Status Date: 10/22/2018 11:26 AM - Approved
2018-2021 Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2018 I. District LEA Information Section I - District LEA Information 1.
What is the name of the district administrator responsible for entering the Instructional Technology Plan data? Jolynn Sapia
What is the title of the district administrator responsible for entering the Instructional Technology Plan data? Director of Technology
For help with completing the plan, please visit 2018-2021 ITP Resources for Districts, contact your district's RIC, or email edtech@nysed.gov.
10/23/2018 03:18 PM
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Status Date: 10/22/2018 11:26 AM - Approved
HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD 2018-2021 Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2018 II. Strategic Technology Planning Section II - Strategic Technology Planning 1.
What is the overall district mission? The Mission of the Half Hollow Hills School district is to prepare students for the challenges of the future in a rapidly changing society. In the accomplishment of this mission: Students will acquire the skills to utilize technology effectively, be able to communicate through the utilization of these, benefit from a curriculum enhanced by the use of technology, be supported by a knowledgeable staff equipped with these skills and have access to hardware and software to accomplish these as well as benefit from ongoing analysis and planning that involve all aspects of the community.
What is the vision statement that guides instructional technology use in the district? To ensure that every child has equitable access to the highest quality educational opportunities, services and supports in schools that provide effective instruction aligned to the state's standards, as well as positive learning environments so that each child is prepared for success in college, career, and citizenship. The Half Hollow Hills School District strongly supports the principle that: “Each individual has a capacity to learn which can be developed and nurtured through formal educational experiences. The ultimate mission of the New York State educational system is to help each individual identify, develop, and utilize his capabilities for his personal welfare and that of society. The development of the specific capabilities needed by individuals generally is the goal of education.”[1] The following Technology Plan represents a blueprint that will provide for growth and development in our district’s ability to: maintain and enhance our infrastructure; manage and upgrade hardware and software; professionally develop our staff; effectively communicate with parents and members of the community. Most importantly of all, thoroughly and efficiently educate our students. The goals of the District Technology Plan include, but are not limited to: preserving the district’s commitment to technology, augmenting the district’s technology infrastructure, improving learning through technology, offering and encouraging participating in professional development opportunities related to technology, and continuing our collaborative approach to technology planning and funding. It is the belief of the planning team that the following action plans need to be implemented in order to meet the challenges of the next decade and beyond. Maximize student learning by continuing to integrate technology into all curriculum areas. Provide students with access to technology in all instructional areas. Provide teachers access to technology for lesson preparation. Provide ongoing training and staff development for technology. Provide technical support to optimize student and staff use of existing equipment. Equip each school with computer labs or laptop carts that will accommodate classes of students, providing each student with a workstation. Provide students and staff access to electronic networks within and among district buildings. Provide centralized electronic system for student recordkeeping and instructional inventory. Support students’ research skills by continuing to provide automated school libraries and full access to electronic resources. Our technology committee initially consisted of teachers, and administrators, now includes students and residents, meet regularly to assess and evaluate the integration of technology into all programs and to revise and update the District Technology Plan. The focus of the action plans is; the continuing efforts to maintain state-of-the-art technology in our district, the integration of technology to curriculum. It is recognized that the Technology Plan is an ongoing effort, which will continue to be refined as the ever-changing world of technology evolves. [1] Half Hollow Hills Board of Education Policy #2515
List three goals that will drive the attainment of the vision. List Goals Goal 1
Goal 2
Goal 3
To create and develop active, constructive inquiry based lessons which have technology woven throughout each grade level.
To increase equitable access to high quality digital resources and standards-based, technology-rich learning experiences.
To provide access to relevant and rigorous professional development. This will ensure educators and leaders are proficient in the integration of learning technologies, which is in line with the tools and resources our staff and students will use in the classroom to support college and career readiness.
Do you want to list a fourth goal that will drive attainment of the vision? No
Do you want to list a fifth goal that will drive attainment of the vision? No
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Status Date: 10/22/2018 11:26 AM - Approved
2018-2021 Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2018 II. Strategic Technology Planning 6.
Summarize the planning process used to develop answers to the Instructional Technology Plan questions and/or your district comprehensive instructional technology plan. Please include the stakeholder groups participating and the outcomes of the instructional technology plan development meetings. The planning process used to develop the instructional technology plan included the Superintendent of Schools, the District Technology Committee (comprised of: The Assistant Superintendent for Business and Facilities, Assistant Superintendents of Curriculum and Instruction, network technicians and support, building administrators, teachers, students, parents/community members, technology teachers, library media specialists and directors and coordinators were included. Surveys were created and dispersed to all parties and this data was used to formulate our outline. District Technology Committee meetings were held regularly and input was accepted by all the district stakeholders. The outcome of the meetings were: the development of the district technology goals, the development of the action steps to meet the goals, sharing of best practices within the buildings, and discussions about next steps and evaluation of each of our goals.
