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EDITORIAL - Cy Williams -
he weather is ge ng colder and the world outside my window seems to reflect that this year. It has been bleak lately. More so then it has been in the last few years that have proceeded it anyways. I speak to many people each and every day in my role as editor and there is a general malaise that has fallen across many. Is it the ongoing Covid 19 crisis with new sets of rules, social isola on and ever growing fears of a growing second wave of shutdowns? It is the relentless elec on coverage that is currently being woven into all aspects of media? The elec on in the US fills me with anxiety and the recent BC Provincial elec on here in Canada even more so. I am actually very disappointed in some of our own Canadian poli cal par es in BC who had ads running during the elec on which were basically an -homeless propaganda. I have followed regional, na onal and federal elec ons for a long me now and these were the first ads that actually make me feel sick to my stomach. I saw these ads on social media and I saw the way they demonized tent ci es and the homeless who live there a,d it made me sad for our country. We are standing on the brink of a very long winter and I think it is important to address how loneliness and stress can have detrimental effects on you - and what we can do to try and circumvent these ongoing outside factors in order to live a happier, healthier life.
www.instagram.com/_Spriggsy www.instagram.com/ryitphotgraphy
Drink more water. Most of us don’t drink enough water every day. Water is essen al for our bodies to func on. Do you know over 60% of our body is made up of water? Water is needed to carry out body func ons, remove waste, and carry nutrients and oxygen around our body. Since we l o s e wate r d a i l y t h ro u g h u r i n e , b owe l movements, perspira on, and breathing, we need to replenish our water intake. Get enough sleep. When you don’t rest well, you compensate by ea ng more. Usually, it’s junk food. Get enough rest and you don’t need to snack to stay awake. Also, lack of sleep causes premature aging and you don’t want that! Exercise. Movement is life. Research has shown that exercising daily brings tremendous benefits to our health, including an increase in lifespan, lowering of risk of diseases, higher bone density, and weight loss. Increase the ac vity in your life. Choose walking over transport for close distances. Climb the stairs instead of taking the li . Walk as o en as you can. Cut down on processed food. Processed food is not good because (a) most of the nutri onal value is lost in the crea on of these foods, and (b) the added preserva ves are bad for our health. Many processed foods contain a high amount of salt which leads to higher blood pressure and heart disease. In general, the more ingredients a food has on the label (ending with ‘ite’ or ‘ate’), the more processed it is. Go for less processed food such as a baked potato over chips, fresh fruit over canned fruit, and intact grains over white bread. Finally get as much cannabis and CBD into your body as you are able to. This issue we look at how many thought leaders the NBA is producing when it comes to plant medicine and the rights of individuals to choose their own treatment op ons. We highlight our favorites. We also con nue our look into the global opioid crisis with part two of our mul -part series on people who are working at providing solu ons to this crisis within our current cannabis and psychedelic industries.
Cy Williams Publisher/Editor - High! Canada Magazine email - editor@highcanada.net
www.instagram.com/ryitphotgraphy www.instagram.com/Jazzmynefxo www.instagram.com/ProphetofRap
elebra ng the li le things are so very important because it gives us an opportunity to enjoy what we have instead of focusing on what we don't have or can't control. It's been especially important in 2020 given the unpredictability and dras c changes in everyday things we had always taken for granted. This year we decided to have a kick o to Croptober and all the Fall & Halloween ac vi es with an evening making Pumpkin Bongs and mini pumpkin ower arrangements for Thanksgiving. We grabbed local pumpkins, some beau ful fresh owers and smoked some delicious Tom Ford Pink to start the fes vi es.
Find crea ve ways to stay safe but s ll have a good me with friends and family this upcoming holiday season and HAVE FUN!!!
PUMPKIN BONG What you Need 1 Large pumpkin (any shape or size as long as it sits up...get crea ve) 2 Bong Stems ! removable bowl piece Instruc ons Cut 1 hole out of designated front of pumpkin bong and insert 1 bong stem Cut 1 hold out of designated back of pumpkin bong insert 1 bong stem, leaving a li le bit exposed to make room for mouth Add bowl piece, cannabis and ENJOY! **Special Note: If there is air and you can't get a good toke, try adding duct tape or waterproof tape around the cut holes on the front and back...should seal it right up**
his me of year, labeled “Croptober” in the cannabis community, is a special me of year for many cannabis farms. Fields of terpy strains brandishing flowers as big as your fist surround me with citrusy, and sweet dank aromas filling the air. I had the privilege of visi ng with ACMPR Assistance from Renfrew County just before harvest, so I was fortunate enough to see all the gorgeous cannabis flowers in all of their glory! ACMPR Assistance provides assistance with the ACMPR license process and Other Consul ng Assistance for cannabis cul va on in
Strains in photos - 1, 2 & 3 - Pink Kush - 4 - Gorilla Zi les - 5 - Crown Royal
Ontario. With genera ons of growing experience behind them, they exhibit all of the true quali es of what real Cra cannabis is, and why the community pushed so hard for legaliza on for so long. True Cra smen & Women! This year they tested out 22 dierent strains and several pheno types, that grow to their absolute maximum poten al for their speciďŹ c environment, given the unpredictability of outdoor growing. Next month I will follow up with the harvest and some samplings of the hard work. We will talk about what did/didn't work during this years' growing season. Un l then, Happy Croptober to all! Give them a follow on Instagram & Facebook @acmprassistance or email grow@acmprassistance.ca for any ques ons or informa on and to follow the progress of their amazing grows!
Tammi Stanhope
ith cannabis use an open secret in the NBA, this ex-player is pushing the league to allow CBD. 16-year NBA veteran Al Harrington founded Viola in 2011, operates across six states, including Colorado, Oregon, Michigan, California, Arizona, and Nevada. Viola recently teamed up with Chris Ball's Ball Family Farms to introduce an indoor flower strain. The new offering — dubbed Reign — will be available to California consumers star ng September 2020. Ball Family Farms is a Los-Angeles based, ver cally integrated, minority-owned, commercial cannabis facility launched in 2018. Both companies are dedicated to raising awareness of social inequi es within the cannabis industry that significantly affect communi es of colour. "It is our responsibility as Black leaders to be the driving force and inspira on propelling the culture and our communi es forward," Harrington noted. He is "proud" to collaborate with "a fellow Black-owned cannabis brand," to empower communi es of colour "for future genera ons to come." Ball, who is a holder of a Social Equity cul va on license, explained his goal is to make "people to see that two black entrepreneurs can come together and create something special for our culture and our people," adding that the "weed is fire." In addi on, both companies agreed to donate $1 from each sale of the new flower strain to Root & Rebound, an organiza on helping those harmed by convic ons of nonviolent cannabis crimes to start fresh. Viola launched its first retail store in N o ve m b e r o f 2 0 1 9 . T h e D e t ro i t , Michigan-based provision centre offers the company's products, as well as other cannabis and CBD-based brands. In addi on to Viola, Harrington owns mul ple brands within the industry, including Harrington Wellness.
h e N B A confirmed it would no longer drug test players for cannabis or any recrea onal drugs when the l e a g u e re s u m e d play in July this year.
a Barnes says “All my best games I was medicated” when he is asked about his former game-day use of cannabis.
