Hhh hse thunderbird fall 2017 final

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HALF HOLLOW HILLS HIGH SCHOOL EAST 50 Vanderbilt Pkwy, Dix Hills, NY 11746 thunderbirdhse@gmail.com

Volume 58 - No. 1 Fall, 2017 thunderbirdhse.com

The Thunderbird Welcomes New Principal: Dr. Strong Bradley Shanker & Emily Disman Editors-in-Chief

It’s a new year for Hills East, which means a lot of things. A new class of freshmen will be navigating the halls, while all returning students have a chance for a fresh start to make their remaining years in high school memorable and successful. Perhaps the most notable change to HSE this year is that of our principal, and we are very excited to welcome Dr. Milton K. Strong to the HSE community. We had the opportunity to sit down with our new principal and find out exactly how he plans to make Hills East flourish. Thunderbird: What are your goals as principal for this year? Do you have a timeframe during which you hope to accomplish these goals? Dr. Strong: Certainly, coming into a new environment is very exciting and being a graduate of High School East has a certain sentiment attached to it. I’ve always been very appreciative of the district. One of my main goals is to continue to expand upon the student experience; I want students to be able to continue to enhance their access to multiple academic programs, sports, and activities, including extracurricular clubs. I want to help students maximize these experiences in an environment that is safe and orderly. Most importantly, I want them to enjoy their overall student experience. TB: What is your overall vision for HSE? Are there any philosophies that you will carry over from the middle school; if so, what are they? DS: Not so much philosophies, but I feel as I move up, I’m going to have to take another look at the pieces. For example, it will be an adjustment to go from dealing with middle school students to now dealing with students who are older and more mature. So, the bigger adjustment will definitely be on my end with respect to that piece. However, it’s a two way street. There is an expectation for a 14, 15, 16 year old getting ready to go out into the world to have greater responsibility, so I have to look at myself and understand that

I’m very passionate about what I do and hope to help students be the best they can. I am focused daily and want to reach out to all members of our community to hear their feedback. I am also very driven; I like to see things through and work towards a common goal.

Meet our new principal Dr. Milton K. Strong (Photo courtesy of Emily Disman).

these students are not 10 and 11 anymore; I can’t treat high school students as if they are in middle school. So, I hope to find that middle ground with students and work together to form a great student learning experience. TB: While the culture of our district is to foster a strong academic environment in all buildings, the high school and middle school are very different in a lot of ways. How do you intend to navigate this transition, and do you anticipate any challenges arising? DS: There are always challenges no matter where you go, but what I hope to do is talk to people, to reach out to our students and faculty members to hear what their experiences have been and identify areas where we can maximize the experience for everyone while sort of bringing my own brand and interests into it. I think a key point is that we have a very large faculty that is very passionate about what they do; they have tremendous insights into their various programs, so I really want to explore their thoughts and see how we can get those pieces out in the

open. It’s really interesting that I sit in this office, but I’m just one person; it takes a community to move forward and proceed with a vision. TB: What advice do you have for incoming freshmen? Current sophomores, juniors, and seniors? DS: My advice would be to stay the course. For freshman, I would say take it all in and acclimate yourself in such a way that knowing what you’re doing is going to be accountable at a higher level. To our sophomores and upperclassmen, I would say continue to work hard, and if there are pieces of who they are that they can tap into and haven’t already, then explore them. We have an amazing auditorium, a planetarium that is uncomparable, and clubs and activities that rank highly in the region and the state. There is so much here for all of the student body to take advantage of to truly have a unique, versatile high school experience. TB: If you could describe yourself in three words, what would they be? DS: Passionate, Focused, Driven.


Check out HSE new Makerspace PAGE 2

Pep Rally and Homecoming Game 2017 PAGE 8 - 9

TB: What would you like to share about yourself with the HSE student body that they don’t already know? DS: Maybe that I’m more flexible than people think. I think that where we last met [West Hollow] was a very different environment. I want them to know that I am open to dialogue, and I want to hear their voices. I’m open to seeing what they have to say, but I’m also interested in moving forward in a certain direction. I think my goal is to almost be a partner in that transition. I know that holding this office comes with a certain responsibility and authority. But, like I said before, you need to get everybody on board to move forward in a successful fashion. So, I think people don’t recognize that I’m probably more flexible than they would think. TB: Will we see you, around the building? DS: Absolutely! This is a very sentimental place for me… I remember the days as a kid going up and down Vanderbilt Parkway and coming to school here. In many ways, the hundred acre facility we have here is impressive. I do know, however, that in order for me to complete my vision, I have to get out there and go down to the 900 wing or walk across to the art department and see what’s going on in every area in between. I am looking forward to a most successful and fun school year. As always, I will see you... around the building. On behalf of the entire Thunderbird staff, we welcome Dr. Strong to High School East. I think it’s safe to say that we are as excited as he is to begin this new journey together.

HSE SPORTS Boys Soccer Girls Tennis Boys Volleyball PAGE 16

[2] Thunderbird School News

Talent, Tenacity, and Witch Trials Reign Supreme in HSE’s Production of The Crucible Jordyn Schioppo & Skylar Gronich

Staff Writers

Arthur Miller’s The Crucible is, arguably, one of the most read dramas written by an American author. Highlighting the hypocrisy and mania that existed during the infamous Salem Witch Trials, The Crucible is often found on high school reading lists nationwide. At one point or another, you will most likely be required to read the haunting tale. When this dramatic masterpiece is combined with the impeccable talents of the HSE theater program, there is no wonder that success will be the only option. For this year’s annual presentation of a fall drama production, the students of High School East performed The Crucible and were able to really bring each and every one of the characters to life. Their powerful performance left theatergoers on the edges of their seats. The acting was fantastic, and the emotion elicited by each actor and actress was inspiring. Many in attendance left the theater in awe as the talent on the stage led them to forget that this was a high school production. The Crucible has the capability to transport viewers to the dark time of the Salem Witch Trials. The play shares the twisted story of how a simple action, such as dancing in a forest, can be perceived

as witchcraft and lead to the deaths of 20 today’s society. Even with minimal sceninnocent people. The main characters, ery, the stage crew was able to create an John Proctor, portrayed by Collin Cook, authentic Puritan community, while the and Abigail Williams, played by Nico- actors were able to elicit a complete arletta Gasray of emoparis, must tion from battle with their audithe choice ence. of good or Their perevil and formances ultimately were truly their decimoving. sions will Vi e w e r s determine felt sadtheir fates ness in their as well as The cast of The Crucible (Photo courtesy of Lifetouch) cries, anthe fates of ger in their many others in their community. screams, and fear in their shrieks. The All of the twenty-six cast members demanding roles of the characters reworked very hard to give their best quired them to transform into those earperformance on stage. For a total of 10 ly, rigid, Puritan people. Hailey Elberg, hours a week, 15 hours during “tech who played Betty, gave us some of her week”, and one full day of rehearsal own insight and details on the actual exshortly before the play, not counting the perience of playing such a dynamic role. immeasurable amount of time necessary Hailey explained how the cast members outside of school to perfect their roles, started to really prepare for the play in all of the students were extremely dedi- September, yet they received the scripts cated and put in a tremendous amount of back in June. Hailey shared with us her effort which was reflected in their per- experience in preparation for the show; formances. Although it was written over she did research on the real character 70 years ago and set some 250 years of Betty Parris and even contacted the before that, the lessons of The Crucible actress who played Betty in a profesare timeless and continue to ring true in sional performance of The Crucible.

The excitement, sentiment, and passion that was portrayed in the play was contagious.. Along with Hailey, we interviewed Andrew Glick who played the role of Thomas Putnam. He explained how interpreting a character of such a different passion and fervor than his own was also quite the experience, and it took a lot of time and effort to master the character, which he did flawlessly. In addition to several performances for the community, the junior class was treated to a special in-school field trip to see their peers give it their all in a private performance. After the show, we asked those in attendance how they felt about this student production of The Crucible. Ashley Blatt and Jessie Winakor happily remarked on their fellow classmates’ execution of the play. Jessie described the actors to be “very talented” and pointed out how we were “really able to feel their emotions,” while Ashley recalled how their costumes were very “representative of the time period,” and their roles were executed very well. The emotion and excitement was seen and heard throughout the lecture hall during each of their performances. On behalf of the Thunderbird, congratulations on another job well done. Bravo to all those involved in yet another stellar HSE Theater performance.

6 Students Named Siemens Semifi- Tinker and Learn in HSE’s New nalists & Regional Finalists at East Makerspace Aditi Patil

STEM Editor

Of 56 Long Island Students named Waqar, Dani Luntz, and Kavya Rao. “I Siemens Competition in Math, Sci- really learned about how something so ence, and Technology semifinalists, simple and so prevalent is contributing to how Half Hollow industries Hills is are deproud to veloping announce around that they t h e had seven world,” students Kavya attain this Rao, a prestigious junior at title-- the Half Holmost from low Hills any school East, said on Long about her Island. Six team’s of those are project. from High Kasim School Wa q a r East, and Photo courtesy of Chip Parker added two were that he’ll named Re“always be grateful for the outstanding gional Finalists the next day. This distinguished award recognized opportunity I had to contribute to scithe efforts of high school students in ence and innovation. I’m so thankful their achievements in science, math- to be honored for the project I had so ematics, and technology through re- much fun doing.” Much excitement also came from search papers. The winners included Kasim Waqar, Dani Luntz, Kavya Rao, the pair of juniors from East, Jaichen Jaichen Lee, Arooba Ahmed, and Tong Lee and Arooba Ahmed, with their partner from High School West who Ye. Tong Ye, a 15 year old sophomore, were named regional finalists. Arooba said she was “shocked and honored” Ahmed, 15, said she and her teamto be recognized for her team’s work mates were “really ecstatic” to learn of studying how to reduce the effects of their advancement in the competition. titanium dioxide, a contaminant found The trio of young women determined in cosmetic products, on wildlife in wa- that the protein CCDC11 is crucial to terways. Her team’s research focused the process of cell division and said on alleviating stress pathways in duck- their research has implications for weed, the flowering plants commonly combating neurodegenerative diseases found in bodies of freshwater and wet- such as Huntington’s and Alzheimer’s. lands. “This is my first year working on “It’s extremely exciting for this to hapany research project,” she said, noting pen for us,” she said. “Our work really she was humbled to be included with paid off, and it’s really amazing that this happened.” We wish these finalists older students. Another set of winners from High good luck in their journey to qualify as School East consisted of the trio Kasim National Finalists!

Jacob Kaye & Jacob Gold

Staff Writers

A new addition to High School East tion to the Makerbot 3D printers, anthis year is the Makerspace. The Mak- other gadget in the Makerspace is the erspace is a specific new program X-carve machine. Using programs on dedicated to letting one’s the computer, contributors can design imagination run wild while working on DIY projects. It is a place where exploring one’s interests is encouraged, and creating, inventing, learning, and sharing is essential. Whether it’s film making, design, crafting,or just discussing topics about technology, the Makerspace has the ability to spark just about anyone’s interests. This collaborative work space offers an abundance of tools to make each member’s visions physically come Some of the equipment you can use in the Makerspace (Photo courtesy of Emily Metaxas) to life. In order to produce these projects, the Makerspace offers two Makerbot 3D print- characters, pictures, and even make eners. With these 3D printers, members gravings in pieces of wood. have the opportunity to generate deAside from the materials in the Maksigns using a program known as Tin- erspace, the Makerspace has two adkercad. Tinkercad has the ability to de- visors, Mrs. Kaplan and Mr. Gravina, sign objects of any size. Furthermore, who can significantly assist in the proclub participants can design projects as cess of creating designs. If members small as a pen or as big as an Iphone or are having trouble coming up with an Ipad. To further make projects that ex- idea for a project, these two advisors press one’s own personal style, mem- can be a source of inspiration. When bers can also choose any color plastic asked what she enjoys most about the they wish for their projects. In addi- Makerspace, Mrs. Kaplan replied, “I enjoy working at the Makerspace because it excites me to work with the available multimedia and the stop motion creator feature on iPads. Also, I enjoy 3D printing on web based programs and watching them come to life.” If you are interested in developing new and innovative projects, then the Makerspace is the place for you! Stop by on your lunch period or another free period to see what it is all about. Mrs. Kaplan displays some of the students’ creations. (Photo courtesy of Rachel Schier)

School News

HSE Hosts a Spooktacular Safe Halloween Mackenzie Gosset

Assistant Print Manager

In the spirit of Halloween, the student body and faculty of High School East hosted the annual spooktacular Safe Halloween on October 31. Safe Halloween

HSE students await the trick-or-treaters (Photo courtesy of LIfetouch)

provides families in the local community an opportunity to celebrate Halloween and get their “trick on treat” on in a fun and safe environment. Spanning all across the costume spectrum, from a cute little kitty cat to a frightening zombie, children were able to dress up in any way they desired, delving deeply into their wildest imaginations. The children were ecstatic at the idea of living vicariously through their favorite occupational worker, character, or animal for a day and seeing all their peers and classmates decked out in their favorite costumes as well. In addition to the elaborate Halloween attire of the children, all those in attendance were able to participate in the countless crowd favorite activities offered by staff and students of High School East ranging from face painting to meandering through the haunted house to guessing the quantity of candy corn in a jar.

