Half Hollow Hills Central School District World Language Independent Study Program Registration for 2012- 2013 September 19, 2012 Dear Students and Parents, The Independent Study Program in World Languages offers our students a unique opportunity to study languages not part of our regular academic offerings. The classes are scheduled once a week from 2:30 PM until 3:30 PM. Students who successfully complete their courses will earn one unit of credit; the grade is not included in the class average computation but will appear on the student’s permanent record. Grades from the World Language Independent Study Program are included on the report card. Students are expected to attend each session and sign an attendance record to verify attendance at each class session. Poor attendance affects student achievement and will result in his/her removal from the program. Courses could be cancelled due to insufficient enrollment and /or poor student attendance. The courses will be offered at the high school where the enrollment is the highest for that particular course. Students are expected to devote the time to master the curriculum, prepare homework assignments and study for examinations. There are no make-up classes. Appropriate classroom behavior is expected of all our students. By signing the registration form, you indicate that you understand and accept the conditions of the World Language Independent Study Program. If further information is needed, please contact Mr. Fratto at 592-3189 or at ffratto@hhh.k12.ny.us. All forms must be returned to the student’s GUIDANCE COUNSELOR by Friday, October 5th. Sincerely,
Francesco L. Fratto Director of World Languages and English as a Second Language
Half Hollow Hills Central School District Department of World Languages: Independent Study Program 2012– 2013 Registration Form The following languages will be offered: American Sign Language, Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), German, Hebrew, Japanese, Latin, and Russian
Please PRINT CLEARLY Student: ____________________________________________________________ Student I.D. #__________________ Address:____________________________________________________________ Home Telephone #: ___________________E-mail: __________________________ H.S. Guidance Counselor’s name ________________ H.S._____ East _____ West Language/s that you would like to study: _________________________________ Appropriate level of study for this year:
IV (circle one)
Note: Students and parents should read the cover letter carefully before signing this form Student’s Signature: _____________________________ Parent’s Signature: ______________________________ * Dependent upon teacher availability This form must be returned to Guidance by Friday, October 5th. For more detailed information please view the Independent Study Program: http://www.hhh.k12.ny.us/page.cfm?p=977651
Department of World Languages Independent Study Program The World Language Independent Study Program invites you to join us after school to learn a world language not offered during the regular academic day. Who can participate? You, of course! All HHH students in grades 9-12 may apply. Applications are available in the Guidance Department. Which languages?* Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), German, Hebrew, Japanese, Latin, Russian, American Sign Language* Where? Your class will be offered in either HSE or HSW When? You will meet once a week from 2:30-3:30 Applications are available in Guidance. Remember, your application must be returned to your Guidance Counselor by Friday, October 5th. * Dependent upon teacher availability
For more detailed information please view the Independent Study Program: http://www.hhh.k12.ny.us/page.cfm?p=977651