50 Vanderbilt Pkwy, Dix Hills, NY 11746 thunderbirdhse@gmail.com
Volume 58 - No. 2 Winter, 2019 thunderbirdhse.com
Making Memories at the Senior Congratulations to the Banquet Class of 2019’s Top Twenty
Alexa Foodim
Kayla Menkes
Print Layout Editor
High School East’s annual Senior The seniors ate quickly, showing their Banquet was held on Friday, February enthusiasm and interest for spending 1st in the east gym. The Senior Banquet time with one another, and went right back out to is one event the dance that all floor! Hills East Dessert students was an look forarray of ward to delicious from freshpastries. man year. As a party Now, with favor, all only five seniors months left also got to in their setake home nior year, a custom the Senior HSE cup Banquet is holder. one of the Before last times the night the entire Photo courtesy of Chip Parker ended, the senior class senior class will be toworked together to push the chairs into gether outside of school hours. The night began at 7 pm as seniors en- the center of the gym. Student Governtered the beautifully decorated east gym ment presented a photo montage celdressed to the nines. The theme was ebrating events from the first half of the Great Gatsby; pops of gold and black year. It was amazing to reminisce on highlighted the room. A big thank you all of these fun times, including spirit to the National Art Honor Society for week, pep rally, and homecoming. Foldecorating the gym and creating a magi- lowing the montage, the class officers
Online & Social Media Editor
Silence filled classrooms throughout the school on Wednesday, February 13th. At the end of third period, Dr. Strong came on the PA system to announce the top 20 students of the Class of 2019. The top twenty students are chosen solely based on their weighted academic average. Their names were announced in alphabetical order, followed by the salutatorian and the valedictorian. The Class of 2019’s top twenty students are listed as follows: Valedictorian: Jared Bank Salutatorian: Matthew Weltmann Arooba Ahmed Sydni Berkenfeld Rinni Bhansali Ashely Blatt Lauren Cherkin Samantha Hammer Kaitlyn Hoxha Marni Kahn
Jiachen Lee Jade Long Matthew Park Anish Pisipati Kavya Rao Cole Rappaport Dylan Weber Leo Wild Jessica Winakor Xinwen Zheng
Photo courtesy of Chip Parker
Photo courtesy of Ms. Merejo
cal world of Gatsby for us. There were tables all along the room with decorative centerpieces, and there was even a photobooth in the back of the room where seniors took pictures with Gatsby themed props. The DJ got the party started as the senior class danced to some of today’s top hits. Delicious food was served, including chicken parmesan, eggplant parmesan, mozzarella sticks, pasta, and salad.
finally announced the much anticipated senior superlatives. The camaraderie and love in the room was overwhelming; something the senior class, will definitely miss in the future. On behalf of the Thunderbird staff, we’d like to congratulate all of the seniors who won a superlative this year. Senior year may represent a series of “lasts” for the students, but the memories will remain forever.
Valedictorian Jared Bank and Salutatorian Matthew Weltmann on the school trip to Spain and Portugal (Photo courtesy of Matt Weltmann)
Long Island Author Visits HSE
Boys Basketball has Another Great Season
Lt. Gov Visits HSE
Haven’t You Heard?
[2] Thunderbird School News
NY Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul Speaks at Hills East
Carson Leifer
World News & Op/Ed Editor
During school on Thursday, January 10th, 2019, Half Hollow Hills High School East welcomed New York Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul to the lecture hall to announce a new policy
any other school faculty members to petition a state judge to issue a court order. This court order, known as an Extreme Risk Protection Order, would prevent, at least temporarily, any student or individual who is believed to be a potential danger, to themselves or society, from purchasing or possessing a firearm. S i m i lar laws have already been passed in thirteen US states, including Florida. Proponents of Photo courtesy of Chip Parker the Red Flag proposal for the state. Hochul, along Bill in New York have said that it helps with state legislators and local public of- establish gun control and also deals with ficials, discussed key components of the mental health issues, which Democrats Governor’s upcoming legislative agenda and Republicans have respectively dein 2019. The Democratic Party now con- bated following numerous mass shootcurrently controls the state’s senate, as- ings. sembly, and governorship for the first While trying to pass a law that she betime since 2010, allowing the party and lieves would improve safety in schools its leaders to push a more liberal agenda all across the state, the Lieutenant Govthan past years. Atop the list of the Dem- ernor often resorted to partisan attacks in ocrats’ legislative agenda, in response to an effort to rally her political base. She recent mass school shootings, is an in- did not refrain from attacks on President crease in gun control laws and measures, Trump and elected Republican officials including the Red Flag Bill. in the nation’s capital. Hochul said that Kathy Hochul was first elected as New President Trump “caved to the NRA,” York’s Lieutenant Governor in 2014, blaming the President and the National when Governor Andrew Cuomo was Rifle Association for inaction and the running for re-election to a second term deaths of people to gun violence, deas Governor. The two were re-elected to- spite inaction from both Republican and gether in November 2018, as Hochul is Democratic presidential administrations now serving her second term, and Cuo- and controlled sessions of Congress in mo is serving his third term. Prior to her previous years. Lieutenant Governor election as the second highest-ranking Hochul also took time to lambaste newly state official in New York, Hochul, a life- confirmed US Supreme Court Justice long Democrat, served one term in the Brett Kavanaugh, which was seemingly United States House of Representatives, inappropriate in a school setting while representing the city of Buffalo and the discussing a serious policy issue. She state’s 26th congressional district from said that “the President also stacked the 2011 to 2013. Supreme Court of the United States with Prior to the Lieutenant Governor’s extremely conservative individuals who speech, Linda Beigel Schulman spoke are against sensible gun legislation.” about her own tragic experience with Lieutenant Governor Hochul also spoke school shootings. Her son, Scott J. Beigel, of the “issues surrounding” Justice Kawas a 35-year-old teacher who was killed vanaugh’s confirmation process, a reflast February 14th in the Marjory Stone- erence to the unproven sexual assault man Douglas High School shooting in allegations brought against him during Parkland, Florida. He was a Dix Hills September of 2018. She accused the native and a graduate of Hills East in federal government of neglect by saying 2001. Following the heart-wrenching they continuously choose to “abdicate loss of her son, Linda Beigel Schulman their responsibility to protect the Amerimet with many elected officials, includ- can people.” ing Governor Cuomo, to discuss new About a week before the Lieutenant policies that could be enacted to prevent Governor Hochul’s visit, select students further tragedies. She is now encourag- and faculty were informed that Govering New York legislators to pass the Red nor Andrew Cuomo would be coming to Flag Bill, which she believes would have Hills East and would be speaking himprevented the tragic death of her son if it self. However, the school district was inwas enacted in Florida at the time of the formed the morning of the event that the massacre. She spoke highly of Governor Governor was, unfortunately, unable to Cuomo and his determination to pass and attend and was instead sending the Lieusign the Red Flag Bill into law, saying he tenant Governor in his place. Although promised her “we will get this done.” Lieutenant Governor Hochul said that Democrats believe that the Red Flag the Governor had wanted to attend, no Bill, for which they campaigned state- reason was given for his notable absence. wide prior to the 2018 elections, would Lieutenant Governor Hochul did do a lead to a decrease in gun violence and good job of sharing the message with help prevent school shootings in New those in attendance, but there was defiYork State. The bill, if passed and signed nitely some disappointment in the air as into law, would allow parents, teacher, students and teachers alike were hoping guidance counselors, administrators, or to hear it from Governor Cuomo himself.
Lifesaving Skills Everyone Should Know: First Aid, CPR, AED and Bleeding Control Hannah Nissenbaum
The half-year Personal/ Public occured at the Sandy Hook ElemenSafety and CPR elective class is tary School shooting on December proving to be the most important class I have taken at High School East. Not important in the academic sense, but important to save a life. Ms. Booth, a health teacher and American Red Cross Instructor, is teaching us the skills necessary to act in potentially fatal situations in order to help save a life. We are currently learning how to perform chest compressions on an unresponsive person. In situations like these, it is important to respond quickly. Before anything, we are Colby Rowe from Stony Brook Trauma Center Education taught to check Coordinator, visited Ms. Booth’s CPR class to provide the scene to make “Stop the Bleed” training. sure it is safe. The (Photo courtesy of Vanessa Booth) next step is to im14, 2012. Many of the lives lost that day could have been prevented with proper bleeding control techniques. “Stop the Bleed” is actually a national awareness campaign and callto-action. It is intended to cultivate grassroots efforts that encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. During our classroom training, we got hands-on experience that involved packing a wound with gauze, wrapping a tourniquet, and applying pressure during a simulated arterial bleed. We discussed how important it is to act quickly to stop bleeding. Suffolk County Police Officer Students trying to apply what they learned during the Dennis Hendrickson “Stop the Bleed” training assisted in presenting (Photo courtesy of Vanessa Booth) the program, and he explained to me that as a mediately call 911 and begin per- department they are “...reaching out forming compressions at 100 beats to everybody in the community to reper minute until emergency services quest their help in facilitating trainrelieve you. These minutes leading ing so that young people like you can up to when medics arrive are crucial save a life.” Learning these life savand can be enough to save a life. ing techniques can be critical in a life Recently, Colby Rowe, Stony Brook or death situation. Ms. Booth hopes Trauma Center Education Coordina- to host “Stop the Bleed” again in the tor, visited our class to provide “Stop future and shared, “I am very pleased the Bleed” training. He explained to to host this program for our students our class that “the only thing more for the first time this year. This traintragic than a death, is a death that ing has clear goals and has ample could have been prevented.” Be- skill practice time. My students were cause of the world we live in today motivated, inquisitive and engaged with the many school shootings that during the training. The instructors occur, this is extremely important. are terrific and the hands-on practice “Stop the Bleed” training was cre- is impactful for the students.” ated because of the tragic deaths that
What is Going on in the AASO? Nia Haywood, Laila Castro, & Christandlie Backer
Author Regina Calcaterra Visits HSE Alexa Jones
The African American Student Organization has been a part of the Half Hollow Hills community for decades. Ever since the club was established,
School News
formed it into our Wakanda. The students drew attention to their well-put together room by playing famous hits from different African-American
Photography Editor
Etched in Sand is an autobiography, written by Regina Calcaterra, read by a majority of the junior class along with some of the seniors. The story follows the lives of five children, born from one mother, yet five different fathers, who experienced a very unique childhood. Through her story, Regina shares her perspective of her childhood, while including that of some of her siblings as well. The book was incredibly wellreceived by anyone who read it at HSE, so the excitement was palpable when
get it much worse. Her family endured so many obstacles in such a small span of their lifetimes forcing Cherie, Camille, Regina, Norman, and Rosie to raise themselves and each other. Their mother, who really wasn’t a mother at all, would leave them alone in random “homes” for weeks to months at a time. They had to survive with zero assistance. When their mother was with them, they usually wished that she wasn’t. The amount of abuse that went on is horrifying. They were all in and
HSE students celebrate Kwanzaa (Photo courtesy of Allyson Uttendorfer)
the club has upheld the presence of African American culture in High School East as well as High School West. Over the years, HSE’s AASO has participated in the annual Breast Cancer Walk and our district’s Safe Halloween. We have produced our own Annual Kwanzaa Show and taken part in the district’s Annual Unity Day Fair. The purpose of the African American Student Organization is to educate and inform all students from our school and community about Black History. We want people to learn that African-Americans are more than just the stereotype that is portrayed on social media. The common goal of the AASO club is the desire to spread awareness and work to bring attention to the traditions and social issues that are a part of the African American society. Mrs. Swaby is the advisor of our AASO Club. The officers are Christandlie Backer President, Laila Castro Vice President, Nia Haywood Secretary, and Jewel Moore is the Treasurer. One of the activities that we participate in annually is Safe Halloween. This year, our theme was Black Panther, associated with the popular movie that came to theaters in 2018. We decorated a classroom and trans-
groups and singers. Additionally, in late December, we held our Annual Kwanzaa Show. We celebrated it with a poetry reading, dances, a fashion show, and a play performance. We discussed Nguzo Saba (the seven principles of Kwanzaa) to help educate our peers on this important cultural holiday. February is the most important month for AASO because it is Black History Month. It is an annual celebration of achievements of African Americans and their influences on U.S. history. During this celebratory month for AASO, we decorated the display case by the main office in which we recognized a few influential African Americans who we do not discuss daily. We are also a part of the morning announcements where we can recognize more notable African-Americans. There are so many famous African Americans to honor, and we wish February was longer so we could honor them all! AASO will continue to strive for the betterment of the club and work for the entire school to be informed of the importance of Black culture. You will definitely be hearing more from the infamous AASO club this year, as well as in the future!
We the People Dominates at States
Kabir Randhawa
“We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution” challenges students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of constitutional principles. These same students are also expected to defend positions on historical and contemporary issues by participating in simulated congressional hearings and “testifying” before a panel of judges acting as members of Congress. HSE has always had a strong We the People team, and as this school year began, they were cautiously optimistic about their future. The HSE We the People team won the state competition last year, but going into this year, they knew that things would different with a lower enrollment than in years past. This, however, didn’t stop them from persevering and winning it again, making them back to back state champs.
Led by their teacher, Mr. David Pitman, the Hills East team did a stellar job at the state competition, which was sponsored by the Justice Resource Center and included ten teams competing at Martin Luther King, Jr. High School in Manhattan. This year’s team members are Arooba Ahmed, Rinni Bhansali, Isabella Bordwin, Cora-Lee Gregory, Kaitlyn Hoxha, Benjamin Keschner, Karina Khan, Stevie Martin, Rachel Propis, Nabiha Qureshi, Zakariya Rahimi, Kabir Randhawa, Kavya Rao, Lucas Stein, and Joseph Vela. As the winning team, they will represent New York State at the national finals in Washington, D.C., from April 26th to 29th where they will compete against about 1,200 students from 56 high schools across the country.
