2011 Heart of Florida Annual Report

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G I V E . A D V O C AT E . V O L U N T E E R . 2 0 1 0 - 1 1 H E A R T O F F L O R I D A U N I T E D W AY A n n u a l R e p o r t

OUR MISSION To improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities.

OUR VISION To engage all citizens to work together to build healthy, safe, caring and strong communities.



A Joint Message from the Board Chair and President/CEO............4

Building Safe Communities through Education.................... 10-11

Basic Needs..................................................................................6

United Way’s Focus on Education.......................................... 12-13

United Way 2-1-1..........................................................................7

Improving Financial Stability................................................ 14-15

Emergency Community Assistance................................................7

Earned Income Tax Credit...........................................................16

Investing in Results......................................................................8

FamilyWize Prescription Discount Drug Program.........................17

Leading the Change......................................................................9

Developing Healthy Children & Families............................... 18-19

Sandy Hostetter

President, CNLBank United Way 2010-11 Campaign Chair

Alleviating Hunger & Homelessness...................................... 20-21

Alexis de Tocqueville Society.......................................................29

United Way Volunteer Resource Center.................................. 22-23

United Way Women’s Leadership Council ............................. 30-31

2010-11 Campaign Cabinet.......................................................24

Our Volunteer Leaders........................................................... 32-33

United Way’s Fundraising Campaign..........................................26

2010-11 United Way Partner Agency List....................................33

United Way Loaned Executives....................................................27

United Way Emerging Leaders.....................................................33

LIVE UNITED Awards....................................................................27

United Way Board of Directors.....................................................34

Leadership Giving.......................................................................28

Heart of Florida United Way: Total Resources..............................35 3

A JOINT MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD CHAIR AND THE PRESIDENT/CEO Difficult economic times can conjure images and events that span the range of human emotion. Fear, sadness, struggle and desperation can seep into the daily lives of not only those most impacted by negative circumstances, but also those organizations seeking to bring relief. Against a backdrop of high unemployment and a stagnant economy, Heart of Florida United Way continues to carry the banner for the common good of all Central Floridians. Perhaps at no other time in our history has the need been greater for the compassionate care and support delivered through our network of 84 partner agencies. Last year these programs touched the lives of more than 345,800 neighbors in need.

Karen Dee

HFUW Board Chair Florida Regional President Fifth Third Bank

The pages of our 2010-11 Annual Report capture the breadth, depth and scope of what United Way is achieving across Orange, Osceola and Seminole counties. We’ve attempted to portray in vivid terms our accountability and stewardship in managing more than $27.3 million generated through public, private and individual sources. It was a challenging year, but one also filled with measurable reward and heart-warming success stories, some of which are featured in our report. As you engage with these pages, consider this thought – what if there was no Heart of Florida United Way? What if access to basic needs – food, shelter, clothing, utilities, health care and education – were left merely to random chance or only to those most financially able to afford them?

Robert H. (Bob) Brown President/CEO Heart of Florida United Way

What if there was no Heart of Florida United Way? What if access to basic needs – food, shelter, clothing, health care and education – were left merely to random chance?

It’s a frightening prospect indeed. Thankfully, though, Heart of Florida United Way does exist as that accessible bridge between human need and critical assistance. For our board, staff, volunteers and donors, it is a collective mission we embrace with compassion and humility. As we turn our attention toward 2011-12, the road ahead remains formidable. The basic needs of the socially, economically and educationally challenged continue to outpace available resources at alarming rates. And thousands of our fellow Central Floridians still find themselves at the unfortunate intersection of unemployment, financial instability and dwindling opportunity. Rest assured, our commitment at Heart of Florida United Way is steadfast. Our strategic decision to focus resources around Building Safe Communities; Improving Financial Stability; Developing Healthy Children and Families; and Alleviating Hunger and Homelessness remains sound. Together we will stay the course and share in the betterment of life for all Central Floridians.


Karen Dee


Robert H. (Bob) Brown

Times are difficult... Despite hopes for a strong, sustained recovery, our community continues to be rocked to the core by the deepest economic crisis in modern history. As good-paying, full-time jobs remain scarce, thousands of local families continue to struggle. Fortunately, United Way and our partner agencies have been there to help. Thanks to support from a very generous community, more than 345,800 tri-county residents were helped last year by United Way funded programs. The following pages tell the story of HOW these programs are helping, WHO is leading the effort, and WHAT impact United Way is having today – and in helping our community recover and prepare for a brighter future.


In Central Florida,




jobs have been lost statewide since start of recession


...DEAD LAST in the nation for job creation.

3.8 million

Floridians lack health insurance

nearly 270,100 residents live in poverty, including

90,000 children.


BASIC NEEDS 2-1-1 Helps Orlando Family Keep Electricity On When Fred Barr called United Way 2-1-1, he had nowhere left to turn. As a former ad agency creative director who lost his job during the recession, Fred had struggled for months to make ends meet while futilely searching for another job. As the sole provider for his teenage son and wife, who has multiple sclerosis, Fred felt enormous pressure to hold things together. But when his savings, unemployment and medical benefits ran out, things went from bad to worse when he learned he had cancer. Unable to pay bills, Fred called United Way 2-1-1 when the electricity was about to be shut off. Fortunately, he was quickly qualified to receive several months of utility assistance, which helped him stabilize the immediate crisis and focus on other priorities. With his cancer now in remission, Fred continues to look for a full-time job and recently started a marketing business. And though he acknowledges his struggles are far from over, he’s grateful for the help he received through United Way. “It really kept us afloat during a difficult time,” Fred said. “There are certain things you need to survive – rent, utilities, food, insurance – it’s a like a chain. And when the chain breaks, you’re really unprotected. United Way 2-1-1 helped me keep the chain solid.” 6

UNITED WAY 2-1-1 – A 24-HOUR CRISIS & REFERRAL HELPLINE As local families dealt with unemployment, foreclosure, hunger and even homelessness, a record-breaking number sought assistance through 2-1-1, United Way’s free, 24-hour information, referral and crisis intervention helpline. Even more telling, 18,000 people – including 464 who were considering suicide – required crisis intervention services in dealing with stress, mental health issues, substance abuse, domestic violence and other overwhelming problems.

Our Impact: •

More than 171,400 tri-county residents were helped through 2-1-1, a one-year increase of 43% and a two-year increase of 49%.

• • •

Three-out-of-4 were first-time callers who never needed help before.

Through partnerships with other United Ways, 2-1-1 services were provided to residents in eight additional Florida counties, bringing total call volume to 196,151.

98 percent of callers reported receiving information or support that helped them resolve pressing needs.

Utilities and housing accounted for more than half of all requests. 10,290 callers received information about utility assistance programs, the Earned Income Tax Credit and the FamilyWize prescription discount program, all of which help people in need.

If you know someone who needs assistance with housing, utilities, affordable child care, elder services or a personal crisis, tell them to simply dial 2-1-1.