Former player and 2017 NBA champion Ma Barnes infamously smoked weed before games throughout most of his 14-year career and he thinks there’s a deeper cannabis culture than we think. “The GMs, coaches, presidents [were smoking]. Some of the people that are cracking whips and suspending us were smoking weed,” Barnes said in a Bleacher Report interview. Barnes is a massive advocate for cannabis use in the NBA and has his own business interests in the cannabis industry. “My ul mate goal is to get it legalized, or to be a part of the team that gets it legalized in professional sports,” he has said. Barnes is also the founder of the ATHLETES VS CANCER All-Star Weekend. Athletes vs. Cancer is a non-profit organiza on that provides comprehensive resources, support, and advocacy for families and survivors affected by cancer across all popula ons. In partnership with other athletes, celebri es, and influencers, AVC funds research, educa on, and outreach to promote early detec on with the ul mate goal of cancer preven on. Check them out at www.athletesvscancer.com
The Na onal B a s ke t b a l l Associa on and its players union have agreed that players will be tested for performanceenhancing drugs when the league restarts at Disney Wo r l d , b u t n o t recrea onal drugs, CBS Sports reports. The NBA suspended its season amid the coronavirus pandemic and the league and union are finalizing details for a shortened “bubble” season to finish to the year. The NBA’s relaxed drug policy for the league’s resump on coincides with Cresco Labs announcing that it added NBPA Execu ve Director Michele Roberts to its board, although it’s unlikely the NBA’s drug tes ng decision is related to her appointment. Roberts has served as execu ve director of the union since 2014. Alongside her du es as Execu ve Director of the NBPA, Michele Roberts is a dis nguished trial lawyer, celebrated business leader and former member of the adjunct faculty at Harvard Law School. Ms. Roberts became the 10th director on Cresco’s board and its first female director. In 2018, Roberts said the league was “exploring” medical exemp ons for NBA players to use medical cannabis but said federal law stood in the way. At that me, an cannabis zealot Jeff Sessions was s ll serving as a orney general of the U.S. and Roberts said she was concerned about players being arrested at airports at the behest of “a crazed” AG. Under the league’s collec ve bargaining agreement between the NBA and NBPA, players who test posi ve for performance-enhancing drugs will be suspended for 25 games for a first viola on, 55 games for a second viola on, and are banned from the league for a minimum of two years for a third viola on. Under normal rules, players can be drug tested up to four mes per season and twice in the offseason.
ohn Salley has kept busy since he re red from the Na onal Basketball League in 2000.
The 6’11” centre won four NBA tles over his 11-year career before moving on to hos ng talk shows, becoming a wellness advocate and inves ng in companies that reflect his beliefs, including vegan wine and cannabis brands. We were fortunate enough to spend some me with him last year in Vancouver and he is nothing short of spectacular. He teamed up with an insurance industry veteran, Daron Phillips, and other investors, to launch “The Cannabis Plan,” earlier this year. The Cannabis Plan is an insurance plan for cannabis businesses and their employees, with future plans to cover individual cannabis users. “We’ve literally got to a point where we can insure cannabis smokers and cannabis companies,” Salley said. Any cannabis businesses with two or more employees can receive The
Cannabis Plan. The plan, which is in partnership with Na onal Insurance Partners, can cover companies that have up to 200,000 employees and is offering healthcare coverage through a thirdparty company, Medova Healthcare. Eventually, the insurance plan will be extended to individual cannabis consumers, who, Phillips says, are penalized under tradi onal insurance policies. “People were being punished for being THC or CBD users like they were smoking two packs of cigare es a day,” Phillips told the press. “Individuals that are worried about their health insurance going up or not even covering them because they use THC, we’re going to eliminate that.” Salley has been part of the cannabis industry for years, including through his own cannabis brand Deuces22 and his investment in a tes ng company, GreenSpace Labs.
x-NBA star and former Sixth Man of t h e Ye a r, L a m a r O d o m i s a n entrepreneur who ventured into the cannabis industry a number of years ago. In 2015, a er suffering a life-changing overdose that le him in a coma, Odom said that he found strains of weed that helped his recovery. "While going through rehab, I discovered certain strains that support wellness," Lamar told The Blast in April 2018. "Friends, associates, and ex-teammates asked me what solu ons I was using on my road back to recovery, and that’s when Rich Soil Organics was born." Also during his road to recovery, Odom had close to 12 strokes and six heart a acks. Because of this, the former Laker, credits CBD and other organic cannabis products as perfect alterna ves to medicines for people who've had mirroring experiences. Established in 2017, Rich Soil Organics produces a line of premium Luxury Organic Cannabis products cul vated in beau ful YOLO County California. Grown on the organic farms of Northern California, All our products are lab tested to insure delivery of the highest quality products for pa ents and cannabis connoisseurs. At Rich Soil Organics,our carefully cra ed cannabis concentrates are created through innova ve ethanol extrac on and dis lla on technology. In 2017 Cannabis Science Conference declared ethanol the most efficient extrac on process in the market. Our cu ng edge technology takes place at sub freezing temperatures, rendering the resul ng cannabis extract free from undesired fats, lipids, chlorophyll etc. The purity of product allows for safe, effec ve and recrea onal applica on. Rich Soil Organics Products include Flower, Extracts and Merchandise delivering you the ul mate Premium Luxury Cannabis Lifestyle experiences!
ith the upcoming film “Lamar Odom Reborn” documen ng t h e b a s ke t b a l l l e g e n d ’s psychedelic awakening. The movie is directed by the Mike “Zappy” Zapolin. A lot changed for Lamar Odom a er he met Mike Zapolin, who is among a growing community of thought leaders pushing for legisla on suppor ng therapeu c use of psychedelic compounds including Ibogaine , LSD, psilocybin, ketamine and DMT.
in 2019. “The first me I did it, it was like I went to heaven, I just felt all this, oh wow, love and emo on.” “We brought him down and he had an incredible experience,” Zapolin told Page Six of working with Odom.
Zapolin is currently working to reform legisla on surrounding therapeu c use of psychedelics in the United States through an organiza on called “The Mind Army.” The organiza on is behind a Change.org As a “psychedelic concierge to the stars,” pe on calling for an execu ve order from Zapolin has worked with high-profile t h e W h i t e H o u s e “ m a k i n g m i n d clients like Lamar Odom, who has claimed expanding compounds, such as psilocybin, therapeu c use of psychedelics helped ayahuasca, iboga, peyote, and LSD, legal.” him recover from addic on and mental illness following his near-fatal 2015 “Nobody should be able to say in 2020, overdose. ‘Hey, alcohol’s good, tobacco’s good but psilocybin mushrooms are bad, they’re off “I tried it and it started to work the table for you to help heal yourself,’” immediately,” Odom told Dr. Oz about his Zapolin told Page Six. “We have to be o w n e x p e r i e n c e s w i t h ke t a m i n e allowed to go inside our own minds for treatments during a podcast appearance answers and healing, by any means necessary.” Reference: www.insidehook.com/daily_brief/news-opinion/mike-zapolin-therapeutic-psychedelics
igh! Canada Magazine has been really examining the current Opiod Crisis in our country and in the rest of the world for the last number of years and in doing that we have witnessed, first hand, the devestation being done to communities by addiction. In this issue we continue to look for new solutions to the current crisis. This feature takes the opportunity to feature individuals who are actively working on solutions to the current opioid crisis. In this feature, we look at the CEO of Universal Ibogaine Inc, Dr. Jeremy Weate and his decadelong interest in the medicalization of Ibogaine in a holistic treatment setting for an effective tool in addiction recovery. We applaud Chuck Ream for being an instrumental part of moving plant medicine forward as a longtime cannabis activist and key supporter of the Decriminalize Nature - Ann Arbor, Michigan Campaign. The group Decriminalize Nature Ann Arbor (DNA2), are advocating that naturally occurring substances have great potential to help address mental health issues, including problematic substance use, depression, PTSD and end of life anxiety. On September 21st, 2020, the city of Ann Arbor decriminalized psychedelic plants and fungi, including magic mushrooms, and police officers no longer make them an enforcement focus. We look at Todd Shapiro who is the CEO and Director of Red Light Holland. Red Light Holland provides recreational grade Truffles and potentially EU-GMP medical grade truffles to the current legal adult use market in the Netherlands. Finally we acknowledge rising star Doug Drysdale who is the CEO of Cybin Corp. Cybin is a mushroom life-science company advancing psychedelic and nutraceutical-based products. The company expects to launch psilocybinbased products in jurisdictions where the substance is not prohibited. Simultaneously, the company is structuring and supporting clinical studies across North America and other regions through strategic academic and institutional partnerships.
