Ais plan 2014

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Half Hollow Hills Central School District Academic Intervention Services Plan (AIS) Response to Intervention Plan (RTI)

Introduction As required under Commissioner’s Regulations [100.2 (ee) (4)], all districts in New York State are required to develop a description of the academic intervention services (AIS) that will be offered throughout the district in grades K-12 to students with need of such services, including services of LEP/ELL students and students with disabilities. The Academic Intervention Services Plan must be reviewed and revised, based upon student performance results, every two years. Definition The Half Hollow Hills Central School District’s Academic Intervention Services (AIS)/Response to Intervention Plan (RTI) was developed to meet the requirements of the Section 100.2 (ee) revision to Part 100 of the Commissioner’s Regulations adopted by the Board of Regents in July of 2000. This regulation requires school districts to provide Academic Intervention Services to students who score below State proficiency levels on the Common Core and other State Assessments and/or students who are at risk of not achieving NYS Learning Standards and Common Core Learning Standards. The RTI program will continue to be implemented at the K-5 grades with the addition of a Reading Skills class at grade 6. In addition an AIS model of service will continue to be delivered in grades 6-12. In accordance with the Amendment of the Commissioner of Education pursuant to the Education laws sections 101.207, 305, 304 and 3204 (paragraph 97) of subdivision of section 100.2 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education the Half Hollow Hills Central School District will implement a program that meets the guidelines set forth above: A school district may provide a Response to Intervention (RTI) program in lieu of providing Academic Intervention services (AIS) to eligible students provided that:  The RTI program is provided in a manner consistent with subdivision (II) of section 100.2 of the Regulations.  The RTI program is made available at grade levels and subject areas (reading/math) for which the students are identified as eligible for AIS.  All students who are otherwise eligible for AIS shall be provided such AIS services if they are not responding to the RTI program. The K-6 Response to Intervention Program and 6-12 Academic Intervention Service Program will be implemented in the manner described by the New York State Education Department. The Half Hollow Hills Central School District’s AIS and RTI Plans are divided into subsets (K-6) and (6-12).

Quality Indicators for Appropriate Instruction • •

• • • • • •

Research/evidence-based instruction that has shown to be effective is provided to all students. Scientific researched-based reading instruction includes an uninterrupted (K-5) block of 90 minutes of daily explicit and systematic instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary development at all levels, reading fluency (including oral reading skills) and reading comprehension strategies. Scientific research-based math instruction includes instruction in problem-solving, arithmetic skill/fluency, conceptual knowledge/number sense and reasoning ability. Curriculum is aligned to Common Core and State Learning Standards and grade level performance indicators. Instruction is provided by qualified personnel and trained staff. Differentiated instruction is utilized to meet a wide range of student need. Instructional strategies/programs are implemented with fidelity. Instruction is culturally and linguistically responsive to the language and learning needs of students whose first language is not English.

District Planning Team The Half Hollow Hills School District Planning Team comprises the following members: • Superintendent of Schools • Deputy Superintendent • Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Education • Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education • Elementary School Principal • Middle School Principal • High School Principal • Executive Director of Special Education • Director of Mathematics K-12 • Coordinator of Language Arts 6-12 • Coordinator Language Arts and Reading K-5 Student Identification and Data Analysis The district has established an ongoing system of student identification based on the results of standardized assessments and on teacher/administrator recommendations to building Instructional Support Teams. The system begins with screening of Kindergarten entrants and continues with the State mandated screening program that requires districts to screen all new entrants for special education needs. A team that includes the building psychologist, classroom and reading teachers, speech teacher, school nurse, and other support personnel when appropriate, conducts the Kindergarten screening. The district monitors literacy progress in kindergarten through grade three using the New York State Early Literacy Profile. Additional, literacy skills in grades K-8 are assessed using district standardized tests, state assessments and teacher recommendations based on classroom performance. Cut scores for eligibility are established year to year by the state.

