Austin Kids Directory - November 2022

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Please Say “I Saw It In Austin Kid’s Directory”22 Asian American Cultural CenterQuality Education, High Academic Standards & Character Building in a Caring, Bilingual & Creative Learning Environment INFANTS TO GRADES ENROLL NOW for Fall & Afterschool Care Low Staff:Child Ratio 3 acre campus with gardens & playground Math • Science • Music Arts • Language • Culture COMPASSION • WISDOM • WELLNESS • TEAM BUILDING • BEAUTY Proud to be a 4 Star Texas Rising Star Program 11713 Jollyville Rd. 512-336-5069
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Please Say “I Saw It In Austin Kid’s Directory”26 The Original Kiddie Express Train , LLC TRACKLESS TRAINS Perfect for: • Birthday Parties • Fundraisers • School Events • Special Events • And more! Flat surfaces only Veteran & Family Owned 5 H Yelp Rating WWW.KIDDIEEXPRESSTRAIN.COM 512-280-4538 or 512-913-0425 Check us out at:
Please Say “I Saw It In Austin Kid’s Directory”28 A note from the publisher… The KID’S DIRECTORY is designed to help parents locate businesses that provide products and services for children and parents. Each advertiser is committed to value and service. Our desire is to assist you in shopping wisely and efficiently. When you visit these businesses please tell them about The Kid’s Directory. They want to know how you found them. We appreciate your interest. AUSTIN KIDS DIRECTORY 5114 Balcones Woods Dr., Ste. 307, PMB 186 Austin, Tx 78759 • 512-263-2916 Publisher: Debbie Tye Art Director: Liz Banner Published by Tye Publications, LLC ©2022 Austin Kids Directory. This Directory is copyrighted and may not be reproduced. The Kids Directory reserves the right to refuse any ad deemed inappropriate for its audience. • CHRISTMAS ELF AVAILABLE Birthdays, Festivals, Preschools 20 YRS. EXPERIENCE AWARD WINNING 512-281-4307 or 512-470-9908 MS. POPPY THE CLOWN BALLOONS, MAGIC, FACE PAINT, PUPPETS
WWW.AUSTINKIDSDIRECTORY.COM 29 Half-Day Preschool Now Enrolling • Open Year-Round 12233 RR 620 N • Suite 201 • Austin (512) 243-6539 18 mos - 5 yrs • 8:30 - 12:30 2, 3, or 5 days/week Optional “Nap & Snack” until 3:00 Engaging play-based curriculum supported by research-based best practices!
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WWW.AUSTINKIDSDIRECTORY.COM 31 I NDEX OF O U R A DVERTI S ERS PUBLISHER’S NOTE ON PAGE 28 ACTIVITIES, PARTIES & ENTERTAINMENT Austin‘s .....................................................11 Austin Spanish Academy...........................8 Austin Yard Games .................................. 29 Bonzo Crunch ..............................................8 Cameron Park Zoo .................................. 25 Cordovan Art School................................ 21 Dart Em Up ...............................................15 Dragon’s Lair ............................................ 22 Georgetown Palace Theatre................... 10 Idea Lab .................................................... 22 Imagine Arts Academy ........................... 16 Jump! Gymnastics ......................................8 Kiddie Express Train ................................ 26 KidsActing ...................................................6 Kinderdance Austin ................................. 18 Lonestar Soccer .......................................19 Mad Science ............................................. 16 Monster Mini Golf .................................... 20 Ms. Poppy The Clown .............................. 28 Mt. Playmore ............................................19 My Sensory Celebrations ........................ 24 Neill-Cochran House Museum ............... 26 Playland Skate Center ............................ 20 Saplings Art & Yoga ................................ 29 Science Mill .............................................. 22 Slumbery & Co. ........................................ 27 Spicewood Farms .................................... 28 Sportball ................................................... 12 Urban Air ................................................... 23 Young Rembrandts .................................. 14 YMCA Austin ............................................. 21 CHILD CARE / PRESCHOOL Ashley’s Playhouse ..................................15 Casa de Niños Bilingual Montessori ..... 23 The Children‘s Center of Austin ..............17 Country Home Learning Ctr. 2 Covenant Presbyterian Preschool ......... 10 German International School ................ 29 CHILD CARE / PRESCHOOL CONT Idea Lab .................................................... 22 Joy Park Montessori Education ............. 24 Leaps-N-Bounds .......................................18 The Magic Dragon Preschool ................. 22 Nicholson Early Childhood Education Ctr.. 29 The Nurturing Nanny Agency ................. 26 Primrose Schools . . ............................... BC Snapdragon Preschool ..............................8 Stepping Stone School............................ 20 CLOTHING/SHOES/ACCESSORIES/GIFTS Dragon’s Lair ............................................ 22 Kid to Kid .....................................................6 Monogram Lady ....................................... 27 Once Upon a Child ......................................4 DANCE /THEATER Austin City Ballet ........................................9 Capital City Ballet .................................... 25 The Dance Gallery ................................... 13 Dancers Workshop .....................................4 Georgetown Palace Theatre................... 10 Kids Acting ...................................................6 Kinderdance Austin ................................. 18 Leap of Joy ................................................ 24 DENTISTS / ORTHODONTISTS Little Smiles Pediatric Dentistry............ 10 EMPLOYMENT First Student .............................................30 GYMNASTICS / CHEER Jump! Gymnastics ......................................8 National Elite Gymnastics ...................... 28 HAIR CUTS / BEAUTY K.A.O.S. ..................................................... 14 MUSIC / MUSIC LESSONS Armstrong Community Music School ... 28 Heartsong Music 12 SRB Guitar Lessons ................................. 26 NANNY / SITTER / SERVICES Ashley’s Playhouse ..................................15 The Nurturing Nanny Agency ................. 26 PHOTOGRAPHERS Enchanted Fairytale Portraits ................ 14 Photographers of Westlake ................... 24 SCHOOLS / EDUCATION SUPPORT BASIS Texas Charter Schools....................7 Casa de Niños Bilingual Montessori ..... 23 Holy Word Christian Academy 14 Joy Park Montessori Education ............. 24 Kirby Hall School...................................... 26 Tier 3 Montessori ..................................... 13 SERVICES Austin Babyproofing Company 29 SPECIAL EVENTS A Christmas Affair ......................................3 Austin Children‘s Nutcracker ....................9 Georgetown Palace Theatre................... 10 Labor of Love Holiday Market ................ 27 My Sensory Celebrations ........................ 24 Neill-Cochran House Museum 26 Ovation‘s The Nutcracker ......................... 4 Santa Jack Contest.................................. 12 Santa Visits Playland .............................. 20 Snow Day at Science Mill ....................... 22 Wild Lights at Cameron Park Zoo ......... 25 STEM / STEAM Hot Science Cool Talks 28 Idea Lab .................................................... 22 Mad Science ............................................. 16 Science Mill .............................................. 22 SWIM LESSONS / POOL SAFETY Nitro Swim ................................................ 18 TOYS & BOOKS Dragon’s Lair ............................................ 22 Kid to Kid .....................................................6 Monogram Lady ....................................... 27 Once Upon a Child ......................................4 TRAVEL Kingdom Planners ......................................5

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