High School East’s Interact Club, a student-run service organization that raises both money and awareness for a number of different charities, traditionally holds the responsibility of setting up carnivalorientated booths outside of the West Gym. The booths cover an entire realm of games, such as bean bag toss, bowling, coloring halloween themed pictures, and a matching game, just to name a few. For those lucky enough to win the challenges, the all time favorite Halloween prize is waiting for them: candy! Nothing but positive feedback was heard from both the children and their parents throughout the Hills East halls about the carnival games and delicious holiday treats. Most children even made a second round through the booths to play games and win some more tasty goodies, demonstrating their love and appreciation for Safe Halloween. Not only did the families in attendance rave about the carnival games, but the members of Interact Club who were in charge of the booths also had an experience just as rewarding. It was very nostalgic for the HSE students to watch these children have an enjoyable Halloween like they were able to have when they were little. They were ultimately able to give back to the community at an event that serves as a cherished memory for all young people in Half Hollow Hills. While Interact Club organized the booths and gaming aspect of Safe Halloween, many other clubs and sports teams, such as SADD, Key Club, National Honor Society, and the Dixettes, among many others, were involved in the event as well. These clubs were each provided with their own individual classroom to set the Halloween mood and offer one specific game or activity sponsored by their club. The families of the community were then offered the chance to stroll through the halls of High School East, metaphorically traveling from “house to house,” playing games and collecting sweets along the way. One of the all time fan favorite ac-

tivities was being able to put their hand in a bowl of “slime” and fish for pieces of candy. Additionally, the Dixettes stole the show by performing one of their outstanding dance routines for the members of their school and community. Everyone had a blast without a doubt! Another exciting part of Safe Halloween that is wildly anticipated every year is the haunted house. High School East’s National Art Honor Society, otherwise known as NAHS, is responsible for the haunted house each year. This year was a huge success as they created a scary, but family-friendly haunted house in the school’s lecture hall. With skeletons popping out and creepy music playing, this haunted house was sure to give everyone who entered an exhilarating experience. This walk-through attraction took the NAHS members hours to set up, but it was one of the most important factors of Safe Halloween and contributed to making it such a phenomenal event. This was a fun way for the NAHS participants to show off their artistic passions and talents while also giving back to the community. Overall, this year’s Safe Halloween was an extremely safe and entertaining event. After much preparation, it once again turned out to be a huge success! High School East hopes to continue hosting Safe Halloween for many years to come and hopes to see you all dressed up in your costume of choice at High School East’s

Trick or treaters had the opportunity to create crafts and play games with HSE students (Photo courtesy of Lifetouch)

HSE Broadcasting Continues to Grow Alexa Grill

School News Editor

Although most people know the broadcasting elective for the morning announcements at the end of first period each day, this club has a wide array of duties and achievements. This elective was brought to High School East at the start of the 2016-2017 school year by Mr. Scorcia, and it continues to grow. In fact, a broadcasting club that works very closely with the elective was even added to the long list of clubs that our school has to offer. I had a chance to talk to Maya Zakarin, one of my close friends and an active member of the elective/ club, to find out more.

to learn the ropes of the film technology that is behind the scenes of the morning announcements. I think that’s pretty cool because it is so different from something I would learn in a core class! TB: Do you have to be in the elective in order to be in the club? MZ: No! We are always looking for new

Thunderbird: Other than the morning announcements, what else does the broadcasting club/elective do? Maya Zakarin: This year we started interviewing students and teachers around the school with a variety of questions like ‘What is your favorite song from Zakarin, Alyssa Louissant and Natathe summer?’ and ‘What is your favorite Maya lie Frazzitta in the HSE broadcast studio motivational quote?’ We post these videos on our Instagram account and on our Twitter account in addition to clips from members to join the club. Other than goschool sports games. Follow us on Insta- ing to school events and taking pictures, it is mostly virtual. Most of what we do gram and on Twitter @hsetbirdtv !!! TB: Has broadcasting strengthened your takes place at home! public speaking skills or any other skills TB: I know that the broadcasting elective/club won a contest last year... Tell and how? MZ: Yes, broadcasting has definitely me about it! strengthened my public speaking skills MZ: We entered the Strikeout Bullyby giving me more confidence to speak ing Contest presented by CAPS (Child in front of large crowds. I now realize Abuse and Prevention Services). We that it’s not that scary. I also have gotten filmed a video with the baseball and

softball team and competed against other schools from all across Long Island. Our video won and we got some really cool prizes like getting to go to Citi Field to watch our video play on the jumbo screen and getting to watch the Mets’ batting practice before their game. We are already starting to plan our video for this year’s contest! TB: Finally, what are your goals for the elective/club in the future? MZ: Well, we definitely hope to win the contest again! Also, I hope that we get more followers on social media to spread awareness about the club since it is still pretty new. It seems to me that broadcasting is on a roll, and it has just gotten started! Go support Maya and everyone else involved in broadcasting by following @hsetbirdtv on Instagram and Twitter.

HSE Heads to SBU Samantha Moody


Sports Editor

On Thursday, October 12, several social studies classes took a trip to Stony Brook University to hear Karen Korematsu, daughter of Fred Korematsu from the famous case Korematsu V. US, and Mary Beth Tinker, known for her famous

Karen Korematsu-Haugh and her father Fred Korematsu. (Photo courtesy of constitutionproject.com)

case Tinker V. Des Moines, tell their stories. The presentations that these constitutional celebrities gave were heartwarming, compelling, and sorrowful. For the first time, I heard these cases from the perspectives of people who lived through them rather than reading facts from a textbook. In turn, students were able to gain a better understanding of how these hardships impacted their lives. Karen Korematsu’s father, Fred Korematsu, was a teenager at the beginning of World War II. Due to his Japanese heritage, he was discriminated against and forced into an internment camp. When he refused his fate, he was arrested and convicted. After losing the Court of Appeals, Korematsu challenged the Supreme Court’s constitutionality of the deportation order. Years after the Court ruled against him, they realized the internment camps were erroneous. The question became clear: What defined an American at a time of war? Although Fred sadly passed away a few years ago, Karen continues to travel the country fighting for rights and sharing her father’s story. Mary Beth Tinker was thirteen years old when she was suspended for wearing a black armband to protest the Vietnam War in school. Her case was taken to the Supreme Court where they ruled in favor of her expression. It was stated that students must be given their rights of the First Amendment on school property unless their actions create a disturbance to the school day. What was most compelling about Mary Beth Tinker’s story was that she was only in middle school when she took a stand for what she believed in. This set a precedent that no matter how old you are, you are never too young to make a difference. It is amazing that iconic figures like Karen Korematsu and Mary Beth Tinker continue to fight for the rights of many around the country, and I feel humbled to have had the chance to listen to their stories firsthand.

Students from HSE attend Stony Brook University to hear Karen Korematsu speak about her father, Fred Korematsu

[4] Thunderbird Community News/OpEd

Raising Awareness, Making Strides, and Creating Hope Why do we Emily Sobel & Brooke Gronich

Staff Writers

October is the month dedicated to breast cancer awareness intended to not only spread awareness, but also

at Jones Beach in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month for the Making Strides Walk. This year, the HHH High School East girls’ varsity soccer team lit up in pink at the walk on Sunday, October 15. Proceeds from this 3 to 5 mile walk along the beloved Jones Beach boardwalk go towards breast cancer research in the hopes of finding a cure. Additionally, the High School East volleyball team showed their supBreast cancer walk at Jones Beach port by decking out in pink from head to toe. Their spirit raise money for further research into a and pride was seen all throughout the cure for this fatal disease. Over time, school. After school, the team hosted breast cancer has become the second a bake sale consisting of a sea of pink most common cancer to affect women. snacks. They were able to raise over Statistics from healthfinder.gov show $400 for breast cancer research. that approximately 1 in every 8 women Getting involved in the Annual Fashborn in the United States will get breast ion Show and Luncheon at Mitchells cancer at some point throughout their of Huntington, held on October 18 this lifetime. In order to help the cause and year, was another fun and supportive those affected, breast cancer awareness way to help those touched by breast month has become an annual tradi- cancer. During this event, breast cantion that brings hope to many women cer survivors are featured along with and their families. This is a chance those who helped them throughout for communities to make a difference their journey. There is also an annual through organizations, walks, and do- event known as Paint Pork Pink at your nations. With more events being added nearest Panera or Five Guys througheach year, the opportunities to help are out various dates in October. The endless! John T. Mather Hospital sponsored Annually, countless numbers of Long event uses the money made on specific Island families and their friends gather dates at Panera and Five Guys to sup-

port the Fortunato Breast Health Center (FBHC) at Mather Hospital. Paint Nights held at the Muse Paint Bar or Comsewogue Public Library provided funds to the FBHC as well. Although you may not be able to make it to these fundraisers and awareness events, there are a ton of alternatives. You can even be a helping hand with just a simple donation, or suggesting an event that a club or sports team with which you are involved can sponsor. For example, hosting a local car wash is a great way to show your support, and the local Applebee’s restaurant is always willing to share their parking lot; this is a great location that gets a lot of traffic. All you have to do is get your school, your friends, and your family involved, and an act as simple as washing cars can make a difference. Furthermore, you can start a raffle or auction within your school community or even through a parent’s company. On the other hand, you can get involved without even taking a step out of the house. You can create a social media page to campaign for donations, post pictures in pink, and update the page with information for different events for followers to participate in. There are countless ways to get involved, and every contribution, regardless of size, will always make a difference in the fight against breast cancer.

Adopt a Survivor: Irving Roth’s Story Brooke Gronich & Sloane Levine Staff Writers

When a piece of the past is about to be gone, it is important to preserve it. And just like history that is written down, recorded, and videotaped for people to see and learn from in the future, a single person’s story of survival must not be lost upon their passing. The Adopt a Survivor program is a way for Holocaust survivors’ stories and experiences to be passed down to the third generation. In order for this horrible time to be remembered, we must learn and share the stories from the few survivors left. Although Holocaust survivors are aging and dying, the Adopt a Survivor program enables their life journeys to live on. This program was created by Irving Roth and is held at Temple Judea. Irving Roth is a Holocaust survivor who we adopted. We are learning his story and hope to share it with as many people as possible. Before we met him through this program, we were already familiar with Irving and his story, since he spoke at West Hollow Middle School. When we found out we were adopting Irving, we were even more excited about the opportunity because of how amazing and inspiring his speech was at the middle school. Now, we are meeting with Irving on a regular basis in order to get a full understanding of the Holocaust and how it impacted his life. At our first meeting with Irving, we had the initial impression that he was a very sweet and soft-spoken person. However, once he began talking, we realized the true difficulties of his childhood. When he spoke about the hardships he faced, his tone of voice became more intense, and he paused many times to let us digest the information. Irving’s office is a small, unassuming space that contains many awards, tributes, and photographs, many of which we have come to learn about. During our first meeting, Irving presented an overview of Holocaust. He showed

us a map and explained how geography and early 20th Century events affected the rise of Nazi Germany. After World War I, Germany experienced major suffering since they lost the war. Irving explained how Adolf Hitler turned this

Irving Roth, Holocaust survivor, is part of an Adopt a Survivor program (Photo courstey of Google Images)

around on the Jews. Hitler brainwashed the people of Germany by saying that the Jewish people were the cause of inflation and many of the other problems in Germany. With the help of propaganda, Hitler was able to form a party founded on anti-semitism. Hitler formed a modernized army, disregarding the agreement Germany made subsequent to World War I, which stated that Germany could no longer have a military. As more and more people began joining the Nazi party, hatred towards the Jews began building. From there, he spoke to us about his life before the Holocaust. Irving was born on September 2, 1929 and lived in Slovakia. When he was just ten years old, his entire life changed. Irving lived with his parents, grandparents, brother, and his Christian nanny, whom he loved. His father owned a successful railroad tie business. Some of Irving’s favorite activities were playing soccer at the park and swimming with his friends at the

beach. During the summer of 1939, he began seeing changes, such as Jews no longer being able to enter the park and the beach. Although his family noticed these changes, they didn’t think much of it and did not flee the country. Irving was very close with his nanny; however, she was forced to leave his family when a law was passed stating that non-Jewish women could no longer work for a Jewish family. Irving also talked about how during a very cold winter, he had to give in his sheep skin coat to the government after a law was enacted stating that Jews could not own furs. On Irving’s first day of school, he saw the “most beautiful girl that God created.” Irving built up a relationship with this girl, and it lasted until her father forbid her from spending time with Irving. He was Jewish, and she was not. The girl told Irving that her dad said that Jews are evil, and they cause all of the problems. At out next meeting with Irving we are going to learn about how his life continued to change as a result of the Holocaust. The main reason the Adopt a Survivor program was created was to inform people of this tragic point in world history. Learning this information first-hand through a survivor is extremely special. We feel that it is important to pass down the information that Irving has shared with us to everyone in order to ensure that something as horrible as the Holocaust never repeats itself.

Stand for the Flag? John Guzzetti & Michael Picarella

Staff Writers

Americans have stood for the U.S. flag since June 14, 1777, the day the Continental Congress declared “that the flag of the (thirteen) United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white: that the union be thirteen stars,

white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.” Now, here we are, some 240 years later, and the reason behind this practice seems to have been lost. There are several reasons why the American citizens have been standing for the flag for over 200 years. One reason is to honor those who sacrificed their lives for freedom. Over 1 million Americans have died for us in war; over one million men and women have willingly put their own lives on the line so that we can stand for a flag that represents freedom. These soldiers have done a lot for our country and deserve to be honored. We stand in their memory as a sign of gratitude for all they’ve done to protect our freedoms. A second reason why we stand for the flag is to honor our system of democracy, something that the original settlers of this great nation fought a war over. We have a president elected by the citizens of this country rather than a king. The flag reflects that we are united under a federal government. As citizens we should appreciate this because we have a say in the government, something our forefathers literally laid down their lives for. The last reason why we stand for the flag is to set an example for the next generation. If we do not promote this then future generations may not support our flag anymore; they may allow close to 250 years of history fall to the wayside. The next generation may not want to fight for our country if we don’t stand to take pride in all that we’ve accomplished and honor those who have come before us. It is no secret that divisiveness has plagued our nation in recent history, but not standing up for the one symbol created to unify us is not the answer. We need to stand up as a united front against injustice, not kneel down in its shadow. Mrs. Kramer received permission to stencil a Teddy Roosevelt quote on her ceiling. This is step one of her room beautification project. She will be adding more historical quotes as the year progresses. Pictured is Danielle Cruse, a junior who did the stenciling.

