APRIL 2016
The Tofu Factory TCSD Events TCSD Contacts Board Members
C UPCOMING CLUB EVENTS APRIL CLUB TRIATHLON Date/Location/Time: Sunday, April 24th Fiesta Island 6am set-up. 7am start Format: 700 meter swim, 12.5 mile bike & 4 mile run.
APRIL CLUB DUATHLON Dates: April 16th Location: Palomar Mountain
Check the Club’s website, Facebook page and/or Yahoo group forum for the most up to date activity details.
1 3 3 4
Member Profile Weekly Workout Calendar New Members USAT NCC Top results
4 5 5 6
TCSD Conversation It’s the Law Coach’s Corner
7 12 15
hakra parked the car outside his grandfa- watched a swim-run ther’s tofu factory where he stored his race at the beach organized by old triathlon bike. Stepping through the a local triathlon club. Enamored with the race, he joined the club and got hooked doorway to the factory was on the sport. After high like walking back in time. His school he left town for grandparents had come to university studies California as “Boat People” and joined refugees. They were the college Cambodians who still triathlon kept many of their team. He couldAsian customs and n’t have asked for old-fashioned a better way to ways. Not long spend four years. after settling in He was now in San Diego, Chakra’s his senior year grandfather bought an A tale of fiction by Barbara Javor with his head full of old ice cream plant and plans. After graduating with a business degree, converted it into a tofu factory. He expected young relatives to work in the factory he wanted to work just part-time at the factory in when they weren’t in school. He had hardly order to train to compete in an Ironman triathlon. upgraded it over the decades. He wanted the bragging rights and the Ironman Unlike his grandparents, Chakra’s parents were logo he would have tattooed on his calf. Then totally modern. Chakra’s mother, Thavy, came from he’d work full-time on converting the old tofu facCambodia as a teenager and had embraced the tory into a real money-making firm. His senior American lifestyle as soon as she learned to speak project was to prepare a business plan to do just English. She rebelled against her parents by disap- that. Chakra just had to convince his grandfather. pearing from the tofu factory, hanging out with He thought now that he was home on break it her friends, and surfing. On her 18th birthday she might be a good time to broach the subject before came home with a tattoo. Chakra took after her, his bike ride. Ten minutes later, Chakra knew it was absolutely but Thavy kept a thread to the past by acknowledging her Cambodian heritage. Chakra regarded the wrong time to bring up the subject. When his himself as just plain American with his eyes only grandfather asked him what he would do after graduation, Chakra described his intention to work on the future. One day while he was in high school, Chakra continued on page 16
The Tofu
APRIL 2016 2
CONTACTS Triathlon Club of San Diego P.O. Box 2580 Carlsbad, CA 92018 Send correspondence to the address above or contact President, Mike Plumb. Membership & Renewal $75/year, $60 active military (w/active ID). Additional years available at discount. TCSD membership (online) at TCSD e-lists Subscribe to the TCSD e-mailing list by sending a blank email with your name in the body to:
NEWSLETTER STAFF AND INFORMATION Publisher & Design/Production Sprague Design, Dean Sprague (858) 270-1605
TRI 101
Tuesday April 19th 6:00pm
Thursday, April 6th 6:00pm
Saturday, April 9th 6:00pm
How fit do I have to be? How long do I have to train? What equipment do I need? What do I wear? Do I need a wetsuit? What kind of bike do I need? Can I do one on my mountain bike? How do I get started with my swim training? What are good first time races? How can the club help me? HOW DO I GET STARTED? Get the answers to these questions and more at the monthly TCSD Tri 101! The monthly talk is specifically designed to get you started in the sport of triathlon, and our goal is to de-mystify triathlon, and remove the ‘intimidation factor.’ All questions fair game and NON-MEMBERS ARE WELCOME! Bring that friend or relative!
Come find out what makes our Club awesome, and hear about the latest and greatest and all things TCSD. This is a great opportunity to hear about all the Club has to offer, learn the basics about the sport of triathlon, and meet your new best friends/training partners. If you are new to the sport, or just new to the Club, this meeting is for you! NON-MEMBERS ARE WELCOME! (bring a friend!), no RSVP necessary.)
Liberty Station's Family FREE Movie Night will be showing Star Wars: The Force Awakens! Come join us in this outdoor family friendly affair! Bring your loved ones, friends, blankets, food and non-alcoholic drinks! There will also be concession stands and nearby restaurants to grab food from as well. Look out for our reserved spot for TCSD and come on out!
(858) 384-2867 map:
Editor Alexis Barnes (718) 216-8555 Newsletter Articles and Ideas Please send to Dean Sprague at and/or Alexis Barnes at Contributing Writers: Richard Duquette, Barbara Javor, Russ Strauss of EN and Craig Zelent
Location: Pulse Endurance Sports 7638 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. San Diego, CA 92111
Location: Pulse Endurance Sports 7638 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. San Diego, CA 92111
Contact: Paula Munoz, or Cory Gasaway
(858) 384-2867
Schedule of Events: Movie starts a 6pm, arrive early to find parking and mingle before the showing.
