before can trigger panic attacks, such as driving on a freeway, getting into an elevator, or flying in an airplane. “I went to the supermarket and on the way in the car, I thought I would die,” is a typical statement you might make.
* Argentum-nitricum: Very anxious, especially about health. I call it “monkey brain,” when the patient can only focus in on their health or lack of it, convinced that every minor ache or ailment is the symptom of a fatal disease, and tend to go from doctor to doctor to get diagnoses. Lots of fear—heights, crowds, small spaces, etc. They have a need to express their feelings in an impulsive way with anyone who will listen. They have a feeling of impending doom, like some evil force is coming for them.
* Stramonium: Night fears and nightmares. Fear of the dark, animals, violence, and being alone. Terrifying nightmares, waking up panic stricken and full of anxiety. Anxiety turns into destructive and malicious behavior, out of control feeling, and anger. The fears are so deep that they bring on panic. Nighttime is the worst, they can’t stand to be alone. Their reaction to fear is violence. They feel they need to protect themselves, so are always on the attack. This is how they survive.
* Lyssinum: Hypersensitive to sound, light, smell, and even others’ emotions. Their emotions are raw, like exposed nerves. They feel they are being tormented or ridiculed, and have a dread that something bad will happen to them. May have many phobias, such as fear of driving, flying, injury, suffocation. May also fear being alone, even though they tend to do better by themselves in a quiet room without much light. They have an irrational fear of water, either seeing it or just thinking of it. They have been bitten by an animal and had fears since then. May turn violent and abusive.
Suggested dose: Dosages vary from a 30c, 200c, to a 1M, and can be taken daily or weekly. This depends on the severity of symptoms and how long someone has been suffering. You can try and see what works best for you. Or seek the help of a professional homeopath.
Did You Know? If you’ve experienced a traumatic event and can’t seem to get back to “normal,” you may be suffering from PTSD.
*RED CHESTNUT: For worry, loss of sleep, irrational behavior, and feelings of anger, hate, resentment, and impatience. * STAR OF BETHLEHEM: Very helpful in any shock, trauma, or grief event. When you just can’t seem to move forward and you stay in the traumatic event.
Feelings of shame, fear, frustration, and guilt that can turn into anger and grudges. Holding your fears and anxieties in the abdominal area, loss of appetite, and a lot of GI issues. This
Bach Flower essence can help you move forward out of that trauma. SUGGESTED DOSE: Put 3 drops into a 12-oz. bottle of water, and each time you sip on the water, you’re dosing yourself. They’re safe and easy for children and adults. You can put both Bach flower remedies in the same bottle of water.