Mr. & Mrs. Yaris and Mrs. Castiglia take time for a picture after a very successful PARP Assembly!
Congratulations to Mrs. Cohee and all of our artists whose work was displayed at the Students in class 1-CM are learning Our librarian, Mrs. Castiglia, presents second within Our first graders Elementary campaign through the hallsgraders of Otsego HHH Art Show! certificates fortheir completing Summer Reading Program. about the symbols of our country! an effort to sway peers the to vote for their book!
Congratulations all of a Otsego’s student Otsego gives backtoduring our District FoodFestival! Drive! Our students had blast at theparticipants! Fall Week of May 9, 2011
A Message from the Principal Stacey Bernstein This past Monday night, the Elementary Art Show was held at the Dix Hills branch of the HHH Community Library. Numerous works of art from students in grades K-5 were displayed for all guests to see. This display will remain for the month. I
encourage you to take some time to view the pieces created by our talented student artists. I was very impressed by the high quality of their work and the many ways they showcased the art skills they have learned.
Future Otsego Happenings
This Week’s Agenda Congratulations to Otsego’s art teacher, Food Allergy Awareness Week Mrs. Cohee, and our Monday, 5-9students on a job BOE Meeting @ West Hollow 8:00 pm well done!
Monday, May 16th PTA Installation Dinner Tuesday, May 17th BUDGET VOTE Wednesday, May 18th Kindergarten Orientation 9:45 am Tuesday, May 24th Blood Drive
New York State Mathematics Assessments May 11th and May12th
Grades 3-5
Parent Talk
Make a presentation about food allergies to your child’s school or at your workplace. There’s a good chance that someone will learn something new about food allergies or that you can clear up some common misconceptions about food allergy.
Form a team for FAAN’s Walk for Food Allergy, or participate in the Walk program virtually with our online Walk. These
Because of Food Allergy Awareness Week (FAAW), which is May 8-14, this month is very special here at FAAN. Every act that raises awareness during this week makes an impact. Over the years, we’ve heard from many wonderful families about the various ways in which they celebrated FAAW. Here are some additional suggestions for raising awareness using the resources FAAN provides, with thanks to the families who have provided some of these creative ideas:
events not only raises funds for vital programs at FAAN, but it raises awareness
through its thousands of participants.
Help children create food allergy awareness posters using poster
If you have a FAAN T-shirt, tote bag, or
board and markers. Posters could incorporate messages about
thermos, use it often. By having it visible,
staying safe, watching out for each other (such as the messages
you’re raising awareness, and these types of
found in our Be a PAL: Protect a Life From Food Allergies program),
items make great conversation starters,
or listing the top eight food allergens. This has even be done as a
giving you a chance to educate yet another
contest. Then get the principal’s permission to hang the posters in
person about food allergies.
the school hallways to show off the student’s work.
Share your story. Use our news release
with a children’s book about food allergy. (More than two dozen
template to pitch a story about food
children’s book titles are available through our online store.) Either
allergies to your local media. Let reporters
you or your child can read it out loud to the class and answer
know this is an important issue that affects all of us.
Make arrangements with your child’s teacher for a special storytime
questions at the end.
Print out the activity and coloring sheets provided online, make copies, and send them to your child’s teacher to distribute. Kids can have fun while learning at the same time.
Hand out food allergy awareness stickers and pencils to youngsters.
Help your child bake cookies or make lemonade to sell as a fundraiser for food allergy research, education, awareness, and
Food Allergy Awareness
advocacy programs. Encourage your child to talk to customers
Please click the link below to access the complete article from Scholastic.
about food allergies.
Ask your teen’s principal if your teen can write and contribute a public service announcement about food allergies to be included in
Food Allergy Awareness Week
the morning school announcements, or in a school bulletin or newsletter.