Half H ·o llow Hills C E. N T R A L
S ·" C H 0 0 L
Spec i al
Iss u e
Budget ·
Fro m
You r
Boa r d
o f
ALearningCommunity... Pridleged to Build Futures - One Child at a Tim e '
Educat .
o n MAY 2012 -
A Message From the Board of Education Dear Community Members, ,It is only when a community works collaborat~vely in the best interest of ,It is imp~rtant to remember that the d~cisions we ~ake' together as a ' , community will have a powerful irn,Pact on the educational program and . all concerned that true success can be achieved. As a result of our the futUres of our children. , We ' ~ave.confidence that with your suPPort collaboration and 'the fiscal responsiQilitY of the Half Hollow Hills Central School District, we are able.~o propose budget for the 2012/13 ' we will continue to provide 'a comprehensive educational experience for all students while remaining fiscally responsible. school year that meets the New York State Tax Levy Cap legislation, brings the lowest budget-to-budget increase to th~community. in 15 Please take time to review this special budget issue of the Half Hollow years , and maintains a tradition of ed~cational ' excellence. ' Hills Herald so you may make.an informed decision when voting on Tuesday, May 15 . As members of the Half Hollow Hills Board of Education ~ we worked . with District administration to ensure that an outstanding educational Sincerely, program would remain in place for all students. We recognized the n~ed for community input throl,lghout the process and appreciate the , The Half Holl()W Hills Board of Education feedback you provided to us : Working through't he bp.dget proces~ wa~ Jeanine B~ttenus, Presid~nt· James Ptucha, Vic~Presid~nt ' challenging , however, our students ~ best intere,st 'always temainedtheDiana Acampora ~ Betty DeSabato • 'Eric,Geringswald , focal point. , . " ' , . Frank Grimaldi • Paul Peller ,M.D.
, I
Board of Education District Clerk District Meeting Office of Chief School Admin. Business Administration Auditing District Treasurer Legal Service District-wide Administration Records Management Public Information & Services
1010 1040 1060 1240 1310 1320 1325 1420 1430 1460 1480 1620/ 1621 1670 1680 1910 1920 1980 1981 1989
Plant Operations/Maintenance Printing and Mailing . Mgmt. of Information Systems Liability Insurance School Association Dues MTATax BOCES Admin. Charges TAN Issue Expense
2010 2015 2020 2040 2060 2070 2110 2112 2113 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2130 2131 2170 2250 2280 2300 2610 2615 2630 2805 2810 2815 2820 2825 2850 2855
Curriculum Development Pupil Personnel Supervision - Regular School Supervision - Adult Education Research Inservice Training Teaching -- Regular School Teaching- Art ,. >- Teaching ;. Bus ~N6c. Educ. Teaching - Language Arts Teaching - LOTE Teaching - Health Teaching - Physical Educ. Teaching - FACS Teaching ~ T~cfinology_ Teaching ;J~~ath Teaching -'Musie ~ Teaching - Science Teaching - Research Teaching - Social Studies Teaching - Driver Education Speech Teaching - Reading/PSEN Children with Disabilities Occupational Education Teaching - Special Schools School Library AudioNisual Computer Assisted Instruction Attendance Guidance Health Services Psychological Services Social Work Services Co-Curricular Activities Interscholastic Athletics
5510 5530 5540
District Owned Transportation Garage Building Contract Transportation
Community Recreation
9010 9700 9900
Employee Benefits Tax Anticipation Note Interest Transfer to Other Funds Capital/Debt Svc/Special Aid
15,133 78,738 49,927 484,107 1,472,964 120,248 179,000 605,971 10,650 117,922
358,000 605,971 10,650 117,922 13,619,158
... A
15,133 78,738 49,927 484,107 1,472,964 120,248
215,286 944,727 1,141,443 19,390
13,619,158 215,286 944,727 1,141,443 19,390
690,296 35,000
690,296 35,000
7,915,651 19,252
7,915,651 19,252
296,819 28,886,700 2,450,663 596,289 4,282,090 4,511,232 1,003,277 3,063,459 759,445 656,411 5,276,368 3,588,854 5,755,757 159,035 4,908,961 284,116 1,834,265 2,083,134 27,354,116 771,470 537,797 1,580,520 73,224 2,473,498 122,847 3,821,191 1,784,394 1,443,857 211,053 1,042,937 1,871,779 5,027,504 109,180 8,605,252
"'\!W!:7"'-"''''''"'''' _. .......,..
