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Hello Hills East Students! We have put together this booklet to guide you through the extracurricular opportunities available here at Hills East. Nearly all activities welcome new members throughout the year (only the academic honor societies have induction procedures). Feel free to just pop in at a general meeting of any activity that interests you. Have fun and welcome to High School East. - The Hills East Student Government CLASS ADVISORS Grade 12: Grade 11: Grade 10: Grade 9:

Advisor: Ms. Jennifer Grant Homecoming, Senior Banquet Senior Class Superlatives, Senior Video Production, and Senior Prom Advisor: Mr. James Nolan Homecoming, Junior Outing Advisors: Ms. Jessica Nolan Homecoming, Class Rings, Safe Halloween Advisor: Mr. Patrick Rendon Homecoming, Competition Night

AASO -­‐ AFRICAN-­‐AMERICAN STUDENT ORGANIZATION Advisor: Ms. Cunningham Thurs., 2:15 -­‐ 3:15 p.m., Rm. 213 AASO is comprised of socially conscious students that are committed to learning more about their heritage and promoting understanding throughout the Half Hollow Hills community. New members from all backgrounds are welcome. ACSL (AMERICAN COMPUTER SCIENCE LEAGUE) Advisor: Mr. Del Giudice Thurs., 2:15-­‐ 3:15 p.m. Rm. 707 This club is for students interested in learning about computer science. The team competes against teams from around the country and throughout the world in the American Computer Science League. Winners can compete at the All-­‐Star Contest in May. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Advisor: Ms. Cullen Mon., 2:00—3:00 p.m., Rm. 111 The club responds to the urgent action requests of Amnesty International; writing letters for prisoners of conscience and conducting debates on issues of human rights. The group also does fundraising for human rights groups, has hosted outside speakers, has had clothing drives and attends any local Amnesty International events. ANIMAL FRIENDS AND ADVOCATES (AFA) Co-­‐Advisors: Ms. Grasso Tue., 2:10-­‐3:00 p.m., Rm. 715 This club is for pet lovers, future veterinarians, and all students who are interested in promoting the health, welfare, and protection of domestic animals and wildlife. Guest speakers, participation in projects, and collaboration with animal shelters and wildlife organizations are included in the program. ARCHITECTURE CLUB Advisor: Ms. Mead Mon., 2:00 p.m. – 3:15 p.m., Rm 555 An exciting exploration of architecture in our local community. The club will work toward using modern architectural concepts. The students will use design skills to create fun projects that will benefit our school, environment and community. ART CLUB Co-­‐Advisors: Ms. Uttendorfer and Ms. Nelkin Thursdays., 2:15 – 3:15 p.m., Art Rm. 541

Art club members will have several opportunities to beautify HS East. Students will also develop their artistic skills, while working on creative projects such as school murals, the haunted house for “Safe Halloween” and decorations for the Senior Banquet. If you love art, you will want to be a part of this club.

ART HONOR SOCIETY (NAHS) Advisor: Ms. Uttendorfer Tues., 2:15 p.m. -­‐ 3:15 p.m., Art Rm. 541 NAHS is a unique club specifically designed for the purpose of inspiring and recognizing those students who have shown outstanding ability in art. Each year members will organize a special induction ceremony and art auction and be required to perform school service in a way that promotes the arts. NAHS members run the art gallery and are required to attend art club meetings. Open to grades 10 through 12. Student participating in the Visual Arts Conservatory must be a part of NAHS. ASTRONOMY Advisor: Mr. Affatigato Bi-­‐weekly, Wed., 2:15 –3:15 p.m., Planetarium Students will learn about planetarium operations, install programs, develop knowledge of astronomy, learn the astronomical basis of specific celestial events, attend outside astronomy talks, and observe events. BOOKSTORE Advisor: Mr. Cappiello Mon-­‐Fri, 1:30 -­‐ 2:10 p.m., Student Center The Bookstore is open every day from 1:30 – 2:10 pm in the Student Center. Members learn about inventory, sales, ordering, bookkeeping and many other skills needed to run a business. BUSINESS HONOR SOCIETY Advisor: Ms. Southard Mon. (bi-­‐weekly), 2:15 -­‐ 3:00 p.m., Room 705 The Business Honor Society recognizes the top business students at High School East. The BHS is a nationally recognized club, and open to all students who are enrolled in business classes. Students will participate in fundraising activities, community service projects, and job shadowing activities. If you are interested in being a business major in college, this is the club for you, as most colleges and universities recognize the Business Honor Society as one of the top extracurricular clubs for students. CHESS CLUB Advisor: Mr. Del Giudice Wed., 2:15-­‐ 3:15 p.m. Rm. 707 This club is for students interested in the game of chess. They will have the opportunity to participate in playing games of chess, learning more about the game, and getting involved in tournaments. COMPUTER CLUB Advisor: Mr. Del Giudice Bi-­‐weekly, Tuesday, 2:15-­‐ 3:15 p.m. Rm. 707 This club is for students interested in computers and computer programming. Students have the opportunity to learn more about computers and computer programming and can participate in various contests and tournaments. CROSS CAMPUS CHAMBER CHOIR Advisor: Dr. McRoy Mon., 2:15 – 3:30pm, Room 607 (Chorus Room) The Cross Campus Chamber Choir is an advanced mixed choral ensemble to musicians from HSE and HSW. Admission into the group is by audition only. Students must be nominated by their school music teacher to be eligible to audition. The group performs at two concerts yearly, as well as special district and outside events. Enrollment in music class is required.

