High Desert Pets August 2013

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High Desert Pet Services,

Crossword and Word Search Puzzles, Coloring Page, and More

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For Desert Dispatch advertising information, call 1-760-256-2257 For Desert Dispatch subscription information, call 1-760-256-8589


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father Bob Anderson came along — as well as crates, food, and accessories for two big dogs — they were taking Elliott, of course, plus a Greater Mountain Swiss named Luke. They headed off to the Right Coast to compete at Westminster. In years past, Westminster was limited to 2,500 dogs that had earned their AKC Championship titles. The limit was primarily because of the show’s location, Madison Square Garden. This year the entries increased to 3,200 dogs because the breed shows, otherwise known as the “daytime activities,” were held about 25 blocks away at Piers 92-94, a “trade show and special event venue” that provided more room for the dogs, their crates, and their stuff. Spectators were welcome, of course, and everyone had a chance to root for their favorite breed or dog and see the competitors up

close and personal. Elliott and his contingent arrived in New York just in time for winter storm Nemo. Sherri knew the storm was coming, so there was no sightseeing or side trips along the way. Flights were being canceled, so it was important to get to New York before roads were closed. They ran into snow in New Jersey when they dropped off Luke, and once they came out of the tunnel into New York, they were met with rain. The snow was right behind them, so they found their hotel and the bellhop was, in Sherri’s word, “wonderful.” He supervised the unloading, and gave her directions to a nearby “stacking” garage — her truck with its shell was too tall to go down to the hotel’s garage. While Bob stayed behind with all the stuff, Sherri put Elliott in the J<< <CC@FKK E<JJ G8>< (-

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is full name, with particulars, is GCH CH McGuires Elliott Ness. “GCH” stands for “Grand Champion.” Elliott is a Bloodhound, owned and often shown by Sherri McGuire of Hesperia. His other handler is Sherri’s daughter Selena McGuire. Elliott is no stranger to the bright lights of celebrity. He was cover dog — and centerfold — in the May 2012 edition of High Desert Pets, “A Handsome Hound in a Baggy Suit.” After he achieved Grand Champion status at an Arizona dog show last year, Elliott was invited to the Eukanuba Championships in in Florida in December and was eligible to attend Westminster Kennel Club’s prestigious show in New York City this year. Of course, taking a dog to Westminster is not something any owner does without careful consideration. It has been held every year for more than 125 years and is known as “America’s Dog Show.” From the beginning, Westminster was a “bench show,” allowing members to “compare their dogs in a setting away from the field.” Dogs are crated and remain on the showgrounds so other owners and breeders as well as the adoring public can see them outside the ring. Sherri thought long and hard about taking Elliott to Westminster. Besides the distance to New York, there were other considerations. “I had heard all kinds of horror stories about Westminster,” Sherri said. However, she and Selena decided to go. They packed their pickup with people stuff — Sherri’s

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On The Cover ...

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=\Xkli\[ Jkfip Xe[ :fm\i G\kj Do you have a pet with an interesting story, history or special talent and would like it to be featured in a future issue of High Desert Pets? If so, please send a photo and brief description of the pet and its story, plus a contact phone number to mbrown@vvdailypress.com There are four issues available per year (February, May, August and November), so not all applicants will be selected. If selected, Daily Press Special Sections will write a story and take photos of the pet to be featured.

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n many families, kids and pets get along famously. Many youngsters are natural born animal enthusiasts while pets tend to respond to kids’ gentle and loving nature. But the bond between kids and pets is one that develops over time, and parents welcoming a new pet into their home should know that this transition is not always easy. Teaching kids to treat pets with love and respect and watching pets to ensure kids are safe in their company can help calm parents’ nerves. The following tips, courtesy of the ASPCA,

