DearParents/ Guardians, Earlierin the schoolyear,both WestHollow and Candlewoodunveileda new set of guidelinesthat would governmembershipcriteliato our respectivechaptersof the NationalJuniorHonor Society. As a goal, n,epride ourselveson building asmany opportunities for our studentsto meetwith success.After much thoughtand discussionlwe felt it was in the bestinterestof our studentbody to delaythe implementation of the newly designedscholarshipcriteriauntil the 20ll - 2012 schoolyear. By doing so, this will give all hopeful candidatesand their farnily time to prepareand becomefamiliar with the heightened expectations neededfor futuremembership. Pleasereview the following documentcarefully,which outlinesthis year'scriteriafor membership.The processwill begin in Februaryand concludewith an inductionceren']ony that will takeplacein admissior-r the spring. The final selectionof inducteeswill be madeby a facultycouncil,which will recommend qLralifyingcandidates to the buildingPrincipal. The following listsour criteriafor membership: . Scholarship Studentswill be deemedacademicallyeligibleafterearningat leasta 90 cumulative averageover the first and secondmarking period of the schoolyear. Additionally, studentsmust maintainthis cumulativeaveragethroughoutthe entireapplicationprocess. . Service Studentsmust completea minimum of 10 servicehoursto the schoolor communitywithout compensation and with a positive,courteousand enthusiastic prior sprit. The hoursmust be con-rpleted to the applicationprocessbut duringthe schoolyearin which they areapplying,that is September Februaly. Str-rdents must show proof by way of a signedletter from the activity advisoror a certificate of completionmustbe attachedto the applicationpacket. Ratherthan completingone's serviceat one tirre, str.rdents are stronglyencouraged to voh-rnteer over a seriesof appointr,'rents/sessions. . Cilizenship Applicantsmust participatein at leasttwo ongoing clubs or activitiesthat they havebeen involvedin beforethe applicationprocessbegan.It is recommended that one activitybe schoolbased and the otherto takeplaceoutsideof school. Advisorswill needto completerecommendation forms that will con'imenton the applicant'sleadershipand character. . ChcLrcLcter - Studentsmust demonstratethe higheststandardsof honesty,integrity, and reliability, as towardsothers. Studentdisciulinarvrecordswill be well as actsof kindnessand co'nsideration reviervedand cor-rsidered. . Finally,alistofstudentsseekir-rgrnen,bershipwill Teacherswillbe besenttoallfacultymembers. .information aboutthe studentsin regardsto leadership,citizenshipand character. ashedto provide This information will be usedto supplementthe studentactivity information and file. h-ran effort to clarify the procedure,the following stepsoutlinethe processtowardsmembership:
250 OLD EASTNECKROAD . MELVILLE,NEW YORK L7747 . (63t15c.12-3n00FAX (631\ 592-3922 "
1. At the end of the secondmarking period,the guidancedepartmentwill preparealisL of all eligible candidates.All applicantswould needto have attaineda 90 cumulativeaverageor better over the colrrseof the first two markins neriods. 2. Thesecandidateswill be invited," the faculty advisorsto the National Junior Honor Society. At this time, studentswill -"],'*,,n receiveapplicationpackets,which must be completedand submittedwithin threeweeksof receipt. The packetcontainsan application,a profile sheetand three service/activityverifications. Only thosestudentswho have filed applicationsand sr"rbmitted the necessarypaperworkwill receivefurther consideration. 3. Completedpacketswill thenbe reviewedby the FacultyCouncil,which consistsof five faculty membersappointedannuallyby the principal. The chapteradvisorsshall be ex-officio members of the facuitycouncil. 4. The Faculty Council basesacceptanceon the evaluationof the application. Membershipis not automatic,but ratheran honor bestowedupon a selectgroup of students. 5. The final decisionfor membershipis madeby the Faculty Council, which representsthe school faculty. schoolsarenot obligatedto shareinformationconcerningthe non6. Regardingnon-selection, selectionof specificstudentswith parentsor students.According to NASSP legal counsel, do not applyto non-selection cases. constitutionaldueprocessrequirements The building Principal will make the final decisionon any applicationthat is in question.If you have any questions,pleasedo not hesitateto contactour chapteradvisorsor my office. Sincerelyyollrs,
44.u;t--<--\ M iltonK. Srrorrg Principal
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eft/h,/1,4 f/4 Ae4 {rt", Pradas '/lrtNationrl Jnniol Honor SocietyCo-advisor
hristopherlQBrien National Junior Honor SocietyCo-advisor