CROSS CAMPUS CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Advisor: Ms. Romeo Wed., 7:45-­‐9:00 p.m., HSE Orchestra Rm. This is a group of select students from HSE and HSW. Students must be in grades 10-­‐12. Students must be a NYSSMA level 6A and above on violin and 5A or above for viola, cello and bass. Placement in the orchestra is by audition and teacher recommendation. The Chamber Orchestra performs two concerts a year. They perform at the winter concert at HSW and the spring concert at HSE. In addition to the concerts, they also compete at the NYSSMA Major Organization Festival in May. Enrollment in music class is required. CROSS CAMPUS WIND ENSEMBLE Advisor: Mr. Belanich Wed., Time TBA, Music Wing The Wind Ensemble strives to educate not only the students of Half Hollow Hills, but also the community of audience members locally and beyond on the wind ensemble as a vehicle for exciting, high caliber performance. This is accomplished through engaging and interactive performances and with special programs throughout the year. Admission into the group is by audition only. Students must be nominated by their school music teacher to be eligible to audition, and enrolled in the music program. Enrollment in music class is required. D.E.C.A.—DISTRIBUTIVE EDUCATION CLUBS OF AMERICA Advisor: Mr. Cappiello Wed. 2:15-­‐3:00 p.m., Lecture Hall A student organization whose program of leadership and personal development is designed specifically for students interested in marketing, management and entrepreneurship. The goals of D.E.C.A. are to promote leadership development, civic consciousness and social intelligence. DEBATE CLUB Advisor: Ms. McCormack Asst. Advisor: Ms. Mahoney Tues.-­‐Fri., 2:30 -­‐ 4:00 p.m., Rm. 208 Members of the debate team express ideas on current topics at monthly tournaments held at high schools throughout Long Island. Winners at these tournaments then compete at the state and national levels. Each year, many students participate in collegiate events at Yale, Princeton and Harvard. For information on general meetings for new members, see Ms. McCormack in Room 208. Meetings are also posted on the door of Rm. 208. DRAMATICS PRODUCTION -­‐ FALL DRAMA Director: Ms. DeStefano Assistant Director: Ms. Mahoney Mon-­‐Fri. 3:30-­‐5:30pm, Lecture Hall (9/8-­‐11/13) Each year Hills East students present a play during the first semester. Interested students may choose to become involved in any of the various facets of theatre production, from acting, to directing, to stage crew/lighting and sound. Sometime in early Fall calls for auditions are made. DRAMATICS PRODUCTION -­‐ SPRING MUSICAL Director: Ms. McCarthy Asst. Director: Dr. McRoy Will begin in November — dates TBA, Chorus Room Each year Hills East students may choose to become involved in any of the various facets of theater production, from acting, to directing, to stage crew/lighting and sound, to playing in the orchestra pit. Sometime in early Spring, calls for auditions are made via the morning announcements.

