Candlewood Middle School December Advisory Challenge My Shoes, My Story Monthly Theme Empathy Sympathy focuses on awareness. Empathy focuses on experience. Compassion focuses on action. Wind Down Wednesday
This month we hope to create an exhibit. We are looking to replicate an exhibit that was called The Compassion Project. Each advisory would donate an OLD pair of shoes with the understanding that they will not be returned. These shoes, sneakers, boots, slippers etc. would be put on display for students to view. It will be titled, "My Shoes, My Story." It will serve as a visual representation of how different our lives are. Our goal would be to raise compassion for others. Students are invited to take a picture of their own shoes, print it out and submit to Maria Lennon.
Please encourage your adÚisory to read each Wednesday. Our students all haÚe a NEWSELA account linked to CleÚer, if you'd like them to read neÛs articles.
Mindful Mondays
This month we are offering the S.T.O.P. strategy to students.
Extended Advisory This month there is only on Extended Advisory on December 13, 2018. Many advisories will be having a celebration during this period. Please review the PowerPoint presentation on sympathy, empathy, and compassion so that our students understand these words. Research shows that being an emphatic listener has the greatest impact on the person who is struggling. Let's give our kids the tools they need to help each other out. "See Back for instructions.