Please describe the professional development plan for building the capacity of educators and administrators in the attainment of the instructional technology vision. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Require teachers to frequently assess student academic growth to constantly inform their instruction. Provide teachers with opportunities to network and collaborate with external organizations to enhance student learning experiences. Provide teachers with research-based ideas for the most effective instructional practices. Recruit, retain, and empower excellent teachers who are adept at personalizing learning experiences for students. Provide a staff developer to instruct and guide teachers on the use of hardware, software and technology integration within the District's curriculum. 6. Provide teachers and staff with Professional Development courses which compliment the tools used by staff and students throughout the District. 7. Recruit and retain excellent outside presenters who are adept at providing our staff with the most current trends and learning practices.
How will the instructional technology goals be measured and evaluated during and after implementation? Be sure to include any tools or metrics that are part of this evaluation process. Staff members will use a digital check off sheet to evaluate the completion and quality of our technology embedded projects at each grade level. A "Gallery Walk" where students showcase and explain their completed projects will be conducted at each building, and monitored by administrators. Exemplar projects can be uploaded to our new Learning Management System Canvas to be used as models for future work. To increase equitable access to high quality digital resources and standards-based, technology-rich learning experiences, staff will be guided through the use of these through our Professional Development opportunities. They will in turn, instruct our students on the use of our vetted resources for the completion of the projects listed above. As they submit their technology projects for evaluation by their classroom teachers, these projects will be aligned to a matrix of skills that will effectively measure student's level of technology competency. (Link to Technology matrix) Our resources will also be shared through our LMS platform with single sign on, providing easy access to all constituents. Staff will be provided access to relevant and rigorous professional development. This will ensure educators and leaders are proficient in the integration of learning technologies, which is in line with the tools and resources our staff and students will use in the classroom to support college and career readiness. All staff members are required to participate in nine hours of professional development vetted and chosen by our district which strengthens the knowledgebase of all staff and students. Demonstration of proficient skills will be assessed as staff members turn key these technologies in their buildings and classrooms. Professional Development opportunities are overseen by our Coordinator of Professional Development, as well as our Assistant Superintendents for Curriculum and Administrative Services.
For help with completing the plan, please visit 2018-2021 ITP Resources for Districts, contact your district's RIC, or email edtech@nysed.gov.
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Status Date: 10/22/2018 11:26 AM - Approved
HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD 2018-2021 Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2018 III. Action Plan - Goal 1 Section III - Action Plan
Overview: This section requires specific action steps that will be taken in order to achieve each of the goals presented in Section II of the plan. Each goal will have its own page in the plan. For this page, copy Goal #1, which you listed in Section II, Question 3, and respond to all questions below.
Goal #1 To create and develop active, constructive inquiry based lessons which have technology woven throughout each grade level.
Select the NYSED goal that best aligns with this district goal. 1. Develop a strategic vision and goals to support student achievement and engagement through the seamless integration of technology into teaching and learning
Target Student Population(s). Check all that apply. All students Pre-K-2 Grades 3-5/6 Middle School High School Students with Disabilities ELL/MLLs
Migrant students Homeless students Economically disadvantaged students Students between the ages of 18-21 Students who are targeted for dropout prevention or credit recovery programs Other (please identify in Question 3a, below)
List the action steps that correspond to Goal #1 from your answer to Question 1, above. Action Action Step - Description Step Select one category.
Action Step 1
Action Step 2
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Responsi ble Stakehol der. Select one.
If you selected 'Other' R esponsibl e Stakehol der in the column to the left, please identify here. Otherwis e, please write "N/A."
Anticipat ed month of completio n
Anticipat Anticipat ed ed year of cost completio n
Plan These lessons will be created using ning teachers participating in curriculum writing at each grade level K-5. Our Secondary projects will be created in the same manner by subject specific content area teachers.
Dire ctor of Tec hnol ogy
Aug. (08)
201 9
$5,000.0 0
Coll abor atio n
Dire ctor of Tec hnol ogy
Aug. (08)
201 9
$5,000.0 0
Through a selection process, two teachers from each grade level, in conjunction with special area teachers such as Special Education, ENL, and Library Media Specialists, and staff developers will all develop a technology embedded project which aligns with each curriculum area as well as our State
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HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD 2018-2021 Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2018 III. Action Plan - Goal 1 Action Action Step - Description Step Select one category.
Responsi ble Stakehol der. Select one.
If you selected 'Other' R esponsibl e Stakehol der in the column to the left, please identify here. Otherwis e, please write "N/A."
