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Have you made plans to X&Owithyourfavorite person this February 14th?
Tell me, what's it gonna bethisyear?
A dozen or two (or eventhree)longstem roses is always traditionally favored along with hard to pronounce gourmet chocolates and customized sweets with lovey-dovey initials and hearts drawn in white, pink andredicing…
Add to that an ultra romantic dinner out or a cozy stay-in home ambience, abundantly d e c o r a t e d w i t h intricately laid rose petals and an intimate candlelit setting, worthy of filter-free photos to 'post & boast' about, the d a y a f t e r .
Yes my lovers and friends,itisthemonthof
Canna-Love-liness and there is no shortage in the variety of gift ideas out there to share with the one that makes your heart beat with purpose and admiration; the one that makes you catch your breath at the wonders of their beautiful aura, both inside and out; the one whose existence alone, makes you thank your lucky stars that you found your way into each other's heart space.
True, its overly commercialized and we all can show our loved onesjusthowmuchthey meantousanydayofthe year in our overall daily demeanor and our everyday acts of service but for those of us who DO enjoy the dramatic displaysofaffectionand delights on the popular love day, no romantic gesture is too grand to share with the love of yourlife.
Do you opt to give green flowers-the dried green variety or bring over some new chewy edibles and a six pack of cbd kombucha - is that evenathing,yet?
In any case, I hope your dayofloveiscanna-fied tothemax!
And with that, it is my pleasuretointroduceour beautiful February
Canna-Mama, Leigh Griffith, from the classicallycharmingand steadfastly romantic, ProvinceofQuebec…
Ooh la la!
by ZARA BOORDER @the.fit.canna.mama
Strain gelatto 33

Food poutine
Exercise weights, pilates, biking and step aerobics 3x a week

Time of day for a session first thing in the morning~ wake and bake!