Higher Things
de n si n o In io es at nc rm re fo fe In Con ‘09 HT
Inside this issue:
• No More Stressing • Twitter: Martin Luther Style • Curtis and Confession W W W. H I G H E RT H I N G S . O R G
/ SPRING / 2009
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Contents T A B L E
FEATURES 4 No More Stressing
Mrs. Nikki Boyle Is there something that makes you uniquely you? Is it your number of IM contacts, your amount of Facebook friends, or how many people sit at your study hall table? Nope. It’s none of those. Mrs. Nikki Boyle went through what you’re going through, and she’s here to help you see that your identity is in Christ, not your clothing brand.
Purgatory, Parousia, and Getting Lost
Tracey Dann On Thursday nights, Facebook statuses everywhere read “So-and-So is Lost.” It’s a universal symbol for “Leave me alone. I’m watching Lost. Don’t bug me.” But is the show more than that? Can it teach you a valuable theological lesson too? Tracey Dann thinks so, and she’s ready to fill you in.
Finding the Triune God in the Aaronic Benediction
Miss Kimberly Fetz Every Sunday, it’s the same old thing.The pastor says the Lord’s name three times, makes the sign of the cross, and the service ends. But Miss Kimberly Fetz knows that the Aaronic benediction is more than simply a sign that church is over. It is a blessing meant just for you!
10 Father Knows Best: The Power of Prayer
By Rev. Tim Pauls Praying isn’t easy.You’re not always sure what to pray for or if you should really be praying it or if the Lord is actually even paying attention to what you’re saying in the first place. But Pastor Pauls is here to remind you that the Lord hears, answers, and works all things for your good (just in case you forgot).
12 The Enemy: Death
Mr. Michael Fieberkorn Man was not created to die. Death should be unnatural. But after our first parents’ fall in the garden, death and doubt are our way of life. Mr. Michael Fieberkorn helps you understand the consequence of sin, the origin of death, and the hope that is yours in Christ Jesus.
Volume 9/Number 1 • Spring 2009
HigherThings Volume 8/Number 4/Winter 2008 Editor REV. TIM
Managing Editor ADRIANE DORR Assistant Editor
20 Jan Hus: Champion of Christian Freedom
By Mr. Dennis Di Mauro Say the word reformer, and most people shout, “Martin Luther!” But there other reformers too, men who were tried and tested for the faith and who withstood the assaults and attacks of the devil. For the story of one who fought the good fight, see Mr. Di Mauro’s article on Jan Hus, who was burned at the stake for his faith in Christ.
24 Twitter: Martin Luther Style
What? You don’t get tweets from the good doctor himself? What are you waiting for? Sign for up for Twitter, people. Chop chop!
25 Happy Lent
Rev. George F. Borghardt III It’s that time of year again: Lent.The church service is more solemn, the Alleluias go away, and purple shows up everywhere. Is it all sadness, or is there anything joyful about this season at all? Pastor Borghardt wants you to know that there is, and he’s pointing you back to your Lord’s crucifixion and the forgiveness that’s yours because of it.
26 Above the Mountains
Rev. Pavel Zayakin While some of you were sweating through the St. Louis Higher Things conference a couple of years ago, a bunch of other Lutheran teens were standing on a mountaintop in Siberia taking in the view. They spent the weekend reading Scripture, understanding their Lutheran-ness, hiking, and hang-gliding. And to top it off, Pastor Zayakin’s going to give you a sneak peek into it all!
COLUMNS 22 Christ on Campus
Rev. Ian Pacey Say the word apology, and people instantly think you’ve done something wrong. But in Christianity, an apology is a defense, explaining why a person believes the way he does. If you have friends who aren’t Christians, you need to read Pastor Pacey’s article. He’ll give you a crash course in apologetics so that you can defend your faith against any attack of the devil’s!
28 Heresy, Confusion, and the Holy Trinity
Rev. David Petersen Every good Lutheran teenager knows about the Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. In fact, your Sunday School teachers probably explained it to you using apple, baseball player, and egg analogies. It’s not that simple though, and Pastor Petersen is here to delve into the mystery with you.
JULIE BECKWITH Art Director STEVE BLAKEY Editorial Associates
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LYNN FREDERICKSEN REV. JOEL FRITSCHE REV. DAVID KIND REV. BRENT KUHLMANN REV. LARRY NICHOLAS MARK PFUNDSTEIN ___________ Higher Things Magazine ISSN 1539-8455 is published quarterly by Higher Things, Inc., 5009 Cassia, Boise, ID 83705. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the executive editor of Higher Things Magazine. Copyright 2009. Printed in the United States. Postage paid at St. Louis, Missouri. For subscription information and questions, call 1-888-448-2359 or e-mail subscriptions@higherthings.org. (This phone number is only used for subscription queries.) For letters to the editor, write letters@higher things.org. Writers may submit manuscripts to: submissions@higherthings.org. Please check http://higherthings.org/magazine/writers.html for writers’ guidelines and theme lists.
Higher Things Magazine is available in Braille and on audiocassette tape for the visually impaired. Contact Lutheran Blind Mission at 7550 Watson Road, St. Louis , MO 63119; call toll-free 1-888215-2455; or e-mail at blind.mission@blind mission.org.
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No More What is it about you that makes you you?
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How much time do you spend worrying about what other people think? Do you wake up on Tuesdays and Thursdays and spend a little more time on your hair just because you-know-who will be sitting behind you in first hour? Just face it: you want to be noticed. Everyone does. Everyone wants to be liked. I’m sure you’ve imagined your teacher singling you out for getting the highest grade in the class.You’ve daydreamed about the girl you like telling all her friends about how great you are. You dream all this up and then believe it because you think that is what makes you unique. Or maybe you’ve given up. Have you stopped caring about what you look like or how well you do in school because your buddy list only has a dozen names, and half of them are family? You get depressed, don’t want to go to school, feel sick to your stomach, and can’t finish your homework. You hate being alone. Are you defined by what people think of you? It’s amazing how much of our attention is focused on what other people think. When we have 300 friends on Facebook but have spoken to only a fraction of them in real life, there’s something terribly wrong. Our concentration on what other people think is just plain selfish. God didn’t create us to be so obsessed with us.Think about Adam and Eve. What’s the first thing that they did after eating the apple? They covered up their nakedness and hid because they were ashamed.They were ashamed because, for the first time, their focus was on them rather than God. Maybe Eve thought her butt looked too big or Adam thought his gut could use some work. Don’t get me wrong; this isn’t a call to run around naked. But it is a call to remember what our Lord intends for us. It’s a call back to Eden before all the attention was on us, when the footsteps in the garden
By Nikki Boyle
(Genesis 3:8) weren’t a terror but the greatest joy one could imagine. It’s a call to live the way God created us, where all of our attention is on God— Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—and no matter what we do or what we look like matters in the least. What makes us us isn’t how popular we are. Who we are is more than makeup, sports, grades, and the one you’d like to date. Thankfully, our identity—what makes us us—is found in Christ. What goes for Christ goes for you.Think back to Jesus’ Baptism.The heavens were opened, the Spirit descended, and God the Father said,“This is my Son, whom I love, with Him I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:16–17). What goes for Christ goes for you.The Father speaks those same words to you.You are His Son. He loves you. And no matter what brand of clothing you wear, or how many groups you belong to on Facebook, or how badly you’ve screwed things up trying to be Miss Popular, it is with you that He is well pleased. And so when it’s all about Christ, and not you, you’re finally free. No more stressing over who you’ll take to homecoming or even the zit on your forehead. No more feeling sick about not being liked, or being rejected, or feeling unloved. No more defining yourself by what others think or say. What makes you you is Christ. He put His name on you at your Baptism. And He took all your fears of not being popular onto Himself. He was lonely for you.The few friends He had deserted Him, and there was no one to fight His case before Pilate. He did this so that you will never be alone. With Christ you are free to have friends for their sake: to love them and care for them and be little Christs to them. When Christ defines you, you then run in Eden without shame, focusing all you have on loving Christ and serving your neighbor. What makes you unique is your identity in Jesus, the baby born in Bethlehem. And in Him you are fully yourself—unique, popular, and loved— because what goes for Christ goes for you. A wife, mother, and deaconess graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Mrs. Nikki Boyle can be reached at boylenj@ctsfw.edu.
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By Tracey Dann
Purgatory, Parousia, and Getting
Real estate in the afterlife is a lot like real estate here.What are the three most important things?