Anticipat ed month of completio n
Anticipat Anticipat ed ed year of cost completio n
Standards, and develop lesson plans, resources, strategies, resources, and embedded links which will be uploaded to our new Learning Management System, as well as a District repository. Action Step 3
Action Step 4
Prof essi onal Dev elop men t
Each building will set up grade level meetings within the first two weeks of school which will consist of all classroom teachers including Special Education and our ENL teachers, Library Media Specialists, Computer Paras, Staff Developers, a Building Administrator, and Director of Technology to go over all facets of each project. This meeting will showcase the technology, curriculum components, resources, and technology skills the project will address.
Dire ctor of Tec hnol ogy
Sept . (09)
201 9
$8,000.0 0
Impl eme ntati on
A calendar will be created at each building by the building administrator depicting the time frame for each component to be completed, the responsible party for each aspect of the project, staff developer schedule, and who will be responsible for collection and overseeing of completion. This will then be shared out with the entire building. This process will take place at the beginning of each grading period in the same fashion.
Buil NA ding Prin cipal
Sept . (09)
201 9
$1,000.0 0
This question is optional. If more action steps are needed, continue to list the action steps that correspond to Goal #1 from your answer to Question 1, above.
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Status Date: 10/22/2018 11:26 AM - Approved
HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD 2018-2021 Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2018 III. Action Plan - Goal 1
Action Action Step - Description Step Select one category.
Action Step 5
Action Step 6
Action Step 7
Action Step 8
Responsi ble Stakehol der. Select one.
If you selected 'Other' R esponsibl e Stakehol der in the column to the left, please identify here.
Anticipat ed month of completio n
Anticipat Anticipat ed ed year of cost completio n
Eval As students complete these embedded uati technology projects, a checkoff sheet for on each project has been developed for students to self assess, as well as pair and share with a partner to do a peer review. These check off sheets will be collected by each teacher, and then submitted to the building administrator. Students will participate in a gallery walk showcasing their projects, where they will explain the technology as well as the learning outcomes, and the administrator will verify on the checklist.
Buil NA ding Prin cipal
Jun e (06)
201 9
$5,000.0 0
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For help with completing the plan, please visit 2018-2021 ITP Resources for Districts, contact your district's RIC, or email edtech@nysed.gov.
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Status Date: 10/22/2018 11:26 AM - Approved
HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD 2018-2021 Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2018 III. Action Plan - Goal 2 Section III - Action Plan Copy Goal #2, which you listed in Section II, Question 3,and respond to all questions below.
Goal #2 To increase equitable access to high quality digital resources and standards-based, technology-rich learning experiences.
Select the NYSED goal that best aligns with this district goal. 3. Increase equitable access to high-quality digital resources and standards-based, technology-rich learning experiences
Target Student Population(s) All students Pre-K-2 Grades 3-5/6 Middle School High School Students with Disabilities ELL/MLLs
Migrant students Homeless students Economically disadvantaged students Students between the ages of 18-21 Students who are targeted for dropout prevention or credit recovery programs Other (please identify in Question 3a, below)
List the action steps that correspond to Goal #2 from your answer to Question 1, above. Action Action Step - Description Step Select one category.
Action Step 1
Action Step 2
Action Step 3
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Responsi ble Stakehol der. Select one.
If you selected 'Other' R esponsibl e Stakehol der in the column to the left, please identify here. Otherwis e, please write "N/A."
Anticipat ed month of completio n
Anticipat Anticipat ed ed year of cost completio n
Coll Devise a survey which collects the input abor from all staff asking what their needs for atio resources and subscriptions are. n
Dire ctor of Tec hnol ogy
Feb. (02)
202 1
Plan Collect the responses from staff. Look ning for alignment within the various curricular areas, and match subscriptions to needs, wants and best resources for staff and students.
Dire ctor of Tec hnol ogy
Feb. (02)
202 1
Prof essi onal
Dire ctor of
Mar ch (03)
202 1
$9,000.0 0
Attend conferences, webinars, and have vendors from the chosen resources showcase the resources to the various
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HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD 2018-2021 Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2018 III. Action Plan - Goal 2 Action Action Step - Description Step Select one category.
Action Step 4
Responsi ble Stakehol der. Select one.
Dev grade levels and departments, staff elop developers and Director of Technology men as well as Curriculum Directors. t
Tec hnol ogy
Impl eme ntati on
Dire ctor of Tec hnol ogy
Embed into the technology projects, Learning Management System and set up internal professional development opportunities to use within the district.
If you selected 'Other' R esponsibl e Stakehol der in the column to the left, please identify here. Otherwis e, please write "N/A."