Photo courtesy of Chip Parker
Regina Calcaterra visited HSE on February 12th. In the auditorium, Regina introduced herself, spoke about her masterpiece, answered questions from students, signed books, and took pictures with her fans. Now a successful, passionate, powerful, and confident woman, her career is involved with furthering the education and opportunities for other kids who are growing up in a situation similar to hers. She is also an attorney and served as Deputy General Counsel to the New York State Insurance Fund. There were many points during her childhood when she never could have imagined that her future would look the way it is now. Her mother Camille Calcaterra, who is now deceased, abused and neglected all of her children, except her son Norman, in every way possible. They each sustained physical, verbal, emotional, and mental abuse at the hands of their mother. Regina explained that Norman was actually damaged the most. He was forced to watch the people he loves be irrationally abused, and if he did find the courage inside himself to step up to his evil mother, then his sisters would only
out of foster care of course, but those situations weren’t that much better. Unfortunately, Social Services turned their heads away from some of the horrors that went on in their lives. As a result of all that she experienced, Regina dedicated her adult life to increasing the involvement and advisement of Social Services, among other charitable ventures and her successes as a lawyer. Despite the sustained abuse, she cites the worst part of her childhood as one simple thing and three little words that were always lacking but so desperately desired. Their mother never ever told any of them that she loved them. Later in their lives, they realized that this feeling is mutual. Rosie, Regina’s youngest sister, also wrote a memoir reflecting on her childhood called Girl Unbroken. This book is just as inspiring and insightful as Regina’s; I highly recommend reading both of these works at some point. Meeting Regina really put a lot of things into perspective. Her message helps students realize that one can overcome any obstacle in life, and one’s childhood does not have to determine the future.
Members of the We the People Team (Photo courtesy of Dave Pitman)
[4] Thunderbird Ed World News/Op
Haven’t You Heard? March 2019 Edition Matt Weltmann
Sara Califano & Cori Sternstein
Staff Writer
Brexit Plan Rejected On June 23rd, 2016, in a legendary and consequential referendum, 51.9% of the British population voted in favor of leaving the European Union (EU). Although this result was not legally binding, the government, led by Prime Minister Theresa May, pledged to implement the result. However, the EU never had any interest in letting the United Kingdom leave easily in fear of sparking other countries’ interest in exodus. Now, after years of negotiations, the British Parliament has struck down May’s compromised plan for trade, debt settlement, and citizen’s rights in other countries by a vote of 432-202, exemplifying the division currently present in British politics. The United Kingdom is scheduled to leave the EU on March 29th, 2019, and it will leave with or without a deal for future relations unless the government votes to stop the process or all other 28 EU nations vote to extend the process. Moon Plants Since the moon’s period of revolution and rotation are equal, the same side of the moon permanently faces the Earth. Therefore, humans had only ever seen the mysterious and misnamed “dark” side of the moon from orbiting probes, until January 3rd, 2019, when the China National Space Administration’s Chang’e 4 craft touched down on the far side in a milestone of human lunar exploration. Now, seeds carried by the Chang’e 4 lunar lander have sprouted in a sealed container; this represents the first instance of biological matter growing on the moon. Professor Liu Hanlong of Chongqing University has said that the potatoes being grown could one day serve as a food source on other planets, the cotton could be used to make clothing, and the grapeseed could be used to make oil. LGBT Purge in Chechnya The Russian LGBT Network, which has been monitoring a growing situation between Chechen law enforcement and the gay community, said in a statement on January 14th, 2019 that about 40 men and women have been detained on suspicion of being gay in Chechnya since December and that at least two of them have died from torture in detention. This new information comes after allegations in 2017 of more than 100 gay men being arrested, tortured, and sometimes killed in this majority Islamic region of southern Russia. Although Alvi Karimov, who works for Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, told reporters that the latest allegations are “complete lies and don’t have an ounce of truth in them,” past testimony from detained individuals has forced the international community to fear the worst. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe last month asked Russia to conduct an investigation. Trump’s Birth Control Rules Partially Blocked Obamacare requires that women’s birth control be covered by business insurance plans at no additional cost
The March Heard Round the World Staff Writers
to the insured party. However, religious organizations were always exempt from this statute due to spiritual and moral objections to contraceptives. In October 2017, President Trump announced new regulations that would allow nonprofit groups, for-profit companies, other non governmental employers, and schools and universities to also be included in this exemption. Recently, however, thirteen states, including New York, sought an injunction to put the regulations on hold pending a lawsuit opposing them, and it was granted. A federal judge on January 13th temporarily blocked the rules allowing employers to refuse to provide free birth control but only in those 13 states and Washington D.C. United States Recognizes Venezuelan Opposition Leader as Nation’s President On January 10th, 2019, President Nicolas Maduro was inaugurated for a second term as the leader of Venezuela in what the Venezuelan people and the opposition party have denounced as an illegitimate move. Under the socialist government of Maduro in 2017, maternal mortality spiked by 65%, infant mortality increased by 30%, and malaria cases rose by 76%. Therefore, on January 23rd, 2019, Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó declared himself interim president, swearing to “assume all the powers of the presidency to secure an end of the usurpation.” Just minutes afterward, President Trump acknowledged that “the people of Venezuela have courageously spoken out against Maduro and his regime and demanded freedom and the rule of law,” pledging the support of the United States and encouraging other nations to support the opposition. Now, sanctions will soon go into effect that ban U.S. companies from exporting goods or services to Petroleum of Venezuela (PDVSA), the Venezuelan state-owned oil and natural gas company, and prohibit American refineries from buying crude oil from PDVSA unless the money is paid into accounts not tied to Maduro. Federal Reserve Practices Patience The Federal Reserve has been raising interest rates since 2015 in order to slow down the economy’s expansion. Since an October announcement by the Chair of the Federal reserve, Jerome Powell, that suggested interest rates were still “a long way” from neutral, the stock market has slid. However, on January 30th, 2019, the Fed chose not to further increase interest rates and announced that “In light of global economic and financial developments and muted inflation pressures, [the Fed’s policy committee] will be patient as it determines what future adjustments to the target range for the federal funds rate may be appropriate.” In other words, it will continue to analyze whether future rate hikes remain necessary. This declaration comes amid trade tensions, Brexit, and the recently ended government shutdown, which all have raised uncertainties for the economy.
Check out the most recent Hills Review Podcast at www.Thunderbirdhse.com
On January 19th, 2019, crowds of selves and started to get frustrated with women gathered in Washington D.C and it. Eventually, this frustration would other global cities to protest the Trump turn into anger, and they would turn to adminprotests. istraOne of tion and the mathreats to jor reawomen’s sons why rights. women T h e marched original in Januwomen’s ary was march for viowas in l e n c e January not only of 2017, against r i g h t women, a f t e r but all President types of T r u m p Gloria Allred joins marchers from Pershing Square to City Hall violence. was sworn for the third annual Women’s March LA in Los Angeles on Ending genSaturday, January. 19, 2019 into office. der based (Photo courtesy of Los Angeles Daily News) The march violence, in 2017 state vioinspired many women to vote and to lence, and war were some of the top pursue elected positions. This march examples used when protesting to end was to ensure that the country knows violence. According to The Women’s that women are not pleased with cur- March 2019 Women’s Agenda, they rent standards. The march also came in demand that the government funds for protest of the appointment of Supreme ending violence. They are also callCourt Justice Brett Kavanaugh. This ing for the reauthorization of Violence march was to give a voice to women Against Women Act (VAWA) and the who are often vulnerable and are im- Special Domestic Violence Criminal pacted by injustice. Jurisdiction (SDCJ). With the reauthoThroughout the time between the rization of VAWA and SDJC, there will first women’s march and the march that hopefully be a federal definition of dooccured in January, women across the mestic violence. Ending workplace hanation have been resisting President rassment and discrimination in school Trump. One of the main concerns that were two of the major discussions. Acwas brought up during the march was cording to the agenda protecting trans unequal pay for equal work. According women, girls, and nonbinary adults and to the National Organization for Wom- youth from discrimination is a priority. en, women are making less than what They believe that there should be some men are being paid. Specifically, “for type of punishment for people that viofull-time, year-round workers, women late this. Although many may disagree are paid on average only 77 percent of protecting people from discrimination what men are paid.” Since 1963, the in schools is a priority, ensuring that all gap between men and women being people are protected from any type of paid has narrowed, but there’s still un- violence and harassment is extremely equal pay. In fact, “in 1963, when the important. Equal Pay Act was passed, full-time Women across the country are colworking women were paid 59 cents on lectively trying to make the United average for every dollar paid to men. States a better place. The continuation This means it took 44 years for the wage of these marches can ultimately influgap to close just 18 cents — a rate of ence the country in many ways for the less than half a penny a year.” Studies better. Over the next two years, we can have shown that over a time period of expect to see more movements and 15 years, a female worker loses an esti- protests to raise more awareness to mated amount of five hundred thousand these problems. Leaders will work with dollars due to unequal pay. Women and communities to give those who don’t other minorities have noticed this un- have voices a voice; these marches are balance of pay between men and them- a step towards the future.
Thousands of people marched in the third Women’s March in Washington DC in January despite controversy surrounding the founders of the movement. (Photo courtesy of Myelle Lansat/INSIDER)
World News/Op Ed
Federal Government Shuts Down for 35 Days Carson Leifer
World News & Op/Ed Editor
The United States Federal Government, due to the lack of an agreement on an appropriations bill, partially shut down for a record breaking 35 days from December 22nd, 2018 to January 25th, 2019. As the longest federal government shutdown in US history, it was caused by a lack of cooperation between the White House and Congress on a spending bill, particularly over the issue of immigration. President Donald Trump was determined to receive at least $5.7 billion in a spending bill for his signature campaign promise: a border wall on the southern US border shared with Mexico. Democrats in Congress, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, staunchly refused to allocate any money for a solid barrier. This gridlock lasted for more than a month as the two sides failed to reach any sort of compromise, causing a partial federal government shutdown. Partial shutdowns of the United States Federal Government have occurred 22 times since 1976, with ten of those times affecting federal workers and their pay, including this time. Shutdowns are the result of a lapse in funding for the federal government caused by the failure of Congress to pass and the president to sign appropriation bills that address how the government will spend money. When spending bills run out and there is no new one in place, the government no longer has a law in place that states how they must spend money, and therefore, the federal government partially shuts down. Some agencies and departments, however, including the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs, remained fully opened during this shutdown because they were already funded through different spending agreements. Nearly 800,000 federal workers, or about one-fourth of the entire federal government, did not receive a paycheck during the shutdown. 420,000 workers were expected to show up for work, despite not receiving any pay until after the shutdown ended. The other 380,000 workers without pay were furloughed, meaning that they were deemed “non-essential” and therefore placed on leave from work until the end of the shutdown. All federal employees not paid and not working during the shutdown were guaranteed back pay once the shutdown ended. However, during it, hundreds of thousands of workers were not receiving paychecks and had difficulty getting by without a source of income, especially during the often costly Christmas and New Year’s season. Workers from the Department of Homeland Security are considered “essential” despite not receiving any pay, so they were asked to work without pay. Other departments were forced to partially shut down and have workers either furloughed or work without any immediate pay, including the Departments of Housing and Urban Development, Commerce, Interior, and Transportation, as well as the Office of Personnel Management, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the Coast Guard, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Executive Office of the President, and NASA. National parks and museums were also forced
to close as employees are considered non-essential. The other branches of the military remained active and were paid during the shutdown because the Department of Defense was already funded. The Coast Guard was not funded because it is part of the Department of Homeland Security, which was not funded. This shutdown took place during two separate sessions of Congress, starting with the 115th and concluding under the 116th. Although the
$5.7 billion in a deal that would have by uncontrolled, illegal migration. It built the wall in areas that the Presi- strains public resources and drives dent and his team deemed necessary. down jobs and wages.” President Instead of asking for a solid concrete Trump spoke about America’s drug wall, Donald Trump said he would, epidemic, saying that 90% of the herat the request of Democrats, build a oin in the United States comes across barrier made from steel slates. Pelosi, the border, killing about 300 Amerihowever, called the wall “immoral” cans every week. Trump spoke about and said she would not fund any of it. the statistics and violence that occurs She instead supported an increase in along the border. He said, “in the last technology along the border to detect two years, ICE officers made 266,000 drugs and people coming across, but arrests of aliens with criminal records, many Republicans criticized it as too including those charged or convictimpractical ed of 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex and ineffec- crimes, and 4,000 violent killings.” tive. Trump Most notably, President Trump tried continuous- to appeal to the nation, stating “this ly pointed is a humanitarian crisis, a crisis of out that the heart and a crisis of the soul.” He many Dem- concluded his speech by saying “this ocrats had is a choice between right and wrong, s u p p o r t e d justice and injustice. This is about building a whether we fulfill our sacred duty to barrier in the American citizens we serve. When the past, I took the Oath of Office, I swore to i n c l u d - protect our country. And that is what I ing Sen- will always do, so help me God.” ate MinorIn response to the president’s adity Leader dress, both Speaker Nancy Pelosi Photo courtesy of bbc.com C h u c k and Senate Minority Leader Chuck S c h u m e r , Schumer made a televised address imGOP had controlled both the House but changed their views only after mediately following President Trump. of Representatives and the Senate Trump was elected in 2016. Pelosi began by saying “sadly, much from January 3, 2017 until January President Trump delivered his first of what we have heard from President 3rd, 2019, they were unable to pass televised Oval Office Address of his Trump throughout this senseless shuta bill that addressed immigration and presidency on the evening of Tuesday, down has been full of misinformaborder security or a spending bill for January 8th to explain his view of the tion and even malice.” She accused the fiscal year of 2019 that included a shutdown and why he believed it was Trump of causing the shutdown by border wall because they required 60 necessary to improve security along rejecting bipartisan bills from both votes to pass in the Senate, and Re- the southern border. He tried to assure chambers of Congress. “President publicans only held 51 of those seats. the public that this was not about be- Trump must stop holding the AmeriPresident Trump urged Republican ing against immigration as whole, but can people hostage, must stop manuSenate Majority Leader Mitch Mc- instead against illegal immigration, facturing a crisis, and must reopen the Connell to invoke the nuclear option, saying “America proudly welcomes government,” Pelosi finished. Senator meaning the Republican majority in millions of lawful immigrants who Schumer spoke second, standing to the Senate would change protocol and enrich our society and contribute to Continued on page 7 rules on the Senate floor to allow a bill our nation. But all Americans are hurt to pass with a simple majority of 51 votes. McConnell, however, chose not to do so, because he believed it would have set a bad precedent in the Senate and allow Democrats to do the same and pass their own legislation if they were to retake control of Congress’s upper chamber. Democrats won conDylan Kaufman trol of the House of Representatives Editor-In-Chief: Alexa Foodim during the 2018 midterms and elected Print Layout Editor: Kayla Menkes Nancy Pelosi to be Speaker of the Online & Social Media Editor: Sam Rochlin & Alexa Jones House. This new session of Congress Photography Editors: Section Editors: Carson Leifer & Jake Nathan (World News & Op/Ed) was seated on January 3rd, 2019. Weeks of negotiations took place Sloane Levine & Brooke Gronich (School News) prior to December 22nd, 2018, but Emily Sobel (STEM & Business) the House of Representatives, Senate, Brooke Blumberg & Hayden Fishbein (Entertainment/Lifestyles) and White House were unable to agree Hunter De Siver & Noah Epstein (Sports) on a deal that they were all willing to pass. On midnight of December 22, Staff Writers: Alix Berman, Jesse Boxenhorn, Sara Califano, the federal government was officially Alexandra Feldstein, Max Ferguson, Josh Foodim, Alexa Garbus, Jacob Gold, out of funding for many departments Jake Gottlieb, Maya Hoffman, Brianna Kalina, Jacob Kaye, Andrew Menkes, and agencies due to a lapse in fundMike Picerrella, Madison Schioppo, Samuel Sekler, Skylar Semon, Cori Sterning, marking the official start of the stein, Leah Sycoff, Blake Taylor, Matt Weltmann, Alex Zeh shutdown. When the newly-elected 116th Congress began on January 3rd, Contributors: Christandlie Backer, Laila Castro, Nia Haywood, 2019, the government was already Hannah Nissenbaum, Michael Picarella, Kabir Randhawa, Sophia Tawil shutdown. This made the likelihood of a deal even less possible because Photographers: Vanessa Booth, Alexandra Feldstein, Alexa Foodim, Dylan the Democrats now controlled the Kaufman, Sloane Levine, Lifetouch, Kayla Menkes, Chip Parker, Dave Pitman, House of Representatives and RepubLeah Sycoff, Allyson Uttendorfer, Michael Picarella, Matt Weltmann licans still did not have 60 votes in the Senate. For more than three weeks, Mrs. Dalton President Trump and the Republicans Advisors: Mrs. Davis were in a deadlock with Nancy Pelosi Website: www.thunderbirdhse.com and the Democrats over funding for a border wall and other border security Email: Thunderbirdhse@gmail.com measures. The president originally wanted more than $20 billion for his Disclaimer: The Thunderbird hereby states that the opinions within this publifamously promised wall along the en- cation are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of the staff, tire southern border, but only asked for administration or school community.
