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Interview: Hannah Gal

In the beginning, part 6

Follow the evolution of Photoshop in this regular series


When the betas of Version 3.0 were revealed, some features were poorly documented. The words ‘Bass-OMatic’ would occasionally appear in the menu and later mysteriously disappear. Many theories circulated: Matt Brown, from Adobe’s technical support, suggested the purpose was to catch out the people testing the beta versions. If the testers didn’t report seeing the words at least once, they hadn’t done their job correctly. A more serious glitch was the discovery that the beta expiration code stated the program would expire on 1 January 1995 – but users could easily solve this by replacing it with a 3.0.1 updater.

Keep up to date with plug-ins

Plugs ‘n Pixels produces plug-ins e-zine

Afree plug-ins e-zine detailing the range of Photoshop-compatible plug-ins is available to download at the Plugs ‘n Pixels site.

The tutorials in the e-zine are highly informative and provide inspiration for your creative projects. The e-zine, also called Plugs ‘n Pixels, is currently on its fourth issue. Each issue comprises of 20 pages of information on the best the plug-in world has to off er – for example Lucis Art, Vertus Fluid Mask and PowerRetouche. The site aims to help

Plugs ‘n Pixels will help you with plug-ins

you navigate quickly and easily through the seemingly endless list of creative software and related titles. Featured in the premiere issue of the e-zine was a tutorial about using plug-ins to create a fi ery image – the perfect way to liven up designs.

“The goal of the Plugs ‘n Pixels site is to help people fi nd their way through the plug-in jungle. We have a working relationship with over 100 diff erent developers, so the site is continually updated with new product information and demonstrations,” said Mike Bedford, developer of Plugs ‘n Pixels.

Visit www.plugsnpixels.com to check out the e-zine and tutorials for yourself.

IMAGING Fontastic

Début Publications announces Free?Fonts publication

We mentioned in issue three that Début Publications was producing a book called 99 Silhouettes. Another project it recently announced is the publication Free?Fonts (formerly entitled The Freeware and Shareware Font Directory). The book is well into production and will be available online and from selected outlets from March. Further details and preview images will also be available on the Début Publications site. A preview of the cover can already be seen there.

“Free?Fonts includes submissions from 18 font foundries and type designers, as well as articles from Mark Simonson, Ray Larabie and Typeindex.org – in addition to a comprehensive directory listing of more than 200 font foundries and type designers,” explained Steve Campbell, Managing Director at Début Publications. To complement the

Preview images at www.debutpublications.co.uk

print publications, Free?Fonts will also be available as a PDF e-book.

The book includes a foreword by Mark Simonson, articles on Ligature and Opentype, font families and experimental type, and will be available at the Début Publications store from March. Other publications are under development, and Début Publications hopes to bring you news of these projects next month. More at www.debutpublications.co.uk.

work EXPOSURE seen y o u r

GRAFICA www.computer-grafi ca.net

This digital artist community has an impressive virtual gallery of images and animations. The space is free for artists to display their work and view others’. The site includes sections dedicated to news, resources and tutorials, and there’s a gallery of wallpapers which is open to submissions from anyone.

G e t

PORTFOLIOS.COM www.portfolios.com

Drop by this site if you want to create an online portfolio that can be seen by people worldwide or even if you’re looking for an artist. Portfolios.com has helped thousands of creative professionals to fi nd clients and expose their work. The service is not free, but if you’re serious about showcasing your work it’s worth it.


New additions to the world of Photoshop

Mac-compatible FocalBlade

The Plugin Site has released a Mac OS X version of FocalBlade, the advanced sharpening tool originally only available for Windows. It sharpens photos for screen display and printing, and also creates blur or soft focus on an image. For more info visit www. thepluginsite.com.

Photoshop podcast

You may know Matt Kloskowski from Photoshop TV. Now you can see even more of him by watching the new video podcast, Photoshop Killer Tips, in which he presents great tips every weekday. Subscribe to the podcast episodes, which are all under two minutes long, through iTunes.


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