296,819 28,886,700 2,450,663 596,289 4,282,090 4,511,232 1,003,277 3,063,459 759,445 656,411 5,276,368 3,588,854 5,755,757 159,035 4,908,961 , 284,116 1,834,265 2,083,134 27,354,116 771,470 537,797 1,580,520 73,224 2,473,498 122,847 3,821,191 1,784,394 1,443,857 211,053 1,042,937 1,871,779
8,633 79,048 49,927 464,198 1,402,801 123,262 7,725 105,000 674,601 19,240 150,000
8,633 79,048 49,927 464,198 1,402,801 123,262 7,725 105,000 674,601 19,240 150,000
13,472,228 204,098 908,347 1,044,279 19,390 400,000 690,296 35,000
204,098 908,347 1,044,279 19,390 400,000 690,296 35,000 723,680 343,388 6,104,819 19,252
86,128 150,229 140,146 84,756 84,756
149,312 86,128 130,980 140,146
163,551 639,350
823;680 343,388 6,104,819 19,252
442,528 30,460,652 2,576,569 548,725 4,004,726 4,340,618 1,012,146 3,166,925 751,961 618,312 4,849,839 3,497,735 5,556,204 157,837 4,568,066 312,736 1,731,982 1,975,505 24,271,063 823,900 497,647 1,601,753 68,589 3,370,626 92,503 3,674,729 1,663,822 1,590,358 206,662 1,429,233 1,969,766
442,528 30,460,652 2,662,697 548,725 4,154,955 4,480,764 1,096,902 3,251,681 751,961 618,312
5,401,004 109,180 8,605,252
4,972,706 105,880 7,856,342
77,751 5,100,239
54,947,446 825,000 9,960,546
3,873,221 825,000 9,585,546
$ 19.808.643
$ 173.833.231
$ 28.276,425
$ 221.918.299
• v
4,9~9_j 151 v ~,5'B~e-3
5,687,184 157,837 4,708,212 312,736 1,731 ,982 2,139,056 24,910,413 823,900 497,647 1,601 ,753 68,589 3,501 ,606 92,503 3,674,729 1,663,822 1,590,358 206,662 1,429,233 2,142,022 356,648
5,329,354 105,880 7,856,342 90,405
3,532,684 1,025,000 9,123,931
50,947,496 1,025,000 9,482,756
S 21.064.668
$ 167,403,721
$ 27,510,491
S 215,978 ,880
As required by Education Law, the budget must be presented in three components, as shown above. Further, the law prescribes which budget codes belong to which component.
If you have any questions about the budget, please call Anne Marie Marrone Caliendo, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Facilities, at 592-3030.
Dermition of Terms: Administration: Central Administration, Finaoce,Management Informatiqn Systems, Insurance, Legal,and Instructional Supervision Program: Instruction,Library, SpeeialEducation, Computer-Assist-ed-lBstruction, Guidance, Athletics, Co-Curricular and Related ,P ersonnel Benefits Capital: ·M aintenanceaod Operations, Utilities., -Bus Purohases, ,D ebt Service, Plant ,and Capital ~·Projects
~. '
The new NYS Property Tax Levy Cap legislation requires school districts to complete a multi-step formula to arrive at the allowable level of growth in the amount of revenue generated from local property taxes. The result of this formula for-Half Hollow Hills means a 2.33 percent increase in the propertY tax levy from the prior year. In order to adhere to this modest increase, the following reductions needed to be made in the 2012/13 proposed budget. • • • •
Reduction in District-wide staff inclusive of Central Office, clerical, custodial, paraprofessionals, monitors, guidance and psychology Reduction in teaching staff due to the declining enrollment at the elementary and middle schoolleveJs Reduction in textbooks, library books, supplies and equipment Reduction in District-wide extracurricular activities -.'
A full listing of reductions can be found on the District website (www.hhh.k12.ny.us).
Half Hollow Hills per-pupil spending is below the average for Long Island, Suffolk, Nassau and the Towns of Huntington and Babylon
of Per-Pupil Spending *
$26,0 00 ~-----------------------------------------------------------
$25,000 .
$21 ,0'00 I
• " s- "
-~ Voter
Under state law, school districts can submit a budget to voters a: maximum of two times ~ If the proposed budget is defeated twice, the Board must adopt a contingent budget. The Board also has the option of going directly to a contingent budget immediately after a fIrst defeat of the budget.
In order to be eligible to vote you must be: • a citizen of the United States - • a resident of the District for at least 30 days prior to the vote • at least 18 years of age and • a registered voter.*
* Anyone who voted in a school or general election during the four years priQr
. Under the new rules for a contingent budget the District is mandated to keep the tax levy the same as the prior year without any allowances or exclusions. This would ' require additional cuts totaling over $4.1 million.
to the pending election need not re-register.
Registration Information
Where: District Clerk's Office at the Fran Greenspan Administration Center at 525 Half Hollow Road, Dix Hills
What Does a Contingent Budget Look Like?
When: . Any 'school day, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Special Voter Registration Dates Where: District Clerk's Office at the Fran Greenspan Administration When: I
Center at 525 Half Hollow Road, 'Dix Hills Saturday, May 5, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 9,9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
The LAST day that a residel)t may register at the Fran Greenspan _ . Ad.mirlistration Ce~ter to vote in the May 15 Budget Vote and Election of Truste s is Thursday, May 10 before 4:30 p.m.
Absentee Ballots Residents 'who are unable to cast their ballots at the polling place on May 15 should fill out an application for an absentee ballot. TOTeceive an application, please stop by the office of the District Clerk at 525 Half Hollow Road, Dix Hills dill (631) 592-3013, or downlo~d it from the District website: www.hhh.k12.ny.us.
In addition to the reductions made in the proposed budget, a contingent budget would mean the following additional $4.1 million in reductions: •
Eliminate all equipment
Eliminate all community use of buildings and grounds
Eliminate Planetarium and Discovery Science Center
Eliminate Elementary Enrichment Program and AHAP
Eliminate regular education elementary summer school
Eliminate 7th and 8th grade interscholastic teams
Reduce to hhlf:::day kindergarten
Eliminate all extracurricular activity clubs
Eliminate intrainurals
Eliminate 4th and 5th grade orchestralband
Eliminate 8th grade teaming
.:.- ..
STATEAID ~ 11.34%
REVENUE 2.230/0