EMERGENCY COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE More than 85,100 tri-county residents facing impending homelessness, hunger and other emergencies also received help through United Way’s Stewardship Programs.

Our Impact: •

465 families were able to avoid or recover from homelessness due to $3.2 million in federal Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) funds that HFUW administered last year. Through ongoing case management, clients also received budget counseling to help them reduce debt, increase income and build self-sufficiency.

Nearly 78,000 people received critical assistance through $1.4 million in federal Emergency Food & Shelter Program (EFSP) funds, which United Way distributed to supplement the work of local agencies.

7,180 residents in need were able to keep their electricity on thanks to a utility assistance program that HFUW administers in partnership with the Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC), Progress Energy and others.

More than 110 parents benefitted from transportation and child-care assistance provided through a JPMorgan Chase program that HFUW managed to help underemployed families. 7


RESULTS While responding to the current crisis, United Way is also focused on the future and seeking innovative, long-term solutions for preventing poverty, hunger, homelessness, juvenile crime, low graduation rates and other serious problems. It’s a journey we began three years ago with the launch of our bold, strategic model known as Investing in Results (IIR). After helping millions of Central Floridians over the past seven decades, we’re now focusing resources and convening with partners to address the root causes of problems before they grow and become even more complex. Research shows that every dollar spent on prevention saves $7 in intervention. Prevention makes smart economic sense and it’s the right thing to do for people. For these reasons and more, United Way is focusing on: • Building Safe Communities through Education • Improving Financial Stability • Developing Healthy Children and Families • Alleviating Hunger and Homelessness


Leading the Change As we fully implement Investing in Results, dozens of local leaders and issue experts are helping guide its success. Chief among them are members of the Investing in Results Council, who have provided critical leadership. Equally important are nearly 40 volunteers who serve on cabinets formed around each focus area. Tasked with identifying prevention-based programs that best support IIR goals, last year cabinet members spent more than 700 hours researching and reviewing applications submitted by local agencies. In all, $15 million was distributed last year to 95 health and human service programs throughout the tri-county region. Included in this amount was $6.25 million in competitive grants that were awarded to prevention-based programs under Investing in Results. In addition, another $8.42 million was distributed through HFUW administered programs, donor designations and state programs. In all, these programs improved the lives of nearly 1-in-6 residents in need.

“Central Florida faces big challenges, but by working together and focusing resources we can achieve bold goals. That’s what Investing in Results is all about.”

Ed Timberlake

Chair, United Way Investing in Results Council Chairman of the Central Florida Board Seaside National Bank & Trust United Way Board Member




“Over the years, the City of Orlando has partnered with United Way on many worthwhile projects, but none match the impact of its efforts to improve education. It’s a well-documented fact that children who succeed in school are much more likely to avoid juvenile crime, drug abuse, teen pregnancy and other problems that impact their lives and the well-being of our entire community.”

Mayor Buddy Dyer City of Orlando


Building Safe Communities through Education When United Way asked Central Floridians to identify their top community concerns, crime and unsafe neighborhoods was a top issue. In response, Building Safe Communities through Education was established as one of our four focus areas. In seeking new solutions for addressing the root causes of crime, particularly youth crime, United Way is, among other things, funding programs that help young people excel in school, make positive choices and become successful adults.

Our Impact:

35,899 children, teens and others participated in programs that helped them succeed in school, graduate on time and pursue further goals •

86% of students participating in remedial education, after-school and mentoring programs showed improvement in reading, math, science and social skills.

92% of students in targeted programs improved school attendance and reduced disciplinary referrals.

85% of programs serving at-risk youth also resulted in greater involvement by parents, whose support and guidance is a key factor in determining children’s success.

Ahkeem Hollimon: Striving for Excellence When Ahkeem Hollimon’s grandmother marched him into the Boys & Girls Club six years ago, little did he know that he was embarking on a path that would lead to an incredibly bright future and a face-to-face meeting with the President of the United States. “I was only 11, but my grandmother was tired of me getting in trouble at school,” said Ahkeem. “I thought I was being punished, but it turned out to be the luckiest day of my life.” Ahkeem Hollimon, third from left, meets with President Barack Obama

Thanks in part to United Way funded programs offered through the Tupperware Brands Branch of Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Florida in Kissimmee, Ahkeem developed the character, leadership and academic skills he needed to overcome many obstacles, including the tragic loss of his brother who died two years ago in a robbery. “At 15, I had to step up and become the big brother of the family,” he said. “When I saw the pain on my mother’s face, I realized it was time to become a young man. Everybody has choices. I knew I had to make the right ones.”

Among those choices was Ahkeem’s decision to do well in school and pursue bigger dreams. After graduating earlier this year from Osceola International High School, he is now attending Valencia Community College where he’s preparing for a career in business management and engineering. In his spare time, he also works at his childhood Boys & Girls Club where he is helping guide and mentor a new generation of kids. In recognition of his remarkable success, Ahkeem was named 2011 Southeast Region Youth of the Year by Boys & Girls Clubs of America – an honor that led to a recent trip to Washington, D.C., and an Oval Office meeting with President Barack Obama. The experience, as well as the President’s heartfelt advice, only reinforced what Ahkeem has already learned. “The President told me to never give up on my dreams and to always strive for excellence,” he said. “To that, I would add one more thing – never forget where you came from.”


“In conjunction with Heart of Florida United Way and other partners, we are working to ensure that our students start school ready to learn, become good readers, graduate from high school and go on to successfully transition to work or college. When Central Florida’s children succeed, we all win.”

Ronald Blocker

Superintendent Orange County Public Schools

United Way’s Focus on Education:

A Cradle to Career Continuum Underlying all of United Way’s wide-ranging efforts to improve lives and community conditions is the issue of education. In addition to providing the foundation for a successful, prosperous life, education is the single most influential factor in determining children’s ability to grow up to do as well or better than their parents. Unfortunately, today’s students are the first generation of Americans who are less likely to earn a diploma than their parents – a distinction not shared by any other industrialized nation. To change this reality, United Way organizations across the nation have put a stake in the ground to improve education and boost children’s success. Below are a few examples of what HFUW is doing to lead the change in our own community.

Interfaith School Turnaround Project (IFSTP) Through a partnership with Orange County Public Schools and the City of Orlando, HFUW is working to move the needle on student achievement at Richmond Heights, Palmetto and Catalina elementary schools, as well as Memorial Middle School. Central to the effort is the recruitment of local interfaith volunteers who are serving as readers, tutors and mentors for at-risk students. The goal: improve children’s literacy skills, academic achievement, attendance and future opportunities for college and career success. Based on our work in Investing in Results, HFUW was chosen as the lead agency for this pilot, which was designed by the White House Committee on Neighborhood and Faith-Based Partnerships, the U.S. Department of Education and the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS).

