Status Date: 07/12/2016 03:53 PM
HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2016 LEA Information Page Last Modified: 07/08/2016 A. LEA Information 1.
2014-2015 Student Enrollment
Student Enrollment
Total Enrollment
Pre-K Enrollment
K-2 Enrollment 3-5 Enrollment
6-8 Enrollment
9-12 Enrollment
Ungraded Enrollment
What is the name of the district administrator entering the technology plan survey data? Jolynn Sapia
What is the title of the district administrator entering the technology plan survey data? Director of Technology
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HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2016
Status Date: 07/12/2016 03:53 PM
Instructional Technology Vision and Goals Page Last Modified: 07/07/2016 B. Instructional Technology Vision and Goals 1.
Please provide the district mission statement. The Mission of the Half Hollow Hills School district is to prepare students for the challenges of the future in a rapidly changing society. In the accomplishment of this mission: Students will acquire the skills to utilize technology effectively, be able to communicate through the utilization of these, benefit from a curriculum enhanced by the use of technology, be supported by a knowledgeable staff equipped with these skills and have access to hardware and software to accomplish these as well as benefit from ongoing analysis and planning that involve all aspects of the community.
Please provide the executive summary of the instructional technology plan, including vision and goals. Executive Summary For hundreds of years industries have relied on technology. Today this premise continues at an alarming rate. This reliance has improved the efficiency and productivity of the United States in world markets. However, our world continues to change rapidly. The information age is upon us. Industries remaining competitive have vigorously embraced new information and management technologies. Their use of these computer-based technologies is critical to economic survival. It is no longer debatable that technology must be integrated into all school-related operations. The Half Hollow Hills School District strongly supports the principle that: “Each individual has a capacity to learn which can be developed and nurtured through formal educational experiences. The ultimate mission of the New York State educational system is to help each individual identify, develop, and utilize his capabilities for his personal welfare and that of society. The development of the specific capabilities needed by individuals generally is the goal of education.”[1] The following Technology Plan represents a blueprint that will provide for growth and development in our district’s ability to: maintain and enhance our infrastructure; manage and upgrade hardware and software; professionally develop our staff; effectively communicate with parents and members of the community. Most importantly of all, thoroughly and efficiently educate our students. The goals of the District Technology Plan include, but are not limited to: preserving the district’s commitment to technology, augmenting the district’s technology infrastructure, improving learning through technology, offering and encouraging participating in professional development opportunities related to technology, and continuing our collaborative approach to technology planning and funding. It is the belief of the planning team that the following action plans need to be implemented in order to meet the challenges of the next decade and beyond. • Maximize student learning by continuing to integrate technology into all curriculum areas. • Provide students with access to technology in all instructional areas. • Provide teachers access to technology for lesson preparation. • Provide ongoing training and staff development for technology. • Provide technical support to optimize student and staff use of existing equipment. • Equip each school with computer labs or laptop carts that will accommodate classes of students, providing each student with a workstation. • Provide students and staff access to electronic networks within and among district buildings. • Provide centralized electronic system for student recordkeeping and instructional inventory. • Support students’ research skills by continuing to provide automated school libraries and full access to electronic resources. Our technology committee initially consisted of teachers, and administrators, now includes students and residents, meet regularly to assess and evaluate the integration of technology into all programs and to revise and update the District Technology Plan. The focus of the action plans is; the continuing efforts to maintain state-of-the-art technology in our district, the integration of technology to curriculum. It is recognized that the Technology Plan is an ongoing effort, which will continue to be refined as the ever-changing world of technology evolves. [1] Half Hollow Hills Board of Education Policy #2515
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HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2016
Status Date: 07/12/2016 03:53 PM
Instructional Technology Vision and Goals Page Last Modified: 07/07/2016 3.