Location: Comickaze at Liberty Station Barracks 15 2750 Historic Decatur Rd, Ste 101 San Diego, California 92106 map: Contact: Sharon Hsia,
map: Contact/Questions: Beginner coaches at
All dates and events subject to change. * Refer to the Club’s website/calendar for additional workouts and latest information.
MEMBER PROFILE JACKIE KALLBERG Member since: 2015 Blog/web:
Mike Plumb
Vice President
Paula Munoz
Al Allison
Paula Munoz
Program and Events Officer
Jay Lewis
Marketing Office
Tassia Bezdeka
TCSD Board of Directors TCSD Board Advisor Stephen Banister
Hank Montrose
Beginner Coaches
James Ismailoglu
Dean Rosenberg
Steve Tally
Bike Case Rentals
Bob Rosen
Club Historian
Ian Kelly
Creative Team
Arch & Christy Fuston
Expo Director
Larry Tran
Ironman Coaches
Craig Zelent
Membership Director
James Ismailoglu
Newsletter Editor
Alexis Barnes
(718) 216-8555
Newsletter Publisher
Dean Sprague
(858) 270-1605
Race Director, Aquathlon
Kai Nakamura
Race Director, Duathlon
Jay Weber
Age Group: F 25-29 Status: Happily cohabitating with my boyfriend and bunny Chewy. Occupation: Lawyer - primary practice area is family law. Favorite local restaurant: Cucina Urbana (Bankers Hill) and Buona Forchetta (South Park). When not training, I enjoy: Sleeping, cooking, reading. Before I became a triathlete, I was: Really lazy. Who or what inspired you to start triathlons? A friend of mine who had done triathalons in the past wanted to get back into the sport. She convinced me to do one with her while we were studying for the bar exam. My defenses were down and I said yes. So glad I did. My first triathlon: TriRock San Diego 2014. Pre and/or Post event ritual: Pre: Pasta, lots and lots of pasta. Post: Beer, lots and lots of beer. Favorite Race/Tri event: I liked the course on the TriRock because you ride on the 32nd street base. Favorite segment (swim, bike or run): Still undecided - it changes for each race. PR/Best race: I'm just happy when I finish.
APRIL 2016 4
(908) 247-1145
Race Director, Run and Triathlon Jim Johnson
(760) 214-0055
Social Director
Elizabeth Kenny
Sponsorship Director
Kat Gunsur
Swim Director
Chris Costales
Swim Director, Open Water
Trevor King
TCSD Cares
Steve Tally
(858) 717-1114
Track Coach, UTC (Spring/Summer) Bill Gleason
Track Coach, North County
Mike Plumb
Volunteer Director
Dawn Copenhaver (619) 867-2784
Youth Team Coach
Carol Gasaway
Web Administrators
John Hill
Richard Reilly
Roger Leszczynski
My equipment: Wetsuit: Xterra Bike: Giant Running Shoe: Brooks
Location: La Jolla Cove.
6:00 PM
Ocean Swim in Carlsbad
Location: Tamarack Beach.
5:00 PM
Ocean Swim in La Jolla
Location: La Jolla Shores.
6:30 PM
LJHS Swim Workout (Coggan Family Aquatic Complex)
Location: 800 Nautilus St., La Jolla.
Location: Pannikin - 7467 Girard Ave., La Jolla.
6:00 AM Ocean Swim in Carlsbad
Location: Tamarack Beach.
6:30 AM Bike Workout in Point Loma, Group ride 6:30 PM
Location: Moment Cycle Sport, Liberty Station.
Run Workout in Carlsbad/North County, Coached session
Location: Starts at the Bike Trail
that runs between Carlsbad Village and Tamarack Ave. parallel to the Coaster tracks.
Wednesday 6:00 AM Ocean Swim, advanced/expert swimmers
Location: La Jolla Cove.
Ocean Swim in Carlsbad
Location: Tamarack Beach.
6:00 AM Ocean Swim in Carlsbad
Location: Tamarack Beach.
6:00 PM
Thursday 6:15 AM Pannikin Bike Ride
Location: Pannikin - 7467 Girard Ave., La Jolla.
6:30 AM Bike Workout in Point Loma, Group ride 7:00 PM
Location: Moment Cycle Sport, Liberty Station.
LJHS Swim Workout (Coggan Family Aquatic Complex)
Location: 800 Nautilus St., La Jolla.
Favorite Thing(s) About TCSD: The swim buddies! But really, the people and the events. I always feel so welcome at every event even though I don't make it to too many events. I'm trying to change that this year.
6:30 AM First light ocean Swim 5:30 PM
Equipment wish list: Indoor trainer, bike clips and better sunglasses. Best advice: Just put one foot in front of the other - you'll eventually finish.
Tuesday 6:00 AM Pannikin Bike Ride
Most embarrassing or disastrous moment: Getting two flat tires riding up to the Cabrillo Monument during the SD International tri last year. The safety people had to help me pump my tires. It was very embarrassing. Can’t race without: Sunglasses.
Monday 6:00 AM Ocean Swim, advanced/expert swimmers
This year’s athletic goal: Finish the SuperFrog 70.3 in September without dying.
Ocean Swim in La Jolla
Location: La Jolla Cove.
