2015 2016 activities booklet

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HIGH SCHOOL WEST 2015 – 2016


CLUB/ACTIVITY ADVISOR African American Student Organization (AASO)

Ms. J. Simpson

Art Honor Society

Ms. A. Montiglio Ms. J. Nourry

Arts and Crafts

Ms. J. Donaldson Ms. J. Bozza

Asian Club

Ms. J. Wu-Pope

Athletes Helping Athletes (AHA)

Ms. K. DiPietro/ Ms. M. Goldin

Blue Notes (Half Tones)

Ms. M. Martufi

Bookstore (School Store)

Mr. T. Vierling


Mr. J. Diver

Chess Club

Mr. M. Maroney

Computer Club

Mr. M. Maroney

Cooking and Nutrition

Ms. S. Hart Ms. J. Bozza

Cross Campus Chamber Choir

Dr. D. McRoy (HSE)

Cross Campus Chamber Orchestra

Ms. K. Romeo

Cross Campus Wind Ensemble

Mr. R. Belanich (HSE)

DESCRIPTION OF CLUB/ACTIVITY To promote awareness of black history for HSW and the HHH Community. Time also used to discuss current events and issues related to HSW. Members will have an opportunity to beautify the school and further their appreciation of art. Inspire and recognize students who have shown outstanding ability in art. Students also complete 10 hours of community service. NEW IN 2015 Provide an opportunity to meet and interact with other Asian students and participate in cultural events outside of in-school meetings. Celebrate Asian Culture; educate school community about Asia. Engage in fundraising for charitable works. High School student athletes deliver lessons on healthy lifestyles. Athletes teach positive lifestyle to elementary students. This is an advanced vocal group with a focus on jazz literature. This style includes Swing, Latin, ballads and improvisation. Students will perform at concerts, festivals and competitions throughout the year. Admission into the group is by audition only. The bookstore is open every day. Members learn inventory, sales, ordering, bookkeeping and many other skills needed to run a business. To compete in Academic Quiz Bowl Competitions throughout the year. Yale University, Princeton, Duke, Rutgers are some of the planned events. The club will include those who want to learn the game as well as those who are already skilled enough to participate in tournaments with other high schools. Foster a greater understanding of computers and technology in the school and community by acting as an information resource for staff and students alike. NEW IN 2015 The Cross Campus Chamber Choir is an advanced mixed choral ensemble of musicians from HSE and HSW. Admission into the group is by audition only. Students must be nominated by their school music teacher to be in order to be eligible for an audition. The group performs at two concerts yearly, as well as special district and outside events. Enrollment in music class is required. This is a group of select student from HSE and HSW. Students must be in grades 10-12. Students must be a NYSSMA level 6A and above on violin, and 5A or above for viola, cello and bass. Placement in the orchestra is by audition and teacher recommendation. The Chamber Orchestra performs two concerts a year. They perform at the winter concert at HSW and the spring concert at HSE. In addition to the concerts, they also compete at the NYSSMA Major Organization Festival in May. Enrollment in music class is required. The Wind ensemble strives to educate not only the students of HHH, but also the community of audience members locally and beyond on the wind ensemble as a vehicle for exciting, high caliber performance. This is accomplished through engaging and interactive performances and with special programs throughout the year. Admission into the


Ms. V. Cappiello/ Ms. D. Southard

Environmental Club

Ms. L. Vita

Euro Challenge Team

Ms. C. Lislevatn

FBLA/Business Honor Society

Mr. D. Gannon

Federal Challenge Club

Ms. C. Lislevatn/ Mr. M. Kilkelly

French Club Honor Society Freshman Class 2018

Ms. J. Houston Mr. S. Billman/ Ms. J. Nourry

group is by audition only. Students must be nominated by their school music teacher to be eligible for an audition. Enrollment in music class is required.. NY DECA helps students develop skills and competence for marketing careers, build self-esteem, experience leadership and practice community experience. Members are focused on becoming more aware of issues that face our community, school and the world. The club will work toward making a difference globally. A competition team composed of students who make a presentation of 15 minutes and a question and answer period of 10 minutes. To expand students’ knowledge of business through a series of meetings, trips, and various fundraising and marketing projects. To study and analyze economic issues and to prepare for the Federal Challenge sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank. To promote the French language and culture. Various fundraising for community causes. To promote school spirit and class pride by encouraging students to participate in various school events. This club is a social group which strives to strengthen relationships between all students at HS West. Activities include games, sports, arts and crafts, cooking, etc. Expand students’ knowledge of education through a series of meetings, trips and experiences. The mission of GSA is to create a safe environment in school for students to support each other and learn about homophobia and other oppressions.

Friendship Club

Ms. E. Giunta

Future Educators of America

Mr. R. Thidemann

Gay Straight Alliance (GSA)

Mr. E. Romano / Ms .J. Gallo

Glamour Gals

Ms. L. Kesten

To provide a spa service for senior citizens in our community.

Ichtus Club

Nurse Patty Smith

To provide a setting to discuss moral values and biblical beliefs.


Ms. C. Lislevatn/ Mr. M. Stein

Involved with the National Rotary Club. The Club participates in activities to help people in the community. To encourage a greater appreciation and understanding of Italian culture as well as its impact on our society through cultural activities taking place in our area.

