This issue has lots and lots of reviews including Townshend Audio F1 Stereo RCA Interconnect, The Varios Jr Loudspeakers, Vermouth Audio Black Pearl Loudspeaker Cables, Epiphany Acoustics Atratus 3 Interconnect, Tellurium Q - Blue, Ultra Blue and Blue Diamond Speaker Cables, Van Damme “Blue” and Hi-Fi Grade 6.0mm Speaker Cables, Grado PS500e Headphones, Henry Audio 128 MkII Asyncronous USB portable DAC, Lindy HF-110 Headphones, Tidal Music Streaming Service Graham Slee Majestic DAC, Baby Reference Preamplifier by Music First Audio, JIB 'Digital Glass' Toslink Cable and Audiomica ERYS Excellence Interconnect and CELES Excellence Loudspeaker Cables.
PLUS Album Reviews, The Classics review and interview with My Brother The Wind’s celebrating their recording from 1968 “Once There Was A Time When Time And Space Were One” and A Festive Christmas Countdown from John Scott and a teaser about our HUGE January prize giveaway.