Most of us in the wrong location end up Lost. H I G H E R T H I N G S _ 6
For those of you unfamiliar with the show, Lost is a primetime drama recounting the warped and uncanny lives of the survivors of Oceanic flight 815. In its fourth season, the usual smoke monster and polar bear laden antics became insufficiently weird for the Lost fan base, so the writers killed off the entire cast. Well, they are only mostly dead, but they’ve been mostly dead all season! Recent insinuations in the Lost plotlines suggest that the entire cast died in the original plane crash and are now stuck in an inescapable jungle purgatory. It is here that we as Lutherans must take out our theological GPS. Purgatory, like suntanned polar bears or a portable island, is fictional. Purgatory, as a concept, has been around for less than a thousand years.The theory is this: you are stuck in purgatory because your good works on earth were unable to gain you entrance into heaven. Sounds okay so far. After all, we know our good works will not get us into heaven. According to Paul in his letter to the Romans, we are justified by one thing alone: our faith in Christ.
But here is the kicker: you sit there in purgatory, waiting for your friends and relatives to say enough prayers, burn enough incense, and light enough candles to spring you into heaven.There are not enough Pier 1 Imports in the world to buy the candles I would need to cover my sins. In Ephesians 2:8, we are taught, ”It is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, (or anyone else) it is the gift of God.”The only acceptable currency in God’s eyes is the blood of Christ, not our works or anyone else’s. Lucky for us, we get a great exchange rate! Like purgatory, the characters on Lost are supremely occupied with what they have to do to get off of the island. In the end, many of them risk their fictional lives, not unlike the people here who risk their eternal lives, by believing they can save themselves. Will I give up my long standing Wednesday night date with Jack, my stubble-faced prince of melodrama? That is not likely. Lost is, after all, fiction, and it can be used and enjoyed as long as it is put to the test of Scripture. I can enjoy Lost knowing that if I input
purgatory into my biblical GPS, I will hear Christ’s voice asking,“Would you like me to resume guidance?” My faith is grounded in the reality of Christ my Savior.The only writer I listen to is Christ, who, according to Hebrews, is the Author and Perfecter of my faith. He is “the Way, and the Truth, and the Life,” and that is so much cooler than an island that can disappear.
Tracey Dann attends Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Smithfield, Rhode Island, and can be reached at tdann1@cox.net.
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The Landauer Altarpiece (1511) by Albrecht Dürer
Finding the Triune God in the Aaronic Benediction By Kimberly Fetz
The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. So shall they put my name upon the people of Israel, and I will bless them. (Numbers 6:24–27)
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s Christians, particularly Lutheran Christians, we accept and fervently believe that our God is a triune God and that this is described in Holy Scripture, both in the Old and New Testaments. We always cite Genesis 1:26 (“Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.’“) and other passages, but until asked to describe how the Aaronic benediction is a testimony to our triune God, I would not have used it as a proof text. I always thought that the tri-repetition of the LORD’s name was to emphasize precisely who was blessing them. After all, the Israelites were moving into a pluralistic, syncretistic, pagan society. They would be tempted and often sin against God by worshipping other gods, believing the gods of the peoples around them were responsible for blessings. The repetition of God’s name certainly does emphasize who is responsible for the blessings given the Israelites and us. But there is more.
Each repetition of the LORD’s name comes with a specific blessing, and as we learn from Luther’s explanation of the Apostle’s Creed, each person of the Trinity is to be praised and honored for His unique work. I think it is possible to argue that the Aaronic blessing can be a proof text for the Trinity, not because of the tri-repetition of the LORD’s name, but because God reveals Himself as one God who blesses us out of His trinitarian nature.
The LORD bless you and keep you. (Numbers 6:24) I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. What does this mean? I believe that God has made me and all creatures; that He has given me my body and soul, eyes, ears, and all my members, my reason and all my senses, and still takes care of them. . . .He richly and daily provides me with all that I need to support this body and life. God, our heavenly Father, gives us all we need for this earthly life. He blesses us with life in our mother’s womb, and then sustains that life, filled with blessings, by His gracious hand that “sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous” (Matthew 5:45). God the Father blesses and keeps us.
The LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. (Numbers 6:25) And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord. What does this mean? I believe that Jesus Christ . . . is my Lord, who has redeemed me, a lost and condemned person, purchased and won me from all sins, from death and the power of the devil, not with gold or silver, but with His innocent suffering and death, that I may be His own and live under Him in His kingdom. In this confession we see how God’s face is turned toward us and shines upon us. It’s not because we are worthy of such a profound blessing on our own; because of sin we deserve nothing but God’s wrath and punishment; we deserve to have His face turned away from us. God the Son’s sacrifice, His perfect life, innocent suffering and death, and His glorious resurrection won for us God’s blessing and favor.We are given this precious treasure in our Baptism. Because God sees us through the blood of Christ, He turns His face toward us and is completely gracious to us because we have become His dear children.
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. (Numbers 6:26) I believe in the Holy Spirit. What does this mean? I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to Him; but the Holy Spirit has called me by the Gospel, enlightened me with His gifts, sanctified and kept me in the true faith . . . In this Christian church He daily and richly forgives all my sins and the sins of all believers.
When the Holy Spirit enlightens us by the Gospel, He is effectively lifting up God’s countenance—His face—upon us. The Gospel is where we see our Lord and Savior Christ; in Him we see the face of the unseen God (John 1:14, 18). God gave us Christ so that we could see our God and His love for us. Jesus’ own words testify to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As for the peace, we have all peace with and through Jesus. We have peace with God because we are reconciled through Jesus’ suffering and death (Romans 5:1, 10). We are given the peace that transcends all understanding (Philippians 4:7) in our daily lives because we know who holds our future and ultimately what that future is.The Holy Spirit indeed lifts up His countenance upon us and gives us peace.
So shall they put my name upon the people of Israel, and I will bless them. (Numbers 6:27) I never imagined that there would be such clear proof of our triune God in the Aaronic benediction. After reflecting on what blessings are given, I see how God tried to prepare His people of old for the coming of their Messiah.Through Christ, we see how this benediction is completely fulfilled and given to us in the Church today. When I hear the Aaronic benediction at the end of the Divine Service, I remember how each person of the Trinity showers heavenly blessings upon me. I hear how God once again places His name on me to bless me, just as He first did through Holy Baptism. Kimberly Fetz is a deaconess intern serving at Redeemer Lutheran Church, St. Cloud, Minnesota, where she enjoys teaching fifth and sixth grade Bible History among other things. Her e-mail is fetzka@ctsfw.edu. Excerpts from creed taken from Luther’s Small Catechism with Explanation, copyright © 1986, 1991 Concordia Publishing House.
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Father Knows Best:
The Power of
Prayer By Rev.Tim Pauls
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hen it comes to the Lord’s Prayer, my old sinful nature especially grates against the Third Petition:“Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”The reason is simple: I know what I want. I know what my will is, and I usually think that my will is a pretty good idea. Even when I know it’s not, I still want my way.
No big surprise, but the good and gracious will of God is often different than what I want, and He’s always right.This makes me wrong, which annoys my sinful nature to no end. It means repenting, echoing the Savior, and praying,“Not my will, but Yours be done.”It means trusting that the Lord is in fact working all things for my good, even when my plans are getting crushed to a fine powder, and maybe I’m getting crushed too. Spare no tears for my Old Adam; he’s got to be drowned every day. Instead, here’s a good reason to rejoice: prayer isn’t about what we want. It’s about God’s will for us. The Lord wants to hear us pray. He delights to hear our prayers so much that He commands us to pray. He portrays prayer as a father ready to hear his child ask, ready to give him all sorts of good things:“What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent; or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him” (Luke 11:11–13). Kids ask their parents for a lot of things. Some of them are sure things, because parents have promised to do certain things, so if a child asks for food, he’s going to get to eat when the next meal rolls around, if not before. Some requests aren’t good for the child at all; if a child asks to play with a grizzly bear cub on a barely frozen lake, the answer is going to be “No.” Parents don’t exist to grant every wish.They’re called to do what is best for the child. Sometimes that means saying “Yes,” and sometimes that means saying “No.” We pray to “Our Father who art in heaven,” and Father knows best. He’s already demonstrated His love for you by giving His Son to die on the cross for you; and now that you’re His child for Jesus’ sake, He promises to provide all that you need and work all things for your good.That doesn’t mean it’s what you want, but it’s what’s best for you. How do you know what’s best for you? How do you know what His good and gracious will is for you? It’s simple: you find it in His Word. So when people ask me to explain prayer, here’s what I say: prayer is praying the promises of God back to Him. Like children, we call upon our Father in heaven and say, “You promised!” So where God has made a promise, you can pray confidently.You can pray for healing, help, daily bread, deliverance—all sorts of things—with the certainty that the Lord will provide. (Note, however, that He may not answer on your schedule, since He hasn’t promised to.) You can pray confidently for forgiveness, knowing that the Lord showers
you with it and tells you exactly where: in His means of grace. Where God has forbidden something, you don’t have a prayer. Asking Him to bless sinful plans, excuse immorality, or gratify selfish desires is pointless. Demanding that He change His will to conform to yours is too.Your Father in heaven desires what is best for you, not slavery and death. Where God has made no promise, you can still pray.You just don’t know what the answer will be.You can pray about going to a certain college, going to a dance with a special someone, whatever. It might happen. It might not.The Lord hasn’t made a promise about it, and you can’t hold Him to promises He hasn’t made. But you can know that He’s promised to work all things for your good. See how that works? Where you have God’s promise, you can pray with certainty because He always keeps His promise. Where God’s Word speaks against your will, He’s right, and this Father doesn’t give His kids harmful things. (If you still get what you want, it’s your scheming, not His blessing.) Where God’s Word is silent, you can still pray.You just don’t know what the answer will be.That’s why “Thy will be done” is such a comforting prayer, because the Lord’s will for you is always gracious and good. A common temptation is to believe that the power of prayer lies in us.You’ll hear—often from people on early morning TV—that God will answer your prayer because you had enough faith or enough people praying. But God’s promises don’t depend on you.They depend on Him, and He always keeps His promises.This is great news! For Jesus’ sake, God keeps His promises to you, even if you’re the only one praying and your faith is weak. Even if you forget to pray, God is still faithful to you. The power of prayer lies in the Lord, not in us.That’s good, because we’re fickle sinners with a will that wars against God. The Father never changes but promises to work for your good for Jesus’ sake because at Gethsemane, just before the cross, the Son prayed,“My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will” (Matthew 26:39).The promise was kept.The Father’s will was done.The Son died for you. For His sake, you’re God’s beloved child, and He listens for your prayers. Rev.Tim Pauls is the Associate Pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Boise, Idaho, and the editor of Higher Things Magazine.
