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Approved Inspector role
RIBA Stage 4
Technical Design
RIBA Stage 5
Manufacturing and Construction
RIBA Stage 6
RIBA Stage 7
+ Submit the Initial Notice to relevant Local Authority, and copy to the Client. + Undertake an assessment of plans and design details for compliance with the
Building Regulations and communicate to the Client and design team. + Consult with the Fire Authority and forward observations to the Client. + Undertake all other statutory consultations and forward observations of consultees to the Client. + Review Construction Strategy, including sequencing. + If requested by the Client, when satisfied that the plans show no observed contraventions of the Building Regulations, issue a Plans Certificate.
+ Prepare an inspection notification framework (INF) and provide a copy to the client. + Undertake site inspections to gather evidence of compliance with the Building
Regulations. + Maintain appropriate records of site inspections, identifying the work inspected and any observed non-compliance. + Communicate any observed contraventions of Building Regulations. + Notify observed significant departures from plans to consultees. + Consider the need for tests, throughout construction and at completion, inform the Client of the requirements; witness tests and receive certificates as appropriate. + Request copies of certification as is necessary in relation to the commissioning of services prior to issue of a final certificate. + Prior to the occupation of the premises it is advisable, where possible or where requested, to undertake a joint final inspection with the Fire Authority.
+ Carry out activities listed in Handover Strategy including Feedback for use during the future life of the building or on future projects. + Ensure Project Information is updated and complete. + Ensure Fire Safety Information to satisfy Regulation 38 has been made available. + Having taken reasonable steps to be satisfied that the whole or part of the works is compliant with the Building Regulations, issue a final certificate. + If requested by the Client, provide a list of inspections carried out. + Retain statutory records for an appropriate period.
+ Assist with any review of Project Performance, Project Outcomes and Research and Development aspects. + Updating of Project Information, as required, in response to ongoing client
Feedback until the end of the building’s life.