Forest Park Elementary School Student Handbook **** Discipline Code and Behavior Contract
Dear Student, Welcome to a New Year at Forest Park School. educational and exciting for you.
I hope this year will be
This student handbook was written to help you learn about your school. Your teacher and I have included your "Rights and Responsibilities" to let you know what we expect from you and what you should expect from your school. We are very proud of this handbook and think you will find it very useful. Please read it carefully or have your parent read it to you. After you have discussed the information and you are sure you understand each page, you should sign the Behavior Contract on the last page. Your parent is also asked to sign this page. Then show the signed contract to your teacher. Your signature will let us know that you will work very hard to meet your responsibilities as a Forest Park student. Please put your handbook in a safe place. whole school year. Sincerely, Ross Diener Principal
Try to keep it in good condition the
ATTENDANCE STUDENT'S RIGHT: I have the right to attend school and receive an education. STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY: It is my responsibility to practice good health habits so that I can attend school. 1.I will get plenty of sleep. 2.I will keep my body and hair clean. 3.I will eat nutritious meals. 4.If I arrive late to school I will remember to report to the nurse's office for a pass. 5.I will bring in a note from home for every absence.
HOMEWORK STUDENT'S RIGHT: I have the right to practice at home what I learned in school. STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY: I have the responsibility to complete all assignments to the best of my ability. 1.I will copy my assignments and make sure I understand what I am to do. 2.I will take home all of the things I need for my assignments. 3.I will find a quiet and well-lit place to work at home. 4.I will be prepared to hand in neat work on time. 5.I will make up work if I am absent. Parents another calling may not
must call the school office by 10:00A.M. to have homework sent with child. A parent can also leave a message with the nurse when they are in to report their child's absence. Requests received later in the day be granted.
BUS SAFETY STUDENT'S RIGHT: I have the right to travel to and from school safely. STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY: It is my responsibility to behave properly on the bus. 1.I will arrive at the bus stop on time. 2.I will listen carefully to the driver's instructions and respect the bus driver's rules. 3.I will go directly to my seat and remain seated until the adult in charge tells me to leave the bus. 4.I will ride quietly without fighting and shouting. 5.I will keep my head, arms and belongings inside the bus. 6.I will look after my belongings and leave the property of others alone. 7.I will be courteous to my fellow bus riders and never push or shove when getting on or off the bus. 8.I will report any problems to the driver. 9.I will get on my own bus and get off at my own stop unless I have a bus pass signed by my teacher.
STUDENT'S RIGHT: I have the right to see and hear during an assembly. STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY: As a member of the audience, I have the responsibility to behave in an appropriate manner. 1.I will enter and exit the assembly quietly with my teacher and class. 2.I will watch and listen quietly to the performance and speakers. 3.I will clap to show appreciation. 4.I will keep my hands and feet to myself. 5.I will not bring any objects to the assembly without permission.
LIBRARY BEHAVIOR STUDENT'S RIGHT: I have the right to learn by using the materials and resources in the library. STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY: It is my responsibility to be cooperative and considerate of others in the library. The library is available to all classes. 1.I will read and work quietly. 2.I will treat books and other library materials with care and return them on time. 3.I will use the library with my teacher's permission being careful not to disturb a class in session. 4.I will leave my work area neat. 5.I will pay for a book if I lose it. LOST & FOUND STUDENT'S RIGHT: I have the right to look for my belongings in the lost and found container with my teacher's permission. STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY: It is my responsibility to place any item that doesn't belong to me in the Lost and Found container. 1.I will label all my belongings. 2.I will look for any of my lost items in the Lost and Found container. 3.I will ask my teacher for permission to take any items I find to the Lost and Found container.
PLAYGROUND AND RECESS BEHAVIOR STDENT'S RIGHT: I have the right to enjoy a safe playground and recreational environment. STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY: It is my responsibility to use the playground or recreational area safely. 1.I will follow the playground and recess rules:
a.No contact sports. b.No throwing rocks. c.No fighting including "play fighting". d.Never leave the playground without an adult's permission. e.Report any problems to an adult immediately. f.When a whistle blows, STOP, LOOK and LISTEN. g.Share balls and equipment. h.Wait your turn. i.No playing with hard balls, Frisbees or other toys that could hurt someone if thrown. j.Keep off the hill and away from classroom windows. k.Jump from a safe height off the playground equipment. l.No standing on, twisting, jumping from or changing the length of the swings. 2.I will include all children that want to play. 3.I will follow any additional procedures and rules given to me by the adult in charge.
CAFETERIA BEHAVIOR STUDENT'S RIGHTS: I have the right to enjoy my meal in a clean and well- mannered environment. STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY: It is my responsibility to eat my food quietly and neatly using proper table manners so that others may enjoy their meal. 1.I will listen to directions given by all adults when I am buying food. I will stand quietly in line for my turn. 2.I will never throw food or other objects. 3.Before leaving the cafeteria, I will be sure to clean up my area and throw away all my trash. 4.I will not take food, drinks or snacks that are opened out of the cafeteria. 5.I will not eat in the hallways. 6.I will ask an adult for permission before leaving the cafeteria for any reason.
BATHROOM BEHAVIOR STUDENT'S RIGHT: I have the right to use a bathroom that is safe and clean. STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILTY: It is my responsibility to use the bathroom in an appropriate manner. 1.I will keep the bathroom clean. 2.I will not waste paper or damage property. 3.I will remain quiet and orderly in the bathroom. 4.I will use the bathroom located nearest my classroom. 5.I will not bring pencils and other writing instruments into the bathroom. 6.I will wash my hands before leaving the bathroom and throw the paper into the wastebasket.
SPECIAL AREA BEHAVIOR STUDENT'S RIGHT: I have the right to learn with the use of the materials and resources in the art and music room and in the gymnasium. STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY: It is my responsibility to use materials and resources carefully, listen quietly to instructions and act in a cooperative way. 1.I will enter into class when invited or instructed. 2.I will take care of equipment and supplies, clean up and put things away. 3.I will follow the rules the special area teacher instructs. 4.I will know my schedule and be prepared. HALLWAY BEHAVIOR STUDENT'S RIGHT: I have the right to learn in my classroom and not to be distracted by loud voices or noises in the hall. STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY: It is my responsibility to allow others to learn by moving quietly and orderly through the halls. 1.I will walk quietly at all times because other classes are at work. 2.I will keep my hands off the walls, bulletin boards, displays and artwork and keep them to myself. 3.I will walk on line on the right side of the hallways and listen to the adult in charge. 4.I will pick up items dropped on the floor in order to prevent accidents.
BEHAVIOR CONTRACT By following the rules, I will respect for others and expect it in return. My cooperation will contribute to a school environment that I can be proud of. Should I violate the rights of others through behavior that interferes with learning or is harmful, I realize there will be consequences. They may include: •Suspension from participation in school activities and other privileges such as Safety Patrol and Student Council. •Time out for an activity •Verbal or written warning •A letter of apology which must be signed by a parent •Conference with the teacher and parents •A written referral to the principal •A conference with the principal and parents
I have read the Discipline Code and Behavior Contract with my parents. With the help of my parents, teachers and the entire school staff, I am willing to do my best to follow the rules. Student's Signature
I have reviewed the discipline code with my child. ________________________________________________________________________ Parent's Signature