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can ensure both kids and pets stay safe while building a strong bond and a healthy relationship. • Teach kids to protect themselves from overexcited pets. Pets, especially puppies, can easily become overexcited. This can be mistaken for aggressiveness, especially by kids who might be scared. Teach kids to protect themselves from overexcited pets, including dog bite prevention. If kids fear their dog might bite them, then teach them to roll into a ball, protect their hands and face and call for help. Running and screaming might upset

the dog, who then might go on the defensive. • Teach kids to recognize signs of aggression. Sometimes dogs will use body language to let people know they do not wish to be approached. Adults and kids alike should familiarize themselves with these mannerisms as a safety precaution. If these signals are ignored, then the dog might bite to protect itself. Signs of defensive aggression include: • ears back, pupils dilated • tail down and tensed • posture mildly crouched, weight over

rear legs • muzzle tense, wrinkled and snarling, and teeth exposed When a dog is exhibiting any of these signs, adults and kids should not approach the dog and let it cool down. • Keep kids’ toys away from pets and vice versa. Kids’ toys are not always pet-safe and pets’ toys are not always safe for kids. Separate the two and explain to kids that they should not use their toys when playing with pets. • Teach kids to respect a pet’s “safe spot.” Pets J<< B@;J G<KJ G8>< (,

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n 2012, Superstorm Sandy caused the catastrophic destruction of many residential areas up and down the eastern

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loss and damage that may force families and their pets into new living situations. Oftentimes, pets are not able to make the move and are surrendered to area shelters. A struggling economy has also taken its toll on pets. According to Hope Brustein, the executive director at the Geauga Humane Society in Ohio, many animals are brought to shelters because owners have lost their jobs or homes and tight budgets can no longer support them. Those who have lost their homes and need to relocate may not be able to bring their pets along. The ASPCA estimates 5 to 7 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year. Shelter intakes are generally evenly divided between animals that are relinquished by owners and those picked up by animal control. There are no firm statistics on how many animals are surrendered to shelters in Canada, but the Winnipeg Humane Society alone takes in 8,000 to 9,000 animals each year. Although the number of animals entering shelters continues to rise, so do the number of adoptions. This is in part to the publicity campaigns of many area shelters

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as well as the grassroots efforts of people communicating via social media. Animal adoption announcements are frequently posted on Facebook, and many shelters now have their own online presence to alert the public to the plight of animals in the shelter. Petfinder.com remains one of the largest databases of searchable pets available for adoption, boasting more than 374,000 pets from nearly 14,000 adoption groups. Parties interested in pet adoption are urged to visit their local shelters first and inquire about the available animals. Some shelters have stringent adoption guidelines and will not entertain an inquiry without the completion of a form and a background check. People who are interested in adopting a breed-specific animal can contact rescue organizations that specialize in these types of animals. Some shelters will pay for shipment of the animal, while others require adoption candidates make their own travel arrangements. A variety of situations have increased the number of animals in shelters awaiting adoption. — Metro

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healthy pet is a happy pet, and responsible pet owners know that their beloved pets’ health rests largely on the owners’ shoulders. Ensuring a pet is healthy over the long haul can be quite simple. While some pets may develop medical conditions that require more attention, the following are a few simply ways pet owners can keep their pets healthy. • Don’t skip visits to the veterinarian. Unlike humans, pets can’t speak for themselves, so it’s quite possible that a pet could be hurting or dealing with a medical condition while its owner has no idea. Annual veterinary checkups can help avoid such situations, and the vet might notice a developing condition before it becomes anything serious. If a pet’s behavior suddenly changes, then schedule a veterinarian visit as soon as possible, as this behaviorial change could be indicative of a medical issue. • Prioritize vaccinations. Vaccinations can protect a pet from a host of ailments, including rabies, distemper and Lyme disease. New pet owners who adopted a pet from a rescue organization should get documentation about the animal’s past vaccinations (certified kennels typically provide such documentation at the time of adoption). If there is no such documentation or if there are documents showing the pet received certain vaccinations but not necessarily all of its vaccinations, take the pet to the veterinarian and have the animal receive those vaccinations that aren’t documented. • Spay or neuter the pet. The ASPCA notes that spaying or neutering a pet is a preventive measure that can help a pet in the long haul. Spaying, or removing the ovaries and uterus of a female dog or cat, can prevent diseases, such as breast cancer and pyometra, as well as infection and keep the animal from going into heat. Neutering a male a dog or cat before it reaches six