Anticipat ed month of completio n
Mar ch (03)
Anticipat Anticipat ed ed year of cost completio n
202 1
$20,000. 00
This question is optional. If more action steps are needed, continue to list the action steps that correspond to Goal #2 from your answer to Question 1, above. Action Action Step - Description Step Select one category.
Action Step 5
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Eval Staff will need to showcase the resources uati to our students in order for them to be on implemented into our projects. As students complete these embedded technology projects, a checkoff sheet for each project has been developed for students to self assess, as well as pair and share with a partner to do a peer
Responsi ble Stakehol der. Select on e.
Dire ctor of Tec hnol ogy
If you chose "Other" Responsi ble Stakehol der in the column to the left, please identify here. NA
Anticipat ed month of completio n
Jun e (06)
Anticipat Anticipat ed ed year of cost completio n
202 1
$10,000. 00
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HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD 2018-2021 Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2018 III. Action Plan - Goal 2 Action Action Step - Description Step Select one category.
Responsi ble Stakehol der. Select on e.
If you chose "Other" Responsi ble Stakehol der in the column to the left, please identify here.
Anticipat ed month of completio n
Anticipat Anticipat ed ed year of cost completio n
review. These check off sheets will be collected by each teacher, and then submitted to the building administrator. Students will participate in a gallery walk showcasing their projects, where they will explain the technology as well as the learning outcomes, and the administrator will verify on the checklist. Teachers will need to show proficiency in the various software projects in order to assess the students self reflections. Action Step 6
Action Step 7
Action Step 8
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For help with completing the plan, please visit 2018-2021 ITP Resources for Districts, contact your district's RIC, or email edtech@nysed.gov.
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Status Date: 10/22/2018 11:26 AM - Approved
HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD 2018-2021 Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2018 III. Action Plan - Goal 3 Section III - Action Plan Copy Goal # 3, which you listed in Section II, Question 3, and respond to all questions below.
Goal #3 To provide access to relevant and rigorous professional development. This will ensure educators and leaders are proficient in the integration of learning technologies, which is in line with the tools and resources our staff and students will use in the classroom to support college and career readiness.
Select the NYSED goal that best aligns with this district goal. 5. Provide access to relevant and rigorous professional development to ensure educators and leaders are proficient in the integration of learning technologies
Target Student Population(s) All students Pre-K-2 Grades 3-5/6 Middle School High School Students with Disabilities ELL/MLLs
Migrant students Homeless students Economically disadvantaged students Students between the ages of 18-21 Students who are targeted for dropout prevention or credit recovery programs Other (please identify in Question 3a, below)
List the action steps that correspond to Goal #3 from your answer to Question 1, above. Action Action Step - Description Step Select one category.
Action Step 1
Action Step 2
Responsi ble Stakehol der. Select one.
If you selected 'Other' R esponsibl e Stakehol der in the column to the left, please identify here. Otherwis e, please write "N/A."
Anticipat ed month of completio n
Anticipat Anticipat ed ed year of Cost completio n
Bud geti ng
Budget for Staff Developers who are proficient in teaching and leading the learning as well as the direction of the District.
Assi NA stan t Sup erint end ent
Jan. (01)
202 1
$300,00 0.00
Coll abor atio n
Work with Curriculum Directors, Director of Technology and Staff Developers to roll our Professional Development opportunities which align with the vision of the District.
Sup NA erint end ent
Feb. (02)
202 1
Action Step 3
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HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD 2018-2021 Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2018 III. Action Plan - Goal 3 Action Action Step - Description Step Select one category.
Action Step 4
Responsi ble Stakehol der. Select one.
If you selected 'Other' R esponsibl e Stakehol der in the column to the left, please identify here. Otherwis e, please write "N/A."
Anticipat ed month of completio n
Anticipat Anticipat ed ed year of Cost completio n
Com mun icati ons
Post various Professional Development opportunities on Professional Development server, giving access to staff.
Assi NA stan t Sup erint end ent
Feb. (02)
202 1
Prof essi onal Dev elop men t
Bring in outside consultants to work with staff on the best use of these resources, training on them, and sharing of this knowledge with buildings and departments.
Sup NA erint end ent
Mar ch (03)
202 1
$100,00 0.00
This question is optional. If more action steps are needed, continue to list the action steps that correspond to Goal #3 from your answer to Question 1, above. Action Action Step - Description Step Select one category.
Action Step 5
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(No Res pon se)
(No Response)
Responsi ble Stakehol der. Select one.
(No Res pon se)
If you selected 'Other' R esponsibl e Stakehol der in the column to the left, please identify here. (No Respons e)
Anticipat ed month of completio n
(No Res pon se)
Anticipat Anticipat ed ed year of Cost completio n
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(No Respons e)
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HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD 2018-2021 Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2018 III. Action Plan - Goal 3 Action Action Step - Description Step Select one category.