Angie Crawford
Location: La Jolla Cove.
Dustin Crawford
Sarah Dawson
8:00 AM Bike Workout, Group Ride
Location: Meet at Starbucks in Del Mar, Hwy. 101 & 15th St.
8:00 AM Bike Workout, Group Ride
Location: Nytro Multisport, Encinitas.
Maureen Dawson Al Fernandez Lorianne Frattini
Laurie Gartrell Shane Greer Tyler Hamilton
What is Spirit?
Any TCSD branded item shown in a unique location, setting or way. Send your “TCSD Spirit” image(s) to to be considered for the club’s website and/or newsletter. OR post on TCSD Facbook page
* Refer to the Club’s website/calendar for additional workouts and latest information.
Brian Harned Kathryn Henderson Jessica Hubert continued on page 15
Congratulatins to all TCSD participants! This year, TCSD was the overall team winner and the Division I winner in the swim and run. Here are TCSD’s top milage members: Moment Cycle Sport Contact: JT Lyons 2816 Historic Decatur Rd., Ste. 135 San Diego, CA 92106 (619) 523-BIKE Discount: 10% off product, labor excluded.
Individual Swim Winner: Alan Voisard Individual Run Winner: Roger Leszczynski TCSD Top 10 Combined Teams Carl Johnson Roger Leszczynski Les Shibata Kyra Oliver
Alan Voisard Laurie Kearney Tinh Khuong
Wayne Coey Julie Dunkle Jessica Deree
TCSD Team 1 Top 5
Pulse Endurance Sports Contact: Mike Drury 1020 A-2 Tierra Del Rey Chula Vista, CA 91910 (619) 656-5222 Discount: 10-15% off and 7638 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. (formaly HiTech Bikes) 7638 Clairemont Mesa Blvd San Diego, CA 92111 (858) 384-2867
Alan Voisard (combined weighted miles: 6,440.6) Roger Leszczynski (6,338.1) Laurie Kearney (5,117.2) Julie Dunkle (4,296.9) Tinh Khuong (4,219.1) Swim Top 5: Alain Voisard, Cecily Arenas, Julie Dunkle, Alexis Barnes, Tinh Khuong Bike Top 5: Laurie Kearney, Tinh Khuong, Julie Dunkle, Roger Leszczynski, Mike Plumb Run Top 5: Roger Leszczynski, Anthony Eusebio, Laurie Kearney, Tinh Khuong, Tracy Cohen TCSD Team 2 Top 5 Carl Johnson (6,777.87) Jessica Deree (3,557.48)
Wayne Coey (6,408.53) Kyra Oliver (3,496.34)
Les Shibata (4,242.95)
Swim Top 5: Wayne Coey, Carl Johnson, Julie Mahon, Deanne Ross, Al Allison, Bike Top 5: Carl Johnson, Wayne Coey, Brian Sauer, Les Shibata, Jessica Deree Run Top 5: Les Shibata, Kyra Oliver, Anne Rogers, Wayne Coey, Peter Blomgren
ARTICLES WANTED! Revolution Bike Shop 235 S Highway 101 Solana Beach CA 92075 (858) 222-2453 Discount: 10% off parts and accessories
e are always looking for race reports. Share your latest experience, your first or 500th event. No two races are the same. Stories need not be just about triathlons, they can include running, cycling and/or whatever you think other club members december find interesting. Without content this newsletter will end up being just ads and that is no fun. Submissions date is the 18th of each month for the following months publication and should include photos whenever possible. Any questions on the submission process, please contact the publisher or editor for complete details. See page four for contact info.
Share your race report or adventure.
APRIL 2016 6
Alexis Barnes
I was privileged recently to talk triathlon with TCSD volunteer extraordinaire, Alexis Barnes. Alexis has taken on leadership roles as a TCSD Newsletter Editor and our club’s Coordinator for the USA Triathlon National Challenge Competition. I know you will enjoy getting to know this lady. Craig: What sports did you participate in prior to triathlon?
Aqua Sphere Discount: Products sold through local retailers with TCSD discount.
Oasis One-Twelve Discount: 10% discount
Road Runner Sports 5553 Copley Dr. San Diego, CA 92111 (858) 974-4455
What was your first triathlon like? episode when Paulie and Christopher get lost in the Pine Barrens in New Jersey, that was pretty much my first triathlon. It was called the Pine Barrens Sprint Triathlon, and it took place in the Pine Barrens in 2006. I didn’t study the course. I figured I would just follow whoever was in front of me. The problem was that I was so slow on the bike that I was quickly at the back of the pack.... the waaaayyy back of the pack. With no one to follow, and no real route markers (this was a true local race; the roads were still open to cars, and the dew had eliminated most of the chalk arrows), I quickly got lost. For those who
Alexis: I have been swimming for as long as I can remember, and I have competed for teams up and down the state. My earliest team was for Swanson Pool in University City, but I quickly graduated to club swimming. When my family moved back to Northern California, I swam for the Walnut Creek Aquabears. By my senior year of high school, though, I was ready to quit, so I took almost a 15-year hiatus while I went to college (Temple University for undregrad and Columbia University for grad school). It wasn’t until I moved back to San Diego from the East Coast in 2011 that I really started swimming again. Alexis: Well, if Sopranos fans remember the
triathlon. Nautica NYC 6 0 0 2 e th Finishing
don’t know, Jersey is farm land—lots of open roads and cows and horses. As I was riding, I saw a farmer on his tractor heading back toward his house. I rode up his driveway and asked him for directions back to the lake where the race had started. Thankfully I wasn’t too far off course. By the time I got back to start the run, most of the folks were done with their race. It was a humbling experience. Needless to say, I learned a valuable lesson: never race in Jersey without a good map or
Rudy Project Discount: 40% off helmets and sunglasses. CODE: Available on TCSD Member Discount web page. continued on page 8
continued on page 8
Zoca Custom Endurance Gear San Diego, CA Contact: Hank Montrose
Zoggs Goggles
Zoot Sports
Energy Lab Training Contact: Trevor King email:
gps. Seriously, I study my courses a bit better these days.
