HGH and immune function the body of evidence

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HGH and Immune Function – the Body of Evidence Scientists, researchers, and medical centers worldwide are aware of how growth hormone has the ability to curb the ef f ects of aging.[1] T his idea alone is suf f icient reason f or many people to take steps to raise their natural HGH production. However, if that’s all HGH did its notoriety would f ade. While the ability to put the brakes on the aging process is certainly exciting it does not necessarily mean a longer lif e. T here are a multitude of ways that our body system ages. Some of those systems are inf initely more important to our health and and resistance to disease.[2]

Researchers are asking some interesting questions about how HGH is related to immune f unction Is heart disease a direct result of aging?[3] When hormones decline what is the resulting impact through the body’s systems? Why does age put a person into a higher risk category of brain related issues? Why does a simple inf ection kill an older person but is barely noticed by a younger person? It appears that in each of the above questions HGH is a central f igure.

Our immune system degrades with age Evidence now points to HGH supplementation as a method to bolster and signif icantly upgrade our immune f unction.

Most of us take the immune system for granted, after all for most our lives it has diligently operated in the background protecting us from all forms of harmful, bacterial, parasitical, and viral invasion.

Put bluntly the immune system is the number one mechanism in our physiology that enables us to survive. Each day our immune systems f ront line warriors the lymphocytes, phagocytes and killer cells are programmed to wage war against anything that could potentially compromise our health. Without it, our time on the planet would be short lived. Its important to recognize it f or what it is and what ii does – it allows us to live in a very dangerous environment. Scientists have conf irmed that with age our immune f unction drops. Once the decline begins to take place we are vulnerable to autoimmune challenges, cancer, viral and bacterial inf ection. Question is – How do we go f rom a robust and powerf ul immune system to a immune system that is unable to protect against even the simplest inf ections? A common scientif ic opinion is that this immune decline is a direct result of thymus gland shrinkage[4] which results f rom a hormonal imbalance in the endocrine system, specif ically, human growth hormone.

Research results have shown that shrinking thymus glands and subsequent immune f unction drop could be reversed. And HGH is the responsible hormone. It is impossible to ignore the research f indings which show that a depressed immune system is a treatable situation. Top 10 HGH supplements and reports. References: [1] Kelley, K.W., et. al. Proceeding of the National Academy of Science. [2] Cittadini, A., et al. American Journal of Physiology. [3] Clemmesen, B., et al. Osteoporosis International. [4] Papadikis, M. A., et al. Annals of Internal Medicine.

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