EXPRESSIVE MOVEMENT Advisor: Ms. Kramer Wed., 2:10-­‐3:00p.m., East side of West Gym Lobby Expressive Movement is a dance club. We learn to express o urselves and dance at events. We have fundraisers and practices. We will perform at pep rallies. We dance and have fun! FBLA -­‐ FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS OF AMERICA Advisors: Ms. Southard and Ms. Cappiello Tues., 2:15 –3:00 p.m., Rm. 705 The Hills East chapter of the national FBLA aims to develop vocational and career competencies needed in the business world. Members participate in district and state competitions, and national level in various business events, community service, fund raising, Career Day, field trips to businesses, and guest speakers from businesses. FASHION DESIGN AND PRODUCTION CLUB Advisor: Ms. Mead Bi-­‐weekly, Wed. 2:15 – 3:15 pm, Rm. 555 Fashion club members will have the opportunity to create unique concepts in fashion, as well as use the sewing machine to aide in the design process. Club members will contribute to the community through charity projects as well as fundraise each month. FILM CLUB (MAKING) Advisor: Mr. Beatty Bi-­‐weekly, Tues., 2:15-­‐3:00 p.m., Rm. 216 Experience firsthand what it is like to write and produce a small film. During club meetings students develop filmmaking and digital editing skills, discuss their work and collaborate on projects. Students are encouraged to write their own original scripts or create adaptations of existing works. In the club, students also have the opportunity to view films – both professional and student films – and provide their own interpretations and critiques. At the end of the year student films are screened at the High School East Student Film Festival. FRENCH CULTURE CLUB Advisors: Ms. Sirulnick Wed., 2:05-­‐3:15 p.m., Rms. 908 Le Cercle Culturel de Francais affords French student exciting experiences in French to promote their fluency, enrich their vocabulary and extend their cultural awareness. The group will celebrate the richness of French language and culture through events including holiday festivities, group contests, country picnics, films, cuisine, guest speakers, field trips, and the publication of Le Bruit des Collines, a literary magazine. Any student interested in getting a taste of France beyond the classroom experience is welcome to join. FRENCH HONOR SOCIETY Advisors: Ms. Sirulnick Wed., 2:05-­‐3:15 p.m., Rm. 908 Day subject to change, announcements will be made. The French Honor society provides the advanced French student with added linguistic, cultural and literary experiences. Members work on projects and performances in the French language as well as fundraisers for the needy. Membership is open to high-­‐achieving students in French language classes each spring. Current and new members participate in an induction ceremony held in late spring. See Madame Sirulnick in room 908 for more information.

FUTURE EDUCATORS OF AMERICA Advisor: Mrs. Nolan Tues., 2:10-­‐3:00 p.m., Rm. 305 (general meeting/ executive board alternating Tuesdays) The Future Educators of America is a nationally recognized club which strives to attract students to the teaching profession. Club members will participate in activities to increase appreciate for teachers. They will also learn about the field of education and responsibilities of teachers. The club will also be involved in community service projects. GAY/STRAIGHT ALLIANCE Co-­‐Advisors: Mr. Miracolo and Ms. Nickel Tues., 2:15 p.m., Student Center The mission of GSA is to: 1) create a safe environment in school for students to support each other and learn about homophobia and other oppressions, 2) educate the school community about homophobia, gender identity, and sexual orientation issues, and 3) address discrimination, harassment, and violence in schools. HALF HOLLOW HILLS ROBOTICS TEAM (FIRST Robotics Competition) Advisors: Mr. Frank Calascione and Mr. Bob Thielemann Fri., 2:30p.m., Rm. 823 FRC Robotics provides high school students (Freshmen through Seniors) with the opportunity to be involved in an annual creative problem solving challenge that fosters a safe, rewarding experience, interacting with other students, faculty, industrial mentors and/or parents, to come together as a team and to reach a common goal, that is only achievable as a team, that not only develops and applies the students' knowledge of science, technology, engineering, and math, but also gives those students interested in business, finance, marketing, music, creative arts, etc. an opportunity to address related challenges in their areas of interest. HOLISTIC NUTRITION CLUB Advisor: Ms. Aull Bi-­‐weekly, Wed., 2:15 – 3:00p.m., Rm. 544 The mission of this club is to help kids to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle by actually getting them involved in doing it through hands-­‐on application and having them explore more information about how one's personal diet and other lifestyle habits can affect their overall health and well-­‐being. The Holistic Nutrition Club will also be helping with distribution of orders for the HHH Farmer's Market and we plan to help educate the community on various health topics including nutrition, healthy eating, GMOs, etc. and raise awareness about such issues. ICTHUS CLUB Advisor: Ms. Barlow Bi-­‐weekly, Wed., 2:15 – 2:45p.m., Rm. 735 Student run club with occasional guest speakers; provides a setting to discuss current issues with biblical references. INTERACT Advisor: Mr. Rendon Tues., 2:15-­‐3:00 p.m., Rm. 205 Interact, a high school branch of the Huntington Station Rotary club, runs activities to benefit the community and the school. Annual events include Safe Halloween, Thanksgiving food drive, teacher and staff appreciation breakfasts, intergenerational proms, participation in community fundraising events, and Habitat for Humanity fundraisers with an annual build. Please join us if you would like to participate in our established activities or if you have ideas for projects you would like to consider and initiate.

