Athletics Handbook 2011

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HALF HOLLOWHILLSCOACHINGCOMMITMENTFORM All GoachesEmployedBy The Half Hollow Hills CentralSchool DistrictAre ExpectedTo Accept The Following ResponsibilitiesAs Part Of Their Coaching Assignment: .STRICT/SECTION/STATE POLICY Familiarize themselveswiththe HalfHollowHillsInterscholastic AthleticGuide,the Half HollowHills Student/Athlete-Parent Interscholastic AthleticGuide,the NYSPHSAAHandbook,and the SectionXl Directory (VarsityCoaches),and abideby all policiesand procedures as outlinedin thesehandbooksand quides. PRESEASONMANDATORY M EETINGS AttendpreseasonmandatorySectionXl RulesInterpretation Meetingsand the mandatoryHalf HollowHillsDistrict Staff Meetings. Dates,times,and siteswill be postedin advance.Coacheswho cannotattendthese meetinos must notifythe DistrictDirectorof Athleticsin advanceof the meeting. PRACTICEAND SCHEDULINGEXPECTATIONS Beginpracticeson the first availabledate as establishedby SectionXl policy. The requirednumberof practices must be met priorto the first openingcontest. Coachesare expectedto practiceon each schoolday. As a guideline,coachesat the JuniorVarsityand Varsitylevelare expectedto provideadequatepracticeopportunity duringholidays,vacationperiods,and Saturdays(as allowedby State,SectionXl, and Districtpolicy),in orderto ensurethat teams are properlypreparedfor competition.A recordof all team and individualpracticesshallbe kept by the Head Coach in everyprogram,at everylevel. MiddleSchoolteams are expectedto practiceon all ^^L^^r >u r l \JU r u d ys, and shallbe preparedto practiceon weekendsand holidayvacationperiodswhen necessary, '^"^ especiallyin meetingpracticemandates. All staff membersshallbe preparedto practiceor competethroughthe last playingdate as definedby the Section Xl calendar,which is levelspecific.A postponedgame on the last playingdate of the seasonis expectedto be ^r^"^! ^'^ d r a ta of ihe SectionXl definedstartand finishdates. '^terdate,if time allowsfor suchwithinthe parameters P rd yE u Make certainthat the athleteson your team are preparedfor this. Coachesof outdoorfall and springsportsshouldpreparean alternativeindoorpracticewheneverpossibleon days when inclementweatherpreventsan outdoorpracticeor contest.This may also includea chalkboardsession,or practice,as determined by the availability a conditioning of facilities.Coachesof sportssharingan indoorfacility shouldplan practicebeforeor afteranotherteam'sscheduledcontest. effectivelywith Coachesshallcommunicate Building Administrators regardingthe use of buildingand scheduled practices,especiallyon non schooldaysduringthe summer,weekends,or holidayperiods. Coachesmust make certainthatthe Buildingis opened,and practiceis approvedin advance,by the BuildingAdministrator, on all non schooldays. OF PROGRAM RECRUITINGOF ATHLETES/PROMOTION to studenVathletes aboutphysicalexaminations, Provideinformation teamtry-outs,and team guidelines, well in High of the season. School Coaches are expectedio hold three preseasonmeetings. The first shallbe advance the secondis one seasonin advancefor middleschoolathletes, one seasonin advancefor highschoolathletes, and the thirdto be two weeks priorto the startdate (exceptionfor fall coaches). High Schoolstaff membersdo not have to hold the middleschoolmeetingif appropriateinformationwas alreadygivento 7thl8thgradeathletes at anothertime (middleschoolparticipation clinic,etc.) MiddleSchoolCoachesshouldrun a preseasonmeeting one seasonin advanceof the siart date,and another,one to two weeks priorto the startdate (exceptionfor fall coaches).lt is the coachesresponsibility to recruitinterested athletes,and promoteparticipation in the program. FALL START Allfall coaches,middleschooland highschool,are expectedto sendmailingsand UpdatedHealthHistoryForms (greenforms) home duringthe summerto all interestedathletes,givingthem pertinentinformationthat will preparethem for the first day of tryouts.Athletesare to be preparedto startpracticeon the first date as indicated by the SectionDirectory. EAM ROSTERS All Coachesshouldturnin theircompletedTeam Rostersto theirBuildingCoordinators one week afterthe season begins. FallHighSchoolCoachescan turnin theirrosternolaterthanthe Fridayaftertheopeningof school.In A

additionto the Team Roster,all FallCoachesmustalsoturnin signedgreenformsas well, Makecertainthatthe and last name,first,as this is consideredto be a legaldocument. Fall Team Rosteris printed,alphabetical, with the Team Roster. Pleasenote ihat green so they maich up alphabetically forms the out coachesshouldsort process.Do not listathleteson your by the same cleared has be roster initial the once made be can additions rosterwno you are expectingto come out, afterthe fact. List onlythosethat are currentlyactive,and on the field/courtwith You. UNIFORMISSUEAND COLLECTION Collectall practiceuniformsduringthe last practicesession,all "away''uniformsimmediatelyafterthe completion afterthe lasthomecontest.Coachesare of the conteston ihe road,and all "home"uniformsimmediately accountablefor everyitem in therrinventory,and are responsiblefor doinga preseasonand post seasoncountof all itemsin the inventory, the entireinventory(allinclusive).Coachesshouldmakethoroughattemptsat collectrng Informathletesthatdonotreturnan item,orpayforihe item,thattheywill and notifytheparentofindebtedness. athleticprogramuntilthey resolvethe indebtedness. in the interscholastic be suspendedfrom furlherparticipation given not be a certificateor an athleticaward untilthe item is is indebted should Furthermore,an athletethat held with the Directorof Athletics,athletesand has been paid meeting the inventory for. Once returnedand parentsmust be told to resolvetheirdebt at CentralOffice,not at buildinglevel. equipmentunlessthe item has beennumbered,recordedon A coachshallnot handout any uniform,or protective whitemedicalcard,and signedfor by the athlete.Cardsof all indebtedathleteswillbe ihe backof the emergency returnedto the athleticofficeat the end of the season,with final paperwork. OUT RECONDITIONING/CHECK At the end of the season,prepai'ethe inventorythat is io be sent to the reconditioner, or storedwith the Building storageclosets.Checkout withthe BuildingCoordinator in appropriate Coordinator in a timelymanner. Do not hand in yourfinalseasonpaperworkand ask the BuildingCoordinator to checkyou out on the lastday of school, or after anothersportseasonbegtns. papenruork to be submitted for End of SeasonPaymentin a timelymanner,no longer Completeall administrative than two weeks afteryour last competition.Send all paperworkto the AthleticOffice,and call to make an appointmentfor an End of SeasonMeeiing. All forms,completedinventories(includingrequestsfor next year, qizoc nrrmha;s,colors,and new specifications), indebtedforms,and cardsmust be receivedpriorto rne appointment.End of Seasonpay authorization willnot take placeuntilall papenvorkand responsibilities have been comoleted. WITH PLAYERS ON.GOINGCOMMUNICATION Provideplayerswith the opportunities to be selectedfor CountyAwards,as well as providingthe playerswith rnnrnnriaro;nformation concerning the HHHAwardsPresentations, the All-County Dinner,All-Staror Exceptional SeniorGames and Tryouts,EmpireStateGameTryouts,and out of seasonclub and communityprogrem (summercamps,summerleague,AAU or CYO opportunities, opportunities etc.). COLLEGIATEOPPORTUNITIES Provideguidancewhereverpossibleto thosetalentedand dedicatedathleteswho wish to pursuetheir athletic ^^'+r^;^^+:^^ level. Coachesshouldadviseathletesin the selectionof schoolsihat matchtheir P d r L ru rP d L rwr | (at the collegiate competitiveability,and communicatewith collegecoacheson their behalf. Coachesare expectedto writewritten recommendations whereappropriate and providescholarship andioradmissionassistance whereapplicableand appropriate.Also be certainto makethe studentsawardof the NCAAClearinghouse Regulations. Communication with parentswith respectto theseissuesis essential.


withoutprotectivepads and withoutblockingsleds and Tlre first 3 days of practicemust be non-contact, other blockingdevices'


The next 3 days providesa transitionfrom the conditioningphaseto full contact,shoulderpads alongwith the use of blockingdummies,sleds,and similardevicesare permitted.


equipmentand use of trainingdevices. Tlrefollowing5 daysconsistof contacipracticeswithfullprotective


contest.lnterschool scrimmagesmay practicesmustbe heldpriorto the firsfinterschool Six additional time between interschoolfootball scrimmages shallbe 2 days. minimum day. The the 12th on commence


mustcompletethe first6 dayspriorto Total Days Required:17 Team; 17 IndividualAll individuals participating in full contactdrills. Scrimmagespermittedon day 12,contestson day 18. APPROVEDPRE-SEASONPRACTICEFORMATFOR MODIFIEDFOOTBALLLEVELS.A and B


exercise,and equipmentshallbe limitedto the The first3 daysof practicesessionsmust be non-contact device,T shirt,supporter, shorts,anklesupports,socks,shoes, helmet,face mask,dentalprotection protectivepadsfor elbowand/orknee areas.


Duringthe next5 daysthe additionof shoulderpads,alongwiththe use of blockingdummies,sleds,and No scrimmages othersimilarteachingand trainingdevicesis permissible. or livecontactdrillsare allowed.


The next 7 daysshallconsistof contactwith full protectiveequipmentand the use of trainingdevices.


Scrimmagesare permittedon the 16thday. Fiveadditionalpracticedays must be held priorto the first contest.

NEXT AVAILABLE DATE In all sports,a postponedVARSITYcontestmust be playedon the "NextAvailableDate".The "Nexi AvailableDate"is weekday(M-F)on whicha contesthas not previously beenscheduledby eitherteam. definedas the nexta'railable (5122190) mutual agreement. be used by and Sundays may Saturdays IN ORDERTO COMPLETEA LEAGUESEASON,THE EXECUTIVEDIRECTORMAY MANDATEANY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAYAS THE NEXTAVAILABLEDATEDURINGTHE LATTERPARTOF A SEASON.HOWEVER,THE MAXIMUM TO THtS pOLtCy) NUMBEROF LEAGUEGAMESPER WEEK (AS LISTEDlN THE SPORTSPECIF|CEXCEPTIONS BE EXCEEDED' MAY NOT Non-league contestswillbe vacatedby the direction of the ExecutiveDirectorin cooperation to completea leagueseason. withthe chairof the sportif it becomesnecessary PENALTY: FAILUREOF A SCHOOLTO COMPLYWITH THE NEXTAVAILABLEDATE POLICYWILL RESULTIN IF BOTH OPPOSINGSCHOOLSWILL NOT COMPLY.BOTH SCHOOLSWILL BE ASSESSEDA FORFEITURE. LOSS. sports: For contestsin Section-wide A SCHOOL'SPROM OR AN ENTIRE A DATEWHICHIS VACATEDFOR THE PURPOSEOF ACCOMMODATING PRIORTO THE DEADLINEFOR SCHEDULECHANGESWILL NOT BE GRADELEVELTRIPAND IDENTIFIED CONSIDEREDA NEXT AVAILABLEPLAYINGDATE. (hurricanes, poweroutages,etc.)precludea team from practicing When extraordinary circumstances snowstorms, on four -_rn_ap consecutivedays,the ExecutiveDirectormay waivethe "nextavailabledate"rule to allowfor one day of practice. ,c114196)


Followingare the sportspecificexceptions:

^a$ell reams are not mandatedto playmore than four leaguegamesin a calendarweek exceptto satisfyplayoffdeadlines. gamesafterthe second(2nd)week of the leagueschedule. overnon-league Leaguegamesmusttake precedence Basketball,Field Hockev.Lacrosse,and Soccer Teams are not nrandatedto PlaY: 1.

Leaguecontestson more than two consecutivedays.


Morethanthreeleaguegamesperweek (runningMonday- Saturday).


Morethanfour leaguegamesduringthe lastweekof the season.Thesemay not be playedon moreihan two consecutiveciavs.

Football I

lf thereis a Section-wide byeweek on the followingSaturday,a rescheduled game may be playedat any tinreduringthe bye week.


A Thursdayor Fridaygamemustbe playedno laterthanthe followingMonday.

Gvmnastics Teams are not mandatedto play: 1.

Leaguecontestson more than two consecutivedays.


Morethanthreeleaguegamesperweek (runningMonday- saturday).

Softball Teams are not mandatedto play: 'l .

Morethan four leaguegames per week.


Leaguecontestson morethanthreeconsecutive days.

Exceptions to thismay be madeduringthe lastweekof the seasonto satisfyplayoffdeadlines. Swimming - Teamsare not mandatedto swim: 1'

Leaguecontestson consecutivedaysexceptwhen necessaryto completethe season.