The district monitors students’ mathematical progress in kindergarten through grade five using enVision and math textbook series’ assessments. Mathematical skills in grades 1-8 are assessed using multiple measures that include district-wide formative and summative standardized tests, state assessments, and teacher recommendations based on classroom performance. Multiple measures (such as state and/or criterion-referenced tests, portfolios, diagnostic assessments, teacher recommendations) are also used to determine if academic intervention services are necessary. All new entrants to the district are screened to determine if they need academic intervention services using the same multiple measures outlined above and after a careful review of the educational records from former schools. Eligibility: Students eligible for AIS, including those with disabilities and/or English Language Learners are: • those who score below the designated performance levels on elementary, intermediate, and commencement-level assessments in English language arts, mathematics, social studies and science; • those at risk of not meeting state standards as indicated through the district procedure outlined in this plan;  students who do not participate in state assessments will be evaluated by the multiple measures outlined above  K-2 students who have not acquired sufficient early literacy or math competencies, as identified by the ELP  LEP/ELL students who do not achieve the performance standards as identified in CR Part 154 Provision of Services: The services detailed in this plan must begin no later than the semester following the determination of need. AIS must continue until the student meets, or is likely to meet, State learning standards in the identified area of need. AIS services are delivered by qualified, appropriately certified staff. Components of the District Plan: The Half Hollow Hills School District Plan for Academic Intervention Services (AIS) is specified at three instructional levels and details services for the following leaving standards areas: Grades K-5: English language arts, mathematics Grades 6-8: English language arts, mathematics, science, social studies Grades 9-12: English language arts, mathematics, science, social studies Parent Notification and Involvement The parent(s) or the designated guardian will be notified in writing, by the principal of the school, which the student attends, that his/her child will be offered AIS. This notification shall be provided in English and translated, when necessary, into the native language of the parent. The notice shall include a summary of the services being provided to the student

and when those services will be provided. The reason(s) for the AIS will be reviewed, and the consequences of not achieving the standards will be stated. Parents of students receiving academic intervention services shall be provided with ongoing communication with school personnel. Existing marking period reports will be used, and parents will have opportunities to meet with their child’s classroom teachers and any other personnel providing AIS service at the school buildings regularly scheduled parent-teacher conferences. The school district will continue to provide additional information to parents on how to work with their child to improve achievement, monitor their child’s progress and work with district staff. This type of information may be obtained from school and district newsletters and by attending PTA meetings and Back to School nights. Parents will be notified in writing when AIS services are to be discontinued. This communication will indicate the criteria for ending services, the current performance level of the student, and the assessment(s) that were used to determine the student’s level of performance. Records of Progress Kept A record of the student’s performance on State assessments will be kept as part of the student’s permanent cumulative record folder. Local assessment results will also be kept on file. Documentation of specific academic intervention services and dates of service will become part of the permanent record. AIS Initiatives The district is already providing many AIS type services. This plan includes these services as well as several initiatives designed to meet increased state mandates, required 3-8 testing, and provide more comprehensive support to students. Below is a list of services: WRITE Program - Elementary (Writing, Reading, Instruction Toward Excellence) The WRITE program is a comprehensive reading and writing after-school intervention program for 3rd to 5th grade students. The goal of the program is to help prepare students to meet the ELA standards, as measured by the NYS English Language Arts assessment. Students attend twice a week. The WRITE program . . . • provides additional reinforcement with reading, comprehension, and writing. • reviews successful test-taking strategies needed to succeed on the NYS ELA assessment. • provides encouragement and support in a small group setting. The criteria for student participation in WRITE - Grades 3-5 is based on multiple measures, including but not limited to: • • • •

NYS ELA assessment Teacher recommendation, supported by report card grades of levels 2 or 1 in reading and/or writing Currently receiving reading support or related special education services District wide ELA Sample Test