World News/Op Ed


A Nation Divided: Racism on College Campuses Carina Boyce

Staff Writer

There has been a rise in reported racerelated or religious-related incidents on college campuses. The Southern Poverty Law Center tracks hate crimes nationally and documented 1,863 hate-related incidents between November 9th 2016 and March 31st 2017, and 330 of those were on college campuses. The Anti Defamation League stated that anti-Semitic incidents in the U.S. surged more than 34% in 2016 - 30% of that in November and December alone of that year. Incidents jumped another 86% in the first quarter of 2017, with 541 incidents from January through March, 2017. SPLS also found 284 incidents at the primary and secondary school level in the first month after the 2016 election – a possible lightning rod for some incidents. Yet, if you ask most students why they choose a school, they will tell you about the majors, the pretty buildings, the cool library, the Greek life, the quaint town, but never add that the crime statistics are low or that racial and religious tolerance is high. It is, however, the latter two factors that can make or break your college experience. The sudden increase in intolerance crimes has been blamed on many things; however, a tense 2016 general election has potentially created some fissures in the relationship between different communities, and it is not unreasonable to think that such tensions have spilled onto our nation’s campuses. That being said, the reason for the racial tensions on campuses notwithstanding, the fact is that such incidents matter to the level of safety a student feels on a campus and the degree of comfort a parent feels dropping their student off on a college campus with rising tensions. Administrators are also aware of the negative effect it can have on students and are motivated to repair college dynamics before it negatively affects the application or enrollment volumes at their schools. One cannot talk about campus incidents without speaking about the Clery Act. The Clery Act is a statute that requires each college to track and report criminal incidents on its campus according to strict statute of the U.S. Government Department of Education. It was signed into law in 1990, four years after its namesake – Jeanne Clery – was raped and murdered in her dormitory room at her Lehigh University college campus by another student. It was then expanded in 2013 to provide daily reporting of a much wider net of crimes that occurred for that day. The crimes it requires to be recorded include stalking, intimidation, dating violence, sexual assault, and hate crimes. Hate crimes can be based on criminal action perpetrated against a victim based on that person’s race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, or national origin. The spike in recent crimes has been particularly obvious for those against other student’s race, ethnicity, and nationality. At the University of Maryland in College Park, a black college student was stabbed and killed days before his graduation in a racial incident. However, most of the more recent incidents have not been fatal but have included a noose left hanging from a tree at Duke University, bananas hung from a rope that was shaped like nooses on the American University campus, other nooses on several other campuses including the University of Maryland, and too many incidents of students in “black-face” making cruel remarks, including the University of North Dakota, Kansas State University, and Quinnipiac University. Graffiti of swas-

tikas and hateful anti-Semitic references hurt was calmed the morning after when by school administrators and the student have also been popping up at campuses her professors and fellow students came and professorial responses that form the like San Jose State University. The world to her dorm to walk her across campus to heart of a victimized student’s ability to cringed through a Tiki-torch parade on her class in solidarity. This student was feel confident that they have a place at the campus of the University of Virginia less likely to feel wounded and alone that college and can feel safe and protectthat included racist with this much ed there. Fact is, the schools that handle and anti-Semitic support. We have it the firmest are the ones that give you chants. In the UVA also seen many the greatest sense of security, especially incident, the rally similar responses if you are a member of a group that is was organized by on other campus- likely to be targeted on campus. Further, adults who were es, including soli- if you are a member of a group that isn’t not students at the darity class walk- targeted but run the risk of being an agschool, though outs and candle-lit gressor, you should also become very students at the unirallies to say “No” familiar with the Clery Act as the need versity may also to intolerance and to report comes with the accountability have participated. bigotry on cam- and the obligation to punish, so students However, in many puses. can find themselves in serious trouble of the other inciIn a New York- doing pranks that have racial or religious dents, there were er article titled intolerance overtones. Therefore, it is no from Baylor University escort “The Big Uneasy: laughing matter, and students can be exmore obvious ties Students student Natasha Nkhama after she was between the inci- the target of a racially charged incident. What’s roiling the pelled for such racist incidents conducted dents and students (Photo Courtesy of Waco Tribune) liberal-arts cam- in times of poor judgment. at the colleges pus?”, the author With so much information currently themselves, and the schools involved outlined some of the responses to cam- available online as required through the have generally responded firmly with pus unrest: At Ithaca College, students Clery Act, each student and their famsuspensions or expulsions as need be called for the resignation of their school ily should take the extra step of at least based on the evidence. president after saying he had failed to ad- finding out about this aspect of your In a recent article in the Atlantic, the dress racial issues; Harvard renamed its college – along with available majors Anti-Defamation League noted that “house masters” faculty deans to avoid and the aesthetics of the dormitory - bethere was an “unprecedented increase in historical implications; Northwestern en- fore you make a decision to attend that white supremacist activity” on college dorsed “safe spaces” for minority groups school. Government sites, like the Nagrounds beginning in the fall of 2016. that deal with majority intimidations; tional Center for Educational Statistics, The article mentioned incidents on cam- Emory students protested until their or simply Googling the “Clery Act” with puses that included Ivy League as well president promised to listen; Dartmouth your college’s name will produce recent as Public colleges, from small town lib- students years earlier conducted a sit- criminal statistics that might interest you. eral arts colleges to catholic universities in in the President’s office … for days. A diverse campus is a wonderful goal to flagship state universities, and from There have been incidents of unrest and and a selling quality for many students New York to Pennsylvania to Michigan discontent at every type of college and selecting the type of college experience to Massachusetts to Washington, D.C. university. While many may view some they’d like to have for four years. Howto South Carolina …proving that the in- of the colleges as coddling the students, ever, racial or religious discrimination on cidents have neither a single place nor often that criticism comes with a limited campus affects both the target of such single college type. sense of student pain when they repre- discrimination as well as the bystanders The wave of incidents has also not sent a small group on a campus and are of the incidents and general sense of hapbeen limited to obvious nooses and graf- ostracized or targeted by others. piness and safety experienced by everyfiti to show a lack of tolerance, but they As in the greater society, incidents of one. So, it is in every student’s best interhave also included organized seminars intolerance will always be a possibil- est to get informed about the track record where polarizing speakers are invited ity on campuses, as schools are nothing of their chosen college before they pick to the college and, in an ultimate test to less than a microcosm of the society at matching sheets and a roommate. freedom of speech, they are invited to large. It is the handling of the incidents speak on topics that could have serious condemning rhetoric regarding racial tolerance. Flyers to join white supremacist or “alt right” groups have shown up at the University of Louisville, Stockton University, and Purdue University campuses. This type of free-speech incidents can also be a lightning rod on campuses, as seen in Berkeley California where riEditors-In-Chief: Bradley Shanker & Emily Disman ots erupted in response to the kind of hate Print Manager: Jolie Freedman speech being promoted. In the case of Assistant Print Manager: Mackenzie Gosset Berkeley, the University ultimately canWeb Manager: Alyssa Schmidt celed the speech for student safety. Photography Editors: Rachel Schier & Emily Metaxas For millions of seniors applying to colleges this year, this is a critical time to Section Editors: Andrew Yanover & Kasim Waqar (World News & Op/Ed) examine colleges and universities and Alexa Grill (School News) determine where you believe you have Aditi Patil (STEM) a “good fit.” However, good fit should Austin Krach, Rachel Penzer & Alexa Foodim (Entertainment/Lifestyles) also include an honest examination of Jimmy Rouse, Dylan Kaufman and Evan Gottlieb (Professional Sports) the school’s history with intolerant inciSamantha Moody (School Sports) dents, paying particular attention to how the college or university handled the isStaff Writers: Brooke Blumberg, Carina Boyce, Amanda sue. We are a nation that holds dear our Epstein, Morgan Fishbein, Josh Foodim, Jacob Gold, Jack Gottlieb, Brooke freedom of speech rights. However, that Gronich, Skylar Gronich, John Guzzetti, Jacob Kaye, Max Kershner, Spencer freedom should also not trample the reliLevine, Jake Nathan, Andrea Park, Michael Picarella, Kabir Randhawa, Sam gious freedom or racial or sexual identity Rochlin, Logan Sands, Jeremy Schier, Jordan Schioppo, Dillon Schliwka, Niof others. When intolerance is routinely cole Shanker, Josie Shindler, Emily Sobel, Matthew Weltmann and Alex Zeh expressed on a campus and the college is unable to manage and contain that kind Photographers: Lifetouch, Austin Krach, Emily Metaxas, Chip Parker, Rachel of hatred, it makes students of smaller Penzer, Sam Rochlin, Rachel Schier, Bradley Shanker, Emily Disman groups – be it religious or racial minorities – very uncomfortable and hurt. Advisors: Mrs. Dalton A college that is unable to handle raMrs. Davis cial, religious, or sexual incidents may well be a college that is essentially not Website: www.thunderbirdhse.com taking it seriously, and this should make Email: Thunderbirdhse@gmail.com you examine if that is the right college for you. This is not to say that there couldn’t Disclaimer: The Thunderbird hereby states that the opinions within this publibe incidents anywhere. However, when a cation are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of the staff, student at Baylor University was shoved administration or school community. off a sidewalk and called a racist name on her way to class one day, her sense of

Thunderbird Staff

[6] Thunderbird World News/Op/Ed

Reflection on the Las Vegas Shooting

Andrew Yanover

World News & Op/Ed Editor

On October 1, Stephen Paddock killed 58 people and injured 489 others within the span of 10 minutes. He was able to inflict this devastation without even leaving his luxury 32nd floor suite at the Mandalay Bay Resort. There are still an unnerving number of questions yet to be answered surrounding this tragedy, dubbed the worst mass shooting in American history. What motivated him to murder such a staggering number of innocent concertgoers? Why did nobody take notice that Paddock had purchased 33 rifles in the last 12 months? How had Congress neglected to make bump stocks illegal, the accessory that Paddock attached to his rifle which allowed him to fire the weapon like an automatic rifle? The resolve of the Las Vegas community in dealing with this catastrophe has been inspiring. Lines to donate blood stretched for blocks the morn-

ing after the shooting, and the city has rallied around the Las Vegas Golden Knights, the NHL’s newest franchise. People from all over the country have

A memorial to the victims of the Las Vegas shooting Photo courtesy of Google images

also raised millions of dollars for the victims and their families on crowdfunding websites like gofundme. It is now time to address mass shootings as a public health issue. It is time

to pass common sense gun control: ban bump stocks, ban assault rifles, ban people on the no fly list from purchasing firearms. Our government’s continued laissez-faire attitude to gun violence is a massive problem and exacerbates the issue. Hopefully, Congress will make the necessary changes in order to protect the lives of innocent Americans The victims of this atrocity and their families deserve our prayers and support. It is our responsibility as a nation to ensure that acts like this can never happen again. We must do all in our power to prevent the forces of evil from ruining the lives of innocent Americans. We cannot let these attacks dictate how we live our lives; we must not shy away from saying something when we see something awry. We must stand united and look out for each other as Americans have done for nearly 240 years.

Kim Jong-un: Psychopath or Logistic Genius? Matthew Weltmann

Staff Writer

Kim Jong-un is the American-despising, nuclear weapon desiring dictator of North Korea who has caused a gargantuan, world-wide quandary. These facts alone can be reckoned from the progression of world affairs since Kim Jong-un took power in 2011. Following the death of Kim Jong-il, the late supreme leader of North Korea, in December of 2011, Kim Jong-un has rapidly expanded his nation’s nuclear programs and has professed ambitions to develop Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) capable of reaching the mainland United States. However, this is old news to any American who has ever picked up a newspaper, turned on a TV, or looked at his phone. In the twitter words of our president in the early morning hours of September 22, 2017, Kim Jong-un is a ‘mad man’. However, he has a proven nuclear capability, and over 25 million brainwashed individuals who believe he is a gift from heaven and who will do anything to support the preservation of his regime. This raises one very solemn and consequential question: Is Kim Jong-un truly a psychopath who has little interest in the safety of his people and the stability of world affairs, or is he really a logistic genius who, thus far in his reign, has achieved nearly every one of his goals? In order to begin analyzing the character and mental health of Kim Jong-un, rumors regarding him and his regime must first be dismissed. Since United States media outlets and government officials tend to portray Kim Jong-un as a portly man with none of his wits about him, the American public is inclined to believe that Kim Jong-un is an irrational leader. Furthermore, since most American individuals base their knowledge of a subject on scant information, the public may be inclined to believe that North Korea only spends money on nuclear weapons and that the rest of the nation is starved for the benefit of the military. However, although it cannot be ignored that the United Nations issued a statement proclaiming that 70% of North Korean citizens “suffer from food insecurity and undernutrition,” the common misconception that North Korea is a backwards and barbaric nation is incorrect. In fact, the growth rate for the population in North Korea had become 0.5% as of 2016. This is significant because 0.5% population growth is a rate sustained by many highly developed countries today and even by its neighbor to the south, which shows that North Ko-

rea’s overall health and technology has increased since Kim took power. In addition to these population statistics, the overall growth of North Korean construction in its capital city of Pyongyang cannot be overlooked. In the past few weeks, United Nations’ sanctions on North Korea have vastly increased, with the United States even threatening pun-

Photo courtesy of Associated Press

ishment for any nation willing to trade with North Korea. The North, however, also known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), continues to march forward with its construction of a beautified capital. According to the LA Times, Kim has abandoned the looming arches, government palaces, and statues that his grandfather and father enjoyed to build in favor of futuristic and modern apartment complexes, water parks, skating rinks, and even a dolphinarium and a ski resort. While these architectural feats and areas for amusement may seem miniscule to American audiences used to the lavishness that comes with being a Highly Developed Country (HDC), these signs of development show that Kim is, indeed, building a new nation from the disrespected and weak power that his lineage controlled; nowhere is this change better symbolized than in Pyongyang, where communist, boxy architecture is giving way to colorful, futuristic, and impressive buildings that would be given awe even in a modern American metropolis. It is evident that North Korea’s internal affairs have improved since 2011, but what of their relation to the powers on the world stage? This brings up an interesting question that provokes immense thought regarding what exactly Kim Jong-un aims to accomplish. However, speculation of his future goals aside, thus far, Kim Jongun has achieved nearly everything that he has desired. Although the DPRK is still not recognized as a nuclear power, Kim

Jong-un has unleashed a wave of fear and uncertainty across the western world, achieving the first two of his countless ambitions: fame and respect. By proving that his nation has nuclear capabilities, Kim aims to secure North Korea permanent safety from its southern neighbor and the world as well as to gain global recognition. He has almost completed this nuclear aspiration and has done so quite cunningly. Despite continuous and ever-strengthening sanctions upon his regime, in the past 6 years, Kim has been able to avoid any severe military action from a Western power, attesting to his intelligence and political insight. On top of this, in his 6 years of power, Kim has also accomplished his goal for personal consolidation of power by eliminating key threats to his authority. One such threat included senior officials whom Kim inherited from his father- by executing them or removing them from office, he circumvented what could have resulted in a coup. Furthermore, the execution of his uncle Jang Song-thaek and suspected murder of his half brother Kim Jong-nam both exemplify Kim’s capability to systematically and shrewdly destroy his opposition. Lastly, although Kim Jong-un has threatened attacks upon South Korea and American territories such as Guam, it is important to note that he did not follow through on any of these threats. According to the Washington Post, Kim would never attack any such area since he knows that one attack upon civilians would spell the end of his regime. If he were to attack, he recognizes that the world’s militaries would all simultaneously turn against him. However, his rhetoric has only furthered the expression of his political and military knowledge by coaxing world leaders and distracting them from the real threat. Even small sections of his rhetoric with President Donald Trump such as using the word “dotard” serve to showcase his true genius- this is not just a fat man sitting on a throne and barking orders. Although he may appear to be a psychopath at first, Kim Jong-un is truly a logistic genius who values the preservation of his regime and the advancement of his nation in world affairs above all else — remember that the next time the news broadcasts the next big North Korean story. Try to think not only how crazy the North Korean supreme leader must be to make such outlandish claims and threats, but also attempt to think of the motives and strategy behind his actions.