Please summarize the planning process used to develop the instructional technology plan. Please include the stakeholder groups participating and outcomes of the instructional technology plan development meetings. The district has put together a team of people representing all constituent groups which have a role in our technology plan. The group was charged with developing a three year plan to gather information from our buildings and departments, and develop a startegic rollout for our vision. In order to insure that our curriculum reflects current research and thinking regarding 21st century skills and the use of technology, the following plans are in place. • Each summer as the district revises and updates curriculum K-12, each curriculum committee includes at least one technology integration specialist. This “specialist” is a teacher who is exemplary in the use of technology within the curriculum. The role of this teacher on the committee is to ensure that appropriate technology related activities are included. This year we will have a team in place at every elementary grade level to represent that grades wants and needs as we roll out three technology projects at every elementary grade level. We will take existing curriculum and infuse a technology component into each project, using the matrix of technology skillls we used from the ISTE standards. • At the secondary level we will do a similar project, using subject specific teachers at each level to accomplish the same task. These two groups are part of our district wide steering committee, which will go over each of the projects, and ensure that the vision is aligned, and that the correct hardware is woven into the annual budget to ensure its smooth implementation. • Curriculum committees meet monthly throughout the school year to explore technological resources and tools that can be used within the curriculum and address state and national standards. 2015-2016 - Our current technology committee has been meeting on a regular basis to revise and refine our existing technology plan. We have added to what has already been in place, and built upon those skills. We have divided our group into sub-groups which gather data from the constituent groups, and report back to the main group on a regular basis. We have included all of the constituent groups to our committee. This group will continue to meet to assess where we have come in our vision, and how to continue to grow as technology grows.
Please provide the source(s) of any gap between the current level of technology and the district's stated vision and goals. Access Points Cabling Connectivity Device Gap Network Professional Development Staffing Other No Gap Present
Based upon your answer to question four, what are the top three reasons causing the gap? If you chose "No Gap Present" in question four, please enter N/A. The top challenges which hamper our efforts is the inability to adequately deliver content to all of our users. Having a robust network to back up the content, software and storage to house all of this is a crucial part of our technology plan. We have gaps in coverage which require more bandwidth to deliver our memory intensive programs. We need to have larger and faster servers to support the increased number of devices we now have in our district, and we need additional access points to ensure there are no gaps in coverage from one location to the next.
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HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2016
Status Date: 07/12/2016 03:53 PM
Instructional Technology & Infrastructure Inventory Page Last Modified: 07/07/2016 C. Technology and Infrastructure Inventory 1.
Please identify the capacity of the telecommunications line coming into the district network hub. The district's Regional Information Center can provide the district with this information if needed. Greater than 10 Gbps 10 Gbps 1 Gbps - < 10 Gbps 100 Mbps - < 1Gbps 50 Mbps - < 100 Mbps 10 Mbps - < 50 Mbps Less than 10 Mbps
What is the total contracted Internet bandwidth access for the district? Choose one. Greater than 10 Gbps 10 Gbps 1 Gbps - < 10 Gbps 100 Mbps - < 1 Gbps 50 Mbps - < 100 Mbps 10 Mbps - < 50 Mbps Less than 10 Mbps
What is the name of the agency or vendor from which the district purchases its primary Internet access bandwidth service? Cablevision/Lightpath
Please identify the capacity of the telecommunications line coming into the district's school building(s) from the district hub or district data center. The district's Regional Information Center can provide this information if needed Speed in Gpbs or Mpbs Minimum Capacity
Maximum Capacity
Greater than 10 Gbps 10 Gbps 1 Gbps - < 10Gbps 100 Mbps- < 1 Gbps 50 Mbps - < 100 Mbps 10 Mbps - < 50 Mbps Less than 10 Mbps Greater than 10 Gbps 10 Gbps 1 Gbps - < 10Gbps 100 Mbps- < 1 Gbps 50 Mbps - < 100 Mbps 10 Mbps - < 50 Mbps Less than 10 Mbps
Please identify the minimum and maximum circuit speeds at which the classrooms in the district are connected to the school building wiring/network closet.
