JJ12 ProductFocus

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Imported Wood Flooring

Beauty From Abroad


E GROW GREAT TREES in North America, but there are also excellent wood flooring products sourced from other regions of the world. In our annual Imported

Wood Flooring Product Focus, we bring you offerings from some of the leaders—all advertisers in this issue—of exotic flooring.

OOw Owen wens Floori ringg by Qu Quan anexx Bui uild ldin ingg Prooodducts ts maanu nufa facctures soliddly l eng ngginneere ngin eeeeredd Br Braaziliia ian chherrry r , sa sapeele le, eu euca caly alyptuus, and and sa an s nt ntos o mah os a oggan anyy floo oori riing ng in thhe Un Unit iteed ed Stat taate tes. s. EExo xottiiccss iin itss Pllan Plan a kkflfloorr linne are ava availa av aila ai labl blee in st bl sta tanddar tand ard w wiiddtthhss uupp to 8 inccchhes es. Alsso, itss Pre refinniished sheedd lin inee of offfeers rs a UVV fifinnissh foor 33-, 4-, and annd 5-innch ch widdthhs inn ffou ouur new stan ne stan st anda dard rdd ccol ollor ors rs. Beca cauus use off its cros use ross-p ro ss-ppllyy ss l mi la mina natio tiion, on, Ow Owen wens say says itss Plan lankfl la nkflfloo ooor is is peerrfe rfect ct ct for ar fo area eaas not noorm mal ally llyy reeccom mme mend ndedd for or 3⁄4-iinc nch solid so liid ha hard r wo rd woodd flooorring ng. ww www ww ww.o .ow ow wen en ens nss-floo floor oorin oo i .co ing co om


Urb Ur ba an Fl Floo o r

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UUrrbbaan Fl F ooor haas addedd the Do Dow wntown Ser erie iess ie to its Urrbbann Liffesstyle Col to o lectio ion. on. The Downttoown wn Ser eriiees is off fferedd iinn smal alll-l-lleaf acacia, whiicch UUrrb wh rba ban Floo Floooor sa says yss is onee of of thee wor orld orld ld’ d’s h rd ha rdeestt an and most most s bea eauuttif tififull hhar arrdw dwoo oods oo ds,, ad ds addding that ing in that th at ssm mallll-llea ma eaf accacia acia wili l lend ac leend sop ophi hiistic hist sticcast a tion to any room om mw wit itth it its bl blen endd of ric en ichh co colo l rs lo and unusuuall gr grai ainn pa p tt t er erns nss. Th Thee floo oori ringg iiss avai av a laabl ai ble in fouur coolo lors rs w wit ithh a ha hand ndd-s -sc scrap cra edd o smo or moot o h fini nish sh.

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Forest & Kim Starr, Starr Environmental, Bugwood.org

Owen Ow wen ns Fl Flo oo oring ng by y Quan anex x Bui uild ldin d ng Prrod oduc ucts ts

Ollld O dM Ma as stter er P Pro rod ro du uct cts

June|July 2012 ■ Hardwood Floors 63

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