MITE Program (Mathematics Instruction Toward Excellence) The MITE program is a comprehensive math after-school intervention program for 3rd to 5th grade students. The goal of the program is to help prepare students to meet the mathematics standards, as measured by the NYS Math assessment. Students attend twice a week. The MITE program . . . • provides additional reinforcement with basic skills, including math computation, critical thinking and problem solving skills. • reviews successful test-taking strategies needed for the NYS Math assessment • provides encouragement and support in a small group setting. The criteria for student participation in MITE – Grades 3-5 is based on multiple measures, including but not limited to: • • •

NYS Math assessment Practice Math Test score below raw score of 40 Teacher recommendation supported by report card grades (N or I)

Extended School Year (Summer School) Students entering kindergarten through grade 6 who are in need of academic intervention services can attend a four-hour, four-day a week, four-week long program during the month of July. The Extended School Year program . . . • • • •

provides additional reinforcement and instruction with basic skills, including emergent reading and writing, language development, reading and listening comprehension skills, note taking techniques, and effective written composition skills. provides entering kindergartners with additional language experience, readiness activities, and social group experiences to assist in their adjustment and success in kindergarten. provides additional experiences and improve the English language skills for students identified as English Language Learners. provides additional reinforcement and instruction with basic skills, including math computation, critical thinking and problem solving skills. The criteria for student participation are based on multiple measures:

• academic intervention services received during the school year • performance on state and district assessments • classroom performance • entering kindergarten students are recommended for this program based on the results of kindergarten screening Extra Help Program All classroom teachers provide students 90 minutes per week of additional academic intervention services. These services occur either before or after school. Services are in academic areas and are closely connected with their classroom program.

Reading Support Students who are identified through state assessments, district standardized tests and/or informal reading inventories in need of additional instruction in reading receive services from a reading teacher. Math Lab Students who are identified through state assessments, district standardized tests and/or informal math assessments as needing additional instruction in math receive services from a math teacher. Classroom Support Period Academic intervention and support is provided to identified students within the classroom during a daily thirty minute support period. Middle School Reading Support Students who are identified through state assessments, district standardized tests and/or informal reading instruments as needing reading support are placed in reading classes. Reading teachers individualize instruction for small groups of students to increase reading skills and strategy acquisition. Middle School Academic Intervention Services Students in grades 6 and 8 will be homogeneously grouped for either skill development or extension activities in English Language Arts and/or mathematics. The intensity and frequency of services will be dependent on student performance. Math Lab Course Students requiring additional instruction in Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II participate in a lab class, offering the student direct instruction and strategies and instructional techniques to increase understanding and develop skills needed to pass these Regents exams. Extended Living Environment Course Students who require additional time to learn concepts to pass the Living Environment Regents are recommended for a two-year course. Social Studies Support Students identified as needing support in social studies will be given the opportunity to receive additional instruction by certified teachers. Science Support Students identified as needing support in science will be given the opportunity to receive additional instruction in science concepts by certified teachers for two periods weekly before or after school through extra help. Counseling Intervention Services Counseling intervention services typically include addressing the socio-emotional barriers to improved academic performance. Other areas which may be considered and addressed through this intervention are attendance, discipline, family-related issues, health-related

issues and mobility/transfer issues. Parents of the student receiving academic intervention services shall be provided ongoing communication with school personnel.

Speech Improvement Services Speech Improvement is an instructional support and intervention program designed to address student weaknesses in Articulation/Phonology, Language Development, Pragmatics (Social language skills), or Fluency (Flow of communication). Speech improvement is provided in a small group of students with similar needs. Intensity of RTI Services Intensity of service defines which services the student will receive based on the level of their needs as determined through multiple measures and sources of evidence. Students with the most intense needs would receive more schedule services, for a longer duration, and with more individualization. Students with the least intensive needs might only receive progress monitoring as a student support service: • Intensity of services will be based on the level of student need as determined by multiple measures and sources of evidence gathered by the school district. • Frequency of services will be based on the level of intensity of services: o Number of times per week: (once, twice three or four – Daily) o Amount of time per session: (few minutes, half hour, entire period, double period) o Degree of individualization:  Small Group (5-8)  Targeted Group (2-4) RTI Provider(s) • Tier 1 Intervention: implemented by the classroom teacher • Tier 2 Intervention: primarily implemented by a classroom teacher or special provider • Tier 3 Intervention: primarily implemented by a special provider