f you ask Dr. Jeremy Weate, he will tell you that there’s increasing evidence of the effec veness of plant-derived medicines, such as Ibogaine. The massive interest in Compass Pathwa,y’s recent NASDAQ public offering ,shows us that the market is ,,,finally responding to evidence. He would tell you, very passionately, that Ibogai,ne has the poten al to be a powerful healing medicine. H i s c o m p a n y, U n i v e r s a l Ibogaine, will be opening holis c addic on detox and recovery clinics under the brand name Clear Sky Recovery. Ibogaine’s unique chemical structure combined with proprietary pre- and posttreatment approaches gives the pa ent a strong founda on to restart their lives anew. They have successfully disrupted addic on in over 3,700 pa ents at Clear Sky Recovery Cancun, and they are ready to bring this therapeu c treatment modality to the world. Current treatment op ons for opioid and other forms of addic on only work for some
people. What’s missing is the ability to fast track the withdrawal process. Ibogaine — a molecule found in Tabernanthe iboga and many other plants — is showing the poten al to aid in rapid detox. In combina on with an effec ve therapeu c se ng, it aims to help addicts in the recovery process. Universal Ibogaine Inc.’s goal is to provide safe, effec ve and affordable ibogaine treatment globally this decade. Jeremy has over 17 years strategic advisory experience, focused on minister-level guidance on the mining sector across over 50 projects in over 30
countries in Europe, Africa, Central Asia and the South Pacific. Jeremy also has a decade-long interest in the medicaliza on of ibogaine in a holis c treatment se ng. He visited Gabon in 2016 and was ini ated into Bwi . In 2018, he helped set up Tabula Rasa Retreat in Portugal, now one of the leading ibogaine treatment facili es globally. He has organized ibogaine conferences in Vienna, Porto and London. He has a PhD in European philosophy from the University of HEMPWarwick, UK.
huck Ream is a long me cannabis a c v i st a n d i s t h e Poli cal Advisor for Decriminalize Nature Ann Arbor (DNA2). He was instrumental in pushing through ini a ves in his city and was very correct when he said, "We need to make clear progress with these breakthrough plant-based compounds before COVID-19 is finished, not a er". Ann Arbor City Council voted unanimously on September 21st, 2020 in favor of a resolu on declaring it the city’s lowest law enforcement p r i o r i t y. I t m e a n s t h a t authori es won’t inves gate and arrest anyone for plan ng, cul va ng, buying, transpor ng, distribu ng, engaging in prac ces with or possessing “entheogenic plants” or plant compounds. The resolu on defines entheogenic plants as plants and fungi that contain indole amines, tryptamines and phenethylamines “that can benefit psychological and physical wellness, support and enhance religious and
spiritual prac ces, and can re e sta b l i s h h u m a n ’s inalienable and direct rela onship to nature.” The move applies to ayahuasca, ibogaine, mescaline, peyote, psilocybin mushrooms and other substances with hallucinogenic proper es considered illegal under state and federal law. Council members were apprehensive about s p o n s o r i n g t h e g r o u p ’s proposal earlier this year, some ul mately decided that they were persuaded by arguments centering medical and spiritual benefits of using psychedelics, par cularly for mental health treatment. Advocates contend that nonaddic ve psychedelics can provide a pathway out of opioid addic on. Council members noted that any major viola on of state or federal law or any use of entheogenic plants that poses a threat to public health, safety and welfare s ll could result in city law enforcement involvement.
Psychedelic substances can be used to help address substance abuse issues, addic on, recidivism, trauma, post-trauma c stress, depression, anxiety and other debilita ng condi ons, according to the resolu on. This follows Denver which became the first U.S. city to decriminalize psychedelic mushrooms last year. The city was then followed by Oakland and Santa Cruz in California, which decriminalized all entheogenic plants.
r. Doug Drysdale is the recently appointed Chief Execu ve Officer of Cybin Corp, which is a life sciences company advancing mushroom-based psychedelic pharmaceu cals and non-psychedelic nutraceu cal products for diverse markets as poten al therapies for various psychiatric and neurological condi ons. Cybin is developing technologies and delivery systems aiming to improve bioavailability to achieve the desired effects of psychedelics at low dosage levels. The new delivery systems will be studied through clinical trials to confirm the safety and efficacy of therapies for major depressive disorder, addic ons, and cogni ve improvement. Doug has more than 30 years of experience in the health care sector. As a skillful corporate director, in early 2014, Doug led the recapitaliza on of a NASDAQ-listed pharmaceu cal company, raising $65 million. Within the first year of taking the helm as Chairman and CEO, Doug rebuilt the management team and board of directors, and built a 220-person sales team, co m p lete w it h s u p p o r n g
func ons (marke ng, sales training, sales opera ons, and analy cs). His efforts grew the company’s enterprise value exponen ally from $80 million to around $800 million. Under D o u g ’s l e a d e r s h i p , t h e p h a r m a c e u ca l co m p a ny raised $465 million of capital. Earlier in his career, Doug served as Head of M&A at Actavis Group, leading 15 corporate acquisi ons across three con nents, between 2004 and 2008, including a high-profile public hos le takeover a empt in Central Eastern Europe. Over this period, Doug raised approximately $3 billion of capital and managed lending syndicates, including over 25 banks, to fund its growth. Actavis was sold to Watson Pharmaceu cals in 2012 for €4.25 billion. In a press release talking about his appointment at Cybin, Doug impressed many by sta ng plainly his unwavering belief that “Cybin’s business model and talented management team uniquely
posi ons the company to examine the efficacy of psychedelic-based therapies and delivery systems in trea ng mental illness and addic on disorders. I expect Cybin’s expanding development pipeline will allow Cybin to addi onally explore cost-effec ve and mely array of health care alterna ves. We will con nue to organically grow our IP por olio and shall be looking to add to our IP through accre ve acquisi ons. Research to date is showing posi ve indica ons fo r t h e p o t e n a l u s e o f psychedelic-based therapies as alterna ves to current chronic depression medica ons and habit-forming opioids, for various treatment-resistant issues such as ea ng disorders, smoking cessa on, PTSD, anxiety and depression. Mental illness and addic on have profoundly personal meanings for me and affect millions of people across the globe. I am proud to be in a posi on at Cybin to work to try to help countless pa ents and their families through the development of novel treatments.”