Morethanthreeleaguecontestsper weekexceptwhen necessary to completethe season.

Tenni s Teamsare not mandatedto playmorethanfour leaguegamesin a calendarweek (Monday- Saturday) exceptto satisfy playoffdeadlines. Wrestlinq The "NextAvailableDates"for wrestlingare: FromTuesdaymatches- no laterthanThursday. FromWednesdaymatches- no laterthan Friday. 'om Thursdaymatches- no laterthanTuesday. From Fridaymatches- no laterthanTuesdav.


Mondayis not to be used as the "NAD"for wrestling. Teams are q!

mandatedto wrestle:


Leaguecontestson more than two consecutivedays'


More than three leaguemeetsper week (runningMonday-Saturday)'

ln orderto conrpletethe season,more than threeleaguemeetsmay be conductedduringthe lastuleek of the season. These nray not be conductedon more than two consecutivedays. morethanthreevarsityteamswillbe consideredas league eventsinvolving non-league Regularscheduledmulti-team policy. of this the irnplementation in contests Track and Cross Countrv The "NAD" for these sportsis definedas the next availableweekday,Monday- Thursdayon which a contestlras not previouslybeen scheduledby eitherteam. NOTES: 1.

In particular if athleticdirectorscannotagreeon a "nextavailabledate",the matteris io be instances, referredto the sportchairand the ExecutiveDirectorfor a resolution.


Schoolsmay mutuallyagreeto reschedule the contestearlierthan prescribed by this policy

Teams are not mandatedto compete: 1.

On consecutivedays exceptwhen necessaryto completethe season.


Morethanthreetimesper week (Monday- Saturday).





An opportunityto make changesand additionsis providedto schoolswhen the SectionXl office assemblesand distributescorrectionschedules.The schedulesMUST be checked. lt is importantall deadline. clrangesbe made priorto the established


Acceptedpracticedictatesthat: all date changesmust be mutuallyagreedupon. a) hostschoolsmustnotifyvisitingschoolsof changesin times,sites,etc. b) the Sectionacceptschangesonlyfrom HOST SCHOOLS. c)




to the day when schedulesare distributed are finalized Fromthe time assignments to schools,change WILL NOT be acceptedby the SectionXl Office.


officialassignments) must be thoroughly finalizedschedules(indicating checkedby each athleticdirector to confirmall reouestedchanqesand additions.


CHANGES Changesin schedulesmade afterofficialshave been assignedcreateproblems. PLEASENOTE: 1.

The SectionXl Officemustbe notifiedimmediately by the homeschoolof all changes,postponements, etc. Evena half hourtime changeis importantlConfirmnew date and time with opponent cancellations, and NOTIFYSECTIONXl OF THE CHANGEby phoneBEFORECONTACTINGTHE OFFICIALS. (Followup with writtennotification).


The home schoolMUST INFORMOFFICIALSOF THE CHANGEAND ADVISETHEM TO GONTACT Schoolsare requestedNOT to informofficialsof the rescheduled SECTIONXl FOR REASSIGNMENT. date. The decisionas to whetherofficialswill remainwith the contestwill be made by SectionXl.



When scheduledofficialsdo not reportto the contest,all coachesof modified,freshmen,and junior varsity teams are expectedto play the scheduledcontest as a scrimmage. Don't go home and waste a day of competitive play. Varsitycoaches are not expectedto play a scheduledleagueor division contest without appropriate officials. Varsityrcoaches are to call the Athletic Office and/or the Section Xl Office before walking away from the contest if an official does not report to the site. INTERSCHOOL SCRIMMAGE/PRACTICE SESSION

practrcesession.ln practicesessions/scrimmages A scrimmage,as definedby the NYSPHSAA, is an interschool 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

both squadsuse the same field simultaneously with both coachesmakingcorrectionsand giving instructions to playersas theywouldduringtheirown practice, no officialscore is kept, no definitetime is set for scrimmageperiods, no admissionis charged, no spectatorsare permittedunlesssuchis the usualplanwheneverthe squadhas a practice.


Footbaliscrimmagesshallbe governedby the following: 1. 2. 3. /, R


7, t1.

9. 10 11

no officialscore is kePt' no definitetime is set or kePt, coachesare permittedon the field to provideinstructionand make corrections' (thanthose normally differentconfigurationigoverningpossessiontime and down and distancesituations used in a game) may be usedto governplay, providing unlimitedtime-outsand stoppagelof playare permittedand encouragedfor the purposeof both periods' resi instructionand adequate the use of officialswould be permittedand encouragedwheneverpossiblefor the purposeof instruction of rules' the rulesand properapplication regarding no kickoffsare Permitted, puntsand extra point kick attemptsmay involvelive playuntilthe ball is kicked. Punts may not be advancedand all fumbledpuntsand muffswill be blowndead immediately, the total numberof playsshouldbe recordedto preventan individualplayerfrom being involvedin more thana maximumof 90 livecontactplaysduringthe entirescrimmage, no admissionmay be charged, bands,ktcklines,etc., are prohibited. of studentgroupssuch as cheerleaders, the participation

NOTE:Half Hollow Hills policv dictatesthat all practicesessionsand scrimmagesare closed. Spectatorsshould not be permittedto attendpracticesor scrimmaqes.A scrimmaqeis consideredto be an instructional practice.

Spectators are encouraged to attend all scheduled contests. home and awav.


ease Note: The maximumnumberof contestslistedbelowis a SectionXl mandate,whichdiffersfrom the maximum ,rlrmberof contestsallowedby the NYSPHSAA.All coachesare expectedto checktheirschedules,and make certainthat they do not exceedthe maximumnumberallowableby SectionXl standards.Failureto do so will resultin forfeitureof everycontestscheduledafterthe maximumnumberwas played. SPORT Baseball Basketball CrossCountry FieldHockey Football Golf Gymnastics Lacrosse Soccer Softball Swimming Tennis Track WinterTrack Volleyball Wrestling

VARSITY 20 1B 13



19 17 tz

to tJ

17 13 16 to



'10 10 8 10 06


,, 15 19

;; 10 10


12 OB


17 '16 lc

20 19 *20Pts. "'19Pts.

'10 10

*2 Pts./Tournament, '1Pt/Dual Meetand6 Tournaments (individual points). Maximum rrack pointsare for each individual on the team.



PRESEASONMEETING for holding a preseason meeting for All VarsityHead coaches and MiddleSchoolcoaches are responsible Fallcoachesshouldhold this meeting start date. of the advance in season one interestedhigh schoolathletes and springcoachesin November,Have October, or in September coaches winter June, early May or sometinrein for winter and spring sports. Tlrese well, as of the season prior start the to weeks two meeting a followup given to those athletesinvolvedwith be should and consideration publicized in advance, well be should meetings anothersportsseason. Make certainthat athletesare advisedof the medicalclearanceproceduresand the time etc. linefor physicalexaminations, 2.

Varsityor JV Coachesshouldalso hold a separatepreseasonmeeting at the middle school for all interested Bthgraderswho will be comingup to participatein our Freshmenand/orJV programs.The best time to hold such of the middleschoolseason.Manyof our highschoolcoacheshost a a meetingis at the conclusion school athletesduring their competitiveseason,and thisclinicprovidesthe for middle participationclinic great to meetwith middleschoolathletes,and preparethem for high school opportunity with a coach high school participation expeciations.Once again,discussthe time linewith respectto tryouts,and medicalclearance procedures. All FallHighSchooland MiddleSchoolCoaches: Send home green forms no later than June 30tn. Instruct parentsand athletesto completeand returnthe form on the firstday of tryouts. Pick up the white clearancecards from the AthleticOfficeimmediatelyafterthe schoolyear ends,and use thesecardsfor communicationpurposes. pertinent to Be sure to include appropriatetryout information(dates,sites,times),and any otherinformation your programor activity.Advisethe athleteof the importanceto be in attendance,on the startdate. For those teams who make cuts, let the athletesknowthat each year is a new year,and that our policydoes not providea place on the team for those not in attendanceat tryouts. All letters sent home to athletes must be approved by the Directorof Athletics,prior to the mailing.


The coach must have a white emerqencvmedicalcard, signed bv the Nurse (or the Directorof Athletics). authorizing that athlete to participatein trvouts. Pleasepay closeattentionto the signature,and make certain that the date of the physicalexaminationappearson the card. Checkto see that all of the requiredinformationis legible,especiallythe emergencycontactnumbers. Also reviewall of the cardscarefullyand note any medical concernsthat may be listedon the card (e.9.asthma,allergies,medications, etc.).


Fall Coaches:In addition to the siqned white medicalcard.vou must also have a completed qreen form, signed bv the parent, which providesan intervalhistoryupdate. lf an athleteindicates(answersAyes@)that he or she has experienceda medicalproblemor concernsincetheirlast physicalexamination,the athletemay need additionalmedicalclearancefrom our schoolphysician,and/ortheirprivatephysician.lf anv answer of Aves@ appearson the green form. pleaseimmediatelv notifv the Directorof Athletics.or the School Nurse. to determinewhetherthe athletewill need additionalmedicalclearance. All greenforms,even thosefrom athleteswho were cut at tryouts,or droppedfrom the team, must be turnedin by JV and VarsityCoachesto the HighSchoolBuildingCoordinator, at the timeof rosterclearance,and by the Middle SchoolCoachesto the SchoolNurse. Exceptionfor the Green Form:A HealthHistoryUpdateis not requiredif an athletehad a physicalexamination withinthirtydays of the startdate (notedate of exam on whitecard). NO ATHLETEMAY PARTICIPATEIN ANY ACTIVITYWITHOUTA SIGNEDMEDICAL CLEARANCECARD, AND FOR FALL SPORTS,AN UPDATEDGREENFORM (INTERVALHEALTHHISTORYFORM), THEREIS NO EXCEPTION.THIS INCLUDESPHYSICALCONDITIONING DRILLS. lf an athletecomes to tryoutsand you do not have a signedwhitecard,send the athleteto the SchoolNurse(or the coveringDistrictNurseduringthe summervacationperiod).Do nottake yellowphysicalexamination forms from the athlete. Instructthe athleteto returnallforms to the SchoolNurse.


PROCESS TRYOUTS/SELECTION PLANNING that you havea White EmergencyMedicalClearancecard for any athlete Medical clearance: Make cer-tain Form ,n yout tryouts. All fall athletesshouldhave completedand returneda UpdatedHealthHistory participating tryouts' (GreenForm)to the coach,priorto knowswhen your team will be Authorized Use of Facility: Also make certainthat the BuildingAdministrator Form@ in advanceof ihe of Facility Use for Request out a Fill you using. will be facilities what tryrngour,and you plan on usingthe building. and CustodialStaffthat Administration tryouts.Thiswill alerithe auitOing PHILOSOPHY Coachesshouldmake certainthat: 1)

tryoutsare open to all students'


tryoutsessionsare organizedto ensurea good look@at all athletesinvolved,and


criteriaused for selectionis "fair".

for everyathleteto be evaluatedequitably,even when it is obvious The tryoutperiodshouldprovidean opportunity shouldwalk awayfrom a tryoutsessionclearlyfeelingthat Each and every student who the betterathletesare. even if they disagreewith yourfinaljudgment. lf your programis given by the coach, consideration fair they were one which makes cuis, concentratemore on ihose athleteswho appearto be the weaker athletes,to make certain that the athletedoes not feel that the cut was predetermined.Make it clearthat each and everyyear is a new year,and that no athleteis guaranteeda spot on the roster,or playingtime, basedsolelyon the fact that the athleteparticipatedin the programthe seasonbefore. Also make it knownthat otherfactors,in additionto skill, impaci rn the selectionprocess,and clearlydefinethosefactors. Establishcriteriain advanceof the tryouts,and ma.kecertainthat all staff membersinvolvedunderstandthe criteria,and are preparedto run organizeddrillswhichwill best identifythoseathletesthat meet the criteria. Establishclearexpectationsfcr the athletes.Definethe criteriato all participants, and explainhow the tryoutswill be conducted,and final selectionswill be made. Make certainthat everyathletehas a adequateopportunityto participate in all drillsand team play.

