Hannah Strader Portraits pricing info & details
$100 3-4 hours on location 150+ edits on DVD unlimited changes
$175 3-4 hours on location 150+ edits on DVD 75 prints of your choice unlimited changes
$225 5-6 hours on location 250+ edits on DVD 50 prints of your choice unlimited changes
$250 5-6 hours on location 250+ edits on DVD 50 prints of your choice 11x14 canvas collage unlimited changes
$50 1 hour on location 75+ edits on DVD unlimited changes prints available for purchase
$25 headshots
event pricing varies
$40 11x14 canvas collage w/out package
$75 prints of all phtos from session
Meet the Photographer
My name is Hannah. I graduated from Shawnee Mission South in 2013. I’m currently studying at Johnson County Community College, transferring to KU for journalism. I have a weakness for boy bands, Taco Bell, sharks, and supernatural-based teen television shows. I work at Justice for girls and like to think I’m pretty easy to get along with. In my spare time, I drive into the middle of no where and imagine what great photos I could create there. Thank you for your co-operation in my attempts to do so. photo by Lot 7 Photography