see page 4 Family Resource Guide for Products and Services in San Antonio and the Surrounding Areas CAMPS & ACTIVITIES GUIDE pages 3-6 FREE MAY 2023 SAN ANTONIO

CAMPS & ACTIVITIES GUIDE SAN ANTONIO Camps & Activities Guide 3-6 Education & School Guide 7-13 Family Health Guide .................15-16 CALL 210.764.9333 EMAIL publisher@sakidsdirectory.com Inside this issue To advertise Publisher Kathy Faktor ADVERTISING Matthew Faktor DISTRIBUTION Five Star Deliveries GRAPHICS Bryan Tamayo PRINTING Shweiki Media The San Antonio Kids’ Directory is a locally owned magazine published 12 times a year. Advertisers, services, or products are not endorsed by the San Antonio Kids’ Directory or the publisher. Publisher has the sole right to determine content of this publication and may refuse any advertisement for any reason. CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE! www.SAKIDSDIRECTORY.com 2

CAMPS & ACTIVITIES GUIDE 3 Bringing e Trades And Skills Of e Renaissance Back To Life Sherwood Forest Summer Camp Located in McDade, TX 512-222-8570 www.SherwoodForestSummerCamp.com Medieval- emed Overnight Camp | Sessions for Youth & Adult Youth and Grown-Up Camps

To Advertise Call 210-764-9333 CAMPS & ACTIVITIES GUIDE 4 Tap, Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary, Hip Hop, Lyrical, Pointe, and Dance Team Prep 2 YRS & UP Summer Registration Starts May 20th 10am - 4pm (210) 695-1511 www.chrissysdanceacademy.com Bring in this coupon for No Registration Fee New Dancers Only Chrissy’s Dance Academy 11851 Bandera Road, Suite 107 Helotes, Texas 78023

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To Advertise Call 210-764-9333 CAMPS & ACTIVITIES GUIDE 6 EACH 5-DAY CAMP $300.00 Ages 7 & Up Spaces Fill up Quickly! sanantoniotx.youngchefsacademy.com sanantoniotx@youngchefsacademy.com Quickly Savor the Summer with Young Chefs® Academy Culinary Camps! Two Camp Times Available: MORNING: 9:00 am–12:00 pm OR AFTERNOON: 1:30 pm–4:30 pm (210) 402-0023 20330 Huebner Rd. Suite #110 Each Camp Includes
new recipes and lessons
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Curriculum by our YCA expert chefs
art of cooking AND the science of baking
to encourage creative expression and discoveries in a FUN, interactive setting
techniques, tips and tricks • • • • •

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210-764-9333 EDUCATION

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To Advertise Call 210-764-9333 EDUCATION & SCHOOL GUIDE 10

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To Advertise Call 210-764-9333 14 BOARD CERTIFIED PEDIATRIC DENTISTS Dr. Jennifer Ochoa & Dr. Nelly Gonzalez 9646 W Loop 1604 N., Ste 201 San Antonio, Texas 78254 210-679-4747 Infants, Children & Special Needs Sedation & Hospital Dentistry We offer special care for our little folks. Our staff is the best & our office is quite unique! NEW LOCATION NOW OPEN! ♦ Learn to Ride & Care for Horses ♦ Play with & Groom a Donkey, Goat, Cow, Rabbit or Baby Chicken ♦ Splash around in our Swimming Pool Now Registering for Day & Overnight Camps! 512-842-2246 www.HuntersChaseFarms.com 4909 Lone Man Mountain Rd Wimberley, TX 78676 Located on our 45 Acre Ranchette Hunters Chase Farms, Inc. VISIT US ONLINE! sakidsdirectory.com 210.764.9333 publisher@sakidsdirectory.com Summer Camps& Activities Guide! Reserve your spot in our

www.sakidsdirectory.com FAMILY HEALTH GUIDE 15