INTRAMURALS-­‐BASKETBALL/SOCCER/LACROSSE/WEIGHT TRAINING Advisors: PE/Athletic Staff Basketball, badminton, soccer and lacrosse organizations are available for students to play on an intramural basis. Weight training is available on a daily basis in the Weight Room. Information on meeting times and locations will be available on the extracurricular information poster in the west lobby. Other intramural sports may be offered by popular demand on an unofficial basis. ITALIAN CULTURE CLUB Advisor: Ms. O’Connor Bi-­‐weekly, Tues., 2:05-­‐3:00 p.m., Rm. 904 This club promotes appreciation of Italian culture through field trips and sports events with other clubs, films, music and food. ITALIAN HONOR SOCIETY Advisor: Ms. O’Connor Bi-­‐weekly, Tues., 2:05-­‐3:00 p.m., Rm. 904 Members of the Italian Honor Society meet and participate in field trips to Italian cultural sites; the opera; pizza sales (fundraising for field trips); bake sales, food drives during the holidays, activities celebrating Italian culture and participation in Stony Brook University poetry contest. Membership is open for the following academic year to high-­‐achieving student in Italian language classes each spring. Current and new members participate in an induction ceremony held in late spring. JAZZ BAND Advisor: Mr. Belanich Day /Time TBA, Music Wing The Jazz Band ensemble is a select group of musicians who perform at various school functions and at local conferences. Membership in this group is based on audition. Enrollment in music class is required. JOCKS Co-­‐Advisors: Mr. Belz and Mr. Tommarchi Bi-­‐Weekly, Tues., 2:15-­‐3:15, Rm. 900 Jocks is a club dedicated to have athletes help students throughout their high school career both socially and academically. KEY CLUB Advisors: Ms. Kramer Thurs., 2:10-­‐3:00 p.m., Cafeteria The Key Club is a community service organization affiliated with Kiwanis Club. It is an international organization devoted to improving the quality of life for less fortunate members of our community. Students volunteer at a number of local programs including Adaptive Aquatics, Team Tutoring, Read and Lead and other programs. Student s take part in raising funds for numerous charity organizations and, together with the Huntington Kiwanis, accompany fifty children from the Huntington Freedom Center on a holiday shopping spree buying them needed clothing, shoes, and outerwear. Office elections occur in March, prior to district convention.