What experience helped you turn the corner with your bike training? Alexis: Up until 2013, I had a trusty, dusty
and dismounts. It was awesome. I’m really indebted to her for teaching me proper bike handling skills. Even though the bike is still my least favorite part, I have a lot more confidence now in my basic riding skills. In fact, I love riding up the coast and into Rancho Santa Fe. Cars no longer terrify me. I think it’s super important for everyone who rides to know how to do it properly, to have that confidence, and to know how to coexist with cars.
road back fitted with aero bars. I got the bike when I lived in NYC, and I was terrified to ride it. The first time I tried to clip in and out, I fell over into a couple’s picnic in Prospect Park. That was it for me. I rode it only during races. No training rides. No trainer rides. No riding. Period. Who has been the most influential person I figured out the clipping in and out, but I for your triathlon career? couldn’t figure out the shifting. I once had a Alexis: Oh gosh! Trish has certainly been influguy tell me to get out of the big ring while I ential. She was the first one to convince me was going up a hill. If I had known what that that I could actually push myself a little harder was, I would have gotten out of it. Fast forward and go for longer distances. I mean my husband to 2012, and I hosted pro triathlete Trish Deim nce Tri. for Oceanside 70.3. I started talking about 2007 Philadelphia Insura Family and friends at the my triathlon dreams, and somewhere in there it came out that I didn’t know how to shift properly. The day after her race, she took me out on my bike and taught me how to ride. She had me go up and down hills, around corners, on flats. She taught me about cadence, how to change my tires, how to do flying mounts
The Fit Stop Human Performance Lab Contact: Ken Nicodemus (760) 634-5169 Discount: 25% off select testing services. continued on page 11
APRIL 2016 8
TCSD has traveling bike and wheel cases for rent! We have hard-shell single and double bike cases, and wheel cases that will hold three wheels. The single cases are shippable by UPS and FedEx.
Rates per week: Single case $25 Double case $40 Wheel case $25
Deduct $10 if renting both a bike case and a wheel case. To reserve a case or if you have any questions, contact Bob Rosen
had always said that, but who listens to their spouse! Actually, my husband Charlie Brown has been a tremendous influence. When we lived in New York, there were two tri shops, and one of them had this yearly clearance sale. The sale was so good that people lined up overnight for it. My husband knew that I wanted a bike, so he got in line at something like 2am in February. He got me Charlie, Alexis’, husband at Ironman everything I needed to Coeur D’Alene 2014. Best sherpa ever. start in triathlon—a wetsuit, a bike, shoes, a trainer (which I never used until three years ago), a helmet. This was in 2006. Since then, he’s been to almost every one of my races. He shoves me out the door to train. He’s delivered food to me on long training rides/runs. He gives me pep talks when I need them. He gives me the harder, "quit complaining" talks too, and he doesn’t get upset when I fall asleep at 6pm because I’m exhausted from a tough day of training. I also have to give props to Julie Dunkle for coaching me through my first two Ironman races and teaching me how to fuel properly.
You have worked with Dean Sprague for nearly two years on the TCSD Newsletter. The two of you really do produce an excellent product. What are some of your challenges with creating the newsletter? Alexis: Thanks. I love editing the newsletter. There are so many interesting people in the tri club, and I love reading their stories. I also love all of the tips that people share. I learn something new every month. That said, the biggest challenge is finding content. Dean and I both have other careers, and all of the content is submitted by volunteer writers, so it’s not like we sit down each month and put together a line up or an editorial calendar. We go with what’s submitted. If readers have an idea of something they’d like to read, I encourage them to either write the piece themselves, or share the idea with me or Dean to see if it’s something we can get written. I know that writing can be intimidating, but that’s why we edit the newsletter. They can email me their submissions by sending them to
Another role you have filled the past two years is the TCSD’s NCC Coordinator. What is the NCC and what has been your involvement? Alexis: Every December, January and February, USA Triathlon (USAT) holds a friendly, national competition Alex’s and a few of the badass TC SD women who finished IMAZ 20 14.