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The Enemy:
Death By Mr. Michael Fieberkorn
“And the last enemy to be destroyed is death.” (1 Corinthians 15:26)
ou’ve heard the story since you read your first dinosaur book in kindergarten:“It is a scientific fact that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago and died out long before man was around.”Wait a minute. How can anyone know this? Was anyone there millions of years ago to observe whether or not this so-called fact is a true statement? Or do scientists just think this? Quite obviously, no one can possibly know this. The statement above is grounded in a worldview based on evolutionary theory (not fact), which never agrees with the Bible. Very simply, what evolution teaches and what the Bible teaches are at odds with each other, especially when we consider the topic of death. Evolution teaches that death preceded sin, but the Bible clearly teaches that death was a consequence of sin.There is a difference; it does matter.
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To understand this difference, it’s best to go back to the beginning and better understand what the Bible teaches. In the Genesis creation account, we learn that God made the heavens and earth and all that are in them in six days.The first three days were spent creating the environment, and the last three filling it with the heavenly array and His creatures. God created everything that lives on the land on Day 6, the same day He breathed the breath of life into the pinnacle of His creation: human beings. It wasn’t until then that God proclaimed His creation “very good.” And then, on the seventh day, satisfied, God rested.That’s right. According to the Bible, both dinosaurs and man were created on Day 6. And the best part of all is that neither of them were ever supposed to die. Enter the snake. In Genesis chapter three, Satan deceives Eve into eating forbidden fruit, and Adam follows; they give in to temptation and fail to trust God. Enter sin into the world and all of its consequences. Enter death. Death is not natural; it is the result of sin, just like thorns and briars, toiling in labor for our food, and pain in childbearing. Death is the enemy. After the first sin, both man and dinosaur would begin to die. Understanding the origin of death, that it is a consequence of sin, helps us understand our Savior. Jesus Christ is the promised One who has come to defeat sin, the devil, and death itself. Christ paid the penalty for our sin and defeated the devil on the cross, and then He died. Dead saviors, however, don’t do anyone any good. But the grave did not hold Jesus Christ. On the third day, Christ was resurrected and conquered death. He was the first man to rise again from the dead, and because He is risen, all believers in Christ Jesus have the hope of eternal life beyond the grave. We believe in the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting; it is the inheritance of all the saints who trust in Jesus. Now, if there is death before sin, if it is a natural part of God’s creation, then just what is Jesus Christ rescuing us from? What is our hope? If dinosaurs faced death millions of years ago before man came along and sinned, then this completely undermines the Gospel message that Jesus has come to conquer the death that was caused by sin. Did you know that scientists find dinosaur bones with evidence of cancer in them? Did you know fossils have been found showing dinosaurs killing one another in the act? Millions of years of death, disease, and bloodshed don’t exactly agree with the biblical account that says God pronounced His creation “very good” on Day 6. Good Christians, don’t lose hope.Trust in God who is the Creator of all things, not an evolutionary theory.Trust in His infallible Word, not your science textbook that is based on man’s fallible opinion. Cling to what Scripture teaches you about your Savior, Jesus Christ, and put your trust in Him.Your faith in Christ, given to you at your Baptism, assures you of victory beyond your own grave. Cling to what Scripture teaches about death. It is unnatural. It is the enemy. Death is not how God intended life to be.That is why He sent His Son to conquer death. And that is why, on the Last Day, the last enemy to be defeated—death—will be defeated for all believers as well. Our physical bodies will inherit the kingdom of heaven, never to face death again. Michael Fieberkorn is a Captain in the United States Air Force stationed at Hanscom AFB near Boston, Massachusetts. Mike is a member of Lutheran Church of the Savior in Bedford, Massachusetts, and will attend Concordia Seminary in the fall. Contact Mike at fieberkorn@yahoo.com.
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For we maintain that a man is justified by faith alone, apa
SOLA - Texas SOLA - Michiga Trinity University San Antonio, TX July 7–10, 2009
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Calvin College Grand Rapids, MI July 21–24, 2009
Check out www.sola2009.org for more information
art from works of Law.
Christo Gratia Fide Scriptura
Romans 3:28
Lutheran Youth Conference
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For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor,so that you by his poverty might become rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9 God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
A blessed Lent and Easter to you from the staff at Higher Things Magazine.
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Join us at
hrist Academy is a two-week residential program for high-school-aged men, founded by Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne. It is a place where students can study about Christ who is present in His Word and Sacraments and who died that their sins would be forgiven. It is a place where students can experience seminary life. It is a place where students can explore the possibility of one day becoming a pastor.
C ✠ ✠ ✠ ✠
Worship: the Center of the Experience Life-Changing Studies Clarity of Direction Fun Activities
June 14–27, 2009
What is Christ Academy: A two-week retreat at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Who is Christ Academy for: High-school-aged young men of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod who are (or should be) considering becoming pastors. It is open to those who have completed their freshman year through those who have completed their senior year.
What does it cost: $500 is all inclusive (housing, meals, Christ Academy polo shirt, admission to Cedar Point and other events, etc.) Limited financial aid may be available at the recommendation of your pastor.
How do I get there: Please arrange your own transportation to and from Christ Academy. We can offer suggestions for planning air or rail travel, airport shuttles, car pooling, directions, and the like.
For more information about Christ Academy, please call us at: You can also find information at the seminary’s Web site:www.ctsfw.edu/christacademy or e-mail: christacademy@ctsfw.edu
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Jan Hus: Champion of Christian Freedom By Mr. Dennis Di Mauro
ost Lutherans know the story of how Martin Luther started the Reformation in the sixteenth century, but few are aware that another Reformation led by a Czech pastor named Jan Hus occurred one hundred years earlier.
