Dr. Sheldon Karnilow, Superintendent of Schools Mr. Michael DeStio, Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education
P a re n t H a n d b o o k
Board of Education: Fran Greenspan, President Jay Marcucci, Vice President Jeanine Bottenus Carole Catapano Frank Grimaldi James Ptucha Anne Marie Sorkin
Privileged to Build Futures—One Child at a Time
Half Hollow Hills
Candlewood Middle School West Hollow Middle School
Candlewood Middle School West Hollow Middle School
Dear Parents/Guardians, Welcome to another exciting school year in Half Hollow Hills. Dr. Karnilow and I have worked with the administrative staff to provide you with a new “Middle Level Parent Handbook”. This manual will assist with questions you may have during the year and make your experience at our schools a rewarding one. Sincerely, Michael DeStio
Will my child be provided with bus transportation? Transportation is provided for all students K-12, regardless of where they reside within the school district. Your child’s bus information will be mailed to your home prior to the start of the school year. The Half Hollow Hills School District provides busing services for all students engaged in sports and extracurricular activities. In addition to the buses provided at the end of the school day, Middle School students are provided with transportation at 4:00 p.m. and 4:40 p.m. Unlike the usual morning pick ups and 2:40 after school bus runs, Activity Buses will drop students off at the street corner listed on the Activity Run bus route list that is closest to their home. Two different Activity Bus Route lists (4:00 and 4:40) will be sent to your home prior to the opening of school. These lists will also be available on the website. Please be sure that your child is aware of his/her activity bus routes for any time they stay late at school. We remind you that there are rules and regulations regarding student behavior on buses: • Parents and guardians are not permitted on the school bus at any time. • Cooperate and always follow the instructions of the driver. • Sit in your seat. • Keep head, hands, and feet inside the bus. • Smoking, eating or drinking on the bus is not permitted. • Demonstrate respect for all school property. • Appropriate language should be used at all times. Profanity will not be tolerated. • Fighting or other misconduct is unacceptable. Most of our buses are equipped with video recording devices which may be used to assist us in identifying instances of questionable behavior.
Bus Riding Privileges May Be Suspended for Inappropriate or Dangerous Conduct or for Multiple Behavior Infractions For further information contact Stephen Troy, Transportation Supervisor at 592-3855.
Parent Handbook
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What consequences are there for misbehavior? After-school detention is assigned for minor infractions of school rules, such as tardiness to class, minor class disruptions. Detention is usually assigned one day in advance so that the student may inform the parent. (Parents will be informed and a letter will also be sent home.) Detention period will be held from 2:45 p.m. to 3:40 p.m. Students will be provided transportation on the 3:45 p.m. Activity bus run. Refusal to serve detention, or removal from detention, may result in the assignment of additional detentions. Continued refusal to serve detention may result in out-of-school suspension. Students who are not in their advisory seats by 7:50 a.m. considered late. A student who is late more than three times may be assigned Students who are assigned after-school detention may not be permitted to participate detention. in any after school activities or clubs.
Table of Contents School District Goals
page 2
Whom Do I Call
page 4
Important Phone Numbers, Should I Contact the School
page 5
How Do I Contact My Child’s Teacher, Is There a Web Site, How Should I Report Absences How Do I Get Work When My Child Is Absent, How Do
page 6
I Sign My Child In To School Late or Out Early The School Nurse, What if My Child
page 7
Forgets Something, What if My Child Loses an Item Visitors, Phone Use, Cell Phones, Returning School
page 8
Property, Lockers
In-School Supervision (ISS) is assigned to a student whose behavior warrants immediate removal from a classroom. These behaviors may include insubordination or unacceptable conduct which disturbs the educational process. Students who are assigned inschool supervision are responsible for any work given to them, as well as homework relative to the day’s work. Students will work quietly while in the in-house detention room to complete the work due for the day and complete an assigned reflection packet. Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) may be assigned for serious infractions of school rules, as follows: repeated truancy, smoking, bullying, fighting, possession of alcohol or any controlled substance, pulling false fire alarms, gross insubordination, abuse of a teacher (verbal or physical), extortion, possession of a weapon, or any conduct which otherwise endangers the safety, morals, health or welfare of oneself or others. Parents are notified of out of- school suspension. A conference with an administrator will be scheduled. The school district’s Code Of Conduct can be found both in the agenda book and on the website. Page 18
page 9
Clubs and After School Activities, Intramural Program Dress Code, Requirements for Physical Education
page 10 page 11
Teaming, 6th Grade Courses, Meeting the Teacher Report Cards, Interim Reports, Grade Reporting System
page 12 page 13
Advisory, Extra Help, Homework Policy New York State Tests, Music Lessons
page 14 page 15
National Junior Honor Society, Lunch Programs, School Plays
page 16
School Concerts, Assembly Programs, School Photo Day, Taking the Bus to a Friend’s House
page 17
Consequences for Misbehavior Bus Transportation
page 18 page 19
Parent Handbook
Page 3
Whom Do I Call? In order to promote direct, open and respectful interactions so that problems and concerns can be worked out quickly and efficiently, the Half Hollow Hills School District has developed communication protocols. The protocol starts with the staff member closest to the situation, as that person will usually have the most information. Phone numbers may be found in the district calendar. For Classroom Issues: STEP 1—Classroom Teacher (e-mail is best, but you can also call to leave a message) STEP 2—Guidance Counseling Department STEP 3—Grade level Assistant Principal STEP 4—Building Principal STEP 5—Coordinators/Directors (refer to district calendar for department contacts) STEP 6—Michael DeStio, Asst. Supt. For Secondary Ed. STEP 7—Dr. Sheldon Karnilow, Supt. of Schools Athletic Concerns: STEP 1—Coach STEP 2—Grade level Assistant Principal STEP 3—Joseph Pennacchio, Director of Athletics Medical Concerns: STEP 1—School Nurse STEP 2—Guidance Counselor STEP 3—Assistant Principal Transportation Concerns: For pickup, route problems, etc: STEP 1—Stephen Troy, Director of Transportation STEP 2—Victor Manuel, Asst. Supt. Finance and Facilities Behavior on buses: STEP 1—Bus Driver STEP 2—Assistant Principal
Will I have a chance to see my child perform in concert? Students who are in the chorus, band, or orchestra all perform in concerts that are presented twice a year—in the winter and spring. Parents are encouraged to attend these very entertaining programs. Does the middle school have assembly programs? The middle schools, in conjunction with the Parent-Teacher Association are very proud to present the Arts-in-Education Program. Each year the schools welcome guests whose performances expose students to new and exciting cultural and educational experiences. What is the procedure for School Photo Day? Parents will receive by mail, before the start of the new school year, the information regarding school photo day. Package prices, as well as the dates the photographer are scheduled to be in the building, will be included in this mailer. Students are asked to bring in the order form and check on the day photos are taken. Whether or not you choose to purchase a package, your child’s picture will be taken and that photograph will be used for the school issued identification card.