What are some of your favorite triathlon events? Alexis: I love the LA Tri Series at Bonelli Park in San Dimas. It has this real grassroots feel to it. Plus, it’s in the same park as Raging Waters, so if you time the race right, you can recover on the water slides. I also like some of the local races—Solana Beach, Carlsbad, SD Classic, SD International. My dream race is Ironman France, which is ironic because everyone who knows me knows I hate to ride hills, yet almost every race I sign up for has hills, and France has some of the most difficult climbing. I’d also love to do Norseman or Savageman. I’m always looking for new race challenges.
designed to keep people active during the winter. The National Club Championship (NCC) consists of swim, bike, and run segments. Members of triathlon clubs sign up and compete individually and for their clubs. Two years ago, I took over as administrator for TCSD. I put continued on page 10
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CONVERSATION, continued together a questionnaire to get names, ages, estimated mileage, etc and then assign TCSD members to Team 1 or Team 2 (each club gets two teams) based on anticipated mileage. I submit the names to USAT, get passwords so that everyone can enter their data, and monitor the competition for TCSD. It’s a lot of up front work, but we’ve had great leaders for each of the disciplines. Julie Dunkle has headed up swim month the last two years. Kevin Fayed was in charge of bike month this year, and Tracy Cohen-Peranteau has led run month. They’ve been really instrumental in getting the teams motivated.
Craig: What has been your experience as an athlete participating in the NCC? Alexis: I enjoy the challenge. I do a lot of my training solo, but during the NCC, I make an effort to join in the group workouts. I spent most of the latter half of last year injured, so NCC has helped me get focused in my training this year. I couldn’t let my teammates down, so that helped push me and get me out the door.
What are your favorite benefits of TCSD membership?
APRIL 2016 10
Alexis: I think like most people, I love TCSD for the friendships I’ve made. I joined shortly after moving back to San Diego in 2011, and I’d say that I’ve met the majority of my friends through the club. I think Lisa Serrano and I post race pictures every weekend, with Marcus Serrano, Jeff Krebs and Jim Murff sprinkled in. In fact, I need to publicly thank Marcus for saving me at Ironman Arizona in 2014. I was starting my second lap of the run and was freezing, and he gave me his jacket. So in my finisher’s pictures I’m wearing his TCSD jacket.
You were on the TCSD Ambassador Team in 2014 and again in 2016. What does this experience mean to you? Alexis: After I joined TCSD, I started volunteering as a way to learn more, meet more people, and share some of what I had learned. My favorite races to volunteer at are the club races on Fiesta Island and the Beginner Tri at Coronado. They’re so much fun, especially when the races are over and we all get to eat Dawn Copenhaver’s fabulous food. We all give so much time to this sport, training and racing, that I think it’s nice to take a break every now and then and spend a
Saturday or two giving back. So for me, I look at being a TCSD Ambassador as another way to give back to the sport in a more formal fashion. I have a platform to share my experiences and my love of the club and TCSD.
Craig: What sporting accomplishment gives you the most pride? Alexis: Wow. I mentioned earlier that I swam for Swanson’s rec team growing up. Well there was this girl, Jenny Queen, on the team. We were frenemies before it was even a word. We were friends outside of the pool, but in the pool, we were fierce rivals.
nside 70.3 s at the 2015 Ocea Water captain dutie
We ended up at different high schools (I didn’t move to Northern California until fall 1990). She went to UC High, and I went to Bishop’s, but we met again in ’89 at the CIF qualifiers. No one was paying attention to us. It was rightfully all about Alison Terry at the time, but the race of the meet will always
be me and Jenny in my mind because I out touched her at the wall in the 500 free to win. It wasn’t my first win against her, but it was the sweetest because she had been telling people that she was going to cream me. I never kick, but I found my legs during the last 25 yards and used them to propel me to the wall. When we got out of the pool, Jenny and I hugged. I have no idea if she remembers me or the meet.
What are your future triathlon goals? Alexis: My ultimate goal is to qualify for Kona, which means winning my age group at an Ironman. Right now, though, I am concentrating on my run and getting my times down. I’m running faster and stronger than ever, but it’s a lot of work. Outside of my personal triathlon goals, I’d like to have more time to devote to the TCSD newsletter. We have so many members with so many stories and advice to be shared.
Alexis, thank you for sharing your story. You have come a long way from impersonating Amelia Earhart in New Jersey to becoming adept at getting out of the big ring. Good luck achieving all of your dreams. Your friends at the TCSD are behind you 100%. Craig Zelent is a USA Triathlon Level 1 Certified Coach. Craig can be reached at 760-214-0055 or
PedPowerPerform Lab Bike fitting featuring Retül and geBioMized pressure mapping. Pedal stroke analysis/coaching. (858) 270-1605 Discount: yes, contact for details.
SwimLabs Encinitas 519 Encinitas Boulevard, Ste 100 (760) 230-2500
TriPower Multisport Contact: Mike Plumb (760) 420-8032 Discount: Start up fee waived, refer to TCSD Member Discount web page.
APX Sport Drink continued on page 12
IT’S THE LAW: By Richard L. Duquette. Esq SPONSORS OF TCSD
EAS Sprots Nutrition Chris at Twitter: @NuunSoCal and @nuunhydration
Richard Duquette, Bicycle Injury Lawyer Contact: Richard L. Duquette (760) 730-0500 or (800) 464-4123 Discount: Refer to TCSD Member Discount web page.