In 2008, Doug teamed up with investors to lead the turnaround of Norwich Pharmaceu cals and became the Founding CEO of its parent company, Alvogen Group. During his five-and-a-half-year tenure as CEO, he transformed Norwich’s manufacturing from a two-product facility to over 25 products. Doug built extensive R&D capabili es, improving staffing efficiency by 25%. Simultaneously, Alvogen grew from incep on to $450 million in revenue across 35 countries, building an R&D facility in New Jersey, a Contract Research Organiza on in India, and crea ng a product development pipeline of over 50 products for the U.S. market. Doug holds a bachelor’s degree in Microbial and Molecular Biology from the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom. Ernst and Young recognized him as Entrepreneur of the Year in 2012.
ed Light Holland is an Ontario-based c o r p o r a o n posi oning itself to engage in the produc on, growth and sale of its brand of magic truffles to the legal, recrea onal market within the Netherlands, is pleased to announce their iMicrodose Packs powered by Red Light Holland. They are expected to be available early October 2020 in PharmaDrug Inc.’s wholly-owned subsidiary Interrobang Ltd.’s (doing business as Super Smart) store in Tiel, The Netherlands, as Red Light Holland has reached a distribu on agreement with Super Smart. Todd Shapiro is the CEO and Director of Red Light Holland. “Super Smart’s vision and iMicrodose’s vision truly align,” he has said. “Both companies are focused on educa ng, informing and modernizing the psychedelic industry within the Netherlands. We are very excited to soon have another store where our product is sold to expand our exposure and marketplace. Equally as important, we are proud to
s et u p o u r fi rst i M i c ro d o s e M e d i a Informa on Centre – iMIC – where we plan on eventually providing Super Smart with our Virtual Reality Headset where consumers can truly learn about our iMicrodose packs and the origins of the product, as well as hope to receive important customer feedback, as we want to give all consumers a voice for important informa on gathering and responsible-use feedback via our planned iMIC ac va on.” Super Smart’s Tiel is located in Central Netherlands and is the only smart shop within a 75 kilometre radius. iMicrodose Packs powered by Red Light Holland are expected to be in Smart Shop’s Tiel store in October, 2020. T h e C o m p a ny i s a n O nta r i o - b a s e d corpora on posi oning itself to engage in the produc on, growth and sale (through exis ng Smart Shops operators and an advanced e-commerce pla orm) of a premium brand of magic truffles to the legal, recrea onal market within the Netherlands, in accordance with the highest standards, in compliance with all applicable laws. Red Light Holland has posi oning itself to engage in the produc on, growth and sale of its brand of magic truffles to the legal, recrea onal market within the
Netherlands, is pleased to announce that it has granted a prominent Canadian produc on company and film crew exclusive access to provide video coverage of the ac vi es of the Company and its Chief Execu ve Officer, Todd Shapiro, within the Netherlands, leading up to the Company's previously announced iMicrodose product launch party (the "iMicrodose Launch Party"), scheduled on September 25, 2020, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Filming commenced on September 20, 2020 in Horst, the Netherlands (the loca on of the Company's produc on and distribu on facility) and will con nue through to the iMicrodose Launch Party, covering, among other things, the iMicrodose brand, and the produc on and distribu on facility. Todd Shapiro is also a well known Canadian broadcaster, radio host, and media personality who currently hosts The Todd Shapiro Show on SiriusXM Canada's Canada Laughs Channel. Interning at Humble & F re d , S h a p i ro w a s p a r t o f va r i o u s promo onal stunts, occasionally contribu ng with wri en material. Upon comple ng his Humble & Fred internship, Shapiro con nued working at The Edge in their promo ons department. Shapiro is also a regular fill in host and currently is one half of The Dart Guy and Todd Shapiro Show on TSN 1050 Radio.
www.inďŹ nitypots.com
he COVID-19 pandemic has likely forced dozens of cannabis companies to file for bankruptcy as available liquidity dries up, according to Tilray Inc.'s chief execu ve officer. The pandemic has exasperated liquidity concerns for much of the cannabis sector. Companies in the space already faced challenging condi ons amid overspending, inventory writedowns on overpriced products, and steep debt repayment plans, leading a number of firms to file for creditor protec on this year so far. A er a tough 2019, a majority of analysts that are focused on the cannabis industry expected to see the sector recover in 2020. So far this year, this expecta on has not come to frui on and the sector con nues to be under significant pressure. Recently we celebrated two full years since official legaiza on of cannabis in Canada and a lot can change over the span of two years. Prior to the sector’s decline, cannabis companies had no issue with raising capital, with comple ng acquisi ons, and with expanding. Fast forward to today and industry leaders like Aurora, MedMen Enterprises or Canopy Growth are closing facili es, reworking financial deals, cancelling future facility buildouts, and elimina ng jobs to align supply and demand and to improve produc on efficiencies. When thinking about the companies that recently reported substan al fundamental changes to the business, Canopy Growth is one of the first companies that comes to mind. Canopy Growth has approx. $2 billion of cash on hand and is well posi oned to survive this tough period. The vast majority of cannabis companies have not been as lucky as Canopy Growth and several high-profile operators are facing serious issues from a capital standpoint. We have complied a list of 19 well known cannabis businesses that have permanently closed their doors, gone under, filed for creditor protec on or have gone bankrupt in 2020. We originally had a Top 20 of 2020 list of crashed Cannabis Companies that have gone to the grave . At the last second, however, True Leaf has been resurrected from the dead.