Action Step 6
Action Step 7
Action Step 8
Responsi ble Stakehol der. Select one.
If you selected 'Other' R esponsibl e Stakehol der in the column to the left, please identify here.
Anticipat ed month of completio n
Anticipat Anticipat ed ed year of Cost completio n
(No Res pon se)
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For help with completing the plan, please visit 2018-2021 ITP Resources for Districts, contact your district's RIC, or email edtech@nysed.gov.
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Status Date: 10/22/2018 11:26 AM - Approved
2018-2021 Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2018 IV. NYSED Initiatives Alignment Section IV - NYSED Initiatives Alignment 1.
Explain how the district use of instructional technology will serve as a part of comprehensive and sustained effort to support rigorous academic standards attainment and performance improvement for students. The Half Hollow Hills School District recognizes and embraces the pivotal role of technology within our schools and community in today’s global society. In an effort to facilitate innovative learning and teaching, the district will strive to provide a safe and secure technological setting with current technology, information resources, and training. Students, staff, and community members will be able to access, process, and communicate information using a wide range of resources and technologies. Individuals will have the opportunity to become independent, lifelong learners in a rapidly-changing society. The technology mission of Half Hollow Hills is to provide equitable access for all students and staff to technological resources. These resources promote the critical thinking, problem solving, and communication skills that are required for students to become lifelong learners and productive citizens in a technologically complex, multicultural, and global environment. It is our goal to provide a vision within our district where technology integration supports and enhances curriculum at all grade levels, departments and our community through progressive and interactive resources. When examining the New York State Learning standards, one cannot help but notice how the use of instructional technology embedded throughout the curriculum will not only enhance and strengthen the ties between the learning goals but develop the critical thinking skills necessary to interpret and extrapolate information from a plethora of resources which students now encounter. Students are being asked to "conduct research based on focused questions to demonstrate understanding of the subjects under investigation, gather relevant information from multiple sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the information in writing while avoiding plagiarism." The projects we have chosen to embed at each and every grade level exemplify these skills at every step of the way. When looking at the speaking and listening strand, students are asked to "Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays to express information and enhance understanding of presentations." Our skills matrixes shows a steady continuum of these very skills as students are asked to visually create and present their projects to showcase their learning. The scaffolding skills we have introduced and identified at each level are part of the district wide integration of technology plan to embed these skills into the curriculum, aligning to the state standards in organized sequential steps to provide a sustained effort to support their learning.
Students with disabilities may be served through the use of instructional technology as well as assistive technology devices and services to ensure access to and participation in the general curriculum. Describe how instruction is differentiated using technology to support the individualized learning needs of this student group. Students who are classified by the Committee on Special Education in Half Hollow Hills may receive Special Education services in a myriad of ways. The use of technology is embedded into the teaching instruction for all students, but those students who require additional support are provided specific technology tools. Those tools are matched according to the needs of each individual student. Half Hollow Hills employs an assistive technology consultant to provide individualized ongoing services to students with disabilities who require assistive technology to be successful in the school environment. The technology support is ongoing for our students with special education services as well as ongoing training with staff and parents. Special Education encompasses a comprehensive array of services, instructional methodologies, materials and equipment to provide students with disabilities additional educational support to meet the demands of common core curriculum. Special education services, goals and accommodations are uniquely designed to meet the individual needs of each student in purpose, content, delivery, mode, intensity and duration. Such services are recommended by the Committee on Special Education and an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) is then developed based on a student’s present level of performance and individual needs. Technology is included in the IEP and is developed by a multi-disciplinary team consisting of the child’s teacher, school psychologist, special education teacher, Assistive Technology specialist when appropriate, related service providers, and input from the parent. The IEP includes specific goals and objectives, as well as any modifications and/or testing accommodations that the child may need to perform in his or her current setting. Students with disabilities are placed in the least restrictive setting and integrated with their non-disabled peers to the maximum extent possible, based on each student’s individual needs. Currently, 95% of our students with disabilities are integrated in our district schools, with 5% receiving their education in schools outside the district, such as BOCES and special day and residential schools. Our students are provided with devices on as needed basis, and staff as well as students receive training on an individual as well as group basis according to need and the use of the device. These devices assist our students to participate in the grade level curriculum as much as possible. iPads are used to improve communication skills, visually impaired student are able to view text either through the enlarged view, or text to speech functionality.
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2018-2021 Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2018 IV. NYSED Initiatives Alignment 3.