Why Does it Take Terror to Bring the Country Together? Emily Disman

Co Editor-in-Chief

It seems that every question we ask begins with why. Why do we have homework tonight? Or why is it always raining outside? But my question is, why does it take terror and fear to bring our country together? Why, as a

united nation, can’t we help each other out unless an unwanted, tragic event has occurred? For decades, our country has experienced acts of terrorism, natural disasters, and other phenomenons that have led citizens to work together to rebuild. While these times of hardship lead to increased unity within the country, I feel that as citizens of the United States, people should continuously aid one another. For example, in recent years, many areas of the United States have experienced natural disasters that will forever impact those affected. Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, Hurricane Sandy in New York, Hurricane Harvey in Texas, and Hurricane Irma in Florida have all resulted in the country coming together to help rebuild the areas destroyed. These storms have caused many to lose power, transportation, their homes, and some even their lives. While pain is inflicted because of these losses, people who feel fortunate during these times show their true altruistic characteristics. Together, multiple states worked at raising money to donate to those in need. As a country, we also come together after times of terror. The horrific acts that occurred on 9/11, at the Boston Marathon, at Sandy Hook Elementary School, and most recently in Las Vegas have all led to an overall unification in the nation. Together, we mourned for the lives that were lost and took action in attempt to increase security and decrease crime. The constant displays of courage and resilience helped to spark hope within the nation. Hope that not only the terror would end, but also an even deeper hope that the country would remain a unified America. It is clear that heroism and selflessness are in abundance at times like these. So, why does it take terror and fear to bring about these characteristics? Why can’t strangers help one another just because it is the right thing to do? Why do we focus on and worry about government intervention in international happenings, foreign affairs, and terrorism occurring across the globe, when we should first be concerned with domestic problems? As a nation, we should be united all the time, no matter the circumstance. We should be proud when there is success and concerned when there is an upset in order. We should fight together and learn together. And when one suffers, no matter the scale, all should take action. So, I leave you with that...the chance to ask yourself why.


World News/Op/Ed

Democrats Win Election Day Andrew Yanover

World News & Op/Ed Editor

Democrats had an impressive showing on this year’s Election Day, winning the governorships in both New Jersey and Virginia, in addition to many local and state government seats. The question is: was this election a repudiation of President Trump and his policies or rather just a blip? I believe the former. Ed Gillespie and Kim Guadagno, the Republican candidates for governor in Virginia and New Jersey, both modeled their campaigns after our President’s, adopting ultra-conservative positions on immigration specifically; neither saw it pay off. It is particularly ironic that Gillespie took this approach, as he has historically been an establishment figure who was opposed to many of the President’s policies. It will be interesting to watch the impact of these gubernatorial races on next year’s midterm elections. With the House of Representatives and the Senate both potentially up for grabs, will the success of the Democrats this year translate into taking back the majority in

Washington next year? More locally, New Yorkers voted by a huge margin against Proposition 1, which would have established a constitutional convention to rewrite the Constitution of the State of New York. Section 2 of Article XIX of the state constitution requires that every 20 years the ballot question “Shall there be a convention to revise the constitution and amend the same?” be submitted to the voters. 83% of voters went against the proposition for a number of reasons, though both sides made compelling arguments. Those who supported rewriting the constitution argued that because it was last revised in 1967, it was in dire need of modernization, and it would have sent a message to the state government that the people want reform. Those who did not support the proposition chiefly argued that it would endanger public pensions and open a can of worms in a multitude of other areas across the state. The proposition will next be on the ballot in 2037.

President Trump’s New Plan to End DACA Unleashes Protests Andrea Park

Staff Writer

The Deferred Action for Childhood Ar- to provoke a similar response in Silicon rivals (DACA) program provides many Valley, where tech giants have been eximmigrant students with beneficial op- tremely critical of President Trump’s portunities, such as helping them attend new policies toward immigration. Along college or find a job. The DACA pro- with President Trump’s plan of enforcing a strict gram was first U.S.-Mexican initiated during border, the presthe Obama adident informed ministration. Congress about However, on his thoughts on September 5th, a new legislaPresident Dontion that would ald Trump antrack down unnounced that accompanied the five-yearminors entering old program the U.S. Many would be gone Photo courtesy of conexionmigrante.com of these new in a matter of six months. His plan to repeal this act is rais- enforcements and plans are drawing up ing a lot of questions. President Trump’s another round of rebukes from the techalleged plan ultimately means some nology industry, with public figures, such 800,000 young adults who are signed up as Mark Zuckerberg (the CEO of Facefor legal protection to work or study in book), taking aim at Trump’s pledge to the U.S. will have to give up their future construct a wall along the U.S.-Mexican endeavors and face deportation. Trump border. Other major businesses in the has decided that no new immigrants Silicon Valley are also demonstrating will be able to seek protection under the their disdain for President Trump’s new DACA program, and those currently legislations. Earlier this year, tech induscovered by the program will lose their tries opposed a bill trying to restrict viprotection and work permits by March sas awarded to immigrants’ close family 2018. This has been infuriating the pub- members. With much controversy and pressure, lic, leading to huge protests breaking out in cities such as Phoenix, Washington, Congress is now responsible for making a wise decision. Are they going to apD.C., and New York City. At the same time, President Trump in- pease Trump’s wishes? Or are they goformed Congress that he will agree to sup- ing to listen to the public’s cry? This will port a new law that spares illegal young definitely lead to continued debate over adult immigrants from being deported, the future of America. There are nearly a but only if lawmakers fund his contro- million people under DACA’s provision, versial plan to build a wall along the and real people—immigrants or not— U.S.-Mexican border. This new proposal will be fighting against Trump’s decision. has fueled a dispute within the Democratic party and simultaneously threatens

The Affordable Care Act Hangs In There Carina Boyce

Staff Writer

On March 23rd, 2010, then President Barack Obama and the 111th United States Congress enacted the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, that would become known as the “ACA” or “Obamacare.” In the years that followed, the ACA had become a key provider in health insurance to people who did not have health insurance from employers and who were neither of old enough age to qualify for Medicare or financial income low enough to qualify for Medicaid. The program has been a polarizing issue along party lines, with Democrats fiercely protecting the program as being clearly needed to provide health insurance to those who have no other alternative sources of healthcare coverage. However, it has also been challenged by Republicans who believe that the program is too expensive and the level of government support needed to keep it running has been too costly. So, why is the ACA important? Well, for many people who have been seriously sick at some point in their lives, the ability to get health insurance was non-existent before the ACA. People with diseases from diabetes to cancer were regarded as having a preexisting condition and therefore were not eligible for health insurance except at a really, really high cost. Thus, the ACA included rules that said the insurance companies could no more deny them insurance, which meant millions of people, including young children with

major organ or other types of diseases, in the program, so they were not helpwere now able to get a more affordable ing people who could not afford the form of care. plan to sign up by giving them finanHowever, the price of insurance cial credit. The number of uninsured also increased over the years, in part people is around 30 million nationbecause of the rising prices of medi- ally. However, the program alternative cal and prescription services. This has that was being proposed was going to made the force 25 program million a favorpeople ite tarto lose get for health inRepubsurance. licans, It is no includsurprise ing the that it newly was with elected a sigh Presiof relief d e n t that most of the people Photo courtesy of Google Images United received States, to put an end to the ACA. New the news that the Republicans in the programs were proposed to take its House and Senate were not able to colplace, but none of those allowed the lect enough votes to end the ACA and/ same number of people to have health- or replace it with a new program. The care and at the same price or better. In ACA remains the law of the land at the end, the programs being proposed this time, and as a result, patients who would have forced over 25 million are depending on it for care for serious people to lose their healthcare. diseases will continue to do so. This Most people argue that the proof that period has also been one with the highthe ACA works is that the percentage of est enrollment for the program, so we Americans without health insurance na- can look forward to a lot more people tionally has fallen from 18% to 13.4%, being part of the program as long as it or by 11 million people. In some states, continues. like New York, that participate in the It is still sad that where you live can ACA program fully, the number of peo- determine if you can get health insurple without health insurance can be as ance. An estimated 4 million people low as 6%. However, there still are 23 are too poor to pay for insurance, but, states that chose not to participate fully because they live in states that do not

want to help them buy it, they are still uninsured. This is a reminder that ACA is not the same as healthcare for everyone. It still matters where you live and whether you can afford it. The ACA is still not affordable for some families, so they get the coverage, but at a significant cost. However, the cost of not having any health insurance is much more, and the ability to access care at any cost for people with preexisting conditions is still an amazing accomplishment. It is quite possible that it could be repealed or replaced in the future, unless the Democrats come up with new ways to make the program more cost friendly. Until then, the ACA is saving lives and will continue to be a major part of or healthcare system. Families needing to sign up for coverage can still do so until December 15th, 2017 to get coverage for the 2018 year. Prices are set based on income for families living in New York, though New York State reduction in the monthly premium costs might be less in coming months because there is no longer federal support for states to do so. Debate and division on the merit of Obamacare and its necessity as an insurance option for families will likely continue along party lines. In the meantime, we only need to remember a time when millions more went without insurance because they happened to have an illness at any point in their lives to know that the ACA is a program with merit.

[8] Thunderbird


HSE Puts the Spirit in Spirit Week Brooke Blumberg & Amanda Epstein

Staff Writers

This year’s spirit week was filled fit in an hour! In the past, we’d leave took home top prize for the scooter with excitement, fun, and of course the gym feeling proud, but somewhat races, while the seniors dominated the spirit! The week began with an annual underwhelmed. This new format saw to spoon and egg race. The freshmen class favorite: pajama day. Who wouldn’t it that this was no longer the case. In- proved they are not a class to mess with want to wear pajamas to school? Ev- stead of saving the grade level competi- as they put their names on the board by eryone, teachers and students winning 1st place in alike, looked cozy and comthe three-legged race. fortable in their onesy pajaThe sophomores mas and matching pajama sets. went on to defeat the Day two brought us staff and freshmen in tug of students dressed in clothes war, while the seniors and jerseys depicting their beat the juniors. The favorite colleges or universiseniors continued ties. Schools such as Harvard, their winning streak, Penn, Syracuse, Maryland, beating the freshmen Tulane, and many more were in the next round represented. Wednesday was of tug of war, but it Go Green Day in honor of the wasn’t over just yet. Sandy Hook Promise. Students The teachers stepped and teachers dressed in green in and dominated the with fun accessories, like seemingly undisputnecklaces, face stickers, and ed tug of war chambandanas, in memory of Sandy pion seniors. HSE students wearing their favorite college or university shirt Hook victims. Channeling fond (Photo courtesy of Lifetouch) Finally, it was Friday - pep field day memories rally day! For the final day of of yesteryear, this our spirit week, each grade crewas the first year that the ated a shirt that had to do with the competitions were held overall theme of sports for the pep during the school day. rally and homecoming parade. The The overall consensus Freshmen theme was basketball, from students and teachthe sophomore theme was football, ers alike is a resounding the junior theme was wrestling, YES to continuing this and the senior theme was baseformat going forward. ball. This year’s class shirts were The events encouraged some of the best yet, prompting participation by all memmore students than ever before to bers of the school comget involved and look great during munity. The pep rally pep rally. For the first time ever, turnout was amazing, and we were presented with a new (and everyone left there bemuch improved) pep rally format. yond proud to be a T-Bird. Students celebrate Go Green Day in honor of The traditional introductions of the For two solid hours, everySandy Hook Promise homecoming court and all of our fall one was excited, having (Photo courtesy of Lifetouch) sports teams, with individual introfun, and cheering. It was ductions for the members of the varsity tions for a separate comp night event, a great start to homecoming weekend football team, were still a part of the there were various heated competitions as this enthusiasm carried over to the festivities. The cheerleaders, the kick- between the grades held during the parade and football game on Saturday, line, and the step team all showcased pep rally. The competitions included October 20. Overall, High School East their talents as well. a scooter race, a spoon and egg race, Homecoming 2017 was a huge success And then things changed just a bit... a three legged race, and four very in- with students and teachers decked out it’s amazing how much more spirit can tense games of tug of war. The juniors and showing their spirit all week long.