1) October 9, 2020. Vancouver-based Sunniva (OTCMKTS: SNNVF) is the most recent company to obtain an interim order from a court in Bri sh Columbia to file for creditor protec on under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act. Sunniva said that it plans to pay its staff during the CCAA proceedings and intends to pay suppliers for goods and services during the period. The company formerly owned the Cathedral City Glasshouse in California, which was recently foreclosed on last month. 2) September 17, 2020. Li & Co. Corp. and Li & Co. Ltd. (TSX:LIFT), the Toronto, Ontario-based cannabis events and marke ng firm behind the "Canadian Cannabis Awards", filed for bankruptcy on September 17, collec vely lis ng approximately $9.8 million in liabili es, including $5.5 million to Gotham Green Fund 1, LP. This filing follows the company's failure to reach a deal with its debt holders regarding the sale of its consumer and trade marke ng divisions, the proceeds of which would have been used to grow the company's marke ng opera ons. Currently, the company does not have the working capital necessary to repay the amount owing on its $3.5 million secured conver ble debentures or to con nue carrying on its business. 3) September 15, 2020. PharmHouse Inc., a licensed cannabis producer with an opera ng facility in Staples, Ontario, obtained protec on under the CCAA on
3) September 15, 2020. PharmHouse Inc., a licensed cannabis producer with an opera ng facility in Staples, Ontario, obtained protec on under the CCAA on September 15, lis ng approximately $170.9 million in liabili es and $187.7 million in assets. Since August, the company has relied on $1.2 million in funding from Canopy Rivers Corpora on ("Rivers") to meet its immediate cash needs. In order to establish its opera ng facility, increase its cannabis produc on capabili es, and grow its business, the company has expended significant resources to date, including funds from equity and debt financing. As a result, the company has now exhausted its cash on hand, including its $90.0 million non-revolving credit facility. 4) July 30, 2020. Tidal Health Solu ons Ltd., a Montreal, Quebec-based cannabis producer with a facility in St. Stephen, New Brunswick, filed an NOI on July 30, lis ng approximately $17.9 million in liabili es. The company, which has had significant opera ng losses for the past several years, a ributes its financial difficul es to the significant start-up costs of building its facility, delays in obtaining a licence, much lower growth rate in the cannabis market than an cipated, and difficulty accessing financing for Canadian cannabis companies. 5) June 5, 2020. Beleave Inc. (CSE:BE, OTCQX:BLEVF), a licensed producer and seller of cannabis and cannabis related products, along with certain affiliates (collec vely, the "Beleave Group"), obtained protec on under the CCAA on June 5, lis ng over $18.0 million in liabili es. The Beleave Group, which sells to five Canadian provinces, has experienced nega ve cash flow since its incep on. In par cular, it spent significant resources to construct and expand the processing capacity at its produc on facility in Hamilton, Ontario. Although the Beleave Group has pursued a number of strategic ini a ves to improve its financial posi on, certain of these ini a ves have been unsuccessful, including efforts to sell its cannabis licence. Unless CCAA proceedings are implemented, the Beleave Group will not be able to con nue opera ng 6) May 22, 2020. Des ny Bioscience Global Corp., a Nisku, Alberta-based cannabis gene cs and ssue culture research and development company — along with its subsidiaries — were placed in receivership on May 22 on applica on by Synergy Projects (Des ny) Ltd. and Synergy Projects Ltd. The Bowra Group was appointed receiver. DLA Piper is counsel to the companies.
7) May 20, 2020. Green Growth Brands Inc., GGB
cannabis using a proprietary aeroponic pla orm
Canada Inc., Green Growth Brands Realty Ltd. and
called GrowthSTORM, obtained protec on under the
Xanthic Biopharma Limited (collec vely, the "GGB
CCAA on April 1, lis ng approximately $41.0 million in
Group") (GGB:CNX), a cannabis enterprise that is
liabili es. Since its incep on, the company has been
licensed to grow, process and sell cannabis in various US
cash flow nega ve and has relied on equity and debt
jurisdic ons, obtained protec on under the CCAA on
financing for funding. The company now requires
May 20, lis ng over $100.0 million (USD) in liabili es.
addi onal funding a er it expended significant
The GGB Group, which was funded through equity and
resources to expand its cannabis produc on and
debt, has always been cash flow nega ve. Commencing
processing capacity as part of a strategy to achieve
in early 2019, the Group began to experience liquidity
issues. These problems were compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the GGB Group was forced to
10) March 31, 2020. CannTrust Holdings (TSX:TRST),
indefinitely suspend its business selling CBD-infused
a cannabis producer in Canada with produc on and
consumer products.
processing facili es in Fenwick and Vaughan, Ontario, along with its subsidiaries CannTrust, CTI
8) May 5 2020. Muskoka Grown, a Bracebridge,
Holdings (Osoyoos) and Elmcliffe Investments,
Ontario-based cra cannabis company, filed an NOI on
obtained protec on under the CCAA on March 31.
May 5, lis ng approximately $15.5 million in liabili es, including $2.2 million to RBC. The company, which has been cash flow nega ve since its incep on, is currently opera ng at unsustainable monthly losses and has reached the limit of its revolving opera ng loan with RBC. In addi on, the lack of brick-and-mortar stores in Ontario as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic hindered up-front sales from the Ontario Cannabis Store and led to the company needing to sell its cannabis through the wholesale market at lower margins. Based on cash availability, the company is currently unable to pay for the tes ng and cer fica on required to sell dried cannabis; pay its employees; and fund general overhead expenses of the business. Without addi onal funding and protec on from its creditors, the company will have no choice but to immediately cease opera ons. 9) April 1, 2020. James E. Wagner Cul va on Corpora on (TSX:JWCA), a Kitchener, Ontario-based licensed cannabis producer focused on producing clean
Following regulatory audits of the company's facili es in
holders. The group also defaulted on its vendor take back-
June and July 2019, Health Canada determined that the
mortgages for the Brampton Proper es. Without a stay of
company was growing and storing cannabis contrary to
proceedings and interim financing, Pure Global Group will
applicable laws. Subsequently, Health Canada
face a complete cessa on of its opera ons.
suspended the company's licences so that it can no longer propagate new batches of cannabis. Mul ple
12) March 11, 2020. Green Relief, a Hamilton, Ontario-
puta ve securi es class ac ons were also commenced
based cannabis producer, filed an NOI on March 11, lis ng
in Canada and the US against the company, seeking
approximately $9.7 million in liabili es, including $1.0
aggregate damages of at least $500.0 million. Despite
million to Cannoleum and $1.9 million to Schilthuis
efforts to address Health Canada's findings and concerns
Construc on. In early 2019, the company's co-founder
by implemen ng a remedia on plan, the company has
and CEO stepped down, and a subsequent forensic
had no revenue since July 2019 and recent global
inves ga on ini ated by new management revealed that
developments - including an oil price shock and the
over $14.0 million had allegedly been misappropriated,
COVID-19 pandemic - have made it even more difficult
and the company is now facing a severe liquidity crisis.
for the company to a ract new financing or strategic partners.
13) February 14, 2020. Eureka 93 (CSE:ERKA), an O awa, Ontario-based cannabis company that operates one of
11) March 19, 2020. Pure Global Cannabis (TSXV:PURE),
the largest hemp cul va on and CBD extrac on
which is engaged in the produc on and sale of cannabis
opera ons in North America, along with its subsidiaries -
products in Canada with its subsidiaries (collec vely,
Ar va, LiveWell Foods Canada, and Vitality CBD Natural
"Pure Global Group"), obtained protec on under the
Health Products (collec vely, the "Group") - filed an NOI
CCAA on March 19. Pure Global Group's primary assets
on February 14, lis ng approximately $28.2 million in
are two real proper es in Brampton, Ontario owned by
liabili es. At the end of December 2017, Ar va, Eureka
its subsidiaries, 237A Advance and 237B Advance, on
93's only opera ng company, acquired a large vegetable
which the group's produc on and warehouse facili es
farm that it intended to retrofit for the cul va on,
are located (the "Brampton Proper es"). In 2018, the
processing, and distribu on of cannabis, but it has run out
company and its primary opera ng subsidiary, PureSine,
of cash and cannot complete construc on.
issued secured debentures and entered into a collateral agency agreement with Cancor Debt Agency. A year
14) February 13, 2020. Invictus MD Strategies (TSX-V:
later, the group's precarious liquidity situa on caused it
GENE), a Vancouver, Bri sh Columbia-based cannabis
to miss a payment that was due under the debentures
company, along with certain other related companies,
that the company had issued to certain debenture
obtained protec on under the CCAA on February 13.