months can reduce the likelihood that the animal will behave aggressively while helping to prevent testicular cancer, diseases of the prostate and hernias. • Help the pet fight heartworm. Heartworm isn’t easy to treat, but it is easily prevented. Cat owners should speak to their veterinarian about heartworm and the best course of action, as cats are less likely to develop heartworm than dogs, who are natural hosts for the infection. Dogs should be tested for heartworm annually in the early spring, and the veterinarian might prescribe a preventive medication the dog will take once per month. How long the dog must take the medication depends on the dog and the veterinarian, but dog owners should heed the vet’s advice. • Get your pet off the couch. Humans should not be couch potatoes, and neither should their pets. Regular exercise burns calories while increasing muscle mass and improving cardiovascular strength. Dog owners should know that how much exercise their dog needs depends on its breed, age, sex and physical condition, so discuss a proper exercise regimen with your veterinarian. Cats need exercise, too, and cat owners should also discuss the specifics with their vet. — Metro

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the ideal weight can vary from dog to dog. A body condition score is helpful in determining a pet’s ideal body weight. Some indications a dog may not be at a healthy weight include: • a belly that hangs below the rib cage area • a belly that moves when the dog moves, unless the dog is pregnant or has just given birth • inability of the owner or vet to feel the dog’s ribs in the rib cage • a waddle of skin on the neck of dogs where excess skin isn’t indicative of the breed • no visual indication of dog’s waist • inability of the owner or vet to feel the bones near the base of the tail • a less active lifestyle, including avoiding exercise and play • excessive panting Keeping a dog in shape is one of the best things you can do for your pet. But what if your dog already has packed on a few unnecessary pounds? It’s time to start a canine fitness routine and follow some other guidelines. • Talk to your veterinarian. Obesity could be the result of eating too much or inactivity, but it also can be a sign of a serious condition. If a routine exam and blood work come up normal, then you can begin a plan for helping Fido shed the weight. • Consider a new food.There are many different types of foods on the market, including low-calorie options. Some foods contain extra fiber to help the dog feel fuller without having eaten as much. Also, umans are not the only animals look for foods with lean protein sources that may get a bit pudgy around without grains and other filler. the middle and tip the scale in the • Break up the feeding schedule. wrong direction. Man’s best friend also Instead of one large meal a day, feed your may put on some extra pounds, necessitat- dog two or three smaller portions of food, ing a workout plan to get back into shape. which will help keep his metabolism going According to the Association for Pet all day long. Obesity Prevention, 53 percent of adult • Become joint joggers. Jogging with a dogs in the United States are classified as dog can become an enjoyable pastime that overweight or obese by their veterinarians. enables you both to get exercise and stay Yet, pet owners are sometimes unaware in shape. that their prized pooches are overweight. • Take up swimming. Many dogs are Overweight dogs and cats face some of natural lovers of water, and swimming is an the same health risks as overweight men effective, low-impact exercise. and women. Musculoskeletal problems, such • Teach your dog tricks. Physical as degenerative joint diseases, and back tricks, like fetching a ball or rolling over, problems have been linked to obesity, as have can keep dogs active. heart disease and respiratory problems. • Go for long walks. Take your dog with Diabetes and heat or exercise intolerance you wherever you go. The more he or she is are other side effects of being overweight. up and moving, the less chance there is to But a pet’s weight is not the lone sleep and be lazy. indicator of how healthy the animal is, and — Metro

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High Desert Pets Gallery

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"Birdie” and “Mylie” M. of Apple Valley


"Chloe" of Apple Valley "Cloey" N. of Hesperia

“Gerry” and “Geoff" M. of Oak Hills

"Mystic" of Apple Valley

"Grizzly” and “Pigeon" G. of Victor Valley

"Lady” and “Pretty Girl" of Apple Valley


"Onslow" of Apple Valley

"Pepe” W. of Helendale


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“Doogie” S. of Hesperia

"Duke" M. of Apple Valley

ggie” and “Kallie" C. of Hesperia

x" M. of Apple Valley

"Garfield" and “Odietta” of Apple Valley

"Molly” and “Gordy" W. of Apple Valley

"Mawi” B. of Oak Hills

"Rocko" C. of Hesperia

"Mollie" B. of Victorville If you have a cute photo of your pet and would like it to be considered for the gallery, please e-mail a medium file size (500 kb or larger) JPEG to mbrown@vvdailypress.com — be sure to include High Desert Pets Gallery in the subject line. Also include the pet's name and city in the body of the e-mail.