How does the district utilize technology to address the needs of Students with Disabilities to ensure equitable access to instruction, materials, and assessments? Check all that apply. Class lesson plans, materials, and assignment instructions are available to students and families for 'anytime, anywhere' access (such as through class website or learning management system). Direct instruction is recorded and provided for students to access asynchronously (such as through a learning management system or private online video channel). Technology is used to provide additional ways to access key content, such as providing videos or other visuals to supplement verbal or written instruction or content. Text to speech and/or speech to text software is utilized to provide increased support for comprehension of written or verbal language. Assistive technology is utilized. Technology is used to increase options for students to demonstrate knowledge and skill. Learning games and other interactive software are used to supplement instruction. Other (please identify in Question 3a, below)
Please select the professional development that will be offered to teachers of Students with Disabilities that will enable them to differentiate learning and to increase their student language and content learning with the use of technology. Check all that apply. Technology to support writers in the elementary classroom Technology to support writers in the secondary classroom Research, writing and technology in a digital world Enhancing children's vocabulary development with technology Reading strategies through technology for students with disabilities Choosing assistive technology for instructional purposes in the special education classroom Using technology to differentiate instruction in the special education classroom
Using technology to increase options for students with disabilities to demonstrate their knowledge and skills Multiple ways of assessing student learning through technology Electronic communication and collaboration Promotion of model digital citizenship and responsibility Integrating technology and curriculum across core content areas Helping students with disabilities to connect with the world Other (please identify in Question 4a, below)
How does the district utilize technology to address the needs of English Language Learners/Multilingual Learners to ensure equitable access to instruction, materials, and assessments? Check all that apply. Class lesson plans, materials, and assignment instructions are available to students and families for 'anytime, anywhere' access (such as through class website or learning management system) Direct instruction is recorded and provided for students to access asynchronously (such as through a learning management system or private online video channel). Technology is used to provide additional ways to access key content, such as providing videos or other visuals to supplement verbal or written instruction or content. Text to speech and/or speech to text software is utilized to provide increased support for comprehension of written or verbal language. Home language dictionaries and translation programs are provided through technology. Hardware that supports ELL/MLL student learning, such as home-language keyboards, translation pens, and/or interactive whiteboards, is utilized. Technology is used to increase options for students to demonstrate knowledge and skill, such as through the creation of a product or recording of an oral response. Learning games and other interactive software are used to supplement instruction. Other (please identify, in Question 5a, below)
The district’s instructional technology plan addresses the needs of English Language Learners/Multilingual learners to ensure equitable access to instruction, materials, and assessments in multiple languages. Yes
If Yes, check one. In the 5 most spoken languages in the district
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Status Date: 10/22/2018 11:26 AM - Approved
HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD 2018-2021 Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2018 IV. NYSED Initiatives Alignment 6b.
If 'Other' was selected in 6a, above, please explain here. (No Response)
Please select the professional development that will be offered to teachers of English language learners/multilingual learners that will enable them to differentiate learning and to increase their student language and content learning with the use of technology. Check all that apply. Technology to support writers in the elementary classroom Technology to support writers in the Secondary classroom Research, writing and technology in a digital word Writing and technology workshop for teachers Enhancing Children's Vocabulary Development with technology Writer's workshop in the Bilingual classroom Reading strategies for English Language Learners Moving from learning letters to learning to read The power of technology to support language acquisition Using technology to differentiate instruction in the language classroom
Multiple ways of assessing student learning through technology Electronic communication and collaboration Promotion and model digital citizenship and responsibility Integrating technology and curriculum across core content areas Web authoring tools Helping students connect with the world The interactive whiteboard and language learning Use camera for documentation Other (please identify in Question 7a, below)
How does the district use instructional technology to facilitate culturally-responsive instruction and learning environments? The district uses instructional technology to strengthen relationships and connections with families to assist in building a culturally responsive learning environment to enhance student learning. The district uses instructional technology to facilitate classroom projects that involve the community. The district uses instructional technology to develop and organize coherent and relevant units, lessons, and learning tasks that build upon students' cultural backgrounds and experiences. The district uses instructional technology to assist in varying teaching approaches to accommodate diverse learning styles and language proficiencies. The district uses instructional technology to enable students to communicate and collaborate with students in different schools or districts in New York State, the United States, or with different countries. The district uses instructional technology to facilitate collaborative classroom projects among heterogeneous student groups. The district does not use instructional technology to facilitate culturally responsive instruction. Other (please identify in Question 8a, below)
For help with completing the plan, please visit 2018-2021 ITP Resources for Districts, contact your district's RIC, or email edtech@nysed.gov.
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Status Date: 10/22/2018 11:26 AM - Approved
HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD 2018-2021 Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2018 V. Administrative Management Plan Section V - Administrative Management Plan 1.