CODEOF CONDUCT Reviewthe Code of Conductand the StudenUAthlete - ParentGuidewith all attendingtryouts. Make certainthat they understandthe expectationsof the program,especiallywithrespectto commitmentand attendance.Advise all participantsthat the Code of Conductmust be returned,signedby both the parentand the athlete,before tryoutsare completed. Let the athletesknowthat an athletewill not be selectedon the team unlessthe Code of Conductis returned. Be certainto addressattendancerequirements(vacations,weekendpracticesetc.),and have the athleteand parentsnote any datesof conflictson the signedCode of Conduct. programconflicts.Make certainthey know that their Be sure to informall athletesaboutoutsideclub/community first priorityis expectedto be the schoolpracticeand contestschedule. ATTENDANCEAT TRYOUTS All involvedin the administration of the Interscholastic AthleticProgram,havea responsibility to ensurethatwe nnoratet-'rrr nrogramsin such a way as to providea climatethat is fair and equitablefor all. lt is not fair for an individual to be broughtonto a teamlate,and/orto displaceanotherathletein the programfrom a competitive opportunityonce cuts have been made,especiallywhen otherathleteshave made a personalsacrificeand commitmentto the team. Athleteswho haveattendedtryoutson time may havegivenup summervacationtime,a specialsummerexperience, or timeovera vacationperiod,to meetprogramexpectations, and that must be considered when lookingat providing anotheropportunity to anotherathletewho did not make the same commitment.


The generalrule is as follows: lf your programmakes any cuts, tryouts become closed. Do not open up the door for athletesto come out late,unless extenuatingcircumstanceswarrant such a tryout. Select your team from those athleteswho are presentand in attendanceat tryouts. Once tryouts have been completed,and/orfinal cuts have been made,an athletewho expresseslate interest in coming out for the team may not be given permission to do so without prior approval of the who wantsto comeout latewillbe askedto presentextenuating Directorof Athletics. An individual that explainsand jusiifiestheirlate start' crrcunrslances FALL COACHES:lf yourprogramdoesnot makecuts,you may chooseto allowan athletewho did not attetrd Ounngthe sunrmervacationperiodto becomeinvolvedin your programlate. However,the athletemust be prepareoro start as soon as schoolbegins,and no later. That athletemust be preparedto meet state established practicemandates. Keep in mind the issueof fairness. How wil!the athletefeel who is now out of the line up, and replacedby someonecomingintoihe programlate,who did not make the same sacrificeand commitmentto your the expectations here. One programcannotbe allowed program?lt is importantthatall coachesfullyunderstand to set a differentstandardthan another.Theseexpectationsmust applyto all programs. CUT POLICY Athleticenvironment, Havingto cut an athleteis one of the most difficultexperiencesfaced in the lnterscholastic the feelingsof the athlete for the coach,playerand the parent. Coachesare advisedto take into consideration when it comestime to makesucha cut. a cut thatwouldonlyimpacta coupleof athletes,try and lookfor anotheralternative. When considering Considercarryingthe coupleof extraplayers,with some honestcommunication.You may have to privatelydiscussyour concernsaboutthe athlete'slimitations,and let the athleteknow that their role may be limited. Be sensitiveto all whenmakingcuts. Do not announcethe selections in frontof all athletes.lf a personal approachcan be made with the athlete,by all means,attemptto do so. Make certainthat everyathlete feels comfortablediscussinghis or her statuswith you, and post a time and placewhere you will be availableto have a privateconferencewith the athlete.Also tell each athletethat if they have questionsor concernsaboutthe tryouts,that they shouldspeakto you directly.Avoid puttingthe athletein a situation.Consideralsolettingsomeof thosewho were not selectedas players,becoming embarrassing managers. J,

Cuttingseniorsis a mostsensitive issue. Seniors,who havebeendedicatedand committedto the program,shouldnot be cut from the roster. However,if it is clearthat the seniorwill not be gettinggame time,be honestwiththe athlete,and advisethe playerthatyou feelthat he or she willhavea verylimited role in their senioryear,and you do not see them gettingmuch game tinre. Most seniorswill not want to giveup the time,and makethe fullyexpectedcommitmenito a team if they knowthat theywill not be playingmuch. lt is alwaysbetterto havethe seniorcome to this conclusion,than for the coachio nrake that cut. However,make certainthat the athletealso knowsthat he or she is expectedto suooortthe team duringpracticesand games,and thattheirattitudemust be positive.Negativeattitudeshave no placeon a team.


Keep in mind the overridingphilosophyof interscholastic athletics,as it pertainsto level. The Modified Programis not designedto provideopportunities to onlythe eliteathlete,whileat the Varsitvlevel,the betterathleteswillsee mostof the gametime.


Returnparentalphonecalls! All coachesmustbe preparedto communicate withparents,and discussthe tryouts,the criteria,and the strengthsand weaknessesof theirchild. While it is appropriateto discuss theirchild'sskills,it is not appropriate to discussthe strengthsand weaknessesof othermembers selectedon the team. Makecertainthat your selectioncriteriaholdsup to scrutiny,and ihat the athlete had a full opportunityto be seen executingskillsin drillsand ieam play.

1C )

TEAM ROSTERS Team RosterFormmust be submittedby eachcoachas soon as a listhas beenposted, Arralphabetized and certainlyno laterthan the end of the secondweek of the seasonstartdate. Finalrostersmust be determinedwithina two (2) week periodof time. Coaches are expected to adhere to this deadline. lf exceptionswarrant,additionalathletesclearedat a later date may be added, if approved by the Director of Athletics. Coachesare expectedio fill in the Team RosterFormcompletely,and legibly,as this is consideredto be a potentiallegaldocument.Typethe roster,or printby hand (blackink pleaseas othercolorsmake poor due to the transferrule,and bring copies).Makecertainto checkfor thosestudentswho may be ineligible any athletewho is new to the program,to the attentionof the Directorof Athletics(see NYSPHSAA TransferRule). Also be sure to checkfor appropriatemedicalclearance,and otherconcernswith respect selection/classification (age,numberof yearsof eligibility, approvaland level,etc.). Make to eligibility certainthat the high schoolis indicatedon team rosterssubmittedfor combinedteams, and that the for thosestudentscompetingat the highschoollevelthrough rniddleschoolis indicated selection/classificatlon. listedon the rosterare considered Makecertainto notewhichindividuals to be managers,and listthem separately,at the end of the roster. lf a managerwill be participating in any of the activityduringpractice, they mustfulfillthe physicalexamination requirements. lf the athleteis not involvedin any activity(score timer,etc.),the athleteonlyneedsio submita signedconsentform to the nurse. keeper,statistician, The originalteam roster,withfour copies,shouldbe submittedto the AthleticDirector'sBuildingAssistant by the deadlinedate,alongwithall EmergencyMedicalClearanceCards(alphabetized). Do not listany athleteon the team rosterif you do not have appropriatemedicalclearancefor the athlete,and/orthe individualhas not yet participated in your program.Add that athleteat a latertime! After the rosterhas been signedoff, approvedcopiesof the rosterwill be givenbackto the coach,the nurse,and the building administrator.Anothercopywill be kept by the BuildingAssistantand the originalwill be sent to the AthleticOftice.

CombinedTeams: Pleaseturn in three additionalcopies (sevenin alt),as the nurse, building assistant and building administratorin the second high school will requirea copy as well.


HIGHSCHOOLTRANSFERRULE high schoolcoachesmust checktheirteam rostersfor potentialproblemswith eligibilityand compliancewith the NYSPHSAATransferRule,as coveredin the StateHandbook' lf a student transfers after attendancebegins in their 9tngrade year, from one high school to another, without the parent having a correspondingchange of address,the athleteis ineligiblefor a period of one year in a sport that he or she has participatedin within the past year. policyalso governstransfersbetweenHHH HS Eastand HHH HS West. Once a studenthas attended This ineligibility eitherof our high schools,and theytransferwithinthe district,they are ineiigiblein any sportthat they playedwithintlre previousyear. This would be the case even if the 9'ngraderonly attendedat one of the high schoolsfor a small amountof In the case of 9thgraderi that wouidincludeany sportplayedin the middleschoolas an 8th time beforethe-y1psp,r1urred. grader. Exception:lf an 8'hgraderappliesfor transfer,a'ndis grantedapprovaltotransfer,priorto the beginningof his or her 9th gradeyear, and maliesthe switchbeforetheir9thgradeyear begins,the policydoes not apply. That studentwould be eligible. F. Waiverof NYSPHSAAtransferRule(NYSPHSAAapprovedAugust5, 2004) Upon receiptof the appropriaterequest,a waiverof the transferrulefor any studentathletereturningto his/her districtof residencyfrom a non-publicschoolwill be granied. The waiverwill be grantedonly one ttme per athlete. NOTE: We stressto all concernedthat the transferrule is stillin effectand that withouta waiver,an athletefor wnicnthe rule appliesremainsineligible,Schoolsusingineligibleathletesare subjectto the forfeitpenaltywlrich cannotbe made retroactive.Therefore,athleticdirectorsare urgedto esiablishleak prooftrackingsystems. All coachesshouldcarefullyscreenat tryouts,to identifyany new studentwho has transferredto our schooldistrictfrom ,ttsidethe district. Findout by confirmationof the student,parents,guidancecounselor,and/orschoolnurse,exactly are involvingthe transferand bringthe participantto the attentionof the Directorof Athleticsat the ,,hatthe circunrstances time of tryouts. An appealprocesshas been establishedthroughSectionXl, and the committeewill hear these appeals only once,ai the very beginningof the season. lf the Directorof Athleticsfiles an appeal,the athletemay participatein practiceswhilewaitingfor the outcomeof ihe appeal. The athletemay not participatein any contestswithouta waiver Committee. from the Eligibility Any contests that have been played with an ineligible athlete are deemed forfeitures by Section Xl. lf a player'sineligibilityis determinedafter the fact, all gameswill be forfeited. There will be no appealto the forfeiture. This may eliminate a Varsity Team from post season competition. ELIGIBILITYOF HOMESCHOOLEDSTUDENTS athletic in the interscholastic Athleteswho participatein a sharedprogram(e.9.Boces),are eligiblefor participation concernsare worked and transportation is in agreementand supervision programs,as longas the BuildingAdministration whereboundarylinesfor theiraddressdictate.The athletemust be takingthe required out.Tfreaihletemustparticipate in the NYSPHSAAHandbook. numberof courses,as stipulated DISTRICTELIGIBILlTYPOLICIES

pleasebe remindedof thosedistrictregulationspertainingto the eligibility of athletesfor practicesessionsand contesisin the HalfHollowHillsDistrict:


for informingsquadmembersof all detailsregardingeligibility. Eachcoachis responsible practice,game,or conteston a day when the studentwas in an interschool No studentmay participate absentfrom school,unlessspecialpermissionfor the absenceis grantedby the schooladministrator.



No studentexeusedfor medicalreasonsfronr a physicaleducationclass may participatein an interschool practice,game,or conteston that same day.

e advisedthat all coachesare expectedto monitorthe attendanceof all ieam membersduringthe academicday, and contests,who were absent from school,are -jnforcedistrictpolicies. Those studentswho participatein interscholastic inalinihlo Tharofnra any contestsplayedby an athlete,in violationof these policies,may be deemed forfeit. lt is the of the coachto monitorthe dailyaitendanceof all athleteson the ieam roster. responsibility practicesfor at leasta year,as these recordsof all team and rndividual All coachesare to keep accuratedailyattendance recordsmay be neededwhen holdingan athleteresponsiblefor commitnrentto the program. These recordsmay also be requestedby legalcounselfor cases in litigation. "homebound instruction" are ineligible Pleasenotethatathletesreceiving and may not participate in practicesor contests. Thosestudentswho participatein "sharedprograms"throughBOCESare eligibleto participateon teams in theirown home thattheymeetstatecurriculum approval,providing mandates. schooldistrictwithadministrative


MEDICALWAIVERS- NYSPHSAAREGULATION#25: "To be eligiblefor sectional,intersectional, or state competition,a team must have competedin six (6) school scheduled contestsduringthe season.An individualis eligiblefor the team if he/shehas been an eliqibleparticipanton a team in For football.a student must be an that sport for a c|iqibleparticipantforaru@contestantsinindividua|sports(crosscountry,go|f, ymnastics,swimming,tennis,outdoortrack,indoortrackandwrestling)musta|sohave@ six (6) scheduledcontests durinq the season to be eligible. These requiredcontests must occur on six different dates,and must be concluded prior to the conclusionof the team's regularschedule".

Applicationof the Rule:A studentwho comesout late,and/ormissespartof the seasondueto injury,cannotcomebackand participatein post seasonplaywithouta medicalwaiver. medicaljustification, theymustmeetthesemandates. lf a studentcomesout late,and thereis no cjocumented andthe individual doesnot meetthe minimumnumberof Thereis no appeal.lf thereis medicaljustification, contests,an appealcan be made (SeeAttachedPolicyBelow). The six contestscountedtowardseligibilityare officiatedcontests. Scrimmagesdo not count. A participantcan not countcontestsaddedafterthe last leagueor regularlyscheduledcontest.

Appeal for a Waiver of NYSPHSAARequlation#25: Waiversof the minimumnumberof requiredcontestsmay be grantedfor medicalreasononly. To requestsuch a waiver,the AthleticDireciormust submit: d.


writtenrequestfor such to the ExecutiveDirectorof SectionXl, of the illness/injury medicaldocumentation indicatingspecificdates,and a recordof the student/athlete's oarticipation in the orooram.