Other Efforts: •

Rallied community and stakeholder support around Orange County Public Schools’ efforts to attract $24 million in federal “Race to the Top” grant funding.

Partnered with the City of Orlando to scale up the Parramore Kidz Zone, which provides critical “cradle to career” services to at-risk children and families.

Launched an effort to recruit 3,000 local volunteer readers, tutors and mentors to support local students, teachers and schools and cut the dropout rate in half by 2018.



“One of the key lessons of the past few years is how important it is for families and individuals to understand and take charge of their day-to-day finances. Those who have the tools, knowledge and resources to improve their financial stability will be more likely to prosper when the economy recovers.�

Janet Hamer

Senior Community Development Manager Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta - Jacksonville Branch Improving Financial Stability Cabinet Member


Improving Financial Stability Even before the financial crisis began, thousands of Central Floridians were walking a financial tightrope. Often working two or three jobs just to survive, many were unable to improve their employment skills or save for an unexpected crisis, such as job loss or illness. The desperate circumstances many now face underscore the importance of United Way’s focus on helping low-income families and individuals improve their financial stability. To achieve this we are, among other things, funding prevention-based programs that help people reduce debt, manage credit, create workable budgets, build savings and more.

Our Impact:

30,603 tri-county residents received training, counseling and other tools for improving financial self-sufficiency •

100% of clients benefitted from wider access to credit counseling, financial education, the Earned Income Tax Credit and other resources that helped them increase income.

92% were able to maintain or improve their housing situation.

73% improved their employability through education, skills development, employment services and on-the-job training.

Miguel and Sabrina: Moving Forward with Help from United Way Miguel and Sabrina* are a young Orlando couple who have strong values and simple dreams. More than anything, they want their three children, ages 8, 6 and 5, to grow up safe, happy and healthy. But when the economy crashed and Miguel lost his job, things began to unravel. Unable to get by on Sabrina’s income alone, the family was about to be evicted from their home when they called United Way 2-1-1. In addition to rent and utility assistance, Miguel received help with finding a new job. Case managers also showed the couple how to create a workable budget, reduce debt and put a little money away each month. With that savings, the family recently moved into a new home in a safer neighborhood that the kids love. Sabrina, who is working and going to college, couldn’t be happier. “When Miguel lost his job, it was overwhelming,” she said. “Thanks to help from United Way, we got through the crisis and learned how to stay on top of our finances. We’re really moving forward now.” * Names and photo have been changed to protect the clients’ identity.


United Way’s Focus on Financial Stability EARNED INCOME TAX CREDIT (EITC) As part of our focus on helping families improve their financial stability, United Way partners with the Internal Revenue Service in promoting the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), which is credited with lifting more children out of poverty than any other federal program. By offering tax credits of up to $5,600 per year, EITC helps families reduce debt, build savings, or pay for rent or child care or any basic expense. EITC also provides a significant boost to the local economy, where $489.8 million in refunds were distributed throughout the tri-county region last year alone.

Our Impact:


206,105 EITC claims were filed regionally, a one-year increase of 8%.

Since 2003, the year before HFUW began promoting EITC, the number of claimed dollars has risen 47%.

HFUW also helps residents claim and receive 100% of their refund for FREE through the promotion of 30-plus, no-cost tax preparation sites.

FAMILYWIZE PRESCRIPTION DISCOUNT PROGRAM Helping People Save Money on Prescription Medications

Over the past two years, an estimated 40% of Americans have skipped filling a prescription or reduced doses due to the high cost of medication. To address this, United Way organizations across the country are promoting the FamilyWize prescription drug discount program, which offers average savings of 35% off the price of pharmacy medications. Since HFUW first introduced FamilyWize in 2009, Central Floridians have used their cards nearly 45,000 times and saved more than $1 million.

Free, Simple & Easy to Use

Accessing savings is easy to do. All that’s needed is a FamilyWize prescription card, which is available for free by dialing 2-1-1. Among the program’s other features: •

No enrollment, paperwork or personal information is required.

One card is good for the entire family and is valid for five years.

Discounts are applied automatically.

Nine-out-of-10 U.S. pharmacies accept FamilyWize cards.

Savings are available to anyone, not just those who are uninsured.

For people who have health insurance, Medicare or Medicaid benefits, savings may be realized during deductible periods, during the Medicare Part D “donut hole,” or for medications not covered under regular benefits.

To start saving today, simply dial 2-1-1 and request your free discount card. 17

DEVELOPING HEALTHY CHILDREN & FAMILIES “Is there anything more fundamental to the quality of life in a community than good health and well-being? Heart of Florida United Way doesn’t think so. That’s why it’s working with local leaders and organizations to ensure that children and families have ample opportunity to live long, healthy lives, regardless of income, education or ethnic background.”

Belinda Johnson-Cornett

Administrator Osceola County Health Department Developing Healthy Children & Families Cabinet Member 18

Developing Healthy Children & Families Families are the smallest unit of society, yet they represent the most important building block in creating a stronger, healthier community. That’s why United Way is committed to ensuring local families have the critical support and resources they need to thrive. Through this focus area, we fund programs that provide pre-natal care, parent training, nutrition classes, high-quality child care and so much more.

Our Impact:

71,358 residents received support and services that helped them maintain or improve their health and well-being •

99% of clients who received health education services, including nutrition counseling, increased healthy behaviors by 75%.

93% of those participating in family development services, such as counseling, parent training and pre-natal care, demonstrated a significant increase in relevant skills and knowledge.

98% of seniors received assistance with meals, transportation, daily care and other services that help them live with dignity and independence.

Andrea Becomes a Capable, Loving Mother As a successful business owner, Andrea* had always prided herself in her ability to manage any problem or crisis that came her way. But when her daughter, Sarah, was born with Down syndrome, the shock was so overwhelming that she fell into a deep depression that left her unable to cope or care for her baby. Thanks to Healthy Families Orange, a United Way funded program operated by The Howard Phillips Center for Children and Families, Andrea received the support she needed to regain her balance and become a capable, loving mother. In addition to counseling that helped her deal with her emotions, Andrea received referrals to pediatric specialists who focused on Sarah’s developmental needs. Through the program, she also met parents of other Down syndrome children, whose friendship helped Andrea enjoy time with her daughter and reconnect with other friends and relatives. “I no longer view my child’s condition as a hindrance, but as a norm for her life,” Andrea said. “The support of Healthy Families Orange really helped me get through a time in my life that sometimes seemed unbearable.” *Names and photo were changed to protect the client’s identity.