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In the early 1400s, Hus was the pastor of the Bethlehem Chapel in Prague, the capital of Bohemia (now the Czech Republic).This chapel had introduced many people-friendly changes into its worship, such as the use of the Czech language during services (instead of Latin) and hymn singing among the laity. Hus himself composed a number of hymns. He also used the pulpit of this chapel to rail against the growing immorality in society and the Church itself. Hus also ardently opposed the sale of indulgences, documents that supposedly waived penances for certain sins. In 1411, the Pope ordered an indulgence sale to raise money to pay for a war that he was fighting against the kingdom of Naples. In Roubiczek and Kalmer’s book Warrior of God: Life and Death of John Hus, Hus denounced the sale, reportedly saying,“By such indulgences the foolish rich are led to cherish vain hopes, the laws of God are held in contempt, the unschooled populace more readily become sinners, heavy sins are acted but light and the people in general are plundered . . . the Pope cannot possess such a power.” Despite Hus’s efforts to keep peace, numerous uprisings resulted in response to his preaching.The Pope soon threatened to stop all worship services until Hus was arrested. He declared it illegal to provide Hus food, drink, or lodging. Bethlehem Chapel was ordered torn down. Under pressure, Hus was forced to move to a remote castle. There he wrote his most famous work entitled On the Church, which espoused many of the doctrines that would later be held by Luther himself. Hus saw the Church as consisting of the Lord’s elect members with Christ himself at its head, not a structure where the Pope was its head
and the cardinals its body. He also wrote that forgiveness was not the absolute power of the bishops but a proclamation of God’s own acts of justice according to His biblical promises. Hus believed that much of the Church’s trouble started when it assumed political power and the Pope began taking the role of a secular king. In a later treatise, he also advocated the administration of Communion to laypeople in the form of bread and wine instead of just bread, which had been the medieval practice. In the spring of 1414, Hus traveled to a church council in Constance, Germany, to answer the Pope’s charges against him. Despite the assurance of safety by the emperor himself, Hus was thrown in jail as soon as he arrived. He was tortured, tied hand and foot, and then exposed to cold winds. At one point, he was left without food for three days. At his trial, the emperor proclaimed that Hus either had to renounce the theological errors attributed to him (many of which he never held) or be punished as a heretic. Hus refused and was formally convicted on July 6, 1415. At the same time, all of his writings were ordered to be destroyed. He was declared a heretic, defrocked of his authority as a pastor, and forced to wear a crown with figures of the devil and the word Archheretic painted on it. In Joseph Paul’s John Hus at Constance: An Interpretation, Hus is said to have declared,“I wear with joy the crown of opprobrium for the love of Him who wore a crown of thorns.” Hus was paraded through the streets and tied to a stake. After straw was piled around him, he was once again asked by the council messengers to recant his views. According to Josef Macek’s The Hussite Movement in Bohemia, he replied,“The prime endeavor of all my preaching, teaching, and writing, and of all my deeds has been to turn people from their sins, and this truth that I have written, taught, and preached in accordance with the Word of God and the teaching of the holy doctors, I willingly seal my death today.”The straw was lit, and Hus was burned at the stake. News of his martyrdom quickly spread. The Czechs quickly began an uprising, demanding the right to receive Communion in the forms of both bread and wine as Hus had advocated. The emperor sent four different crusades in an attempt to defeat the uprising, but the Czechs defeated each one; eventually, they were granted the right to receive both bread and wine during Communion. Hus is probably best known for inspiring the start of the Moravian Church, which still exists today. He is also famous for his teachings, which stressed the individual’s freedom to worship without undue interference from the Church hierarchy. His biblical beliefs also had a huge impact on the ideas of the Protestant Reformers. According to Bartak, Luther, in fact, later wrote,“We [the reformers] are all Hussites.” Mr. Dennis Di Mauro is president of Northern VA Lutherans for Life, a doctoral student in Church History, and he lives in Herndon,VA. He can be reached via email at dennisdimauro@yahoo.com
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An Apology for
By Rev. Ian Stewart Pacey
All of us have had to say we are sorry or make an apology at some point in our lives.
Normally, we do it because of some offense we have caused another person. Although this is the normal way we use the word apology, it is not the only way. In certain contexts, an apology does not mean to say one is sorry. Instead, it means to make a defense, to attack presuppositions, and to give reasons to believe.This is the case for the court room, for the Holy Scriptures (1 Peter 3:15), and also for Christian apologetics. Christian apologetics is in need of a defense. Amazingly, the defense is not needed from any charge made by the outside world but from within the Church itself. In my experience as a campus pastor, I hear and read all sorts of complaints against the study and the practice of Christian apologetics like,“Nobody can be argued into the faith,” “Just proclaim the Gospel and the Holy Spirit will do the rest,”or “The only person convinced by apologetic arguments is the person giving them.” There is a little truth in all of these statements. It is true that nobody is argued into the faith, that the Holy Spirit does work faith, and the arguer is usually convinced by his own arguments. Nevertheless, none of these complaints really undermines in any meaningful way the study and practice of Christian apologetics. H I G H E R T H I N G S _
Defining Christian Apologetics Defining Christian apologetics is the key to a proper understanding and answering the charges made against the discipline.
First, we must understand what it is. Rightly understood, Christian apologetics is the attempt at making a reasoned defense of the faith against challenges, misunderstandings, and false understandings. Second, we must know what it is not. Christian apologetics is a division of Christian theology alongside dogmatics and ethics. It is neither dogmatics nor ethics. What this means is that apologetics can only answer certain kinds of questions, those within its own field. For example, when it comes to the creation of “all things visible and invisible,” the apologetics arguments available to us only speak to the existence of a Creator (theism or deism perhaps). What apologetics cannot address is the reason why God created. Or consider this: from the time of the resurrection of Jesus, there has been a debate concerning the empty tomb and what happened to our Lord’s body.
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Christian apologetics sets forth the argument based on the available material that Jesus came back to life and rose from the grave.This is the best explanation that fits the facts. What apologetics cannot do is tell us the meaning of this resurrection. Who cares? Now, why does any of this matter? Why go to the trouble of careful definition? Why care about Christian apologetics at all? Here, I write as a campus pastor, one who speaks regularly with students about religious issues. In the past, there may have been a time when people (even unbelievers) generally knew and even accepted the basics of Christianity (e.g. the existence of God.) This is absolutely no longer the case. Culturally, this is no longer a given. Christians are now compelled to lay out why they believe these most basic ideas. Furthermore, when people engage in a religious dialogue and are willing to ask serious questions about the faith, what they expect in return are serious answers with greater depth than “This I know for the Bible tells me so.” The Need for Apologetics With this kind of a situation, the need for Christian apologetics is made clear. Along with the normal catechetical practices, we must now include Christian apologetics. Indeed, it is true that nobody is argued into the faith, the Holy Spirit does work faith, and the arguer is convinced by his own arguments. Nevertheless, false beliefs concerning the faith must be addressed and knocked down. It was in this sense that sainted Fort Wayne professor of dogmatics and apologetics Kurt Marquart used to refer to apologetics as “pre-evangelism.” His point was that Christians need to respond to the charges against the faith and clear away all the barriers preventing a person from hearing the Gospel so that when the time came, the person would hear accurately what the Gospel really is and by the power of Holy Ghost to come to believe it. For further reading: Nash, Ronald and Samples, Kenneth. Without a Doubt: Answering the 20 Toughest Faith Questions. Baker Books, 2004. Parton, Craig. The Defense Never Rests: A Layer’s Quest for the Gospel. CPH, 2003 Powell, Doug. Holman QuickSource Guide to Christian Apologetics. B&H Academic, 2006 Samples, Kenneth. A World of Difference: Putting Christian Truth-Claims to the Worldview Test. Baker, 2007 Rev. Ian Stewart Pacey is campus pastor at the University of Arizona in Tuscon, Arizona.
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2009 Christ on Campus Conference Trinity Lutheran Church, Palo Alto, CA June 9–11, 2009 Rev. William Cwirla, Hacienda, Heights, CA “The Four Horsemen of Postmodernism— Language Deconstructionism, Historical Revisionism, Moral Relativism, and Scientific Atheism” Rev. Dr. Steven Mueller, Irvine, CA “C.S. Lewis: Defender of the Faith and Implications for Christ on Campus” Open this year also to students!
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@FredDaWise Love the hat! And the beard! about 16 minutes ago from TwitterFox
................................................................................................... I’ll never finish this hymn! What rhymes with “ineinandergeknüpft”? about 17 minutes ago from web
................................................................................................... And does “Melanchthon” rhyme with “spelunkin’”? about 18 minutes ago from web
................................................................................................... Karlstadt has an IMAGE problem. Ha! I amuse myself. about 2 hours ago from web
................................................................................................... What if we took peanuts, crushed them to a butter, and spread it on bread? Never mind. Stupid idea. about 24 from web
................................................................................................... We have the Formula of Concord. The Turk has the formula for coffee. Hmmm . . . 7:29 AM yesterday from web
................................................................................................... That mutton-loaf was amazing! Katie is nun of the above! 7:30 PM March 2nd from web
................................................................................................... No, Philipp, I do NOT want a SKINNY latte. 9:00 PM Feb 28th from web
................................................................................................... How come the kids giggle when I mention the Diet of Worms? 11:36 AM Feb 20th from web
................................................................................................... LOL? HTH? What are these riddles?! 6:56 AM Feb 4th from web
................................................................................................... When I said “Zwingli IS a knucklehead,” I meant “represents.” Ha! There I go again! H I G H E R T H I N G S _
10:38 AM Feb 1st from web
................................................................................................... Bacon! Glorious bacon! 6:37 AM Jan 31st from web
................................................................................................... I think I am working at CROSS-purposes with Leo. Ho-ho! I need a nap. 11:02 AM Jan 8th from web
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Happy Lent!