The playoff bound HSE Varisty Football Team (Photo courtesy of Lifetouch)

Cheerleaders perform at pep rally (Photo courtes

The Homecoming Court de


OMING 2017

sy of Lifetouch)

And the teachers win the ‘tug of war’... (Photo courtesy of Lifetouch)

Homecoming Queen Promyse Garvin and King Aidan Mallon claiming their crown at homecoming (Photo courtesy of Lifetouch)

Homecoming Heroes Have Historic Season

Samantha Moody

Sports Editor

On Saturday, October 20, fans gathered to watch their High School East Thunderbirds take on West Islip on our home turf. Things were already looking bright after a fun-filled pep rally the day before and a spirited parade to kick off the festivities. It was no surprise that the crowd went wild after the T-Birds scored on the opening kickoff. At the end of a close football game, the Thun-

Keith Iaccarino, Steven Kahn, Jack Labarbera, Yashiya Minor, Ernesto Mitchell, Michael Monitto, Alberto Negron, and Andrew O’Gorman, Sam Rosken, and Kendall Nero-Clark. High School East is sad to say goodbye to these athletes, but wishes them the best of luck finishing out the rest of their season. And finish out the rest of the season in true T-bird style over 60 years in the

T-Birds defeat Huntington at Homecoming (Photo courtesy of Lifetouch)

ecked for their grand entrance (Photo courtesy of Lifetouch)

Dixettes marching in the parade (Photo courtesy of Lifetouch)

derbirds were victorious defeating the Lions 13-7. Leading the charge for the team was Jared Trefney, who had an incredible 91 yard kick return for a touchdown. Brandon Peskin contributed to the win as well with two field goals, one from 32 yards out and the other from 29. Putting the pressure on the Lions offense was the Thunderbirds defensive line who had 6 sacks made by Trevor Catlin, AJ O’Gorman, Tyrese Gardner, and Paul Bruno. Captain Drew Martin, who led the team into a 7 and 1 record by homecoming, says his motto is “play hard, play fast, and play together.” At the beginning of the game, Seniors of the team were recognized and received thunderous applause as they prepared for their last homecoming game after four years of hard work and dedication. Seniors who were recognized included: Drew Martin, Jason Spinelli, Michael Brown, Conor Caiazza, Dylan Campbell, Trevor Catlin, Gabe Chisolm, Jason Coppedge, Tyrese Gardner, Andrew Halpern, Anthony Halpin,

making. The T-birds played in an exciting playoff game versus Huntington on Saturday, November 4. The final score was 14-10 with Kendall Nero-Clark scoring an 80 yard touchdown and Mike Monitto with a 7 yard touchdown. The T-birds advanced to their second playoff game ever in recent history. On Saturday, November 11, the team unfortunately lost to powerhouse West Islip in their second playoff game. Although the T-birds will sadly not advance, High School East celebrates their accomplishments. The team has not been as victorious in many years. The players should be as proud of themselves as the entire HSE community applauds their monumental achicevement and offers much deserved accolades to these fine young athletes and their coaches, all of whom are second to none. Led by Coach Michael Maratto, this year’s Varsity T-birds went above and beyond exhibiting not only impeccable talent, but also admirable dedication and drive.

[10] Thunderbird Technology/STEM

Which iPhone Should You Buy? Sam Rochlin

Spencer Levine

Staff Writer

On September 12, 2017, Apple held a keynote announcing their new product lineups for the 2017-18 year. The most anticipated product every year is, of course, the iPhone. Apple is known for their innovation in products each year, and this year, it is safe to say that one of their newest phones - the iPhone X - is the most innovative piece of technology they’ve ever created. In the same meeting, they also announced the iPhone 8 and 8+. Two new models in one year? This is a big deal. The number one question is “why?” Why are there two new phones? Why is the iPhone X so expensive? Why do I even need a new phone? To a common person, with common knowledge of technology, they won’t see many differences. However, if you were to look closely at the specs on these phones, you’d understand. Let’s start with the iPhone 8 and 8+. Does it look familiar? Well, that’s because it is very similar to last year’s iPhone 7. If you were to analyze the two, you’d find few differences. Both have the same exact displays, which is a big deal. Photo courtesy of Sam Rochlin When people use their phones, they’re most likely looking at their displays. With both having Retina HD displays with 326ppi, and 401ppi in the plus, the display should not be what convinces you to buy the iPhone 8. This makes me think: what is there that would convince me to buy the iPhone 8 instead of just the iPhone 7? Both the iPhone 8 and 7 have great cameras, equipped with 12mp cameras with f1.8 apertures, which means the camera wouldn’t be a factor. So, really, what is different between the iPhone 8 and the iPhone 7? The price, the material, and the interior. The 8 starts at $700, while the 7 is $550. Basically, you’d be paying $150 for the 8 instead of the 7 for two things. The iPhone 8 has a glass back along with an all new processor. Is that worth $150? A glass back comes with pros and cons. The pros: wireless charging and a smoother feel. The cons: it cracks easily and it’s heavier. Thus, you’d be paying $150 for wireless charging and another $60 for the actual wireless charger. As far as the 7 and 8 go, the only major difference is the processor. The iPhone 8 has an A11 bionic chip, which is years ahead of its competitors. It’s faster, and it’s better. All in all, it’s $150 more for wireless charging and a faster phone. My opinion: skip the iPhone 8. With that being said, it really comes down to the iPhone 7 vs. the iPhone X. For $450 more, it’s worth a discussion. The iPhone X is amazing. The first thing that catches the eye is the edge to edge display. This 5.8 inch OLED display takes the cake as it is, by far, the best display Apple has ever put in any released product ever. The difference between this OLED display and previous Apple displays is it has true blacks, 458 ppi, greater brightness, truer colors, and the P3 color scheme display, which is a big deal. Usually, all technol-

Google’s New Pixel 2 Challenges the iPhones Legacy

ogy displays run an sRGB display. This display limits it to duller, less vibrant colors. The iPhone X’s display does not hold back. It is incredible. Another stand out is the vertical cameras, which are the same as the 8 and 7 except the iPhone X’s cameras can double the optical zoom of the 8 and 7. A better color/ screen display equals better photo quality. The video quality is superb as well. 4K at 60fps easy. Most professional cameras don’t shoot that high! The iPhone X also comes with that same

Photo courtesy of Sam Rochlin

A11 bionic chip as the 8, which results in much better and faster performance. Unique to the iPhone X is FaceID, Apple’s new security mechanism. This enables the user to unlock their phone with ease and to do so safely. The iPhone X has a glass back for wireless charging, along with a stainless steel outer ring. For $450 more than the 7, this phone is worth it. It has a better display, camera, feel, look, and performance. Can you really ask for anything more? I certainly don’t think so.

Staff Writer

Google recently reautomatically activate leased their brand new Google’s voice-based Google Pixel 2, and it AI companion. Telling has some unique feausers to squeeze their tures that you won’t consumer electronfind in the new iPhone. ics is a bit odd, but in It comes in three colpractice, it sounds like ors - blue, white, and an intuitive way to acblack - and in 2 sizes tivate the Assistant, the Google Pixel 2 and which Google hopes the Pixel 2 XL. This will become one of Annew phone is water redroid’s most useful and sistant, has brand new powerful software difstereo speakers, and is ferentiators. purely Android. The If you love music and Pixel 2 has the highest you may not know a rated smartphone camsong, an awesome feaera, topping the new ture included with this iPhone X with better phone is called Now low-light performance Google’s new Pixel 2 (Photo Playing. The Pixel 2 and sharper imaging courtesy of www.cnet.com) and Pixel 2 XL can than the previous genlisten for music at all eration Pixel. times in the background. Anytime a Beyond the stock Android you get song is playing, the phone will identify with a Pixel device, this time around, it and display the artist and track inforGoogle is also packing in some power- mation on the screen. Then the user can ful artificial intelligence and augment- quickly and easily play it in Google ed reality. This new phone also works Music or watch the video on YouTube. with Google’s new VR system that is Finally, when you purchase a New Pixdesigned specifically for the Pixel 2 al- el 2 you will receive a Google Home lowing you to immerse yourself into a Mini speaker for free. With so many whole new world of gaming and video wonderful features, it is clear that this watching. One of the most interesting phone is the better buy when compared and cool features about the phone is to Apple’s newest iPhones. Google’s new assistant squeeze activation, in which you apply gentle pressure to the sides of the phone to

Hurricanes and Climate Change: Are They Connected? Aditi Patil

STEM Editor

Harvey. Irma. Jose. Maria. In the span of one month, these four hurricanes and several more tropical storms devastated Texas, the Caribbean, and Florida. Though we are in the midst of hurricane season, a multitude of hurricanes at this intensity is very rare. So, why is this happening? Climate change has consistently been making the Earth hotter and conditions more extreme. Are hurricanes connected to this? Hurricanes begin as tropical storms over the warm waters in the ocean near the equator. As the moisture evaporates, it rises until enormous amounts of hot, moist air are twisted high in the atmosphere. The winds begin to circle counterclockwise north of the equator or clockwise south of the equator. The relatively peaceful center of the hurricane is called the eye. Around this center, winds move at speeds between 74 and 200 miles per hour. As long as the hurricane remains over waters of 79°F or warmer, it continues to pull moisture from the surface and grow in size and force. When

a hurricane crosses land or cooler waters, it loses its source of power, and its winds gradually slow until they are no

Photo courtesy of newscientist.com

longer of hurricane force, or less than 74 miles per hour. Since the Earth’s temperature is continually rising, these warm, humid temperatures are perfect conditions for hurricanes to grow in size and strength. This is why scientists, and now the general population, are starting to hypothesize that there is a correlation between the two. Many Americans are starting to believe that hurricanes are becoming more severe due to the global climate changing. In a 2005 poll, taken a month after Hurricane Katrina ravaged the Gulf Coast and devastated New

Orleans, 39 percent of Americans said they believed climate change helped to fuel the intensity of hurricanes. Today, 55 percent believe this. After many hurricanes and tropical storms hit the Atlantic this past month, it is likely this percentage will increase. Besides just the fact that common people believe climate change is triggering these hurricanes, there is also scientific evidence that global warming is increasing the intensity of these storms. Through research recently conducted by the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, climate change studies have linked a greater number of tropical storms in the Atlantic to the increasing amount of greenhouse gases. This means that there is a correlation between the two factors, and more research is being conducted in order to determine the strength of this correlation. Although it is still premature to conclude that humans are the cause for such intense hurricanes and tropical cyclones, it is becoming obvious that our actions bring more consequences than simply making the Earth hotter by bringing disaster to millions of people across the globe.


Burgerology Bursts into Huntington

Austin Krach & Rachel Penzer

Entertainment Editors

Right in the heart of Huntington Village, a second location of a restaurant craze has taken the village by storm. Burgerology is a science-themed restaurant that makes mouthwatering burgers and specializes in out of this world shakes. Burgerology’s first restaurant, located in Rockville Centre, is already a big hit, so as dedicated food lovers, we were eager to try out this new, trendy place as it opened its first Suffolk restaurant. Recently, we had the opportunity to

Photo courtesy of Rachel Penzer

go to the new Huntington location, and we were not disappointed! When we stepped into the restaurant, our first observation was the dedication to its scientific and mathematic theme. The logo of the restaurant even has the atomic symbol incorporated into it. The walls are painted black and adorned with many different science and math references, all drawn with chalk. There’s also a portrait of Albert Einstein, numerous math equations, and even pi all written out! The environment inside of Burgerology definitely added to the whole restaurant experience and created a unique vibe. Of course, the first items we went for off the menu were Burgerology’s notorious crazy shakes. Despite the wide range of choices, including several “shakes of the month” mixed in a fully edible chocolate beaker, we eventually decided to order the Crazy Monkey shake, made with peanut butter, nutella, whipped cream, and a peanut butter cookie and served in a glass covered in icing, chocolate, and peanut butter chips, and the Cookie Donut shake, topped with its title. Though very filling, these shakes did live up to their hype. For our main course, we ordered a make-your-own turkey burger, a delicious choice for those who don’t eat red meat, and a melt-in-your-mouth mac and cheese burger.

Josie Shindler

Entertainment Editor

Over the past almost ten years, pop singer-songwriter Taylor Swift has consecutively released five studio albums, each two years after the other. However, Swift left an unusual three-year gap between her 2014 album 1989 and her newest album reputation, which was released on November 10, 2017. Many fans, including myself, were aware of this slightly longer waiting period in between albums. Come fall 2016, a question began to arise all over the media: Where was Taylor Swift? In the summer of 2017, the pieces started to fall into place. After a few months of almost complete silence, Swift began posting clips on her Instagram of an animated snake. Many fans and avid pop culture followers in general knew what was coming, and I, for one, was extremely excited. Fans have spent their Taylor-free time theorizing reasons for her silence and her hesitation to put out new music on her regular twoyear schedule. The common conclusion was that it had to do with the drama in which she has found herself involved in recent years. The singer has always had controversies surrounding her. People have often been critical about Swift’s tendencies to write predominantly about her romantic encounters, specifically in the industry. She has also had ongoing feuds with other pop culture figures, such as Katy Perry and Kanye West. This is where the snake promo came into play. After the release of the music video for West’s song “Famous,” Swift made it clear that she was not happy with her portrayal in it and some of the lyrics Kanye used to describe her. She has been referred to as the “snake” all over social media within the past year after Kanye and wife Kim Kardashian West “exposed” her on Kim’s Snapchat story, with a video showing a phone call

in which Swift explicitly gave Kanye permission to feature her in the video. Needless to say, Taylor Swift has not been on very good terms with the media and the music industry for the past few years. When I saw the promo for “Look What You Made Me Do,” the first single off of reputation, I thought that it was the most clever move the

Photo courtesy of billboard.com

singer could have made in her situation. In the song’s bridge, the singer states that the “old Taylor” is dead. She takes back the snake title in the song’s music video, which was premiered on the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards, by first appearing as her current self clawing her way out of a grave, and at the end of the video, acting as all of her past selves in costumes from previous music videos and making fun of all of the old Taylors using phrases that people have created to criticize her. Reputation is filled with more confrontational tracks along with tracks that remind fans of the more classic Taylor. Track number thirteen, called “This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things,” is

Staff Writer

Photo courtesy of Austin Krach

Not only is this restaurant’s food highly satisfying, but it also offers a wide variety of options for anyone who wishes to have a unique Burgerology experience. Their menu includes salads, sandwiches, wings, shakes, other desserts, and vegetarian options in addition to their delicious shakes and burgers. Needless to say, you can stop by Burgerology for whatever you’re craving! We don’t expect this restaurant to go anywhere anytime soon; it is sure to be increasingly successful as more people take a stroll through Huntington Village. Whether you want to try their top-notch food, or just have a unique dining experience, Burgerology is a must!

