2 NWA WEDDING IDEAS Let’s Plan Your Wedding! www.bjaneevents.com 479.305.0448 “I am so incredibly thankful for Bethany! She is the #1 vendor I will recommend to all brides I meet.” –Claire R. Meet Bethany!
www.nwaweddingideas.com 3 Destination Weddings Honeymoons • Anniversaries Destination Fun Travel - Michelle McGuire michelleswimmcguire Michelle McGuire michelle@destinationfuntravel.com (479) 321-1074 Ask me about a FREE wedding!
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Shuffield andustin Prince were married October 16, 2021 at the Arkansas Air & Military Museum (pg 7). Planning & Coordinating by B. Jane Events (pg 2), catering by Early Bird Catering (pg 6), and photos by Shalae Byrd Photography.
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Deadline for the Jan & Feb issues is December 12, 2022. NWA Wedding Ideas Missy Elzey, Publisher Layout & Design: Brent Ellis www.nashvillegraphicdesign.com Distribution team: Judy Evans, Monty Muehlebach, Advertising Helpers, Michelle McGuire, Cheryl Nida, and Bonnie Sutton © 2022 Wedding Ideas™ This directory, in whole or part, is not to be reproduced or copied without written permission. Wedding Ideas™ is a trademark of Hidden Values, Inc. (214) 559.7283. We are expand ing our network of Wedding Ideas™ directories. If you are interested in having your own home based business in your city, please call 1.800.960.6788. Northwest Arkansas Wedding Ideas cannot be held responsible for images or content used in ads, or advertiser services provided. National Publisher • Hidden Values Inc. PO Box 600607 • Dallas, TX 75360 • (214) 559.7283. contents bachelorette / bachelor parties 14 Cupid’s Lingerie 06 Enchanted Valley Farm 12 Rendezvous Room Event Center 16 Temple Live 13 The Apollo on Emma bartending 15 Koon’s Saloon bridal lingerie 14 Cupid’s Lingerie bridal showers 13 The Apollo on Emma 06 Enchanted Valley Farm 12 Rendezvous Room Event Center bridal shows 05 Kiss the Brides Expo 05 NWA Wedding Show catering 06 Catering Concepts 15 Cowboy Catering Company 06 Early Bird Catering 12 Rendezvous Room Event Center 15 Simply Divine dress preservation 13 Arkansas Gown Preservation 02 Old Town Dry Cleaners DJ / live music 07 Smoothman Music gifts / favors 14 Cupid’s Lingerie honeymoon / travel 03 Destination Fun Travel hotels / lodging 14 Aloft Hotel 12 Hilton Garden Inn 12 Rendezvous Room Event Center 14 Whitney Mountain Lodge housing / townhomes 03 Orchard Properties massage 03 Muscles Matter photo booth 06 BrightBooths planning / design / coordination 02 B. Jane Events rentals 15 Pretty Old Stuff 16 RSVP Event Rentals venues 14 Aloft Hotel 07 Arkansas Air and Military Museum 06 Enchanted Valley Farm 14 George’s Majestic Lounge 12 Rendezvous Room Event Center 07 Rockford Grange at Bear Hollow Ranch 16 Temple Live 13 The Apollo on Emma 13 The Ravington 02 White River Landing 14 Whitney Mountain Lodge
www.nwaweddingideas.com 5 eet t e re s est end rs G et Inspired • Win P rizes Su nday, January 1 5, 2023 12 - 3 Four Points by Sheraton, Bentonville $10 Admission Cash at the Door $8 In Advance at www.NWAWeddingShow.com www.KissTheBridesExpo.com January 22, 2023 12:00pm to 4:00pm Springdale Holiday Inn Convention Center Vendors • Contests Fashion Show Wedding Ideas Inspirations and more!
Book your event today! brightbooths.com 479.445.3112 /brightbooths /brightbooths photobooth View our 360° Photobooth! 6 NWA WEDDING IDEAS Enchanted Valley Farm EnchantedValleyFarm.com • 479.263.3112 enchantedvalleyvenue@gmail.com 18652 Bill Young Rd • Siloam Springs 479.236.2930 micah.earlybird@gmail.com earlybirdcateringnwa.com
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Laci Shuf eld and Austin Prince
Ionce told Austin that the reason I wouldn’t date him was because I knew I would marry him. After years of friendship and my parents begging me to date him, I fially said to myself “Well, what's the worst that could happen?” A year and nine months later… he was down on one knee.
I wish our love story was as quick and easy as I just made it sound. From 2016 to 2021, if Austin had been given a quarter everytime I called to com plain about my current boyfriend, he would be rich. At the end of most of my rants he would say “I’ll make it easy for you… Just date me.”
As director of the Arkansas Air and Military Museum, most people would assume that we got married there because it was convenient, but it’s actual ly because we went there on our fist date. I had no idea it existed until he took me there and that night, I was offered the director position.
October 16, 2021
After 3 months of dating we found ourselves looking at rings. After trying on several, I asked the salesperson to bring me her weirdest or hardest ring to sell. She brought me the Compass ring by Hearts on Fire. Austin and I started laughing at the fact that it was named the Compass because he was a pilot, but I was in love with it.
For weeks, I kept saying “Let’s go back and get that ring” and Aus tin fially told me to call and see if it was still there. It wasn’t, and I cried. Months went by and I searched everywhere for anoth er one, only to fid that it was discontinued.
More than a year had passed, and Austin told me we were going to New Orleans for my birthday. In the weeks leading up to the trip, my mother be came very attentive to what I was going to be wearing, and I started suspecting that Austin was going to propose.
While in New Orleans, we went to Jackson Square and Washing ton Artillery Park. As I started taking pictures of the Saint Lou is Cathedral, I noticed Austin was fihting with his jacket.
Planner & Coordinator // B. Jane Events Venue // Arkansas Air and Military Museum Photographer // Shalae Byrd Photography Catering // Early Bird Catering Featured Wedding Vendors
At that moment, the cathedral bells started ringing and I wanted to video it so I kept ignoring him. When he fially got my attention, I was shocked to fid him on one knee…with the Compass ring. I hardly remember much after that but he says that I just kept saying “I hate you, I love you, I hate you”. ft e best part about the engagement was that he got a surprise photographer who captured all the emotion.
Our wedding day was perfect. It rained the entire week and had been cold but that Saturday was sunny and 75 and the leaves in our backdrop had just changed. ft e most embarrassing and memorable moment though was the train. When brides come to book our venue I always tell them they cannot have the cer emony from 4-4:30 because the train goes by at that time.
Unfortunately, I didn’t heed my own warning so during the course of our wedding we had 2 jets take offand the train went by. After everyone stopped laughing the preacher looked out and said “well, does anyone have a boat horn?” Our story is a little different, and I wouldn’t change a thing.
Send us your story, and you could be featured! missy@nwaweddingideas.com
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14 NWA WEDDING IDEAS CELEBRATE IN STYLE AT ALOFT Tie the knot your way, and celebrate in style at Aloft. From easy room block booking to coordinating all the details of your big day, our savvy on-site planners are there to keep the party going. Start planning your dream wedding today! Aloft Rogers-Bentonville 1103 South 52nd Street | Rogers, AR 72758 479.268.6799 | Marriott.com/ROGAL Bridal Lingerie Bridal Gifts Bachelorette Party Favors Adult Novelties Champagne Parties 3600 SE Guess Who Dr Bentonville, AR 479.802.6223 For events & new product updates, find us on Facebook 1032 E Henri De Tonti Blvd Springdale, AR 479.717.6900 www.shopcupids.com
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