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HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2016
Status Date: 07/12/2016 03:53 PM
Instructional Technology & Infrastructure Inventory Page Last Modified: 07/07/2016
Please provide the speed at which classrooms are connected to building wiring/network closet. Minimum Circuit Speed Within a School Building
Maximum Circuit Speed Within a School Building
Greater than 10 Gbps 10 Gbps 1 Gbps - < 10Gbps 100 Mbps- < 1 Gbps 50 Mbps - < 100 Mbps 10 Mbps - < 50 Mbps Less than 10 Mbps Greater than 10 Gbps 10 Gbps 1 Gbps - < 10Gbps 100 Mbps- < 1 Gbps 50 Mbps - < 100 Mbps 10 Mbps - < 50 Mbps Less than 10 Mbps
What are the minimum and the maximum port speeds of the switches that are less than five years old in use in the district? Port speed of switches Minimum Capacity of Switches
Maximum Capacity of Switches
Mbps or Gbps
Mbps Gbps
Mbps Gbps
What percentage of the district's wireless protocols are less than 802.11g? 0
Do you have wireless access points in use in the district? Yes No
What percentage of your district's instructional space has wireless coverage? 95
Does the district use a wireless controller? Yes
How many computing devices less than five years old are in use in the district?
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Status Date: 07/12/2016 03:53 PM
HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2016 Instructional Technology & Infrastructure Inventory Page Last Modified: 07/07/2016
Desktop computers/Virtual Machine (VM) Laptops/Virtual Machine (VM) Chromebooks Tablets less than nine (9) inches with access to an external keyboard Tablets nine (9) inches or greater with access to an external keyboard Tablets less than nine (9) inches without access to an external keyboard Tablets nine (9) inches or greater without access to an external keyboard Totals:
Number of devices in use that are less than five years old
How many of these devices are connected to the LAN?
What percentage of students with disabilities in the school district, as of the submission date of this technology plan, have assistive technology documented on their Individual Education Plan (IEP)? 6
Please describe any additional assistance or resources that, if provided, would enhance the district's ability to improve access to technologies for students with disabilities. Equitable access for all would help those students who would benefit from having a device that they could bring home and complete their assignments. A lending library of hardware and software would ensure that students could trial and be matched to the technologies that would best assist them in their quest to further their education and skill set in order to be productive members of society. Devices such as ipads for communication for our special needs population would enable them to communicate better in general education classes, software such as ClearNote Portable would enable our visually impaired students to zoom in and follow along in a mainstreamed class. The ability to pair students on a lending and trial basis with devices and software such as we mentioned would benefit these students to integrate at a much more efficient level.
How many peripheral devices are in use in the district?
Number of devices in use Document Cameras Flat Panel Displays Interactive Projectors Interactive Whiteboards Multi-function Printers Projectors Scanners Other Peripherals Totals:
100 10 10 333 10 562 20 2 1,047
If a number was provided for "Other Peripherals" please specify the peripheral device(s) and quantities for each. Student Response Systems (clickers)
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HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2016
Status Date: 07/12/2016 03:53 PM
Instructional Technology & Infrastructure Inventory Page Last Modified: 07/07/2016 15.
Does your district have an asset inventory tagging system for district-owned equipment? Yes
Does the district allow students to Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)? Yes
On an average school day, approximately how many student devices access the district's network? 1,000
Has the school district provided for the loan of instructional computer hardware to students legally attending nonpublic schools pursuant to Education Law, section 754? Yes
What barriers may prevent the district from testing 100% of its grade 3-8 students and NYSAA students on computers by the year 2020? Insufficient number of devices meeting testing requirements Lack of reliable Internet service Insufficient broadband access Inadequate staffing levels Insufficient testing spaces District does not foresee any barriers Other
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HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2016
Status Date: 07/12/2016 03:53 PM
Software and IT Support Page Last Modified: 07/07/2016 D. Software and IT Support 1.
