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After Effects My Heart Goes Mmmmm

My Heart Goes Mmmmmmmm

In this tutorial we will use the Adobe After Effects and Trapcode Particular plug-in to create this heart.


1) Create New Composition, size = 640 x 480, Frame Rate = 25fps or 30fps, Duration = 5 sec.

2) Create New Solid layer (Ctrl + Y) Layer > New > Solid. Choose any color and press button Make Comp Size.

New Features in AE 7

1. Newly Designed User Interface.

2. Animation Presets for everything.

3. HDR Color Support

4. Timewarp - Can be used in place of Time Remapping for accurate results.

5. Accurate Lens Blue Effects.

6. Freeze Frame

7. Dynamic Link

New Keyboard Shorcuts in AE 7

1. Remove Title Bar - Ctrl + Backspace(\)

2. Maximize any window - Tilde (~)

3) Apply Trapcode Particular Plug-in on the solid layer. Effect > Trapcode > Particular.

4) Set the key frame on 0sec for Emitter – Particles/sec and leave the value to 100

5) Go to 1 sec and change the value to 400, set another key frame on 4sec with same value, set value 300 on 4:10 sec, set value 0 on 4:20sec

6) We also need to change the Position XY settings but we talk about that later.

7) Set Direction to Directional, velocity to 10.0, Velocity Random to 100.0 and Velocity from motion to 5.0

8) Particle Life[sec] to 5.0, Particle Type to Smokelet, Size over life and Opacity over life as in the following image, Opacity of Particles to 40 and set the color of particles of your choice, if you want a random colors in the heart then also

change the setting of Color Random[%]

9) Now, talk about the Position XY settings. There are three ways to do this…

a) Move the position anchor point at different places according to the shape desire at regular intervals but required lot of tweaking. b) Create a mask in the AE or Illustrator and copy the vertices then paste those vertices in the Position XY. c) Or create any shape in Photoshop and save with alpha channel. And use Layer> Auto Trace feature, this will also create a mask then once again copy and paste the vertices in the Position XY. If the image don’t have alpha channel then still you can use Auto Trace and select the channel in the dialog box as desire like R-G-B channel or Luminance channel.

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