Helping People with HIV/AIDS With Florida ranking third in the nation for new HIV infections, HFUW serves those affected by HIV/AIDS through the management of the Ryan White Part B and General Revenue funds, provided through the Florida Department of Health. In ensuring that nearly 100% of the $2.4 million in Ryan White funds were expended, HFUW last year helped more than 3,000 families and individuals pay for expensive medications, doctor visits, oral health care, health insurance premiums and more. In developing the Central Florida AIDS Planning Consortia Prevention Committee, HFUW is also working with other stakeholders to mobilize outreach efforts and hopefully eliminate the spread of the disease. 19



“During these difficult times, Heart of Florida United Way is helping people stay in their homes, pay for utilities and provide food for their families. They are also a key partner in our effort to reduce or eliminate homelessness in the region.�

Brenda Carey

Chair, Seminole County Board of County Commissioners District 5


Alleviating Hunger & Homelessness On any given night, an estimated 10,000 tri-county residents are living on the streets, staying in shelters, sleeping in cars or doubling up with friends and relatives. Even more troubling, the fastest-growing segment of this population is families with children who represent the new face of homelessness. Many are members of the middle class who once viewed having enough food and a safe place to sleep as basic human rights. Unemployment, foreclosure, serious illness and domestic violence are a few of the many factors that contribute to rising rates of hunger and homelessness. In response, United Way is working with partners to provide, among other things, meals, shelter, counseling, case management and access to community resources and public benefits.

Our Impact:

63,977 residents received emergency food, rent, shelter and other types of assistance •

97% of families who received help with rent and utilities were able to remain in stable housing situations after 30 days.

99% of families who needed food assistance gained access to appropriate and ongoing services.

93% of those helped demonstrated an increased ability to resolve their crisis and improve their stability.

Jenny Johnson Holds Family Together with Help from United Way Jenny Johnson, 28, is petite, bright and full of energy. She is also extremely busy. In addition to working full time and raising her own two sons, she’s also a surrogate “mom” for her teenage siblings, Kelvin, 16, and Ashley, 18. Jenny beams with pride when she talks about Ashley, who just started school at Florida A&M University. “No one in our family has ever gone to college before,” she said. “I’m so happy for her.” When Jenny was 18, things were different. After her grandmother – the only real mother she ever knew – died, Jenny and her siblings went to live with an aunt who didn’t want them. As soon as she was able, Jenny moved out and brought her siblings to live with her. Though things were never easy, finances reached a breaking point last year when she could no longer afford to pay the rent. Fortunately, when she called United Way 2-1-1, she was qualified to receive temporary rent and utility assistance. In addition, case managers helped the family find a better place to live and even coached Ashley on how to fill out college applications. Today, thanks to a job promotion and timely help from United Way, Jenny’s family is doing much better. “I’m only 28, but I’ve struggled for so long, sometimes I feel like an old lady,” she said. “United Way really, really helped. If it wasn’t for them, we’d probably be homeless.” 21

UNITED WAY VOLUNTEER RESOURCE CENTER Give. Advocate. Volunteer. LIVE UNITED. It’s more than just a credo. It’s the foundation of how United Way serves our community. And while raising dollars to fund critical programs is vitally important, volunteers also play a vital role in our efforts to make Central Florida a safer, healthier place to live, work and raise a family. From tutoring children and mentoring teens to hosting food drives and sprucing up group homes, thousands of local volunteers donate their time and talent to touch lives and make a difference.

GET INVOLVED If you or your company would like to volunteer, contact the VRC at (407) 835-0900, or e-mail volunteercenter@hfuw.org.

Coordinating many of these activities is the United Way Volunteer Resource Center (VRC), which connects companies, individuals, families, students, faith-based groups and others with meaningful opportunities to get involved and give back. The VRC also works with more than 150 local nonprofit agencies to help recruit and manage volunteers, who provide much-needed assistance and help stretch precious resources.

Our Impact:


Coordinated 220 volunteer projects at 75-plus local agencies, resulting in more than 16,000 hours of donated service valued at $337,000.

Registered nearly 1,200 new volunteers through the VRC’s website, which makes it easy to search for and select the right opportunity. In all, the site facilitated 4,935 volunteer referrals that benefited 162 agencies.

Launched a three-year effort to recruit 3,000 local volunteer readers, tutors and mentors to support United Way’s efforts to improve education and cut the dropout rate in half by 2018.

Coordinated United Way Days of Caring, which was supported by more than 1,800 volunteers from Lockheed Martin, Publix, Walt Disney World and other leading companies who completed projects at 29 agencies. More than 7,600 hours were donated, resulting in volunteer services valued at $163,000.

Provided much-needed home repairs and security improvements for four deserving Pine Hills families. More than 125 volunteers supported this project.




None of United Way’s efforts to serve people in need would be possible without the tremendous support of our thousands of donors, partners and volunteers. By giving generously of their time, talent and treasure, these United Way champions truly exemplify the caring, compassionate spirit of our community. Over the next few pages, you’ll be introduced to many of these leaders, but we’d like to start by recognizing those who are the driving force behind our annual campaign. Thanks in large part to their generosity, United Way’s 2010-11 campaign raised an astounding $17.4 million, which is the biggest portion of the $27.3 million that HFUW raised, managed or distributed last year to help Central Floridians in need. Leading the fundraising effort was Campaign Chair Sandy Hostetter, President of CNLBank, whose heartfelt commitment inspired strong support from every corner of our community.

United Way 2010-11 Campaign Cabinet United Way 2010-11 Campaign Chair

Health Care


Retail (Malls)

Sandy Hostetter

J. Brian Paradis

Dave Skinner

Steve Jamieson

Building & Design Arts

HFUW Agencies/Nonprofits

Loaned Executives

Sports Businesses

Max Crumit, P.E.

Tara Hormell

Sindy Cassidy

Ken Potrock

Business and Industry

High Tech

Public Service

United Way Women’s Leadership Council

Carolyn Gosselin, APR

Kevin Sheehan

William “Frank” Billingsley

Karen Dee, Co-chair

Financial Services


Retail (Corporate)

John Tomlinson

Gary Sain, CTC, CHME

Maureen Sullivan

Helen Donegan, Co-chair

President, CNLBank


Gosselin, Inc.

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.


Florida Hospital

Children’s Home Society of Florida, Central Florida Division

Lockheed Martin, Inc.

Orlando/Orange County Convention & Visitor’s Bureau, Inc.

Communication Workers of America, Local 3108

Right Management

City of Orlando

Macy’s, Orlando Fashion Square Mall

Mall at Millenia

Walt Disney Parks & Resorts

Fifth Third Bank

University of Central Florida

“Over the years, our community has been richly blessed with great prosperity, but today thousands of residents including many of whom were once United Way donors now need assistance. Those of us fortunate enough to have jobs, must dig deep to help our neighbors and the community get back on its feet.�

Sandy Hostetter

President, CNLBank United Way 2010-11 Campaign Chair


United Way’s Fundraising Campaign We wish to offer our deepest thanks to the nearly 400 companies and organizations that supported our 2010-11 campaign, including the top contributors below: Organizations Contributing $100,000 or More The Walt Disney Company Publix Super Markets, Inc. Lockheed Martin, Inc. Darden Restaurants, Inc. Orange County Government SunTrust Bank of Central Florida City of Orlando UPS Florida District Florida Hospital Tupperware Brands Corporation AT&T Wells Fargo Bank of America SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment Enterprise Holdings Siemens Energy, Inc. CNL Financial Group, Inc. Orlando Health OUC–The Reliable One Fifth Third Bank University of Central Florida Zachry Construction Company FedEx CenturyLink Seminole County Public Schools Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A.

