WH Junion Honor Society

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October 12.zoro

f)ear Parents/ Guardians, On behalfof all of us at West FlollovyMiddle School,I would like to welcomeyou backto another school year. As a learningcommuniry,we take greatpride in recognizingsildents rvho attain high academic standardsand give backto their schooland local communities. To celebratethesesftidenrs,I would like to presentyouwith informationaboutWest Hollorvs chapterof the National Junior Honor Society. Membership to this nationallyrecogniiredorgani:zationis reseryedfor seventhand eighth grade students whcl demonstrateexcellencein the following five arca*s:scholarship,leadership,service,character,and citizenship. The admissionprocesswill begin in liebmary and concludewith an induction ceremonythat r,villtakeplacein the spring. The final selectionof inducteeswill be madeby a facultycouncil,which will recomnrendqualifyingcandidatesto the building Principal. The following lists our criteriafbr membership: ' ScholarshLp- Srudentswill be deemed academicallyeligible alter earning at leasta 93 averagefbr the first and secondmarking period ofthe schoolyear.Additionally, studentsmust maintainthis average throughottt the entire application process,earning 93 averagettlr the third quarter asrvell, not a ^ cumulativeaverageo\rerthree marking periods. Keeping in line with the new "cut scores'established by New York State on the linglish I-anguageAfts and Mathematics Assessments,we too fbel that higher standardsneedto be institLrtedwithin our chapter. It is our assessment that krftier expectatiorrs will motivateand increasestudentperformance.F'or this transitionalyearonly, cun'enteighth grade studentswill be grandfatheredunder lastyeais scl,olarshipcriteda,which requiredstudentsro maintain go averagefirr eachof tlre firct nvo marking periods. ^ ' Sen ice - Snrdentsmust completea minimum of ro seruicehourc to the schoolor communityu,ithout compensationand u'ith a positive,collfteollsand enthusiasticsprit. The hours nlust be completed prior to the applicationprocessbut during the schoolyear in which theyare applying,that is September- liebruary. Smdents must show proof hy way of a signedlerter from the activity advisor or a certificate of completion must be attachedto the application packet. Rather tl-rancompleting one'.s seryiceat one time, smdents are strongly encouragedto volunteer over a seriesof appointnrents/sessions. ' Citiirenship- Applicantsmlrst pafticipatein at leasttwo ongoing clubsor activitiesthat they havebeen involvedin beforethe applicationprocessbegan.It is recommendedthat one activitybe schoolbased and the other to take place outside of schurl. Advisors will needto complete recommendationforms that will commenton the applicant'sleadershipand character. ' Cl"taracter-Snrdentsmust demonstratethe higheststandardsof honesry,integrity, and reliability,as well as actsof kindnessand considerationtowards others. Student disciplinaryirecordswill be reviewedand considered.

250 OLD EASTNECK ROAD . MELVILLE.NEW YORK 11747 . (531)592-3400 . FAX {637\ 592-3922

' Irinally,a list of studentsseekingmemberchipwill be sentto all facultymembers.Teacherswill be askedto provide information about the sflrdents in regardsto leadership,citizenship and character. This informationwill be usedto supplementthe student activityinformation and frle. In an effort to clarifythe procedure,the following stepsoutline the processtowards membership: r.

At the end of the secondmarking period, the guidancedepartmentwill preparea list of alleligible candidates.Seventhgradestudentsneedtohaveattainedagzaverageorbetterforthefirsttw<r marking periods,while eighth grade students(asstatedunder the scholarshipcriteria)will need to maintain at least a 90 averagefor eachthe first two marking periods. Pleasenote: Average is not cumttlatit e.


These candidateswill be invited to meetwith the facultyadvisorsto the National Junior Flonor Society.At this time, studentswill receiveapplicationpackets,which must be completedand submittedwithin threeweeksof receipt. The packetcontainsan application,a profile sheetand three seruice/activity verifications.C)nlvthosestudentswho havefiled applicationsand submitted paperwork will receiveftirrher consideration. the necessary

3. Completed packetswill then be reviewedby the l,-acultyCouncil, which consistsof frvefaculty membersappointedannuallyby the principal. The chapteradvisorsshallbe ex-officiomembersof the f'acultvcouncil. 4. The Iiaculty Council basesacceptanceon the evaluationof the application. Membership is not alltomatic,but rather an honor bestowedupon a selectgroup of smdents. 5. The final decisionfbr membershipis madeby the Faculty Council, which representsthe school faculty. 6. Regardingnon-selection,sch<xrlsare not obligatedto shareinformationconcemingthe nonselectionof specificstudentswith parentsor stlrdents.According to NASSP legal c<lunsel, constitutionaldue processrequirementsd<lnot applyto non-selectioncases. The building Principal will makethe final decisionon any applicatbn that is in question.If you haveany questions,plea^se do not hesitateto contact our chapter advisorsor my oftice. Sincerelyyours,

/,/'ue<I{ Milton K. Strnng Principal


hristopherO'Brien National Junior Honor SocietyCoadvisor

National Junior Honor SocietyCo-advisor

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