Thunderbird Staff
[6] Thunderbird World News/Op/Ed
Is MacKenzie Bezos the Richest Woman in the World? Brooke Gronich
School News Editor
Jeff Bezos is currently one of the which is one of the nine states in Amermost influential people in the world. ica where everything acquired through He completely revolutionized the way marriage is joint property. Along with in which we obtain our products. How? this, the Bezos made no sort of preBy creating Amazon. Through Amazon, nuptial agreement. Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos has gained a net worth of 142.3 were married before Jeff founded Amabillion dollars, making zon, and it is even said him the richest man in that MacKenzie played the world. R e a very big part in the cently, Jeff Bezos and corporation before dehis wife of 25 years, ciding to step down MacKenzie Bezos, anand spend time raising nounced that they are her children. For these getting a divorce. In reasons, it is very posa statement on Twitsible that MacKenzie ter, they wrote, “We will walk away from want to make people the marriage with a net aware of a developworth of about $68 bilment in our lives. As lion. She would surpass our family and close Francoise Bettencourt friends know, after a Meyers, who controls long period of loving 33% of L’Oreal and is exploration and trial worth $45.6 billion, by separation, we have nearly $23 billion. decided to divorce and MacKenzie Bezon with soon to be MacKenzie grew up in ex - Jeff Bezos continue our shared lives (Photo courtesy of people.com) San Francisco and went as friends.” on to earn an english It wasn’t long before degree at Princeton Unigreat speculation arose on how the for- versity. She first met Jeff after moving tune would be divided between the two to New York City, when she was interpeople. It is a large possibility that the viewed by him for a job at the hedge former couple will be splitting their fund where he was working. After three assets in half. This would not only de- months of dating, the two were engaged nounce Bezos from being the richest and moved to Seattle to develops Jeff’s man in the world, but it would also result unrealistic and revolutionary idea, what in his wife becoming the richest woman we now know as Amazon. Now, here in the world. Despite having real es- we are, more than 25 years later, and tate throughout the country, the Bezos’ MacKenzie may soon become the richprimary home is in Washington state, est woman in the world.
Why are Airpods so Popular? Hayden Fishbein
Entertainment Editor
Apple’s newest innovation, AirPods, earbuds, that pauses and changes the has brewed a large discussion among audio very easily. You pressed volume fans of Apple’s popular products. Air- up to make it louder, volume down to Pods are bluetooth earbuds that look make it lower, double press volume up like the traditional earbuds but with- to go to the next song, double press volout the wire. There ume down to go to the is some controversy song before or restart over whether Apple’s that song, and press newest innovation is the middle to pause or up to par. If this is the play the audio. Many case, why do people people love that fealike them so much? Is ture of the old Apple it just because they’re earpods and were upthe newest trend or set when they realized are they truly the next they wouldn’t be able Photo courtesy of cnet.com big thing in audio enterto do that on AirPods. tainment? AirPods do have great sound You can, however, kind of adjust the quality. Whether it’s listening to music, settings from the phone itself, but it is talking on the phone, or a variety of much more involved and not as user other uses, they produce a great sound friendly. In settings, if you go to bluethat is favored by many. AirPods also tooth while wearing your AirPods and connect very easily; they pair to your you press the blue “i”, you can change IPhone or device almost instantly, and the function. You can set each AirPod they connect to your phone as soon as to a different action. Some of these acyou put them in your ears. In addition, tions are Siri, play/pause, next track, the AirPods come in a charging case, previous track, or none. Although you and the charge holds for 24 hours de- can’t control volume through the Airpending upon amount of use. Pods, this feature is extremely helpful While many view Airpods with sun- especially when you don’t have your shine and rainbow positivity, not all of phone or computer in close proximity. their reviews are positive. As with all In all, AirPods are a welcome addinew technology, nothing is perfect. It tion to the Apple repertoire of products. is possible to buy a pair of AirPods that As with any new technology, there are are faulty, with either one or both not still some issues to work out, but most offering optimum audio sound. As they people who have AirPods are happy are very expensive, this could defi- with them so far. Apple will be releasnitely prove to be frustrating. With the ing the newest version of their AirPods traditional headphones, there is a vol- sometime this year, so keep an eye out ume button, located on the wire of the for that release date!
Amazon’s LIC Deal Falls Through: What Went Wrong? Emily Sobel
STEM Technology and Business Editor
Silicon Valley’s nearest airports were sure to be jam packed with tech talent flying straight to the heart of New York, the city that was supposed to be Amazon’s new home. On February 14th, 2019, the tech giant decided to pull out of a multimillion dollar plan for a Long Island City headquarters location. After over a year of negotiations, corporate giant Amazon finally announced plans for the division of their second headquarters- widely referred to as ‘HQ2’- into two locations, one being a 4 million square foot space in Long Island City. This would have brought the opportunity for 25,000 new jobs with an average wage of over $150,000 to the Long Island City location alone, which leaves many potential employers distraught over Amazon’s back out. Amazon dropped the news of its headquarters search in 2017, expressing that the company was growing faster than it was able to hire in its hometown of Seattle. In total, over 200 cities and states submitted bids in hopes of winning Amazon over. The decision to split HQ2 between Long Island City in New York and Crystal City in Arlington, Virginia was strongly driven by the desire to draw top notch employees. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos states, “These two locations will allow us to attract world-class talent that will help us to continue inventing for customers for years to come. The team did a great job selecting these sites, and we look forward to becoming an even bigger part of these communities.” Factors such as LIC’s vibrant and hip retail scene, strong millennial base, and proximity to cooperate explosions like Manhattan were some of the major selling points that temporarily won over Amazon leaders. A strong effort to woo
the company by Governor Andrew “Am- commitment to build a new headquarters azon” Cuomo certainly helped to seal the requires positive, collaborative relationdeal. Included in Amazon’s decision were ships with state and local elected officials subsidies that were promised to them by who will be supportive over the longNew York, including $1.525 billion in term. While polls show that 70% of New performance-based direct incentives, Yorkers support our plans and invest$325 million from Empire State Devel- ment, a number of state and local politiopment, and an amount not revealed cians have made it clear that they oppose from the New York City’s Industrial and our presence and will not work with us C o m m e rto build the cial Abatetype of rement Prolationships gram and that are reNew York quired to City’s Rego forward location with the and Emproject we ployment and many Assistance others enProgram. visioned in In return, Long IsAmazon land City.” new headquarters in Long Island City. c o m m i t t e d Amazon’s proposed Moreover, (Photo courtesy of cnbc.com) to building many other a new school in Long Island City and a local politicians were strongly against tech incubator on its campus, infrastruc- the offer. For example, progressive politure improvements, and participation in tician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez helped LIC’s PILOT program, which provides swing the New York legislature against money to the community. Additionally, the deal. Michael R. Bloomberg also the company’s plans would have brought questioned the deal. Other lawmakers a 10,000 square foot workforce develop- and residents questioned the project in ment and training space, 150,000 square fear of raises in rent, proliferating tax feet of public open space, and a water- numbers, and congesting of an already front esplanade. heavily populated subway. Many New Yorkers are left wondering The demise of the plan was devastating what went wrong and how Amazon could to New York Governor Andrew M. Cuohave pulled out of such a well put togeth- mo and Mayor Bill de Blasio, who put er and opportune opening plan. Amazon in endless hours of effort to make New released an explanation to provide an ex- York a welcoming place for Amazon to planation for both the disappointed and develop its new home. The two men recelebratory New Yorkers: “After much acted to the falling of the deal differently. thought and deliberation, we’ve decided Cuomo blamed it on a small group of not to move forward with our plans to local politicians, a democratic majority, build a headquarters for Amazon in Long stating that they let their own interests Island City, Queens. For Amazon, the rise above what was best, while Bill de
Blasio questioned Amazon’s integrity as a business by running away from the deal when things weren’t perfect. Amazon certainly had rallying supporters among some of the city community’s unions, businesses, and residents. A pair of polls showed major support within the state. Modern Spaces co-founder Eric Benaim expressed concern that Amazon’s pull out with have devastating repercussions for the New York area, stating that he’s “devastated for the 25,000 families who lost an opportunity here, 25,000 families won’t be able to afford groceries, 15,000 of these families from Queensbridge. 25,000 jobs we lost. CEO of the Queens Chamber of Commerce Thomas Grech stated “an entire generation will look back at these last few months and ask us why.” Benaim and Grech are only two of a myriad of business leaders who were rooting for Amazon’s big break in LIC. While many supported the tech giant’s splash into Long Island City, even slight resistance was enough to turn Amazon away. Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio are planning to meet in Albany to discuss how to save the deal and reinvigorate Amazon’s interest. The two men, especially Cuomo, have spent weeks speaking to Amazon executives by phone attempting to bring them back. Cuomo rallied together a coalition of politicians, community activists, and businesses to sign an open letter to Bezos, adjuring Amazon to reconsider. No comment has been made by the company yet on any change of heart. Will Amazon eventually come around? No one can be sure. All that the tech community can do in the meantime is wait with crossed fingers than Amazon will one day decide to find its place in the city of dreams.
World News/Op/Ed
Government Shutdown (continued...) Carson Leifer
Kayla Menkes & Alexa Foodim
World News & Op/Ed Editor
the left of Pelosi. Schumer blamed the shutdown solely on Trump, saying, “no president should pound the table and demand he gets his way or else the government shuts down, hurting
Online & Print Editors
Miami International Airport was forced to completely close one of its terminals for a few days due to its lack of workers. Economic consequences also occurred as a result of the 35-day
Photo courtesy of abcnews.com
millions of Americans who are treated as leverage.” He continued by lambasting the president, pleading “there is no excuse for hurting millions of Americans over a policy difference. Federal workers are about to miss a paycheck. Some families can’t get a mortgage to buy a new home. Farmers and small businesses won’t get loans they desperately need.” Schumer concluded the Democratic response by calling on President Trump to end the shutdown: “our suggestion is a simple one. Mr. President, reopen the government and we can work to resolve our differences over border security. But end this shutdown now.” Many major events and trips by leaders in Washington were either delayed or completely cancelled due to the shutdown. President Trump was supposed to spend Christmas at Mar-a-Lago, his resort in Palm Beach, Florida, but decided to stay at the White House as the shutdown began. The president also decided to not attend the 2019 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on January 22nd with many other world leaders, and instead stayed in Washington in order to work on a deal to end the shutdown. The State of the Union Address, an annual speech delivered by the president to a joint-session of Congress, was planned for January 29th. However, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who is responsible for inviting the president to the capitol, told President Trump on January 16 that she was not allowing him to deliver his address until after the two sides agreed to a deal that would end the shutdown. In response to this, Trump did not allow Pelosi to use a military aircraft to travel overseas to Belgium and Afghanistan with several other members of Congress, meaning that they had to cancel their trip just hours before their planned departure on January 17th. A week earlier, about thirty Democratic members of Congress traveled to Puerto Rico with lobbyists on a retreat, which received condemnation from the GOP. President Trump eventually delivered his State of the Union Address on February 5th, following the end of the shutdown. Workers for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) were expected to still work despite not receiving pay, but many decided not to show up to work due to the lack of paychecks, resulting in long lines at airports and several flight delays in many of the nation’s largest airports.