Top Division Leaders Raising $10,000 or more Accounting Firms

Deloitte & Touche LLP Ernst & Young, LLP PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP Cross, Fernandez & Riley, LLP

Building and Design Arts Brasfield & Gorrie LLC PCL Construction Services Inc. Atkins

Business and Industry

McLane Suneast Orlando Magic Progress Energy Southeastern Container Massey Services, Inc. Florida Municipal Power Agency Florida Gas Transmission Company Cessna Aircraft Company The Andersons, Inc. Illinois Tool Works Company Delta Air Lines Inc., Orlando International Airport Mears Transportation Group

Combined Federal Campaign

Naval Air Warfare Ctr. Training Systems Division, NAWCTS US Army PEO STRI Simulation, Training, Instruction


Dept. of VA Orlando VA Medical Center VAMC DHS Transportation Security Administration TSA – Orlando & Sanford DOJ Federal Correctional Complex Coleman USPS – Orlando P&DC Bureau of Customs & Border Protection DHS CBP – Lakemont Bureau of Customs & Border Protection DHS CBP – Binnacle USPS – Mid-FL P&DC DHS TSA Federal Air Marshalls USPS – Orlando L&DC USPS – Orlando/Pine Castle USPS – Orlando/Lee Vista USPS – Orlando/South Creek USPS – Daytona Beach DHS US Citizenship and Immigration Services Defense Contract Management Agency DCMA


Orange County Public Schools Osceola County Public Schools Valencia Community College

Financial Services

Bank of New York Mellon Regions Bank The Hartford Insurance Group, Orlando Regional Office Raymond James & Associates Inc. GE Capital St. Paul Travelers Symcor Fairwinds Credit Union BB&T State Farm Harland Financial Solutions CNL Bank HSBC North America PNC Bank JPMorgan Chase Card Services

Florida State Employee Charitable Campaign (FSECC) DCF – District Administration District 7 Coordinator DOH – Orange County Health Department


Winter Park Health Foundation Elizabeth Morse Genius Foundation Siemer Family Foundation Gordon J. Barnett Memorial Foundation The Kimball Foundation

Health Care

Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. Adventist Health System Corporate Office Health Central United Health Care of Florida Invacare Corporation

High Tech

Sprint Nuvox Communications

General Dynamics C4 System TriQuint Semiconductor – Sawtek Division


Marriott International, Inc. AAA National Orlando/Orange County Convention & Visitors Bureau

Law Firms

Baker Hostetler LLP Holland & Knight, LLP Dean, Mead, Egerton, Bloodworth, Capouano, & Bozarth, P.A.


Comcast Orlando Sentinel Communications WFTV-Channel 9 Cox Enterprises

Nonprofits and Agencies

Heart of Florida United Way Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida Center for Drug Free Living Community Coordinated Care for Children Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Florida Lighthouse Central Florida Devereux Florida Children’s Home Society of Florida, Central Florida Division

Public Service

Reedy Creek Improvement District City of Kissimmee


Target Corporation Macy’s JCPenney Costco Wholesale Best Buy Nordstrom Florida Mall WalMart Dillard’s Inc. Neiman Marcus, Mall at Millenia CVS Pharmacy Distribution Crispers

Top Companies for Leadership Giving (Individual Gifts of $1,000 to $9,999) The Walt Disney Company Publix Super Markets, Inc. Lockheed Martin, Inc. Darden Restaurants, Inc. City of Orlando Tupperware Brands Corporation Orange County Government Wells Fargo Financial SunTrust Bank of Central Florida Fifth Third Bank


Each year, businesses dedicated to making a difference lend their brightest and best employees or provide sponsorship funds to support the United Way Loaned Executive Program. Loaned Executives become an integral part of the annual fundraising efforts, working alongside the United Way Resource Development team in coordinating successful workplace campaigns. At the end of the program, they return to their companies with sharper business skills and a greater awareness of local need. WHAT LOCAL BUSINESS LEADERS SAY ABOUT THE PROGRAM: “Loaned Executives help stretch the resources of Heart of Florida United Way and directly impact the success of the annual campaign. Through their experience, employees develop leadership skills and enrich their pride and commitment to community giving. With such limited organizational resources today, we honor the local businesses who continue to step up to our call.” Sindy Cassidy Executive V.P. & Regional Managing Director Right Management, Florida/Caribbean Region

“Over the years, Publix has committed dozens of associates to work onsite at United Way during the campaign. Supporting this program sets an example of how business leaders can get involved and become responsible community partners. Associates who’ve served as Loaned Executives return as more engaged and productive citizens. They also pass on their experience, which inevitably makes a difference in the lives of others.” Sam Pero Regional Director, Jacksonville Southern Region Publix Super Markets, Inc.

United Way wishes to thank the following companies who supported the Loaned Executive Program last year.

LIVE UNITED AWARDS Each year during the LIVE UNITED Celebration, which marks the conclusion of our campaign, a select group of companies are honored for going above and beyond in running exemplary workplace campaigns. Honorees of the 2010-11 LIVE UNITED awards include:

Million Dollar Club Exceptional Employee Campaign Manager

Raquel Berberena, Tupperware Brands Corporation

Phenomenal Executive Champion John Fadool, LongHorn Steakhouse

Spirit Award

PCL Construction Services, Inc.

Chairman’s Award

Wachovia - A Wells Fargo Company


Leadership Giving At the core of every great community, there’s a select group of people whose compassion and leadership set the course for others to follow. Here in Central Florida, we’re fortunate to have United Way Leadership donors, who invest in our community with annual gifts of $1,000 or more. Last year nearly 2,250 Leadership donors contributed a combined total of $3,461,021. In addition to the satisfaction of making an important investment in our community, these donors receive other benefits, including special recognition during the annual United Way Leadership Appreciation event at SeaWorld Orlando. Below are a few photo highlights from last year’s event. For more information about becoming a Leadership investor, call United Way’s Director of Leadership Giving at (407) 835-0900, or e-mail Leadership@hfuw.org.

“Great communities don’t just happen and lives aren’t changed for the better by chance. They are the result of stewardship and leadership. At Walt Disney World, we are immensely proud of our partnership with Heart of Florida United Way and the vital programs they support throughout Central Florida.” Meg Crofton President Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Operations, U.S. and France United Way ADT Donor 28

Alexis Tocqueville


S O C I E T Y •

Dr. P. Phillips

Ordre de Fraternité $75,000 to $99,999 John & Carrie Morgridge Morgridge Family Foundation

Ordre d’Egalité $50,000 to $74,999 Clarence Otis Jr. & Jacqueline Bradley Darden Restaurants, Inc.

