A/S12 Inlays, Borders and Vents Product Focus

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Borders, Inlays, Moldings + Vents

Great Additions

A GREAT INLAY OR BORDER can set a floor apart. Add in matching vents and molding, and you’ve got a floor worth writing home about. Here we’ve given leading manufacturers of these products space to tell what makes them special.

A la At l nta In I laid i Floor id o s by yL Las a er as e Tec ch

Comp Co mp mpuW pu uW Woo ood dM Mffg fg. g. Ltd t .

Atla At laant n a Innlaid Floorrs by Laserr Te Tech ch says it can creaatte any custom m medallion at aany at nyy size froom om var var ario ious io us wood wo od using thhe late od ods t st technnoloogi g es. Th Thee 17 1 -foot meda me daallllioon pictured dal edd was made usiing n whi h te oakk, wengee an and Braaazzillian chher erry r. ry

This iss com ompa paany ny mak akes cusssttom meeeddallilion ons, lik ikee thhiss 366-i -i -inch-w widee com wi mpa pass ros osee maade d usi sinng ng ¼-incch ha hard rdwoood od m mou ouunt nted e on ½-inch c Baltllttic ic bir i chh. Thee ba b ckgrouund nd m mat atter eria i l is i Wesste tern rnn maplle; e; the rrin inngs g , letttters, ttt and poin ints in t are re wen e ge g ; an and the directtioona n l ar arro rows ws wer ee maadee usiing N Nor o th or t AAme meri rica ican an chher erryy aand ndd reedd oak ak.. ak

www w.at attla anta tainlaidfloor ors rss.com .co co om

ww .co ww www comp co mp m puwoo wo dmf mfg mf g.. com c om m

Czar Floor Cz orss Inc. or c.

Diist D stin inct ctiv ive e Ha Hard Hard rdw woo wo od d Flo lo oor ors rs

Czar Flo loor ors’ or rs’ s’ ccus usto us tom m in inla inla laiidd bor laid orde rder der “F de “Fru r itit Bas aske ket” t” rrep t” epplilica cate tess th te t e in i tric tric i atte marquetr tryy w woorkk fouund n iinn a cl c ient ieentt’s’s ant ntiq tiqque ue Itaalil an tab a lee. Th This is and num umer errou o s otthe herr cu cust sttom borde orde or ders r cann rs be ddev evveellopped to re recr c ea cr eate tee anyy de an desi sign gn iide deea.. TThe he com om-pany pa ny ssay ayss th that att com mbi bini ning ng ng p ecisse CNC pr CN NC cutt cuutttin ing with ing wiith t deelil caate t handd sc s rollinng alllow ws for the inc ncredi dibl be leveel off dettai ailil sseeen e here. e.

Dist stin i ctiv ivve Ha Hard rddwo woood od Flooors sppeccia ialililize zess iinn cus cu tom m de designn and desi n fabbrica cattion of unique woodd floorr accce un cent cen nts. Its CNC rouuter te pr p odduc uc inl uces nllays ays wi with th ggre reat ater er toler erance an cess an andd noonee ooff th thee burn bu rneed ed edg dges es tha hatt ca ha caus usee blaac bl ack ou outltllin ines in laser ine cut cu ut in inla llaays, th the co comp mpany notees. Alsoo avaiilabble ar note aree beve be vele ve eledd an a d distreessed edd inla in laays y aand nd m med edal allilion onns to maatcch an a y fifini nish sh.

www www w.cz czarf cz arfloo loo oo ors rrs. s co om om

ww ww.di ww disti isti s nct c ive eha har ardw dwo wood. od co c com

Home Ho m wo ood Inc.

Griill Wo Gr Works In Wor I c. c sayys it prooud udly l makes e its t flu l sh-w witthh--fr fram fram amee ve ventss in i thee U Uniteed Stat St ates es. Th es Theyy are avaaililab able in a va vari rietyy of thi h ck ckne neess sses es, inncl clud udin ud ingg 5⁄8-, 9⁄16-, ½-, 3⁄8annd 5⁄16-iinc nch, and they also al soo coom me in a variety of ccol ol for matching olors ol with t a floor.

Hoome mew mew wooodd IInc ncc. ma manu anu nufa f ct ctur urres wood vents in a varrieety off spec e iees. TThe h co he compa omppaany spec sp peeccia ialliize izees in in rec ecla l im la medd andd anti an antiqu an tiiqu quee wo wood odss an andd allso ccaan an produce c vents using a custtom o er’s wood. Metal and pllastititicc adjustable registerss are availabl blle on on sta tand nda dard size zees. s. Lar a gee siinngl glee-dirrecttio di iona nal,, bid idir irrec e titon onal al and cu and custom om grid riid ve v nts a e al ar also s offferred so ed.

www.grillworksinc c.. c com com m

www ww w .ho ho h omewood me mew ew odinc. com 58 Hardwood Floors ■ August|September 2012


Flickr | Karen Horton

Grill Wo Gr Work Work ks In nc.