Sounds of Summer on Long Island
shutdown. The Congressional Budget Office estimated that the shutdown cost the economy at least $11 billion. The national GDP was also reduced by 0.1 percent each week, putting the American economy at risk of falling into a recession. The shutdown officially ended on Friday, January 25th, 2019, when President Trump announced that he would support a temporary bipartisan bill to reopen the federal government for three weeks until February 15th. It allowed federal workers to receive paychecks and the government to return to full function while lawmakers negotiated over border security. The temporary spending bill did not include money for a wall, but President Trump stated that he would receive the $5.7 billion in the next spending agreement or else he would declare a national emergency and get it built through other allocated funds. President Trump promised to “make sure that all employees receive their back pay very quickly, or as soon as possible.” On Friday, February 15th, when the stopgap funding bill was set to expire and begin another shutdown, President Trump signed into law a bipartisan funding bill that did not grant $5.7 billion for a wall, but instead only $1.375 billion. On the same day, as promised, President Trump declared a national emergency along the US southern border with Mexico, allowing him to access $8 billion in additional funding for a solid barrier. Democrats accused the president of using executive overreach to build a wall without Congress, and sixteen states have already sued the Trump Administration. The president believes that legal challenges were inevitable and that his case will eventually prevail at the Supreme Court. Despite all the legal challenges ahead, President Trump is optimistic about his iconic wall finally being built. Contrastingly, Democrats and opponents of the president remain confident that they can stop him from accomplishing this. Undoubtedly one of the most prominent and consequential political clashes in recent history, it did not come without harming hundreds of thousands of hardworking employees, as well as the American economy. This federal shutdown, the longest in US history at 35 days, serves as proof of a nation that only continues to grow more divided by the day.
It may not feel like it just yet, but spring and summer are right around the corner! Even the groundhog predicts an early spring, and we, as always, are patiently waiting for that to arrive. As soon as the weather gets warmer, Long Islanders have ample opportunity to enjoy the tireless beauty of beaches, parks, outdoor restaurants, and so much more. A favorite spring and summer activity on Long Island is enjoying concerts and music festivals, both here on the island and in NYC. With so many to choose from, it’s a great idea to plan in advance. Check out the list below to start planning! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
The Governors Ball at Randall’s Island Park (5/31-6/2) Billy Joel at Madison Square Garden (6/2) Pentatonix at Madison Square Garden (6/6) O.A.R & American Authors at Pier 17 (6/11) Ariana Grande at the Barclays Center (6/14 & 6/15) Ariana Grande at Madison Square Garden (6/18 & 6/19) Billie Eilish at Pier 17 in NYC (6/18) Billie Eilish at Radio City Music Hall (6/19) Billy Joel at Madison Square Garden (7/11) Luke Bryan at Jones Beach (7/13) Dave Matthews Band at Jones Beach (7/17) Florida Georgia Line / Dan & Shay at Jones Beach (7/20) Dierks Bentley at Jones Beach (8/2) Train and the Goo Goo Dolls at Jones Beach (8/3) Queen and Adam Lambert at Madison Square Garden (8/6 & 8/7) Jimmy Buffett at Jones Beach (8/8) The Billboard Hot 100 at Jones Beach (8/17-8/18) KISS at the Barclays Center (8/20) Zac Brown Band at Jones Beach (8/23 & 8/24) Billy Joel at Madison Square Garden (8/28) Brad Paisley at Jones Beach (8/30) Electric Zoo Festival at Randall’s Island Park (8/30-9/1)
Northwell Health at Jones Beach Theater (Photo courtesy of ewingcole.com)
Do you have an article that you would like to submit to the Thunderbird? See Mrs. Dalton or Mrs. Davis for details.
[8] Thunderbird
HSE Displays its Many Talents During Art Day Brooke Blumberg
Entertainment/Lifestyles Editor
High School East’s annual Art Day was held on Friday, January 13th. Art students and teachers look forward to this fun and important day, as it is the one day of the year where art students’ creativity and passion is on display for the rest of the school. The hallway next to the West Gym was transformed into a mini art exhibition showcasing the vast talents of HSE students. Photography students worked on photo transfers using a canvas; while drawing & painting students were working on self-portraits and skeletons that looked as if they could have been photographs. Additionally, ceramics and sculpture students used a potter’s wheel to create functional items, such as cups and bowls. Not only was it exciting for the art students in the high school, but it was also a big day for the next generation of HSE artists. Eighth graders in an accelerated Studio in Art class from West Hollow, came to the high school to find out about the multitude of art classes that are available for them to take next year. The middle schoolers traveled in groups led by National Art Honor Society board members to
all of the art classrooms. Each art class gave a short presentation and demonstrated different projects that they have created in that specific class. I was one of the representatives for the photography sequence. My friends and I gave a sample demonstration of how to print from film in the darkroom and showed a plethora of different projects and mediums that we use in photo. The eighth graders also had the privilege of seeing the AP Art History Installation. Rachel Propis described the installation as “a unique critique of our society and nation.” This year’s installation used 3-dimensional blocks to show how divided our country truly is, along with the violence that has occurred within it. This year’s installation was unique to those of previous years and was very well-received by all in attendance at Art Day. The talent and commitment to art truly showed throughout the entire day. Thanks to of all of our amazing and devoted art students and teachers, we were able to put on another amazing and memorable Art Day.
Ms. Darlene Lilla, the Music/Fine Arts Director, along with our fabulously creative HSE art teachers.
Ceramic student, Deja Auguste, spinning pottery on the wheel.
AP Photography student, Rebecca Farber, sharing her portfolio.
Fashion student, Samantha Rosenberg, sketching her latest design.
Multi-media design students using Adobe Illustrator to design original board games
Drawing and Painting student, Jillian Martin, painting her latest still life.
(All photos on this page are the courtesy of Chip Parker)
Art History Presents the Divided States of America
The Recycle Boutique Finds a Home at HSE
Alexandra Feldstein
Dylan Kaufman & Jake Nathan
Staff Writer
This year, the 13th annual AP Art in order to turn the 2D blocks into 3D. installation was centered on the Di- In a description about the installation, vision of America and how its youth teacher Allyson Uttendorfer explained should f o c u s on unification rather than issues that cause a divide. The ins t a l lation hopes to bring attention to topics such as poliStudents laying out the cubes before hanging tics and (Photo courtesy of Chip Parker) individual rights, which often create conflict. The that “when viewed from one side the class was inspired by Nam June Paik work will appear chaotic, a place of and Michael Murphy, two contem- isolation, with an attempt at depicting porary artists with unique messages. an abstract chart showing the increase Students spent three days working in school-related violence; however, hard to hang the over 1,000 painted when viewed from the front, the work appears to be one connected map of the United States.” The project was more technical than years past, but the planning and effort were well worth it. U l t i m a t e l y, the installation demonstrated how the country must remain united despite the extreme divisiveness Photo courtesy of Alexandra Feldstein found in today’s politics. and wired cubes in a specific pat- Additionally, we hope to bring awaretern. However, the real planning ness to the country’s dilemmas, such began in November when we com- as senseless acts of violence, and posbined our inspirations and decided itively start conversations amongst to create an optical sculpture that the students in our school with use of causes viewers to take a moment the color red. A central heart was creand ponder the evolving image and ated using negative space to further concept behind it. The installation emphasize unity of our school and had multiple perspectives and was the country. The Art Installation was derived from an equation developed displayed in the main lobby area for by one of the students in class. They everyone to admire and appreciate. had to establish a coordinate system
HHH Can Turn the Tide With Students Rebuild Alexa Foodim
Print Layout Editor
Half Hollow Hills has been actively participating in the Students Rebuild challenge for the past five years. The foundation is funded by the Bezos Foundation, and every year they pick a global issue to address with a rather large charitable donation. This year was aimed at saving the oceans, and all HHH students were invited to participate in the challenge. For each project that created and submitted, the Bezos Foundation donates $2 to help coastal communities and coral restoration. At the high school level, a day was designated for creating projects.
With five stations set up, students participated in recycled magazine collages, coloring activities, and newspaper drawing. Students Rebuild encourages upcycling, so we used recycled papers and newspapers to create the art. In the middle schools, an extended advisory was designated in order to teach the students about this year’s cause. They also completed a project. At the elementary schools, HSE students went during the day to teach a mini lesson. The students showed a presentation explaining the importance of saving the ocean and saving the environment to save aquatic animals. After the presentation, the stu-
Editor-in-Chief and Op/Ed Editor
Half Hollow Hills students are often shopping, or both. This experience is associated with a certain type of life- proving to be a valuable one for all instyle, one of wealth, prosperity, and volved. expensive items. This Currently, the boutique image, although corresides in a renovated rect for some of the storage room near the students in the district, HSE auditorium. Howis not applicable for ever, based on the many most members of our donations received from school community. district members, the There are a number of boutique will soon need students whose famito expand. In fact, a malies may have difficuljority of the clothes reties providing ready ceived are currently sitaccess to clothes and ting in around 30 bins in other basic necessithe social studies storage ties, such as backroom! These clothes were packs and hygienic deemed “not worthy” by products. With this in HSE student, Dylan Thomson, teenagers, but Mrs. Culmind, it became oblen always has a plan. All working in the boutique vious that we needed (Photo courtesy of Dylan Kaufman) items donated that don’t something to assist make it into the actual these families, as well as other families boutique will be donated to local thrift who are simply falling on hard times. shops and shelters. From this idea, the Recycle Boutique The Recycle Boutique has the powas born. tential to be a great force in the HHH Mrs. Cullen, HSE Social Studies community. Mrs. Cullen hopes that teacher, first started the boutique in late the boutique will eventually expand December of 2018. As the head of the into a club of its own, involving even Amnesty and GLI clubs at East, she more students and teachers in a now was able to use resources from these fast-growing, charitable activity. She clubs to raise awareness and receive also hopes to eventually be able to donations. Originally, it was solely in- work with the fashion club to piece tended to aid families who did not fit the together new outfits of student design, preconceived image of HHH students. tailor-made to the wearer’s choice. In However, after receiving numerous do- addition, clothes can be tailored to a nations from students and teachers (of custom-fit by making use of the many both previously worn and brand-new tools available in the makerspace. This clothes), the boutique evolved, now year’s prom will also provide valuincorporating an aspect of recycling. able exposure to the boutique as Mrs. Students are now able to bring in cloth- Cullen is currently collecting new and ing items (worn or new) and trade them used formal wear for upcoming events. in for something at the boutique. The Families are able to make appointboutique offers a variety of items, from ments with Mrs. Cullen to plan browssuits and ties to sweatshirts and gym ing times on Fridays and Saturdays. clothes. However, it doesn’t even have The boutique is also available during to be a swap. Students are able to bor- school hours at the times posted outrow clothes temporarily, wash them, side the door. and then bring them back for use by Although some students may feel another student. disheartened by the fact that they are The boutique does not only offer browsing the boutique, it is important clothing, toiletries, and other items, that they don’t. The boutique is for evit also provides a learning experience eryone! All families of any socio-ecofor some of our students. In coopera- nomic background are welcome and tion with Ms. Cannata and the IPC pro- encouraged to explore. Even though gram, students with special needs are the boutique is still only starting out, able to come in and learn life skills by it seems that the only way for it to go helping to organize the boutique while is up. This truly is a welcome addition interacting with students and families that will benefit so many in the HHH who wish to participate by donating, Community. dents created projects to help contrib- ternational. Together, the Half Hollow ute to the cause. As always, Students Rebuild was a huge success here at HHH and around the world. With the power of the Bezos Foundation behind us, we truly can make a difference and change the world. A very special thanks to Mrs. Nolan, Mrs. Cullen, and Mrs. Uttendorfer for running the projHSE students with their Students Rebuild projects ect while working (Photo courtesy of Chip Parker) collaboratively, and tirelessly, with Future Educators Club, National Hills Community was able to unite for Art Honor Society, and Amnesty In- a common cause and “turn the tide”!
[10] Thunderbird Technology/STEM Tech Innovations Illuminate Las Vegas:
CES 2019
Jacob Kaye & Jacob Gold
Gaming Laptops Bring the Game to Life Emily Sobel
STEM Technology and Business Editor
Staff Writers
The International Consumer Elec- support for playing HDR10 for things tronics Show, also known as CES, is such as video games and movies. The a trade show organized by Consumer monitor tries to produce the most accuTechnology Association held annually rate and crisp images, and it takes adin January in Las Vegas, Nevada. Each vantage of the huge ultra widescreen. year, CES introduces new innovative It comes with support for a picture-inproducts ready to roll out onto the mar- picture mode, thus LG is the best at alket. This year’s newest introductions lowing people to view lots of content were as awe-infrom multiple spiring as those sources side by of past years and side. took technology At CES this to a level higher year, top trends than we’ve ever were easily debefore expericiphered. Many enced. cars had selfThis year at driving capabiliCES, LG introties, including duced its 65 inch models from rollable OLED companies like TV. When you Audi, BMW, LG’s newest 65 inch rollable OLED TV. power on the and Hyundai. (Photo courtesy of digitabletrends.com) TV, the screen There were also rises out of the two models, curbox and instantly you have a 65 inch rently available on the market, from TV. Power the TV off, the screen rolls Lincoln and Mercedes. In addition to back up into its box, and it’s a piece cars, there various types of laptops at of furniture. Another hit introduced at CES this year. The laptops have an CES was the Panasonic Lumix S1R. ample amount of functions: regular This is Panasonic’s newest full frame use, business, and gaming models! mirrorless camera. Panasonic Lumix Furthermore, smartwatches and fitness S1R have a plethora of high-tech fea- trackers were introduced. These prodtures including high-resolution mode, ucts are made to keep you active and which outputs files at 187MP, and a healthy. Lastly, there also were many refreshed interface. The new LG ultra- robots at CES. They all had different wide monitor was introduced, and it uses, but a common theme was to make has a 32:9 aspect ratio curved screen. daily life easier. Nonetheless, the innoNot only does it have an impressive vations presented at this year’s CES all aspect ratio, but LG’s new 49-inch Ul- serve to better our lives in some way, traWide monitor is also boasting 5,120 and it will be exciting to see where x 2,160 resolution. What’s more, it has technology goes next!