OLASTIC ATHLETIC PRACTIGEGUIDELINES/POLIGIES ,i.ITERSGH PRACTICEGUIDELINES No practicesare to be scheduledon Sundavswithoutthe specificapprovalof tlre Directorof Athletics,Schedulesof weekend and/orholidaypracticetime shouldbe presentedas soonas possibleafterthe seasoncommences,to the Directorof Athletics custodialovertime,For all practiceson non schooldays (buildingsare and the BuildingAdministratorin chargeof authorizing closed),a custodianmust be givenapprovalto openthe building.Coachesare not permittedto hold practiceson non school davs without advance approval and authorizationfrom an administrator. HIGHSCHOOLFALL COACHES Due to the earlysummervacationstartdate,greenconsentforms and notification of try outs and summer practicesessions shallbe sent horneto candidatesno laterthan June 30"'. MedicalClearancecardscan be pickedup from the Directorof n+r'r^+i^^^n^"^F'^aftertheschoolyearends. Alloftheseathletesmustbecontactedimmediately,topreparethem,ina n Ll ilguus ul DU ( d udy Allcopiesofleiterssenthometoparentsandathletesmustbeapprovedbythe timely fashion,foryourprogramexpectations. the dates,times,and sitesof summerpractices Directorof Athleticspriorto the mailing. Bringa copyof the letter(indicating to the officewhen you cometo pick up yourwhitecards. Also be sureto bringwith you final requestsfor the and instructions) non-league contests, andtournament/invitational i'equests of all scrimmages, at thistime,Thisinformation scheduling is to be on file in the AthleticOfficepriorto leavingfor summervacation. POLICIESGOVERNINGCONTESTSAND PRACTICESON RELIGIOUSHOLY DAYS Policy,no contestor interschoolscrimmase mav be scheduledbv a Accordingio the SectionXl HolyDay Observance


HolyThursday GoodFriday Easter FirstDay of Passover

RoshHashanah Yom Kippur ChristmasEve ChristmasDay

Individualschoolsmav compete on these dates outsideof SectionXl (SuffolkCounty),e.g. at the Penn Relayson Holy Thursday,if the district approves such participation, Half HollowHillsDistrictPolicydictatesthat no practicesmav be conducted on the first and second davs of Rosh Hashanah,Yom Kippur, the first dav of Passover.Good Fridav. Christmas and Easter. when a substantialnumber of team members holydays,coachesare directedto cancelpracticeentirely On otherreligious are likelv to be absent because of their reliqious affiliation. Practicesmay be held on otherreligiousholy days provided that: 1) Onlya few studentsare expectedto be absentbecauseof theirreligiousaffiliation, and are excusedwith no threat,eitherstatedor implied,of not makinga team, losinga 2) these student/athletes startingposition,etc., becauseof theirabsence.Coachesshouldnot hand out team equipmentor uniforms on such aday. practicesand/orcontests: datesintoconsideration when scheduling Coachesare remindedto takethe followingadditional PSAT and SAT Test Dates(scheduleafter2PM) HomecomingDates(Combinedteams must be awareof both datesfor potentialconflicts) Juniorand SeniorProm Dates(notmandatedto playon thosedates) The Eve of ReligiousHoly Days(Rosh Hashanah,Yom Kippur) and ask that all MiddleSchoolFieldTrips,that will affect MiddleSchoolCoachesshouldsee the BuildingAdministrator '.rbstantial are scheduledwell in advance,beforethe game scheduleis set and officialsare numbersof student/athletes, assignedby SectionXl. Note thesedays on your schedulefor correction.


COMMITMENTTO VACATIffi of commitmentare progressiveas athletesadvanceto highercompetitive are to understandthat expectations levels. -oaches Sincecontestsat the middleschoollevelare not scheduledduringvacationperiods,the practicecommitmentallowsfor more thanthat at the highschoollevel. compromiseand flexibility l-linhQnhnnlnnnnotiii6ndemandsa muchgreaterlevelof commitment from the athlete.The VarSitylevelis a programfor thosethat are amongthe elitein athleticpotential.One of the goalsof the programis to competesuccessfully, dominatethe in postseasonplay,in ihe Countyand StateChampionships. to participate competition, and gain an opportunity Therefore, commitmentis essentialduringthe vacationperiod(excludingthosedateslistedin the aboveSectronand DistrictPolicy).In the scheduleis dictatedby SectionXl. StateChampionship datesaresetby theNYSPHSAA, which aimostall circurlstances, are completedby specificdates. Therefore,mostVarsityand JV teams demandsthat leagueand sectionalchampionships must meet ihe demands of the game schedule,or meet the demandsof mandatorypracticemandatesprior to the first contest. That meansthat athletesat the highschoolleveimust practiceand competeduringmuch of the league/division period, to fulfilltheircompetitiveobligationsto the SectionXl schedule. since each schoolhas the responsibility vacation to ensurethatathletesare preparedfor thevigorousdemandsof competition. all coacheshavethe responsibility Furthermore, participate in a specifiednumberof supervised The staterequiresthatthe athleteandteammustactively practicesin orderto be eligibleto competein theirfirstscheduledscrimmageor officiatedcontest.Thesemandatoryregulations ensurethe safety of all athleteswith respectto the appropriatephysicalconditionof the individualscompeting.Any prolongedbreakin training placesthe athleteat riskfor potentialinjury. the qualitytime to learnskillsnecessaryfor competition.This ln addition,coachesmust preparetheirteamsby providing practice in organized drills. Much of what is accomplishedat any practiceis enhancedby the and requiresrepetition accomplishment is dependentupona fullteam commiiment, effortof all who participate.Team and individual cooperative of how much"gametime"eachathleteis given. regardless

PRESCHOOLPRACTICEHOURS/ALLSPORTS Pre-School(firstday of practiceuntilthe firstday of school)practicesessionsmay be conductedONLYpriorto 1OAMand after thisrestriction. 5PM. On the firstdav of school.schoolsmav discontinue


OUT OF SEASONPRACTICEPOLICY @ffectiveasof MaY25' 2000)

standard #23in I\TYSPHSAAStateHandbook- PracticeSession: An organizedpracticein grades7-12is a sessionfor the purposeof providinginsh-uction andpracticein physicalconditioningactivities,skills, teamplay, and gamestrategy expresslyfor that sportunderthe supervisionof a qualified coachappointedby desigDed the BoardoiEducation of the local schooldistrict. Suchinstructionandpracticeshallbe for that sport. held onlv duringthe seasondesiqnated activitiesconductedout ofthe sportseasonsuchas general Schoolsponsored conditioning,weight training, weight lifting, intramurals,recreation'open gyms,club activitiesandcampsarepermittedif: l)

suchprogramsarenot mandatedby coachesor schoolpersonnel,and


suchprogramsare availableto all students'

HEAT ALERT INFORMATION Pat Paganoof the Metro Weather serviceis workingwith the SectionXl SafetyCommitteeto ensure ihat the necessary informationneededto determineHeatAlert conditionsis made availableto schooldistrictson a dailybasis. Index).The followingindicators shall ,re weatherservicewill now use a HeatIndex(as opposedto the Temperature/Humidity be used in determiningmodifiedor full heat alerts: 1.

When the Heat lndex reaches 88 (equivalentto THI of 73) a Modified Heat Alert shall be in effeci.


When the Heaf lndex reaches95(equivalenttoTHlof 95)a Full HeatA/erf shallbe in effect.

Compliancewith the SectionXl participationrestrictionsthat sovern the mandateis a must! All schoolswillbe notified regardingeitherof the two itemslistedabove, by the SectionXl officewhen a heatalertexists. For guidelinesand restrictions pleasereviewtlreA Heat,Humidity, and ColdConditions@ listedin the SectionXl Manual,of the copyof the SectionXl policy CoachingGuide. Questionsor concernsaboutthis policyshouldbe directedto the SectionXl in the HHH Interscholastic SafetyComnritteeChairperson. NOTE: Schoolsmay not conductpracticesor contestswhen a full heatalertis in effeci(swimmingexcluded).However,team meetings,where there is no physicalactivity,are permissible.These team meetings do not count towards mandated practices. Only those practiceswhich involvesportspecificactivity,counttowardsthe state practicemandates. areaat all timesand in largequantities. A reminderto all Coaches:Wateris to be availablein the practice/meeting Also notethat two practicesper day (splitsduringpreseason)countonlyas one practicetowardsmeetingpracticemandates. meetthe statepracticemandates.Footballcoaches All coachesare to keepaccurateattendanceto ensurethatall participants ruleis met,and the middleschool3/5/7ruleis are remindedto keepaccuraterecords,whichensurethe highschool3131516 met. SECTIONXIHEAT. HUMIDITY.AND COLD CONDITIONS

MODIFIEDHEATALERT:When HeatIndexreaches88 (or the THI Indexreaches73). Practicesessionsor contestsmusl include: Forced.frequentwater breaks(every10-15minutes). Appropriate adjustmeniin clothingand/orequipment. Frequentrest breaksin shadedareas. A

For footballand lacrosse,mandatorywaterbreaksevery 15 minutesduringwhich all playersmust remove games,or scrimmages, in contactactivities duringpractice, shallnot helmets.Thoseplayersnotparticipating wear helmets. NOTE:During contests,the rules are to be modifiedto permit additionaltime outs for rest and forced water breaks.

FALL HEATALERT: HeatIndexreaches95 (orthe THI Indexreaches78). No PhvsicalActivitvis Permitted(swimming excluded).Team meetingsare permitted OF SCHOOLS: NOTIFICATION the uponthe adviceof MetroWeatherservice,willinitiatethe HeatAlertby notifying The SectionXl SafetyChairman, SectionXl Officeas to the courseof action. The SectionXl staffwill communicatethis informationto each member for HeatAlertimplementation. districtwithsoecificinstructions


PROCEDURES FOR THE PREVENTION OF HEATILLNESS Coachesshouldcheckwiththeirathletestoseeifthereisanyhistoryofheatillness,beforetrainingactivitiesbegin. Maximunr physicalperformancecan onlybe achievedby an athletewho is in peakphysicalcondition.Lackof physicalfitnessimpairsthe ,rformanceof an aihletewho participates in hightemperatures.Coachesshouldknowthe physicalconditionof iheirathletes practiceschedulesaccordingly. set -.,rd Watchathletescarefullyfor signsof trouble,particularly athleteswho loseweightduringpractice(hydration factor),overweight athletes,and the eagerathletewho constantlycompetesat his capacity.Sometroublesignsare nausea,incoherence, fatigue, weakness,vomiting,cramps,weak rapid pulse,visualdisturbance,and unsteadiness.Be awarethat an athleterecoverinq from any sortof illness,and thosewith poorcardiovascular conditioning, are at higherriskfor heatillnesses. MandatoryProcedures 1.


Ten minuterest breakduringeach hour of practicein hot weatherto include: a) Looseningof uniformjerseysand padsto facilitatecooling. b) Free intakeof waterto replacefluid losses. c) Restbreaksconductedin a shadedareaif at all possible. Water must be freelyavailableto playersduringpracticesessionsand all games. lt is recommendedthat athletesdrinkGatorade,or a similarproduct,alongwithsubstantial amounts of waterto maintainelectrolyte balances,especially in activities that lastan hour in duration. Strictadherenceto the mandatorv regulationfor preseasonfootballpracticeformat.


Rubberizedor othertypesof non-poroussweatsuitsmay notbe usedat anytime,under any circumstances.


Duringpre-schooldays(Augustand September),practicesare to be conductedpriorto 1OAMand afterSPM. This policydoesnot applyto schoolteamswhichareconducting practicesessionsat A over-night@ camps locatedoutsideof SuffolkCounty. However,the iemperatureand humiditymust be monitoredduringthese practicesessionsand if the TemperatureHumidityIndexreachesthe minimumlevelsestablishedby Suffolk County, the Heat Alert Policy will apply. The THI reading is establishedthrough the use of a sling psychrometer at the campsite.Completedailyrecordsof the THI readingsmust be maintained by coaches. (A THI recordchart is availablefrom the Directorof Athletics). Duringa ModifiedHeatAlert,contestofficialswillbe notified,by the host school,that mandatorywater breaks will be givenat approximately15 minuteintervals

HEAT ILLNESS Practicesfor athleticcompetitionand participation in variousforms of physicalactivityare frequentlyconductedin verywarm and humidweather,Undersuchconditions, specialprecautions mustbe observed.Otherwise, the athleteis subjectto: 1.

Heat Cramps,spasmsof activemusclescausedby intense,prolongedexercise,depletionsof waterand (K, Na, Ca, etc.)due to sweating. electrolytes


Heat Fatigue, a depletionof electrolytesand waterdue to excessivesweating.