Several factors contributed to the company's liquidity
poten al IPO, the company devoted significant
issues. First, it was unsuccessful in obtaining addi onal
amounts of capital to expansion efforts in order to keep
financing to complete a custom-built cul va on facility.
pace with other licensed producers in a highly
Second, the strains of cannabis that are currently being
harvested by Acreage - the company's primary opera ng
changing market sen ments towards the cannabis
en ty - are not in demand as they do not have sufficient
industry, however, the IPO did not transpire. As an
potency. While Acreage is currently in the process of
alterna ve, the company was in talks to secure a
changing over its plants to those with a higher level of
substan al debt financing package, but the poten al
potency, these plants will not be ready to harvest un l
lender also backed away. With no liquidity to fund
mid-April 2020. Finally, the company's revenues have
ongoing opera ons, the company will look to run a sales
decreased due, in part, to lower consumer demand and
and investment solicita on process while under
market satura on. The company currently owes
creditor protec on.
ve and capital intensive industry. As a result of
approximately $10.6 million to ATB Financial and $5.3 million to Authen c Brands, a New York-based brand
17) October 29, 2019. DionyMed Brands (CSE: DYME), a
management company.
Vancouver, Bri sh Columbia-based cannabis company, was placed in receivership on October 29 on applica on
15) December 2, 2019. Wayland Group (CSE: WAYL), an
by GLAS Americas, owed, together with certain other
Oakville, Ontario-based licensed cannabis producer,
lenders, approximately $24.8 million. The company
obtained protec on under the CCAA on December 2.
generated its revenue primarily in the United States,
Cash flow nega ve from its opera ons since incep on,
selling a por olio of wholly-owned and third-party
the company has relied on equity and debt financing for
brands to over 800 retail dispensaries in California,
funding. The company is in the process of expanding its
Oregon and Nevada, as well as providing a direct-to-
flagship produc on facility in Langston, Ontario, but
consumer cannabis delivery service. Despite strong
requires addi onal funding, which has proven extremely
growth, the company was unprofitable; in the first 6
challenging to obtain. A cease trade order was issued in
months of the year it recorded a nega ve opera ng cash
May 2019 as result of the company's failure to file its
flow of $17.2 million on $34.4 million of revenue. Efforts
2018 audited financial statements, and as such, the
in recent months to raise addi onal capital were
company cannot raise further funds from the issuance of
unsuccessful and the company's secured lenders were
securi es. Without audited financial statements, it has
unwilling to provide addi onal funds without a court-
also proven difficult to raise debt financing. Efforts have
supervised process geared to obtaining a permanent
been made over the past 18 months to mone ze the
solu on to the company's capital structure and
company's assets outside of an insolvency proceeding,
but these have been unsuccessful. 18) September 19, 2019. Cura ve Cannabis, an early 16) December 2, 2019. AgMedica, a Chatham, Ontario-
stage cannabis cul va on company that is in the
based licensed cannabis producer, obtained protec on
process of building a facility in Chatham, Ontario, was
under the CCAA on December 2. In an cipa on of a
placed in receivership on September 19 on applica on
by Auxly Cannabis Group, owed approximately $16.2
revenue is largely dependent on its holding the
million. The company's facility is approximately 90%
necessary licences. In September 2018, Health Canada
complete and it has submi ed its applica on for a
par ally suspended the company's cannabis licences,
cul va on license. The company's loan from Auxly,
which are held by its subsidiary Agrima Botanicals, as a
which was used to finance the acquisi on of the
result of Agrima's failure to meet certain compliance
Chatham land and the construc on of the facility,
requirements. In November 2018, Health Canada
matured in August 2019 and the company has been
further no fied Agrima of its inten on to revoke its
unable to refinance the loan or otherwise put forward
licences for alleged contraven ons of the Cannabis Act.
a proposal acceptable to Auxly.
Due to Health Canada's suspension and proposed revoca on of the company's cannabis licences, the
19) March 1, 2019. Ascent Industries (CSE:ASNT),
company is no longer able to legally produce or
which is in the business of cul va ng, producing,
distribute cannabis in Canada. This has decimated the
processing, developing and distribu ng cannabis and
company's ability to generate posi ve cash flow, and is
cannabis-based products in Bri sh Columbia and
the primary cause of its financial difficul es and
Nevada, US, filed for protec on under the CCAA on
corresponding insolvency. In addi on, the suspension
March 1, owing approximately $7.0MM to Gulf Bridge,
and proposed revoca on of the licences has made it
a Cayman Islands-based company. Since cannabis is a
virtually impossible for the company to raise money
regulated product, the company's ability to generate
through the capital markets to resolve its liquidity problems.
A North Okanagan-based cannabis company that made
Leaf’s CEO and CFO from trading shares in the company.
a big splash with the construc on of a 18,000-square-
True Leaf says it is working with auditors to file its
foot facility in Lumby has been mired in bankruptcy
financial statements. The management stop-trade order
proceedings. The True Leaf campus in Lumby was
does not prevent regular trading of the stock, which is
designed to cul vate, process and sell cannabis, but has
currently si ng at four cents on the CSE.
been si ng idle for some
me now. Recently, the
company provided an update to shareholders on its
On Sept. 10, True Leaf's Allen Fujimoto resigned as
restructuring and series of proposals made to creditors
interim chief execu ve officer and chief restructuring
in an effort to exit bankruptcy. All three True Leaf Brands
officer. Melissa Ve ore
Inc. subsidiaries — True Leaf, True Leaf Cannabis Inc.
secretary. Founder Darcy Bomford took over both
(“TLC”) and True Leaf Investments Corp. — filed those
posi ons. The B.C. cannabis company is now ready,
excited to harvest 60,000 plants this fall. The company’s
also resigned as corporate
founder said the business has secured new investment According to a True Leaf press release, the goal of the
and has made proposals to creditors to get out of
proposals is to see Canguard Mortgage Investment
creditor protec on and avoid bankruptcy. “This process
Corpora on “acquire the assets and the shares of the
allows the company to restructure,” True Leaf founder
companies and allow for the companies to emerge from
Darcy Bomford said. “A lot of the debts will hopefully be
their respec ve proposal proceedings.” True Leaf has
se led for a sum of money. New capital will come into
already sold off its pet care division in a deal announced
the company and it will be reorganized and restart.”
at the end of August. While True Leaf’s proposals s ll needs approval from True Leaf remains under a temporary management
creditors and the court, Bomford is hopeful that the
cease trade order, which it requested from the BC
business will soon be back on track to produce cannabis
Securi es Commission a er missing the deadline to file
in the North Okanagan.
audited financial statements. The order prevents True
UNLOCKING THE FULL GENETIC POTENTIAL OF EVERY PLANT An Oregon Grower tells us about his Experience with Onit Sciences. His experience using Onit on Cannabis plants has been very posi ve.
‘My regimen is a foliar spray on the plants star ng at the cloning stage (when they are in the cloner) through the vegeta ve phase.’ My applica on rate is 13 ml / gallon. My applica on period is every 5-7 days. I con nue the applica on interval and rate when they enter the flowering phase for about 5 weeks, or un l I am a month out from harves ng. I always apply Onit at least an hour before the lights go on, giving the leaves mes to dry off. The Results! I am witnessing for Cannabis - a 12% increase in yield, or about 0.13 lbs per plant. This has been over 4 harvests in a indoor se ng using a coco fiber growth medium.