Borders, Inlays, Moldings + Vents Lo Lou oui uisv uis svil ille le W Wo ood Fl Floo oo o ors

Olde Wood d Ltd..

Loouisvvillle le W Woo oodd Fl Floo o rs rs’ pr prodducts fea eattuure ure re ccus usto toom accents. c The companyy’s’s mad adeto-ord to rdder inl nlay ayss arre av avai aila lab la abblle in any ny cuussto t m th thic icknness, scale, species and te t xture, unnfifini unf nish shed ed oorr pr pref e innish shedd. d. Thee com omp mpa pany ny says its inlays y fit well in residential a, commerci co ciiall or innst stititu stit tutioona nal ac acce cent nt ar areass, an and thhat it ca and c n in i clude anything from a cor orpo rpoora rate loggo to to a fam amilily ami ily co coat oat a of ar arms iinn a ha hardw hard rddwo wood o floor.

Olde Wood Ltd. offers a variety of high-quality custom vents, caasi sing n and trim ng m pieces, as well as rough-stock lumber, which is all made from re recl clai a meed, ai d, new w or old-growth materials. The vents are available in flush-moun unnt,, fluushh-w -wit w thh frame, self-rimmedd, be beve v le ve led an and nd roounndd-oovver e options, and it alsso of offfe fers custom fer fe m prefinished an andd colo loor-ma matc tche tc hedd de he d si sign gns. gn s. s.

www w.lo ouis uiiis u svillew svil llew ew woo ood odfloors orrs ors rs.c .co co om

www.ol oldew ol dewood oodltd o ood dltd.com c

O hk Os kosh Designss

PID Flloors PI oo ors

As in nnaatu ture r its re its tsel elf,f, O el Osh shhkosh osh Des esiggns n ssay ayys, the des esig iggns n fou ound nd w witithi h n ititss deeco hi cora raatitive rati inla in layy co collllec coll ecctiion onss al allo loow thhe natu natuuraal un uniq iqque u ne ness sss of naatura tura tu rall ha hard rddwood rdwo od andd ssto toone ne too addd cha cha hara ract ra cter ct er aand n dim nd imen ensi en sion si on ttoo eeaachh ooff itits me m da dallllio ion, bbor orde derr or par arqu quet et desiign desi de gnss. s. The he com mpa pany nyy’s’s produuct cts show ow owca wca c se a wid i e vari riet etyy off des e iggn mo m titifs fss and innsppir irat irat atio ions ttoo ch io c oo oose se ffro rom. m.

PID D Flooors hanndc d raftfts ftfts cu custom m innllay ays, boorrde ders and and m med edal ed allilonns inn its Broookly alli oklyyn worrksh rk hoopp. Thee companny sa say ays ys its tss cliliennts ts can rreq equest eq eque ueest vvir irtu ir irt tuaallly any ppro tual rodu duct ct spe p ci ci-ficaation and n expect shorrt le l add tim imes es anndd exxccelle lent le n res nt e ul ultss. Al Allll thhe ccoompan o any’s inlaayyss are r made with reaal ¾¾-in inch in ch ssoolid ch idd har ardddw wood, oood, aare r unf nfin finnis ishe heddd,, and ran he a ge in s ze fro si rom 244 tto 722 inchees. Cus ustttoom desi sign gnss ar are re av avai aila labl blee up upon reeqqque upon uest. ue

www.os www oshk os hko kosh ko kos shd shd h esi esigns.co co com om

www www.pi w.p .pi pid dfl fl f oo oor ors.com o

Ridgef Ridg dg gef efiie ield IInd ield ndus ustr triies

Secl Se clay lay yP Pre re eci c si s on onSt Ston St one on e In Inla lays la y ys

Ridg dgef efie ieeldd IIndustries offers a new highh--ou outp tput, flus lusshh-mo moount unt wo un w od od ven ent th t att allows allo ws foorr 30 30 percent more airflow and nd fea e turess aann integ nteg nt e rate raate ted, d, eaassilly remo reemo mova vabl va be bl slid sl idin ingg da d mpper. The company currentlly stoc o ks thiis vveent n in 200 sppeeci cies ess in al allll the thhe stan st anda ndard rd sizes es, and it’s offered in a norm rmal or wi wide de fra r me. mee.

Prec Pr e isionStone Inlays makes its products usingg a com o bination of stone, metal aannd wood. Pa Pattent nted throughout North Americ icca an a d Eu E roope p , the key to the comppaany’s design is the abbi ity of the product abil to abs b orb wood cont co ntra raaccttion and exxpa p ns nsion without saacr crifi icing a seamle fit. The comppanyy le less ssaays ays itits ts pro roddu ductts ar aree an ide ideeall com ompl p epl mentt for for ffllo loor loor orin ing, ing in furniture, cabinetry and molding.

ww .ge www ww g twoodfflooring.com

w www .se s clay.com


August|September 2012 ■ Hardwood Floors 59

Product Focus | Borders, Inlays, Moldings + Vents

Sene Se n ca ne ca M Milllwor lw work k In Inc. c

Sheo Sh eoga ga Har ardw wood Fl F oo o ri ring ng & Pan anel elin ing g In nc.