Jim & Dayle Seneff CNL Financial Group

Mrs. Ramona Spears

In memory of Mr. W. E. Jock Spears

LEADING BY EXAMPLE Representing the highest levels of personal philanthropy are members of the Alexis de Tocqueville (ADT) Society, whose annual gifts of $10,000 or more make a profound, lifechanging difference for so many residents. We are deeply grateful to all of our leadership investors, including the ADT donors, listed below:

Ted Crowell

Helen & Richard DeVos The Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation

Robert D. Beard Ernst & Young, LLP

Robert H. Brown & Mary Recchia-Brown Kevin & Linda Casey

Andrew & Paula Madsen

Meg & Rich Crofton

Michael & Renee Mueller

Jennifer T. & William D. Dymond Jr.

David Lee Neel

Ernst & Young, LLP

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Operations, U.S. and France Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A.

Stephen Fan

China Pavillion at Epcot®

Suzanne & Michael Fleming Merrill Lynch/Bank of America

Robert & Cheri VanderWeide

Deloitte & Touche LLP

Wells Fargo Financial

John & Rita Lowndes

Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A.

Ordre dé Liberté $25,000 to $49,999

Craig A. Watson

Kim Lopdrup

Darden Restaurants, Inc.

Heart of Florida United Way, Inc.

Lillian & Raymond Garcia

VanderWeide Family Foundation

Dr. Nelson Ying

Contributed in the name of The Baron and Baroness of Balquhain Ying of Balquhain

Tupperware Brands Corporation

Michael & Terri Harding Bob A. Iger & Willow Bay

Darden Restaurants, Inc. Health Central, Inc.

Robert G. Neel Michael & Beth Pattillo Ernst & Young, LLP

Brad & Nancy Richmond Darden Restaurants, Inc.

Wayne P. & Dr. Robin R. Roberts Community Foundation of Central Florida

Michael & Theresa Ryan

Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A.

The Walt Disney Company

Page Thompson

Howard Jenkins

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Thorsen III

Members de la Société $10,000 to $24,999

Publix Super Markets, Inc.

Raymond James & Associates, Inc.

Pat & Audrey Knipe

Linda Warren & Dr. Jeffrey Prickett

Jim & Elli Atchison

In memory of Hy lake

Carol & Barney Barnett

Darden Restaurants, Inc.

SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment Publix Super Markets, Inc.

Harriett Lake

Al Weiss

The Walt Disney Company

Joe R. Lee


UNITED WAY WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP COUNCIL By combining the power of philanthropy, volunteerism and awareness, the United Way Women’s Leadership Council addresses the unique health and human service needs of local women and children. Co-chaired by Karen Dee, Florida Regional President of Fifth Third Bank, and Helen Donegan, Vice President of Community Relations for UCF, the council is guided by a steering committee of 25 prominent female business and civic leaders. In all, more than 700 women, representing all walks of life, support the council’s efforts. Throughout the year, the council sponsors many meaningful volunteer and fundraising events that support United Way’s focus on helping families improve their financial stability. Its largest event, the United Way Women’s Leadership Luncheon, last year raised nearly $100,000 to help fund United Way supported programs that are helping women improve their financial knowledge, employment skills, access to affordable housing and much more. The 2011 luncheon featured keynote speaker Jeannette Walls, who discussed her best-selling memoir, The Glass Castle, and her upbringing in an eccentric, brilliant and often homeless family. For more information about the Council or how to get involved, call United Way’s Director of Leadership Giving at (407) 835-0900, or e-mail WomensLeadership@hfuw.org.

“We LIVE UNITED by co-chairing the United Way Women’s Leadership Initiative and serving on boards and committees for various community organizations.” Karen Dee United Way Board Chair Florida Regional President Fifth Third Bank

Helen Donegan V.P. of Community Relations University of Central Florida

Women’s Leadership Luncheon

Women’s Leadership Council Co-Chair - Karen L. Dee Florida Regional President Fifth Third Bank

Co-Chair - Helen Donegan Vice President Community Relations University of Central Florida

Tobi Allen

Lockheed Martin, Inc.

Tracy Barwick McGladrey

Andrea Batchelor Neiman Marcus

Betsey Bell

Orlando Magic

Joy Block

Deloitte & Touche LLP

Sara Brady

Sara Brady Public Relations, Inc.

Fonda Cerenzio

Cerenzio & Associates

Chief Val B. Demings

City of Orlando Police Department (Retired)

Patty DeYoung

Community Volunteer

Karen Dyer

Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP

Pat Engfer

Hyatt Regency (OIA)

Terry Fitzpatrick

UPS – The Florida District

Lawrie Platt Hall

Platt Hall & Associates

Leslie Hielema

Orlando, Inc. (Regional Chamber of Commerce)

Harriett Lake Philanthropist

Linda Landman-Gonzalez Orlando Magic

Meredith Level

Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A.

Yolanda Londoño

Tupperware Brands Corporation

Liz Lovaglio

Community Volunteer

Samantha O’Lenick Florida Hospital

Sibille Pritchard

Brooksville Development Corporation

Jill Schwartz

Jill S. Schwartz and Associates, P.A.

Sara Segal

Community Volunteer

Kathy Swanson

Winnie Palmer Hospital

Ellen Titen

ET Consultants


Our Volunteer Leaders Heart of Florida United Way wishes to thank all of the dedicated volunteers who serve on our various councils, cabinets and committees. Their leadership, guidance and insight make our organization and community stronger. Investing in Results Council Ed Timberlake, Chair Chairman of the Central Florida Board Seaside National Bank & Trust Mark Brewer, Vice Chair President/CEO Community Foundation of Central Florida Robert H. (Bob) Brown President/CEO Heart of Florida United Way Michael Frumkin, Ph.D. Dean, College of Health & Public Affairs University of Central Florida Mark A. Jones President Dr. P. Phillips Hospital Laurie Joyner, Ph.D. Vice President for Planning and Dean of the College Rollins College Ray Larsen Executive Director Central Florida Commission on Homelessness Patty Maddox President/CEO Winter Park Health Foundation

Mark A. Jones, Chair President Dr. P. Phillips Hospital Lisa Portelli, Vice Chair Program Director Winter Park Health Foundation Ronald W. Albert SPEC Territory Manager Internal Revenue Services Gloria Bailey Senior Vice President/Senior Client Manager Bank of America Merrill Lynch Janet Hamer Senior Community Development Manager Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta – Jacksonville Branch Yolanda Londoño Vice President of Global Social Responsibility Tupperware Brands Corporation Nana Robertson, M.S. Program Manager, Early Childhood Dept. Seminole State College Chris Toadvine Toadvine & Associates