EVIDENCE WINS INJURY CASES When a cyclist goes down, at the hands of a careless motorist, precise evidence collection will often win the case. This will make it easier to settle for a fair value, as insurance companies respond to reliable evidence that prove fault. Here are a few suggestions for making your case.
Witnesses Don’t rely solely on the police to collect and report everything. They are often very busy at the crash site. Locate all witnesses and get ample contact information for them. Take their drivers license and auto license plate numbers. Riding partners and bystanders can document speed, distance, attentiveness, and location of impact. “Lifestyle change” witnesses prove your “pain and suffering” damages by documenting the “before and after” effects of the crash.
Target Defendant Get the careless driver to take responsibility, and also provide you with their current insurance company policy number and limits of coverage. Statements like “I didn’t see you” will
MHS Works Contact: Matt Sparks (619) 756-3756
help counter insurance company arguments of contributory fault by the cyclist.
Cycling Equipment Save your damaged helmet, computer, bicycle, and brightly colored clothes and blinking light. These can help prove you were visible and riding a safe speed. Also, take photos of the conditions of your tires, brake pads, handlebars and cracks/scuffs to your bike.
The Road Bring in photos and car/bike measurements of skid marks; walk them off at the crash, to help me prove the point of impact. Take photos of bike lane, speed and stop signs, distances from the curb or parallel parked cars. I want to know you were riding close to the curb and in the bike lane at the time of the accident. Also, photo the road surface to help rule out the road surface or debris as contributing to the crash. If you can get photos of the location of the defendant’s car damage to show the point of impact, do so. Take photos of your scrapes, bruises, and hospital bed scenes to convey the trauma you continued on page 14
Club Triathlons, Race Discounts, Store Discounts, New Friends, Beginner Races, New Training Partners, Food, Group Rides, La Jolla Cove, Fiesta
Join the Club - Join the Fun! Island, Classified Ads, Club Aquathlons, Beginner Friendly, Youth Oak Hill Software Contact: John Hill continued on page 14 Program, Family Membership, Club Duathlons, Monthly Meetings, Masters Swim Program, MTB Rides, PCH Group Ride, Facebook Pages De Anza Cove Beginner Swim, LJ Masters Swim, Team Kits, Raffles, Fr
APRIL 2016 12
MAY M AYY 22 22
Robert’s Auto Service 4630 Mission Bay Drive (619) 275-1132 Contact: Keith Benline Discount: 10% to $100
Bikram Yoga Rancho Bernardo Discount: Refer to TCSD Member Discount web page.
have needlessly suffered. Seek out immediate medical care, and consistently follow you doctor’s directions. Missed visits give the insurance companies room to argue against your credibility. Ideally, obtaining a CD of your diagnostic studies (MRI, CatScan, x-rays) will help prove your injuries, as would your old and new medical records, bills and list of health care providers.
Loss of Earnings This evidence of lost earnings and business opportunities takes the shape of 1099’s, tax records, contracts, records of sales, past sales track records, pay stubs or checks, and proof of lost benefits. These days, clients are bringing this information in the form of computerized graphs, charts and the like to prove their losses. This evidence shows your losses are not speculative.
Insurance Your auto, health, and work insurance policy limits and books will dictate how we can recover Function Smart Physical Therapy Contact: Gino Cinco 10803 Vista Sorrento Parkway San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 452-0282
Gordon Weiss Schanzlin Vision Institute Alison Gordon (858) 455-6800
Rehab United Four locations to serve you
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in the event the defendant is un- or underinsured. Often your auto and health care policies will come into play – although there may be reimbursement rights attached to using your policy should the careless defendant’s be insufficient.
Conclusion The above is a thumbnail sketch of what an experienced bicycle trial attorney looks for in the form of evidence to prove your case – either for settlement of trial purposes. Insurance companies respond in kind to valid evidence and proof. So do Juries. Go on the offensive in your case, collect the evidence and win! Ride Safe – Ride Strong! Mr. Duquette is a local Carlsbad, California Personal Injury Trial Attorney who since 1983 has mixed law with his love of Bicycling and Surfing from Baja to Bali. He can be reached via e-mail at and has a Web page at His phone number is (760) 730-0500.
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Technique Cues
Think of swimming technique as being comprised of three broad categories: Horizontal Body Position: Think of your body as a horizontal tube moving through the water. You want this tube to be long and with the smallest diameter possible, ie, punching a very small hole through the water with nothing sticking out of this tube.
Body Rotation: This long body line is then rotating along the long axis of the body. This body rotation reduces the frontal area of your tube, allows you to extend the forward reach of your pull, and positions you to use the large muscles of your back and shoulders during the pull phase. The Pull: The application of fitness and power to this long, rotating body line we’ve created above.