Academic Intervention Plan The following Academic Intervention services are listed: Assessment Instrument

Entry Indicators for AIS Services

Type of AIS Service Available

Exit Indicators


DIAL NWEA BOEHM Math Assessment District Kindergarten Screening Early Literacy Assessment Report Cards

Kindergarten Screening DIAL NWEA Performance below grade level BOEHM raw score 35 or below Early Literacy Kindergarten foundations below grade level benchmarks (fall) Reading instruction level below A (November)

Reading Support Extra Help Psychologist Close monitoring of progress Classroom support period Summer School

On grade-level performance NWEA %tile above 40 BOEHM raw score above 40 Reading instruction level D Report card level 3 or 4

1st Grade

Ch. 53 screening Early Literacy

Early Literacy 1st grade foundations below grade level

Reading Support Extra Help:

On grade-level performance

Assessment Math Assessment NWEA Report Cards Qualitative Reading Inventory (QRI) District first grade screening

benchmarks (fall) or Early Literacy kindergarten foundations below grade level benchmarks (spring) NWEA performance below grade level Report Card level 1 or 2 (Reading) BOEHM raw score 40 or below Reading instruction level below C

Reading/Math/Language Close monitoring of progress Classroom support period Summer School

NWEA %tile above 40 Report card level 3 or 4 Reading instruction level J

2nd Grade

Ch. 53 Screening Early Literacy Assessment Math district-wide fall/spring assessments Grade 2 universal reading/writing District-wide benchmark assessments NWEA Qualitative Reading Inventory (QRI) Report Cards

Early Literacy 2nd grade foundations below grade level benchmarks (fall) or early literacy 1st grade foundations below grade level benchmarks (spring) Report card levels 1 or 2 (Reading) Report card levels 1 or 2 (Math) NWEA performance below grade level District-wide fall/spring assessments score levels 1 or 2 Reading instruction level below I District-wide benchmark assessments score levels 1 or 2

Reading support Math support Extra help: Reading/Math/Language Close monitoring of progress Classroom support period Summer School

On Grade-Level Performance Report Card Level of 3 and/or 4 Early Literacy Profile Level 5

3rd Grade

Ch. 53 Screening Early Literacy Profile NYS Math Assessment Report Cards Grade 3 Universal Screening ELA Sampler NYS ELA Assessment District-wide fall/spring assessments Qualitative Reading Inventory (QRI) District-wide benchmark assessments Intermediate Reading Assessment (IRA)

NYS Math assessment level 1 or 2 NYS ELA assessment level 1 or 2 Report card levels 1 or 2 (Math) Report card levels 1 or 2 (Reading/Writing) Grade 3 universal screening level 1 or 2 District-wide Fall and/or Spring Assessments Score Levels 1 or 2 ELA sampler score level 1 or 2 District-wide benchmark Assessments Score Levels 1 or 2 Reading instruction level below L

Reading support Math support Extra Help: Reading/Math/Language WRITE Close monitoring of progress Classroom support period Summer school

NYS ELA Level 3 or 4 On grade-level Performance Reading instruction level P NYS Math Assessment levels 3 or 4 Report card levels 3 or 4 District-wide fall and/or spring assessments score levels 3 or 4 District-wide benchmark assessments score levels 3 or 4