Can my child ride the bus to a friend's house? Students must ride the bus to which they are assigned. Requests to ride a different bus on any given day require a written note with specific information (i.e. family name, address and phone number of house). This note must be approved by the main office if the student attends Candlewood or the attendance office if the student attends West Hollow.
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Parent Handbook
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What is National Junior Honor Society? Membership in the National Junior Honor Society is one of the highest honors that can awarded to a middle school student. It is open to students in grades 7-8. To be eligible for induction, students must meet established criteria based on academics, leadership, service, citizenship, and character. Students who meet the grade point average requirements receive a letter inviting them to apply for membership. Application requires teacher recommendations as well as participation in at least three ongoing activities (in order to demonstrate an active involvement in school and community). A special induction ceremony is held each spring, and parents are invited to attend.
Important Phone Numbers
Candlewood Middle School:
Main Number 592-3300 Andrew Greene, Principal Dr. Sy Roth, Assistant Principal - 7th & 8th grade Allison Strand, Assistant Principal - 6th Grade, Spec. Ed) Nurse 592-3301 Guidance Counseling Department 592-3310 Attendance Office 592-3308 West Hollow Middle School:
Is there a middle school lunch program? The Half Hollow Hills Central School District believes that one of the most important ways in which we can help our children perform better in their classrooms is to provide them with the nutrition necessary for the healthy growth of minds and bodies. The middle schools have both a lunch and breakfast program. What is the Free and Reduced Lunch program? Children from households that meet Federal income guidelines are eligible for free or reduced price meals. Applications can be obtained through the school nurse. You need only fill out one application for all children in your household.
Can my child be in the school play? The middle school produces two shows during the school year. There are many opportunities to participate both on stage and behind the scenes. All students are welcome and encouraged to audition for the roles available.
Main Number 592-3400 Milton Strong, Principal Allison Beyersdorf, Assistant Principal - 6th grade Steven Hauk, Assistant Principal - 7th grade Robert Newton, Assistant Principal - 8th grade Nurse 592-3401 Guidance Counseling Department 592-3420 Attendance Office 592-3410 Transportation:
Should I contact the school? If you have a concern about your child's progress, homework, discipline or some other issue, please contact us right away. Your child's teachers and guidance counselor can be extremely helpful in this regard. You can maintain that connection by checking in periodically on the parent portal of Infinite Campus.
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Parent Handbook
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How do I contact my child’s teacher? To contact your child's teachers call the school’s main office and ask to leave a message. Teachers will return your phone calls in a timely fashion. In many cases it is easier and quicker to e-mail the teacher. An e-mail gives you the opportunity to fully explain your concerns. You can access the teacher’s e-mail address on their “e-Board”, which can be found on the school website. Is there a web site? To get to the school’s web site first go to the Half Hollow Hills district page at www.hhh.k12.ny.us Once there, follow the “Our Schools” link and then the link to “Candlewood Middle School” or “West Hollow Middle School”. Teachers have an “e-Board” that you can access for up-to-date information and assignments as well as teachers’ e-mail addresses.