Staff Plan Full-time Equivalent (FTE) District Technology Leadership
Instructional support
Technical Support
Investment Plan Anticipated Item or If you chose Estimated Service. Select one per 'Other' Anticipated Item Cost row. or Service in the column to the left, please identify here. Otherwise, please write "N/A." 1
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Is Cost One-time, Annual, or Both?
Potential Funding Source. May check more than one source per item.
If you chose 'Other' Potential Funding Source in the column to the left, please identify here. Otherwise, please write "N/A."
End User Computing Devices
Annu al
BOCES Co-Ser purchase District Operating Budget District Public Bond E-Rate Grants Instructional Materials Aid Instructional Resources Aid Smart Schools Bond Act Other (please identify in next column, to the right) N/A
Instructional and Administrative Software
Annu al
BOCES Co-Ser purchase District Operating Budget District Public Bond E-Rate Grants Instructional Materials Aid Instructional Resources Aid Smart Schools
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Status Date: 10/22/2018 11:26 AM - Approved
HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD 2018-2021 Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2018 V. Administrative Management Plan Anticipated Item or If you chose Estimated Service. Select one per 'Other' Anticipated Item Cost row. or Service in the column to the left, please identify here. Otherwise, please write "N/A."
Is Cost One-time, Annual, or Both?
Potential Funding Source. May check more than one source per item.
If you chose 'Other' Potential Funding Source in the column to the left, please identify here. Otherwise, please write "N/A."
Bond Act Other (please identify in next column, to the right) N/A 3
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Internet Connectivity
Annu al
BOCES Co-Ser purchase District Operating Budget District Public Bond E-Rate Grants Instructional Materials Aid Instructional Resources Aid Smart Schools Bond Act Other (please identify in next column, to the right) N/A
Professional Development
Annu al
BOCES Co-Ser purchase District Operating Budget District Public Bond E-Rate Grants Instructional Materials Aid Instructional Resources Aid Smart Schools Bond Act Other (please identify in next column, to the right) N/A
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Status Date: 10/22/2018 11:26 AM - Approved
2018-2021 Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2018 V. Administrative Management Plan 3.
Has the school district provided for the loan of instructional computer hardware to students legally attending nonpublic schools pursuant to Education Law, section 754? Yes
Please indicate whether or not the district has a public website. The district has a public website.
Provide the URL of the district's public website.
Please indicate whether or not the district has assigned a specific person with responsibility for Information Security. Yes
5a. If 'Yes' was selected in Question 5 above, please identify the responsible person’s title. Network & Systems Coordinator
Please indicate whether or not the district has assigned a specific person with responsibility for Information Privacy. Yes
If 'Yes' was selected in Question 6 above, please identify the responsible person’s title.
Network & Systems Coordinator
Has a district-wide information security and/or privacy audit ever been performed in the district? Yes
If 'Yes' was selected in Question 7 above, please identify how often a security and/or privacy audit has been performed?
Irregularly / Sporadically
If 'Yes' was selected in Question 7 above, please indicate whether the audit(s) was/were performed by an independent 3rd party contractor.
Some of the audits were performed by a 3rd party contractor
Does the school district provide for educating minors about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms? Yes
Does the school district provide for educating minors about cyberbullying awareness and response? Yes
Does the district have an Internet Safety Policy? Yes, and I will upload the policy.
Please upload the district’s Internet Safety Policy. Policy-45261.docx
Does the district have a Cyberbullying Policy? Yes, and I will provide the URL to the policy.
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Status Date: 10/22/2018 11:26 AM - Approved
2018-2021 Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2018 V. Administrative Management Plan 11b.
Please provide the URL to the district’s Cyberbullying Policy. Cyberbullying Policy
Does the district have a Parents’ Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security? Yes, and I will provide the URL to the Parents' Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security.
What year was the Parents' Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security policy first posted?
Please provide the URL to the district’s Parents’ Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security. http://downloads.microscribepub.com/ny/half_hollow_hills/5500_e_4.pdf
Does the district have an information breach policy that addresses the district’s planned response to an information breach? Yes, and I will upload the policy.
Please upload the policy that addresses the district’s planned response to an information breach. Policy-5500.docx
Provide a direct link to the district’s technology plan as posted on the district’s website. https://www.hhh.k12.ny.us/uploaded/User_Folders/technology/Tech_Plan_2015-2018.pdf
For help with completing the plan, please visit 2018-2021 ITP Resources for Districts, contact your district's RIC, or email edtech@nysed.gov.
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Status Date: 10/22/2018 11:26 AM - Approved
HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD 2018-2021 Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2018 VI - Sharing Innovative Educational Technology Programs Sharing Innovative Educational Technology Programs 1.