Rev. George F. Borghardt III
“And when you fast, don’t be gloomy like the hypocrites, for they darken their faces in order to appear before men as fasting. Amen I say to you, they receive their reward.” (St. Matthew 6:16) It’s Lent again. It’s time to get all Lent-y, all gloomy, grumpy, and do a lot of pious sighing.You know the kind: the long, loud sigh that announces to everyone around you just how much you’re suffering for Jesus’ sake. It’s also time to give up something for Lent. After all, the little (or big) thing you give up will surely show God, or at least everyone else, how deeply repentant you are. Oh, and Lent means it’s time to pray more too. You better get moving.There’s a lot to do in Lent! Well, hold up there for a second. That’s the Lent of the Pharisees, disfiguring their faces, acting grumpy, walking around all solemn, sad, and even angry.The Pharisees literally rubbed their faces with sooty ashes to shine a very public spotlight on their repentance. “Look at me! It’s Lent, so I’m fasting and very, very grumpy.” Is that your kind of Lent too? If so, how are you any different than the Pharisees? Now, don’t get me wrong. Fasting is good. It’s in the Scriptures. Lutherans are free to fast. Lent is actually a great time to start a fast, since this is the season when the Church fixes her eyes specifically on the suffering and death of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We cover our heads with sackcloth and ashes, giving up our alleluias to better focus our attention on what Jesus is doing for us in the readings each week. He’s going to the cross, and we go with Him. But fasting shouldn’t just be about giving up your sacred, favorite snacks like Diet Coke or Mike-n-Ikes. Lent isn’t a season of self-improvement. Diets and exercising are good things for you.You can start them any time.You don’t have to start them in Lent. Repentance.That’s what Lent is about. It is about Christ and Him crucified for our sins.That is what is before our eyes throughout Lent. We give up the idols we love most, removing from our lives whatever gets in the way of Christ. And nothing focuses our attention more on Christ and His suffering and death for us than a little bit of fasting. But if some bodily fasting is the most you do in Lent, then you’ll get your reward in full. Give up your sins for Lent. Give them up now. Fast from
doing the evil things you do. Give up your idols: the treasures that make your day, the things you trust. Stop your evil. Stop it now. Then while you’re giving up some real idols, give up your Lenten sadness too. Give up your mourning. Give up your guilt. Give up being scared that God is going to punish you for your sins. Give up your looking like it’s Lent. Give up your dark clouds and gloom. Lent isn’t about your pious acts of repentance. It never was.You should fast from that self-centeredness too. Lent is about this: the One who was born on Christmas, who made His epiphany by wise men and miracles, the One has come to save you. He’s making His way to Jerusalem to suffer and die on the cross for your sins. On Good Friday, you see the true joy of Lent. On the cross, God Himself answers for your sins. He’s done what you could never do: He kept the Law perfectly for you and then suffered the punishment for all your sins. That bears repeating.That’s God Himself on the cross for you.That’s God, suffering and dying in your place.That’s God doing what God does best: saving you from your sins. That also makes Lent the time to run to the places where Jesus delivers His cross-won gifts to you. Run to your Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.Those baptismal waters are the waters that flow from His pierced side. His Supper is where you are nourished by the same body that suffered and the same blood that poured out for your sins that Good Friday. Be forgiven. Be at peace. Happy Lent! Be joyfully solemn (or is that solemnly joyful?) in the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus for your sins. Put on a repentant smile today. Walk out of church justified. In Christ, God Himself has answered for your sins. All that God could be upset about in you died with Jesus.That makes “Good Friday” not just good; that makes Lent happy too. Rev. George Borghardt III is the Associate/ Youth Pastor at St. Mark Lutheran Church in Conroe,Texas. He also serves as the Conference Executive for Higher Things.
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“Above the Mounta
only God a t the same time, and just 6,094 miles and one polar ice cap away from the Higher Things’“Amen”conference in St. Louis two summers ago, ninety-three scouts met for “Higher Than the Mountains”on Big Borus [Mountain] near Cheryomushki, a village in the Republic of Khakassia, part of the Russian Federation. Billed in part as a“mountain ecological camp,”the week was divided into two parts: a camp site on Borus with stations for rock-climbing, rafting, and hang-gliding, followed by four days of mountaineering.
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Directing the camp was Pastor Pavel Zayakin, pastor in Abakan, Khakassia, and a member of the Siberian Evangelical Lutheran Church. He describes the genesis of “Higher Than the Mountains” this way:“This name came into my mind when I was standing on the top of Big Borus in 2003. I thought at that moment,‘Oh! I’m here higher than these— the highest mountains!’ And then I looked up and saw the sky looking at me with something like a smile—looking indulgently, as if to say,‘There are many of you who are so self-confident.’ And I decided at that moment that if we had a camp in such beautiful mountains, I would call it ‘Higher Than the Mountains.’ This name should remind people who climb to the mountain peaks that even if they are higher than the mountains, there is always God above them.” Indeed, mountains have a way of giving perspective and humbling the overconfident who journey in them.
Landscapes stretch out and dwarf the viewers, lakes are pristine, and waterfalls are astonishing in power. There’s a more threatening aspect too: weather and temperatures can change rapidly and not always in the kindest of ways. Those at Sky Station—the hang-gliding post—learned this more than others; heat and calm air left them languishing earthbound until rains came and kept them grounded still. Those who were climbing and rafting had better luck. Along with the real threats that weather brings, mountains have a way of disorienting. Hikers can’t see horizons. Valleys twist, and shadows change. Clouds wrap around peaks in a thick fog that hides landmarks. Away from established paths, it’s easy to get lost. One day, while the scouts were picking up garbage along a popular valley, they were met by government search and rescue crews looking for a single tourist from Irkutsk, lost in the fog of the
ains there is
and People” By Rev. Pavel Zayakin With Oksana Lapkovskaya, translator
mountains. Far later in the day, the SAR teams would return to the group once again after a fruitless day of searching only to have the lost tourist arrive at the same time. All were speechless at the meeting. Mountains don’t always give up the lost, but this weary young man was found. Two days later, the clouds lifted, and the fog disappeared. Instructors and older scouts climbed to the peak of Big Borus, 2,318 meters (7,340 feet) high.“It seemed that time had stopped,” said instructor Valeri Gilyazutdinov.“We watched the clouds floating by, birds flying below us, the city of Sayanogorsk far away. Even the wind stopped. We just wanted to stay and live there.” Beauty. Majesty. Danger. Solitude. All are inherent to mountains, and all can make individuals feel very small. One might ask in the words of Psalm 8:4,“What is man that You are mindful of him?” It was against this backdrop that pastors, seminarians, and Sunday School teachers taught classes throughout the week.“We indeed tried to see Someone who is higher than the mountains, who is above us, who has made all of this beauty. I hope we succeeded in it,” said Dimitry Dozenko, a deacon from Abakan. They did succeed, because they pointed their students to the Word, and because the Creator of all things does not remain just higher than the mountains. He has become flesh and died for the sins of the world. He is risen again, and He is
as near to His people as His Word. Mountains might belittle people, but the Lord seeks them out. Wherever His Word is preached and His Sacraments are administered according to His Word, be it in Siberia or St. Louis, the One who made the mountains is present humbly to serve, to give forgiveness and life. No matter how much they wished, the scouts couldn’t stay on top of Big Borus. At the end of the week, farewells made and tears shed, it was time to go home: separate ways, united in Christ, and perhaps a little bit more identified with the truth of the Psalm: “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth” (Psalm 121:1–2). (Note: We tip our hat in gratitude to the Siberian Lutheran Mission Society for passing along Pastor Zayakin’s article and giving us a window into the Church halfway around the world. Some may be surprised at the presence of Lutherans in Siberia and assume it to be something new. But through voluntary immigration and forced transportation, Lutherans—from Germany, Sweden, Poland, and Russia—have been in Siberia for quite a long time as the Lord spreads His Gospel to the ends of the earth. –Ed.)
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Heresy, Confusion, and the Holy Trinity by Rev. David Petersen
The Creed I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell.The third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty. From thence He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. The Creed. Luther's Small Catechism © 1986 Concordia Publishing House. www.cph.org.Used with permission.
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had one particular old bird at seminary of the early church variety whose personal mission was to lead the students into heresy. It wasn’t quite as mean as it sounds, though it was a little mean. It was clear he enjoyed humbling the students, showing we weren’t so clever as we thought. But his real goal was to demonstrate how easily we slip into heresy. It wasn’t a difficult task. He didn’t have to work hard at it. He just asked us to talk about the Trinity. He knew that if we talked long enough, tried to say too much, we’d slip.