To Improve Your Triathlon Swimming Below are top tips to help you with each category of swimming technique: Horizontal Body Position Tip: “One Goggle Out” For many swimmers, the breath creates a significant break in their stroke that leads to an even bigger compromise of their horizontal body position — the swimmer over rotates their head to expose more of their face to the air simultaneously extending the length of time it takes them to get the breath done. They may even lift their head a bit at the same time. The combination of these two drops their hips in the water, significantly compromising their horizontal body position. By thinking of breathing with
Kari Lucas David Mershon Ian Mueller Matthew Olson Amabelle Paquia Kevin Portmann Donald Ridgway Teemu Rytkoenen Cindy Stallo Ailsa Tirado McElvany Travis Marcus Turner Barbara Venneman Bernhard Winkelmann David Zapata
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COACH’S CORNER, continued just one goggle out of the water you minimize head rotation and the length of time of the breath to only what is necessary to get it done, therefore minimizing the breath’s potential compromise of your horizontal body position. Body Rotation Tip: “Point the Belly to the Wall” By swimming with flat shoulders, with no body rotation, you are forced to punch a bigger hole in the water as you move forward and are limited to engaging the small stabilizer muscles of your shoulder vs the stronger muscles of your back in the pulling phase of your stroke. However, if you think of rotating your hips as you swim, the rest of your body will follow this rotation. By simply thinking “point the belly to the wall”, you rotate your hips, which rotates your upper body, allowing you to punch a smaller hole, extend the forward reach of your leading arm, and engage the big muscle groups of your back in your pull phase. The Pull: “Finger Tips Down” We’ve breathed with one goggle out, to get it done quickly, and to minimize the breath’s potential break in our stroke. We’ve pointed our belly to the wall, extending our reach at the front of the stroke, and gotten ourselves into position to engage the large muscles of our back in the pulling phase of the stroke. We now need to grab, or anchor our hand, or catch the water with our leading hand before pulling it backwards and our body forwards. Our tip for helping you catch the water here is to think “finger tips down” — think of pointing your fingers down towards at the bottom of the pool. We’ve found the catch then naturally follows. It may also be helpful to imagine there’s a ladder on the bottom of the pull and you’re climbing it, with your fingers pointed downward at the bottom of the pool. Finally, it’s important to implement a strategy to turn these mental reminders into the muscle of memory of good swimming technique. Here is a swim workout to help you with that: Warm Up: Swim 200-400 yard, easy, to just warm up your shoulders
Main Set #1: 4 x 50’s of “Swim Golf:” swim 50 yards counting your strokes for each length of the pool. Add these two numbers together and add to this your time, in seconds, for the 50. For example, you take 23 strokes down, 25 strokes back, and do this 50 yards in 52 seconds. Your Swim Golf score is then 23 + 25 + 52 = 100, which is a measurement of your efficiency (stroke count) and speed (time in seconds). We do this exercise at the start of the workout to establish a baseline that we’ll revisit after the next sets of “focused swimming.” Main Set #2: 3 x 50 thinking “one goggle out.” 3 x 50 thinking “point the belly to the wall.” 3 x 50 thinking “finger tips down” 100 easy 4 x 50 thinking “one goggle out, point the belly to the wall.” 4 x 50 thinking “point the belly to the wall, finger tips down.” 4 x 50 using whatever mental cues are working for you, or that you need to work on. 100 easy Throughout all of this, swim at a pace, and take as much rest as you need, to ensure each 50 has your fullest attention and best form. This is a technique vs fitness exercise. Main Set #3: 200-300yds doing your best to string together continuously and consistently the mental cues of: 1. One goggle out. 2. Belly to the wall. 3. Fingertips down. Main Set #4: Repeat the Swim Golf exercise in Main Set #1. How did you do? What observations do you have? Thanks for reading! We’ve love to hear your personal swimming techniques cues in the comments below!
The Tofu Factory, continued part-time for six months so he could train and race. His grandfather nearly exploded. “We paid all that money for your education so you can work part-time after graduating? What is this triathlon? It’s nothing but swimming, bicycling, and running in circles. For what? It has no goal. It has no reason. It has no historical roots. We were doing real triathlons in Cambodia long before Americans said they invented it, long before you were born, long before the Khmer Rouge took away everything we owned, including our bicycles. Come, I’ll show you.” He turned and hobbled into the warehouse and up the steps to
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a catwalk that gave access to several storage rooms packed with broken equipment and boxes of old invoices. Chakra had poked inside some of the rooms and knew nearly everything belonged in the dumpster. They arrived at the last room where his grandfather opened the door and switched on the light. The bulb fizzled and sputtered before dying in a bright flash. “Never mind that,” his grandfather said. “Can you see those boxes there? Bring the shoebox here, the small box.” Chakra grabbed the dusty box, sneezed, and stepped outside the room.