How should I report absences? If your child is going to be absent, please call the school ’s Attendance Office to report that your child will not be coming to school that day. Both school’s attendance lines have 24-hour voice mail so you may call in at anytime. A note to the school explaining the reason for an absence is also requested within three days of the time your child returns to school. That note should be turned into the advisory teacher. In addition, if you’d like, you may take advantage of our e-mail system to communicate with the Attendance Office. Write to Candlewood’s attendance office at rteer@hhh.k12.ny.us OR West Hollow’s attendance office at lgallo@hhh.k12.ny.us It is understood that if a student is absent from school, he/she may not be allowed to participate in after-school activities. Page 6
What NYS tests will my child be taking? Students in grades 3-8 take a battery of State standardized tests . These exams measure whether a student is on track to achieve the challenging NYS Regents requirements. Middle school exams include: The NYS English Language Arts Exam for grades 6-8 The NYS Math Exam for grades 6-8 The NYS Science Exam for grade 8 The NYS Social Studies Exam for grade 8 A Proficiency Exam in Foreign Language for grade 8 Regents exams in Integrated Algebra and Earth Science Parents are advised to pay close attention to their child's standardized test results. These are shared with parents annually. If a child is having difficulty, parents should not wait until high school to get actively involved. Academic Intervention Services are provided to students in serious academic jeopardy, but parent support at home is just as important. Contact your child’s teacher or guidance counselor if you have concerns about your child's performance or questions about what you can do at home to help your child be successful. How are lessons scheduled for band, chorus, and orchestra? Students who participate in band, chorus or orchestra participate in small-group lessons during the regular school day. Lessons are scheduled on a rotating basis to avoid conflicts with any one class. Students must report to their regular classroom teacher first, before going to a scheduled lesson. Students are also responsible for completing classroom assignments missed during lessons. Band, orchestra and choir students meet to practice and perform as a group. Students are given schedules, in advance, for both lessons and large-group sessions. It is recommended that students record the dates and times of lessons and that they communicate with all of their teachers to avoid missing important classroom lessons and exams. Parent Handbook
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What is Advisory? Advisory provides time and teacher support for discussion of ideas and issues, character education, socialization and the sense of belonging that middle school students need to succeed. During these periods an advisor/teacher develops a thorough knowledge of his/her students through group activities and discussions, individual conferences, comments from advisees, teachers, academic and discipline records and parent contacts. As an outgrowth of this close personal relationship, advisors are able to intervene and often prevent many of the common academic, social and discipline problems that plague the typical middle school student. In this way students have access to a nurturing, supportive adult in a relaxed, non-academic setting. Advisory creates a forum for discussion, venting, listening, exchanging and valuing. It is essential that students arrive at advisory on time not only because of its obvious importance but because attendance is required. Is there Extra Help in the middle school? Extra help is offered in all subjects, and it is the responsibility of the student to take advantage of this opportunity to improve his/her work. All teachers offer extra help classes. The extra help schedule is posted in each classroom as well as on the school’s web site. Students should contact teachers for help in subjects in which they are doing poorly or simply have some questions. What is the middle school homework policy? Homework helps students practice and reinforces what they learn in class. It also teaches self-discipline, time-management skills and responsibility. Middle school students should be spending some time on each subject each evening. The teams collaborate and avoid giving multiple lenthy assignments that are due on the same day. Page 14
How do I get work when my child is absent? It is recommended that every student select a partner in each class who can be called for homework assignments when he/she is absent. In addition, many teachers list homework assignments on their e-board. Students who will be absent for three or more days can call the Guidance office to get homework from teachers. Allow 24 hours before pick-up. How do I sign my child into school when he/she is late? A parent or guardian should call the school’s Attendance Office before 8:30 a.m. to report a lateness to school. Students arriving to school late must have a dated note explaining the reason for the lateness and that note must be signed by a parent/guardian. If the student arrives late – during advisory – he/she is to report directly to the advisory classroom. If the student arrives late – after advisory – Candlewood students must report to the reception desk, outside of the main office to sign in for the day and receive a pass to class. West Hollow students report to the attendance office to sign in for the day and receive a pass to class. How do I sign my child out of school early? If a student plans to leave school early, he/she MUST bring a note from home. The note should have the student’s name, the date, and the time the parent will be picking the student up from school. At Candlewood students should present the note to his/her teacher at the start of the period he will be leaving. At the correct time the student will meet his/her parent outside the main office, by the reception desk, for dismissal and surrender the note. At West Hollow students should bring a note from home to the attendance office to receive a pass which will be presented to the teacher at the start of the period he will be leaving. At the correct time the student should meet the parents at the attendance office. Parent Handbook
Page 7
What is the role of the school nurse? If a student does not feel well before leaving for school, he/she should be kept at home. If a student is in school and not feeling well, the school nurse should be seen. A student will be admitted to the Health Office with a pass from a classroom teacher. A student is not to go to the Health Office between periods, but should report to the next period class and obtain a pass from the teacher. Only in the case of an emergency will a student be admitted without a pass to the Health Office. The nurse also provides medical clearance for student participation in interscholastic athletics. What do I do if my child forgets something (lunch, musical instrument, athletic equipment, etc.)? 1. Items are to be brought to the main office where it is the student’s responsibility to retrieve them. Students ARE NOT called out of class. 2. Any items still in the office during the school lunch periods will be brought to the cafeteria where the student can collect his/ her item. 3. If there are any items STILL uncollected at the end of the school day, students will be called over the loudspeaker AFTER the dismissal bell to retrieve the item. Students cannot be called out of class to retrieve forgotten items. What do I do if my child loses an item? The school has several places a child can go to find lost items. Students should look in the Lost and Found bins in the cafeteria for lost clothing, books, backpacks, and other general items. All books should be properly labeled with the student’s name and classroom teacher so that they can easily be located. Valuable items such as wallets and pocketbooks are kept in the main office until claimed. Eyeglasses are brought to the nurse’s office until claimed. Please note that if a student chooses to bring expensive electronic equipment into the school, the school is not responsible for those item(s), is not liable for replacement of the item(s), and will not investigate when the electronic devices are reported lost or stolen.
How will I know how my child is doing? Report cards are issued four times each year or approximately every ten weeks. Between reporting periods, teachers will make every effort to contact parents to provide positive feedback or suggestions for improvement. Report cards are mailed home and grades may be available for viewing on the Parent Portal of Infinite Campus. (See the website for Parent Portal activation information.) Interim reports are issued four times a year, approximately every ten weeks, in the middle of each marking period. These reports are available for viewing on the Parent Portal.
