2017 Global Village Impact Report

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2017 Global Engagement Impact Report Building strength, stability and self-reliance at home and abroad

Dear Habitat for Humanity leaders, Thank you for your generous tithe contributions and your commitment to providing safe and decent housing – for people in Canada and abroad. In our Federation Strategic Direction, we outlined the strategy for becoming a true partner in our global mission, as part of the Mobilized Leadership pillar. Thanks to you, we have made great strides towards that goal. It is not just in Canada that there is an affordable housing crisis. The housing crisis is also affecting millions of people around the world who do not have a decent place to call home. And we can do something about that. We can have a long-term, positive impact on people in need of safe, decent housing – we are having that kind of impact already. In 2017, as part of our global engagement strategy, we partnered with local Habitat for Humanity organizations in Ethiopia, Malawi, Cambodia, El Salvador, Nepal Dominican Republic and Nicarauga. Your tithe support meant that more than 1,000 people in these countries are building better, healthier lives through home construction, home repairs and improvements, water and sanitation solutions, and homeowner training. Your generous commitment to providing safe and decent housing for everyone has helped empower hundreds families around the world, in addition to hundreds of families across Canada. Whether it was volunteering on a trip, hosting a Habitat for Humanity Canada Global Village team in your community, or engaging your Global Village alumni, I am thrilled to see the number of affiliates who are deepening their global engagement by participating in the mission this way. Through Habitat’s Global Village, over 1500 volunteers traveled to 27 different countries (including here at home) in 2017. And, since launching in 2005, Habitat Global Village has helped raise $5.8 million worldwide for Habitat’s mission – that’s in addition to your annual tithe contributions. I'm pleased to also announce that in 2017, affiliate leaders enthusiastically supported our global mission with a collective tithe of $437,218. We were able to leverage your tithe contributions to raise an additional $330,000 in matching funds, increasing your impact by 75 per cent. There are countless ways that you can leverage your international support locally in your community including in your annual report, through social media, or in your donor communications. Experience firsthand the impact of your tithe dollars by participating in a Habitat Global Village trip this year. The Home for Home model of tithing is another excellent way to grow your own global impact. Since introducing this model of tithing in 2015, 58 percent of local Habitats in Canada have stepped up to support one family in need around the world for every family they serve locally. In 2017, there were five affiliates in particular who demonstrated an outstanding commitment to our global mission. Read more about these 2017 International Champions in the following pages. I urge you to continue to embrace our global mission, and celebrate your role in Habitat's vision: a world where everyone has a decent place to live. With your support, we can ensure even more families are able to build strength, stability and independence through shelter.

Mark Rodgers President & CEO Habitat for Humanity Canada

year in review In 2017 you helped support

1,001 people

in Ethiopia, Malawi, Cambodia, Nepal, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Dominican Republic. 100 families in new homes 100 new homes were built in partnership with families, providing a foundation for a better future for vulnerable families.

29 families in improved homes 29 home renovations in Nepal including structural and sanitary improvements ensure that families have a safe and hygienic place to call home.

1,579 Canadian volunteers More than 1,500 Canadians participated on 128 Habitat for Humanity Canada Global Village trips across the globe.

160 families served by 128 Habitat Global Village teams Canadian volunteers who participated on Habitat Global Village trips worked alongside 160 families around the world.

120 families with access to improved sanitation 86 toilets, some for individual families, some for communal use among several families were built to restore dignity and improve health for families and communities in our partner countries.

233 people empowered through training Individuals were trained in various topics including financial literacy in Ethiopia, home maintenance in Nicaragua, community training for at-risk youth in El Salvador and inheritance rights training in Malawi.

Tithing Beyond Compliance


No matter how much we like to think our work is local, the work we do really affects our mission everywhere. Tithe is not sending your money to support someone else's work. Tithe is your work, just as much as the house you build in your community. This is why the Home for Home model of tithing is built upon the notion that local is everywhere. For every home Affiliates build locally, the Home for Home model of tithe calls for a symbolic amount of $2,500 towards the bricks and mortar cost of building a home for a family in a developing country. The Global Neighbours Program is a rotational grant portfolio that aims to grow our international impact and your tithe support is the foundation of this fund. As a result, the Habitat projects we support around the world are selected in collaboration with an Affiliate Advisory Group, made up of your affiliate peers. The Global Neighbours Program seeks to substantially increase the number of families we can collectively help by 2020.




