Electives Available for Incoming 9th Graders 2010-2011 *All Electives Are Full Year Classes Unless Indicated With A (½) Yr. Symbol.
American Cult. in the Age of Hollywood (½) Comics & Graphic Novels Creative Writing (½) Creative Writing II (½) Journalism (½) Fall Journalism (½) Spring Media Communications (½) Mythology & the Hero’s Journey (½) Public Speaking (½) Public Speaking II (½) Read/ Writ Strategies I (A/B) (Gr. 9)
1090 1069 1041 1047 1039 (F) 1040 (S) 1045 1096 1044 1059 1111
AP Human Geography Criminal Justice (½) Psychology (½) Race in America (½) Sociology (½) Sports In American History (½)
2040 2053 2050 2060 2058 2051
SCIENCE Astronomy (½)
Creative Crafts** 7051** Design & Drawing/Production I** 7018** Media Arts** 7053** Studio in Art** 7011** **Satisfies NYSED Art/Music Graduation Requirement Computer Graphics I (½) 7044 Computer Graphics II (½) 7045 Design & Illustration I 7023 Drawing & Painting I 7022 Photography I 7029 Video I 7096 Web Design (½) 7081
BUSINESS Accounting Advertising (½) Business Law Business Ownership & Marketing Business/Computer Applications (½) Career & Financial Management E-Commerce (½) Fashion Apparel/ Accessories (½) Fashion Merchandising (½) Financial Decision Making (½) Sports Management (½) Sports Marketing
6014 6095 6023 6022 6020 6030 6035 6040 6039 6036 6041 6038
Band (9 Grade Only)** 9109** Chamber Choir** 9102** Chorus** 9101** th Orchestra (9 Grade Only)** 9110** Music In Our Lives** 9108** Music Theory I (Pre-Req.-Musical Experience) 9105 **Satisfies NYSED Art/Music Graduation Requirement
MATHEMATICS Adv. Computer Programming (½) Computer Programming (½)
3048 3049
FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE Adolescent Psychology (½) Child Development I (½) Culture & Foods (½) Food & Fitness (½) Gourmet Foods (½)
8022 8021 8012 8025 8013
Revised: 1/6/2010 8:26 AM
PLEASE READ THIS IMPORTANT MESSAGE: The selection of courses and electives determines staffing and scheduling in the high school. Therefore, is very important that students pick their courses now, in an effort to help ensure that a class runs in the Fall. Enrollment figures determine the decision to add or cancel an elective class in the Master Schedule.
American Culture in the Age of Hollywood (½) 1090 Comics & Graphic Novels (½) 1069 Creative Writing (½) 1041 Creative Writing II (½) 1047 Debate (½) 1061 Film Criticism (½) 1145 Journalism (Fall) (½) 1039 Journalism (Spring) (½) 1040 Media Communications (½) 1045 Mythology & the Hero’s Journey (½) 1096 Public Speaking I (½) 1044 Public Speaking II (½) 1059 Read/ Writ Strategies I (A/B) (Gr. 9) 1111 Read/ Writ Strategies II (A/B) (Gr. 10) 1113 Shakespeare (½) 1060 SAT, Crit. Reading 1115(F- A/B) (¼); 1116(S- A/B) (¼) & Writing Prep 1117(F) (½); 1118(S) (½)
ART (**Satisfies NYSED 1 Year Art/Music Graduation Requirement) AP Art (2-D) AP Art (3-D) AP Art (2-D) (Photography) AP Art Drawing AP Art History Architectural Design I, II, III, IV Ceramics & Sculpture I, II, III (½) Computer Graphics I, II (½) Creative Crafts** Design & Draw Prod I**, II, III, IV Design & Illustration I, II Drawing & Painting I, II, III, IV Fashion Illustrat/Design I, II, III, IV Media Arts** Photography I, II, III. IV Studio In Art** Video I, II, III Web Design (½)
7034 7035 7037 7033 7036 7025, 7026, 7027, 7028 7014, 7015, 7016 7044, 7045 7051 7018, 7019, 7020, 7021 7023, 7024 7022, 7123, 7124, 7125 7040, 7041, 7042, 7043 7053 7029, 7030, 7031, 7032 7011 7096, 7097, 7098 7081
MUSIC (**Satisfies NYSED 1 Year Art/Music Graduation Requirement) th
Band** (9 Grade) Band** (Grades 10-12 Only!) Chamber Choir** Chorus** Music In Our Lives** Music Theory I, II (Pre-Req.-Perform. Ensemble) Music Production Technology Orchestra** (Grades 9-10 Only) Orchestra** (Grades 11-12 Only)
9109 9103 9102 9101 9108 9105, 9106 9112 9110 9104
FOREIGN LANGUAGE Amer. Sign Lang. I Elective (Ckpt. A) 1.0 French I Elective (Ckpt. A) 1.0 Italian I Elective (Ckpt. A) 1.0 Spanish I Elective (Ckpt. A) 1.0
5074 5072 5073 5071
SAT Math Prep
3075(F- A/B)(¼)
3076(S- A/B)(¼)
AP Statistics Computer Program (½) Adv. Computer Programming (½)
3118 3049 3048
BUSINESS Accounting (YR) Advanced Accounting (YR) Advertising (½) Business Law (YR) Business Ownership & Marketing (YR) Business/Computer Applications (½) Career & Financial Management (YR) E-Commerce (½) Fashion Apparel/ Accessories (½) Fashion Merchandising (½) Financial Decision Making (½) Sports Management (½) Sports Marketing (YR) Prof. Internship /Coop Work Exp. (½ & YR)
6014 6016 6095 6023 6022 6020 6030 6035 6040 6039 6036 6041 6038 6041, 6042
SOCIAL STUDIES AP Human Geography Criminal Justice (½) Ethics (½) (10-12 only!) Experience In Law Exploring Teaching (½) (10-12 only!) Holocaust (½) Psychology (½) Race in America (½) Sociology (½) Sports In American History (½)
2040 2053 2066 2055 2065 2056 2050 2060 2058 2051
SCIENCE Anatomy & Physiology (½) Astronomy (½) Forensics (½) Genetics (½) Marine Science A & B Principals Of Engineering
4092 4051 4091 4056 4075 & 4076 4077
FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE Adolescent Psychology (½) Child Development (½) Culture & Foods (½) Gourmet Foods (½) Food & Fitness (½)
8022 8021 8012 8013 8025
HEALTH Health (½) Human Sexuality (½) Nutrition (½) Peer Educators (½) Sports Medicine (½)
9203 9205 9207 9209 9206
Driver Ed-(F) (½) 9301 Driver Ed-(S) (½) 9302 Driver Education is open to Grade 11 & Grade 12 Students Only.