The Day an Egg Took Over the World Brianna Kalina & Maddy Schioppo
Staff Writers
January 12th, 2019 was not only a monumental day for all Instagram users, it was a monumental day for all of social media and just people in general all over the world. On this day, not only did an Instagram picture of an egg claim the record for “the most liked instagram picture,” this picture also took that title away from the world famous Kardashian sibling, Kylie Jenner. This little egg was able to bring the entire Instagram community together. Are you wondering how? It all started with a person who had a crazy and, thought to be, unrealistic dream. Though still anonymous, the team of people behind this account definitely did not see where this would be going. By a simple caption originating with “Let’s set a world record together and get the most liked post on Instagram. Beating the current world record held by Kylie Jenner (18 million)! We got this,” it ran wild. People began reposting and tagging the account, further accumulating likes. The egg also made appearances on multiple social media platforms and talk shows, gaining even more popularity. What really sparked the fame of the egg was the pure humor behind it. The thought of a simple brown egg outwitting the self-made billionaire model Kylie Jenner made people laugh and want to participate. Over the course of one week, the egg swept away Kylie’s record of 18 million Instagram likes on the picture where she announced the name of her daughter, Stormi Webster. The way the Instagram community was able to communicate so well and come together is something social media has truly never seen before. Though the
thought of a picture of an egg bringing users together seems pretty silly, it was definitely not a bad idea. Tons of “memes” and jokes sprang across the internet mocking Kylie and the whole situation. As this was all happening, the entire social media community was quietly waiting for Kylie’s response. Finally breaking the silence, Kylie joined in with the jokes by posting a viral video of her cracking an egg and trying to fry it on pavement coincidentally taken a while back. Though she does not hold the record anymore, Kylie is accepting and sees the humor in all of it. People have been raving about the egg, making merchandise, and even trying to copy the idea and set a new record! To make matters legitimate, the World Record Egg became verified on instagram. Now, that’s a big deal! In only 10 days, the account was able to pull off its goal of beating the world record for the most amount of likes on a single Instagram picture. What’s even more crazy is that in just one month the account reached 10 million followers, with over 52 million likes on the original picture of the egg. So what comes next? Try and imagine yourself as part of the team behind the World Record Egg’s shoes. Now that you have accumulated all this fame, where do you go from here? Many people would take advantage of this platform and search for an opportunity to make money. But what this account is doing now is beyond remarkable. On February 3, the World Record Egg posted a video talking about their pledge to reach out to those secretly calling for help. Their 30 second video
If you are a fan of gaming programs, that’s subjective to what is most imsuch as FortNite, Grand Theft Auto, or portant to each individual. However, Into the Breach, then you may want according to tomshardware.com, a to consider buying a gaming laptop. trusted PC resource for over two deThese high-tech devices are an up- cades, the best overall gaming laptop graded version of a traditional laptop, is the Alienware 17 R5. It has a strong gaming and with powergraphics perful graphics formance, a and durable great control design. As a panel, viresult, they brant display offer a more and sound. It superior user can be purexperience chased on for a thrillAmazon at seeking $1,349. If gamer. you are lookAs with ing to stay on most high a lower budend products, upgradThe best overall gaming laptop is the Alienware 17 R5. get, the Dell G7 15 is reced features (Photo courtesy of pcmag.com) ommended, come with a which has heftier price tag. A gaming laptop can range any- a nice design and strong performance where from $800 to $5,000. Some may and can be purchased for only $949. It argue, “is it really worth the price?” It should be noted that the display can apreally depends on what you are look- pear dim and the keyboard is shallow. ing for in terms of your experience and If you are looking to splurge, Tom’s your budget. Gaming laptops can make Hardware suggests the Razor Blade a user feel as if they are “stepping in- Pro, sold for $1,800, which is attractive side the game.” They offer adventur- and has powerful components. Should ous players hours of entertainment in you already have a laptop, it would the convenience of their own home, or certainly be nice to have the option of even on the go, by using a portable de- upgrading graphics to accommodate vice. Gaming programs had previously gaming programs. However, the vast been subjected to larger, more cum- majority of laptops have integrated bersome hardware, but with advanced graphics, which means the graphics technology and the ability to run these processing unit (GPU) is tied in to the programs now on laptops, fortunately motherboard, allowing for minimal this is no longer the case. Some of the customization and upgrading. If you want to boost your gaming exhigh-tech features of a gaming laptop include high end dedicated graphics, perience, it may be time to start shopa powerful Central Processing unit ping for the right laptop. Choose which (CPU), cooling systems and high speed features are most important to you and fans for efficient performance, backlit decide how much you are willing to inkeyboards, plenty of memory (RAM) vest. There are many options to choose and storage. Of course, they should from, so be sure to read reviews from trusted resources. also be VR (virtual reality) ready. So, which one is the best? Of course
Robots in our Lives: The Makers of the Future Andrew Menkes
Staff Writer
It is no secret that robots are steadily becoming more and more relevant in our lives. The technological advancements made within recent years have enabled the development of more complex robots, which has directly resulted in an increase in the interest of the STEM field. Students who are looking into careers in this type of field are being given many more opportunities to pursue that type of career than ever before. The different elements that go into making a robot, or any type of STEM project, such as building, computer programming, and testing allow for students of many interests to engage in the process that goes into a robot. Because of proliferating number of interested students, schools and organizations are working to give students the options to improve in these areas. One organization in particular, For Inspira-
tion and Recognition of Science and Technology, or FIRST, gives students the opportunity to work in a real-life situation by selecting one of two options. One of these options, called the First Robotics Competition, gives students six weeks to think, design, build, and program a robot after announcing a “game” in which they will compete against other schools. Programs like these are exposing students more and more to the STEM field, as well as general real-life scenarios. The STEM field is growing at expeditious rates. As employers are looking to hire people capable of performing these complicated tasks, it will be this generation that will determine how far technology can go. Programs such as FIRST and many others will give these students the knowledge and experience they will need to be successful in the world of STEM.
clip entailed the subject of social media pressures in a pleasant and perky manner. It offers a link to anyone who needs help that is experiencing any type of stress and depressing thoughts. With the egg’s huge social media standing, this is a great way to connect to people that need help. Social media really can bring
people from all over together, no matter how simple it may be to double tap your phone screen. Sometimes a small goal can become a reality, especially with the help of the online world, and sometimes that goal can evolved into a way to help millions of people all over the world.
There’s so Much to do in NYC!
Skylar Semon & Maya Hoffman
Staff Writers
Living just about an hour from the go for dinner and dessert. With Instagreatest city in the world, it is often fun gram worthy milkshakes, this is defito hop on the train and play tourist for nitely the place to eat after a long day a day or two. There are countless things of shopping. to do in the Big Apple, however, so it Once you’ve shopped and eaten, can be overwhelming. We are here to Modern Pinball NYC Arcade is located help you get started! If you are travel- at 632 3rd Avenue. This is the perfect ing to NYC, make sure to visit a few of place to have fun playing arcade games. these places if you want to have a great With cool retro pinball machines, this time and experience just a small taste arcade is the best in NYC. People can of all that pay by the NYC has hour, and to offer! no quarT h e ters are Oculus is needed. located at This place the site of is great the forfor a game mer World night or T r a d e even a C e n t e r. game afThe Ocuternoon! lus is If you unique in The Oculus at the former site of the World Trade Center includes a r e n ’ t that it is f u l l y a trendy mall with popular stores. (Photo courtesy of character32.com) an underfrom your ground, Black Tap indoor mall which includes trendy bou- milkshake, check out Milk and Cream tiques, delicious restaurants, and popu- Bar, located at 159 Mott Street. This a lar stores. Some of the more popular great place to grab a delicious, unique spots include Buttercup Bake Shop, dessert. They put a modern spin on the the Apple Store, Forever 21, Mac, and classic ice cream, offering many interSephora, just to name a few. The Ocu- esting flavors such as cereal milk ice lus is open from 10am-8pm daily and cream. is a great place to visit when you are If it’s entertainment that you’re in NYC. searching for, look no further than the The Nutella Cafe is another fun spot. theatre district of Manhattan. With Located in Union Square, this is an many different forms of entertainment amazing place to go if you are a Nutella located in just a few blocks, this area is fan. Some of the top menu items in- great for a day in the city because you clude Frozen Nutella pops, Nutella can go see any phenomenal show and Crepes, Gethen grab lato station, dinner at and more. a nearby Vi s i t o r s restaurant, will likely such as come here the world to snap Infamous stagram Hard Rock worthy Cafe. photos in Not only front of is NYC the Nutelknown for la name. enterThe recently opened Nutella Cafe is a popular place among its There is t a i n m ent, tourists and New Yorkers alike. (Photo courtesy of secretnyc.com) also a wall by the art filled with scene is alNutella merchandise to buy as a way ways thriving. From the classic Metroto commemorate your visit to this tasty politan Museum of Art to the Museum location. of Modern Art, there are many different Chelsea Market combines the best ways to appreciate art in various forms. of both worlds with delicious food and The exhibits often feature art throughample shopping. There are all different out history, and they offer not only trakinds of cuisine and interesting shops. ditional paint and canvas art, but also Doughnuttery is one popular spot locat- many other forms including architeced in Chelsea Market. They serve bite ture, drawings, and photography. sized donuts with a variety of toppings. After a long day of sightseeing and Another dining spot, Los Tacos, serves enjoying cuisine, Central Park is the the best tacos in NYC. The line may perfect place to unwind. Loved by lobe long, but we promise it is worth the cals and tourists alike, the large park ofwait. They serve many different types fers many events such as concerts and of tacos so nobody will leave hungry. food festivals. It also a great place to We also love Wise Fish Poke; they spend a chill day in New York. From a serve the best poke bowls ever. They zoo to a skating rink to countless playhave different types of protein and veg- grounds and open fields, Central Park etables to start with, and many different truly is a great place for the entire fammix ins and dressings that are simply ily. amazing. Last, but certainly not least, the unIf you’re interested in shopping at yielding symbol of freedom, the Statsome really unique stores, then SoHo ue of Liberty, is a place that everyone is the perfect place to get your shop- should visit at least once. This well ping done. With stores like Brandy known attraction is a great stop to add Melville, Topshop, Pink Nation pop to your NYC trip. Not only can you enup, and many more, there is certain to joy lunch in front of the large statue, but be something for everyone. There are you can climb up to get a great view also great restaurants in the area. One along the water. From a unique photo example is Black Tap which serves the opportunity to cool souvenirs, this atcoolest milkshakes in NYC. Black Tap traction is, without a doubt, a must see also serves delicious food, so you can in NYC!
Healthy Recipes for the New Year Blake Taylor & Jesse Boxenhorn
Staff Writers
Chicken and Whole Wheat Spaghetti Preheat large deep skillet or a dutch oven on medium heat and swirl oil to coat. Add peppers and cook for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally. Transfer to a bowl with sliced tomatoes. Return skillet to the stove on medium-high heat and add chicken. Cook for 5-7 minutes or until opaque, stirring occasionally. If any juices appear, do not drain. Add water (I usually boil a kettle to speed up cooking) or stock, olives, salt, pepper, bay leaves and gently stir. Take a bunch of spaghetti and snap in 3 adding to the skillet. Give a gentle stir to mix ingredients. Cover and cook for 10 minutes. Remove lid, stir well softened spaghetti with the rest of ingredients, cover and cook for 5 more minutes. Turn off heat and add previously cooked peppers, tomatoes and basil. Stir and serve hot. Breakfast Burrito Bowl Melt coconut oil in a large skillet. Saute sweet potato until it starts to get tender. Add in red pepper, green pepper, onion, and spices: chili powder, cumin, smoked paprika, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Cook above until all the veggies are tender. Stir in spinach, mushrooms, and garlic and cook for a couple minutes. Stir in black beans and heat through. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary. Thai Peanut Chicken Lettuce Wraps Make your peanut sauce. Cook onion, carrot, and red pepper for 5 minutes. Add in coconut oil, ground chicken, and soy sauce and cook until the meat is no longer pink. Stir in 1/2 cup of the homemade easy peanut sauce. Serve in bibb or butter lettuce with lime juice, green onions, and a few sesame seeds! Cauliflower Grilled Cheese Cut cauliflower into florets. Process cauliflower florets in a food processor until the texture resembles rice. Alternatively, you can grate the cauliflower. In a medium bowl, combine processed cauliflower, eggs, Parmesan and oregano. Mix until evenly combined then season with salt and pepper. Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Spray with cooking spray then scoop the cauliflower mixture into a small patty on one side of the pan. Repeat to form a second patty on the other side. (These are your “bread” slices.) Press down on both pieces with a spatula and cook until golden underneath, about 5 minutes. Flip and cook until the other sides are golden, about 3 minutes more. Top one cauliflower slice with cheese then place the other cauliflower slice on top. Cook until the cheese is melted, about 2 minutes more per side. Repeat with remaining ingredients. Zucchini Lasagna Roll-Ups Preheat oven to 400°. Slice zucchini lengthwise into 1/8” thick strips, then place strips on a paper towel-lined baking sheet to drain. Make ricotta mixture: In a small bowl, combine ricotta, 1/2 cup Parmesan, eggs, and garlic powder, and season with salt and pepper.