“Open it and find the photographs.” Chakra followed his instructions and found a yellowed envelope with about two dozen photos that had been taken in Cambodia before his grandparents and mother fled the country. His grandfather explained the pictures as he flipped through them. “Those were our bicycles,” he said, pointing to the clunkers. “Sometimes we rode on flat tires or no tires at all. We used to carry chickens in cages mounted on back. There’s the river where we swam. Sometimes we had to swim to our boats that floated away. We walked and ran everywhere. That’s just how we lived. We swam, biked, and ran all the time. Nobody won or lost. That was Cambodian triathlon, not the competition with fancy equipment you like so much.” When his grandfather turned to walk down the steps, Chakra put the box down inside the door, shut it, and descended the stairs. His grandfather was so entrenched in his ideas about everything that Chakra didn’t know how to tell him his proposed business plan. He just blurted it. “Grandfather, the tofu factory needs a major upgrade to meet health department standards, and
you can’t afford it without a large loan. I’m preparing a business plan to convert the outdated factory to a new electronics assembly company that can earn more money than tofu.” This time his grandfather did explode. “Never!” They argued for a few minutes until Chakra reached his breaking point. “This place is like Jurassic Park full of ancient stuff. You are just a pitiful, old dinosaur.” With that he grabbed his bike and headed out the door. He pedaled hard to the coast road and followed the beach route for an hour. Anger and shame filled him in equal measure. He had crossed the line insulting his grandfather, but he knew the economic reality of the tofu factory. He finally stopped the bike and stared at the beach as his mind tumbled in turmoil. He was both right and wrong, as was his grandfather. He thought about the photographs, precious records of his grandfather’s past, buried in a dusty box in the factory. Ideas flickered in his mind as he remounted his bike and rode to his parents’ house. He explained to Thavy what had happened, and she responded as she always did when Chakra got himself in a pickle. “Find a continued on page 18
The Tofu Factory, continued solution to your problem, and we’ll discuss it.” He described his new plan, and she nodded. “It’s up to you to apologize and convince him.” Chakra looked at his watch. “I’ll ride back to the factory to leave my bike and pick up the car. Maybe he’ll still be there.” When he arrived his grandfather’s car was gone. He opened the back door to the warehouse and smelled smoke. He stepped inside, and the odor was stronger, but he couldn’t tell where it came from. He immediately dialed 9-1-1 on his cell phone, and after reporting the emergency, shoved his bike in his car and drove it down the block and out of harm’s way. Then he ran back to the building. He had to go upstairs although he knew he shouldn’t. With the sounds of approaching sirens, Chakra ran up the steps and across the catwalk to the storage room with the dusty boxes. When he opened the door to grab the shoebox with the old photos, a billowing cloud of hot, black smoke gushed out of the room and engulfed him. Hacking and coughing, he reached down to where he had left the box just inside the room. His hands found it, and he tucked it under his arm like a football. The stinging cloud of smoke blinded him as he tried to feel his way along the catwalk to the stairs while choking for breath. “Is somebody up there?” he heard a man call. In the midst of a coughing fit, Chakra couldn’t answer. Moments later a fireman led him down the stairs and out of the building. Chakra sat on the pavement away from the tofu factory, leaning against a wall and clutching the box as he tried to recover from the smoke. He’d call his family in a few minutes, but at the moment he was counting his blessings to be alive. His mind scrolled through the visit to the storeroom earlier in the afternoon, to the fizzling, exploding bulb. They hadn’t shut off the light switch. If he hadn’t returned to the factory…. Chakra shuddered at the thought. That evening the family gathered at Thavy’s home where Chakra rested on the sofa, still recovering. He apologized repeatedly to his grandfather for his insults between everyone’s assertions that Chakra had saved the building before an inferno could destroy it. Everyone knew the old electrical wiring was at fault. Chakra finally broached the subject of what to do next. “Let’s be open to compromise, Grandfather. We can contract
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another factory to produce tofu with our label. Let them have the health department headaches. After we rewire our factory, we can remodel it as an electronics assembly facility. There are always new gadgets being invented and tested. We’ll build them and our reputation, and we’ll make a lot of money. We don’t need all the warehouse space for the business, so we can rent it to the community for bingo, dance classes, or whatever. I’ll work full-time when I graduate—Ironman races can wait, but a new business cannot.” His grandfather listened, but his face remained impassive. He said nothing. Chakra picked up the envelope with the old pictures from Cambodia. “I ran upstairs to save these because I realized how important they are for the family. I’ve always been looking ahead to the future and not keeping a foot in the past. I’ve been thinking about what Grandfather said that my triathlons have no meaning except to go fast to win. Did you know the first triathlon in 1974 was created on a whim by members of a running club to make a local race a little different? It took place right here in San Diego, in Mission Bay. It had no history or special meaning.” He spread the photos on the coffee table. “I propose having a new triathlon with special meaning. Our tofu company will sponsor Grandfather’s Cambodian Triathlon in Mission Bay during the dragon boat race festival this summer. We’ll begin our race with deflated tires, but all the participants will have to help each other inflate them before really starting. We’ll have swimming, bicycling, and running. Oh, and chickens.” Chakra smiled. “Not real chickens, but rubber balls that participants run around to gather and put in a coop. Everyone who finishes is a winner. We’ll work on getting television coverage. It might be the beginning of a new Cambodian-American tradition, San Diego-style. Maybe the idea will spread.” Chakra glanced at his grandfather who still hadn’t reacted. “The winners should get something,” Thavy said. “How about a block of tofu?” Chakra saw a hint of a smile flicker on his grandfather’s face. (Story inspired by Thavy Bryan, licensed massage therapist, La Jolla,
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