Ronald F. Piccolo, Ph.D. Associate Professor Crummer Graduate School of Business Rollins College

Sharron R. Washington Circuit 9 Operations Manager Florida Department of Children & Families

Jacob Stuart President/CEO Central Florida Partnership

Developing Healthy Children & Families

Michele Saunders Director of Community Services Seminole County Government Linda Weinberg Deputy County Administrator Orange County Government

Building Safe Communities through Education Cabinet Laurie Joyner, Ph.D., Chair Vice President for Planning and Dean of the College Rollins College Donna Templin, Vice Chair Community Volunteer W. Gene Grace Director, Student Safety & Student Alternative Placement Seminole County Public Schools Honorable Alicia L. Latimore Circuit Judge Ninth Judicial Circuit Court Roberto Hugh Potter, Ph.D. Professor University of Central Florida Criminal Justice and Legal Studies Deputy Chief Charles Robinson Airport Division Commander Orlando Police Department Joy W. Taylor, Ed.D. Director, Title I Federal Programs Orange County Public Schools


Improving Financial Stability Cabinet

Ronald F. Piccolo, Ph.D., Chair Associate Professor Crummer Graduate School of Business Rollins College C. Josef Ghosn, Ed.D., Vice Chair Sr. Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer Florida Division of Adventist Health System Lonnie C. Bell Jr. Director Orange County Family Services Department Nancy Ellis, Ph.D. Director Center for Community Partnerships University of Central Florida Belinda Johnson-Cornett Administrator Osceola County Health Department Jennifer Kent-Walsh, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders University of Central Florida Merewyn E. “Libba” Lyons, Ed.D. Executive Director, Race to the Top Orange County Public Schools Therry Feroldi Sr. Health Planner The Health Council of East Central Florida Debbie Watson Vice President Winter Park Health Foundation

Karen Willis CEO Early Learning Coalition of Orange County

Alleviating Hunger & Homelessness Cabinet Michael Frumkin, Ph.D., Chair Dean, College of Health & Public Affairs University of Central Florida John Hillenmeyer, Vice Chair Chief Executive Officer Emeritus Orlando Health, Inc. Lisa Barkley, M.D. Assistant Dean for Diversity & Inclusion Assistant Professor of Medicine College of Medicine University of Central Florida Vivian Bryant, Esq. President/CEO The Orlando Housing Authority John Cooper Regional Director Florida Department of Children and Families Danny de Armas Senior Associate Pastor First Baptist Church of Orlando Kenneth Goldberg, M.D. Chief of Staff U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs Orlando VA Medical Center Ray Larsen Executive Director Central Florida Commission on Homelessness Robert Spivey Manager, Code Enforcement Division Orange County Government Karri Lynn Simpson Administrative Aide, Board of County Commissioners Orange County Laura S. Williams Executive Director Court Watch James D. “Jim” Wright, Ph.D. Provost Distinguished Research Professor College of Sciences, Sociology University of Central Florida

Legacy Review Committee

During United Way’s implementation of Investing in Results, some programs will continue to receive traditional or “legacy” funding. Catherine Atwood St. Cloud Regional Medical Center Stephen Baum Wachovia Bank – A Wells Fargo Company Kim Dapkus Lockheed Martin, Inc. Karen Dual Averett Warmus Durkee Osburn Henning John Fields Community Volunteer Elaine Feld Orlando Health

James Haas Community Volunteer Jennifer Kupper Walt Disney World Daniel Kyei-Donkor Hospice of the Comforter Ray Larsen Central Florida Commission on Homelessness Laisin Lee Raydon Corporation Janell Ray IBM Florida Margaret Sauer Community Volunteer Cindy Sweeden Walt Disney World Resort Mark Pulley The Walt Disney World Company

Financial Review Committee United Way’s Financial Review Committee acts as stewards of the community’s donated dollars by assessing the financial health of organizations requesting United Way program funding. Fred Bates Community Volunteer Joyce Odongo Fifth Third Bank Ralph Perrino CPA Diana L. Silvey Winter Park Health Foundation Phil Nahajewski Community Volunteer Bob Raudebaugh Wachovia Bank Claudia Rojas We Can Corporation/L C Tax Service Mike Schafer Schafer, Tschopp, Whitcomb, Mitchell & Sheridan, LLP Matt Thursam The Walt Disney World Company Tom Tschopp Schafer, Tschopp, Whitcomb, Mitchell & Sheridan, LLP Sandeep Wilkhu NASA - Kennedy Space Center Betty Zaldivar State of Florida, Dept. of Revenue

Marketing Committee Ken Potrock, Co-Chair Walt Disney Parks and Resorts John Fadool, Co-Chair LongHorn Steakhouse Shawn Bartelt WFTV 9 Steve Blount Blue Guitar Films Kathy Brown Thumb Print Marketing Stephanie Darden FDG Creative Larry de la Rosa Telemundo Joel Glass Orlando Magic Suzanne Grethen WESH Douglas Howard Pixel 1080 David Hickman Idea Distillery Greg Johnston Blue Guitar Films Vel Johnson Vasaj Communications Tyler Koon Lawton Printers

Heart of Florida United Way 2010-11 Partner Agency List Adult Literacy League, Inc.

The Grove Counseling Center, Inc.

After School Programs, Inc.

GROWS Literacy Council

American Red Cross of Central Florida

Harbor House of Central Florida

Apopka Family Learning Center

Health Care Center for the Homeless

BETA Center, Inc.

Help Now of Osceola

Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Florida, Inc.

The Howard Phillips Center for Children & Families

Catholic Charities of Central Florida, Inc.

Jewish Family Services of Greater Orlando

The Center for Drug-Free Living, Inc.

Kids House of Seminole

Center for Independent Living in Central Florida, Inc.

Lighthouse Central Florida

Central Florida Police Athletic League

Meals on Wheels Etc.

Central Florida YMCA

Orlando Day Nursery

Children’s Home Society of Florida – Central Florida Division

Osceola Council on Aging, Inc.

Christian Service Center for Central Florida

Rescue Outreach Mission of Sanford

Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida

RSVP of Orange County

Community Based Care of Central Florida, Inc.

Safehouse of Seminole

Community Coordinated Care for Children

Salvation Army of Orange County

CredAblity/Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Central Florida & the Florida Gulf Coast

Salvation Army of Seminole County

Devereux Florida

Beth Lowell Orlando Sentinel

Edgewood Children’s Ranch

Manley Ludwig

Federation of Congregations United to Serve, Inc. (FOCUS)

Laverne McGee Radio Disney Lauren Rowe WKMG

Quest, Inc.

Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida Seminole Community Volunteer Program Seniors First Share the Care

Foster Grandparent Program

Welbourne Avenue Nursery and Kindergarten

Girl Scouts of Citrus Council, Inc.