Spread a thin layer of marinara onto the bottom of a 9”-x-13” baking dish. On each slice of zucchini, spoon a thin layer of sauce, spread ricotta mixture on top, and sprinkle with mozzarella. Roll up and place in baking dish, packed together tightly. Sprinkle with remaining 1/4 cup Parmesan. Bake until zucchini is tender and cheese is melty, 20 minutes. Sweet Potato Sliders In a medium bowl, stir together beef, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, and garlic powder. Season with salt and pepper and form into 4 small patties. In another medium bowl, toss sweet potatoes with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Heat grill to mediumhigh heat. Place burgers on one side of the grill and sweet potatoes on the other. Cook sweet potatoes until tender, 4 to 6 minutes per side. Cook burgers to your liking, 3 to 4 minutes a side for medium-rare, adding cheese after the first flip. Build burgers: Top each bottom “bun” with burger, red onion, bacon, and avocado, then top with second “bun”. Sheet Pan Asian Salmon and Broccoli
Place broccoli into a gallon sized bag and place salmon into another. Set aside. Whisk together soy sauce, orange juice, sesame oil, hoisin sauce, garlic powder, ground ginger, pepper, and red pepper flakes in a small bowl. Pour half over broccoli and half over salmon. Seal and marinate in the fridge for 30 minutes - 1 hour. Preheat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit and line a rimmed baking sheet with a silicone baking mat. Place salmon and veggies in a single layer onto the prepared pan. Bake for 15 minutes, or until salmon flakes easily with a fork and the broccoli is cooked to your liking Serve with more soy sauce and a drizzle of sriracha, if desired. Blackened Shrimp Bowls Make shrimp: in a large bowl, toss shrimp with cumin, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, and season with salt and pepper. In a large skillet over medium-high heat, heat 1 tbsp olive oil. Add shrimp and cook until opaque and charred. Make corn salad: in a medium bowl combine corn, pepper, and cilantro. Add 1 tbsp olive oil, juice of half a lime, and season with salt and pepper. Build bowls: divide rice between 4 bowls. Top with shrimp, corn salad, and 1/4 avocado each. Garnish with cilantro, squeeze with lime and serve. Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Cookies Use your hand mixer to cream together brown sugar, melted coconut oil, vanilla, and an egg. Beat in whole wheat flour, baking soda, and salt. Stir in dark chocolate chips. Scoop cookie dough using a large cookie scoop. Bake cookies on a silicone mat lined baking sheet in preheated oven at 350 degrees Farenheit for 8 minutes. Sprinkle with maldon sea salt. Recipes from skinnytaste.com and showmetheyummy.com
[12] Thunderbird Lifestyles/Entertainment
The Bryant: LI’s Trendiest New Dining Spot Sloane Levine
School News Editor
What do you get when you put to- as well as sushi, comfort food, sandgether the best of Long Island’s hottest wiches, burgers, and many speciality restaurants and place them in a great, choices. People have been raving over convenient the enormous location? portions The Poll of ribs, the Brothers crispy fried are perhaps chicken, the the best to delicious, answer this fresh sushi question. rolls and the They already fun varieties have many of fries and successful sides that can establishaccompany ments, such any menu as Toku and selection. Cippolini in Some of the Manhasset, more unique Photo courtesy of Sloane Levine along with choices inBar Frites, clude an ahi Hendricks, and Bryant and Cooper in tuna poke bowl, their famous french Roslyn. By combining the best of these dip sandwich, and a slow roasted meat menus in a 10,000 square foot, beauti- loaf served with mashed potatoes. fully decorated space, the Poll Brothers The food alone is not the only fachave their customers thrilled over the tor that attracts the crowds to The trendiest new spot on the island. Bryant on a daily basis. The friendly The atmosphere in The Bryant is up- staff, the upbeat vibe, and the perfect scale yet casual, with white tile walls, location have all contributed to The glass accents, and dark wood. Along Bryant becoming the “it” spot since one side is an open kitchen, and while its opening in December. The staff is all spaces are used for dining, there accommodating and knowledgeable, are several areas that can accommo- making every experience pleasurable, date private parties of different sizes. especially when some guests may have Whether dining in small groups or had to wait a short time to be seated. with a large social scene, the diverse The end to a spectacular meal, includmenu is sure to satisfy and tempt every ing dessert choices like fried oreos, a diner. With starters like truffle mac and warm brownie, or tangy key lime pie cheese, mussels with fries, fish tacos, should not simply be the end, but inand flatbread pizzas, diners can enjoy stead a sweet invitation to come back sharing several appetizers for their ta- for more. The Bryant is open for lunch ble. There is even a delectable spinach and dinner, with a weekend brunch and artichoke dip that usually does not menu that is not to be missed. It is lolast more than a few minutes upon its cated just north of the Walt Whitman delivery to a table. The eclectic menu Mall at 100 Walt Whitman Road, just does not have a single theme or flair; before Jericho Turnpike. rather it has plenty of salad options, in both smaller and dinner sized portions,
Anastasia on Broadway Welcomes Cody Simpson to its Cast Alexa Garbus
Staff Writer
Anastasia is a Broadway musical filled with love, family, and turmoil. It is the story of a girl named Anya, played by Christy Altomare, who attempts to learn more about her past. In the show, she meets two men, Vlad (John Bolton) and Dmitry (Cody Simpson), who take her on a journey to Paris from her home in Russia, set shortly after the assassination of the Romanov family. Anya learns from Vlad and Dmitry that she is the long lost daughter of the Romanov family, Anastasia. She learns information about “her past” in an attempt to prove that this is her true identity with hopes of convincing her biological grandmother of this truth. However, this does not occur without disruption, as the government, specifically a man named Gleb (Constantine Germanacos), tries to stop the group in their quest because it would disrupt social order in Russia. The show follows a talented cast, singing songs such as “Journey to the Past” and “Once Upon a December,” performing well choreographed scenes and well executed dances.
The part of Dmitry, has been played by 2000s pop icon, Cody Simpson, since November 29th 2018. Cody is best known for his past pop hits, such as “La Da Dee” and “Pretty Brown Eyes.” He uses his vocals in Anastasia in songs such as “St.Petersburg,” where he sings about Dmitry’s past life in Russia, and “In a Crowd of Thousands,” a duet with Anya, where Anya attempts to remember her past as Anastasia. While his vocals do not match the talents of a usual Broadway actor, he still gives a heartwarming performance. He meets fans at the stage door to sign their playbills and posts clips of these encounters on his Instagram story, which is very sweet and appreciated by fans of his pop stardom and his new foray into Broadway. While Anastasia has been met with much success, the show will be closing on the 29th of March, so get tickets while you still can to experience the heartwarming story of a young girl just trying to find her place in the world.
Tiny, Tasty Thai in Huntington Leah Sycoff
Staff Writer
Ra-Cha Thai restaurant is located in lucky diners, holding onto the complex the village of Huntington. It might be flavors within our palettes while saeasy to miss its tiny doorway amongst voring the subtly changing flavor and the many restaurants and shops, but consistency. Much as the Meekrab apluckily, I petizer mixes sauntered complexity by milking and flavor, I my tired toes further un(after hours derstand the of point lesexpertise of sons with the chef when my friends) I cannot hold and was myself back drawn into from nonchathis new lolantly dipping cale. I didn’t my fork into even know I my friend’s was hungry, Thai Sea yet my eyes Bass Special feasted hunembodying grily upon layers of colmany bird or, spice, and cages dantexture. gling from As I apolothe ceiling. I gize for my happened to uncharacturn my head teristic lack just at the of control, I right second, am not sure because if it which utensil was a second to use on my Photo courtesy of Leah Sycoff later, I would main course. have missed The Tom Yum an exceptional opportunity to relax soup forms a hearty meal in and of itdelighting in a mesclun of sensory self. The broth was smooth and flavorstimulants. Thus, I turned my gaze in a ful, while the lemongrass freshened timely jerk of the head only to discover and re-freshened my palate as I dug a tiny Thai treasure. deep into the bowl to savor the myrMusic creates mood, warmth embel- iad of accoutrements making it a filllishes ambiance, and kindness and ex- ing and satisfying meal. I was not the pertise drive it into an unforgettable ex- only one at the table who was digging perience I have subsequently enjoyed impetuously into their neighbor’s deliover and over again….. Waft, as I enter cacy and hoping that the meal simply the sights, sounds, and scents transport would not end. When I returned with a me to another continent. This ambiance group of friends, we had to order a secthen mirrors the delicacies at Ra-Cha ond Meekrab, flanking the conclusion Thai on Main Street in Huntington. The of our meal as it helped us to anticipate eclectic yet refreshing decor harmo- the beginning. nizes as do the flavors and the excepRa-Cha Thai is a small superpower tional service. Delicate, yet poignant, that has proven the power of a contastes dance as the crispy Meekrab rice sistent and innovative fine chef and noodles meet the sour-sweet tamarind becomes one of my mainstays for kissed by the red pepper and arrive at down-home Thai with a flair. The crysmy table. Everyone at the table com- tal chandeliers embedded within the ments positively on the feel-good food bird cages above which illuminate the with a twist and a flair we have come sumptuous cuisine are simply the icing to expect in this excellent Thai estab- on the cake of perfection at Ra-Cha lishment. We savor the experience as Thai!
Christy Altomare as Anya and Cody Simpson as Dmitry in Anastasia. (Photo courtesy of Broadway.com)
Netflix’s Original Thriller Bird Box Gets Mary Poppins Returns: A Review Mixed Reviews Kayla Menkes Alexandra Feldstein
Staff Writer
Netflix’s new movie Bird Box ended “Bird Box won’t be up for any awards, 2018 with a bang. Bird Box is a sci- most likely, and it’s R all the way. It fi thriller starring popular actresses didn’t need to be. It’s good messages are undermined Sandra Bullock by its sex, lanand Sarah Paulguage and bruson. The Netflix tality.” Bird Box original is about received a 5.7 a mysterious rating out of 10, force that is wipand critics say ing out the poputhat it “never lation; if you see quite reaches it, you die. The its intriguing survivors must potential, but stay indoors and strong acting and avoid coming in an effectively contact with the chilly mood ofentity that takes fer intermittently the form of their creepy compenworst fears. Sansation.” When dra Bullock’s Bird Box came character and out, it eventuher two children, ally took to sonamed Boy and cial media and Girl, embark became the talk on a dangerous of the internet. journey hopI, myself, took ing to find new Photo courtesy of Google Images the time to watch beginnings free Bird Box and found from the influence of this force. The movie follows them it both scary and very interesting to through the woods and down a river, watch. The movie had me engaged evall while blindfolded of course, to find ery second, and I found it to be very the one place that may offer sanctuary. thrilling. Overall, I believe that it is an The unique story has been met with amazing movie and would recommend mixed reviews from fans and crit- it to anyone interested in the Sci-fi or ics alike. According to Plugged In, Thriller genres.
Have YOU Seen the Newest Netflix Original? (SPOILER ALERT) Alix Berman
Staff Writer
YOU, the Netflix original developed more secrets about Beck, and he deals by Greg Berlanti and Sera Gamble, with them just like how he dealt with stars a fan favorite, Penn Badgley. Ev- Benji. His biggest threat is Beck’s best eryone knows Penn Badgley from his friend, Peach. Peach is played by Shay role as Dan Humphrey in Gossip Girl, Mitchell who also played Emily in the but he has taken on a very different role hit show Pretty Little Liars. He discovin this new thriller. The show is about ers that Peach is in love with Beck and a man has been named stalking Joe who her for works at years. a bookThe iros t o r e ny within and is the show immediis that ately atJoe was tracted to so apa blonde palled g i r l with the named fact that Beck. Peach Their w a s instant stalking attracher, yet tion is he was Photo courtesy of express.co.uk cut short doing the when Joe same exact grows a little too obsessed with her. thing. The drama filled mystery conHe follows her back to her apartment tinues to evolve as the plot thickens. and that is only the beginning of his Throughout YOU, the viewer is inmental downward spiral. He stalks her, side of Joe’s head, knowing all of his her family, and her friends in order to thoughts and actions. The season ends find out all about her life, eventually with Beck discovering that her sweet, becoming addicted to her. Joe eventu- nerdy, boyfriend, Joe, is actually a ally gets her to notice him, but when he monstrous, serial killer. At the end of finds out there are other men involved, the show, Joe continues his downward the plot takes a twist. Joe finds Benji, spiral. When he hits rock bottom, he Beck’s boyfriend at the time, and kid- kills Beck and publishes her writing. naps, tortures, and kills him, making it YOU ends with Joe finding another girl look like Benji skipped town. in a bookstore leaving viewers hoping Joe continues to uncover more and that history doesn’t repeat itself.