Empowering Vulnerable Families in Malawi “We struggled for so long,” says Habitat homeowner Lucy. The single mother of two is a beneficiary of the a project in Malawi supported by Habitat Affiliates across Canada. This project’s goal is to improve the living conditions of 66 families living with disabilities in Malawi’s Salima District by providing them with fully subsidized homes and ventilated washrooms in their existing communities. Like many of the women supported by this project, Lucy is a single mother who struggled to provide a safe, decent home for her family, and specifically her youngest son, Sileni Frank, who is unable to speak or walk due to physical and mental disabilities. Not only was it impossible for them to sleep during the rainy season, because their thatched roof leaked so much, but their previously inaccessible house made it difficult for Sileni Frank to open doors or use the toilet. Lucy's new Habitat home was built with her son’s disabilities in mind, which has already dramatically improved their day-to-day lives. “I am glad my son can now move around the house and open doors without help, which was a challenge in our old house, since he cannot speak – this left him frustrated but now he is happier,” says Lucy. Thanks to the design of their new latrine, which has a raised seat, Sileni can use the toilet on his own as well.


2017 Global Engagement Champions Inadequate housing is a global problem that requires a global solution. In addition to the incredible impact that your Affiliate has on families and communities here in Canada, your tithes and donations also play a key role in the developing world through the Global Neighbours Program and Habitat for Humanity's Global Village. Your generous support and commitment to our global mission provides housing solutions for families across the world through new homes, repairs, critical infrastructure projects, and skills training. It is only due to your continued support that these projects are possible. Last year, we shared stories of five Affiliate champions who had demonstrated extraordinary commitment to our global work. It is our privilege once more to celebrate five additional Affiliates as 2017 champions for their leadership support of our global mission. Whether your Affiliate is increasing its tithe, committing to the Home for Home model, rounding up volunteers to send to partner countries, or advocating on behalf of homeowner families around the world – every helping hand and contribution matters.

Habitat for Humanity Greater Toronto Area For several years Habitat for Humanity Greater Toronto Area (GTA) has witnessed first hand the incredible impact of Habitat's work globally by participating on Habitat for Humanity Canada Global Village trips. In 2016, Habitat GTA had the largest tithe increase of any other affiliate and maintained their generous tithe amount in 2017. In addition, Habitat GTA also started a $500 subsidy for volunteers from the GTA who want to participate in a Habitat Global Village trip, participated in Global Village team leader training, and supported a Global Village outreach event. Right: Canadian Habitat Global Village volunteers with a homeowner family at the Cambodia Big Build

Habitat for Humanity Iqaluit Facing unique challenges and extreme housing need in Canada's North has not stopped this 100 per cent volunteer-run affiliate from living out our global mission. Habitat for Humanity Iqaluit has been tithing at the Home for Home level for many years before the concept was even introduced. In addition to their tithe commitment, Habitat Iqaluit hosted a total of seven Habitat Global Village teams in 2017 making them one of our top Global Village hosts. Left: Habitat Global Village team leader from Regina, Gail Lefebvre, works alongside Iqaluit Construction Supervisor Collin Sheppard during a Habitat Global Village trip to Iqaluit.

Habitat for Humanity Okanagan In 2016, Habitat for Humanity Okanagan committed to growing their international impact by tithing at the Home for Home level. In 2017, Habitat Okanagan doubled their Home for Home amount to $5,000 per home! In addition to their outstanding tithe support, last year three representatives from Habitat Okanagan attended Habitat for Humanity Global Village team leader training in Vancouver and board member Sharon Conway attended the Cambodia Big Build in November. Right: Habitat Okanagan Board Vice Chair, Sharon Conway, at the Cambodia Big Build working alongside fellow Canadian volunteer Julie Wallace

Habitat for Humanity Waterloo Habitat for Humanity Waterloo Region embraced and committed to the Home for Home model early in 2015, when the model was first introduced in Canada. In 2016, Habitat for Humanity Waterloo Region began tithing above the Home for Home level at $4,000 for every home they built locally. In 2017, this meant a total tithe of $32,000 for six homes built in the Waterloo Region, a total increase of $8,000, the largest tithe increase in 2017. In addition to their commitment to the Home for Home model of tithing, Habitat Waterloo Region also played an important role as an Advisor for Habitat Canada's International Affiliate Advisory Group. Left: Habitat for Humanity Waterloo Region volunteers working on a home build during the Carter Work Project

Habitat for Humanity Prince Edward Island Habitat for Humanity Prince Edward Island (PEI) has long been a champion and supporter of our global mission and historically holds the title for Canadian affiliate hosting the most Global Village teams year after year. They hosted seven teams in 2017 bringing their total to 27 teams hosted by Habitat Prince Edward Island since 2004. In addition to being an excellent Global Village host, in 2017 Habitat PEI also tithed at the Home for Home level and played an important role as an adviser on the International Affiliate Advisory Group. Right: Volunteers from the Toronto area on a Habitat Global Village trip to Prince Edward Island

From Good to Great Tithing is an important way that you can give back, but it's not the only way. There are countless ways that your affiliate can live out our global mission that will have meaningful value add for the families that we serve around the world and for you. Board and Employee Engagement Incorporate the global mission into your strategic plan Designate a staff or board member to serve as your international representative to the Federation. Get your team engaged - provide a subsidy for a staff or board member to join a Global Village trip. Have them make a presentation about their experience for your staff and board Add the global mission to your quarterly Board meeting agenda

Leverage your tithe locally Share your affiliate's international impact on your website and in newsletters or your Annual Report Use special days like World Habitat Day to highlight your tithe support on social media Share the Home for Home story at home dedications, presentations to local business groups, schools, or fundraisers, and conversations with donors. Use special events like World Habitat Day to highlight your tithe support.