KICKLINE (DIXETTES) Advisor: Ms. Ferraro Asst. Advisor: Ms. Kavner Mon., Wed., and Thurs., 3:00-­‐6:00 p.m., Cafeteria A The Dixettes team allows for both male and female students to foster leadership, sportsmanship and dance appreciation through the art of dance and performance. Kickline is made up of various dance styles including lyrical, jazz, hip-­‐hop, pom-­‐pom and high-­‐ kick. The Hills East Dixettes perform for community events and compete at several competitions at least four times during the winter months in pom-­‐pom and high-­‐kick. LITERARY MAGAZINE – PEGASUS Advisor: Ms. Hogan Thur. 2:15-­‐3:00 p.m., Rm. 214 Pegasus is a literary arts magazine committed to publishing the finest examples of student expression in a given year in the areas of poetry, short story, drama, essay, art architecture, photography, sculpture, and music. All Hills East students are invited to submit to the advisor of Pegasus any of their writing or art work for consideration for publication. Writing is discussed in open forum at weekly meetings conducted by the editors of the magazine and voted on by staff members. Members are encouraged to share their responses to various art forms while learning about craft and criteria for judgment. It is not required that one who seeks publication be a member of the staff of Pegasus. MARCHING BAND Advisor: Mr. Belanich Asst. Advisor: Mr. Finnerty The marching band plays at festivals and parades throughout the year. Students enrolled in the Symphonic band course are required to participate in this activity, but other players who are interested in marching may contact Mr. Belanich in the music office for more information. MATHLETES Advisor: Ms. Suarez Mon., 2:00 – 3:00p.m., Rm. 701 Mathletes is a club formed to present interested students with math problems that encourage thinking outside the box. Both creativity and speed are necessary to solve these unique problems. The Mathletes team competes in the Suffolk County Interscholastic Math League, the Suffolk Math Tournament, and the New York Math League. Additional events may be scheduled. MOCK TRIAL TEAM Advisor: Mr. Zaiff Bi-­‐weekly, Wed. or Thurs., 2:20 p.m., Rm. 107 Members compete in statewide mock trial tournaments along New York State Bar Association guidelines, and funded by the Suffolk County Association. Note: when in season the club will start at 2:20 p.m. and go to 7 p.m. MODEL UN Advisors: Mr. DiPalmo Mon., 2:15 p.m., Rm. 107 Through this organization students learn more about the UN, learn research skills in adopting roles as representatives from different nations, write position papers on different global issues and debate these issues with other students. This is a national activity and may involve competitions with other schools.

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Co-­‐Advisors: Ms. Nolan and Ms. Toneatti Co-­‐Assistants: Ms. Nolan and Ms. Toneatti Thurs., 2:00 p.m. – 2:45 p.m., Cafeteria B/C This is an academic organization that is grounded in the cornerstones of the National Honor Society: Scholarship, Service, Character and Leadership. Each year outstanding members of the junior and senior classes are inducted after a methodical screening process. After induction, members of East’s chapter of the NHS are mandated to uphold high standards of academic excellence, to fulfill monthly service requirements and to abide by the cornerstone criteria of leadership and character. Freshmen and sophomores should maintain superior academic performance and participate in extra-­‐ curricular activities in preparation for the membership process. Only juniors and seniors may apply for membership. In the fall of junior/senior years, students who feel that they will qualify for membership into NHS are mandated to log twenty hours of service as a prerequisite for membership. INTERNATIONAL THESPIAN SOCIETY TROUPE Advisors: Dr. McRoy Fri., 2:15-­‐3:00 p.m., Rm. 607 The International Thespian Society is a service honor society which encompasses all aspects of theatre, including performance, stage crew, design and production. Each chapter explores different topics in theatre, provides service opportunities in the community, and produces the student-­‐run production every spring. NEWSPAPER – THUNDERBIRD Co-­‐Advisors: Ms. Davis and Ms. Dalton Every other Thursday 2:10 – 3:00p.m., Library Computer Lab The Newspaper Club is open to all students and produces the school newspaper, the Thunderbird. Members of the club have the opportunity to write, photograph and design the newspaper. Our paper presents stories and ideas circulating around our community. OCEAN SCIENCES BOWL TEAM & ENVIROTHON TEAM Advisor: Ms. Hirschmann Weds., 2:00-­‐3:00 p.m., Rm. 408 Members practice and then compete in the New York State Regional Ocean Sciences Bowl and Brookhaven National Science Bowl. Academic questions and topics include oceanography, marine biology, aquatic chemistry, marine geology and navigational history. Winners receive substantial cash prizes, opportunities for trips and scholarships! Students in all grades are welcome. PEER AIDS EDUCATORS Advisor: Ms. Aull Tues., 2:15 p.m., Rm. 544 The Peer Aids Educators are a group of students dedicated to the cause of HIV/AIDS awareness. Members of this club will work together to help educate their peers on the prevention of HIV/AIDS by helping to get the correct information out and to help clear up any misinformation on the topic. PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB Advisor: Ms. Uttendorfer Bi-­‐weekly, Wed., 2:15-­‐3:15 p.m., Art Rm. 541 Open to all students who love photography. Members will work with 35mm film and digital cameras to create a variety of projects. Students will print and prepare work for local contests, the district art show and pursue self-­‐directed projects for personal growth. The year will end with a gallery exhibition highlighting the work from the year.