"Tootsie" M. of Apple Valley

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ominika" and “Kiko” of Phelan

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arsh weather conditions can threaten the health of anyone, including the family pet. This is especially so in the summertime, when animals can easily and quickly get dehydrated. Extreme temperatures in the summer force many pet owners to keep their pets indoors during the daytime. But there are ways pets can survive a sizzling summer and still enjoy some fun in the sun. Pet owners can take the following precautions as the mercury rises so their favorite four-legged friends are not confined to the house when summer hits full swing. • Be attentive at all times. Pets do not hide their emotions well, and a pet that is struggling with the heat is bound to exhibit some symptoms. According to the ASPCA, symptoms of heat stroke in pets include: - excessive panting or difficulty breathing - increased heart rate - drooling - mild weakness - stupor - collapse Each of these indicates a pet might

be overheating, and a pet might also suffer from seizures, bloody diarrhea and vomiting when its body temperature is too high. When taking a pet outdoors in the heat, people should be mindful of these symptoms and be attentive to the animal’s condition at all times. • Trim the animal’s coat. Long hair in the summertime can make things very uncomfortable for your pet. Hair cut to about one inch can help prevent overheating. When trimming the animal’s coat, do not cut closer than one inch, as anything less than an inch likely won’t provide any protection from the sun. • Only visit areas with ample shade. Areas that are without shade, such as a beach or wide open park, are not good spots to walk a pet in the summertime. Pets can easily overheat when exposed to hot summer sun, even if it’s only for a few minutes. Only go for walks in areas with ample shade so pets can still get outdoors but get only limited exposure to the hot summer sun. • Don’t take pets on chore runs. Many pet owners like to take their pets with them when they’re doing chores, such as dropping mail off at the post

office or picking up a prescription at the pharmacy. Such chores may take just a few minutes, but those few minutes in a hot car can prove deadly for pets. Pets should never be left alone in a car on a hot day, when the car can quickly reach extreme temperatures. Some regions have even made it illegal to leave pets in unattended cars on hot days. • Steer clear of asphalt on hot days. Pet owners know enough not to walk on hot asphalt without shoes on, and they should take the same precautions with their pets. The padding on pets’ feet can suffer considerably from hot asphalt, and this can prove very painful to animals. When walking pets on a hot day, avoid asphalt, which can cause pets’ body temperature to rise considerably, especially smaller pets whose bodies are closer to the ground. Stick to the grass or other surfaces that don’t get so hot under the summer sun. Pets can overheat quickly and easily in the summertime. But pet owners who take a few precautionary measures can still take their pets out for some fun in the summer sun. — Metro


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• Use biodegradable bags to scoop waste. Biodegradable bags are a much more earth-friendly option than reusing a plastic bag from the grocery store. That’s because, unlike a plastic grocery bag, a biodegradable bag naturally decomposes, significantly reducing landfill waste. While no pet owner enjoys picking up after their four-legged friends, doing so in a way that’s more eco-friendly can give conscientious pet owners more peace of mind. • Go organic. The organic food movement has become more popular at dinner tables across the globe, so why not let pets get in on the trend as well? Organic pet foods are typically free of artificial flavors and colorings and are produced without the use of hormones or chemicals. • Don’t take the outdoors inside. Many homeowners use products like pesticides in their yard in an attempt to make their lawns appear as lush as possible. When possible, avoid the use of such products so pets can roam and play in a chemical-free environment. If you simply must use pesticides or









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any pet owners take caring for their pets very seriously, carefully monitoring their pets’ diets, making visits to the veterinarian a part of their routine and ensuring their furry friends get plenty of exercise. In return, those pet owners get unconditional love and loyalty from their pets. Though pets and pet owners can benefit from proper pet care, there’s a third party that can benefit as well. When pet care is conducted in an eco-friendly way, the planet reaps as many rewards as pets and their owners. The following are a few ways pet owners can incorporate some eco-friendly practices into their pet care.