Winter Park Day Nursery

Lorri Shaban Thompson Wesley Wolfe Bob St. Charles WFTV 9 Michelle Stevens WFTV 9 Family Connection Bethany Wright Volunteer

EMERGING LEADERS To inspire and engage the next generation of philanthropic leaders, HFUW recently launched the United Way Emerging Leaders initiative. Guided by local professionals age 40 and younger, the initiative offers new opportunities to engage with United Way in addressing the most challenging needs facing our community. In addition to helping fund solutions, members participate in volunteer projects and other meaningful events while networking with local leaders, corporate partners and other young professionals. To learn more, contact United Way Resource Development at (407) 835-0900 or e-mail EmergingLeaders@hfuw.org.

Kelley Teague Director, Public Affairs & Government Relations MetroPlan Orlando Chair, HFUW Emerging Leaders Steering Committee


United Way Board of Directors Board members from July 2010 - June 2011


Vice Chair*

Chris Fenger

Karen Dee

President Central Florida Division Bright House Networks (former)

Florida Regional President Fifth Third Bank




James B. Cross

Avido Khahaifa

Robert H. (Bob) Brown

Managing Partner Cross, Fernandez & Riley, LLP

Senior Vice President and General Manager Orlando Sentinel Communications

Heart of Florida United Way

Debbie Clements

Tony Jenkins

Ronald O. Rogers

Val B. Demings

Mark A. Jones

David Ruiz

Jean D’Meza Leuner, Ph.D., RN, CNE

Jeffrey R. Shafer

Community Relations Manager Progress Energy

Market President – Central Florida Region Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.

Chief of Police, City of Orlando (Retired)

President Dr. P. Phillips Hospital

John Fadool

Executive Vice President, Marketing LongHorn Steakhouse

Dean and Professor College of Health Nursing University of Central Florida

Michael Frumkin, Ph.D. Dean and Professor College of Health and Public Affairs UCF

Patricia Maddox

David E. Fuller

President and CEO SunTrust Bank, Central Florida

Vice President and CFO Tupperware U.S. and Canada

Vice President of Communications Orlando Magic

E. Ann McGee, Ph.D.

Donna Templin

Ramon A. Ojeda

President Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metro Orlando, Inc.

Roseann Harrington

Vice President of Marketing Communications & Community Relations OUC—The Reliable One

Sam Pero

Regional Director of Retail Operations Publix Super Markets, Inc.

Tara Hormell, MA, BCBA

Executive Director Children’s Home Society of Florida, Central Florida Division

Stephanie Howell

Keith Swider

President, Bank of America Market Executive U.S. Trust Bank of America Private Wealth Management

Joel Glass

Orlando Director, Client Development and Marketing Baker Hostetler LLP

Kevin A. Sheehan

Michael McCoy

John Moskos

Senior Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer Florida Division of Adventist Health System

President CNL Securities Corp.

Vice President, Business Development Fire Control and Strike Weapons Lockheed Martin, Inc.

President Seminole State College

C. Josef Ghosn, Ed.D.

President, Florida District UPS

President Winter Park Health Foundation

Chief, Director of Public Safety Orange County Government

Jane Garrard

President Ronald O. Rogers & Associates, LLC

John Pisan

Regional Manager and Senior Vice President, Wealth Management Wells Fargo Private Bank

Ken Potrock

Senior Vice President, Sports Enterprises Walt Disney Parks & Resorts

Director of Business Analysis SeaWorld | Aquatica | Discovery Cove

Community Volunteer

Ed Timberlake

Chairman of the Central Florida Board Seaside National Bank & Trust

Linda Warren

Executive Vice President Marketing and Products and Services Walt Disney Parks & Resorts (former)

Richard A. Watkins

Senior Vice President, Private Wealth Management SunTrust Bank

Carol Wick CEO Harbor House

Paul Wilson

President Central Florida AFL-CIO

*Chris Fenger was chair until March 2011, then Karen Dee assumed the role.

HFUW Earns Four Stars – Charity Navigator’s Highest Rating for Fiscal Accountability One of Heart of Florida United Way’s proudest achievements of 2010-11 was to earn a four star rating from Charity Navigator, the nation’s leading evaluator of nonprofit organizations. Four stars, the highest rating, is only awarded to nonprofits that exceed industry standards for transparency, fiscal responsibility and growth. Nationally, only one-in-four evaluated charities receive four stars, so we’re deeply honored by this recognition.


HEART OF FLORIDA UNITED WAY: TOTAL RESOURCES Heart of Florida United Way was responsible for raising, managing or distributing approximately $27 million throughout Central Florida in fiscal year 2010-11. Known as “total resources,” this sum includes dollars raised through the community campaign, special events and other donorrelated activities. It also includes monies managed through emergency food and shelter programs, utility assistance programs, the Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing Program, the Gifts in Kind Center and the Ryan White Part B/General Revenue Program, which supports those affected by HIV/AIDS. These, combined with other programs, services and resources, make Heart of Florida United Way the tri-county region’s largest supporter of health and human service agencies.


STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION The following is an overview of Heart of Florida United Way’s financial performance comparing fiscal years 2010-11 and 2009-10, ending June 30.

Finance Committee Chair James B. Cross, CPA Managing Partner Cross, Fernandez & Riley, LLP

Jim Curley Retired

Stephen J. Graham

Senior Financial Manager/Consultant Dr. P. Phillips Hospital

Tim Hyslop Senior V.P. M&I Bank

Peter L. Lopez, Esq.

Partner Lowndes Drosdick, Doster, Kantor, & Reed, P.A.

Robert H. Maiocco Financial Advisor Merrill Lynch

Keith Swider

Director of Business Analysis SeaWorld | Aquatica | Discovery Cove

Donna Templin Retired

Richard A. Watkins

Assets 2010-11 Cash $10,084,402 Investments 6,014,915 Certificates of deposit 1,893,388 Campaign pledges receivable, less allowance for uncollectible pledges of $1,590,564 and $1,520,427 in 2011 and 2010 respectively 6,058,723 Grants receivable 504,479 Other receivables 24,984 Prepaid expenses 58,682 Gifts-in-kind inventory 221,667 Property and equipment, net 4,194,546 Total assets $29,055,786 Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued expenses Campaign pledges due to designated agencies Campaign pledges due to other United Way organizations Grant advances Other liabilities Total liabilities Net assets: Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets


461,584 359,434

2009-10 $ 9,206,848 5,256,267 1,887,419

6,045,793 1,423,014 58,206 115,763 296,244 4,203,211 $28,492,765


512,162 360,323



280,024 318,022 96,960 5,029,129

217,234 469,336 177,140 5,424,540

12,244,854 10,981,803 800,000 24,026,657 $29,055,786

11,938,781 10,329,444 800,000 23,068,225 $28,492,765

Senior V.P., Private Wealth Management SunTrust Bank


Dr. Nelson Ying Center

1940 Traylor Blvd.

| Orlando, Fl 32804 |


www.HFUW.org (407) 835-0900

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