Taylor Swift Solidifies Her Reputation With New Album Rachel Penzer

[11] My Experience at New York Fashion Week

a very apparent nod to Kanye, discussing Swift’s regret about forgiving him after he embarrassed her at the televised 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. The song includes lyrics like “Friends don’t try to trick you, get you on the phone and mind-twist you,” like she says Kim and Kanye did regarding the “Famous” scandal. In the third track of the album, “I Did Something Bad,” Taylor sings, “They’re burning all the witches, even if you aren’t one,” which shows her stance on people’s opinions about her. The only song on the album that features any other artists is an electronic pop song called “End Game,” which incorporates verses from rapper Future and Swift’s longtime friend Ed Sheeran, who also appeared on her 2012 album Red, on a single called “Everything Has Changed.” Swift has also seemed to not listen to her haters when it comes to writing about her love life. Songs like the album’s second single “...Ready for It?,” “King of My Heart,” “Call It What You Want,” and the closing track “New Year’s Day” depict what can only be interpreted as Taylor’s happiness with her current partner and how he does not care what anyone is saying about her. Swift has said that these later songs on the record represent her current, more content feelings about everything that has happened regarding her reputation. Overall, for me, this album was the perfect way for Taylor to make her highly anticipated comeback. Reputation has a recognizably darker vibe than the singer-songwriter’s first completely pop album after turning from country; however, like “Look What You Made Me Do” implies, Taylor had to become a stronger artist and person before she could move on with her career. She could not have simply brushed off the rumors and criticisms, so she instead took the extra time to take control of them in the form of catchy, pop-electronic songs that everyone will be singing.

This season, I was lucky enough to be able to attend a fashion show during one of the busiest weeks of the entire month for fashion designers, magazines, journalists and bloggers. Of those in attendance, some the most famous names in attendance were Badgley Mischka, Helmut Lang, and Marchesa, just to name a few. With a combination of classic talent and up and coming artists, Fashion Week highlighted a vast array of styles, and there was certainly something to fit each individual’s style. The show I attended showcased the work of Vivienne Tam, a New York City based-designer originally from China who combines her cultural background with modern trends. Being able to sit in the front row and go backstage at my very first fashion show was a really incredible experience. The backstage environment was chaotic. Before the show began, everyone working behind the scenes was particularly stressed out. The incredibly talented makeup and nail artists from GlamSquad were able to create a beautiful and romantic, yet simple look on the models to coincide with Vivienne Tam’s Spring 2018 collection. I was captivated as I took my seat in the front row and watched the models seem to float down the runway in flowy, pastel-colored ruffled dresses and thin silk scarves accessorized with woven bags. Overall, my experience at fashion week was unique and exciting. I hope to be able to attend again in the future and explore the work of even more talented designers. While I was awestruck by Vivienne Tam’s show, I hope to one day see the styles of other fashion icons come to life on the runway.

This dress is part of Vivienne Tam’s Spring 2018 Ready to Wear collection (Photos courtesy of Josie Shindler)

[12] Thunderbird Lifestyles/Entertainment

This Is Us Ties up Loose Ends in Netflix says Goodbye to Season Two (Spoiler-Alert) One Tree Hill Jolie Freedman

Sloane Levine & Spencer Levine Staff Writers

After winning everyone’s hearts in its premiere season on NBC, dedicated viewers of This Is Us were left with several cliffhangers as season one came to a close. The status of Jack and Rebecca’s marriage is on the line, and fans are eagerly craving the true details about the beloved patriarch’s death. In the final episode, “Moonshadow,” the fight between Jack and Rebecca leaves their marriage in a hiatus, with Jack leaving to stay at Miguel’s for a while. Expectations of Jack’s death due to his problematic drinking are also put aside as he makes it alive on his drive to Rebecca’s performance. The question of whether this impacts him more fatally at another time remains a question for season two. As season two opens, the adult Pearson triplets are celebrating their 37th birthday and are all pursuing their individual dreams. Kate is struggling over a singing audition, Kevin is happily working on a new movie, and Randall is feverishly trying to convince Beth to adopt a baby. He feels that this enormous act of giving will complete him and what was done for him in the past. A flashback to the past connects us back to the finale of season one, where Jack and Rebecca gather their children to share the current state of their marriage. The past is also shown as an influence on Randall, who learns from his mother to fight for what he wants in terms of adopting a child. Kate’s past plays a huge role as well, causing her to walk out of the audition. Solutions unfold as Beth and Randall compromise by taking in an older troubled child, claiming through their touching words that they are “perfectly imperfect” together. Back to the marriage of Jack and Rebecca, she arrives at Miguel’s to find Jack drunk, but insists on taking him home because his problem is their problem, and we see Rebecca’s open heart. We see her differently, however, just seconds later, when the scene flashes forward to the moments after Jack’s death, with the children sobbing and the Pearson house up in flames. The extended Pearson family gathers together for a potentially humiliating appearance by Kevin in “The Manny,” and while the togetherness is evident, it lasts only a brief moment until interruptions and conflict ensue. As always, Kate’s stress centers around her past, with her lack of self confidence and feelings of inferiority around her mother. Toby supports Kate, as her biggest cheerleader, and tells Rebecca that no matter what, he is always “Team Kate” after she nails it at her first singing gig. We see strengthening as well from Kevin and Sophie, as he successfully finishes “The Manny” episode, and Sophie embraces him with support. When brought back to Jack and his drinking problems, we see that he tried to address them when the kids were much younger, but he was unsuccessful. Young Kate tries to support her dad, as he had always done for her, by holding

his face in her hands, telling him “it will be okay.” Kate holds a heavy burden for her father, and the lyrics that she sang during her performance of “Landslide” deepen the emotional struggles that she continues to carry about her father. T h e thread a b o u t Kate and her father connects immediately to episode three, taking place on the set of a movie Kevin is filming with Sylvester Stallone. Although Kate is Kevin’s guest, she is immediately drawn to Stallone because of her father’s passion for him and his movies. She thanks him for making her dad feel good, even on the worst of days and shares the news of his untimely death. Although Sylvester Stallone attempts to comfort Kevin about his father, this discussion has a negative effect, causing Kevin to fumble on his movie lines. Blaming this all on Kate, he accuses her of being “sad and damaged,” and she walks away crying. In a scene set back in the past, Rebecca is trying to rekindle some of the connection and love she shared with Jack, but the night does not turn out as Rebecca planned. The final focus of this episode is on the arrival of Deja, Randall and Beth’s new twelve year old foster child. We see her uncomfortable perspective as she is greeted by the family, and her only actions include going upstairs to rest and then snapping at Beth for going through her things. Tess and Annie are initially afraid, but begin to find comfort when Deja wanders into their room to ask them questions about their lifestyle in the middle of the night. Knowing that Deja’s mom has been arrested and not expected to return soon, Randall tries to connect with Deja by sharing his own experience and telling her that she is giving him a “sweet deja vu feeling.” She does not embrace his words upon finding out that her mother is in prison, and this time, she will not be coming back for her as in the past. As we are anxiously waiting to see how the rest of season two unfolds, it’s not too late to binge watch season one and catch up to the present. Don’t forget to watch This Is Us on Tuesdays on NBC at 9/8c. YouTube is a great place to find news, catch up on the latest gossip, and watch videos to for both information and entertainment. It has an ever-expanding variety of videos available to watch, which in turn attracts a great variety of people to the site. Movies and Television This October, the official trailer for the Justice League film was released and available to watch on YouTube. Justice League is a group of superheroes created by D.C. Comics that consists of iconic superheroes, such as Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and The Flash. The trailer has created mass hype around the film, despite initial opinions and reviews that the movie did not perform as fans wished it would.

Print Manager

When I first started watching the In the beginning of September, I was sitting on my bed watching reruns of my show, I thought it was just a quintesall time favorite, go-to show, One Tree sential high school series. Nonetheless, Hill, on Netflix. All of a sudden, I sat up I was surprised as I watched the characin disbelief as I saw a notification that the ters grow into mature adults with famishow would be leaving Netflix on Octo- lies and successful careers overtime. I ber 1. This was less than a month away! loved watching each and every character grow out of How could I postheir high school sibly say goodselves and bebye to the show come people that provided that I one day me with laughs, strive to be. This tears, and comshow teaches fort since 8th viewers lessons grade? regarding love, The CW’s One friendship, famTree Hill preily, redemption, miered in 2003, overcoming oband the final Photo courtesy of Techlazy.com stacles, and being episode aired in true to oneself. It 2012. This show is a must watch, filled with 9 seasons of also exposes viewers to some harsh but thrill, drama, romance, and action. As realistic challenges, such as domestic one of the most popular dramas on regu- violence, depression, teen pregnancy, lar television, word spread like wildfire and drug abuse. As the days went on, I about this heart-felt series when it was dreaded October 1, when I would have first available for streaming on Netf- to say goodbye to the only show that lix. Over the years, this show has been makes me laugh until there are tears proven to be extremely successful. Once rolling down my face, clench onto the I started watching it for the first time, I remote as the thrill keeps me on the found it hard to resist clicking “next epi- edge of my couch, and cry each and every time I watch it, as I realize how sode” as soon as I finished one. The storyline depicts the lives of half- much I can relate to the characters. Many OTH fans complained to Netfbrothers Nathan and Lucas Scott. While Nathan was raised with his mother and lix about the show’s removal, but evenfather right by his side, Lucas was aban- tually had to let it go and realize that this doned by their father and left with just his past October was their last opportunity mother. Growing up in the same small to squeeze in an OTH marathon. On the town, it was practically impossible for bright side, Netflix has introduced and the two of them to avoid crossing paths. is continuing to introduce some new The plot escalates when Lucas joins the seasons of other fan favorite shows. Tree Hill Basketball team, also known This includes Fuller House season 3, as “Nathan’s team.” Nathan is portrayed Stranger Things season 2, and The as the antagonist, who only cares about Walking Dead season 7. Hopefully, all winning and impressing his father. In the of the One Tree Hill fans can find a new beginning of the first season, he is dating show to binge watch. Regardless of the a girl named Peyton, who Lucas eventu- new shows that may be introduced, it ally takes interest in. Peyton’s best friend, is safe to say that One Tree Hill will be Brooke, and Lucas’ best friend, Haley, extremely missed. To anyone who has are also main characters. Throughout the never seen the show before, I would 9 seasons, each and every one of these highly recommend downloading some characters develop into admirable and episodes on iTunes. unique people.

What We’re Watching on YouTube Logan Sands

Staff Writer

The movie will finally be released in theaters on November 17, 2017. Until then, fans can get their fill watching the trailer on YouTube. Another trending video is the trailer for the eighth season of the hit series The Walking Dead. The show revolves around the pop-culture idea of a zombie apocalypse. The show is told from the point of view of Rick Grimes, a man who used to work as a policeman. The new season premiered on October 22, 2017. Fans of the show can’t wait to see their favorite characters kick some zombie-tail once again in the newest season. Music On the top of the charts is the new hit song “Look What You Made Me Do,” by Taylor Swift. The song is now being deemed as the first song of her career that breaks away from the “good girl” persona that she developed early on as an artist. This song has been taking over the radio and getting stuck inside the heads of millions of listeners since its release. As if that isn’t enough, fans can watch the video over and over again

on YouTube. People will definitely be watching Swift to see if this is simply a one time thing or if this is the beginning of a new age of music style for her. Sports The video “O.J. Simpson Freed From Prison After 9 Years” is towards the top of the YouTube charts in sports news. After spending nine years in a Nevada prison for kidnapping and robbery, the former NFL player was released in mid-October. Simpson was granted parole in July; however, the parole board said it did not take into account that he was acquitted of killing his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ron Goldman, in 1995. Just For Fun Ending on something much more light hearted, YouTuber Wengie recently released an entertaining video entitled “PANCAKE ART CHALLENGE WITH COLLINS KEY!” Although this video is geared towards a younger audience than most of the readers of the Thunderbird, older audiences could probably get a chuckle out of it too. Spoiler alert: it’s safe to say that Collins Key (another famous YouTuber) wasn’t very good at the challenge.



Free Fallin’ Into Infamy:

The Death of Music Icon Tom Petty Austin Krach

Entertainment Editor

Tom Petty: A name that has been leave led to the record label renegotisynonymous with rock music since ating the contracts, and Petty agreed the 1970s. Petty began his career as to stay. Petty also performed concerts the frontman of the for causes he beband Tom Petty and lieved in, such as The HeartbreakFarm Aid to proers, then became a tect the agriculmember of superture industry. Petty group Traveling went on to join Wilburys, until he other bands, most reinvented himself notably the Travas a solo act. Uneling Wilburys, a fortunately, on Ocsupergroup that tober 2, Petty went included George into cardiac arrest Harrison and Bob and died later that Dylan. night in Los AngeArguably, Petles. Whether you ty’s most successPhoto courtesy of Google Images realize it or not, this ful song, “Free Falman has shaped the lin’,” was released music industry with an eternal influ- in 1989. This track from Petty’s debut ence present in multiple genres of mu- solo album peaked at #7 on the Billsic. board Hot 100 and is his longest-chartPetty was born in Gainesville, Flor- ing song. The song was also nominated ida on October 20, 1950. Even at a for a Grammy for Male Rock Vocal young age, he had a passion for rock Performance. “Free Fallin’” is a well& roll. Growing up, some of his major known song still today and is considmusical influences were Elvis Presley, ered one of the 500 best songs of all The Beatles, and even his guitar teach- time by Rolling Stone Magazine. Later er, Don Felder of The Eagles. Petty in his career, Petty received many difformed his first band, originally named ferent honors. He got a star on the HolThe Epics and later changed to Mud- lywood Walk of Fame, was elected into crutch, pretty early on in his career. the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, was Due to its limited successes, the band inducted into the Songwriters Hall of broke up. After the breakup, Petty tried Fame, won three Grammy Awards, to launch a solo career, but eventu- received the Musicares Person of the ally turned to former band member Year Award, and even performed at Benmont Tench’s band to form the Superbowl XLII. Petty branched out first inclination of the infamous Tom in his career as well, doing voiceover Petty & The Heartbreakers. With their work on the TV show “King of the debut album in 1976, they had their Hill,” and he even wrote his own memfirst glimpse of success with hit song oir, Runnin’ Down a Dream. “Breakdown.” It was the first song of Tom Petty truly lived out his dream Petty’s to crack the Billboard Top 100. of becoming a Rock & Roll legend. Beyond his obvious talent, Petty be- He was a once-in-a-lifetime artist. came an important figure in the mu- Although he has passed away, he will sic industry when he worked to leave forever be in the hearts of millions as his record label in order to get better his legacy will live on. conditions for his band. His threat to

Stronger: A Tale of Triumph in the Face of Terror Nicole Shanker & Morgan Fishbein

Staff Writers

The movie Stronger hit theaters on the movie. He strove to fight his own September 22 and is still currently battle while helping the police identify playing. This is the suspect. a must see movThroughout the ie if you love whole movie, the dramas and love support and courstories. Stronger age from his famis a powerful ily, friends, and movie about the girlfriend is palevents that ocpable. There’s a curred surroundvery heart-warming the Boston ing scene where Marathon Jeff tries on bombing and Jake Gyllenhaal plays Boston Marathon bomb- his prosthetis based on ing victim Jeff Bauman in the movie Stronger. ics for the the true story (Photo courtesy of Roadside Attractions) very first time. of a marathon Viewers can runner named feel for Jeff in a way like no other as Jeff Bauman. Jeff Bauman was patient- they feel his pain and his emotions. The ly and anxiously waiting for his girl- actor does an amazing job showing the friend, Erin Hurley, at the finish line pain and worry in his face. Once you during the Boston Marathon in 2013. watch this scene, it sets the tone of Jeff Both Jake Gyllenhaal, as Jeff and Ta- becoming a hero throughout the whole tiana Maslany, as Erin, did an amaz- movie. We would definitely recoming job depicting the true emotions of mend this movie to a friend if he or their characters. Jeff, who lost both of she was in the mood to watch a touchhis legs during the destructive bomb- ing, heart-warming, romantic drama. ing, goes through a journey of physi- This film will leave you inspired and cal and emotional recovery throughout speechless.

