Half Hollow Hills Central School District Department of English as a Second Language English Language Learner Language Proficiency Summary (The ESL Teacher in your building will share the information below)
ESL Teacher: ___________________________________________ Room: ________________________________________________ Student’s Name: ________________________________________ Listening/Speaking Level: _________________________________ Reading/Writing Level: ___________________________________ Overall Proficiency Level: _________________________________ Total Periods/Contact time with ESL Teacher: _________________ For continuing ELLs the above levels are derived from the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) which was given in May of 2011. For students new to the district, the levels are derived from the Language Assessment Battery‐Revised (LAB‐R). The information provided above will assist you as you develop your lesson plans; please speak with the ESL teacher so that he/she can assist you as you differentiate activities/assessment for our ELLs. Again, we thank you for your continued cooperation and assistance. The information provided above must be kept confidential.