What type of grade reporting system is used in 6th and 7th grade? Letter Grade
Number Grade
Honor Roll
95 - 100
Outstanding Achievement
90 - 94.9
B+ B C+ C D F
85 - 89.9 80 - 84.9 75 - 79.9 70 - 74.9 65 - 69.9 Below 65
Very Good Good Satisfactory Fair Poor Failing
High Honor Roll High Honor Roll Honor Roll
Our 8th grade students only receive numerical grades.
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Parent Handbook
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What is Teaming? A middle school team consists of the core teachers (English, Math, Science, Reading-in 6th grade, and Social Studies) and a group of students that share these teachers. Team teachers plan, coordinate, and evaluate curriculum and instruction across academic areas. Teams cultivate meaningful and regular communication with students’ parents and plan for team activities. For teachers, teams provide a collaborative and supportive work group. For students, teams offer stable relationships with teachers and peers.
What courses will my child be studying in 6th grade? English Reading Social Studies Math Science Phys Ed / Music Art / Family Career Sciences/ Computers/ Health Foreign Language—Italian, French, Spanish or Chinese For information on 7th and 8th grade courses please see the website. When can I meet my child’s teachers? There will be a 6th grade Back to School Night in September where you will have the opportunity to follow your child’s schedule and hear about the curriculum from his/her teachers. (There will be a separate Back to School Night for 7th and 8th grade in September. as well) There will also be a chance for you to attend a scheduled, parent-teacher conference in the fall or winter. In addition, you may call the counseling center to arrange an appointment with any teacher you wish to see. These conferences are held during the school day. Page 12
Are visitors allowed into school during the school day? For security reasons, visitors to the school are required to first report to the reception desk, located outside the main office (Candlewood) / at the south entrance (West Hollow), for a visitor's pass. Parents are not permitted to visit students during the school day Can my child call me from school? What about cell phones? The guidance office has a telephone for students' emergency use only—forgotten books, sports equipment, etc. Students should not use this phone to make social plans or to call parents for a ride home when they don't want to wait for the late bus. Students may also use a school pay phone. Cell phones are permitted prior to and following school hours and are only acceptable in the building as long as they remain in the students’ lockers during the school day. They are not to be used in classrooms, the cafeteria or the hallways. (If seen, they will be confiscated and parents will be asked to retrieve them. ) Teachers are encouraged to use cell phones from the classroom in case of emergency. What if my child does not return school property? Your child is responsible for all textbooks, athletic equipment, uniforms, library books combination locks, etc. that they are loaned during the school year. Any items that are lost or damaged must be paid for. Library privileges and participation in athletics and extracurricular activities may be suspended for the next school year until all items are either returned or paid for. Will my child have a locker to store a coat and books? Every middle school student is assigned a hall locker when they begin 6th grade. Lockers are the property of the school district and are loaned to the student. The administration reserves the right to enter a locker at any time they deem necessary without prior knowledge or consent of a student or parent.
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Does the middle school offer clubs and after-school activities? We encourage all students to participate in after-school activities. Extracurricular activities are a great way for children to meet new friends, learn new things or give something back to their community. We find that students who are involved in after-school activities earn higher grades and are more successful -- both academically and socially. Details about meeting dates and times are generally provided over the morning announcements, notices posted around the school, and on our website. Parents and students should also feel free to contact their guidance counselor or club advisors for more information. Please refer to the school website for a complete listing of clubs and after-school activities.
Is there an Intramural Program? 6th graders cannot participate in interscholastic sports. The middle school intramural program is an outgrowth of the physical education program and all students are invited to attend on a voluntary basis regardless of their sport skill level. Participation, rather than competition, is emphasized. A variety of activities are offered with most meeting twice a week for a ten-week period of time. Activities change seasonally and are led by staff members. The intramural program is publicized through public address announcements in advisory, written notices, announcements in physical education classes, and posters. Please refer to the school website for a complete listing of Intramural offerings.
Is there a dress code? Students at the middle schools are encouraged to dress in a manner appropriate for school. General rules for student attire: Students should wear safe, appropriate clothing that does not interfere with the students’ or classmates' education. This includes: no see-through or brief clothing; footwear that is appropriate for outdoor use only; clothing that is not suggestive, vulgar, obscene, or disgraceful to race, color, religion, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability; no clothing that promotes or endorses alcohol, tobacco, and/or illegal drugs, or clothing that encourages or promotes illegal or violent activities. If a teacher has a concern about the way a student is dressed, he/she will notify an administrator who will speak to the student. In addition, except with parental permission for religious or medical reasons, students must remove all headwear upon entering the school building including: hats, bandanas, sweatbands, hoods, stocking caps, do-rags, hair scarves, etc. What requirements are there for Physical Education in middle school? All students have a physical education class every other day. Students are required to have a change of clothing (different clothing than the clothing worn to school); shorts and any color T-shirts (with no inappropriate sayings); pull-on type shorts – no belt loops, buckles, zippers, etc. Sweatshirts and sweatpants are recommended for cool weather. Sneakers must be appropriate for running and jumping activities—not all-terrain boots or raised platform sneakers. Parents have a choice as to whether or not they would like their child’s Phys. Ed. Grade to be included in the academic average. A “Grade Inclusion Form” is available in the guidance counseling center. Information regarding deadline dates will be mailed home. Page 11
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Does the middle school offer clubs and after-school activities? We encourage all students to participate in after-school activities. Extracurricular activities are a great way for children to meet new friends, learn new things or give something back to their community. We find that students who are involved in after-school activities earn higher grades and are more successful -- both academically and socially. Details about meeting dates and times are generally provided over the morning announcements, notices posted around the school, and on our website. Parents and students should also feel free to contact their guidance counselor or club advisors for more information. Please refer to the school website for a complete listing of clubs and after-school activities.
