Otsego Newsletter 11-8-10

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Mr. & Mrs. Yaris and Mrs. Castiglia take time for a picture after a very successful PARP Assembly!

First Grade ELECTS to Read!


Students in class 1-CM are learning

Our librarian, Mrs. Castiglia, presents second within Our first graders campaign through the hallsgraders of Otsego certificates fortheir completing Summer Reading Program. about the symbols of our country! an effort to sway peers the to vote for their book!

Congratulations all of a Otsego’s Our studentsto had blast student at theparticipants! Fall Festival! Week of November 8, 2010

A Message from the Principal

This Week’s Agenda

Stacey Bernstein The Half Hollow Hills website at www.hhh.k12.ny.us is filled with useful information and resources. Please take the time to explore this site and familiarize yourself with the many different components. Check out the subject area pages found under the Teaching and Learning tab for additional curriculum

Future Otsego Happenings


related information and associated links. In addition, teacher eBoards can provide parents with a glimpse of what is taking place in our classrooms each day. Take a look at the eBoard for your child’s class to view schedules, academic resources, photos, upcoming special events, and more. eBoards are a wonderful way for you

to stay connected with the school! This week, the eBoard organization gave three of our teachers the “eBoard of Excellence” award for their innovative and creative use of eboards. Congratulations to Ms. Baggio, Ms. Baptiste, and Ms. Colavolpe!

11/1-11/17- HHH District-wide Food Drive Otsego=Canned Cranberry Sauce

Monday, 11-8- BOE Meeting @ FGAC, 8:00 p.m.

Thursday, 11-11- School Closed – Veteran’s Day

Friday, 11-12- 1st Marking Period Ends

Tuesday, 11-16- Elementary Evening Conferences 6:30-9:00 Bus Driver Appreciation Day

Thursday, 11-18- Elementary Evening Conferences 6:30-9:00

Friday, 11-19- Elementary Daytime Conferences-School Closed for Elementary Students

Click the link below to access the complete article! Cool Facts about Veterans!

Many people confuse Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Do you know the difference? Memorial Day is a day for remembering and honoring those who died serving their country. On a Veterans Day we thank and honor those who served in the military. Veterans Day is observed on November 11th of each year. This day used to be called Armistice Day. What can you do on Veterans Day?

Thank You PTA! Our PTA has done a spectacular job this year organizing events and fund raisers for Otsego. We would like to extend our gratitude to all of the parent volunteers especially……

 Michelle Farino and Patricia Freda for Gift Wrap  Denise Ludemann and Michelle Mastroianni for Kids Stuff Coupons  Jo Jo Ragoobir for planning and organizing Girls’ Maturity Night

Parent Talk Why Veterans Day?

* Draw a picture about Veterans Day * Make a card to thank veterans. You can send your card to a local VA Medical Center. * Ask your teacher to invite veterans to your classroom. You can learn a lot from your guests! * Have your school make a poster with the names (and pictures) of relatives and friends who are veterans.

Why Veterans Day? Please click the link below to access the complete article from The United States Mint.

Why Veterans Day?

On November 11, 1918, an agreement ended the fighting of World War I. The agreement was called an "armistice." The world hoped that World War I was the war that would end all wars, so November 11 soon became known as "Armistice Day." On that day, many nations remembered their soldiers who fought in World War I. Sadly, World War II began less than 20 years after, and even that wasn't the end of war. So in 1954, to make November 11 a holiday to remember all of the brave soldiers who help to preserve freedom for Americans and people all over the world, America's Armistice Day was renamed "Veterans Day."

A first grade student eagerly casts his vote for his favorite book!

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