Perhaps this is why we find no mention of the Trinity in the Small Catechism. The catechism creed is the baptismal and daily prayer creed: the Apostles’ Creed. It confesses the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, but it doesn’t use the word Trinity. The word Trinity is never used in the Church’s liturgy either.The Sunday creed is the Nicene Creed.The baptismal formula is used as a blessing or invocation at the beginning of the service, and there are trinitarian formulas in the liturgy. But there is no mention of the Trinity as such.The only place the Church hits that word is in the Athanasian Creed on Trinity Sunday and in catechesis. If the clergy had had it their way, we wouldn’t have it there either.Trinity Sunday came about by popular demand.The people wanted a Sunday that would celebrate and confess this great doctrine, but the pastors said Sunday feasts and celebrations should be linked to the life of Christ and His saints, not to doctrines. In any case, the Trinity was proclaimed and celebrated every Sunday with the Gloria Patri, the creeds, and the like. The people got what they wanted, but it didn’t come about until the fourteenth century, which makes Trinity Sunday a newcomer in the church year. Perhaps the clergy who resisted were not just stick-in-the-mud types against change but were akin to my old prof. Perhaps they were afraid that the average parish pastor couldn’t extol this doctrine very well or that the people would become confused by it. No doubt, there is some danger there. But what good is our doctrine if it is only for the pastors or academics? This isn’t to say that there isn’t a place and a time for the finer points and better trained or disciplined minds, but we hold no doctrines in the Church that aren’t intimately related to the doctrine of justification. We are reconciled to the Father for Christ’s sake, through faith, which is delivered to us by the Spirit. Our salvation is trinitarian. The Father, the Son, and the Spirit are God.They are distinct persons, yet there is only one God. Our salvation has been worked and won by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, not just by the Father, or the Son, or the Spirit alone. All three persons of the Holy Trinity work together, as one God, to create, redeem, and sanctify us.Yet they really are distinct persons.The Father is not the Son or the Spirit.The Son is not the Father or the Spirit and so forth. As believers, our relation to God is mainly through the Son. For there is one Mediator between God and man: the man Christ Jesus. At the same time, no one calls Jesus “Lord” except by the Spirit, and no one comes to the Father except through the Son.This works itself out for us, almost without thought, in our most common expression of prayer. For while we can pray directly to the Spirit or to the Son, most of our prayers are addressed to the Father, through the Son, in the Spirit. And that is how you hold off the cranky prof: you pray the liturgy, and you confess the words given to you.That is also how you keep your mind from twisting in on itself as it tries to make the math work and figure out how there can be something with no beginning or how there can be three in one: you pray. For all confession is ultimately prayer or it is just academics. And trinitarian prayers, even if they contemplate the deepest mysteries of this life and the next, never lead us to confusion or heresy, but always to peace.This is also why some Christians bow during the words,“Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.” They bow in submission and humility before the mystery, but also because the name of God, for the Christian, is always a prayer. Rev. David Petersen is pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and is also on the Higher Things editorial board. His e-mail address is prdhpetersen@gmail.com.
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The Enemy: Death Higher Things Magazine Spring, 2009 Bible Study Leader’s Guide Captain Fieberkorn’s article makes the good point that the theory of evolution is not just another more “scientific” Christian option to the traditional Christian understanding of the six day creation. There are implications behind the theory of evolution that if accepted would destroy the very foundation of salvation. Let’s look at what the Bible says about the need for our savior. 1. Look up Genesis 3:1-24, Romans 5:12-14; 6:23 & 1 Corinthians 15:20-22. What does Scripture say is the cause of death? The Scriptures say sin and death are not natural, existing from the beginning of evolutionary matter, but that they came into the world through the Fall of Adam. Adam brought sin into the world and through sin, death to all for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
2. How many kinds of death do Scripture say there are? Look up Ps. 89:48, Eccl. 7:2, Pr. 11:19, Rev. 20:1-14 & 21:6-8. There are two kinds of death. The first death is known as Temporal Death (aka bodily death- Ps. 89:48, Eccl. 7:2) and the second death is known as Eternal Death (aka damnation- Rev. 20:6, 14 & 21:6-8).
Based on these passages, what is the difference between them? Everyone (Christian and non) but those alive when Jesus returns again must suffer Temporal death (Ps. 89:48, Eccl. 7:2) but only those who are unbelievers will suffer Eternal death aka damnation (Rev. 20: 6, 14 & 21:6-8).
3. How many kinds of sin that lead to death are there? Look up Ps. 51:5, Romans 5:18, Eph. 4:22, Matt. 15:19 & James 1:15 Two. Original or inherited sin (Ps. 51:5, Romans 5:18 & Eph. 4:22) and Actual sin (Matt. 15:19 & James 1:15). Both lead to death (Rom. 5:12).
What is original sin? Look up Gen. 8:21, Romans 7:18, 1 Cor. 2:14, Eph. 2:1 & Romans 8:7. Original sin is the inborn desire to do things our way rather than God’s way. In contrast to those who believe that little babies are too cute to be sinful, the Scripture says that at conception humans lack true fear, love and trust in God. We are inclined to do evil and are spiritually blind, dead, and an enemy of God. In other words, we don’t want to follow God’s commandments like going to church or loving our neighbor etc. This contrary desire is the result of original sin.
What is actual sin? Look up Matthew 15:19 & James 1:15. Original sin causes us to commit actual sins which are acts against a commandment of God in thought, desire, word or deed. It’s what most people mean when they speak of sinning.
4. Is it possible to escape either death ourselves? Why or why not? Look at up Ps. 14:3, Eccl. 7:20, Isa. 64:6, Ps. 143:2, Romans 3:19-20, Eph. 2:1-4 & 1 John 1:8
No, since we are sinful and unclean, we are helpless to save ourselves. Romans 3:20 says no one can save themselves by following the law or doing good works. The Law, rather, shows us how sinful we are and how much we need a savior. Eph. 2:1-4 says we are dead in our trespasses and sin. Can a dead man save himself? Of course not.
5. Is there, then, any hope for humanity or does death conquer all? Look up Genesis 3:1415, Romans 5:15-21 & 1 Cor. 15:20-22. Genesis 3:15 is the first promise of salvation in the scriptures. Here, in the midst of the Fall, God promises that one would come who would crush Satan’s head (the death and resurrection of Jesus) as Satan would strike His heal (crucifixion). St. Paul says in Romans 5:15-21 that as Adam brought death through sin, Christ brought life through His perfect righteousness. We often speak of the death and resurrection of Jesus as bringing about our salvation, but Romans 5:19 brings out something that we don’t often talk about, the Active Righteousness of Christ. It is not just that Christ died for our sins, but that He lived a perfect life, free from sin. In other words, His perfect obedience to the Law of God made His death and resurrection worthwhile. Christ lived the life we could not and by faith in His worthy, perfect, blameless sacrifice on the cross, His perfect life becomes ours and we are declared righteous even though we aren’t. (2 Cor. 5:21, Rom. 4:5, Gal. 2:20)
6. So when the scriptures say Jesus conquered death what kind of death does it mean? Look up Ps 23:4, Isa 25:8, Romans 7:24-25, 1 Cor. 15:55-57, Rev. 21:1-4 Both kinds of death. That Jesus conquered Eternal Death is the most obvious- for Scripture says that those who believe on Jesus unto salvation will not be damned but enter into the gates of heaven. However, as St. Paul says in 1 Cor. 15:55-57, Jesus has also taken the sting out of the death of the physical body. Physical death too has been conquered for no longer do believers need fear physical death. Thanks be to God. The Fall of Adam and salvation through Jesus’ death and resurrection are intertwined. There can not be one without the other. If sin and death is the natural order of things, as the theory of evolution implies, then death is not the punishment of sin and thus Jesus’ perfect obedience and sacrifice for our sins does nothing. In other words, if sin and death are not connected, then there is no sacrifice for sin that can affect death in the slightest and death still reigns.
The Enemy: Death Higher Things Magazine • Spring, 2009 Bible Study Student Guide Captain Fieberkorn’s article makes the good point that the theory of evolution is not just another more “scientific” Christian option to the traditional Christian understanding of the six day creation. There are implications behind the theory of evolution that if accepted would destroy the very foundation of salvation. Let’s look at what the Bible says about the need for our savior. 1. Look up Genesis 3:1-24, Romans 5:12-14; 6:23 & 1 Corinthians 15:20-22. What does Scripture say is the cause of death?
2. How many kinds of death do Scripture say there are? Look up Ps. 89:48, Eccl. 7:2, Pr. 11:19, Rev. 20:1-14 & 21:6-8.
Based on these passages, what is the difference between them?
3. How many kinds of sin that lead to death are there? Look up Ps. 51:5, Romans 5:18, Eph. 4:22, Matt. 15:19 & James 1:15
What is original sin? Look up Gen. 8:21, Romans 7:18, 1 Cor. 2:14, Eph. 2:1 & Romans 8:7.
What is actual sin? Look up Matthew 15:19 & James 1:15.