4th Grade

Ch. 53 Screening NYS Math assessment Report cards

NYS Math assessment level 1 or 2 NYS ELA assessment level 1 or 2

WRITE MITE Reading support Math support

NYS ELA Level 3 or 4 On grade-Level performance

NYS ELA assessment District-wide benchmark assessments ELA sampler Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) District-wide fall/spring assessments Qualitative Reading Inventory (QRI)

Report card levels 1 or 2 (Math) Report card levels 1 or 2 (Reading/Writing) District-wide benchmark assessments score level 1 or 2 ELA sampler score level 1 or 2 District-wide fall/spring assessments score levels 1 or 2 Reading instruction level below O

Extra Help: Reading/Math/Science/Language Close monitoring of progress Classroom support period Summer School

Report Card Level 3 or 4 NYS Math assessment level 3 or 4 Reading instruction level 5 District-wide fall/spring assessments score levels 3 or 4 District-wide benchmark assessments score levels 3 or 4

5th Grade

Ch. 53 Screening NYS ELA assessment NYS Math assessment ELA Sampler NYS Science assessment District-wide fall/spring assessments Report Cards Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) District-wide benchmark assessments Qualitative Reading Inventory (QRI)

NYS Math assessment level 1 or 2 NYS ELA assessment level 1 or 2 Report card levels 1 or 2 (Math) Report card level 1 or 2 (Reading/Writing) District-wide benchmark assessments score level 1 or 2 ELA sampler score level 1 or 2 District-wide fall/spring assessments score levels 1 or 2 Reading instruction level below R

Reading support Math support Extra Help: Reading/Math/Science/Language Close monitoring of progress Classroom support period Summer School

NYS ELA level 3 or 4 On grade-level performance NYS Math assessment level 3 or 4 Report card level 3 or 4 District-wide fall/spring assessments score levels 3 or 4 Reading instruction level V District-wide benchmark assessments score levels 3 or 4

Grades 6-8

New entrant screening NYS ELA NYS Math Report cards Administrative review

Score below NYS designated performance levels on ELA and/or Math assessments Administrative Recommendation

Extra help Small group instruction Close monitoring of progress Guidance Counselor Psychologist

Predicted success on NYS ELA and/or Math assessment

Grades 9-12

New entrant screening NYS ELA NYS Math NYS Science Final exams Regents exams Administrative review

Score below NYS designated performance levels on ELA and/or Math assessments Failing grade on Regents or final exams Administrative recommendation

Extra help Regents review sessions Math lab courses Course extensions Peer tutoring Close monitoring of progress Guidance Counselor Psychologist

Predicted success on NYS Regents and local exams

Sample Parent Letter Dear Parent or Guardian: Your child _______________________________ will be receiving Academic Intervention Services in the following subject areas:  English Language Arts  Mathematics  Science  Social Studies Your child has been selected for these services based on standardized test scores, individual assessments, classroom performance and grades. Your child’s teacher for these services is ___________________________________. This class will meet _______________________. Please be advised that your child must satisfactorily meet the established New York State standards. These standards will be assessed at various grade levels during your child’s elementary and secondary education. Failure to satisfactorily achieve these standards may jeopardize your child’s academic future. Academic Intervention Services are recommended at this time to better prepare your child to meet these standards. Ongoing parent conferences are extremely important. Your child’s Academic Intervention Services teacher is available to meet with you. Please feel free to call her/him at ___________. You will also receive written reports/report card grades from the Academic Intervention Services teacher while your child is receiving these services. Please feel free to call me at _____________________, if you have any questions. Sincerely, Principal Sample Discontinue Service Letter Dear Parent or Guardian: As you know, your child has been receiving Academic Intervention Services. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that your child, __________________________________, has made sufficient progress in  English Language Arts  Mathematics  Science  Social Studies Your child’s current performance indicates that he/she is no longer in need of this service at this time. This decision was based on the results of standardized tests, individual assessments, classroom performance and grades. We will continue to monitor your child’s progress. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Principal

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