A Decade of Kardashians Alexa Foodim

Entertainment Editor

Keeping Up With the Kardashians first is somehow included in the show. The aired in 2007 and recently celebrated close knit family and their insane, overits ten year anniversary. Since the show the-top lifestyle is what brings viewers first aired, a huge following developed. back to their television sets every SunThe show day for has an the past average decade. of 2.1 D u e million to the watchshows ers every success, Sunday n i n e and hunspin-offs dreds of w e r e millions Photo courtesy of Google Images created, of social and the media followers. This inexplicably show is E! Entertainment’s best rated powerful, affluent family ultimately series since 2010. All the Kardashian changed pop culture forever. With sisters branched off from the show’s many often questioning exactly what initial success and created companies they’re famous for, how did their show of their own. Kylie Jenner’s makeup become the longest-running reality TV line took off rather quickly and earned series in the country? $420 million in sales in the first eighThe reality show highlights all the teen months. Kendall Jenner became members of the Kardashian-Jenner a world famous supermodel and gets joint family. Kim Kardashian, 36, was paid approximately $370,000 per Insthe initial spotlight for the show, but tagram post. Kourtney and Khloe Karover time, she shared the spotlight with dashian ventured into the vitamin and her two sisters and two half-sisters. The jean industry. Last, but not certainly show also features their “momager” least, Kim Kardashian earned $45.5 Kris Jenner and her ex-husband Cait- million in the past year from her app lyn Jenner (previously known as Bruce and her “Kimojis.” Fans are excited to Jenner). The show follows their glam- see season 14 of the show as Kim is orous lifestyle and shows it all. From expecting her third child, this time via photoshoots to interviews, workouts surrogate, and both Khloe and Kourtto fancy vacations, weddings to babies, ney are in serious relationships. Don’t fashion to, of course, their money, it if forget to watch Keeping Up With the involves a Kardashian (or a Jenner) it Kardashians at 9 pm EST on E!.

Silent and Scandalous:

The Disgrace of Harvey Weinstein Emily Disman

Co Editor-in-Chief

Before recent scandals, Harvey Wein- stein for a business-related breakfast when stein was known for his undeniable pres- she found him in a bathrobe as she opened ence in the film industry. In 1979, Harvey the door to his hotel room. This repulsive and his brother founded Miramax Films, pattern of Weinstein inviting women to the home of multiple fan favorites includ- his hotel room for “meetings” became his ing titles such as Pulp Fiction and Good signature move, and he used it on many Will Hunting. His fame and success only women well-known in the industry, including Gwyneth Paltrow, Cara continued to grow after Delevingne, and Kate winning countless OsBeckinsale. For years, cars for his work. Some Weinstein proceeded to may even say that he was abuse women, leaving living an ideal life, one them entrapped with too that people only dream much fear to even speak of of. Unfortunately, poor the encounters. choices led all of his hard These allegations have work to go down the drain. This movie mogul Photo courtesy of Buzzfeed.com affected all aspects of Weinstein’s life. He was went from being one of the most admired producers in Hollywood fired from his own company, and many of to being the new face of sexual transgres- his former co-workers resigned. The Weinsion in America within just a couple of stein Company is planning on creating a new name for itself in order to fully break days. Allegations have recently come about away from its founder and the drama that that Harvey Weinstein has been sexually comes along with him. His wife, famous abusing women in the entertainment indus- fashion designer Georgina Chapman, is try for decades. Many women from all ar- planning on filing for divorce because of eas of the industry, form A-listers to foreign the recent allegations. And now, Weinstein celebrities to office clerks and interns, have is solely looked at in a negative light. These admitted to being harassed or assaulted by recent scandals have led the public to disreWeinstein. Once the first article about the gard all of the success that he has had in his accusations against Weinstein was released career and replace it with an overwhelming in the New York Times, many other wom- feeling of disapproval. It is clear that Weinstein demolished his en began to come forward, saying that they too had experienced some form of harass- career soon after it began, but he was able ment from the producer. As more and more to keep his actions under wraps as he rose stories are coming out, it seems clear that to fame, creating a name and a brand for Weinstein used similar tactics over several himself. Now, thirty-three years after the decades to “reel in his bait.” In 1984, Wein- first alleged assault, he is facing public hustein invited Tomi-Ann Roberts to his hotel miliation for his actions, wearing a scarlet to discuss what she thought was a potential letter upon his chest. Before scandal broke, role in a movie. It turns out that Weinstein Weinstein spent most of his career workused this meeting as an attempt to seduce ing behind the camera. Now, he is on every Roberts. During another instance, Ashley television screen in America being shamed Judd believed that she was meeting Wein- for his unacceptable actions.

[14] Thunderbird Professional Sports

NFL Protests Continue as Owners Discuss Solution Kasim Waqar

World News & Op/Ed Editor

The owner of the Dallas Cowboys, Jerry Jones, locked arms with his team as they knelt prior to the National An-

it’s a different story now that Donald Trump has threatened to “change tax laws” to financially punish the NFL

Would Jerry Jones bench the biggest players if they took a knee during the national anthem? (Photo courstey of Sports Illustrated)

them then rose while it was played. At a private Cowboys meeting, however, Jerry Jones established that he will bench any player that disrespects the flag. What if too many players kneel during the anthem? What if his stars kneel during the anthem? Jerry Jones could be bluffing, but there are a lot of factors at work in this situation. The NFL’s ratings have been low since last season, and many attribute that to the National Anthem protests that began with Colin Kaepernick. Some NFL owners defended the #TakeAKnee movement at first, but

for their protests. There would be an uproar if the NFL made it a rule that players must stand for the anthem, but the league and its owners have to consider how this controversy will affect the money they make. The NFL team owners met in New York on October 17 and 18 to discuss a solution. However, most of the NFL players are African American, while there are very few black coaches and no black team owners. Thus, some argue the players aren’t being fairly represented by the league. The players believe they should be able to use their

fame as a platform for raising awareInterestingly, Colin Kaepernick was ness on social justice issues. Others not at this meeting between the players have argued that the players ought to and the owners. Reportedly, the player appreciate their opportunities in this representatives urged Colin to attend, country considering how much mon- but he did not come because he beey they make. At the meeting in New lieved the owners would not welcome York, the owners invited NFL play- him. ers to represent the players’ union. In Just like how the NFL dedicates the end, the owners did not create a weeks to causes like supporting the rule to ban protests of the flag/nation- military or fighting cancer, the NFL adal anthem. The league and the play- ministration might find a way to paciers’ union jointly issued a statement fy the players by supporting activist saying: “Today owners and players movements through the league. Some had a productive meeting focused owners hope that this would satisfy on how we can work together to pro- players and induce them to voluntarily mote positive social change and ad- stand for the anthem. The tension in the dress inequality in our communities. NFL won’t stop until the league finds NFL executives and owners joined an answer to this problem and takes acNFLPA executives and player leaders tion to satisfy the players. to review and discuss plans to utilize our platform to promote equality and effectuate positive change. We agreed that these are common issues and pledged to meet again to continue this work together.” Hence, the league is moving towards support of the players’ community activism. At the meeting, it was also agreed that the league must not be distracted by slight economic setbacks or reactions from social media, Colin Kaepernick, who started the National Ansuch as Donald Trump’s them protests last season (Photo courstey of Mike McCarn from AP) well-known recent tweets criticizing the NFL.

Fantasy Football Tips for a Successful Second Half Jack Gottlieb

Staff Writer

Fantasy Football gives every football fan the chance to get even more involved in the sport they love. With endless options and the stress of trades, a solid fantasy lineup can make or break your football season experience. Concerned about your top picks getting traded? Worried about potential injuries? I’m here to help. Read on for my analysis of the first 7 weeks of the NFL fantasy season. Hopefully, this will help fantasy owners everywhere adjust their teams to prepare for the rest of the way. Whether your players have suffered injuries or your players are not quite living up to expectations, there is always room to improve your roster. One way to improve your roster is to trade with your other league members. Here are some players that I recommend trading for or trading away for the rest of the season. Players to Trade For: Deshaun Watson, QB, Houston Texans- I recommend getting Deshaun Watson on your team going forward, either through a trade or on the waiver wire. He has been lights out since taking the starting job, putting up 18, 26, 36, and 38 points in the four games in which he started. With a full array of options, including Deandre Hopkins, Will Fuller V, and Lamar Miller, Watson’s dual threat capabilities can pay dividends for fantasy owners down the stretch.

Aaron Jones, RB, Green Bay Packers- This is another player that may potentially be on the waiver wire. Jones went off against the Dallas Cowboys rushing 19 times for 125 yards and a touchdown. The injury to Ty Montgomery has given Jones the opportunity to showcase his talent. Gaining praise from Aaron Rodgers is always a good thing, and Jones is an RB2 until Ty Montgomery returns from his broken ribs.

Shepard have also been out, which is resulted in Engram becoming Eli Manning’s favorite target. Engram has seen an absurd amount of targets, and has scored in his past two games. Engram has become a top tight end option after the disappearance of the Giants’ receiving core. Players to Trade Away:

Ben Roethlisberger, QB, Pittsburgh Steelers- Big Ben was dreadful in week 5, throwing five Julio Jones, interceptions. AfWR, Atlanta ter the game, Ben Falcons- This is a perfect buy low Deshaun Watson, a great QB to have even said, “ Maybe I don’t have it situation. Although on your fantasy football team Julio has not scored (Photo courtesy of yahoosports.com) anymore.” This is not what you want a touchdown this season, I like him the rest of the way to hear from your quarterback after a especially near the fantasy playoffs game. Also, Ben is virtually not startwhere he plays the Saints twice! Julio able in games on the road. He has had put up 15.9 fantasy points in Week 7 18, 14, and 12 fantasy points in games and looks to keep rolling for the rest of away from Heinz Field. Keep in mind the season. Although Matt Ryan isn’t that the 18 points came against the living up to his expectations through Browns, which isn’t saying much. He the first 7 weeks of the season, he also failed to throw for over 300 yards should be able to turn things around, in both Week 6 and 7. Needless to say, which would boost Julio’s fantasy Ben is someone to try and flip. stats even more. Carlos Hyde, RB, San Francisco Evan Engram, TE, New York Gi- 49ers- Hyde was extremely disapants- This is largely based on the fact pointing in his week 5 performance, that Giants superstar Odell Beckham, generating only 2 PPR fantasy points. Jr. is out for the season with a broken This move, however, isn’t solely based ankle. Brandon Marshall and Sterling on his week 5 performance. Matt Bre-

ida, who generated a lot of hype before the season, out snapped Hyde in week 5 and was far more effective turning 10 carries into 49 yards. I believe a committee is forming which is never good for fantasy owners. Martavis Bryant, WR, Pittsburgh Steelers- Martavis has largely been a disappointment this season having only one game over 10 PPR fantasy points. With Ben Roethlisberger struggling, it’s hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel for Bryant. It also doesn’t help that rookie JuJu Smith-Schuster has played well and out-snapped Bryant in week 5. Eric Ebron, TE, Detroit LionsEbron has struggled mightily this season scoring greater than 5 PPR fantasy points just once. Ebron was outplayed by blocking TE Darren Fells in week 5. At this point, Ebron is droppable. Before I go, I will leave you with these two helpful tips to help you win fantasy: First, always own the handcuff to your running backs because you never know if they will get hurt. For example, if you have Le’veon Bell, I recommend owning his backup James Conner, or if you have Ezekiel Elliott, I recommend owning Alfred Morris. Second, streaming defenses with good matchups is a great way to win each week. For example, look to target defenses that play weak or turn-over prone offenses like the Browns, the 49ers, the Bears, and the Dolphins.