What are the operating system(s) in use in the district? Is this system in use? Mac OS Version 9 or earlier Mac OS 10 or later Windows XP Windows 7.0 Windows 8.0 or greater Apple iOS 7 or greater Chrome OS Android Other
No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Please provide the name of the operating system if the response to question one included "Other." (No Response)
What are the web browsers, both available and supported, for use in the district? Web Browsers available and supported for use Internet Explorer 7 Internet Explorer 8 Internet Explorer 9 or greater Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome Safari (Apple) Other
No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Please provide the name of the web browser if the response to question three included "Other." (No Response)
Please provide the name of the Learning Management System (LMS) most commonly used in the district. A Learning Management System (LMS) is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, and delivery of online and blended learning courses. None used.
Please provide the names of the five most commonly used software programs that support classroom instruction in the district. mYon, Castle Learning, Microsoft Office, iworks, Smart Notbook Software
Please provide the names of the five most frequently used research databases if applicable. Virtual Reference Collection, Capstone Pebble Go, Discovery Education, Gale, Culture Grams
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HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2016
Status Date: 07/12/2016 03:53 PM
Software and IT Support Page Last Modified: 07/07/2016 8.
Does the district have a Parent Portal? Yes
Check all that apply to the Parent Portal if the response to question eight is "Yes." Attendance Homework Student Schedules Grade Reporting Transcripts Other
If 'Other' was selected in question eight (a), please specify the other feature(s). (No Response)
What additional technology-based strategies and tools, besides the Parent Portal, are used to increase parent involvement? Learning Management System Emergency Broadcast System Website Facebook Twitter Other
Please list title and Full Time Equivalent (FTE) count (as of survey submission date) of all staff whose primary responsibility is providing technical support. Does not include instructional technology integration FTE time. Title
Number of Current FTEs
Director of Technology
Systems Coordinator
Systems Specialist
Computer Technician
Data Coordinator
Communications Specialist
Computer Para
Microcomputer Technician
1.00 20.75
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HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2016
Status Date: 07/12/2016 03:53 PM
Curriculum and Instruction Page Last Modified: 07/07/2016 E. Curriculum and Instruction 1.
What are the district's plans to use digital connectivity and technology to improve teaching and learning? In order to ensure that our curriculum reflects current research and thinking regarding 21st century skills and the use of technology, the following plans are in place: Each summer as the district revises and updates curriculum K-12, each curriculum committee includes at least one technology integration specialist. This â&#x20AC;&#x153;specialistâ&#x20AC;? is a teacher who is exemplary in the use of technology within the curriculum. The role of this teacher on the committee is to ensure that appropriate technology related activities are included. Curriculum committees meet monthly throughout the school year to explore technological resources and tools that can be used within the curriculum and address state and national standards. We have currently begun Google Classroom implementation. We are hoping to create Google groups and have teachers and students alike collaborate and use 21st century skills to strengthen teaching and learning. We are using a "train the trainer" model. We are piloting this vision at the two high schools as well as the two middle schools, and hope to grow it from there. We have implemented a wirelss network throughout the district, and hope to eventually provide a device for every student, be it BYOD, or district devices. We feel this broad network will further support our goals.
Does the district's instructional technology plan address the needs of students with disabilities to ensure equitable access to instruction, materials, and assessments? Yes
If "Yes", please provide detail. Students have access to technology to assist them with the learning that takes place each and every day in school, and in some instances, at home. Students have access to ipads to use as communication devices, devices which amplify sounds, enlarge print, and assist with the recording of notes and information. Students are given access to various software programs which help them to read, learn and retain information in different ways. We also have software programs which help and reinforce skills necessary to grasp concepts more readily such as Co-Writer, Learning A-Z, Enchanted Learning and mYon. All of these technologies are provided to our students to ensure they are provided with as much assistance as possible to achieve success in the mainstreamed classrooms whenever possible. It is our job as a school district to provide every opportunity for all students to succeed.