Is there an Intramural Program? 6th graders cannot participate in interscholastic sports. The middle school intramural program is an outgrowth of the physical education program and all students are invited to attend on a voluntary basis regardless of their sport skill level. Participation, rather than competition, is emphasized. A variety of activities are offered with most meeting twice a week for a ten-week period of time. Activities change seasonally and are led by staff members. The intramural program is publicized through public address announcements in advisory, written notices, announcements in physical education classes, and posters. Please refer to the school website for a complete listing of Intramural offerings.
Is there a dress code? Students at the middle schools are encouraged to dress in a manner appropriate for school. General rules for student attire: Students should wear safe, appropriate clothing that does not interfere with the students’ or classmates' education. This includes: no see-through or brief clothing; footwear that is appropriate for outdoor use only; clothing that is not suggestive, vulgar, obscene, or disgraceful to race, color, religion, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability; no clothing that promotes or endorses alcohol, tobacco, and/or illegal drugs, or clothing that encourages or promotes illegal or violent activities. If a teacher has a concern about the way a student is dressed, he/she will notify an administrator who will speak to the student. In addition, except with parental permission for religious or medical reasons, students must remove all headwear upon entering the school building including: hats, bandanas, sweatbands, hoods, stocking caps, do-rags, hair scarves, etc. What requirements are there for Physical Education in middle school? All students have a physical education class every other day. Students are required to have a change of clothing (different clothing than the clothing worn to school); shorts and any color T-shirts (with no inappropriate sayings); pull-on type shorts – no belt loops, buckles, zippers, etc. Sweatshirts and sweatpants are recommended for cool weather. Sneakers must be appropriate for running and jumping activities—not all-terrain boots or raised platform sneakers. Parents have a choice as to whether or not they would like their child’s Phys. Ed. Grade to be included in the academic average. A “Grade Inclusion Form” is available in the guidance counseling center. Information regarding deadline dates will be mailed home. Page 11
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What is Teaming? A middle school team consists of the core teachers (English, Math, Science, Reading-in 6th grade, and Social Studies) and a group of students that share these teachers. Team teachers plan, coordinate, and evaluate curriculum and instruction across academic areas. Teams cultivate meaningful and regular communication with students’ parents and plan for team activities. For teachers, teams provide a collaborative and supportive work group. For students, teams offer stable relationships with teachers and peers.
What courses will my child be studying in 6th grade? English Reading Social Studies Math Science Phys Ed / Music Art / Family Career Sciences/ Computers/ Health Foreign Language—Italian, French, Spanish or Chinese For information on 7th and 8th grade courses please see the website. When can I meet my child’s teachers? There will be a 6th grade Back to School Night in September where you will have the opportunity to follow your child’s schedule and hear about the curriculum from his/her teachers. (There will be a separate Back to School Night for 7th and 8th grade in September. as well) There will also be a chance for you to attend a scheduled, parent-teacher conference in the fall or winter. In addition, you may call the counseling center to arrange an appointment with any teacher you wish to see. These conferences are held during the school day. Page 12
Are visitors allowed into school during the school day? For security reasons, visitors to the school are required to first report to the reception desk, located outside the main office (Candlewood) / at the south entrance (West Hollow), for a visitor's pass. Parents are not permitted to visit students during the school day Can my child call me from school? What about cell phones? The guidance office has a telephone for students' emergency use only—forgotten books, sports equipment, etc. Students should not use this phone to make social plans or to call parents for a ride home when they don't want to wait for the late bus. Students may also use a school pay phone. Cell phones are permitted prior to and following school hours and are only acceptable in the building as long as they remain in the students’ lockers during the school day. They are not to be used in classrooms, the cafeteria or the hallways. (If seen, they will be confiscated and parents will be asked to retrieve them. ) Teachers are encouraged to use cell phones from the classroom in case of emergency. What if my child does not return school property? Your child is responsible for all textbooks, athletic equipment, uniforms, library books combination locks, etc. that they are loaned during the school year. Any items that are lost or damaged must be paid for. Library privileges and participation in athletics and extracurricular activities may be suspended for the next school year until all items are either returned or paid for. Will my child have a locker to store a coat and books? Every middle school student is assigned a hall locker when they begin 6th grade. Lockers are the property of the school district and are loaned to the student. The administration reserves the right to enter a locker at any time they deem necessary without prior knowledge or consent of a student or parent.