Online and Social Media Editor
After almost 55 years, the name Mary children from their current financial situPoppins finally made its way back into ation, Mary Poppins (played by Emily movie theaters all around the world. Mary Blunt) appears as a saving grace. The plot Poppins Returns was of the movie builds as released on DecemMichael Banks must ber 19th, 2018. The find a way to save his ultimate duo of Emily home. Blunt and Lin ManThe movie is filled uel Miranda took the of fun dances, magical screen by storm. These tricks, and extremely stars were joined with catchy songs. While none other than the the classic songs such iconic Meryl Streep as “A Spoonful of and Colin Firth. The Sugar” and “Supertheaters were packed califragilisticexpialiwith older fans of docious” are not inMary Poppins, along cluded in the movie, with some younger authe new and lively diences, so the sequel songs truly captured was bound for success. the mood of the film. Fans of Hamilton, In Marc Shaiman and The Heights, and MoScott Wittman comana will be excited to Emily Blunt as Mary Poppins in posed the music that new movie Mary Poppins Returns. see Lin Manuel-Miran- the(Photo told the story of Mary courtesy of cineman.com) da opening the movie, Poppins Returns. Each singing “Lovely London Sky.” This song song was perfectly written to fit each revealed the whimsical, colorful, and ex- character, scene, and setting. My personal tremely playful nature that was displayed favorite is “Nowhere to Go But Up”; This throughout the entire film. The movie song concludes the film with a sense of is set in London, England, and the first family, unity, and hope. scene is set in the home of the Banks’. The movie was directed by Robert SteAfter not being able to pay back the venson. Stevenson successfully mixed bank’s loan on his house, Michael Banks the classic aspects of Mary Poppins with is confronted by two lawyers of the bank. modern touches that made its way into He is told that he has until that Friday at the sequel. It was impossible to walk out midnight to pay the bank back. While this of the theater without feeling an overplot is thickening, the movie also focuses whelming amount of joy. If you are a fan on the Banks children: Anabel, John and of Mary Poppins, musicals, or whimsical Georgie (played by Pixie Davies, Na- movie plots, Mary Poppins Returns is a thanael Saleh and Joel Dawson). In order must see! to help Michael Banks and distract the
Bandersnatch Gets Viewers Into the Action Alexa Jones
Photo Editor
Bandersnatch is a new movie current- fate. Exactly like the video game that ly streaming on Netflix. Released on De- Stefan is trying to complete throughout cember 28th, 2018, it is correlated with the movie, the movie itself has many another Netflix series, Black Mirror. different paths that are presented. This As the release date came closer, fans of unique feature sets the movie apart from Black Mirother screen ror were plays. Anfilled with other spea lot of excial feature citement. is that the Both the creators movie and of Bandthe series ersnatch are based eliminated upon many the abilconspiracy ity to view theories, how much some of time is left Photo courtesy of tmz.com which are inat any point volved with of the movie, the government and alternate universes so viewers never know what to expect! that are affecting everyone’s lives. Bandersnatch is a popular, unique, sciThe main character of the production, ence-fiction film that premiered to great Stefan, is a talented coder and game reviews and ratings. If you haven’t had designer. He has a video game idea a chance to check it out yet, you should based upon a book called Bandersnatch, find some time soon to do so; it will be hence the name of the movie. He begins worth it. to create the game solely on his own. However, he is faced with numerous internal and external conflicts. Stefan is struggling to complete the game during its modeling. Throughout the entire movie, the viewer is presented with either one or two choices. There is a limited amount of time given to click either choice with whichever device the movie is being played on. These choices lead Photo courtesy of publishingperspectives.com Stefan and his surroundings to its new
[14] Thunderbird Professional Sports
Sixth Super Bowl Secured for Sensational Duo Noah Epstein
Sports Editor
The New England Patriots defeated the and after a couple of punts, Brady led the Los Angeles Rams 13-3 in Superbowl Pats offense down the field. New EngLIII. The Rams reached the big game land capped off the 5 play, 69 yard drive after beating the Cowboys in the divi- with a Sony Michel rushing touchdown sional round and the Saints in the NFC with 7 minutes remaining. The key play Championship. The Patriots took care of on the drive was a Rob Gronkowski 29 yard reception to the business against the 2-yard line to set Chargers in the diup Michel for the visional round and score. The Rams beat the Chiefs in had the ball down Kansas City in the by 7, and Goff led AFC Championhis offense down ship to take on the the field and into Rams in Atlanta Patriots territory. for the Superbowl. After completions What fans were left to receivers Branwith was a classic din Cooks, Josh battle of age versus Photo courtesy of usweekly.com Reynolds, and Robert experience. The combined age of Rams head coach Sean Mc- Woods, Goff threw a deep ball that was Vay and Quarterback Jared Goff is 57, intercepted by Stephon Gilmore with while the combined age of Patriots head just over four minutes to go. The Rams coach Bill Belichick and Quarterback defense had several opportunities to get Tom Brady is 107. The duo of Brady and a stop, but they allowed two huge runs, Belichick had won 5 Super Bowl titles one by Sony Michel and another by Rex going into the game, and this was their Burkhead. The runs set up kicker Stephen Gostkowski to attempt a field goal 9th appearance. This game, as evidenced by the final to make it a two possession game, and score, was largely a defensive game. On he made it. There was only 1:12 left in the first drive, the Patriots drove down the game and a Rams missed field goal field and into Rams territory, and Brady iced it. With that, the Patriots won their sixth threw an interception. After a Patriots missed field goal and three straight Super Bowl title in franchise history, punts, the Pats settled for a field goal on all of which came on the backs of Tom a drive that was kept alive by a huge 25 Brady and Bill Belichick. This is also yard catch and run by Julian Edelman their 3rd Superbowl win in the last five on 3rd down. Four more punts and a Pa- years. Despite Brady’s average at best triots turnover on downs led right into performance, totalling only a 25.8 QBR halftime, with the shocking score of 3-0 and no touchdowns, the Patriots still New England. There were also four con- managed to come out on top as they secutive punts in the 3rd quarter, until have done so many times before. In the Rams got into field goal range, and addition, Patriots wide receiver Julian kicker Greg Zuerlein nailed a 53 yarder Edelman with 10 catches for 141 yards to tie the game at 3. The drive was kept was name Super Bowl MVP. The city alive by a Goff to Robert Woods 18 yard of Boston adds another championship to connection on 3rd down and 6 to get into their city, as the Red Sox won the World New England territory. The game was Series title not even 100 days before Sustill tied at 3 going into the 4th quarter, perbowl LIII.
The NFL Offers a Postseason to Remember Samuel Sekler
Staff Writer
At this point in time, the NFL Playoffs are over, and the Patriots have won the Super Bowl once again. This is the Patriots sixth ring and thus Tom Brady’s sixth ring as well. Let’s recap these jaw-dropping playoff games, which included missed calls, great plays, and a huge double doink for a team that people thought actually had a chance of winning it all because of their elite defense. In the beginning of the playoffs, the third seed Chicago Bears played the defending Super Bowl champs, the Philadelphia Eagles. During the offseason, The Bears improved their 5-11 season by getting a new coach and former defensive player of the year Khalil Mack. The Bears achieved a record of 12-4 and had arguably the best defense in the NFL. With ten seconds left, the Bears had a chance to put the game away with a field goal. Bears kicker, Cody Parkey, had his kick blocked by Treyvon Hester as it hit the post and then the crossbar. Foles and the Eagles barely survived and advanced. Another team in the NFC that made a lot of noise in the playoffs was the Los Angeles Rams. The big story for them during the playoffs was not Aaron Donald, Todd Gurley, or even Jared Goff. The person I’m talking about is the brand new addition of backup running back C.J. Anderson, who had two touchdowns in their first playoff game and was used way more then Todd Gurley for the rest of the playoffs. Although
he gained some extra pounds, he was definitely a huge part of their game and helped them get to the Super Bowl in the end. One of the themes of the Conference Championship games was past vs future. This was evidenced by the Saints 40 year old QB Drew Brees vs the Rams 24 year old QB Jared Goff in the NFC Championship game, and the Patriots 41 year old QB Tom Brady vs the Chiefs 23 year old QB (and NFL MVP) Patrick Mahomes in the AFC Championship game. The two “future” quarterbacks faced off earlier this season in one of the greatest games in sports history with a final score of 54-51 in favor of Goff and the Rams. The NFC Championship game was one of the most controversial games in NFL history. With not much time left in the fourth quarter of the NFC Championship, and the score tied at 20, Drew Brees threw it up to Tommylee Lewis. As he was going for the catch, Rams defender Nickell RobeyColeman came in and laid him out, but the referees didn’t make the call. The Saints went on to kick a field goal, and the Rams ended up winning it in OT. If the refs had made the right call here, the Saints would be at the one yard-line, would have most likely scored a touchdown, and later won it. Instead, the Rams went to the Super Bowl. The Chiefs and Patriots went at it in the AFC Championship Game, and this one was a thriller. In the first three quarters of the game, the Patriots shut down Patrick
NFL Honors for an Unforgettable Season Hunter De Siver
Sports Editor
There was a lot of competition for this choice, but Donald was definitely the clear winner. Aaron Donald had an NFL record 20.5 sacks as a Defensive Tackle. Donald had to be double-teamed on the majority of snaps because of how strong he is. Donald, who weighs 280 pounds, is extremely fast and athletic for his size. Donald’s competition for this accolade was Linebacker Khalil Mack. In the offseason, Mack was traded from the Oakland Raiders to the Chicago Bears. Mack’s defense impacted the rest of the team, as the Bears became arguably the best defense in the NFL. Coach of the Year: Matt Nagy This is Khalil Mack’s head coach. It was his first season with the team, and he transformed the Bears from a 5-11 team to a 12-4 team and NFC North Division Champions. Nagy really focused on the defense as they had tons of sacks, interceptions, and touchdowns. He also made an impact on the offense as 2nd year QB Mitch Trubisky became a Pro Bowler. The Bears running game was great as well, as they had one of the best Running Back duos in football. Offensive Rookie of the Year: Saquon Barkley
This award could have gone either way. Saquon got this award as he became the third rookie ever to gain over 2,000 allpurpose yards. He also broke the record for most receptions by a rookie running back in NFL History. The NFL had so much confidence in him this season that he was a top 10 pick in Fantasy Football. Next season, he will be a top 5 fantasy pick. The close runner-up was QB Baker Mayfield. Baker Mayfield got drafted first overall by the Cleveland Browns. Mayfield entered the season as the backup QB under Tyrod Taylor. In Week 3, at home against the Jets, Baker entered the game when they were down 14-0 in the 2nd quarter after Tyrod got hurt. The Browns hadn’t won in 635 days. Baker led them to a comeback and eventually a win. With Baker at QB, the Browns finished the season much improved. Defensive Rookie of the Year: Darius Leonard Another award that could have gone to either candidate was the defensive rookie of the year. Last year, the best rookies, such as Deshaun Watson, Alvin Kamara, Juju Smith-Schuster, and many more, were all on offense. This year, some of the best rookies, such as Denzel Ward, Leighton Vander Esch, and more, were on defense. The winner of this year’s Defensive Rookie of the year award went to Darius Leonard. Leonard not only led all rookies in tackling, but he also led the entire NFL. The close runner-up is Derwin James. James was drafted 17th overall by the Los Angeles Chargers. The Chargers have been rebuilding for a while, and Derwin was the final piece. The Chargers were great on offense with a big three of Phillip Rivers, Melvin Gordon, and Keenan Allen. They also have an outstanding defense led by Joey Bosa and Melvin Ingram. Former Defensive Rookie of the Year Joey Bosa was out with an injury for most of the season. With him gone, it was believed that the defense would do poorly this season; however, Derwin James made sure that wasn’t the case. James was one of the best lockdown defensive backs in the NFL this year, and as a result, he was selected to the Pro Bowl. Comeback Player of the Year: Andrew Luck An award that doesn’t get much recognition is the Comeback Player of the Year award. This award is usually given to a player who came off of a season-ending injury. These players have worked back into the top form that they used to be in, and they show it on the field. Quarterback Andrew Luck has constantly had seasonending injuries since he was drafted. This year, he led the Indianapolis Colts to the playoffs. It was the first time they reached the playoffs since 2014, which was pretty much the last time that Andrew Luck was fully healthy.
Mahomes as the Chiefs only scored 7 points. Mahomes found a way to score 24 points in the fourth quarter to force overtime. For the first time ever, the two Conference Championship games went to OT. In OT, the Patriots won the coin toss and elected to receive the ball. Tom Brady had a stellar performance especially when he had third downs in OT. The Patriots then scored a TD and were off to the Super Bowl once again. Although the Super Bowl wasn’t the most fun to watch, it was definitely a close game for the majority of it. At halftime it was just 3-0 Patriots, and everyone was stunned at both teams performances in the first half. Brady started picking it up in the second
half, while Goff was just not showing up. The Patriots finally scored the first touchdown of the game when there were only nine minutes left in the fourth quarter. THE FOURTH QUARTER! The Patriots went on to win it 13-3, which concluded the lowest scoring Super Bowl in NFL history. The obvious MVP was Julian Edelman, who had a game high ten receptions for a huge 141 yards and was unguardable during the game. Tom Brady now has the most Super Bowl wins out of anyone in NFL history, and no one knows when he’ll slow down. All that we do know is that when he does retire, the league will completely change, and we will lose one of the best, if not the best, players of all-time.
This NFL season was one for the ages. Unforgettable games and moments headlined week after week. The clash between two of the highest-powered offenses (Chiefs vs Rams) in Week 11 was one of the greatest games in NFL history with a final score of 54-51 in favor of the Rams. There were also heartbreaking moments, like Juju Smith-Schuster fumbling the ball against the Saints in Week 16, which eventually caused the Steelers to become eliminated from playoff contention. And finally, there was arguably the greatest/ most controversial final four (AFC and NFC Championship games) ever, with the missed pass interference call, leading the Rams to an OT victory against the Saints to advance to the Super Bowl, along with the roughing the passer call against the Chiefs (plus Dee Ford going offside). To cap off the season, the NFL has an awards show called the NFL Honors. This was the 8th annual NFL Honors, and it was hosted by Steve Harvey. MVP: Patrick Mahomes This choice was an easy one, as Patrick Mahomes won his first MVP award. At just 23 years old, this was Mahomes’ first season starting. Mahomes threw 50 touchdowns and led his team to the first seed in the AFC and to the Conference Championship. During the season, Mahomes did things that we’ve never seen before. He threw passes without even looking at his receiver. As he was about to get sacked, he put the ball in his opposite hand and got the first down. Patrick Mahomes is considered the future of the NFL, also winning Offensive Player of the Year. Defensive Player of the Year: Aaron Donald
Professional Sports
New York Knicks Begin to Rebuild The NBA All-Star Game Highlights the Best of the Best Josh Foodim & Alex Zeh Staff Writers
At time of press, the New York Knicks record is 10 wins and 42 losses. The Knicks currently have one of the worst records in the NBA and are clearly in the rebuilding stage. It is obvious to all Knicks fans, and all basketball fans in general, that major changes are needed in order to win more games in future seasons. Teams in the NBA hope to start the process of rebuilding by drafting a talented rookie. The teams with the lowest records enter the “lottery” where the draft order is picked. If the Knicks get first pick in the draft, they can start rebuilding by drafting Duke phenom Zion Williamson. Zion is the best player in the draft and would make a big difference for any team. Preparing for next season, the Knicks made a trade not too long ago involving several key players. In the trade, the Knicks sent away Kristaps Porzingis, Trey Burke, Tim Hardaway, and Courtney Lee. In return, the Dallas Mavericks traded Dennis Smith, Deandre Jordan, Wesley
Dylan Kaufman
Matthews, and two first round picks. This trade for the Knicks cleared up a lot of cap space and paved the way for not just one, but two possible free agents to sign in New York this summer when several high-profile AllStars will hit the open market. In this upcoming free agency, the star players that they can possibly sign are Kevin Durant, Kyrie Irving, Anthony Davis, and Kawhi Leonard. Next tier players include Hills West standout Tobias Harris. What a homecoming that would be for Tobias and the entire HHH community! It is very obvious that the 2018-2019 Knicks will not make the playoffs, but in the upcoming years the Knicks have hopes to be much better than this season. It’s been a long time since their last Championship in 1973 when they had six hall of famers. Let’s hope the Knicks are successful in their rebuilding attempts and can bring a championship back to NYC.