4. Is it possible to escape either death ourselves? Why or why not? Look at up Ps. 14:3, Eccl. 7:20, Isa. 64:6, Ps. 143:2, Romans 3:19-20, Eph. 2:1-4 & 1 John 1:8
5. Is there, then, any hope for humanity or does death conquer all? Look up Genesis 3:1415, Romans 5:15-21 & 1 Cor. 15:20-22.
6. So when the scriptures say Jesus conquered death what kind of death does it mean? Look up Ps 23:4, Isa 25:8, Romans 7:24-25, 1 Cor. 15:55-57, Rev. 21:1-4
Father Knows Best: The Power of Prayer Higher Things Magazine • Spring, 2009 Bible Study Leader’s Guide Pastor Pauls’ article reminds us of the importance of the 3rd Petition of the Lord’s Prayer in our own prayers. So let’s get out our Small Catechisms. Looking at the large Catechism might also be helpful. 1. What does the 3rd Petition of the Lord’s Prayer say? 3rd Petition Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. This leads Luther to ask the obvious question, what, then, is God’s will? “When God curbs and destroys every evil counsel and purpose of the devil, of the world, and of our flesh which would hinder us from hallowing His name and prevent the coming of His kingdom, and when He strengthens us and keeps us steadfast in His Word and in faith even to the end. This is His good and gracious will.”
2. While a nice, succinct answer, Luther’s explanation assumes knowledge of the first two Petitions of the Lord’s Prayer. Hallowed be thy name and Thy kingdom come. So we’d better look at those Petitions to help us more fully understand what Luther is saying. Looking at the 1st Petition of the Lord’s Prayer, when is God’s name hallowed? 1st Petition God’s name is hallowed when: “The Word of God is taught clearly and purely and we, as children of God, lead holy lives in accordance with it. Help us to do this dear Father in heaven! But whoever teaches and lives otherwise than as the Word of God teaches, profanes the name of God among us. From this preserve us, heavenly Father!
Look up Jer. 23:28, Gal. 1:6-9 & 1 Tim. 1:3-5. What do these passages say about teaching God’s Word? God’s Word must be taught in its purity, without human opinion. He that teaches human opinion as the truth of God’s Word profanes God’s name (i.e. it makes God look bad just like when someone says you said something you didn’t say).
Look up Matt. 5:16 & Rom. 2:23-24. What do these passages say about how we live our lives affects God’s name? Leading a holy life glorifies God and leading a sinful life dishonors God.
3. Looking at the 2nd Petition of the Lord’s Prayer, how does God’s kingdom come? 2nd Petition God’s kingdom comes: “When the heavenly Father gives us His Holy Spirit so that by His grace we may believe His Holy Word and live a godly life, both here in time and hereafter in eternity.”
Look up Mark 1:15; Col. 2:6 & Matt. 9:38. How do these passages help us understand the 2nd Petition? Through the words of the 2nd Petition, we pray that God would grant us true faith (Mark 1:15) and a godly life (Col. 2:6) and that God would extend His Kingdom on earth- i.e. missions (Matt. 9:38)
4. Now, back to the 3rd Petition. What does the good and gracious will of God include? Look at 1 Timothy 2:4; 1 Thessalonians 4:3; Acts 14:22 and Matthew 16:24. 1 Tim. 2:4- Everything that God wants to do for us according to His promise i.e. the giving of His Spirit and gifts of faith, life and salvation through His Word and Sacraments a.k.a. The Gospel. 1 Thess. 4:3- Everything that God wants us to do and to avoid according to His will i.e. living holy lives according to God’s Word a.k.a. Sanctification. Acts 14:22 & Matt. 16:24- Everything that God wants us to suffer patiently according to His good pleasure. Patient endurance.
5. Putting it all together, when we pray, “Thy will be done”, what are we actually praying? Look at Romans 16:17-20; 1 Peter 1:3-5; Psalm 119:35; 1 Corinthians 12:9 and 1 Corinthians 10:13 Rom. 16:17-20- That God would break and hinder the evil counsel and will of the devil, the world and our flesh. 1 Peter 1:3-5 & Ps. 119:35- That God would strengthen and preserve us steadfast in His Word and faith unto the end, so that we may at all times do His will as gladly as the angels in heaven. 2 Cor. 12:9 & 1 Cor. 10:13- That God would keep us faithful when we suffer for Christ. We are praying that God would destroy every evil purpose that would hinder us from teaching and hearing the clear and pure Word of God and that would hinder us from living holy lives according to the Word of God; and that would prevent the giving of the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament that we may believe His Holy Word. We are also praying in this petition that God would strengthen us, that whatever we must suffer because of the devils attempts to hinder our faith, we may patiently bear and overcome, so that our flesh may not yield or fall away through weakness or indolence.
Why would we need to pray for God’s will to be done? God’s will is certainly done without our prayer as Luther says, but we need to pray for God’s will to be done amongst us because the devil, the world and our sinful flesh try to hinder the pure preaching and teaching of God’s Word, our living according to that Word and the coming of God’s kingdom by grace through faith. Luther wrote in the Large Catechism: “We who would be Christians must surely count on having the devil with all his angels and the world as our enemies and must count on their inflicting every possible misfortune and grief upon us. For where God’s Word is preached, accepted or believed, and bears fruit, there the blessed holy cross will not be far away. Let nobody think that he will have peace; he must sacrifice all he has on earth- possessions, honor, house and home, wife and children, body and life. Now, this grieves our flesh and the old Adam, for it means that we must remain steadfast, suffer patiently whatever befalls us, and let go whatever is taken from us. “Therefore, there is just as much need in this case as in every other case to pray without ceasing: ‘Thy will be done, dear Father, and not the will of the devil or of our enemies, nor of those who would persecute and suppress thy holy Word or prevent thy kingdom from coming; and grant that whatever we must suffer on its account, we may patiently bear and overcome, so that our poor flesh may not yield or fall away through weakness or indolence.’” (LC 65-66)
Father Knows Best: The Power of Prayer Higher Things Magazine • Spring, 2009 Bible Study Leader’s Guide Pastor Pauls’ article reminds us of the importance of the 3rd Petition of the Lord’s Prayer in our own prayers. So let’s get out our Small Catechisms. Looking at the large Catechism might also be helpful. 1. What does the 3rd Petition of the Lord’s Prayer say?
2. While a nice, succinct answer, Luther’s explanation assumes knowledge of the first two Petitions of the Lord’s Prayer. Hallowed be thy name and Thy kingdom come. So we’d better look at those Petitions to help us more fully understand what Luther is saying. Looking at the 1st Petition of the Lord’s Prayer, when is God’s name hallowed?
Look up Jer. 23:28, Gal. 1:6-9 & 1 Tim. 1:3-5. What do these passages say about teaching God’s Word?
Look up Matt. 5:16 & Rom. 2:23-24. What do these passages say about how we live our lives affects God’s name?
3. Looking at the 2nd Petition of the Lord’s Prayer, how does God’s kingdom come?
Look up Mark 1:15; Col. 2:6 & Matt. 9:38. How do these passages help us understand the 2nd Petition?
4. Now, back to the 3rd Petition. What does the good and gracious will of God include? Look at 1 Timothy 2:4; 1 Thessalonians 4:3; Acts 14:22 and Matthew 16:24.
5. Putting it all together, when we pray, “Thy will be done”, what are we actually praying? Look at Romans 16:17-20; 1 Peter 1:3-5; Psalm 119:35; 1 Corinthians 12:9 and 1 Corinthians 10:13
Why would we need to pray for God’s will to be done?
No More Stressing Higher Things Magazine • Spring, 2009 Bible Study Leader’s Guide Mrs. Boyle rightly states that our identity as Christians resides in the way God views us through Christ and not in the opinions of others. This is wonderfully freeing especially in light of what Christ says in the Gospels of St. Matthew the 5th chapter and St. John the 15th chapter. 1. Some false preachers have taught that if we but have enough faith, then nothing bad will ever happen to us. We’ll always be popular. We’ll never be sick. We’ll never have to worry about being rejected. But what does Christ say in the Gospel of St. Matthew the 5th chapter vs. 11-12 about how Christians can expect to be treated by the world? People will revile Christians and persecute them and utter all kinds of false evil against them because of their faith in Christ.
2. What does Christ say in the Gospel of St. John the 15th chapter vs. 18-25 about such treatment? Why will they be treated this way? Christ says that the world will hate His disciples because it hated Him.
What warning does Christ give to His disciples in vs. 19? Vs. 19 warns us to beware compromising faith and doctrine for popularity. Being a Christian is hard. In many ways, especially in our post-Christian society, it makes things a lot harder than they would be otherwise. Many people do not understand why we won’t go along with the general flow of society and allow everyone to do whatever they want to do. The temptation is great to go along to get along but we are called to be faithful unto Christ and patiently bear the concomitant persecution. The end result is heaven, so what do we have to complain about?