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What is the role of the school nurse? If a student does not feel well before leaving for school, he/she should be kept at home. If a student is in school and not feeling well, the school nurse should be seen. A student will be admitted to the Health Office with a pass from a classroom teacher. A student is not to go to the Health Office between periods, but should report to the next period class and obtain a pass from the teacher. Only in the case of an emergency will a student be admitted without a pass to the Health Office. The nurse also provides medical clearance for student participation in interscholastic athletics. What do I do if my child forgets something (lunch, musical instrument, athletic equipment, etc.)? 1. Items are to be brought to the main office where it is the student’s responsibility to retrieve them. Students ARE NOT called out of class. 2. Any items still in the office during the school lunch periods will be brought to the cafeteria where the student can collect his/ her item. 3. If there are any items STILL uncollected at the end of the school day, students will be called over the loudspeaker AFTER the dismissal bell to retrieve the item. Students cannot be called out of class to retrieve forgotten items. What do I do if my child loses an item? The school has several places a child can go to find lost items. Students should look in the Lost and Found bins in the cafeteria for lost clothing, books, backpacks, and other general items. All books should be properly labeled with the student’s name and classroom teacher so that they can easily be located. Valuable items such as wallets and pocketbooks are kept in the main office until claimed. Eyeglasses are brought to the nurse’s office until claimed. Please note that if a student chooses to bring expensive electronic equipment into the school, the school is not responsible for those item(s), is not liable for replacement of the item(s), and will not investigate when the electronic devices are reported lost or stolen.
How will I know how my child is doing? Report cards are issued four times each year or approximately every ten weeks. Between reporting periods, teachers will make every effort to contact parents to provide positive feedback or suggestions for improvement. Report cards are mailed home and grades may be available for viewing on the Parent Portal of Infinite Campus. (See the website for Parent Portal activation information.) Interim reports are issued four times a year, approximately every ten weeks, in the middle of each marking period. These reports are available for viewing on the Parent Portal.
What type of grade reporting system is used in 6th and 7th grade? Letter Grade
Number Grade
Honor Roll
95 - 100
Outstanding Achievement
90 - 94.9
B+ B C+ C D F
85 - 89.9 80 - 84.9 75 - 79.9 70 - 74.9 65 - 69.9 Below 65
Very Good Good Satisfactory Fair Poor Failing
High Honor Roll High Honor Roll Honor Roll
Our 8th grade students only receive numerical grades.
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Parent Handbook
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What is Advisory? Advisory provides time and teacher support for discussion of ideas and issues, character education, socialization and the sense of belonging that middle school students need to succeed. During these periods an advisor/teacher develops a thorough knowledge of his/her students through group activities and discussions, individual conferences, comments from advisees, teachers, academic and discipline records and parent contacts. As an outgrowth of this close personal relationship, advisors are able to intervene and often prevent many of the common academic, social and discipline problems that plague the typical middle school student. In this way students have access to a nurturing, supportive adult in a relaxed, non-academic setting. Advisory creates a forum for discussion, venting, listening, exchanging and valuing. It is essential that students arrive at advisory on time not only because of its obvious importance but because attendance is required. Is there Extra Help in the middle school? Extra help is offered in all subjects, and it is the responsibility of the student to take advantage of this opportunity to improve his/her work. All teachers offer extra help classes. The extra help schedule is posted in each classroom as well as on the school’s web site. Students should contact teachers for help in subjects in which they are doing poorly or simply have some questions. What is the middle school homework policy? Homework helps students practice and reinforces what they learn in class. It also teaches self-discipline, time-management skills and responsibility. Middle school students should be spending some time on each subject each evening. The teams collaborate and avoid giving multiple lenthy assignments that are due on the same day. Page 14
How do I get work when my child is absent? It is recommended that every student select a partner in each class who can be called for homework assignments when he/she is absent. In addition, many teachers list homework assignments on their e-board. Students who will be absent for three or more days can call the Guidance office to get homework from teachers. Allow 24 hours before pick-up. How do I sign my child into school when he/she is late? A parent or guardian should call the school’s Attendance Office before 8:30 a.m. to report a lateness to school. Students arriving to school late must have a dated note explaining the reason for the lateness and that note must be signed by a parent/guardian. If the student arrives late – during advisory – he/she is to report directly to the advisory classroom. If the student arrives late – after advisory – Candlewood students must report to the reception desk, outside of the main office to sign in for the day and receive a pass to class. West Hollow students report to the attendance office to sign in for the day and receive a pass to class. How do I sign my child out of school early? If a student plans to leave school early, he/she MUST bring a note from home. The note should have the student’s name, the date, and the time the parent will be picking the student up from school. At Candlewood students should present the note to his/her teacher at the start of the period he will be leaving. At the correct time the student will meet his/her parent outside the main office, by the reception desk, for dismissal and surrender the note. At West Hollow students should bring a note from home to the attendance office to receive a pass which will be presented to the teacher at the start of the period he will be leaving. At the correct time the student should meet the parents at the attendance office. Parent Handbook
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How do I contact my child’s teacher? To contact your child's teachers call the school’s main office and ask to leave a message. Teachers will return your phone calls in a timely fashion. In many cases it is easier and quicker to e-mail the teacher. An e-mail gives you the opportunity to fully explain your concerns. You can access the teacher’s e-mail address on their “e-Board”, which can be found on the school website. Is there a web site? To get to the school’s web site first go to the Half Hollow Hills district page at www.hhh.k12.ny.us Once there, follow the “Our Schools” link and then the link to “Candlewood Middle School” or “West Hollow Middle School”. Teachers have an “e-Board” that you can access for up-to-date information and assignments as well as teachers’ e-mail addresses.