S.A.D.D. – STUDENTS AGAINS DESTRUCTIVE DECISIONS Advisor: Mrs. Wolff Tue, 2:15 p.m. – 3:00 p.m., Rm. 204 SADD is a youth service organization formed to educate elementary, junior high, and senior high school students about the dangers of drugs, alcohol and driving while intoxicated. SADD members participate in Safe Halloween, National Smoke out and the Blood Drive. SCIENCE EXPLORERS Co-­‐Advisors: Ms. McGuire and Ms. Mandell Wed, 2:10-­‐3:10 p.m., Rm. 727 This club offers an excellent opportunity for students in any science class to pursue research in areas of their personal interest. Students will have fun researching interesting topics, stimulating academic growth, collaborating with mentors and friends and gain valuable research experience. In addition, members will raise money for a charity of their choosing. Students will have the opportunity to attend professional research events. In addition, several students will be chosen to present their research at the Long Island Science Congress. Not only is this a great way to spend time with friends learning about fascinating topics, it is also a wonderful resume builder! SCIENCE OLYMPIADS Advisor: Mr. Page Asst. Advisor: Mr. DiPalmo Thurs. 2:15 p.m., Rm. 825 The Science Olympiad is North America’s most prestigious team in science and technology competition. Students choose from a wide variety of knowledge, problem-­‐solving and engineering events to practice and then compete at Invitational, Regional, and if all goes well, State and national tournaments. Individual and team awards are presented at every level of competition. SOCIETY OF ASIAN-­‐AMERICAN STUDENTS Advisor: Ms. Cullen Bi-­‐weekly, Friday, 2:00-­‐3:00 p.m., Rm. 111 The primary goal of the Asian-­‐American Society is to improve understanding between Asian and other cultures. The group participates in fundraisers for United Nations charities, sports competition with other high school Asian-­‐American clubs, and community service projects. SOCIETY OF INDIAN-­‐AMERICAN STUDENTS Advisor: Ms. Nolan Bi-­‐weekly, Tues., 2:10-­‐3:00 p.m., Rm. 305 (general meetings/ executive board alternating Tues. The goal of the Indian-­‐American Society is to share the rich and diverse Indian culture throughout the community. We will participate in cultural celebrations and organize the Indian fashion show. SPANISH CULTURE CLUB Advisor: Ms. Miracolo Wed., 2:15 p.m. – 3:15 p.m., Rm. 909 The Spanish Culture Club will encourage students to participate in activities that will broaden their knowledge of the culture of various Spanish-­‐speaking countries. Students will enjoy Hispanic cultural food, music, art and movies.

SPANISH HONOR SOCIETY Advisor: Mr. Lorusso Wed., 2:15 – 3:15pm., Rm. 905 The Spanish Honor Society focuses on promoting the study of the Spanish language and the culture of the Spanish speaking world through hands-­‐on activities related to seasonal events, celebrations and national holidays. Films and discussions, poetry and short story writing, painting and model building will be some of the Spanish Honor Society’s activities. Membership is limited to students who have met the academic requirements of the Honor Society and are inducted into the Archer Huntington Chapter of the Spanish Honor Society of Half Hollow Hills H.S. East. Students must have an overall 90 average, present a completed application and participate in an interview directed by the advisor and senior members of the SHS. SPEECH AND ORATORY CLUB Advisor: Ms. McCormack Asst. Advisor: Danielle Mahoney Tuesday-­‐Friday, 2:30-­‐4:00 p.m., Rm. 208 Members of this club compete in local, state, and national competitions in such areas as oral interpretation, extemporaneous speaking, humorous interpretation and original oratory. Members are also taught the intricacies of public speaking. Speech tournaments occur monthly on Saturdays. Each year, many students participate in collegiate events at Yale, Princeton and Harvard. For more information on general meetings for new members, see Ms. McCormack in Rm.208. Meetings are also posted on the door of Rm. 208. SPIRIT CHEER (FALL) Advisor: Ms. Quinn Practices Tues., Wed., & Thurs., 2:30 – 5:00 pm., West Gym Lobby All Varsity Basketball & Football games promote school spirit at various school events. Cheer at all Varsity Football and Basketball games. Tryouts held the Spring of prior year, all girls must try out every year. Promote school spirit at various school events. Cheer at all Junior Varsity Football and Basketball games. Tryouts held the Spring of prior year, All Girls Must Try Out Every Year. STEP TEAM Advisor: Ms. Brown Mon., 2:15 – 3:15 pm., Rm. 209 A group of rhythmic steppers who perform at school functions and promote school spirit. STUDENT GOVERNMENT Advisor: Ms. Grant Asst. Advisor: Ms. Helmes Executive Board meets every Wed. Senate meets monthly 2:10 -­‐ 2:45 p.m., Career Center The Student Government is the primary link between the administration and the students of Hills East. In addition, we coordinate the Student Elections, Homecoming festivities, James E. Allen Holiday show, class competition programs, Talent Show, Trick-­‐or-­‐Treat Street for elementary school children and a music festival. There are two segments to Student Government. The class officers serve as an Executive Board and organize events for all grades. The Student Senate consists of representatives from each Social Studies class and school clubs. Sophomore, Junior, Senior Class Officers and Senators are elected in September. General meetings of the Student Government are held every Wednesday at 2:15 p.m. The Senate meetings will be held monthly in the Lecture Hall. The Executive Board meets weekly in Room 735. Any student interested in expressing an idea or opinion is welcome to attend our forum.

