9 Fat Burning Secrets! Congratulations on your download. You’ve made an important step toward improving your health and reducing your waistline. I hope you find this interesting and put it into practice. Remember to achieve permanent weight loss you need to make exercise and good nutrition part of your lifestyle.
Which body is best for health and performance?
Secret #1: Sprint Training Depending on training status (trained, untrained, or athlete), initial body composition, and protocol, sprint training can decrease body fat by 10 to 20 % over a typical 12-week program. For example, a protocol that has been tested repeatedly on overweight men and women that uses 60 all-out 8-second cycle sprints with 12 seconds rest led to about 2.5 kg fat loss and 1 kg muscle gain in both men and women. Use the following foods in your diet to support fat loss and get the physique you desire. Assuming you are training regularly, including these foods in a high-protein, relatively low-carb whole food diet will help you get and stay lean, while feeling energised and motivated throughout the day. These foods will help you lose fat because they support your body to do one or more of these outcomes:
CC Increase the body’s use of fat for energy, shifting it to burn fat instead of carbohydrates. CC Support tissue repair and increase the body’s resting metabolic rate sothat more energy is burned when food is broken down. CC Improve the endocrine response to food—higher leptin, which suppresses feelings of hunger.
Secret #2: Love Fat: Omega 3 oils & Omega 6 Get the majority of your dietary fats from foods that are high in omega-3 fats. Cold water fish is a great place to start, and grass-fed and wild meats can increase your intake. Eat a serving of one of these high-protein sources at every meal. Salmon, Whitefish, Mackerel, Sardines & Anchovies. Nuts are high in antioxidants, protein, fibre, and healthy fats, and research shows that supplementing the diet with them can significantly improve body composition.Eating a serving of nuts a day in conjunction with a high-protein, low-carb diet can produce significant fat loss and help you feel satisfied. Nuts: Walnuts & Almonds
Secret #3: Whey Protein Whey protein, which can be found in dairy products and taken as a supplement, is a super food for body composition because it enables the body to repair tissue and burn fat. It also enhances the body’s internal antioxidant system by increasing something called glutathione. Supplement with whey protein daily to increase your metabolic rate, antioxidant status, and support tissue repair.
Note for women: You will not turn into She-Hulk by taking supplements. Women naturally produce less growth hormone and testosterone than a man which is essential for significant muscle gains.
Secret #4: Avocados Selectively include avocados in your diet. Depending on other fat intake, eat them a few days a week. One avocado contains 250 calories, 10 g of fiber, 15 g of monounsaturated fat, 4 g of protein, and 20 essential nutrients!
Secret #5: Broccoli & Cruciferous Vegetables Eat multiple servings of cruciferous vegetables daily as they help the body clear excess estrogen—both naturally occurring and chemical estrogens. Broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, kale, radish can be eaten raw, added to salads, or steamed. Raw food are better for fat loss, but the key is to eat them daily, so if cooked is more appetising, go for it.
Secret #6: Eggs Eat eggs a few days a week to increase your protein and choline intake. Avoid eating them daily because this has been shown to cause intolerances. Increasing acetylcholine levels can increase growth hormone, which is a powerful fat burner.
Review: Eating more healthy fats found in fish, seeds, nuts and leafy, dark green veg such as broccoli, cauliflower and eggs 2-3 times per week is a powerful fat burner!
Secret #7: Increase lean muscle to increase metabolism The first goal of training for fat loss is to elevate your resting metabolic rate (RMR) by increasing muscle mass because this means you will burn more energy every day. The RMR makes up the bulk of energy you burn. Burning energy in addition to the RMR when working out is great, but the impact on total energy burned is fairly small compared to the total RMR.
Contribution to Daily Caloric Expenditure Resting metabolic rate
Thermic effect of food
Activity thermogenisis
Secret #8: Strength training workout Strength train with a high volume of work, short rest periods, and moderate to heavy loads using multi-joint exercises. Squats, deadlifts, chin-ups, bench press, lunges, and rows should make up the core of your training. A hypertrophy-type program that generally includes 8 to 12 reps of more than 3 sets is ideal, but can be manipulated for a greater muscle building effect. More sets will accelerate results, but the 8 to 12 rep, 3 set scheme is a good place to start training for fat loss. Use weights in the 70 to 85% of maximum range with short rest periods of 60 seconds or shorter. This will provide a significant anabolic response by elevating testosterone and growth hormone (both essential for fat loss) High reps and short rest intervals will make your body a high-powered energy burning machine.
Figure 1: Squat (top left) & Bent Over Row (above)
Secret #9: Don't accept mainstream advice. Do your own research. The media and many health professionals suggest aerobic training, especially continuous, slow exercise, will help you lose fat, which is a drastic misconception. Strength training is anaerobic by nature—the opposite of aerobic— meaning it elevates fat burning hormones and burns energy, as mentioned above. For example, a study in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise compared fat loss in three groups of overweight subjects. All groups were on a fatloss diet and one group only did the diet with no exercise, whereas a second group did the diet with aerobic training, and a third group was on the diet and did strength training. The diet group lost 14 pounds of fat, while the aerobic group lost 15 pounds of fat—only one pound more, which was not statistically significant. The strength training group lost 21 pounds of fat, which was 34% more than the aerobic group! Consider the amount of time spent on aerobic exercise (36 sessions of up to 50 minutes each) for only one extra pound of fat loss! The six extra pounds lost in the strength training group is worth it, but one pound?!
Obviously there is a lot more to successful, permanent fat loss. However this will put you in a good starting position. If you have any questions on any of the nine secrets, contact us at: CC info@bamn-fit.com CC 0208 2266 199
Obi Odigboh BAMN FIT Founder