How should I report absences? If your child is going to be absent, please call the school ’s Attendance Office to report that your child will not be coming to school that day. Both school’s attendance lines have 24-hour voice mail so you may call in at anytime. A note to the school explaining the reason for an absence is also requested within three days of the time your child returns to school. That note should be turned into the advisory teacher. In addition, if you’d like, you may take advantage of our e-mail system to communicate with the Attendance Office. Write to Candlewood’s attendance office at rteer@hhh.k12.ny.us OR West Hollow’s attendance office at lgallo@hhh.k12.ny.us It is understood that if a student is absent from school, he/she may not be allowed to participate in after-school activities. Page 6
What NYS tests will my child be taking? Students in grades 3-8 take a battery of State standardized tests . These exams measure whether a student is on track to achieve the challenging NYS Regents requirements. Middle school exams include: The NYS English Language Arts Exam for grades 6-8 The NYS Math Exam for grades 6-8 The NYS Science Exam for grade 8 The NYS Social Studies Exam for grade 8 A Proficiency Exam in Foreign Language for grade 8 Regents exams in Integrated Algebra and Earth Science Parents are advised to pay close attention to their child's standardized test results. These are shared with parents annually. If a child is having difficulty, parents should not wait until high school to get actively involved. Academic Intervention Services are provided to students in serious academic jeopardy, but parent support at home is just as important. Contact your child’s teacher or guidance counselor if you have concerns about your child's performance or questions about what you can do at home to help your child be successful. How are lessons scheduled for band, chorus, and orchestra? Students who participate in band, chorus or orchestra participate in small-group lessons during the regular school day. Lessons are scheduled on a rotating basis to avoid conflicts with any one class. Students must report to their regular classroom teacher first, before going to a scheduled lesson. Students are also responsible for completing classroom assignments missed during lessons. Band, orchestra and choir students meet to practice and perform as a group. Students are given schedules, in advance, for both lessons and large-group sessions. It is recommended that students record the dates and times of lessons and that they communicate with all of their teachers to avoid missing important classroom lessons and exams. Parent Handbook
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What is National Junior Honor Society? Membership in the National Junior Honor Society is one of the highest honors that can awarded to a middle school student. It is open to students in grades 7-8. To be eligible for induction, students must meet established criteria based on academics, leadership, service, citizenship, and character. Students who meet the grade point average requirements receive a letter inviting them to apply for membership. Application requires teacher recommendations as well as participation in at least three ongoing activities (in order to demonstrate an active involvement in school and community). A special induction ceremony is held each spring, and parents are invited to attend.
Important Phone Numbers
Candlewood Middle School:
Main Number 592-3300 Andrew Greene, Principal Dr. Sy Roth, Assistant Principal - 7th & 8th grade Allison Strand, Assistant Principal - 6th Grade, Spec. Ed) Nurse 592-3301 Guidance Counseling Department 592-3310 Attendance Office 592-3308 West Hollow Middle School:
Is there a middle school lunch program? The Half Hollow Hills Central School District believes that one of the most important ways in which we can help our children perform better in their classrooms is to provide them with the nutrition necessary for the healthy growth of minds and bodies. The middle schools have both a lunch and breakfast program. What is the Free and Reduced Lunch program? Children from households that meet Federal income guidelines are eligible for free or reduced price meals. Applications can be obtained through the school nurse. You need only fill out one application for all children in your household.
Can my child be in the school play? The middle school produces two shows during the school year. There are many opportunities to participate both on stage and behind the scenes. All students are welcome and encouraged to audition for the roles available.
Main Number 592-3400 Milton Strong, Principal Allison Beyersdorf, Assistant Principal - 6th grade Steven Hauk, Assistant Principal - 7th grade Robert Newton, Assistant Principal - 8th grade Nurse 592-3401 Guidance Counseling Department 592-3420 Attendance Office 592-3410 Transportation:
Should I contact the school? If you have a concern about your child's progress, homework, discipline or some other issue, please contact us right away. Your child's teachers and guidance counselor can be extremely helpful in this regard. You can maintain that connection by checking in periodically on the parent portal of Infinite Campus.
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Parent Handbook
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Whom Do I Call? In order to promote direct, open and respectful interactions so that problems and concerns can be worked out quickly and efficiently, the Half Hollow Hills School District has developed communication protocols. The protocol starts with the staff member closest to the situation, as that person will usually have the most information. Phone numbers may be found in the district calendar. For Classroom Issues: STEP 1—Classroom Teacher (e-mail is best, but you can also call to leave a message) STEP 2—Guidance Counseling Department STEP 3—Grade level Assistant Principal STEP 4—Building Principal STEP 5—Coordinators/Directors (refer to district calendar for department contacts) STEP 6—Michael DeStio, Asst. Supt. For Secondary Ed. STEP 7—Dr. Sheldon Karnilow, Supt. of Schools Athletic Concerns: STEP 1—Coach STEP 2—Grade level Assistant Principal STEP 3—Joseph Pennacchio, Director of Athletics Medical Concerns: STEP 1—School Nurse STEP 2—Guidance Counselor STEP 3—Assistant Principal Transportation Concerns: For pickup, route problems, etc: STEP 1—Stephen Troy, Director of Transportation STEP 2—Victor Manuel, Asst. Supt. Finance and Facilities Behavior on buses: STEP 1—Bus Driver STEP 2—Assistant Principal
Will I have a chance to see my child perform in concert? Students who are in the chorus, band, or orchestra all perform in concerts that are presented twice a year—in the winter and spring. Parents are encouraged to attend these very entertaining programs. Does the middle school have assembly programs? The middle schools, in conjunction with the Parent-Teacher Association are very proud to present the Arts-in-Education Program. Each year the schools welcome guests whose performances expose students to new and exciting cultural and educational experiences. What is the procedure for School Photo Day? Parents will receive by mail, before the start of the new school year, the information regarding school photo day. Package prices, as well as the dates the photographer are scheduled to be in the building, will be included in this mailer. Students are asked to bring in the order form and check on the day photos are taken. Whether or not you choose to purchase a package, your child’s picture will be taken and that photograph will be used for the school issued identification card.