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Crossword Puzzle … Word Search …

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Answers for Puzzles on Page 14 Hint: The words to these puzzles can be found in various stories/features throughout this issue of High Desert Pets.

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High Desert Pets Coloring Page The Apple Valley Kennel Club is providing High Desert Pets with a regular coloring page sponsored by the Daily Press and the Apple Valley Kennel Club.

Students from Kindergarten through grade 4 can submit colored pages for prizes by mailing them to Apple Valley Kennel Club, 8363 White Road, Phelan, CA 92371.


Winners will receive a variety of fun prizes. Contestants need to provide a name and contact phone number.


For more information contact Carol Parker at 818-259-9671.


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Crossword Puzzle and Word Search Answers 8:IFJJ

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(-% Fm\in\`^_k [f^j f]k\e _Xm\ VVVV gifYc\dj% Health (.% VVVVVVVV `j X ^ff[ nXp ]fi [f^j kf cfj\ n\`^_k n`k_ k_\`i fne\ij% Jogging (/% E`ZbeXd\ ]fi E\n Pfib ) nfi[j Big Apple ;FNE (% È8d\i`ZXËj ;f^ J_fn%É Westminster )% B\\g pfli [f^Ëj ZfXk kf XYflk VVV `eZ_ `e c\e^k_ `e jldd\i% One +% :_`c[i\e ZXe k\XZ_ k_\`i [f^j VVVVV% Tricks .% 9i\\[ f] k_\ NB: dXjZfk% Pointer 0% ;f efk c\Xm\ pfli g\k `e X _fk VVV% Car ((% <Zf$]i`\e[cp g\k fne\ij _\cg Y\e\Ôk k_\ VVVVV% Planet (*% :fddfe gXiXj`k\ `e [f^j% Heartworm

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insecticides, be careful not to track them indoors. Remove any footwear you wore in the yard when entering your home so you aren’t tracking potentially harmful chemicals inside where they can put your pets’ health in jeopardy. • Take a stroll rather than a drive to the dog park. Many communities now have dog parks, where dogs can be let off their leashes and freely play with other dogs from the neighborhood. Rather than driving to the dog park, walk there to reduce your fuel consumption. If the dog park is a bit too far from


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home for you and your pet to walk there and back, determine if it’s possible to take your dog via bicycle instead. Riding a bicycle is great exercise, and it’s a much more eco-friendly way to travel

than driving. • Groom in a green-friendly way. Pet owners can even use green grooming products when cleaning their pets. Natural products can be just as effective as more

traditional pet shampoos, but natural products are not made with chemicals that can harm the environment and even harm your pet if the products are ingested. — Metro


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We Hope You Enjoy This Edition Of

Look For The Next Edition in November 2013 For Advertising Information Please Contact Your Advertising Consultant at 760-955-5346

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or toy if it behaves correctly, teach pets to sit in order to get their =IFD G8>< , reward, and teach kids that the pet must be sitmay need a “safe spot” to ting in order to earn its which they can retreat reward. This can keep and be sure no one will kids from being jumped follow them. These spots on or accidentally bitten are safe havens for pets, when a pet gets overexespecially those adopted cited by the sight of a toy from shelters who might or treat. It also teaches need more time to adjust pets that they can’t get to a new environment what they want simply than a puppy or kitten. by being physical. If Teach kids to respect the pet won’t sit, these “safe spots,” which then adults and kids might be a crate or a should walk away sleeping area, leaving without giving the pet pets alone when they its treat or toy. retreat to such areas. Parents who bring a Pets react defensively new pet into their home when others try to access often find the pet quickly their safe spots. becomes an irreplaceable • Teach kids and pets member of the household. rules for each game. But parents should still When playing reward take certain precautions to games, such as those protect kids and pets alike. when a pet gets a treat — Metro


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High Desert Pet Services SHELTERS • Apple Valley Animal Control & Shelter 22131 Powhatan Rd., Apple Valley Ph: 760-240-7000; Ext. 7555 for animal control/licenses; Ext. 7510 for the shelter. View adoptable animals at Website: www.applevalley.org