Professional Sports/School Sports

The Tiny Giants Disappoint Fans Dylan Kaufman

Professional Sports Editor

Before the 2017 season started, Gi- Giants played a great game. Manning ants fans everywhere couldn’t wait to went 35 for 47, threw for 366 yards, watch their team play. With a receiving and threw 3 touchdowns, one of which core of Odell Beckham, Jr., Sterling was to wide receiver Sterling Shepard Shepard, who ran it and newly home over acquired 77 yards. Brandon What reMarshall, ally killed fans bethe Gilieved ants in their team this game w o u l d were the be going two inplaces. tercepThe Gitions that ants were Manning Photo courtesy of Al Bello/Getty Images projected threw. If to have a great season, and everyone not for that, the Giants could’ve easily thought that this would come true. walked away with the win. Five weeks in, however, the reality of The Giants played the Tampa Bay things is quite different. Giants fans Buccaneers on October 1st. At this everywhere are now sad and defeated. point, Giants fans along with the Gi“How could this happen?”, they ask ants organization were desperate to themselves. “How could we be 0-5?” win a game. Alas, they fell just short by Let’s go over what exactly made the losing to Tampa Bay 25-23. This game, Giants fall apart, shall we? similar to the game against the Eagles, The first game of the season for could’ve easily gone the Giants’ way. the Giants was on September 10th, Manning went 30 for 49, threw for 288 2017 against the Dallas Cowboys. yards, and had two touchdowns, one of The Cowboys are currently one of the which was a rushing touchdown. Gobest teams in the NFL, and with Dak ing into the fourth quarter, the Giants Prescott and Ezekiel Elliott leading the were even up 17-16. And with a minute team, everyone thought that the game to go left in the game, the Giants were would be a great one to watch. Sadly, up 23-22. Sadly, though, the game for Giants fans, they were wrong. The came to an end when Tampa Bay hit a final score of the game was 19-3 with game-winning 34 yard field goal with the Cowboys cruising past the Giants. four seconds left. At this point, Giants Prescott had one touchdown throw fans knew that their playoff chances which was caught by tight end Jason were slim to none. The idea of a great Witten. It also didn’t help that the Gi- season for the Giants was now just a ants’ offensive line allowed for three memory. sacks against their quarterback, Eli More recently, the Giants faced the Manning. After the loss, all Giants fans Los Angeles Chargers on October 8, could do was wait for next game. and history seemed to be repeating itOn September 17th, the Giants self. The Giants were up for most of played the Detroit Lions. Most people the game and the score was 22-20 (Githought that the Giants could very well ants leading) with four minutes left. come away with the win in this game. However, a ten yard touchdown throw Again, they were wrong. The Lions to Melvin Gordon with 48 seconds beat the Giants 24-10. Although Man- left ended the game for the G-Men. ning did manage to throw a touchdown This game was a little different in that to tight end Evan Engram, Detroit’s both Odell Beckham Jr. and Brandon quarterback, Matthew Stafford, played Marshall went out with ankle injuries a pretty good game. He went 15 for and are now out for the season. With 21, threw for 122 yards, and threw two this latest blow to the team, the Giants touchdowns that were caught by tight chances for a playoff appearance have end Eric Ebron and wide receiver Mar- all but vanished into thin air. As we are vin Williams. Although the confidence barreling towards playoffs, their luck of Giants fans was now shaken, hope does not seem to be changing. At this still remained that they could perform point, Giants fans are just looking togreat during the rest of the season. wards next year and hoping that their The Giants played the Philadel- luck will change for the better. phia Eagles on September 24th. Even though they lost by a score of 27-24, the

HHH Swimming and Diving Team Dominates Kabir Randhawa & Jake Nathan

Staff Writers

It’s that time of year again! Time for the dominant Half Hollow Hills Girls’ Swimming and Diving Team to hit the water and do what they do best: win. After an incredible season last year, the girls looked to maintain that status. As defending League and County Champs, they tried their best to defend their title this November.

positivity is surreal. At the time of this writing, no girl had made the state time, but there are still opportunities to excel. Some of the other upperclassmen, such as Allison Rogers and Kristina Kontos, have made huge impacts on the team’s season this year. Kontos, a freestyler, had an impressive win in the 200 free at the

Photo courtesy of Lifetouch

They had a rocky start, but have more recently turned things around by producing 3 wins in just 2 weeks. Some of the standout swimmers this year have been Senior Captain Mikaylie Depalma and Junior Captain Elizabeth Park. Both girls have given hope to this team and look to inspire the rising freshmen and sophomores. “Some of the goals for the team are to defend their league title and to send a few swimmers up to the State Championships in Ithaca on November 17-18,” said Depalma. Since it is her last year on the team, she has her own individual goal: States cut in the 100 back. She has never been to the State Championship, but her determination and grit will allow for her to achieve this goal. Not only does she have her own goal, but she wants her teammates to reach success and overcome any obstacles that come their way as well. Junior Captain Elizabeth Park was very excited for the rest of the season stating, “We’re nearing the end of our season but we have a much smaller team this year, so we’ve gotten closer, and I think we’ve all had a fun season so far. Although some of our fastest girls graduated last year, we’re hoping to do just as well and defend our League and County titles!” The

meet against Lindenhurst. The team’s relays have been very productive as well. With a solid core, the girls were able to get the county time in the relays, and there have only been 5 meets. The girls have been very coordinated as a team this year, especially when it comes to sportsmanship. Seeing the cheering and shaking hands of every other person on the other team before the race shows their true Half Hollow Hills spirit and camaraderie. The team also has young swimmers that have produced very fast times throughout the season. Sophomore Lexi Kaufman has shined in her sprint events and is hoping to improve each time she steps up onto the block. The girls do not have an easy schedule ahead, but through the outstanding training and coaching of head coach Nina Cunningham, they will be more than fine. The League Championships occurred in late October, and County Championships took place on November 4. If you didn’t have the opportunity to watch them compete in the regular season, be sure to watch them dominate in the championship season. It is a whole new look from last year, which gives everyone something to look forward to and improve upon.

more impressive. This play has been led by quarterback Alex Smith. So far, he has thrown for a little under 1400 yards with eleven touchdowns, and zero interceptions. Although many questions have been arising regarding his future with the team, it will be hard for the Chiefs to let him go if he continues to play this way. Alex Smith has received an enormous amount of credit, but his stats have been boosted by the help of Kareem Hunt, the rookie running back for the Chiefs. So far, Hunt leads the league in yards with 607. Together, the two have been a dominant force since coming off an impressive win in New England. With three top contenders and a lot of football left to play, we will keep a close eye on the race to the top and the coveted

title of MVP. As mid-season in the NFL is approaching, only time will tell which MVP candidate will take the next step.

Racing for the MVP Trophy Jeremy Schier & Jimmy Rouse

Staff Writers

As we approach the halfway point of the NFL season, the early candidates for MVP are evident. From veteran quarterbacks to rookie running backs, all candidates have a fair shot and have earned the right to be in the MVP conversation. The top three contenders are quarterbacks Carson Wentz, Aaron Rodgers, and Alex Smith; all three have had fantastic seasons so far. Since week one, Carson Wentz has thrown for ten touchdowns. With 1300 yards and only three interceptions, he is at the top of his game. Not only are these top stats, but his play is also against top defenses such as that of the Kansas City Chiefs.

Next in the conversation is quarterback Aaron Rodgers of the Green Bay Packers. Since entering the league, Aaron Rodgers has been a top quarterback, putting up MVP like numbers every year. Since the start of the season, Aaron Rodgers has thrown for thirteen touchdowns, with 1350 yards, and only three interceptions. Without a complete offense due to injuries, his phenomenal play has put him in position to become this year’s MVP. The Kansas City Chiefs remain the only undefeated team in the NFL as of this writing standing at 5-0. They are at the top of the division, as well as the top of the conference. A tough schedule with the New England Patriots and Philadelphia Eagles has made it even

Who will be the NFL 2018 MVP? Carson Wentz? (Photo courtesy of Getty Images)

[16] Thunderbird

An Memorable End to an Amazing Season: Girls Varsity Tennis Emily Metaxas

Photography Editor

The Girls’ Varsity tennis team has had yet another amazing season. The girls finished almost undefeated, won the League Championship title, and took second place in the Suffolk County Championships. This season proved that hard work really does pay off. Throughout the season, everyone played to their best ability against tough competition and made sure that good sportsmanship was a priority. The team won almost every match, including a tough one against their rival Commack; the one exception was one loss to Harborfields, with a score of 3-4. However, this was not a setback for the girls. It encouraged the team to try even harder and eventually allowed them to finish the season with nothing but wins in their remaining matches and gain the title as 2017 League Champions. For the second year in a row, players Ariana Malik and Lauren Cherik won the Suffolk County Individual Tournament for doubles. They continue to prove that practice makes perfect, on

and off the court. These girls attended the state tournament October 28th - October 30th but unfortunately lost in the quarter finals against the first seed in the state.

Photo courtesy of Emily Metaxas

They put up a tremendous fight! The team made it look easy, winning all of their playoff matches and finishing with a score of 6-1 against Harborfields in the semi-finals. On October 23rd, the 2017 Suffolk County Championship took place against Ward Melville. The girls played their hardest and put everything they had on the court. Unfortunately, the team lost with a score of 3-4, but

this did not cast a shadow on the amazing season that these girls had. Despite this, they are all very proud of what they’ve accomplished. Captains and seniors Julia Raziel and Ariana Malik have been amazing in leading the team to victory all season. Ariana Malik said, “although we lost in the finals, we had a great season. I’m grateful to have been a part of this team for 4 years. Hills East tennis will always stay in my heart.” Julia Raziel felt the same nostalgia and stated, “It’s been a great last run. Everyone played their hearts out all season and we were the league champs. Although we were cut short in the finals, being a part of this team for the past four years has created a family for me, and I cherish each friendship that this team instantly gave me.” It is safe to say that everyone on the team feels that this team is like a family and has created bonds that will last forever. As the door closes on yet another successful season for the Girls’ Varsity Tennis Team, we will always cherish the fun times that come along with an equally fun sport.

Boys Volleyball:

An Optimistic Future After a Challenging Season Dillon Schliwka & Max Kershner

positive mindset worked and even allowed for Hills to win the first set 26The Suffolk County championships 24, with team member John Dominic seemed like a reality for the Hills Boys’ serving for about seven points straight. Volleyball program at the start of Sep- Even though the team was not ultitember. Coming off of a 9-5 record and mately victorious in this final game, it showed what the team could do if they keep the right mindset and keep their composure after mistakes are made. While this was a memorable moment for the crew, other highlights occurred, such as their 5-set win against the defensively gifted Connetquot team. After blowing a tremendous lead in the first set, the guys decided to lay down the law and play their Photo courtesy of Lifetouch hearts out. The game losing only a few seniors, the team was was quite evenly matched, but in the due for a successful year. As the sea- end, Hills came out on top. Another son progressed, however, those dreams memorable event for this year was the were quickly crushed by power-houses matchup against Sachem North, one of such as Eastport South Manor, Sachem the island’s best. Hills may have lost North, and Smithtown East. in three straight sets, but their comAlthough the boys’ team finished petitiveness on the court did not go unwith a subpar record of 5-9, there were noticed. The score of each set was exsome eye-opening moments that boost- tremely close, and our school’s home ed their morale. Take the boys’ final team truly showed that they could hang game for instance. Matching up against with the top tier teams. the very talented Smithtown West can While there were many great aspects be quite discouraging for a team with of this season, there were also some a negative record. Rather than going not-so-great ones. To start, the boys into the game with a negative mindset, suffered multiple injuries early on, the squad decided to give it their all, no such as concussions and even broken matter how intimidating the team on bones. In addition to the team’s tough the other side of the net looked. This luck with injuries, it seems as if they Staff Writers

played down to the level of teams that they should have beat. Another huge issue was the inability of our players to communicate on the court early on, which seemed to bring the whole group’s energy down during nervewracking games. These things caused for many of the team’s losses and led to quite an uneventful start to the school year. Fortunately, this did not last very long, and the team was able to gel as a unit. Looking back on all aspects of this fall, it is clear that the team has some work to do going forward. The loss of senior captain Jeremy Manchenko will surely take a toll on the organization, but other teams will be losing key players after the graduation of the talented class of 2018. The team does have some hope, however, with juniors such as Jeff Natalone, Rob Stewart, Reis Henderson, Brandon Scharlat, and John Dominic showing sparks of excellence throughout the two month season. Hopefully, this team can take the league by surprise next year, and stir the pot a bit in the fall of 2018.

The Powerhouse That is HSE Boys Soccer Josh Foodim & Alex Zeh

Staff Writers

This year, the HSE soccer program began in late August with the hope of continuing its run as a local powerhouse. Before the school year started, these dedicated players were met with intense, twice a day practice sessions. As the first day of preseason started, the boys had to come in early and be prepared at the track; running two miles each morning of preseason put these boys in pristine physical condition to start the big soccer season ahead of them. Countless drills, touches, and shots prepared the boys for the season starting with scrimmages during Labor Day weekend. For more than a decade, the HSE program has had much success, and this year is shaping up to be no different. With three separate teams, Varsity, JV, and JV2, there are over 50 soccer players per year. The JV team, consisting of mostly sophomores and a few freshmen, did not post the usual numbers they initially anticipated. Although the JV team is not having the season they hoped for, they are still working hard in practice. As they continue to work hard, they continue to grow as players. The future is definitely bright for these young athletes who are led by captains Jared Androsiglio, Andrew Ferber, and Daniel Akinrele. The JV-2 team, which is comprised entirely of 9th graders, is giving the boys a good introduction to the competitive nature of high school sports. Coach Oscar has worked his team hard and to his style of play. The JV-2 team, led by captains Scott Schwartz and Michael Hector, is providing these young athletes with the opportunity to learn and grow as soccer players and overall athletes. The varsity team is led by by Coach Carcone and Assistant Coach Leone. Coach Tommarchi leads the JV team, and the JV2 team welcomed Coach Oscar this year. With this much talent on the coaching staff it is no wonder that HSE soccer continues to be a force to be reckoned with. In addition to the coaching staff, the teams are packed with the best of the best in HSE soccer talent. This year’s Varsity captains are Matt Barbery, Sebastian Matos, Ethan Koval, and Ethan Homler. These four veteran players are true leaders, both on and off the field. They ended the season with an overall record of 9 wins and 5 losses, which includes big wins over rivals such as Smithtown East and Newfield. U n f o r t u n a t e l y, the team lost in the playoffs to the equally as talented, more local rival, High School West, but put up a good fight ending the game with a score of 5-4.

Photo courtesy of Lifetouch

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