Can my child ride the bus to a friend's house? Students must ride the bus to which they are assigned. Requests to ride a different bus on any given day require a written note with specific information (i.e. family name, address and phone number of house). This note must be approved by the main office if the student attends Candlewood or the attendance office if the student attends West Hollow.
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Parent Handbook
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What consequences are there for misbehavior? After-school detention is assigned for minor infractions of school rules, such as tardiness to class, minor class disruptions. Detention is usually assigned one day in advance so that the student may inform the parent. (Parents will be informed and a letter will also be sent home.) Detention period will be held from 2:45 p.m. to 3:40 p.m. Students will be provided transportation on the 3:45 p.m. Activity bus run. Refusal to serve detention, or removal from detention, may result in the assignment of additional detentions. Continued refusal to serve detention may result in out-of-school suspension. Students who are not in their advisory seats by 7:50 a.m. considered late. A student who is late more than three times may be assigned Students who are assigned after-school detention may not be permitted to participate detention. in any after school activities or clubs.
Table of Contents School District Goals
page 2
Whom Do I Call
page 4
Important Phone Numbers, Should I Contact the School
page 5
How Do I Contact My Child’s Teacher, Is There a Web Site, How Should I Report Absences How Do I Get Work When My Child Is Absent, How Do
page 6
I Sign My Child In To School Late or Out Early The School Nurse, What if My Child
page 7
Forgets Something, What if My Child Loses an Item Visitors, Phone Use, Cell Phones, Returning School
page 8
Property, Lockers
In-School Supervision (ISS) is assigned to a student whose behavior warrants immediate removal from a classroom. These behaviors may include insubordination or unacceptable conduct which disturbs the educational process. Students who are assigned inschool supervision are responsible for any work given to them, as well as homework relative to the day’s work. Students will work quietly while in the in-house detention room to complete the work due for the day and complete an assigned reflection packet. Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) may be assigned for serious infractions of school rules, as follows: repeated truancy, smoking, bullying, fighting, possession of alcohol or any controlled substance, pulling false fire alarms, gross insubordination, abuse of a teacher (verbal or physical), extortion, possession of a weapon, or any conduct which otherwise endangers the safety, morals, health or welfare of oneself or others. Parents are notified of out of- school suspension. A conference with an administrator will be scheduled. The school district’s Code Of Conduct can be found both in the agenda book and on the website. Page 18
page 9
Clubs and After School Activities, Intramural Program Dress Code, Requirements for Physical Education
page 10 page 11
Teaming, 6th Grade Courses, Meeting the Teacher Report Cards, Interim Reports, Grade Reporting System
page 12 page 13
Advisory, Extra Help, Homework Policy New York State Tests, Music Lessons
page 14 page 15
National Junior Honor Society, Lunch Programs, School Plays
page 16
School Concerts, Assembly Programs, School Photo Day, Taking the Bus to a Friend’s House
page 17
Consequences for Misbehavior Bus Transportation
page 18 page 19
Parent Handbook
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Dear Parents/Guardians, Welcome to another exciting school year in Half Hollow Hills. Dr. Karnilow and I have worked with the administrative staff to provide you with a new “Middle Level Parent Handbook”. This manual will assist with questions you may have during the year and make your experience at our schools a rewarding one. Sincerely, Michael DeStio
Will my child be provided with bus transportation? Transportation is provided for all students K-12, regardless of where they reside within the school district. Your child’s bus information will be mailed to your home prior to the start of the school year. The Half Hollow Hills School District provides busing services for all students engaged in sports and extracurricular activities. In addition to the buses provided at the end of the school day, Middle School students are provided with transportation at 4:00 p.m. and 4:40 p.m. Unlike the usual morning pick ups and 2:40 after school bus runs, Activity Buses will drop students off at the street corner listed on the Activity Run bus route list that is closest to their home. Two different Activity Bus Route lists (4:00 and 4:40) will be sent to your home prior to the opening of school. These lists will also be available on the website. Please be sure that your child is aware of his/her activity bus routes for any time they stay late at school. We remind you that there are rules and regulations regarding student behavior on buses: • Parents and guardians are not permitted on the school bus at any time. • Cooperate and always follow the instructions of the driver. • Sit in your seat. • Keep head, hands, and feet inside the bus. • Smoking, eating or drinking on the bus is not permitted. • Demonstrate respect for all school property. • Appropriate language should be used at all times. Profanity will not be tolerated. • Fighting or other misconduct is unacceptable. Most of our buses are equipped with video recording devices which may be used to assist us in identifying instances of questionable behavior.
Bus Riding Privileges May Be Suspended for Inappropriate or Dangerous Conduct or for Multiple Behavior Infractions For further information contact Stephen Troy, Transportation Supervisor at 592-3855.
Parent Handbook
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Dr. Sheldon Karnilow, Superintendent of Schools Mr. Michael DeStio, Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education
P a re n t H a n d b o o k
Board of Education: Fran Greenspan, President Jay Marcucci, Vice President Jeanine Bottenus Carole Catapano Frank Grimaldi James Ptucha Anne Marie Sorkin
Privileged to Build Futures—One Child at a Time
Half Hollow Hills
Candlewood Middle School West Hollow Middle School
Candlewood Middle School West Hollow Middle School