Passion in Action, from Local to Global Orest Myckan Dow Chemical Inc. Retiree, Dow Fort Saskatchewan Since his retirement from Dow in Fort Saskatchewan, Orest Myckan has given both his time and money to support Habitat's mission at home and abroad. Orest has gone on 30 Habitat for Humanity Canada Global Village trips around the world - more than any other GV participant in the Federation - and has dedicated over 2,600 hours to Habitat Edmonton since 1993. These extensive volunteer hours don't even include the time he has spent recruiting volunteers, traveling and building for Global Village. Currently, he leads two Global Village trips per year. Orest also played a key role in fostering Habitat Edmonton's partnership with Dow Chemical Inc. In fact, Habitat Edmonton CEO, Alfred Nikolai credits Orest with being "the reason we were able to secure the biennial 'one home sponsorship' that Dow gives our affiliate."

In 2014, Orest was recognized by Habitat Edmonton for his outstanding volunteer work, supporting Habitat Edmonton for over 20 years (pictured above). In addition, in 2016 Orest received the International Volunteer Award for his commitment to the work of Habitat for Humanity El Salvador where he has participated on numerous Habitat Global Village trips. Read more about how you can leverage the untapped potential of Global Village Alumni in your community in this case study on ShareNet.

Vietnam Big Build Building on the fantastic experience of our Canadian volunteers who participated in the Cambodia Big Build event last year, In 2018, Habitat for Humanity Canada will participate in another Big Build event in Vietnam. This year, Habitat Canada is supporting Habitat for Humanity Vietnam's Big Build with not just volunteers, but also funding through our Global Neighbours program! This November, over 300 volunteers from Vietnam and around the world will join together with 26 Vietnamese families in Cao Lanh District to build strength, stability and independence. Habitat is committed to sustainable solutions which is why Habitat Vietnam will not only provide home construction and maintenance training to all 26 families but each home will also include access to safe water and sanitation facilities. In November 2018, be one of 30 Canadian volunteers helping to build homes with these families in need! To sign up for the Vietnam Big Build please contact: Ron Squires, Team Leader and Board Chair of HFH Fredericton ron.hfhfredericton@gmail.com





Three Year Project in Cambodia Ends in Big Build Event In November 2017, after three years of partnership, Habitat Cambodia hosted a Big Build in Battambang. This Big Build brought together 254 international volunteers who worked alongside Cambodian families to build 23 houses. 41 volunteers came from Canada to support the build including nine representatives from Habitat Affiliates across Canada. Local community leaders, the provincial governor, local non-profit partners, local authorities as well as families and international volunteers participated in the opening and closing ceremonies of the Cambodia Big Build, demonstrating strong partnerships and shared ownership. This Big Build event was the celebration of a three-year partnership between Habitat Cambodia and Habitat Canada. This partnership supported a total of 50 families with new homes, 300 families with technical housing support services and more than 1,800 community members with increased awareness on land access and secure land tenure.

Tithe Guidelines SERVE MORE FAMILIES THROUGH TITHE Join local Habitats across Canada and help keep up the momentum in support of our global work. We encourage you to pledge to adopt the Home for Home model of tithing in 2018 and help fulfill Habitat's mission to serve more families at home and abroad. By committing to $2,500 or more per family served here at home, you will be helping another family living in housing need and expanding our impact as a federation.

SUBMITTING YOUR TITHE Per the Standards Program, affiliate boards are to bring forth a motion for tithe. It is required that you submit your tithe board motion form and your cheque or receipt of electronic fund transfer or direct deposit to: Habitat for Humanity Canada Attn: Accounting Department - TITHE Look out for your new 2018 tithe board motion form available soon.

KEY DATES November 1, 2018: Deadline for submission of both your tithe board motion form and your tithe financial contribution. March 2019: Look out for your 2018 Global Engagement Impact Report

THANK YOU! The incredible impact that we've been able to have through Global Engagement is only possible because of you. Your generosity and commitment to our global mission is having tangible, meaningful impact for families in your community and around the world. Thank you for all you do.

For more information on Global Neighbours, tithe or Global Village, please contact: Erin O'Neill, Vice President, Global Engagement, eoneill@habitat.ca

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