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How To Release HGH – Naturally 4 simple steps f or increasing natural HGH production Here are some interesting f acts about natural HGH production that most internet HGH sites are lacking and yet it’s the kind of inf ormation most of us would like to know. It’s common knowledge the decrease in HGH synthesis and production during a lif e-time is a natural phenomenon consistent with the aging process. However, most resources f ail to explain the simple yet ef f ective techniques that increase HGH production naturally and of course with various degrees of ef f ort.
Exercise and strength training Weight training that uses leg, chest and back muscles has been shown to be the best natural stimulant f or invigorating the body and stimulating HGH production. [1]
Elevated blood sugar levels decreases HGH production Avoid eating bef ore bedtime and minimize your intake of simple sugars f ound in soda, f ruit juice, candy and other snack products. [2]
Increase your dietary protein intake f rom poultry, f ish, dairy products, soy and lean meat products Protein intake is f undamental to tissue regeneration and muscle growth. In addition, amino acid supplements of L-arginine, L-lysine and L-ornithine, when taken in combination, have also been f ound to simulate HGH production. [3]
Practice good sleep patterns by f ollowing a consistent sleep schedule Over 70% of your daily HGH production occurs during Stage III and IV restf ul sleep. If you are having dif f iculty getting a good night sleep, consider melatonin supplementation or see your doctor. [4] Bottom Line – Adopt a vigorous and healthy lif estyle. See my list of recommended HGH supplements
This may sound straight forward however, by making these adjustments to your lifestyle you will increase the probability of increased results from your HGH supplement.
Side ef f ects
¨When f irst using any of the HGH products on the market you may experience a mild headache that will decrease rapidly in time as the hypothalamus and pituitary glands acclamate to the change in HGH production. Individuals who should consult their physician bef ore using alternative HGH supplements: Pregnant or nursing mothers, women trying to conceive, people taking prescription steroid drugs, anyone suf f ering f rom autoimmune diseases, and anyone with a current or prior diagnosis of cancer. T hose taking medications f or thyroid dysf unction and diabetes must keep their doctors inf ormed and caref ully monitor their medication accordingly. It is possible that those with borderline hypothyroidism, hypocortisolemia, and even hypoglycemia may unmask or aggravate these conditions with HGH enhancements. If you have allergies – check the ingredients f or products you might have an allergic reaction to. References: [1] Livestrong. Exercise to Increase HGH Available f rom: http://www.livestrong.com/article/84066-exercisesincrease-hgh/ [2] Dr. Joseph Mercola. Two Foods You Should Never, Ever Eat Af ter Exercise 2013. Available f rom: http://f itness.mercola.com/sites/f itness/archive/2010/07/27/the-growing-promise-of -shorter-more-intensestrength-training-workouts.aspx [3] Foxnews. Ways to naturally increase your growth hormone production” Available f rom: http://www.f oxnews.com/health/2012/03/20/ways-to-naturally-increase-your-growth-hormone-production/ [4] National Library of Medicine. Growth hormone secretion during sleep” Available f rom: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC297368/ About the author: Michael Reed f ounded HGHMagazine.com over 8 years ago, and has remained the chief editor ever since. Originally, he f ounded the site to help research various HGH supplements on the market. Today, HGHMagazine.com has grown to one of the most visited HGH sites. Michael currently lives in the Santa Cruz, CA with his wif e of 12 years.