Does the district's instructional technology plan address the provision of assistive technology specifically for students with disabilities to ensure access to and participation in the general curriculum? Yes
If "Yes", please provide detail. Our district has a very comprehensive Special Education department. Technology is integrated into every department, into every building. Students have access to technology to assist them with the learning that takes place each and every day in school, and in some instances, at home. Students have access to ipads to use as communication devices, devices which amplify sounds, enlarge print, and assist with the recording of notes and information. Students are given access to various software programs which help them to read, learn and retain information in different ways. Students have access to ipads to use as communication devices, devices which amplify sounds, enlarge print, and assist with the recording of notes and information. Students are given access to various software programs which help them to read, learn and retain information in different ways. Students who are mainstreamed into general education classes are given devices to assist them with the curriculum. Our Senior experience classes all received ipads for the class. We loaded Co-Writer which is an adaptive writing program onto the ipads for our students needing assistance with their writing. We have trained our staff extensively on how best to work with these devices with their students.
Does the district's instructional technology plan address the needs of English Language Learners to ensure equitable access to instruction, materials, and assessments? Yes No
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HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2016
Status Date: 07/12/2016 03:53 PM
Curriculum and Instruction Page Last Modified: 07/07/2016 4a.
Please provide details. If the district plans to apply for Smart School Bond Act funds for Classroom Learning Technology, the answer to this question must be aligned with the district's Smart Schools Investment Plan (SSIP). Our district has a rapidly growing ENL department. Technology is integrated into every aspect of their day, into every building. Students have access to technology to assist them with the learning that takes place each and every day in school, and in some instances, at home. Students have access to ipads to use as translation devises, visual cue devices and assist with the recording of notes and information. Students are given access to various software programs which help them to read, learn and retain information in different ways. We have subscribed to various software programs such as Brainpop ESL, Google Translate and a VPP program which allows for dowloading and differentiation of software to enable our ENL students access to the general education software programs.
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HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2016
Status Date: 07/12/2016 03:53 PM
Professional Development Page Last Modified: 07/07/2016 F. Professional Development 1.
Please provide a summary of professional development offered to teachers and staff, for the time period covered by this plan, to support technology to enhance teaching and learning. Please include topics, audience, and method of delivery within your summary. All staff development sessions are designed to serve as models for participatory learning. As learners, the teachers engage in activities that involve collaborative learning, discussion, and independent research. 9 hours of Professional development is a requirement for all teachers in our district. To accomplish these goals a variety of training formats are used: After-school courses: Teachers attend a series of classes at the conclusion of their school day. These courses may be taken for required professional development and in-service credit. Varied formats (survey courses, workshops) and sessions are offered (3 hours 6 hours, and 9 hours) to address needs of staff. Examples of courses can be found in the 2013 -2016 brochures archived at: Summer training - teachers attend classes during summer vacation. Training may be taken for in-service credit or remuneration. Sessions during prep time - trainers meet with teachers in their building during the school day during specific free periods. Faculty meetings – technology use is embedded in each school as they use portions of monthly staff meetings to demonstrate new technologies and their use within curriculum areas. Alliance with a local university - a partnership has been forged whereby the university offers a Master's degree program in Educational Technology using district facilities and at a significantly reduced tuition rate. Teachers and administrators are able to sign up for workshops at various BOCES sites, whereas they can focus on a particular curriculum, technology, or idea they would like to learn more about. Paraprofessionals working as technology lab aides and monitors meet annually for a day of professional development to familiarize them with new technology and procedures. Staff “curators” responsible for maintaining various sections of the District website convene several times each year to develop their individual sites and areas and determine better ways of communicating with all constituents. Clerical staff are surveyed as to their technology needs and then instructed accordingly during their prescribed professional development time. Classes are held within the district with our Coordinators, Directors, Administration or teachers conducting the courses. The courses consist of 21st century skill integration, the various software platforms we are using for the current school year, as well as refreshers for those which have enhancements or added features. Some examples of these courses are: Smartboard, Advanced Smartboard, Google classroom, Google Lit trips, Social Media in the Classroom, Myon, Castle Learning, Pixie, Presentation software, as well as word processing and spreadsheet skills.