Italian Club Honor Society

Ms. D. Cacciato

Jazz Band

Mr. C. Foti

Jewish Heritage Club

Ms. L. Benson

Junior Class 2016

Mr. A. Cascio/ TBD

Key Club

Ms. K. Madden

Literary Magazine

Mr. J. Bowen

Marching Band

Mr. C. Foti Ms. K. Romeo


Ms. A. Maguire

To provide support and entertainment at football games and community activities. To encourage greater understanding of Jewish culture as well as its impact on our society through cultural activities taking place in our area. To promote school spirit for the Junior Class and class pride by encouraging students to participate in various school events. School and community service organization under the auspices of Key Club International and Kiwanis International. Collect food and supplies for the needy. The literary magazine is published each May. The group meets weekly to discuss student writings and art work. The culmination is the creation of the magazine. To provide support and entertainment at football games and community activities. Practice solving challenging math problems. Compete with other high

Multimedia Art Club

Ms. J. Donaldson

Music Honor Society (Tri-M)

Ms. K. Romeo

National Honor Society

Ms. J. Sarich

schools. Shoot, process, print photos of and for High School West, videotape and edit videos. To inspire music participation, create enthusiasm for scholarship, stimulate a desire to render service, and promote leadership in music students. To promote character, leadership, scholarship and service in student’s personal development.


Mr. D. Riccuiti/ Mr. P. Doxsee

To produce the school newspaper “Roundup”. The goal of this club is to empower a generation of global citizens by creating an international network of One World Youth Clubs that will link to one another and provide opportunities to communicate with, learn from, and gain understanding and insight about one another. Discuss issues about HIV trends. Peer education in both middle schools.

One World Youth Club

Ms. J. Simpson

Peer Aids Educators

Ms. S. Stiglitz

Photojournalism Club

Mr. D. Riccuiti

Students will create and prepare work for local contests, the district art show and pursue self-directed projects for personal growth.

Regional Quiz Bowl

Mr. J. Diver

To compete in various Academic Quiz Bowl Tournaments. FRC Robotics provides HS students with the opportunity to be involved in an annual creative problem-solving challenge that fosters a safe, rewarding experience. Students will have the opportunity to work sideby-side with their peers, faculty, and industrial mentors to design and build a 120 lb. robot and compete in various competitions. Participation will afford students opportunities to not only develop and apply their knowledge of science, technology, engineering and math, but will also provide those students interested in business, finance, marketing, music, creative arts, etc. an opportunity to address related challenges in their areas of interest.

Robotics Club (FRC) (First Robotics Competition)

Mr. F. Calascione

Robotics Club (FTC) (First Tech Challenge)

Ms. C. Meirs/ Ms. C. Warner

Prepares Freshmen and Sophomores for various Robotics competitions.


Ms. A. Espinal

Create awareness and education of students’ decision making.

Science Explorers

Ms. L. Davidson

Science Olympiad

Mr. C. Mirchel Watson, Kim

Mr. B. Thielemann

Sophomore Class 2017 Spanish Club Honor Society

Ms. A. Espinal/ Ms. H. Palmada/ Ms. N. O’Grady Ms. J. Cicha/ Ms. C. Meirs Ms. H. Palmada Ms. B. Mallia

Step Team

Ms. J. Simpson

Students Executive Council (Senate)

Ms. C. Reynolds

Senior Class 2015

Permits and prepares students to compete as a team in the regional Science Olympiad and if selected to the State Science Olympiad. The Science Olympiad is North America’s most prestigious team science and technology competition. Students compete at Invitational, Regional, State and National Tournaments. To promote school spirit for the Senior Class. To promote school spirit for the Sophomore Class. To promote the Spanish culture and language other than English and to provide service to the community. A group of rhythmic steppers that perform at school functions promoting school spirit. Tryouts will be announced in the Fall and in the Spring. The Student Government is the primary link between the administration and the students of HSW. Student elections, Homecoming festivities, and Talent Show are just a few of the many activities that this Council participates in.

Learn behind the scenes for theater – art, engineering, sound, lighting, costumes, construction, publicity, management, graphic design and painting. TAP promotes student awareness for animals by raising funds for shelters. The students take an active stance regarding animal and environmental issues.

Technical Theater Club

Ms. S. Lippert

Teen Animal Protectors (TAP)

Ms. A. Rosenblum

Theater West - Drama

Ms. J. Ievolo

To produce a school drama performance.

Theater West – Musical

Ms. A. DiMartino

To produce a school musical performance.

Lippert, Stephen

To provide a student run theatrical performance.

Thespian Society (Westhespians) Trial Advocacy Club (Mock Trial)

Mr. T. Lamb

Varsity Club

Mr. W. Mitaritonna


Ms. J. Nikosey


Ms. K. Keller/ Mr. T. Lamb/ Ms. C. Reynolds

Students learn the roles of witnesses and lawyers, thereby preparing them to compete as defense and prosecutors. Varsity athletes promoting good behavior and fundraising efforts for community needs. To foster sportsmanship, working together, creativity, performance, and entertainment for school and community events. To record the events and lifestyles of the students at HSW. The Yearbook will provide students with a visual representation of HSW.

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