UNLOCKING THE FULL GENETIC POTENTIAL OF EVERY PLANT An Ontario Grower tells us about his Experience with Onit Sciences. “I had tried Onit on my plants and could not believe a er one applica on the improvements seen in only 24 hours. I then tried Onit in the garden and the results were unbelievable. “ Another Grower tells us that he had tried Onit on his plant and could not believe a er one applica on the improvements seen in only 24 hours. “I then had some friends try it on anything they were growing and every single person had posi ve results. “
He has found 12 people to share it with and has yet to find one person that has not seen instant results and higher yield. “I love the stuff and now am selling it! Where has Onit been all my life? This stuff is amazing. I had some house plants that were on the way out and with no hope of coming back and tried Onit and you would not believe it the plants came back to life. We had tried everything before to get the plants back to a healthy state and not un l Onit was spayed on the leaves that the plants started to make a comeback. I then tried it in the garden and wow the garden took right off. I have included pictures of the radish to explain because words don't do jus ce. “
P Ramsey From the Heartland’s fertile prairies to the sun-baked soil of the Southwest, ield testing of the ONIT Grow™ formulation has con irmed: Ÿ Shorter Plant Germination Time Ÿ Improved Disease & Drought Resistance Ÿ Increased Plant Growth Ÿ Higher Crop Yields
Organic non GMO all natural non-toxic ONIT Grow™ is a registered organic input that enhances plant and soil health naturally. Real-world results
organic matter carbon source. It is a non-ionic import with bene icial soil health and plant stimulant properties. Ÿ It is used as a nanosurfactant additive to nutrient or fertilizer s o l u t i o n s .
ONIT Grow™ has been proven effective at augmenting plant health on crops around the world. It is the perfect adjunct to any organic input protocol, increasing pest and disease resistance and increasing quality and yield. ONIT Science’s lagship product, ONIT Grow™ is a plant-based extract that is all natural, organic, non-toxic, non-GMO, non-ionic, carcinogen-free, biodegradable and safe for use in conjunction with any input protocol and in all growing conditions. The application of ONIT Grow™ ampli ies the natural capacity of a plant's capacity to absorb nutrients through leaves and stems while s t re n g t h e n i n g ro o t d eve l o p m e n t a n d enhancing soil uptake. By rapid nutrient transport at the cellular level, resulting in improved photosynthesis and increased absorption of the primary keys to growth: water, sugars, and minerals. Onnit Sciences Flagship product ONIT Grow™ is a proprietary input technology that utilizes a groundbreaking non-GMO, all organic formulation to dramatically enhance Co-op growth by stimulating the nutrients and water uptake in plants. ONIT Grow™ is formulated with the highest quality, puri ied and activated
Ÿ Breaks surface tension of leaves and soil, allowing plants to breathe Ÿ Penetrate cellular wall and injects directly into c h l o r o p l a s t s Ÿ Converts nutrients into a recognizable form Ÿ Enhances chlorophyll production for greener and healthier leaves Ÿ Improves enzymatic process to stimulate p l a n t i m m u n e s y s t e m Onit Sciences mission is to revolutionize agricultural production with proprietorial Organic Natural Input Technologies that are all natural, organic and non-GMO. ANY SOIL. A N Y REGION. ANY TIME.
Nano-surfactant. Emulsifier. Adjuvant. We er. Soil Condi oner.
Organic non GMO all natural non-toxic Onit is a non-onic import with bene icial soil health and plant stimulant properties. Ÿ It is used as a nanosurfactant additive to n u t r i e n t o r fe r t i l i z e r s o l u t i o n s .
Southwest, ield testing of the ONIT Grow™ formulation has con irmed: Ÿ S h o r t e r P l a n t
Germination Time Ÿ Improved Disease & Drought Resistance
Ÿ Breaks surface tension of leaves and soil, allowing plants to breathe
Ÿ Increased Plant Growth
Ÿ Penetrate cellular wall and
Ÿ H i g h e r C ro p Y i e l d s
injects directly into c h l o r o p l a s t s Ÿ Converts nutrients into a recognizable form Ÿ Enhances chlorophyll production for greener and healthier leaves Ÿ Improves enzymatic process to stimulate plant immune s y s t e m Onit Sciences mission is to revolutionize agricultural production with proprietorial Organic Natural Input Technologies that are all natural, organic and non-GMO.
ONIT Grow’s unique formulation has been tested and proven effective in the commercial agriculture sector around the world in the most demanding conditions, from South East Asia to Central and South America to right here in North America. ONIT Grow™ has been helping farmers grow healthier, more productive crops through Organic N a t u r a l I n p u t Technologies. With realworld results!
ONIT Grow™ has been From the Heartland’s p r o v e n e ff e c t i v e a t fertile prairies to the sun- augmenting plant health b a k e d s o i l o f t h e on crops around the world.
It is the perfect adjunct to a n y o r g a n i c i n p u t protocol, increasing pest and disease resistance and increasing quality and yield. Master grower, 25+ years’ experience " I ex p e r i e n ce d a 2 6 % increase in bloom yield a n d 1 7 % o v e r a l l v e g e t a t i v e g r o w t h i n c r e a s e i n m y hy d r o grow.” Master grower, 10+ years experience “Foliage was noticeably lusher with a darker green colour… stalks and joints of t h e b r a n c h i n g w e r e noticeably thicker and “ b u l k i e r,” i n d i c a t i n g o v e r a l l s t r e n g t h a n d health was increased.” Master grower, 10+ years experience
Join us on Thursday, 29October at 2:00 pm ET / 11:00 am PT for GROWUP LIVE - Presented by Heliospectra. This free webinar is designed for Clevel execu ves and cul va on teams to be er understand the rela onship between Key Performance Indicators ( K P I s ) , e nv i ro n m e nta l controls, and cannabis crop performance. An engaging discussion with cul va on and produc on experts will help you build consistent, quality yields and dis nct retail brands.
Ÿ Evaluate investment and cul va on equipment purchase decisions – and the poten al impact on finished products Ÿ Be er understand best prac ces and SOPs for growing environments to standardize chemical profiles, tes ng results and label literacy at retail Ÿ I d e n f y h ow c ro p inputs and controls during cul va on influence terpenes, cannabinoids, and quality of dried flower
Ÿ Growing environments for peak plant performance, quality, and yields Ÿ Micro cul va on and cra c a n n a b i s i n C a n a d a ’s expanding marketplace Ÿ Balance old school growing methodologies with new technologies and hybrid gene cs Ÿ HPS versus LED ligh ng strategies for consistent produc on cycles and harvest
The Growup Conference, Awards and Expo is finally coming back for a 3-day B2B C o n fe re n c e , E x p o a n d Awards show, June 14-16, 2021, at the Victoria Conven on Centre as they intend to host hundreds of cannabis-industry experts on the west coast and provide workshops and presenta ons on a wide range of topics. The Grow Up Conference and Expo is currently booking presenters and session topics are being developed. Exhibitor space will fill up fast, so register early. “If you are working in any aspect of the cannabis industry in Canada, there will be something you can take away from the Grow Up Conference and Expo”
n October 17, 2018, Canada became the first G7 na on to legalize recrea onal cannabis. The federal government put the Cannabis Act in place “to keep cannabis out of the hands of youth, to keep profits out of the pockets of criminals, and to protect public health and safety by allowing adults access to legal cannabis.” The new legal status of cannabis in Canada presented retailers with a tremendous opportunity to become first movers in a space that was newly regulated. But se ng up a legal cannabis retail business was not without its challenges.