Please list title and Full Time Equivalent (FTE) count (as of survey submission date) of all staff whose primary responsibility is delivering technology integration training and support for teachers. Does not include technical support. Title
Number of Current FTEs
Staff Developer
Director of Technology
0.25 1.25
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HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2016
Status Date: 07/12/2016 03:53 PM
Technology Investment Plan Page Last Modified: 07/07/2016 G. Technology Investment Plan 1.
Please list the top five planned instructional technology investments in priority order over the next three years. Infrastructure is considered an instructional technology investment.
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HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2016
Status Date: 07/12/2016 03:53 PM
Technology Investment Plan Page Last Modified: 07/07/2016
Anticipated Item or Service
Estimated Cost
Is Cost One-time, Annual or Both?
Funding Sources May choose more than one source
One Time
BOCES Co-Ser Purchase District Operating Budget District Public Bond E-Rate Grants Instructional Material Aid Instructional Resources Aid Smart Schools Bond Act Other
One Time
BOCES Co-Ser Purchase District Operating Budget District Public Bond E-Rate Grants Instructional Material Aid Instructional Resources Aid Smart Schools Bond Act Other
One Time
BOCES Co-Ser Purchase District Operating Budget District Public Bond E-Rate Grants Instructional Material Aid Instructional Resources Aid Smart Schools Bond Act Other
Interactive Displays/Projectors/Whiteb oards
One Time
BOCES Co-Ser Purchase District Operating Budget District Public Bond E-Rate Grants Instructional Material Aid Instructional Resources Aid Smart Schools Bond Act Other
Instructional Software
BOCES Co-Ser Purchase District Operating Budget District Public Bond E-Rate Grants Instructional Material Aid Instructional Resources Aid Smart Schools Bond Act Other
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HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2016
Status Date: 07/12/2016 03:53 PM
Technology Investment Plan Page Last Modified: 07/07/2016 2.
If "Other" was selected in question one, for items purchased or for a funding source, please specify. We are in the process of investigating a security system for our district. We are exploring our options and meeting with vendors at this time. We are also planning on using a portion of this money for battery back up for all of our switch closets as well as cooling units to cool down two of our server rooms.
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HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2016
Status Date: 07/12/2016 03:53 PM
Status of Technology Initiatives and Community Involvement Page Last Modified: 07/07/2016 H. Status of Technology Initiatives and Community Connectivity 1.
Please check any developments, since your last instructional technology plan, that affect the current status of the technology initiatives. Changes in District Enrollment Changes in Staffing Changes in Funding Technology Plan Implementation Computer-based Testing Catastrophic Event Developments in Technology Changes in Legislation Other None
In this section, please describe how the district plans to increase student and teacher access to technology, at home and in the community. The District plans to begin the implementation of Google Docs, Classroom and Drive in our District. This will ensure that work can be continued without the confines of the classroom walls. We have a refresh cycle whereas we repurpose laptops that our Board and district have deemed obsolete, and allow students who do not have access to technology to use these devices. We also allow students to borrow ipads or ipod touches to sign out for a period of two weeks to access technology. Several of our subscriptions have apps that the students and teachers are able to download the material onto the device and access their work without internet access. Some examples of this are mYon, Discovery Tech Book and other subscriptions which are able to be used offline. We have a partnership with our public library where any student or teacher that has a community library card, and is a resident in our district can use the materials in and out of school. We make sure that we are not overlapping on subscriptions, and work in tandem so our students have access to all subscriptions.
Please check all locations where Internet service is available to students within the school district's geographical boundaries. Home Community None
Please identify categories of available Internet locations within the community. Internet is available at select local businesses such as Dunkin Donuts, fast food restuarants , public libraries, non-profits and governmental entities.
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HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2016
Status Date: 07/12/2016 03:53 PM
Instructional Technology Plan Implementation Page Last Modified: 07/07/2016 I. Instructional Technology Plan Implementation 1.
Please provide the timeline and major milestones for the implementation of the technology plan as well as the action plan to integrate technology into curriculum and instruction to improve student learning.
