Causes for Child Behavior Problems by HG Nadel

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Causes for Child Behavior Problems by HG Nadel More often than not, there is a compelling reason behind child behavior problems. There are an infinite number of reasons why a child may display negligent or bad behaviour, the trick is to identify just why they are behaving in this manner. Once the cause of the bad behavior has been established, it is far easier to discipline the child effectively or establish a solution to the deviant behaviour. Here you will find the most established and recognised causes described by HG Nadel for child behavioural problems and causes of action to eradicate or stop that particular behavior trait in the child.

1. Attention Seeking: More often than not this is the primary cause of bad behavior in children. Children will often misbehave deliberately to gain attention. To counter this behaviour, it is important to give your child lots of attention when they are behaving well, this way they will associate good behavior with their desire - attention.

2. Feeling Of Discomfort: children will often behave badly if they are feeling unwell, tired or hungry. As such, it is important to ensure your child gets plenty of rest, exercise and eats well to prevent problems stemming from this cause.

3. Need To Feel Valued: Children possess many of the same needs as adults, we all need to feel valued and feel a part of something friends, family etc. It is key to your Child's happiness to ensure they are included and in no way neglected.

4. Feeling Unloved: Love is one of the strongest emotions we posses, a child that feels loved and nurtured is far more likely to behave well than a child that doesn't. Displays of love and affection are sure to encourage positive behavior in your child as it will increase their general happiness and sense of well being.

5. Tantrums: Children often misbehave in order to get what they want - be it their own way or a new toy. It is vital therefore to never reward a child with what they desire when they display bad behavior as they will learn to associate that action with getting their own way.

6. Picking Up Bad Habits: Children are greatly influenced by the behavior of those around them, so most commonly their parents. As such, it is crucial to be a good role model and always strive to display good behavior in front of a child.

7. Lacking Confidence: A Childs confidence is a very fragile thing, which is why it is so important to nurture it. Children may be reluctant to try new things in case they make a mistake, reassure them that everyone makes mistakes and that it is ok.

8. Changes In Routine: Children need a regular routine to work towards; changes in sleeping habits or displays of different behavior in those around them can have a huge impact on their behaviour. Strive to offer your child a regular routine to counter this cause.

9. Lack Of Praise: We are often quick to condemn and punish bad behaviour, but we are equally as slow to praise and reward good behaviour. When children display good behavior it is so important to rewards this behavior as the attention will reinforce positive changes in behaviour.

10. Feeling Disappointed: It is crucial to identify and react when a child is disappointed. Disappointment can quickly lead to negative behavior due to their bad mood and irritability. Children become upset much more easily when disappointed so try and establish the cause for their disappointment and subsequently a solution.

HG Nadel is an educator and an author who is passionate about creativity. She has been in the film and television acting business for many years and now working with children in their performing art and personal development. Nadel owns an Institute where dance classes and other creative activities like learning music and theatre are provided. For more reading, please visit here:

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