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nJune2022Ihadthe Ipleasureofgoingon an epic 15-day road trip around Jamaica and loved it! Going on a journey,movingwiththe land and learning and experiencingnewthings as you go along is priceless!


Tip #1 learn the laws of any country you decide ontravellingto.


D e s p i t e i t s decriminalization for possession, the sale and supply of cannabis (widely known across thecountryandworldas Ganja) for recreational purposes remains prohibited in Jamaica. Since 2015, possession of up to two ounces of cannabis is no longer a criminal offence. However, it must be medicinal and you must have your medicinal card or get fined J$500 (USD 3.50) but no criminal record will result.Possessionisalso legal for sacramental purposes for followers ofRastafari.

Visitors may have possession of up to two ounces of cannabis however it must be for medicinal. However, as laws toward ganja for recreational has loosened up it is not as strict as you ma experience however keep in mind it's still illegal to consume in public spaces and purchasing from a legal dispensary is highly recommended.

Dispensaries in Jamaica have to abide by strict rules and regulations. Some have farms to sell optionsandtours.Again, no medicinal card no s e r v i c e . S o m e dispensaries have onsite doctors to issue medicinal cards but c h e c k w i t h t h e dispensary because on certaindaysthedoctoris there.Let'ssayyoudon't have a medicinal card anddon'twantonethere are other options you may explore, cannabis tours, small local vendors (which we are not supposed to recommendbutuseyour judgment) you can find somedecentbuds.

Westmoreland to beexact.Thisisnot yourtypicalresortstyletouristouting. When I arrived at Benta Park and it was on a hidden path and the roads here are poorly maintained so if you're not used to driving in Jamaica Irecommendusing a taxi service. BentaParkisgated so you will need to pay a fee to get in. For Locals in the area,it'sfree.

The tour of the river is not your typical tour. You are assigned a tour guide and listen to your tour guide do not trail off, play expert. If you can't swim I recommend a life jacket and water shoes are mandatory if you don’t haveeitheritisavailable torenton-site.

This place surprised me beyondwords.

I got invited to a typical SundayBbqbytheriver from local cannabis farmers. Benta Park in Savanna-La-Mar,

From Rapids yes rapids and from the roar of the water you are yelling at oneanother,glidingthru small cascades of water getting a natural massage from the water beating your back. I didn’t know a place like this existed. This is probably the most thrilling activity and underrated place I have evervisitedinJamaica.

The water is filled with minerals from the rich limestone and clay that sits on the river bed! At onepointofthetour,you dogettostopandputthe clay on your skin like a mask at no extra charge.

The clay kept my skin clear for the remainder ofmytrip.

Everything from the stairsleadingtotheriver isusedfromthelandthis is an eco-paradise. You surelydon’twanttomiss it.

Nowlet’sgettothegood part.Afterthewatertour, the aromas start to hit you from the pimento bark smoking from the jerkbbqpit-tothesweet smell of ganja which is freelyusedatthispark.

As we sat down and enjoyed some cold drinks while listening to the music that filled the park it was surreal. Everyone was relaxed andIgotthechancetosit down with the farmers andhaveagrowingtalk! Itwasinterestingtohear about different methods andhowtestinghasbeen more commonly used among farmers. Organic farminghasbeenkeyfor thesefarmerssomeeven have said, “Why alter something that’s not b r o k e n ? O u r grandfathers grow like this, our fathers grow like this, we will do the same and we can only hope our children grow likethis!”However,alot of worries have come down to the future of ganja in Jamaica from thefarmers.Someofthe farmers have been sought out by licenced producers worldwide including from Canada. Overseas producers have allegedly been giving cannabis seeds which have struck a chordwiththefarmersas they believe it’s genetically modified seeds and have refused to use them the reasoning behind this is the“foodforeignerseat” the farmers have discussed and said “…if they can grow and feed modified food where it grows faster and can reap faster where so many health concerns arerising~itboilsdown to what will they touch next…”Theywantwhat they grow to remain organicandpreservethe authenticityoftheplant. Beinganorganicgrower myself I can agree with this.Itwasanintriguing conversation that did leavemewithsomefood forthought.

Benta Park is indeed a hiddengem.

OneLove, StayHigh,StayHappy andStaySafe!


By Dave Mac Adam

Organic plant care is growing a healthy plant without the use of synthetic fertilizersandpesticides.It’s abouttakingcareofthesoil, which in turn provides the foundation for a healthy plant. It’s also more than that.

Organic plant care is a philosophy that considers and cares for the entire ecosystem, including the water supply, people, animals, and insects, as well asthesoil.

By using naturally derived products, you’re working with nature, not against it. You’re able to maintain the natural cycle by regularly replacing nutrients plants haveused.

Adopting an organic plant care strategy reduces pollution in the atmosphere, nutrient run-off into waterways, waste in landfills, and the inorganic products used that may disturb the natural order hidden in the soil. You’re really not taking care of grass, you’re nurturing the soil so your plants have the best opportunity for healthy growth.

Fertilizers come from many sources. Synthetically derived fertilizers are manufactured from minerals,gassesfromtheair and inorganic waste materials.Fertilizersderived from organic sources obtain their nutrients from natural sources such as microbes, organic waste, and other similarmaterials.

What are Organically DerivedFertilizers?

Fertilizers derived from organic sources provide benefits to both plants and soil and when used properly generally won’t burn or damage plants. Organically derived fertilizers stimulate b e n e fi c i a l s o i l microorganisms and improve the structure of the soil.Soilmicrobesplayakey role in converting organic fertilizers into soluble nutrients that can be absorbed by plants at a rate theycanuse.

Organically derived fertilizers often provide the s e c o n d a r y a n d micronutrients plants need, usually absent in synthetic fertilizers.

Organically derived fertilizers typically have a lower NPK analysis (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) than synthetics fertilizers, but they feed plants for a much longer period of time. As a result, the impact of organic fertilizersonplantsisusually more subtle. It may take a littlelongertoseeresults,but therewardisaplantthatsees itstruepotential.

If you are going to go with soil the important thing to rememberisthatthekeytoa healthy garden is healthy soil a living, breathing ecosystem.

The primary components of soil are minerals (inorganic materials,water,andair The organic matter improves the soil’s capacity to hold water andnutrients,releasingthem as needed by plants. It feeds the microorganisms, which in turn makes nutrients availabletoplants,aswellas improvesthesoilstructure.

Water makes it possible for the plants to absorb those nutrients, but that’s only the start.

A healthy soil ecosystem is teeming with beneficial bacteria,fungi,andcountless microorganisms, as well as the critters we can see, like earthwormsandinsects.

Fertilizers derived from organic sources feeds the soil, which allows the nutrients to be released slowly, at a rate consistent withwhatplantsneed,when theyneedit.

Plants receive a wellbalanced diet, including a

, naturally occurring trace mineralsandmicronutrients. Nutrients released slowly stimulate consistent growth and root development and don’t need to be applied as often Synthetic fertilizers release nutrients quickly, promoting rapid growth that is often excessive.You need o properlyflushyourcannabis if you are using a synthetic nutrient. Flushing cannabis removes leftover nutrient buildup from the roots and soil of your plants giving them a fresh start. Flushing effectively allows your plantstoabsorbanynutrients that are still in the soil. By flushingyourcannabisplants beforeharvestyoucanavoid a harsh and extremely unsatisfyingend-product.

By Dave Mac Adam

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