Fall 2014v3

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HHH Instructional Technology Fall/Winter 2014/15

Information literacy, the ability to find, analyze, manage, present and share information as well as the ability to adapt rapidly to the changes brought about by the availability of information, is a critical skill for 21st century citizens. Students need to become skilled in the use of the range of technology resources they will encounter. These skills will not come from special computer classes or from drill and practice computer use, but through the full integration of technology in their education. As 21st-century jobs become increasingly information based, workers need to: • use multimedia tools to communicate and present ideas and concepts orally and in writing • separate the important, relevant information from the vast mountain of information available • quickly learn specialized information in an ongoing fashion • work effectively in physical and virtual groups The District’s philosophy of integrating technology into the instructional program reflects these issues. Half Hollow Hills’ Professional Development courses aim to support staff members in becoming efficient users and integrators of technology within their classrooms.

STUDENT ONLINE PORTFOLIOS USING WEEBLY FOR EDUCATION 9 hour PDP Location: Paumanok Room 111 Date: November 5, 6 and 12 Time: 4 PM to 7 PM Instructor: Ilana Sussman Course Description: Teachers will learn how to create a class website as well how to instruct their students to create their own websites. Student websites will be used to track and collect student work throughout the school year. It’s easy and fun to do. ORGANIZATION IS KEY 3 hour PDP Location: HS West PC Lab (Room 260) Date: November 13 Time: 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM Instructor: Katie Keller Course Description: Teachers who partake in this course will be given step-bystep instructions of how to clean up their desktop files in an effort to become as organized as possible. Studies prove that organization is key when it comes to the best lesson plans and managerial skills in the classroom. Teachers work hard creating beautiful lesson plans and challenging assessments, and then can’t find them on the computer the next day! This course will show you how to create file folders within your school documents that are grade or course specific so it takes the stress out of saving and finding files. The course will also explore other options for staying organized that can be passed on to students of any age. At least two articles will be shared and discussed and teachers will be invited to share with the group what has and has not worked for them in the past. USING PAGES (IWORKS) IN THE CLASSROOM 3 hour PDP Location: Vanderbilt Library Date: December 8, 2014 Time: 3:45 PM to 6:45 PM Instructor: Katherine Homenides Course Description: The Pages program is a user-friendly word processor that makes communication and presentations attractive and innovative. This course will give teachers the skills they need to create classroom documents using Pages, the word processing part of the iWorks suite. Microsoft Word documents can be opened and edited in Pages. Videos, pictures and links can easily be added to the document as well. Students can be taught how to use Pages to create authentic and creative presentations. Teachers will be given one hour of homework to create a document that is related to an area of their curriculum.

Flip Your Classroom with your eBoard! 3 hour PDP Location: Vanderbilt Library Date: December 1 Time: 3:45 PM to 6:45 PM Instructor: Katherine Homenides Course Description:Flipping classrooms is a model of teaching that “flips” the traditional structure of classroom teaching and homework. Students can watch an explanation or demonstration of a concept at home on their computers or devices, while using class time to hone their skills or apply their knowledge with their classmates in school. It is an excellent way for teachers to differentiate instruction and for students to take responsibility for their own learning! Participants will learn how to use their eBoard to create a flipped classroom. They will explore different activities and online resources to help them create lessons and projects for their class. “Make and Take” Comic Life 6 hour PDP Location: Paumanok Room 111 (Need Comic Life installed) Date: December 3 and 10 Time: 4 PM to 7 PM Instructor: Ilana Sussman Course Description: Teachers will learn the in’s and out’s of the computer program Comic Life. We will share ideas in order to create projects, activities, banners, signs and more. Teachers will create projects and/or activities for a unit of study that they will take with them for the upcoming school year. Capstone\Pebble to Go (K-5 Teachers, ESL and Special Ed) 3 hour PDP Location: Fran Greenspan Admin Center Room 211 Date: December 11 Time: 3:45 PM to 6:45 PM Instructor: Jolynn Sapia Course Description: Learn how to share this interactive ebooks and digital resources with your students in grades K-5. Teach them how to use the research tools and resources integrated right into this online resource. Great for every elementary teacher of any discipline grades K-5, ESL, and Special Ed.

SmartBoard Level 1 12 hour PDP Location: Fran Greenspan Admin Center (CO) Rm 211 Date: January 6, 13, 20, and 27 Time: 3:45 PM to 6:45 PM Instructor: Jolynn Sapia Course Description: From the beginner to the novice, learn how to navigate through the basics of SMART Board, create your own files, find resources to avail yourself of, and begin to integrate this tool into your existing curriculum. SmartBoard Level 2 12 hour PDP Location: Fran Greenspan Admin Center (CO) Rm 211 *Prerequisite Date: February 2, 9, 23 and March 2 Time: 3:45 PM to 6:45 PM Instructor: Jolynn Sapia Course Description: Take it to the next level‌ take everything you learned in SMART Board Level 1, and take it to the next level‌ learn cool tips and tricks, how to master the Lesson Activity Toolkit and create exemplar lessons. *Prerequisite: SMART Board 1 Achieving Responsible Student Research trough Turnitin

*High School Teachers Only

9 hour PDP Location: HS West Library Date: March 5, 12 and 19 Time: 2:45 PM to 5:45 PM Instructor: Donna Miceli and Linda Lennon Course Description: Academic honesty is vital for student success yet academic dishonesty is on the rise. Students need to know what constitutes academic dishonesty before they reach college. Librarians, partnering with teachers, can incorporate strategies into the classroom to prepare high school students for the rigors of college-level work by educating students early on about the concepts of copyright and plagiarism as well as the resources available to help students avoid plagiarism. We will show you how to use turnitin.com and the Virtual Reference Collection that includes over 50 different resources to maximize your efforts teaching academic integrity.

SmartBoard Level 3 9 hour PDP Location: Fran Greenspan Admin Center (CO) Rm 211 *Prerequisite Date: March 16, 23 and 30 Time: 3:45 PM to 6:45 PM Instructor: Jolynn Sapia Course Description: This course is for teachers who have already taken Smartboard I and II. This course will focus on the integration of curriculum into Notebook software. You will be grouped with other teachers by subject, and create grade level lessons which can be shared amongst all. Common Core modules, subject specific lessons and honing of existing lessons will be explored and created. *Prerequisites: SmartBoard 1 and SmartBoard II

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