Sene neeca c Millworrk In Inc. manufactures high gh-qqua ualility ty hhar arrdw dwoo ooood moolddin ingg prrod oduc ucts uc t ts for the flooring ngg iindustry. Products incl clude TT-moldings, stai aiir no n si sing ngs ng gs, s, rred eduuc ed ucer ucer ers, s,, thre th r shhol o dss, ba base pro rododd-uccts aand nd staair treead a s. s. Itss du It dura rabl ra ble bl le mo m ld ldin inggss aree avai ar avvai aila labl la b e unnfifin finishhe is hed orr pre refififinished a d ut an utilize the uti ColorM Co r aster stain matchingg system. Spec Spec Sp ecia ialtlty ia lty fif ni nish s es (pic (p pictu icture ic tuure red) ed) su suuccchh as antiqqued qued, haand nd-s -sccr craped aannd dist sttre ress ssed sed ed are alsso so available.

Sheo Sh eoga ga offfferrs so ga s lid, hanndd crraf afte ted wo wood odd vven ents en ts.. Th ts Thee ve vents are available unfini he is h d or prefinished in domes om mesti esstiic or o im mpo port rted ed spe peci cies ci ies es. Availa Av Avai aiila labl b e st styyl yles includde: e: flluush shh mount, flush s sh mount with fra raam mee, self-rimming, thhre reee dimensional annd cubed. Standar arrd and custom sizes an a e av ar ava lable. avai www sh www.sh sheogaf o flo orr ng. ori ng.c ng com

ww w www ww w.se .s sen ne nec ec cami a llwor orrk.c k.com com om

So out uthF hF Flo loor or or

We ell llma m d ma de e Per erfo f rm rman a ce Flo an oorin ng

Sout So uthFFlo ut uthF l or o ’s com o pllette line of vents, grills, grate tes te es an andd di diffffus ffffus user erss is er is made frrom thhe sam the saame new w and rec ecllaimed la la heart pine ine as in a the the he ccoompa pany ny’s’s sol olid i and nd eng ngi gin ineeere red wood wo odd floor orin or ing. The in hey arre availabl b e in bl in a ran ange ge ooff styl ylles es andd siz izes e , wi withh orr wi with thouut damp da mper ers. Flu l shh-mouuntt or se selflf-r -rim immi mmi m ng n ddro r pro p-in in sty tyle lees in in louve vered, d, linneeaar or o eegggg cr crate de desi sign gnns are oofffe fere red. d

Welllm W maade d oofffferrs a fu fu colle full lect ecttio i n of o str t an andd an and tr trad additio ioona nal ba nal bamb mbboo moldings m mbo andd ve an v ntt cov o er e s. Buuyyerrs caan chooose s fro rom shoemoold ldss, T-m mol old lds, reducers, thresholds ol d , an ds andd noosi sings inn a wiidde color assortment, whilee thhe co comp mpan mp any’ an y s veentt cov y’ over es aree av ar a ai a laabblle in naat atur ural, ural al ccaarb al rbonizzed and n “tiger” col olor or ttre reat re am at meent nts.

w www .so so outh th thf hflo floor. or.c com com

www.w www .w wellm we made de efl fflo loors ors.co .co om

Wood oodSh Shap Sh hap a es es Inc nc.

Y re Ya ema m M Mar arqu quet etry

Si 1990, WoodSh Since Shhap a es Inc nc. ha has be b en mannuf u aacctuuri ring ng hig ighghh quual alit litityy wo wood od vent ve n s an a d cold-air ret etturnnss. Thhe comp m any’s prod oduc uctt lilne inc uc nclu luudees se self elf-r -rim rim mmi m ng ng,, flflus ushh mount and fllus hushh-wi h-wi hw tthh-r - ab abbe beete tedd fram dfrram me st styl yles in loouv yl uver erredd andd gri r dd ssttyl yle c nffig co igurations. Damp m err and pre refifini niisshhin ing op o titon o s aarre av avai aila ai laable. ble. bl e

Yare Ya areema Marrqquuet e ryy, a ma manu nuufa fact ctur u er ur er of 14 1 NWF W A Wo Wood o Flooor of the Year win inne n rs ne rs,, offfers fers r a ddiv ivverse se sselleecctit on of meda d llllio ioons ns,, bo b rdders and parquet patterns. The compaany n can a aalsoo as assi ssi sist st clilien lie ts in creating cus u tom designs to fulfill their uniqu quee qu vviis isi sion o . Th T e co comp omp m an a y says all of this can be done with efficiency andd sur urpr prissin pris i g afffooord af r abilit rd abb itty wi with th its nnew ew adv d an a ce c d fa fabricatingg and manu nuufa fact ctur ct urin ur uri ing ffaaciilility ity ty..

ww .wo www ww oodvvents.c .c com m

60 Hardwood Floors ■ August|September 2012

www www.ym w.ym mflo f orss.co s co com


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