Heat Exhaustionnexcessivedepletionof sodium,electrolytes and water;or


Heat Stroke, overheatingfrom breakdownof the sweatingmechanism.

Heatfatiguedullsthe athlete=s skilland alertness and makeshim/hermorevulnerable to iniury.The othertwo heatillnesses an resultin serlousphysicalhai'mand evendeath. Bothare preventable. Heatexhaustionand heatstrokeare preventableby carefulcontrolof variousfactorsin theconditioning programof the athlete. With the start of practice,it is essentialto providefor gradualacclimationto hot weatheractivity. Extra saltingof food, adjustingthe wateror electrolyte drinkintaketo weatherconditions and maintaining a balanceddiet shouldbe sufficient.


As the athletebecomesaccustomedto hotweatheractivity,he/sheperspiresnrorefreely(andthus dissipatesbodyheat)and cxcretesless salt (andthus conservessodium).lt takesa minimumof 1O-14daysfor the humanbodyto properlyacclimatize hypotherrnicconditions. The key is to do this graduallyby exercisingmoderatelyduring repeatedexposuresto heat. rnysiologicaladaptationsthat have been recognizedthroughproperacclimatization includedecreasedheart rate during exercise,lower body temperatureduringexercise,decreasedsalt concentrationin sweat (body losing less electrolytes), bloodflow (aidsin loweringbodytemperature)and greaterplasmavolume. increasedperipl-reral The ideathatwatershouldbe withheldfromathletesduringworkoutshas no scientific foundation.In fact,suchrestriction, by depletingwater in the body,can leadto heatfatigueand seriousheatillness.Duringexercisein the heat,it is esserrtialto replacethe water lost by perspiration.Water shouldbe availableon the practiceand game field at all times and irr large quantities.There is no reason whv cold or ice water should not be qiven. period.Extrasaltingof the athlete=sfoodwithinthe duringthe acclimation Saltalso needsto be replaceddaily,particularly boundsof taste will accomplishthis purpose. Salt tabletsare not recommended. for thefallseason),it mustbe recognized At the beginningof practice(particularly thatthe levelof conditioning for eachplayer is variable,and it mustbe assumedthatno plaveris acclimatizedto the heat. lt is absolutely essential thattheconditioning programsat the onset of practicebeginat a modestleveland progressslowlyduringthe first week or and acclimatization practice.

(To helppreventheatillnessduringpreseasonpracticeand ADDITIONALPROCEDURES: STRONGLYRECOMMENDED scrimmagesin football,soccer,cross countryand field hockey) It.

Tr-^ "^^ ^ "'^:1ht rrrvu >E U r ^s dvvEr charito recordeach player'sweightbeforeand aftereverypractice.Any playerlosingmore g than 3% bodyweightshouldreceivespecialattentionto insureadequatefluid replacement.

2. Revisionsin the conductof practicesessionswhen the Heat lndexfactorbecomescritical: a) Shortenthe lengthof practicesessions. Revisetype and amountof clothingand equipment(shorts,mesh jerseysetc.) b) c) Reducedegreeof exertionrequiredduringpracticesessions. for the conductof practicesessions: 3. Guidelines a) With temperatureof 80-90degreesand humidityunder70%, observecarefullyfor the few susceptibleto the heat. athletesparticularly With temperature of 80-90degreesand humidityover70o/o, b) or temperature of 90-100degrees playersshouldbe giventen (10) minuterest periodseveryhour. Tand humidityunder7Aa/o, shirtsshouldbe changedwhen soaked,and all athletesshouldbe carefullyobserved. of 90-100degreesand humidityoverTOokor temperature c) With temperature over :100degrees, practiceshouldbe postponed or a shortenedprogramshouldbe conductedin shortsand Tshirts. FIRSTAID MEASURES:Callambulanceand/orpoliceimmediatelv Heat Stoke: An acute medicalemergencycausedby overheatingfrom a breakdownof the thermoregulatory withhigh rectaltemperature,lack of sweating,disorientation, mechanism.Associated seizures, and possible preceded or coma. lt may also occur suddenly without unconsciousness being by any of the otherclinicalsigns. The individualis usuallyunconsciouswith a hot, dry skin and a rising rectal temperature.THIS lS AN EMERGENCY!DELAY COULDBE FATAL! lmmediately coolathleteby the most expedientmeans(immersion in cool water is best method. Obtainmedicalcare at oncel profusesweatingand headache,dizziness, Heat Exhaustion:ExtremeWeakness,exhaustion, (stateof shock)- causedbe extremedepletionof water and salt. sometimesunconsciousness Placein shadewith headlevelor lowerthan bodv. Givesipsof dilutedsaltwaterif conscious.Obtainmedicalcare at once!



On Reqular School Davs: Coachesshouldcheckin at the mainofficeand speakwiththe BuildingAdministratorin Chargeof rleiics,or the AthleticBuildingCoordinator. Summer Vacation - Weekdavs(AthleticOffice and Buildinqs Open):Morningpractices(before1OAM)are lesseffectedby Heat Alert conditionsthan are the scheduledevening practices(after 5PM). SectionXl will call our athleticoffice at 8AM to let us knowthe situationfor the day. Usually,the morningsessionsare not Full HeatAlerts,but a approximately ModifiedHeatAlert. Our officewill call the High SchoolMainOffice,and notifythe BuildingAdministrator and/orBuilding Coordinator. lf you have scheduledan evening practice,duringa weekdaywhenthe athleticcfficeis open,make certainthat you call the Athletic Office (if you have not beencontactedearlierin the day) before 3PM, to find out if HeatAlert conditionsexist. lt is yourresponsibility to checkfor HeatAlertconditionseachday beforeyou practice.Compliancewith the SectionXl Policv is a Must. Weekendsand Holidavs:WhentheAthleticOfficeis not opened,the HeatAlertPolicyis stillin effect.Checkthe answering machinein the AthleticOfficefor a messageregardingthe statusof the HeatAlertconditionsfor that day, or checkwith the Direciorof Athleticsat home (581-6335). io check daily with the AthleticDirectorwith regardto a possibleheat alert rests with the coach. lt is The responsibility impossibleon non-schooldaysfor the athleticofficeto make contactand locateall coachesand players.All attemptswill be but coachesshouldneverassumethat if theyhave not heardof an alert, madeto contactcoacheswith HeatAlertinformation, that there is no alert.lf contactwith the AthleticDirectorcannotbe made,checkwith the BuildingAthleticCoordinator. Note: Captainspracticescannot be held in a HeatAlert situation.

APPROACHING STORMSiLIGHTIN G Lighteningsafetyis a priority.Coachesmusthave a plan in placeso everyoneknowswhereto go for safetyshouldsuchstorm conditionsarise. (crosscountrycourse,golf building.In emergencies The coach'sfirstchoiceshouldalwaysbe to seekshelterin an inhabited and golf cartsare not an option. courseetc.),a secondoptionis a vehiclewitha metalroof(teambus,etc.). Convertibles At the first sign of thunderor lightning,all athletesshouldclearthe fieldand seek shelterindoors. Returningto play shouldnot be considereduntil30 minutesafterthe lastflash of lightningor soundof thUnder. to postponethegamewhenthunder,lightning, weather responsibility or otherinclement Duringcontests,it willbe the official=s the seekingof shelter. conditionsnecessitate


SCHOOLSWITH NO ATHLETICTRAINER: This guidelineis for schoolsthat do not employathletictrainers,or schoolsthat do, but do not have the athletictrainerson site for the durationof practicesor games.


Coach determinesthe athlete'sneed for First Aid/MedicalCare + Coachmust haveworkingknowledgeof firstaidiinjuryassessmentand be up to date with FirstAid reouirements. and CPR certification


DO NOT MOVE AN ATHLETE IF A HEAD OR NEGK ]NJURY IS SUSPECTED! BE CERTAINYOUR TEAM IS INSTRUCTED NEVERTO MOVEANY INJUREDPLAYER!DO NOT REMOVETHEATHLETES HELMETOR EQUIPMENT.IMMOBILIZETHE HEAD! Utilization of First Aid Kit to deliver necessarvcare o Coachmust have some practicalexperiencein administration of FirstAid, and a completefirstaidkit shouldalwaysbe with the team, includingice and water (see list of appropriatecontentsof first aid kit). Coachesshouldcheckand re-stockkits on an ongoingbasis, I Rememberthe five elementsof basictreatmentfor injuries:Rest,lce, Compression,Elevation,and Stabilization. + Do not take a hot bath or soak the injuryin hotlwarmwater. lf the injuryis gettingworse (swollen, painful,discolored),see a physicianor go to the nearestemergencyroom.

3.howtoactivateEMS,wherethenearestphoneis,howioobtain to theirlocationin the buildingor on the schoolqrounds: an outsideline,directions a) b) c) d) e)

ldentifyyourself; Explainthe problem,includethe severityof the injury; Give the exact locationof the injuredathlete; Hangup last; personto the nearestroad to meet the ambulanceand guide Send a responsible them to the injuredathlete.

4' e requiredto notify alsomakesa secondcallor the re-directing of the ambulanceeasier. 5.

Athlete is transported to medical facilitv accompaniedbv Assistant Coach/Parent r An AssistantCoach shouldaccompanythe athleteor in game situations,a parent. They can relay informationand make decisions.


Parentor Guardianis notified + A parent'shome and work phonenumbersshouldbe availablein firstaid kits or on coach'sclipboardso parentscan be notified.


Coach follows up with parent/athleteafter practice/qameends + In the eventthe injurywas mishandled,folloivup callsshow concernfor the athlete.


Notifv the Directorof Athleticsand a BuildinqAdministratorimmediatelv at homethatevening,to alertthem of the emergencyandthe statusof the athlete. + Callthe Administrators


Notifv the Athletic Trainerand the School Nurseof the athlete=siniurv within 24 hours + Accidentreoortsmust be filedwith schoolofficialswithin24 hours. Don'tlet an AthleticTrainerfind out they were not at. days laterthat an athletewas injuredduringa practice/contest


Coach determinesthe athlete'sneed for First Aid/MedicalGare + Coachmust havea workingknowledgeof firstaid/injuryassessmentand be up to daie with FirstAid and requirements. CPR certification


Utilizationof First Aid Kit to deliver necessarvcare


Coach must have some practicalexperiencein administration of FirstAid, and a completefirst aid kit shouldalwaysbe with the team, includingice and water. Rememberthe five elementsof basic treatmentfor injuries: Rest, lce, Compression,Elevation,and Stabilization. Do not take a hot bathor scak the injuryin hot/warmwater. lf the injuryis gettingworse(swollen,painful, discolored),see a physicianor go to the nearestemergencyroom. 3.

lf iniurv requires hiqh level of care. nofifv "horne" coach fo acfivafe EMS + When Vouarriveat school,ask the home coach how thev activateEMS Have the host coach ask EMS what hospital the athlete will be transported to, and write directions to the hospital! Coach stavs with the athlete, send Assistant Coach. an adult. or another athlete to Phone + A cellularphonemakesthiseasyandsignificantly reducesthe time requiredto also of ambulanceeasier. makesa secondcallor re-directing Athlete is transported to medical facilitv accompanied bv Assistant Coach/parent o An assistantcoach should accompanythe athleteor in game situations,a parent. They can relay informationand make decisions.The HeadCoachshouldremainwith the team and escortthem honre. Parentor Guardianis notified r Parents home and work phone numbers should be available in first aid kit, or on coachesclipboardso parentscan be notified.


Coach follows up with parent/athleteafter practice/qameends followup callsshowconcernfor the athlete.At awaygames,call r In the eventthe injurywas mishandled, hospitalto see if athletehas been dischargedand in whose care beforereturninghome.

ItlOT,E:When it is an away contest,and there is only one coach,the decisionmade should protectthe interestsof all the to sendanotherchild=sparent,or otheradultsupervisionwiththe it is appropriate rletes involved.In thesecircumstances, to the hospital.ln thiscase,the HeadCoachshouldremainwiththe team. However,if thereis no assistanceavailable, -thlete the game must be suspended.The bus shouldfollowthe ambulancewith the coachto the hospital.Call the Directorof to let them knowwhat is happeningas soon as possible.lf necessary,remainat the Athleticsor a BuildingAdministrator hospitaland allowthe bus to proceedto schoolwherestudentscan be droppedoff at an appropriate entrancewherethereis Neverleavean injuredplayerunattended. securityand phones. Use goodjudgmentand considerall alternatives. IF AN ATHLETICTRAINERIS PRESENT 1.

2. 4.