“The cannabis industry has definitely overcome numerous challenges and evolved in the past two years, and Merrco has grown along with it,” said Fern Glowinsky, President and CEO of Merrco. “Now more than ever, during the COVID-19 pandemic, all businesses are seeking ways to offer safe supply and payment op ons to help protect consumers and support industry growth. Merrco has curated a unique, highly valuable ecosystem of technology partners to offer omnichannel payment solu ons to the cannabis sector. We will con nue inves ng in our payment pla orm and working closely with our partners as we navigate this next chapter of the industry together.”
THE CANNABIS INDUSTRY'S GROWING PAINS When the clock struck midnight on October 17, 2018, provinces with retail stores saw huge customer line-ups, with those hoping to be among the first to buy legal recrea onal cannabis. Government offices also had long, virtual line-ups of businesses applying for retail licenses to sell legal cannabis. At the same me, licensed producers were naviga ng compliance requirements touching all aspects of the supply chain. The demand soon led to chronic supply shortages, frustra ng customers and retailers alike. Another challenge for retailers was compliance. Fulfilling the requirements of inventory management, point of sale management systems and payment processing, as well as a compliant store flow, was necessary to opera ng a legal cannabis retail business. Not only did retailers need to have all the vital technology systems in their stores, but all the components had to be integrated to ensure an accurate view of what's happening across their business. Against this backdrop, Merrco provided its payment processing
solu on to retailers and producers in the legal cannabis industry, quickly becoming Canada's leading cannabis payment solu on provider. Merrco's payment services are integrated with the leading cannabis point-of-sale, seed-to-sale and ecommerce pla orms, making it simple for merchants to have robust, compliant and secure payment processing solu ons in a shi ing regulatory landscape, at both the federal and provincial levels. Anne Forkutza, the VP of Strategic Partnerships for Cova said, “Despite the bumps in the road with licensing and rollout strategy in cannabis retail, it's s ll incredible to be living in a country where cannabis is federally legal. It's a privilege to even be in a situa on where we can debate about all the ways our country got it wrong or
legal. It's a privilege to even be in a situa on where we can debate about all the ways our country got it wrong or right.”
points, whether it's shopping in stores or online; and providing convenient delivery or curbside pickup op ons.
WHAT WE LEARNED FROM THE PANDEMIC In March of 2020, the op mis c outlook for cannabis sales ran into the coronavirus pandemic which brought the country and the world to a screeching halt. Cannabis retail stores, among other essen al businesses, were allowed to remain open and had to quickly adopt socialdistancing, reduced customer footprints and other in-store protec ve measures. In some provinces, brick-and-mortar stores were allowed to accept click-andcollect orders online with curbside pickup and home delivery. With the new available op ons of customer interac on and sales channels, legal cannabis retailers discovered the power of reaching customers through their preferred access
Commen ng on the evolving cannabis industry, Ross Lipson Cofounder and CEO of Dutchie said: “The cannabis space is extremely fast moving, and can change on a dime. It's important to be agile and adapt to the space as it changes. The game is long and we are only in the first inning. We have to make sure that we provide long term value to customers that will stand the test of me!”
With curbside pickup and delivery (where provincial laws allow). Customers can now use a website or an app to see what inventory is available at different cannabis retailers, place an order and then go pick it up or have it delivered. Despite the pandemic, cannabis sales have not suffered as they have in other business sectors, buoyed by the innova ve ways that government and cannabis businesses responded to the situa on. Alberta, for example, saw an increase in cannabis sales since the pandemic began. While Ontario, with its mu ch larger popula on, recorded higher sales in the first four months of 2020, Alberta recorded the highest sales in the country, in April and May of 2020.
Commen ng on the industry growth, Albert Kim, CEO Greenline POS said, "While Greenline POS has seen incredible growth in both the industry and our business in the past two
years, I truly feel that we're just ge ng started. Most provinces outside of Alberta have very low cannabis retail store densi es, and business rela onships could be taken to the next level with poten al directto-retailer sales in places like BC. Consumers are con nuously warming up to legal products a er two years of transi oning off the gray market, and that shows in the cannabis retail sales numbers from Sta s cs Canada." THE FUTURE LOOKS BRIGHT The cannabis business sector seems to have come out stronger a er facing huge challenges. Some es mates from an Arcview Market Research report on the cannabis market in North America, predict that the total Canadian cannabis market, including medical and recrea onal cannabis products, will generate up to $7 billion in sales by the end of 2020, with $2 to $4 billion in the legal recrea onal market alone. “It's s ll early-days for cannabis, and there's plenty of opportunity for the right products and teams to become industry main-stays. Exis ng operators should do their best to give innovators a chance to enter the space and make a posi ve impact,” said Ryan Lalonde CEO and founder of Buddi.
As the Canadian cannabis industry changes, Merrco will evolve and con nue to innovate along with it. Merrco has curated a unique, highly valuable ecosystem of technology partners to oer merchants payment solu ons that integrate with the leading technology solu ons across the cannabis sector.
at the point of sale. Merrco is the only payments company delivering innova ve payment solu ons like retail, ecommerce, click and collect and gi cards tailored to the cannabis industry. Our team of experts are con nuously looking for ways to crea vely solve payment needs for merchants by making payments smarter, simpler every step of the way. Visit www.merrco.com for more About Merrco Payments Inc. Merrco is a payment processing informa on. provider founded in 2016 that develops and delivers technology, For more informa on visit us at ďŹ nancial services and payment www.merrco.ca. www.merrco.ca solu ons to merchant customers to enable them to accept credit, debit and alterna ve payments online and
With Fall in full swing it's hard not to make everything APPLE! We have so many local apple farmers here in the Niagara Region, with so many varie es the recipes are endless. Buying local has benefits beyond mere convenience. When you support local business owners, you get a be er level of service, as well as helping make your community a be er place to live. This year I started off with some classic Apple Cinnamon tarts and some Apple pie cookies, which are sure to please no ma er where you go, Infused or Not, always a crowd pleaser. APPLE CINNAMON TARTS (For this recipe we will use prepared tart shells)
Crusts 1 package prepared tart shells 1tsp INFUSED bu er
- Pre-heat the oven to 350 and bake your prepared tart shells for 15-20min (or un l brown) -Remove from oven & while s ll warm, brush with melted infused bu er
Filling 2 cups diced apples 1 tablespoons lemon juice 1⁄4 cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1⁄4 teaspoon nutmeg, to your taste 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, to your taste 1/4 cup apple juice or water
- Sprinkle lemon juice over apples in saucepan. -Mix next four ingredients together and add to apples. -Mix well. -Add very hot juice to pan, (I microwave juice for 2 minutes) cook, s rring constantly un l thickened. -Remove from heat and cool Once tart shells are done and filling has cooled down, fill the tart shells with the apple mixture and place back into oven for 10min or un l desired warmth. Serve with ice cream or on its own!
NOW BOOKING AD PAGES & CONTENT FOR THE FIRST FEW ISSUES OF CANADA’ S ONLY PSYCHEDELIC FOCUSED MAGAZINE Be a part of a unique media experience dedicated to health & wellness, plant medicine and the study and current state of psychedelics in Canada and beyond. This new monthly printed and digital magazine launches on December 1st 2020 and we cannot wait to start sharing all the amazing treatment oriented research that is currently taking place. For more information email psychedeliccanada@gmail.com Visit us online at www.instagram.com/psychedeliccanadamagazine
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