Nov/Dec 2022 FREE! FREE!
National Publisher: Hidden Values, Inc., P.O. Box 600607, Dallas, TX 75360, 214-559-7283 Kids’ Directory 2002©. This directory, in part or whole, is not to be
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Tiffany Mitchell | Publisher
Don’t forget to mention you saw it in the Las Vegas Kids’ Directory! 3
Don’t forget to mention you saw it in the Las Vegas Kids’ Directory! 4
At Dance Dynamics, our mission is to enrich the lives of young people through the beauty of dance. It is our goal to inspire dancers of all ages, while giving them life-long skills to be successful in their futures. Our goal is not only to teach dance, but to have an experience that will empower young dancers. At Dance Dynamics, we believe your children are our future, and dance is a wonderful outlet to grow in discipline, leadership, and technical abilities.
strive to give every dancer a chance for personal success. We meet your child at their level and commit to physical, mental and emotional growth. Whether your child dances recreation or competitively we encourage discipline that pours out into every area of your child’s life. We want to see them mature in their confidence.
It literally started with a childhood dream. Two sisters dreaming since they were young children. Stephanie and Paige Melanson have been participating in pageants from eight and nine years old. Many times they were asked what they wanted to do when they grew up, the answer was always to have their own dance studio. This would be the answer every time they were asked the question. Over the years these sisters have professionally danced and educated
connect with and inspire dancers to fulfill their dreams.
5 Don’t forget to mention you saw it in the Las Vegas Kids’ Directory!
5 Don’t forget to mention you
it in the Las Vegas Kids’ Directory!
Advertiser Spotlight
Schoo l make
6 Don’t forget to mention you saw it in the Las Vegas Kids’ Directory! HE’S DISCOVERING THE MAGIC OF C HILDH OOD I foun d a schoo l tha t provide s a safe an d nurturin g environmen t wher e my so n is encourage d to
w his curiosit y an d ignit e hi s imagination. Th e Goddar d
s childhood magical Join the Goddard Family. enroll today! las vegas (enterprise) 702-728-5577 • 8840 S. Rainbow Blvd near Blue Diamond Rd Infant through Pre K
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Don’t forget to mention you saw it in the Las Vegas Kids’ Directory! 9 December 1: Tree Lighting | Decem r 2: Parade Free to attend! ember 1: Tree December Para to attend!
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Don’t forget to mention you saw it in the Las Vegas Kids’ Directory! 11
Dance Classes ages 2 and up Parent & Me • Tutu Cute • Ballet • Tap • Jazz • Hip Hop Musical Theatre 11221 S. Eastern Ave. #100 and #220 MOVE AND LEARN A Holistic Alternative to Pre-School Program by Musical Theatre Program For More information contact or 702-897-5690. Join Us For Our Open House! Saturday, December 3rd and January 14th 12:30-3:30pm Making Plans for Next Fall? Applause Arts 12 Don’t forget to mention you saw it in the Las Vegas Kids’ Directory!
Don’t forget to mention you saw it in the Las Vegas Kids’ Directory! 13
16 Don’t forget to mention you saw it in the Las Vegas Kids’ Directory!
Don’t forget to mention you saw it in the Las Vegas Kids’ Directory! 18
19 Don’t forget to mention you saw it in the Las Vegas Kids’ Directory!
Don’t forget to mention you saw it in the Las Vegas Kids’ Directory! 20