5. h


AthleticTrainerwillassessthe injuryand needfor medicalcare. FirstAid. AthleticTrainerwilladminister AthleticTrainerwillmake returnto playdecisions. AthleticTrainerwill activatethe EMS System. AthleticTrainerdecideswho will travelwith the athlete. AthleiicTrainernotifiesparentor guardian. AthleticTrainerfollowsup withparentlateron.

NOTE: Coachesshouldstayfocusedon coachingand supervisingthe otherteam members. FirstAid and returnto play decisionsare made by the AthleticTrainer,who is highlyqualifiedto do so. All injures,even those that might not be consideredan emergency,should be reportedto the School Nurse and the Athleti cTrainerwithin24hours.Thisprotectstheschooldistrictinthosecaseswhereaparentmayfilearequestfor reimbursementof medicalexpensesthough the school insurancecarrier,well after the injury has occurred.A coach should not wait to see if a claim is made beforefiling the accidentreport. All coachesshould document,in a log, any first aid administeredto any athlete,and keep records of the accident. These records may be neededat a future date. (cannotparticipate)or seesa physician, the athletemustbe clearedbythat ,ve Davs Out: lf an athletemissesfivepractices privatephysicianand the schoolphysician to play. The schoolphysicianhas thefinalauthority beforereturning to determine the physicalcapabilityof a studentto participatein a sport. 51

HEAD INJURYCONCERNSAND PROCEDURES in sportscan be a has also beenstatedthat thereare certain i well knownthat pafticipating for injury.Whilemostinjuriesare minorand healovertime, nsks an athletemustendure.One of theserisksis the potential of headinjures. one cannotoverlookthe seriousness Head injuresmay occur in a numberof ways: contactwith anotherplayer,contactwith the groundor other equipment,or a sudden movementor rotationof the head withouta force. A mild brain injurymay producevarioussigns and symptoms, includingdizziness,headache,nausea,and blurryvision. A more serioustraumamay resultin loss of memoryand brain funciion. However,if the brainhitsthe skull,a contracoup mechanism,it couldresultin an even more serioushead trauma. This type of head injurycouldcausesmalltearsand resultin bleedingin tlre brain,a subduralhematoma.In addition,if a playerreturnsto competitiontoo soon,he or she may be in dangerof secondimpactsyndrome,in whicha mildheadinjurycan becomepotentiallyfatal. Headinjurieshaveincreasedin numbersas the levelof competition has risenat all levels.Thesetypesof injuriescan have dangerousconsequences and in some cases,have causeddeath. This alonehas made it necessaryto take special precautionsto insurethe safetyof the athletes. All athleteswill file a currenthead injurysheetthat revealsthe historyof theirhead injuries.In addition,athleiestlratsuffera to play. This is necessaryso no athleteis placedin a potentially head injuryare requiredto see a physicianbeforereturning dangeroussituation. The use of properlyfitted mouthguards,extendingposteriorlyto cover molars,is an aid in preventingconcussionsand/or lesseningthe severityof concussions. All coachesare to make certainthat an athletewho has experienced a headinjuryis immediately broughtto the attentionof the AthleticTrainer. lf the traineris not present,followHead InjuryInstructional Guidelines,and reportthe injuryto the Athletic Trainerand the SchoolNursewithin24 hours.

HEADINJURYINSTRUCTION SHEET Call ParentAs Soon As Possible!!! Tell them: 1.

The injuredathleteshouldneverbe alonefor the first24 hoursafterthe injury.


The athleteshouldbe awakenedeverytwo hoursin the eveningto esiablisharousabilityand alertness.

SIGNS(MandatinqEmergencvRoom Evaluation) + + + I i

e {

Bloodor wateryfluid comingfrom the ears or nose. Unequalor dilatedpupils. Weaknessor clumsinessin arms or legs. Slurredor garbledspeech. Asymmetryof the face. Increased swellingalongscalp. or stuporousbehavior. Hardto arouse,irritable,


r r + + + +

Changein mentalstatus(unableto concentrate, understand directions, or remainalert) Doubleor blurredvision Severeheadache lncreasedclumsinessor weakness Vomiting(nauseous) Lossof memory Difficultywith speech



JIDELINEFOR HOSTSCHOOLS It is recommendedthat all hostschoolshavingscheduledathleticeventsshouldmake the followingmaterialsavailablein kit form: gloves. latex/vinyl 1. Disposable 2. Gauzepads. 3. Sealableplasticbags. papertowels. 4. Disposable Sanitaryabsorbentrnaterial. 5. 6. 70% solutionof alcoholor 1/100solutionof bleach(mustbe freshlypreparedfor each contest)or another type of disinfectant. It is also reconrmendedthat each coach in SectionXl carry in theirfirstaid kits the following: 1. Disposablelatex/vinylgloves. andT0Tosolutionof alcoholusedwithsanitarygauzepad. Dispc'sable alcoholtowelettes 2. Spraydisinfectant(shouldmeet EPA approveddisinfectant). 3. 4. Sealableplasticbags. 5. A copyof theseguidelines. FurtherRecommendations: I. 2. 3. 4.

that a CPR one way valvemask is includedin all firstaid kits. lt is recommended Papercups shouldbe usedinsteadof waterbottles. A wastepaperbasketlinedwithdisposablebag must be availablefor wrestlingand is recommended for other indoorsoorts. Extrauniformsshouldbe carriedin caseof bloodstaininjuries.

Listing. arry all appropriateemergencynumbersin the first aid kit. See Communications



rffi[:':iiffi?fl,'?:iI,#ffi :'[51,*:':;;"#::?''il:i:X;',

followingeventhe mildestheadinjuries,bloodwillslowlyaccumulate, neurological deficitor even death. Occasionally, causing compressionof the brain hoursor even daysafterthe initialinjury.

Thorofnre it ic racnmqlendedby the Half HollowHillsSchoolDistrictthatthe studentathletebe seenby a privatephysicianand for returnto play. Pleasealso be advisedthat the schooldistrictphysicianmust approvethe atlrlete's clearedneurologically play. returnto The followingguidelinesshouldbe followedin conjunctionwith the physician'sor athletictrainer'sadvice. 1.

The injuredathleteshouldneverbe alonefor the first 24 hoursafterthe injury.


The athleteshouldbe awakenedeverytwo hoursin the eveningto establisharousability and alertness.


roomevaluation: The followingSIGNSmandateimmediateemergency a) b) c) d) e) f) S)


Bloodor wateryfluidcomingfrom the ears or nose. Unequalor dilatedpupils. in armsor leos. Weaknessor clumsiness Slurredor garbledspeech. Asymmetryof the face. Increasedswellingalongscalp. Hardto arouse,irritableor stuporous.

The followingSYMPTOMS(complaints)mandateimmediateemergencyroom evaluation:

a) Changein mentalstatus(unableto concentrate, understand directionsor remainalert). b) Doubleor blurredvision. Severeheadache. c) Increasedclumsinessor weakness. d) Vomiting(nauseous). e) f) Loss of memory. g) Difficultywith speech. lfasignorsymptomdevelopsthatisnewandisnotmentioned Pleaserealizetheaboveareonlyguidelinestoassistyou. by a physicianimmediately. above,err on the sideof safetyand havethe athleteevaluated


RATINGOF OFFICIALS Official'sRatingCardsshouldbe turnedin to the AthleticOfficeweekly.Theseratingare important,and shouldbe taken ^^^^^;^rr" by varsitycoacheswho won't like seeinga poor officialscheduledto officiatetheir post seasongame. r'i^"^r" ruu)ryr vl P u u ro u y Pafinncin tho n:ci tendedto be generally too high,withtoo manycoachesfailingto discriminate when givingratings throughout the season.As a result,too manyofficialshad seasonaveragesof 4.8,4.9,or even 5.0. of the officiatingperformance.Some of the followinginformationis Recently,these ratingsseem to be more representative presentedto assistcoacheswhen ratingthe officialsaftereach contest: 1.

Tl'roughnot perfect,the SectionXl systemis the bestand mostcomprehensive available.The SectionOfficetakes greatcare notto allowpolitics,personalities, etc.,to contaminate the process.


The successof the ratingsystemis totallydependenton the cooperation of all parties;coaches,athleticdirectors, and the sectionoffice.


Much elfort has been put into protectingthe rightof each and everycoachto rate is an obligationof each thoughfullyunderstanding thatyourmainfocusis yourcoachingtask. coachto rateofficials,


The ratingof JV and Modifiedlevelofficialsis moreimportantthanmostcoachesrealize,becausethe evaluations at theselevelsultimatelv determineour varsitvlevelofficials.


Officialsdo not have accessto the sourcesof theirratings.Confidentiality is a nraiorprioritv.EvenSectionSportchairs ara nronl,rrlorlr;e;-1'1 havingthis information.ThoughSectionXl workscloselywiththe presidentsof officialsgroups,they of your ratings.Onlythe SectionOfficestaffhas knowledgeof rating will verifythe confidentiality sources


When ratingan official'sperformance,considerthe following: Excellent




meansjust that ... a goodperformance, notoutstanding, but better thanacceptable... no complaints!Generally,we wouldhopeto see more 4's than any other rating.

n ^^^^+^F\l^ nuuqPLdur9

/?\ \J/

shouldspeakfor itself!We wouldexpecta goodnumberof these.



definiteflawsand contestwas seriouslyaffected.Hopefully,you wouldn'tneedto givemany durinoa season.

Inadequate (1)

absolutely unacceptable throughout thecontest,Hopefully, yourneedto usethiswillbe rare.

per-formance, shouldbe reservedfor the trulyoutstanding youwouldwanton a performance a championship contest!Overthe courseof a season,thereshouldnot be a lotof 5'sgiven.

Understandthat each individualratingcircled(on eachcategory)is a separatecomputerentry. The computer"computes"for each officialby addingthe total pointsand dividingby 5. This is the overallgame ratingfor the official. LOCKER ROOM FACILITYAND SUPERVISION STUDENTATHLETEPOSSESSIONS Pleaseacjviseall athletesthat they are responsible for securingtheir possessions.All equipment,clothing, sneakers,jewelry, etc., should be locked away and secured during games and practicetimes. Please discourage athletesfrom bringingvaluablesto school. Coachesand Team Captainsshouldwalk throughthe facilitybeforeleavingto make certainthat all itemsare lockedup and thatteamareasare leftin appropriate condition.Speakto the team abouttakingcareof the team or schoolissuedequipment areaand notleavingpersonalpossessions outon theteambenches,etc. ln addition, food and garbageshouldnot be left in the team areasafterpracticesor games. Tearl uniformsare best left home and broughtin on the gamedaysratherthan beingleft in the lockerrooms. Despiteour best effortsat supervision, theftsdo occur.


SECURITYOF LOCKER ROOM AND TEAM AREAS The team areasor lockerroomfacilityshouldnotbe leftopenunlessone of the coacheson staffin yourprogram is irrthe lockerroomfacility.Athletesare not to be givenkeysto the offices,storageareas,lockerrooms,or team for the supervision of theirathleteswhilein thisfacility. afeas. Eachcoachis responsible Furthermore,the team shouldbe addressedabout appropriatebehaviorwhile in the locker room facility. All coachesshouldmake a pointof lettingthe athletesknowthatdamageto the team areasor lockersmay resultin suspension from the teamand denieduse of thefacilityin addition to ihe costof repairs.Coachesare expected to see to it that the facilityis kept in good condition.

NOTE: Many of our athleteshave a tendencyto vent their angeron the lockerswhen stressedin the climate.Equipment suchas helmets,bats,lacrossesticks,etc.,causesa greatdeal competitive of damagewhen thrownat the lockers. Pleasesee to it thatyourathletesremainundercontrol, on and off the field.

OUT OF SEASONPRACTICEPOLICY (Effectiveas of May 25,2000) Standard#23 in NYSPHSAAState Handbook- PracticeSession: An organizedpracticein grades7-12is a sessionfor the purposeof providinginstructionand practicein physical conditioningactivities,skills,team play,and game strategydesignedexpresslyfor that sport under the of a qualifiedcoachappointedby the Boardof Education supervision of the localschooldistrict.Such instruction for that sport. and practiceshallbe heldonlvdurinqthe seasondesionated Schoolsponsoredactivitiesconductedout of the sportseasonsuch as generalconditioning, weighttraining, weightlifting,intramurals,recreation,open gyms,club activitiesand camps are permittedif: 1)

such programsare not mandatedby coachesor schooipersonnel, and


such programsare availableto all students.