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• Barstow Humane Society 2480 E. Main St., Barstow Ph: 760-252-4800 Adoptions at the shelter and on weekends at Victorville PetSmart. • Hesperia Animal Control Shelter 11011 Santa Fe Avenue East, Hesperia Ph: 760-947-1700 View adoptable animals at Website: www.highdesertinsider.com • Victor Valley Animal Protective League (VVAPL) (The original

Shelter on Zuni Road) 21779 Zuni Road, Apple Valley Ph: 760-247-2102 View adoptable animals at Website: www.vvapl.com • San Bernardino County Devore Shelter 19777 Shelter Way, Devore Ph: 909-887-8055 or 800-472-5609 • San Bernardino County Shelter — High Desert 19575 Bear Valley Road, Apple Valley (next to Dog’s Day Inn boarding and grooming facility) Ph: 760-961-7535 Website: www.sbcounty.gov/acc

ADOPTION/ RESCUE GROUPS • German Shepherd Rescue of the High Desert www.gsrhd.com

E-mail: gsrhd@hotmail.com Ph: 760-565-8012. • Mustang-Spirit Equine Rescue P.O. Box 290640 Phelan, CA 92329 E-mail: info@mustang-spirit.org Website: www.mustang-spirit.org Ph: 888-267-0196 • North Star Pet Assistance E-mail: lindee33@charter.net Website: www.localrescue.org Ph: 760-953-3557

• Animal Emergency Clinic 12180 Ridgecrest Road, Ste. 122, Victorville Ph: 760-962-1122 Hours: Weekdays 6 p.m. to 8 a.m.; weekends noon Saturday through 8 a.m. Monday; holidays 24 hours

• Pets Forever Found Ph: 760-953-7140 www.PetsForeverFound.org Adoptions on Saturdays at Apple Valley PetSmart

three other dogs and six was Quiet Creeks Kill 6 across the country. people.” And Tell, the female who Motel 6 takes dogs and At the Bloodhound is usually Best of Breed offers an AKC-member =IFD G8>< * competition, Sherri wasn’t while Elliott is Best Opdiscount. nervous. “I wasn’t expect- posite. Sherri got tickets So what’s next for Elback seat and drove to the ing anything. I just wanted for the Hound group por- liott? Well, his latest litter garage. Parking was $60 him to put his tail up and tion of the show, but when of puppies was born a few a day. show well,” she said. “Kiss” did not win, they weeks ago and Sherri is Sherri and Elliott He did not disappoint. decided to pack up and considering taking him to walked back to the hotel. “He was awesome,” Sherri head north to visit family. Topeka, Kansas, for the They were greeted by said. Selena was his They also took a detour American Bloodhound two distinct types of handler, and he did the so Elliott could pose at the Club National and Repeople — those who were McGuires proud. gates of Graceland. gional Specialty Show in enthralled with her hound The Best of Breed They stopped at Motel September. One of Elliott’s and others who gave them a wide berth. The bellhop made sure everyone knew about Elliott; while there I can help relocate you Fairway Realty, Inc. was about five inches of and your family... snow on the ground, the Hire me and I will donate $50 hotel was close enough that they could walk to at close of escrow to the Madison Square Garden. animal charity of your choice. Getting dogs and crates to Piers 92-94 meant hiring a car service. She Robyn Morgan and several other “big dog Relocation Specialist owners” hired a SuburCall me at ban that took a Redbone 760.954.3096 Century21Fairway.com Coonhound, Elliott,

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• Wee Bar None Ranch Pet Placement, Apple Valley Ph: 760-961-1859 E-mail: wbnr@earthlink.net Website: www.wee-bar-noneranch.petfinder.com


• PAL Humane Society P.O. Box 3298, Wrightwood Ph: 760-249-1237 Fax: www.palhumanesociety.org


• Tanya’s Adoption Network 4 Young Animals, Inc. Ph: 909-522-3333 P.O. Box 290254, Phelan, CA 92329

• Animal Medical Center 15013 Main St., Hesperia Ph: 760-947-6000 Open seven days 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.

daughters will also be showing there. Sherri isn’t against taking Elliott to Westminster again. He settled into the

hustle and bustle of the Big Apple on his first visit, and she is confident he will settle in like a veteran once again.


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