Please choose one or more topics that reflect an innovative educational technology program that has been implemented for at least two years at a building or district level. Use 'Other' to share a category that is not on the list. Active Learning Spaces/Makerspaces Culturally Responsive Instruction with Technology Device Planning and Implementation (1:1; BYOD) Digital Citizenship Infrastructure OER and Digital Curriculum Personalized Learning Pilots and Proof of Concept
Provide the name, title, and e-mail of the person to be contacted in order to obtain more information about the innovative program(s) at your district.
Please complete all columns.
Policy, Planning, and Leadership Privacy and Security Professional Learning Project-based Learning Other Topic A Other Topic B Other Topic C
Name of Contact person
E-mail address
Jolynn Sapia
Director of Technology
Innovative Programs. Check all that apply. Active Learning Spaces/Makerspac es Culturally Responsive Instruction with Technology Device Planning and Implementation (1:1, BYOD) Digital Citizenship Infrastructure OER and Digital Curriculum Personalized Learning Pilots and Proof of Concept Policy, Planning, and Leadership Privacy and Security Professional Learning Project-based Learning Other Topic A Other Topic B Other Topic C
If you want to list multiple contact points for the innovative programs above, please provide the names, titles, and e-mail addresses of the people to be contacted in order to obtain more information about the innovative program(s) at your district.
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Status Date: 10/22/2018 11:26 AM - Approved
HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD 2018-2021 Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2018 VI - Sharing Innovative Educational Technology Programs
Name of Contact person
E-mail address
Innovative Programs. Check all that apply for each contact name.
Please complete all columns
(No Response)
(No Response)
(No Response)
Active Learning Spaces/Makers paces Culturally Responsive Instruction with Technology Device Planning and Implementation (1:1, BYOD) Digital Citizenship Infrastructure OER and Digital Curriculum Personalized Learning Pilots and Proof of Concept Policy, Planning, and Leadership Privacy and Security Professional Learning Project-based Learning Other Topic A Other Topic B Other Topic C
Please complete all columns
(No Response)
(No Response)
(No Response)
Active Learning Spaces/Makers paces Culturally Responsive Instruction with Technology Device Planning and Implementation (1:1, BYOD) Digital Citizenship Infrastructure OER and Digital Curriculum Personalized Learning
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Status Date: 10/22/2018 11:26 AM - Approved
HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD 2018-2021 Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2018 VI - Sharing Innovative Educational Technology Programs Name of Contact person
E-mail address
Innovative Programs. Check all that apply for each contact name. Pilots and Proof of Concept Policy, Planning, and Leadership Privacy and Security Professional Learning Project-based Learning Other Topic A Other Topic B Other Topic C
Please complete all columns
(No Response)
(No Response)
(No Response)
Active Learning Spaces/Makers paces Culturally Responsive Instruction with Technology Device Planning and Implementation (1:1, BYOD) Digital Citizenship Infrastructure OER and Digital Curriculum Personalized Learning Pilots and Proof of Concept Policy, Planning, and Leadership Privacy and Security Professional Learning Project-based Learning Other Topic A Other Topic B Other Topic C
Please complete all columns
(No Response)
(No Response)
(No Response)
Active Learning Spaces/Makers paces Culturally Responsive
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Status Date: 10/22/2018 11:26 AM - Approved
HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD 2018-2021 Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2018 VI - Sharing Innovative Educational Technology Programs Name of Contact person
E-mail address
Innovative Programs. Check all that apply for each contact name. Instruction with Technology Device Planning and Implementation (1:1, BYOD) Digital Citizenship Infrastructure OER and Digital Curriculum Personalized Learning Pilots and Proof of Concept Policy, Planning, and Leadership Privacy and Security Professional Learning Project-based Learning Other Topic A Other Topic B Other Topic C
Please complete all columns
10/23/2018 03:18 PM
(No Response)
(No Response)
(No Response)
Active Learning Spaces/Makers paces Culturally Responsive Instruction with Technology Device Planning and Implementation (1:1, BYOD) Digital Citizenship Infrastructure OER and Digital Curriculum Personalized Learning Pilots and Proof of Concept Policy, Planning, and Leadership Privacy and
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Status Date: 10/22/2018 11:26 AM - Approved
HALF HOLLOW HILLS CSD 2018-2021 Instructional Technology Plan - Annually - 2018 VI - Sharing Innovative Educational Technology Programs Name of Contact person
E-mail address
Innovative Programs. Check all that apply for each contact name. Security Professional Learning Project-based Learning Other Topic A Other Topic B Other Topic C
For help with completing the plan, please visit 2018-2021 ITP Resources for Districts, contact your district's RIC, or email edtech@nysed.gov.
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