The Race for MVP of the NBA Dylan Kaufman
The next player we’ll be looking at has been on a tear the entire season. He’s curAs the NBA comes closer to the All-Star rently averaging an absurd 36.3 ppg, with Break, it’s time for us to take a look at this 8.1 apg and 6.4 rpg, and he has kept his streak of scoring 30+ points over a 25 game stretch. He also has one of the deadliest step-backs the game has ever seen. If you couldn’t tell by now, we’re talking about James Harden. The reigning MVP averaged 30.4 ppg, 8.8 apg, and 5.4 rpg last season while leading the Houston Rockets to not only the first seed in the Western Conference, but also the best record in the NBA (65-17). He seems to only get better with time as his efficiency has only improved since his first year in the league with the Oklahoma City Thunder. Although he’s been phenomTwo players who may become this year’s MVP is enal this season, the Rockets currently Anthony Davis or James Harden sit in the 6th seed in the West with a 30(Photo courtesy of theadvocate.com) 22 record. It’s not a terrible record, but definitely not what the Rockets wanted season’s best performers for the 2018-2019 this season. It also doesn’t help that Chris MVP race analysis. This season has been Paul is having his worst year yet, averaging one filled with upsets, underdogs, trades, a career-low 15.4 ppg while also missing and injuries, so let’s see how the best stack some games due to injury. Harden definiteup against each other. ly has a solid chance at the MVP trophy, Our first player is Anthony Davis. The and he wants it badly. Expect to see him try former first overall pick from the 2012 to push the Rockets to a higher seed in the NBA draft, Davis was an instant super- West as we get closer to the playoffs. star from his first year in the league. In his With Harden and Davis each having seventh season with the Pelicans, Davis is amazing seasons, it’s hard to imagine anyaveraging 29.3 ppg, 13.3 rpg, and 4.4 apg, one having a better chance at the MVP title. with a field goal percentage just over 50%. However, if anyone does, it’s Giannis AnIt has always been clear that Davis would tetokounmpo. Dubbed “The Greek Freak,” one day become an MVP caliber player, Giannis stands at 6’11” and weighs around and it looks like that day has come. It might 240 lbs. What sets him apart is that although have even come years ago, as he averaged he has the body of a forward, he possesses 28.1 ppg, 11.1 rpg, and 2.3 apg last sea- the speed, athleticism, and ball-handling son. However, despite Davis’s playing, the skills of a guard. Although he came into the Pelicans currently sit at the 13th seed of the league as an unknown player from Greece, Western Conference with a 23-30 record. Giannis has been thrust into the public eye MVP candidates are not only judged on due to his MVP-level of play. He’s curtheir own play, but also by how they can rently averaging 26.6 ppg, 12.5 rpg, and 5.8 improve the play of their teammates and apg, while shooting around 60% from the improve their team’s record. Due to the low field. He has also emerged as the Bucks’ record of his team, I wouldn’t predict Da- clear franchise player for the near future, vis being this year’s MVP. It is also worth lifting them to the top seed in the East with noting that Davis recently made it public the best record in the NBA, going 38-13 that he no longer wishes to be a member thus far. If Giannis is able to maintain this of the Pelicans, which probably diminishes level of play while keeping the Bucks in his MVP chances even further. Don’t count the top spot in the East, I would predict that him out of the conversation completely, he will be the 2018-2019 NBA MVP. Look though. This is one player that is widely for him in the All-Star Game as captain expected to be an MVP at some point in his against LeBron James, the man he will atcareer. And, keep in mind, he’s only 25. tempt to dethrone. Editor-in-Chief
Since 1951, the NBA All-Star game has shown off the best players that the league has to offer. Being named to an All-Star team is one of the highest honors possible, and it shows that
used that to his advantage by sneaking past the most notable players in the shootout to be crowned 2019’s 3-Point Champion. After the shootout, there was only
3-point shoot out winner Joe Harris. (Photo courtesy of Dylan Kaufman)
a player is amongst the top performers in the league. Over time, the AllStar game has evolved into the AllStar Weekend, a festival that contains many games, contests, and, of course, the All-Star game itself. This year, All-Star Weekend was held in Charlotte, North Carolina. The Charlotte Hornets and their owner, Michael Jordan, hosted the league for a festival full of action and excitement. The first event was the Rising Stars Game that was held on Friday, February 15th. The teams consisted of the best young players from around the league, and they were split up based on where they were from. One team was made up of only American players (Team USA), and the other team was made up of players from other countries around the globe (Team World). Players such as Ben Simmons, Trae Young, Luka Doncic, and Marvin Bagley III highlighted the event. In the end, though, it was Team USA that won by a score of 161-144. Kyle Kuzma, an upcoming star on the Los Angeles Lakers, earned the Rising Stars MVP with 36 points and 6 rebounds. The next main event was All-Star Saturday Night, which took place on February 16th. The event features some of the most notable contests besides the All-Star game itself and produced some of the most iconic moments in NBA history. The night began with the Skills Challenge, where some of the best ball-handlers from all positions compete in a challenge involving dribbling, passing, and shooting. The contestants were Luka Doncic, Trae Young, De’Aaron Fox, Mike Conley, Nikola Jokic, Jayson Tatum, Kyle Kuzma, and Nikola Vucevic. Although Trae Young was the favorite to win, it was Jayson Tatum who came away with the trophy after hitting a half-court bomb to beat Young in the finals. The next competition is always fun to watch: the 3-Point Shootout. This year’s contestants were Seth Curry, Stephen Curry, Dirk Nowitzki, Buddy Hield, Damian Lillard, Khris Middleton, Kemba Walker, Danny Green, Devin Booker, and Joe Harris. They all performed well in the first round, but it was Stephen Curry, Buddy Hield, and Joe Harris who advanced to the final round. In the finals, it was Harris who outscored both Curry and Hield with a score of 26. Harris was the underdog of the shootout, but
one main event left for the night: the Slam Dunk Competition. In recent years, the competition has slowly declined amongst the fans due to the league changing the format of it as the years progress. However, there were certainly some notable moments this year. This year’s participants were Miles Bridges, John Collins, Hamidou Diallo, and Dennis Smith Jr. Due to the fact that all of these players were younger than most, the contest was a little slow and didn’t have as much energy as the others. However, the final round certainly got better as it included guest stars such as J. Cole and Shaquille O’Neal. In the end, Diallo stole the show by jumping over Shaq himself, and he earned himself the 2019 Slam Dunk Competition trophy. The final event of the weekend was the most notable of them all: the AllStar Game. This year, fans selected captains, and the captains drafted players to their teams based on who the fans chose to be starters and bench players. Team LeBron consisted of LeBron James (captain), Kevin Durant, Kawhi Leonard, James Harden, and Kyrie Irving as the starters, with a very all-around and talented pool of bench players. Team Giannis consisted of Giannis Antetokounmpo (captain), Stephen Curry, Joel Embiid, Paul George, and Kemba Walker as the starters, with the bench consisting of many tall, athletic players. Although Team Giannis seemed to be pulling away by the start of the third quarter, it was Team LeBron who pulled away in the fourth. Damian Lillard provided a huge spark off the bench by hitting two three’s from the half court logo to tie the game. The final score was 178164 with Team LeBron as the winners. Kevin Durant earned the MVP trophy with 31 points. One of the most memorable moments of the game was when both teams honored Dirk Nowitzki and Dwyane Wade, two basketball legends who will be retiring after the season. Although some events may not be as entertaining as they once were, AllStar Weekend is still one of the most exciting events the league has to offer. It allows fans to see all of the best players on one court, facing off headto-head. There may not be as much defense, but the offensive performance the players put on is nothing short of astounding.
[16] Thunderbird
Underdog Thunderbirds Have Memorable Tournament Run HSE Lady T-Birds Make History Noah Epstein Sports Editor
lead after 1 quarter, and they never The 2019 Hills East boys varsity bas- looked back from there. However, for ketball season was a successful one to the rest of the tournament, they would not be favored to win. Next up was 4-seeded North Babylon in their gym in the Class AA quarterfinal. Hills East certainly did not play like the lower seed in this game. They controlled the game from the beginning, going up 18-9 after 1, and winning by a final Photo courtesy of Lifetouch score of 66-51. Cocaptain Shane Dean say the least. The team finished with a was the leading scorer with 18, Caspi record of 19-5 overall, and they were had 16 points and 17 boards, and 8th 14-3 in League 2. The Thunderbirds grader Dante Green also had 16. East started off the season 4-0, suffered advanced to the semifinals, taking on back to back tough losses to Bay Shore the 1-seed Longwood. Longwood had and Commack, and then had 6 straight a 15-2 conference record in the season, wins before losing to Whitman by 2. and they were heavily favored against Hills East then had another 6 game Hills East. The Thunderbirds competed winning streak before losing to River- with Longwood the entire game, leadhead by 3 in the last game of the regu- ing 28-25 at half and 41-32 after the 3rd lar season. East was a 5 seed heading quarter, and held off a late Longwood into the AA Tournament, behind Long- run, winning and upsetting the number wood, Brentwood, Bellport, and North 1 seed with a score of 50-47. Shane Dean and Shamar Moore-Hough both Babylon, respectively. The first game in the tournament tallied 15, and Hills East advanced to was at home against 12-seeded Whit- the Class AA final against 2-seeded man. The T-Birds easily handled Whit- Brentwood. Brentwood knocked off man, beating them 57-40 behind co- Bellport to reach the AA finals game, captain Max Caspi’s 24 points and 16 and the two teams would face off at rebounds. Hills East got off to a 20-4 Farmingdale State College for the Suf-
folk AA Championship. It was a close game through the first half, and Brentwood led 30-26 at the intermission. East then had a huge 3rd quarter and headed to the 4th quarter with a 4741 lead. However, Brentwood showed why they were seeded higher as they ended the game on a 22-9 run, winning 63-56 and ending the Thunderbird season. Brentwood was the Suffolk AA Champion. Despite the tough championship loss, Hills East has to look at the season as successful as a whole. There was not a lot of high praise for this team coming into the season, after losing many of their star seniors from last year, including “Mr. Basketball” in the state of New York, Savion Lewis. Shane Dean even used the word “underdogs” when reflecting on the season. And, yet, in spite of it all, the team made it further than they were expected to as they were indeed underdogs. On behalf of the Thunderbird staff, congratulations on a fantastic season!
Photo courtesy of Lifetouch
Sophia Tawil
The Hills East Girls Varsity Basketball team finished the 2018-2019 winter season with a 20-3 record. Throughout the hard fought season, they were ranked as high as 15th in the state showing that they were a force to be reckoned with. They triumphed through playoffs, winning both the first and second rounds in two very close battles. Unfortunately, the Lady T-Birds lost in the semi-finals to the reigning League II champs and eventual county champions, Northport High School. While their playoff dreams may have ended there, this was not a failed season by any means. In fact, it was quite the opposite. This was the program’s second time in history making it as far as the final four, and for that, the players and coaches should be extremely proud. In the wake of their stunning playoff run, seniors Sophia Tawil and McKayla Jones received much deserved nominations for All County awards. In addition, these two seniors, along with junior Kaylee Stienn and freshman Alyssa Studdert were nominated for All League awards. This T-Bird dream team does have some work to do next season as this year they will see a total of six girls graduate. Nevertheless, if they continue to play with the heart and determination that was on that court every single day this season, they will surely continue to win and hopefully bring home much-deserved accolades.
A Job Well Done: Saying Farewell to a Great HHH Hornets Hockey Stings the Opposition Wrestling Season Michael Picarella Max Ferguson
Staff Writer
first place at the Sal Difazio Holiday Wrestling Tournament and the League tournament in the 145 pound weight class. He also placed 2nd at the NY State Wrestling Championships at the 145lb weight class and became the 10th wrestler in school history to achieve All-State honors. He also set a new school record for career wins with a record of 18823. Z a c k Stern took s e c o n d place at both the Sal DiPhoto courtesy of hillseastwrestlingteam.com fazio Holiday great performances from freshmen Tournament and League Tournament like Vin Aloe, Nick Sebastian Fran- in the 195 pound weight class. Overcisco, and yours truly. Not only is our all, it has been quite an impressive young talent making waves, but our season for our seniors, and we wish senior wrestlers have been producing them the best of luck in their futures. win after win on the mat. Lucca Mar- As we say goodbye to our seniors, ra, Zack Stern, Jose and Adrian Stone, it reminds us that our freshmen and Gabriel Ye, and Jon Spadafora have sophomores have big shoes to fill. We made their last year one to remember. can only hope that the young members Jonathan Spadafora accumulated over of our team are provided with contin150 career wins and took second place ued training in the offseason, and we at Eastern States while also taking look forward to seeing you next year! As we move into the wrestling postseason, let’s take time to look at what a great regular season our Thunderbirds, with four returning All-League wrestlers, had. Overall, the team went 12-5 and won the Oyster Bay Duals Tournament without losing a match. The season was highlighted with some
After going 24-0 and winning the JV 146 goals scored in just 20 games, giving championship in the 2017-2018, the Half up only 71 goals for the entire season. As Hollow Hills Hockey team just won the this was the first varsity level team that Varsity Championship for the 2018-2019 the organization had in several years, season. The Hornets ended the regular nobody expected them to do as well as season they did; with an certainly amazing no one record of expected 15-4-1. them to Followwin the ing the Suffolk regular County season, Champithe team onship. went 4-0 Austin in the Meyers, playoffs, Thomas Photo courtesy of Michael Picarella including Howell, a double Jaret Fenovertime win against Northport-Hun- sterstock, Zach Belous, Michael Picareltington and a 2-0 series sweep against the la, and Marco Guzzetti represented Hills first place Smithtown Hauppauge Bulls East for the Hills team. After winning in the finals, to go on and win the third the championship, the team went on to championship in team history. The team participate in the state tournament where was led by captain Austin Meyers, who they all played very well. While they are finished the year with 43 goals, 30 assists, all very proud of their accomplishments and 73 points total, leading the entire this season, they are hoping to continue league with his stats. Meyers stated that their winning next season by bringing “this was the most fun I have had play- home not only a county championship, ing hockey ever. This team is so close but also state and national championwe consider ourselves a family, which ships. Congratulations to the entire team definitely has something to do with our on a hard fought, well-deserving season! success.” The team put up an outstanding