3. A common reading for Good Friday is Isaiah 53. What does this passage say about the way Jesus would be treated by men? Here are some of the verbs the holy prophet Isaiah uses to highlight how Jesus would be treated: Stricken, smitten, afflicted, pierced, crushed, punished, wounded, oppressed, judged, suffered.
Why was Christ treated this way? Because of our sin. Christ was stricken, smitten and afflicted for you. He was despised of men, for you. It was for your salvation that Christ suffered all of these atrocities.
4. Why then should we rejoice when we are mistreated for our faith in Christ as Christ says in Matthew 5:11-12? Our joy for such mistreatment is connected to our joy in the Gospel, for such patient enduring reflects our faith in Christ for the forgiveness of our sins. Indeed, we share in Christ’s rejection that we might also share in His glory. For as Christ said, “If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also.” (John 15:20) and “They will treat you this way because of my name.” (John 15:21). As those who put our faith in Christ, we can expect the same treatment as He received and in this, we are indeed to rejoice, for great is our reward in heaven! Does this kind of suffering for Christ then earn brownie points with God? See Romans 3:19-28, Eph. 2:1-10, & Gal. 3:10-14. No. Romans 3:19-28, Ephesians 2:1-10, Galatians 3:10-14 and many other Bible passages indicate that no amount of good deeds earn anything before God. Only Christ’s perfect fulfillment of the law and His death for us are of any merit in God’s eyes. It is rather that such patient suffering for Christ reflects evidence of saving faith already in the Christian, created by the Holy Spirit through His Word and Sacraments.
Let us thank God that our self-worth is in Him and not in the way others view us or we would the more easily despair of our life and compromise our faith for popularity. It is a weird way of thinking, especially to our sinful flesh which doesn’t like being called names or being put down, but rejoice when people treat you poorly because of your faith in Christ for great is your reward in heaven.
No More Stressing Higher Things Magazine • Spring, 2009 Bible Study Leader’s Guide Mrs. Boyle rightly states that our identity as Christians resides in the way God views us through Christ and not in the opinions of others. This is wonderfully freeing especially in light of what Christ says in the Gospels of St. Matthew the 5th chapter and St. John the 15th chapter. 1. Some false preachers have taught that if we but have enough faith, then nothing bad will ever happen to us. We’ll always be popular. We’ll never be sick. We’ll never have to worry about being rejected. But what does Christ say in the Gospel of St. Matthew the 5th chapter vs. 11-12 about how Christians can expect to be treated by the world?
2. What does Christ say in the Gospel of St. John the 15th chapter vs. 18-25 about such treatment? Why will they be treated this way?
What warning does Christ give to His disciples in vs. 19?
3. A common reading for Good Friday is Isaiah 53. What does this passage say about the way Jesus would be treated by men?
Why was Christ treated this way?
4. Why then should we rejoice when we are mistreated for our faith in Christ as Christ says in Matthew 5:11-12?
Does this kind of suffering for Christ then earn brownie points with God? See Romans 3:19-28, Eph. 2:1-10, & Gal. 3:10-14.
Heresy, Confusion and the Holy Trinity Higher Things Magazine • Spring, 2009 Bible Study • Leader’s Guide
In Pastor Petersen’s article, he correctly points out that saying too much about the Trinity is dangerous, and many past and present heretics have done just that. But what does the Bible say about the Trinity? 1. What does Galatians 1:1 say about the Father? It clearly says that the Father is God. 2. Arius was an ancient heretic who believed that Jesus was not God, but only the first of God’s created; Muslims & Jews believe that Jesus is not God, but only a prophet; Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that Jesus was a lesser deity but not God; and Mormons believe that Jesus is but one of many Gods. However, what do Romans 9:5 & John 20:26-28 say about Christ? They say that Jesus is God. Arius also believed that Jesus was not of the same substance as God, but what does Philippians 2:5-6 say? Here St. Paul says that Jesus was of the same nature i.e. substance. The Greek word here is translated as “form or nature”. 3. What does Acts 5:3-4 indicate about the Holy Spirit? Here St. Luke uses God as a synonym for the Holy Spirit. 4. Another group of ancient heretics called the Modalists believed that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit were merely three manifestations of the one God- i.e. three different ways of God revealing Himself at different times, but what does Matthew 28:19-20, 2 Cor. 13:14 & Genesis 1:26 say about the godhead? Gen. 1:26 indicates that God is plural. The other two passages show us that there are three people in the godhead- the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Further, look up Matthew 4:13-17, does this passage support a Modalist understanding of God? What does this passage tell us about God? Jesus is being baptized, the Holy Spirit is descending on Jesus like a dove and the Father is speaking from heaven, “This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased.” All of this is occurring at the same time so it precludes a Modalist understanding of God.
This passage shows us that God is indeed three separate personalities who do different things at different times and not 1 God with 1 personality who reveals Himself sometimes as the Father, sometimes as the Son and sometimes as the Holy Spirit. 5. How does the Bible distinguish the three divine persons from each other? See Psalm 2:7, Luke 1:35, John 1:1-5; 14; 15:26 & Gal. 4:6. Without confusing the persons of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, this is the relationship between them: The Father is the source of all things. He begets the Son and sends forth the Spirit. The Son, being uncreated, is eternally begotten of the Father before time and all worlds. He is born of the Father and sends forth the Spirit. And the Holy Spirit, neither begotten nor made, proceeds from the Father and the Son. 6. Does that mean that the Bible says there are three gods? See Deut. 6:4, Isa. 45:18; 46:8-9, 1 Cor. 8:4 & Eph. 4:4-6. In these and many other passages the Bible clearly says that there is only one God. While we can not confuse the persons of the Godhead we also can not divide the essence of God. There are three persons but only 1 divine essence which we call God. Each person of God has their own roles, their own duties and their own personality and yet their essence is the one eternal God almighty. 7. How do we put this all together? We can not cram the three persons of the Godhead into one personality for the Bible clearly says that there are 3 different, separate personalities in the Godhead- Father, Son and Holy Spirit each of whom are called God by the Bible, each of whom are given Godly qualities and abilities. On the other hand, we can not divide God into three gods for the scripture clearly says that there is only one God. What we have left is something unlike anything we have ever experienced- 3 persons in 1 God and that’s what the word “Trinity” means, 3 in 1. In short, while the Bible does not use the word “Trinity,” “Trinity” is nothing more than a shorthand to explain what God has revealed to us in the scriptures. “We believe in the triune God” is certainly a lot easier than saying “We believe in the three persons- Father, Son and Holy spirit- in one God, God,” isn’t it? 8. Why is this important? Do Muslims, Jews, Jehovah’s Witness and Mormons believe in the same God we believe in? See 1 John 2:22-26 & John 14:6. The triune God is the God in whom we put our faith. He is the God to whom we pray. He is the God that blesses and offers us salvation and there is none other. If we trust in or pray to any other God we are deceiving ourselves and have no god but an idol. Simply put, the Muslim, Jewish, Jehovah’s Witness and Mormon gods are false gods of their own imagining.
Heresy, Confusion and the Holy Trinity Higher Things Magazine • Spring, 2009 Bible Study • Student Guide
In Pastor Petersen’s article, he correctly points out that saying too much about the Trinity is dangerous, and many past and present heretics have done just that. But what does the Bible say about the Trinity? 1. What does Galatians 1:1 say about the Father?
2. Arius was an ancient heretic who believed that Jesus was not God, but only the first of God’s created; Muslims & Jews believe that Jesus is not God, but only a prophet; Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that Jesus was a lesser deity but not God; and Mormons believe that Jesus is but one of many Gods. However, what do Romans 9:5 & John 20:26-28 say about Christ?
Arius also believed that Jesus was not of the same substance as God, but what does Philippians 2:5-6 say?
3. What does Acts 5:3-4 indicate about the Holy Spirit?
4. Another group of ancient heretics called the Modalists believed that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit were merely three manifestations of the one God- i.e. three different ways of God revealing Himself at different times, but what does Matthew 28:19-20, 2 Cor. 13:14 & Genesis 1:26 say about the godhead?
Further, look up Matthew 4:13-17, does this passage support a Modalist understanding of God? What does this passage tell us about God?
5. How does the Bible distinguish the three divine persons from each other? See Psalm 2:7, Luke 1:35, John 1:1-5; 14; 15:26 & Gal. 4:6.
6. Does that mean that the Bible says there are three gods? See Deut. 6:4, Isa. 45:18; 46:8-9, 1 Cor. 8:4 & Eph. 4:4-6.
7. How do we put this all together?
8. Why is this important? Do Muslims, Jews, Jehovah’s Witness and Mormons believe in the same God we believe in? See 1 John 2:22-26 & John 14:6.