2015-2016 Our current technology committee has been meeting on a regular basis to revise and refine our existing technology plan. We will begin our wireless infrastructure project this coming school year. We will upgrade our switches and servers to be able to accommodate the influx of data to coincide with this upgrade. Over the next years, we would like to replace all of our machines from 2009. We would like to replace 200 laptops as well, and move to a shared model of printing. We would like to develop strategies to enable our high school students and staff to integrate the use of BYOD into our infrastructure at some point in the next year. We would like to incorporate a 24/7 technology access plan for our staff and students in order to prepare them for the workforce in the 21st century. We would like to develop technology projects at each grade level in the elementary classroom, required of every student, to infuse technology directly into existing curriculum. We would like our High School students to begin using Google docs to be able to work collaboratively with their peers with 24/7 access.
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Our goal is to upgrade out bandwidth and infrastructure to 1 GBS by the end of this school year. We upgraded the WAN speed to 10 GBPS from 1 GBPS. Upgrade all of our switches and servers, and install a new Dell Blade server to handle this influx of devices and media intensive applications. Replace all of our 2010 machines with new models. Shared folder or online collaboration will replace 30% of our printers. Interactive whiteboards or flat panel display models will be in 30% of all classrooms.
Replace all of our 2011 machines with new models. We plan to implement a unified communications system to integrate telephones, voice mail and PA intercom systems. We plan on putting telephones into We would like to develop strategies every classroom in the district. to enable our middle school We would like to develop strategies students and staff to integrate the to enable our elementary school use of BYOD into our infrastructure students and staff to integrate the at some point in the next year. We use of BYOD into our infrastructure would like to incorporate a 24/7 at some point in the next year. technology access plan for our staff We would like our elementary and students in order to prepare students to begin using Google docs them for the workforce in the 21st to be able to work collaboratively century. with their peers with 24/7 access. We would like to develop 3 technology projects at each grade level in the elementary classroom, required of every student, to infuse technology directly into existing curriculum. We would like our Middle School students to begin using Google docs to be able to work collaboratively with their peers with 24/7 access.
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HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2016
Status Date: 07/12/2016 03:53 PM
Monitoring and Evaluation Page Last Modified: 07/07/2016 J.Monitoring and Evaluation 1.
Please describe the proposed strategies that the district will use to evaluate, at least twice a year, whether the districtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s instructional technology plan is 1) meeting the vision and goals as outlined in the plan and 2) making a positive impact on teaching and learning in the district. Our District technology committee will be meeting at least bi-annually (The Fall and Spring)to go over the goals we have set for ourselves as a district. We plan to look at the technology projects which will be required at each grade level, as well as the Digital Portfolios we will be instituting for the high school students for this upcoming school year. We will continue using Google forms as a method of collecting input from all of the various constituent groups. One is put out at least 2 times per year collecting feedback with regards to the software and hardware we order each year, as well as the timeline for support and integration. We use this data to drive our decisions for the upcoming school year. our desired outcome would for each student to put these projects into a folder with will follow each student through high school. This digital portfolio will be a compilation of their student journey from K-12, and will be used as an artifact to evaluate if our goals are being met.
Please fill in all information for the policies listed below. URL
Year Policy Adopted
Parents' Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security
Acceptable Use Policy -- AUP Internet Safety/Cyberbullying*
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HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2016
Status Date: 07/12/2016 03:53 PM
Survey Feedback Page Last Modified: 07/07/2016 K. Survey Feedback Thank you for submitting your districtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s instructional technology plan (ITP) survey via the online collection tool. We appreciate the time and effort you have spent completing the ITP survey. Please answer the following questions to assist us in making ongoing improvements to the online survey tool.
Was the survey clear and easy to use Yes
Was the guidance document helpful? Yes
What question(s) would you like to add to the survey? Why? I think the survey covers everything as is.
What question(s) would you omit from the survey? Why? There are no questions I would omit.
Other comments. (No Response)
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HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2016
Status Date: 07/12/2016 03:53 PM
Appendices Page Last Modified: 07/07/2016 Appendices 1.
Upload additional documentation to support your submission District Technology Plan_Final edited.pdf
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