STANDARDOPERATINGPROGEDURESFOR ATHLETICSAND PHYSICALEDUCATION otaff shouldalwaysdirector helpan individual involvedwith a blood/body fluidincidentto carefor him/herself with nrinimal ,rtactto the staffmember. However,thereare situationswhen a staffpersonwill needto interveneand provideassistance that requirescontact. Therefore,staff shouldalwaysimplementa barrier betweenhim/herselfand the individualin need of gloves.In mostinstances, or late>dvinyl the staffmembershould not be expectedto clean usingcleanmaterials assistance, up the blood/bodyfluid spillor the environment.Appropriatecustodialstaffshouldbe calledfor clean-up. When a staff nrenrberneeds to interveneand implementa universalprecautionthey do so from an infornredvoluntary responseunderthe A Good SamaritanAct and usingprudentpublichealthprotectiveprocedures. 1.

gloves. All schoolpersonnelshouldhavedispensersoap,water,papertowelsand accessto disposablelatex/vinyl


a bloodspilloccurs,the individual shouldbe encouraged lf an accidentinvolving to tend to his/herorvninjury. For example,if a studenthas a bloodynose, hand him/herthe tissuesand instructthe athleteto pinch their nose. lf a studenthas a bleedinginjury(cut,abrasion),hand him/herclean paperiowelsto hold over the injury. lf this is not possible,provideassistance usinga barrierbetweenyourselfand the individual. glovesand use disposable weardisposable towels/tissues for each injury. any bloodstainedmaterialsshouldbe placedin a sealableplasticbag. removeglovesfollowingproperprocedure. wash handsthoroughlywith soap and waterusinghandwashingprocedures.

a) h\

d) ?

Kaan ctrrrlanfs away from the area of blooci/bodyfluid spill, cover with paper towels until area is cleaned and |




personnel for clean-up(designated custodialstaff). disinfected.Callappropriate +.

Use of properprotectiveequipmentand adherenceto safeiyproceduresin all athleticactivitiesare appropriate prevention for reducingthe riskof blood/body fluidspills. strategies Studentswith openlesions(i.e.,cuts,acnewithdraininglesions)shouldnotparticipate in closephysicalcontactsports unlessthe lesionsare dry, scabbedover or can be effectivelyand securelydressedwith a bandageor gauze.


coachesidentifiedat riskfor occupational exposureto BBP shouldalwayshaveon Duringpracticesand competitions, latexgloves,sealableplasticbags,papertowels,sanitaryabsorbentmaterial,disposablealcohol hand disposable liquidsoapand water,alcoholand bleachor anotherdisinfectant. towelettes,


lf open lesionsor woundshavecome in contactwith bloodfrom anotherperson,theaffectedareashouldbe scrubbed (i.e.,70o/o alcohol,Betadine,Hibicians)shouldbe appliedafter with soap and runningwater. A skin disinfeciant washing. Reportincidentto appropriatepersonnel(i.e.,schoolnurse).


towelconiaining When the skin is intact,havethe playerwearglovesand washhis/herown skinusinga disposable soap and water,or withsoap underrunningwater. Glovesand towelsshouldbe discardedin a plasticbag. Player shouldwash handsusinghandwashingprocedures.


lf a playergets bloodin the eyes,floodexposedareawith runningwaterat roomtemperaturefor 2 to 3 minutes.Take playerto eye wash stationif one is available.Reportincidentto appropriatepersonnel(i.e.,schoolnurse).


lf a playergetsbloodin the mouth,rinsewithtapwaterfor 2 to 3 minutesandspitit out. Reportincidentto appropriate personnel(i.e.,schooinurse).


Do not permitstudentsto sharerazors.

12 .

single-use Fluidsprovidedfor playersshouldbe dispensedin individual, disposable cups to preventsalivatransfer among players. Drinkingbottlesshared among playerscan be a sourceof infection. Severaloutbreaksof viral to thispractice. havebeenattributed meningitis


CONTENTSOF FIRSTA,IDKIT is a reasonably completelistingof whata wellstockedkitwouldcontain.Pleasekeepin mindthatwhilethe kit The followirrg may be stockedappropriatelyat the start of the season,first aid suppliesmusi be supplementedthroughoutthe season. lachesare responsible for keepingan updatedinventoryof the kit,especiallypriorto an awaycontest,wherenecessaryfirst .rrdsupplyitenrsmay not be available. In additionto the itemsin the kit, pleasebe advisedthat all coachesshouldalwayshavethe team coolerwith ice availablefor of drinkingwaterat all practicesand contests,homeor awav. all practices, and largequantities 4 rolls 1 2@ athletictape 2 rollsof underwrao '1can of tape adhesive 4X4gauzepacis 2 X2 gauzepads largebandaids smallbandaids knucklebandaids eye pad butterflybandagesor steri-strips 'i tube of bacitracinor antibioticointment 1 bottleof alcoholor swabs 1 bottleof hydrogenperoxideor germicidalifungicidal wash cottontippedapplicators tonguedepressors 2 triangular bandages skin lube strawberryointment 1/8"foam for blisters tape cutter scissors plasticbagsfor ice fingersplintmaterial emergencymedicalcards(in zip lock bag for protection) emergencyphonenumbersfor ambulance/rescue latexgloves PLEASENOTE: The Half Hollow Hills CommunicationListing should be with the coach at all times, in case of emergency,along with the numbersfor transportation.However,it is not a wise idea to keep these numbers in the first aid kit, as student/athletesmay gain accessto these personalphone numbers. Keep them in a secured place. The firstaid kit shouldbe keptneatand clean. When an itemrunsout,or runslow,it shouldbe returnedto the trainerto be restocked.A firstaid kit is of no use if it nevermakesit to the field. The kit and the coolerof ice for iniuriesare mandatorvat everypractice.


Pleasereviewthe attachedinformationand becomefamiliarwiththe processand procedureswhichpertainto student/athlete communication accidentinsuranceclaims. Appropriate withthe parentand athleteis essentialwheninjuryoccurs. HHH policyprovidesreasonableand customarvcoveraqefor claimsin excess of a parent'sunderlying health insurancecoveraoe. Coachesshoulddirectathletesand parentsto usetheirfamilyHMO,PPO.,etc.,program,as required,in orderto be of benefitspayableunderour excesscoveragemedicalplan. eligiblefor reimbursement Athletesand parentsshouldcommunicate withthe schoolnurseto ensurefull compliance with districiprocedures.


or at the latest,the morningafterthe injury. In the caseof Sclroolnufsesshouldbe notifieciof all injuriesimmediately, shouldbe notifiedimmediately,at home if any seriousinjury,the AthleticDirectorand BuildingAdministration :asebe advisedthat at no time shoulda staffmernberindicateto the parentsof an injuredathletethatthe disirict"willpayfor everything".ln addition,at no time shoulda staffmemberor coachindicatethat a particularphysicianis a "districtdoctor",or nivcn=rantqil'reimnrsssion thattheyshouldutilizethe serviceof a specificphysician.Recommending physicians to parents and/orathletesis in conflictwith districtpolicy. NYSPHSAASELECTION/CLASSIFICATION PROGRAM Programis a processfor screeningstudentsto determinetheirreadinessto competein The Selection/Classification athleticcompetitionby evaluatingtheir physicalmaturity,fitnessand skill. The intentof this programis to interscholastic providefor students,in grades7 through12,an opportunity to safelyparticipaie at an appropriate levelof competition, based uponreadinessratherthan age and grade. Studentsdo not matureat the same rate,and therecan be a tremendousrangeof differencesbetweenstudentsof the sameage. Thisprogramhasbeendesignedto assessa student'sphysical developmental physicalfitness,and skill,so the studentmay be placedat a levelof competition whichshouldresultin increased maturation, opportunity,a fairercompetitiveenvironment,reducedinjury,and greaterpersonalsatisfaction. The SelectioniClassificationProgramwas desiqnedfor matureand exceptionallvskilled students to advanceto at an appropriate lowerlevelthatis suitedto theirdevelopment an upperlevel,and lessdevelopedstudentsto participate and on teams,provideadditionalexperience, providea placeforjuniorhigh ability.The programis not to be usedto fillpositions studentswhen no modifiedprogramis offered,or to rewarda student. lt is aimedat the few selectstudentswho can benefit from such placementbecauseof theirlevelof willalsobe fairerto the otherstudentson the modifiedteams. Department whichgivesan accuratemeasurement Criteriahasbeenformulatedby the StateEducation for eligibility, and to highlightthe inherentdifferencesin the variousindividualand team sports. Rules,regulationsand guidelinesfor this programare governedby the Commissioner of Education - Secfion135.4. Normallya studentis eligiblefor seniorhighathleticcompetitionin a sportduringeach of four consecutiveseasons, -rmmencing with the youngster's entry into the ninth grade. However, by satisfying the requirementsof the to permit: Program,a studentmay receiveextendedeligibility :lection/Classification 1.

Participation duringfive consecutiveseasonsin the approvedsportafter entryinto the eighthgrade;or


Participation duringsix consecutiveseasonsin the approvedsportafterentry into the seventhgrade. PROCEDURES FOR IMPLEMENTATION

ELIGIBILITY in the Selection/Classification Programand providesan opportunityto The HalfHollowHillsdistrictparticipates middle schoolathletesto move up in all sports,with the exceptionof Footballand WinterTrack. In football,a high contactsport,all boys.willcompeteon level,for reasonsof safetyand physicalmaturity. A huge in physicalmaturityexistsbetweena 7'"or 8'"grademiddleschoolyoungsierandthe boysthatparticipate at iheJV difference level,and the mismatchin size,speed,strength,couldpotentiallyendangerthe safetyand well beingof the athlete. Eventhoughmiddleschoolgirlsand boysare not providedwithan opportunity to participatein a modifiedprogramin wintertack,rniddleschoolathletesare not be permittedto participatein our highschoolwinlertrackprogram.The competitive The clrmateat the highschoollevelin wintertrackpresentstoo manyconcernswithrespectto academicsand supervision. returningbackto school contestscheduleinvolveslateeveningcompetitionduringthe week,whichresultsin student/athletes at practicesessions at verylatehours. The competitiveenvironmentalsopresentsmajorconcernswithrespectto supervision, and competitiveevents. Opportunitiesare providedfor both boys and girls at the middle schoollevel to participatein the processand becomeinvolvedin our highschoolspringtrackprogram. Selection/Classification Keepin mindthatfor thosesportswherea middleschoolopportunity to competeis provided,as is the casewithmost Programis providedonlyto thoseathleteswho wouldbe consideredto be elite.ln of our programs,the Selection/Classification -derto bypassour middleschoolprogram,thisathletemust be a verygiftedindividual, a bluechip athlete;someonewho play a major role at the varsitylevelas an 8'ngrader,and who would possiblyqualifyfor post season .vouldpotentially A'l TI

^nmpetitionas an individualcompetitor.For the most part,an athletewho wouldonlybe talentedenoughto participateat the levelwouldnot be approvedto moveup. PROGESS The processmay be initiatedby the parent,modifiedcoach,or the high schoolcoach. The requestto consideran must be broughlto the Directorof Athletics,who must approvethe request,before any athletefor Selection/Classification Athletic Performance Tests are administered. lf the districtprovidesan opportunityfor the athleteto participatein a program soccer,crosscountry,fieldhockey,baseball,softball,springtrack,volleyball, at the modifiedlevel(swimming,basketball, at the high schoollevelwithout wrestlingand lacrosse),an athlete,in most cases,would not be consideredfor participation in our middleschoolprogramas a 7th grader. This yearof participation at the modifiedlevelprovides havingfirst participated the basisof evaluationwhen the requestis initiatedto move up as an 8'ngrader. in tlrose sportswhere an athleteis not presentedwith the opportunityto participatein a modified progranr(i.e., gymnastics,tennis,or golf),the athletemay initiatethe requestto move up to the MiddleSchoolBuildingCoordinator.lf they criteria,they will be allowedto try out for the high school programwithoutthe extensive meet the SelectioniClassification academic,emotional,and socialmaturity,the evaluationfrom the coachingstaff. However,if the athletedoes not demonstrate maydenytheathlete'srequesttocompeteatthe high schoollevel. Directorof Athleticsand/ortheBuildingPrincipal Upon receivingthe request,the Directorof Athleticswill contactthe middleschoolcoachto evaluatethe athleie,based his or her performancein our middleschoolprogram.This evaluationwillincludean assessmentof the athlete'sphysical upon and emotionaland socialmaturity.Othersinvolvedin the evaluation academicperformance, skillsand techniques, abilities, processare the BuildingAdministrators, GuidanceCounselors,and Teachers.The athlete'scompetitivedriveand initiative, and prior commitmentto practice,will play a factorin this evaluationas well. lf acadernics,behavioral,emotionalor social maturity issues present concerns,the athlete may be denied the opportunityto qualify for participationthrough lassification. Selection/C , HLETICSTANDARDSOF PERFORMANCE Program,the followingproceduresapply: lf the youngsteris approvedto participatein the Selection/Classification 1.

The School Physicianmust administera physicalexaminationand determinethe athlete'sphysicalhealth (MedicalExamination), and physicalmaturity(Developmental Rating).


