Unique Salad Helps HGH Supplements

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Ultimate HGH Salad Energizes HGH Supplements Update I’ve noticed a lot of websites have copied and republished my “HGH Salad” article I originally published in 2009. It’s being copied because the strategy I lay out is sound and the salad ingredients raise your nutritional status [4] plus it’s ultra convenient.

The HGH Salad Solves Nutrition For a Busy Schedule We all have busy schedules and it’s really hard to get the right meals [5] [6] on a regular basis. Af ter a lot of research and investigation I designed a quick way to raise my nutrition and help an HGH supplement work better. I’ve nicknamed it the “HGH Salad” because this “one container” meal has a very high nutritional prof ile. [1] T he idea behind the salad is to create a “one container” meal source that has a great variety of natural, whole f oods, meets the 5-servings-of -f ruit-and-vegetablesper-day, is mostly unprocessed, fresh, high in fiber, high in vitamins and very tasty. [2] It’s tasty enough to eat every day. Once made, it easily lasts f or a week. (make a “tub” of it Sunday night and it’ll last the week)

Preparation: Dice, chop or (f or tof u) cube all ingredients. T his allows f or easy mixing, portioning and the ability to eat it with a spoon right f rom a small container. -

Broccoli Kale (GREAT source of potassium) Parsley Cilantro Peas (f rozen) Bok Choy Caulif lower Carrots Red Pepper Kidney Beans Apple Raisins Almonds Tof u Garbonzo Beans

HG H Salad is a Nutritio nal Po we rho us e


Extra virgin olive oil Apple cider vinegar Lemon juice Mrs. Dash seasoning Hot sauce

Spinach and Tomatoes are conspicuously absent. T hey don’t last very well. T hey could be added on the day of serving. [7] All of the above is otherwise very hardy. Remember you want this to last a week in the f ridge. Use extra virgin olive oil [8] liberally (it’s a “good” f at) and apple cider vinegar. [3] Splash on lemon juice. Use Mrs. Dash liberally. A “mild” red hot sauce adds some zest. Mix, toss and turn until well blended. You may keep in a large container or pack into smaller “daily” containers, ready to grab and go.

Awesome Salad Dressing: I’ve have discovered a wonderf ul dressing that’s perf ect f or the HGH Salad. You’ll need a separate container to mix this in but again, it’s worth it! 6 4 4 2 a

tablespoons olive oil tablespoons balsamic vinegar teaspoons yellow mustard cloves garlic, crushed & f inely chopped little ground pepper

Whisk the ingredients until blended and then drip onto your HGH Salad! If the taste is too strong you can add a little honey. We typically double the above amounts and store it in the f rig f or quick & easy access. Word of warning – the Costco brand of olive oil “Kirkland” does not work well and tends to turn the dip into “gunk” when ref rigerated. Note: If your GI track is not used to olive oil I recommend “go light” f or the f irst couple of days until your GI track gets used to it. Here’s my list of Top HGH Supplement Recommendations References:

[1] US National Library of Medicine. Growth hormone and nutrition interact to regulate expressions of kidney IGF-I and IGFBP mRNAs.. Available f rom: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7564093 [2] Cambridge University. GROWT H HORMONE SECRET ION : IT S REGULAT ION AND T HE INFLUENCE OF NUT RIT IONAL FACT ORS. Available f rom: http://journals.cambridge.org/download.php? f ile=%2FNRR%2FNRR3_01%2FS0954422490000117a.pdf &code=69699f 5888dd24061339879b90c07d0c [3] European Respiratory Journal. Ef f ects of nutrition, growth hormone disturbances, training, altitude and sleep on lung volumes. Available f rom: http://erj.ersjournals.com/content/10/12/2913.f ull.pdf [4] Lif e Extension. Enhancing Growth Hormone Naturally. Available f rom: http://www.lef .org/magazine/mag2009/mar2009_Enhancing-Growth-Hormone-Naturally_01.htm [5] Endocrinology. EFFECT S OF GROWT H HORMONE AND NUT RIT IONAL STAT US ON CARDIAC GLYCOGEN IN T HE RAT. Available f rom: http://endo.endojournals.org/content/59/2/241.extract [6] Livestrong. How to Stimulate Natural Growth Hormones With Nutrition. Available f rom: http://www.livestrong.com/article/478028-how-to-stimulate-natural-growth-hormones-with-nutrition/ [7] Dr. OZ . Natural Growth Hormone Boosters. Available f rom: http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/natural-growthhormone-boosters [8] Mercola. Study: Both Exercise and Whey Augment Human Growth Hormone Production, Which Can Keep Your Body Young. Available f rom: http://f itness.mercola.com/sites/f itness/archive/2013/02/01/whey-proteinimproves-hgh.aspx About the author: Michael Reed f ounded HGHMagazine.com over 8 years ago, and has remained the chief editor ever since. Originally, he f ounded the site to help research various HGH supplements on the market. Today, HGHMagazine.com has grown to one of the most visited HGH sites. Michael currently lives in the Santa Cruz, CA with his wif e of 12 years.

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