THUNDERBRAINS-­‐ ACADEMIC TEAM Advisor: Mr. Maiorino Wed., 2:15 -­‐3:30 p.m., Rm. 212 The Thunder Brains is a club for students interested in competing in jeopardy-­‐style trivia competitions. The club competes in Regional Quizbowl, a monthly tournament in which students face teams from other high schools. The team also attends invitational tournaments around the tri-­‐state area. At meetings, students use "the buzzers" to practice, compete, and have a great time! TRI-­‐M MUSIC HONOR SOCIETY Advisor: Ms. Benstock Tues., 2:15 p.m., Rm. 605 The Tri-­‐M Music Honor Society is the international music honor society for secondary school students that motivates and recognizes musical achievement. In addition, this organization performs a service to our school and community by acting as hosts to outside musical groups. See your music teacher for requirements. VOCAL JAZZ Advisor: Dr. McRoy Thur., 2:15-­‐3:00 p.m., Room 607 The Vocal Jazz ensemble is a select group of musicians who perform at various school functions and at local conferences. Membership in this group is based on audition. See Dr. McRoy in the music office for more information. Enrollment in music class is required. “WE THE PEOPLE” CONSTITUTION TEAM Advisor: Mr. Pitman Mon,. 2:15-­‐3:15 p.m., Rm. 548 Students demonstrate their knowledge of the Constitution at simulated congressional hearings. The competitions are held at the district, state and national levels. YEARBOOK Advisor: Ms. Zarra Wed., 2:15 p.m. , Library Computer Lab Production of the annual Hills Horizon H.S. East Yearbook is broken up into two units: a production team for design and layout and a business team for advertising and sales. Students interested in becoming part of either of these two groups should contact Ms. Zarra. YOUTH TO YOUTH TEACHING Advisor: Ms. Silberman Mon., 2:15, Rm. 552 Youth-­‐to-­‐Youth Teaching will provide students with first-­‐hand experiences in the field of education. Students will collaborate to create and write lessons and then teach their original lessons to elementary and middle school students within the district. Youth-­‐to-­‐Youth will help build students skills in communication, collaboration, and public speaking.

Have a Great Year! G et Involved! H ave Fun!

High School East Administration Dr. J. A. Woodberry, Principal Mr. Brett Kindelmann, Assistant Principal Mr. Frank Pugliese, Assistant Principal Ms. Naimah Trotter, Assistant Principal Mr. Ben Wiley, Assistant Principal Board of Education Mr. Eric Geringswald, President Ms. Betty DeSabato, Vice President Ms. Diana Acampora, Trustee Mr. Frank Grimaldi, Trustee Mr. David Kaston, Trustee Dr. Paul Peller, Trustee Mr. James Ptucha, Trustee Central Office Administration Mrs. Kelly Fallon Superintendent of Schools Dr. Patrick Harrigan Deputy Superintendent Mrs. Mary Rettaliata Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Education Ms. Anne Marie Marrone Caliendo Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Facilities Mr. John O’Farrell Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education

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