Alice + Olivia Natasha Manelli

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Editor’s Letter 3 Target Market 4 Location 5 Theme Board 6 Theme 7 Source of Inspiration 8 The Collection 9 Branding 12 Store Window 14 Floor Plan 16


Editor’s Letter

I as the editor of the Alice+Olivia Look book Ready-to-Wear Spring 2013 collection, I want our clientele to see Alice+Olivia’s colorful and “American Dream” inspired spring collection. Stacey, the designer designs playful, fun, and quirky style for her young female clientele. She gets most of her inspiration from music and arts and brings it into her designs. This collection in particular was based on the “Late 50’s optimism.” A very important historical period in time for America that celebrates them being leaders of the world. She also brings out a lot of colorful garments to celebrate this period.


Target Market Alice +Olivia have numerous stores across the world, but I have chosen to focus on her store in New York City in Midtown West. Alice +Olivia target market are young adults’ females from 20 to 35 years of age. They are students or professionals who just started their career. They are clients who like eclectic, playful and quirky styles which is exactly what Stacey Bendet , the designer represents in all her collections. These young adults females are middle class to upper class who will buy one to three key pieces of Alice+ Olivia collection and will pair it with other lower price designers. They are single and career focus females who like sophistication with a little edge to their outfit. Alice +Olivia’s clientele like arts and music which Stacey’s gets most of inspiration for her collection from. They enjoy going to museums, lunch date with friends, shopping , charity events and many more. They like keeping busy in the great city of New York. They love Alice +Olivia’s fun and playful style but they also enjoy other brands as well that they can mix and match with Alice + Olivia.


Location The Alice +Olivia store in Manhattan is located in Midtown West . The rental space is very expensive since it’s Manhattan it can range from 60/sf/year to 100 /sf/year. The store is located in a beautiful building near the Bryant park. The store is well located near Bryant Park, one of Manhattans beautiful parks. They are near Bryant Park grill, which looks to have amazing food just by looking at their website. By far, the most important aspect of the store is that it’s right across Bryant Park. It’s ideal not only for the clients who can grab a bit at the grill then enjoy a lovely shopping experience right across the street at Alice + Olivia but the employees as well to enjoy their lunch break at the park.


“Americans have adopted this unique, colorful era as the touchstone for the course of the nation.�



The American Dream inspires the theme of Alice +Olivia Spring Ready-to-wear collection 2013. “You know, that late-1950s optimism,� says Stacey . It was time where people had confidence for the future . As the vision of the store for this collection, I would as my three main colors white, blue, and red that represent mostly the American dream as the colors of the store. I would make the store very clean with white couches and floor, blue walls but not royal blue more soft and red accessories like a red sitting chairs and shelves to fit with the collection.


Source Of Inspiration

The source of inspiration is after the postwar in America , there was innovative spirit, boundless energy, and seemingly limitless possibilities. This historical period was called the late-1950s optimism “Americans have adopted this unique, colorful era as the touchstone for the course of the nation.” Stacey’s collection represents that quote exactly with many bright colors like blue and red which are major colors for America and accent colors like yellow, orange, green and neutrals . This time in America “Everything was right” and they achieved their destiny as leaders of the world.

The Collection

Alice + Olivia’s spring ready –to –wear collection 2013 is very late 50s fashion with the fitted garments and A-line dresses. This collection is more elegant and sophisticated with a little edgy as well. Stacey has a lot of dresses in this collection which in late 50s that’s all women wore was dresses like in her collection. Going back to the “American Dream theme” a lot of colors are represented in her collection like blue, red, white, orange, green and neutrals as well.


The Collection




Alice +Olivia Alice +Olivia 80 W 40th St, New York, NY 212-840-0887


Alice +Olivia


Alice +Olivia

This logo will be engraved on the hanger

Alice +Olivia


Store Window

alice + olivia


Store Window

The Store window for Alice+Olivia Spring Ready-to-Wear 2013 collection will be based on the “American Dream” since her collection is very American with the blue ,red and white colors as her key colors of her collection . I decided putting the American flag as the background of the store window is enough props because the amercing flag is so powerful and will grab people’s attention . As for the garments, I chose the ones that represent her theme the most .


1st Floor



Changing Rooms Rack

Couch Cash






2nd Floor

Accessories Display

Shoes Display


Handbags display


Floor Plan

The floor plan for the first floor, I decided when you walk into the store there will be three racks against the wall, then there will be a table displaying the new merchandise in the collection. As for the other side of the store, there will be another rack, then the cash and another rack. I decided to put the cash alongside the other wall instead of all the way in the back because it’s more welcoming and more close to the entrance to greet your customers in case employees are busy at the cash. They do not have to yell from all the way from the back of store to greet their customers with a “Hello.� As for the changing rooms position, I placed them there because once a customer is done looking at the merchandise and wishes to try something on, they can head to the back of the store to the changing rooms. I found placing the changing rooms there it gives the client more privacy. Furthermore, there is a comfortable seating area for people who are waiting for their friends. The floor plan for the second floor , I decided to put all the shoes, handbags and accessories there because once a client gets a new outfit or piece the sales associate can suggest to the client to visit upstairs for a complete look. Also, I found placing those items upstairs it makes the store more organised and neat.


Alice +Olivia By Natasha Manelli


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