An authorizedPhysicalEducationteachermust administera six itemAthleticPerformance Test. The Director tests. No other individualmav of Athleticswill selectthe teacherwho will administerthe performance administerany part of the fitnesstests.


lf the athleteis approvedfor participationby the school districtphysicianand the Athletic Performance in tryoutsfor a threeday period(possiblylonger Standardsare met,the athletewillbe permittedto participate for thosetryingout for golf). At the end of the tryoutperiod,the high schoolcoachmust evaluatethe middle to moveup unlesstheywillhavea majorimpactin the schoolathlete'sabilities.Athleteswillnotbe permitted game, and be assuredof gettingsubstantialpla;ringtime in contests.


The athletewill be contactedwith the finaldecision,immediatelyafterthe three dair period. lf the athleteis to participate in the highschoolprogram,he or shewillstillbe eligibleto participate deniedthe opportunity in rL^+ ^^^'+ il'' tcfferedat the middleschool level. Once an athleteis selectedon the high schoolteam, that uldt )PUlL, in that sportat the modifiedlevel. lf the athletestartsup, they individualis no longereligibleto participation cannotreversethe process,changetheir mind,and returnto the modifiedprogram.

CoachesNote: Makecertainthat the White EmergencyMedicalClearanceCardhas not onlythe signatureof the SchoolNurseon the card, but also the signatureof the Directorof Athletics.The Level (Freshmen,JV, or Varsity) shouldalso be notedon the card,as determinedby the scoresearnedon the AthleticPerformanceTests. lf an individualis approvedto participateon the JV Level as a 7tngrader,that individualmust be tested again and pass performance established standardsor orderto be eligiblefor varsitycompetition as an 8'ngrader. Be advisedthat approvalcarriesover from one yearto the next,as long as the levelof competitionremainsthe same. lf the athlete competedon the JV teamas a 7'ngrader,and nowwishesto competeon thevarsitylevelas an Bthgrader,the athlete processonce again, must go throughthe Selection/Classification


"UILDIN The nriddleschoolBuildingCoordinaiormust post and openlyadvertisea set time and datefor the testingof athletes the Coordinator is to makecertainthatall studentathletes who requestto rlove up. In the caseof tennis,golf,and gymnastics, standards.The Coordinatormust make are awareof the opportunityprovidedto them if they meet Selection/Classification certainthat ongoingcommunicationoccurs with the School Nurse,and that both know which studentsinterrdto request participatiorr process,and alertthe School at a higherlevel. The nursemustguidethe athletethroughthe physicalexamination screenihe athlete. Physicianof the athlete'sintent. The SchoolPhysicianmust developmentally testingof the athletesin a tirnelymanner. lt is imperativethatallfall The Coordinatorwill schedulethe physicalfitness athletesinvolvedin the tennis,golf,and gymnasticsprogramsbe presentedwith a fair opportunityto participatein the testtng process,and be finishedwith the processpriorto the lastweek in June. The highschoolcoachescannotbe expectedto postponetryoutsfor those middle school athleteswho fail to meet expectationsin a timely manner. Make certainthat classesare addressed.ln the caseof the springtennisand are made,signsposted,and physicaleducation announcements golf programs,try to havethoseathletestestedin the latefall,beforeinclementweathersets in that mightcausedelaysin testingin the earlyspring. The high schoolprogramsmust be preparedto go on the first Mondayin March. in our modifiedprograni,as 7tngraders,shouldbe guidedby theirmiddleschoolcoach Athleteswho have participated with regard to playingon level as an 8'ngrader,or movingup. The middleschool coach plays a criticalrole here in the process.At the conclusionof theirseasonthe middleschoolcoachshouldmeetwith the Directorof Athletics, communication and provideinputwith respectto the processof movingup. In addition,thereshouldbe ongoingcommunicationbetweenthe middleschoolcoachand the highschoolcoach,in orderto insurethatall in the districtare on the same page here. Middle of theirseason,shouldprovidethe highschoolcoachwithan overviewof all athleteswho Schoolcoaches,ai the conclusion participated in the modifiedprogram.This overviewshouldincludeteam and individualrecords,appropriate statistics, records of each athlete'slevelof physical,social,and emotionalmaturity.Highschool of practicecommitment,and an evaluation coachesshouldschedulethe time to see the middleschoolteam competeduringthe season,so as to havea betterideaof ihe clinicsfor the middleschoolteam,hostedby the abilitylevelof the mjddleschoolathletesinvolvedin the program.Participation who may havethe talentand desireto arsitycoachand players,is yet anotherway to assessthe potentialof thoseyoungsters that to move up are level. Make certain requests initiated in timely on higher a manner.The Selection/Classifrcation a -rmpete processis a lengthyone,and time mustbe providedfor fairevaluation by all involvedin the process. All district coachesshould be advisedthat middle schoolathletesshould not be pressuredto move up. For the most part, our middle school program meets the needs and expectationsof all those involved at the modified level. Playingat a high levelis a demandingand stressfulexperiencefor a younger athlete,and the relativelyfew who have the skills and ability to successfullycompete at the JV or Varsity level are not preparedfor the demands of such an experience.lf an athleteis at all hesitantto place themselvesin this environment,or the middle school coach feels that the athleteneeds anotheryear at the modified level,the requestshould not be initiated. SPORTSMANSHIP andappreciates thatthe influenceand responsibility NYSPHSAASportsmanshipRule:"TheNYSPHSAArecognizes of the with regardto good sportsmanship extendsto all levelsof competition.However,rt must also be seen schooladministration to ensurethat all contestsunderits jurisdiction that the NYSPHSAAhas been vestedwiththe responsibility are conducted satisfactorily".


Any coach excludedby a cerlifiedofficialfrom an interschoolcompetitionfor COACH: conductis ineligibleto coachany interschool competition unspoftsmanlike in thatsporl untilafterthe previously scheduledcontestat the samelevelhas beencompleted.The coach mav not be next present at the qame site. presentatthesite"meansthedisqualified NOTE:"Notbeingphysically coachisnotto bepresent inthelocker in thestands,or siteareabefore,during,or afterthecontest. room,on thesidelines, shoves,kicksor makesotherphysical A coachwhostrikes, contactwiihtheintentto do so,to another person (e.9.official, fan),shallbe expelled anothercoach,player, immediately and bannedfromfurther participation or coaching in allsportsfor oneyearfromthedateof theoffense.




conduct,or for a flagrant Any memberof a squadruledoutof a contestfor unsportsmanlike foulshall not participatein that sport in the next previouslyscheduiedcontestwith a member schoolor in NYSPHSAAtournamentplay.


from one seasoncarryoverto the next seasonof participation. Disqualifications Any memberof the squadwho strikes,shoves,kicks,or makesotherphysicalcontactwiththe intent to do so to an officialshall be expelledfrom the game immediately,and banned from further participationin all sportsfor one yearfrom the date of the offense. NOTE: Memberof the squadincludesplayers,managers,scorekeepers,timers,statisticians.


conducton the partof the officialsuchas, but no limitedto, taunting,baiting,use of Unprofessional profanity,shall be reportedby a school administratorfrom the aggrievedschool to the Section ExecutiveDirector.A requestwillbe madeto the appropriatesportofficialschapterto investigate the incidenceand to reporttheiractionto the sectionin a timelymanner. Note: Definitionof "NextPreviouslySchecluled Contest":This is the same as the nextcontestwhich originallywas in the schedule.No attemptshouldbe madeto inserta non-leaguecontestintoa sporls scheduleafter a key playerhas been disqualified so that the playerwould not participatein a meaninglessgame. This totallyviolatesthe intentof thisruleand is not permitted.The ejectedpiayer or coach must not participatein the next previouslyscheduledcontest.

OFFICIALSGAME CARD: :ard is to be readby officialsat eachgame in the beginning of the seasonand at eachgame from regionalsthroughfinals .hichreads: "The NYSPHSAArequiresOfficialsto enforceall Rulesregardingunsportsmanlike conductby playersand coaches.Therewill trash-talking, be no tolerancefor negativestatementsor actionsbetweenopposingplayers,especially taunting,or baitingof opponents. lf such commentsare heard,a penaltywill be assessedimmediately.We have been instructednot to issue of this policy''. warningsdurinqthe is stronglysuggestedthatyou remindyourparticipants POLICY:A playerwho is ejectedfrom the gamecannotbe presenton sitewhen sittingout the next HHH SPORTSMANSHIP The playermay remainon siteduringthe i-emainder scheduled contest. of the gamethathe or she was ejectedfrom, regularly and is to be activelysupervisedby the coachingstaff. a secondtime,that playerwillbe suspendedfrom the team indefinitely, lf a playerhas beenejectedfor Misconduct untilthe schooladministrationinvestigatesthe natureof the misconduct.In such cases,a playermay be suspendedfor a specific periodof time,or completely dismissedfrom the team.




All Coaches


Joe Pennacchio


Rating Cards/CoachingEvaluations for Fall, Winter, Spring Sports

RATINGCARDS: Pleasehand in yourratingcardsgtglsggb-gg!!9. lt doesn'tserveany purposeif they are all handedin at the endof the season,afterSectionXl has completedtheirseasonrating. COACHESEVALUATION: and BuildingPrincipalshave come to an agreementwith the Pleasebe advisedthat CentralOfficeAdministrators TeachersUnionRepresentatives that Coacheswillreceivea letterof evaluation at the end of eachseason.So as not withrespectto papenvork, to make thisevaluationprocessmorecomplicated coacheswillbe providedwitha primarv form that simplyindicateswhethertheircoachingperformancewas: satisfactory, satisfactoryand in need of improvement,or unsatisfactory. ratingswill be accompaniedby the secondaryform, which further definesspecificevaluation Any unsatisfactory criteriaand includesall areas of performancethat were of concern during the season. In those cases where improvementis needed,the areaswillbe indicatedby a writtennoteincludedon the bottomof the primaryletter,or on the secondaryform which may, if needed,accompanythe initialevaluationletter. All coacheswho receivean will receiveonlythe primaryletter. indicationthat performancewas satisfactory Pleasebe awarethat coachesare expectedto meetthe criteriaas definedon the CoachingPerformanceEvaluation Sheetduringtheirtenureas a coach. Be advisedthat all coachingpositionsare stillonly one year appointments, as definedby the teachers'contract,and willbe posiedeachyear in May. All candidateswho wish to be consideredfor a coachingappointmentmust apply,in writing,to the DistrictDirectorof Athletics.


25' REPRESENTATION A contestant,or athleticteanr,shallnot representa schoolexceptin conformancewith all nrles andregulations.It shallbethe duty of trusteesandboardsof educationto require that athletic activitiesbe limited to competitionbetweensecondaryschoolstudents, To be eligible for sectiona[intersectionalor state competitioq a team must have competedin six (O schoolscheduledcontestsduring the season.To be eligiblefor sectional,intersectional or state competitioq a teammust have competedin six (6) schoolscheduledcontestswhich ocqrrred on six differentdatesduringthe season. An individualis eligiblefor the team if he/she irasbeen an eligibleparticipanton a team in that sport in that schoolfor a minimum of six (6) scheduledcontestsduring the regular season. For football, a student must be an eligible participantfor a minimumof three (3) contests. Contestantsin individual sports (archery, badminton,bowling, crosscountry, fencing golfi gymnastics,rifle, skiing, swimming,tennis, their schoolin six (6) outdoor track, winter track andwrestling) rrust alsohaverepresented contestsduringthe seasonto be eligible. Theserequiredcontestsmust occur on six scheduled differentdatesandmustbe concludedprior to the conclusionof the team'sregularschedule. SectionAthleticCouncilsmayrequestapproval of the StateExecutiveCommitteeto adjustthe contestsrequiredon an annualbasis. numberof schoolscheduled b.

AII games,meets,and tournamentsmust be conductedby appropriatesecondaryschool authorities. Participationby a studentin morethan one sport in the sametime divisionshallbe determined by the SectionAthleticCouncil. Gamesandpracticebetweenstudentsand adults(alumnior faculty)are not approved. a studentwho electsto participatein an interschoolsport may not To avoid unfair advantage representa schoolin that sportin a subsequentseasonin that schoolyear.

SECTION XI of NYSPHSAARegulation#25 (seepg. 67 ofNYSPHSAA Handbook) School



Date RequestSubmitted

Natureof lllnes#[njury Dateof Injury/Onset of Illness

Date of MedicalClearance




AII pertinentMEDICAL documentationmust accompanythis requestbeforeit will be considered.Such material MUST VERIFY the date of onsetof the illness/injury and date physicalactivity rnay resume. NOTES FROM PIIYSICAL TIIERAPISTS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE!


z. J. i


FORWARDREQUESTANDDOCUMENTATIONTO: SectionXI ExecutiveDirector 100SuffolkAve. StonyBroolq,I{Y11790









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